Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar

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Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar

Cultures of Communication
Storytelling writeup
Due date: 13th oct

Name: [Sanu Kumar Gangwar] Roll number: [16510072]

Telling stories is natural, we all tell stories. We have been telling and listening to stories since we
were children. But how can we use these stories to be more e ective in our work?

Technique of storytelling can make these stories to be more e ective, like if some one can express
his/her story through act, (some of the students in culture of communication did already this , they
expressed their story through act) that is what every one likes and it will be memorable And one most
important thing that, every part of story should be well connected with the previous one.

On that day in Cultures of Communication class some of the students was telling stories, about
happening in their real life including my groupmates and some them just making fun , many of them
were telling stories on yhe basis kingdom, like the stories which starts from the word once upon a time
there was a king including that kind of stu .

But the most e ective story for me a guy one of them convert the working of p-n junction diode into
a story.And one thing that i felt most embarrasing that one/two students all of them were talking about
"Railway journey without Ticket".This kind of stories not appreciated in that kind of class, seriously in
my point of view I don't like this kind of thing.

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