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– Frequently Asked Questions

Who can participate?
Everyone with a soft spot for Valencia CF. The more nationalities & cultures, the better.

How can I participate?
Write a direct message (DM) to either @ValenciaWeekly or @VCF__Nordic in Twitter.

What knowledge do I need to participate?
Only basics. Passion & opinions are more important than knowledge.

What software do I need to participate?
Skype, with or without video is your decision, via an Internet connection.

How long participation?
45 minutes. Or a little longer if we want to add to or redo some of our recordings.

What number of participants?
The hosts Michael & Sylvester. You are allowed to bring in a co-fan friend too.

When do I participate?
Mondays at 5PM (CET) usually, but we are flexible to your demands. Contact us a few weeks
before your participation due to other guests’ popular demands. We publish the next Tuesday.

How can I contribute without participating in the show?
Follow @ValenciaWeekly for competitions & fan questions. You may get a mention in a show!

Where can I listen to the podcasts?
SoundCloud, iTunes & iVoox. Or just follow the @ValenciaWeekly twitter.

Best regards and Amunt from the Valencia Weekly editors

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