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Date Objective Equipment Crew/Staff Location

27/02/18 Finish schedule - P3 Any computer Netherhall School/at home

28/02/18 Start M2 Computer, pencils and paper for drawing out Me Netherhall School/at home
06/03/18 Finish M2

07/03/18 Start D1 Computer Me Netherhall School/at home

14/03/18 Finish D1

15/03/18 Design stage finished

15/03/18 Start P4 Computer, coding soJware, reference to my Me, photographer Netherhall School/at home,
designs Cambridge JuncMon

20/03/18 Finish P4
20/03/18 Start M3 Computer, coding soJware, reference to my Netherhall School/at home

25/03/18 Finish M3
26/03/18 Start D2 Computer, coding soJware, reference to my Netherhall School/at home

29/03/18 Finish D2
29/03/18 CreaMon stage finished

30/03/18 Start P5 Computer, camera for focus group, survey Focus group Netherhall School
13/03/18 Finish P5

16/04/18 TesMng stage finished

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