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“Jacky” Zhao Pinshu

Mrs. Stevens

Life Science

31 January 2018

How Many Page Does It Take To Hold Books Together ?

Once I went to my messy locker, I saw my two giant textbook hold each other together

by puting pages between each other. So I thought “can you imagine that two books can hold

together without any glue or tabs”. And whatever the books are big or small, they can hold each

books together. Some of them can hold few seconds, but some of them can even hold forever.​I

hypothesized that,​ ​If I put books together with 5, 10, 15 pages from each book, then the book

held together with 5 pages will stay together for the longest time.

What Is Friction And What Factors Affect Friction?

Friction is hold two object together and move them. The surface that things move on is

different (rough)Can affect it. The weight of the object it move is different, can also affect it.

You should feel that move object on a smooth surface is easier than move on a rough surface

(What). Move the two surface which are hold together are kind of friction. Friction result does

not be changed by the size of the character you move. Friction result will be change by the

power’s change of hold two character (Friction).

What Is The Difference Between Kinetic And Static Friction?

Friction has two kind. Which are kinetic and static friction. You should think this after

you check the website, Static friction is the friction on surface is attempting to moving but not

moving. And Kinetic friction is move on surface and against each other.So if you use the

simplify speaking, Kinetic is the friction you moving, Static is not (Difference). Kinetic friction

and static friction are two different forms of friction. Kinetic friction result will not be changed

by sliding velocity. Maximum static friction can be more than knite (Admin).

What Is Pressure? And How Is It Measured?

Pressure is popular in your life. You can find pressure anywhere. For example: When you

hit something, the amount of your hit is pressure to the stuff you hit. That should be what you

would find out find out after you read the website, In the science way to say what pressure is.

You can say P=​A/​​F is pressure (What).Than how can we measure pressure? Measured pressure

should be pressure by the analysis of an applied force by a fluid on a surface. Pressure measured

usually in units of force per units of surface area. And you can also measure pressure by control

system and machine (Pressure).

What Is Gravity? And How Can It be Defied Using Pressure or Friction?

A lot of website shows and said that. Gravity could be something on the planet or in the

universe. A lot of people think Gravity is the power that let anything toward. Then what is the

gravity in the solar system? It let every planet around the sun (NASA). Anything that has weight

has gravity. Then How Can It be Defied Using Pressure Or Friction? People think the answer

will be “when two stuff was friction,gravity defying”. Then what will affect it? Gravity will

work better under the water when the object you are working is small. But it will not work good

when the object you are working is not denser than water (Defying).

How Does Surface Area Affect A Force?

The force friction will be affected by the material of the area it touch. The force friction

will be affected by the smoothness the area it touch. The force friction will not be affected

by the area's size. The force amount will be big when area is big. The force will be affected

by how hard you hold two object together.The force will be affected by how fast two object

be force (Physlink).

How Do You Measure a Force?

Force can be measure by machine. Machine that can use to measure force are

called force meter. Measure force including measure weight (KS3). The unit of force measure

is called Newton. Which can be written to N.The force can also measure by force diagram.

Force diagram often show the amount on an object (eSchooltoday).

​ I hypothesized that,​ ​if I put books together with 5, 10, 15 pages from each book, then the

book held together with 5 pages will stay together for the longest time. ​The 15 pages choose can

hold two books together for 2.5 seconds. The 10 pages choose can hold two same books together

for 1.5 seconds. But 5 pages choose can hold two books together for 10.5 seconds long. So when

we put 3 pages choose between each books. Which are 15, 10 and 5 pages. The 5 pages’ average

is longest which is 8.875 seconds. And the 15 and 10 pages’ average are 2.375and 1.5 seconds.

Works Cited

Admin. “Difference Between Static Friction and Kinetic Friction.” Difference,

Difference Between, 30 Aug. 2011,​.

“Defying Gravity .” Extreme Teaching Notes , pp. 1–1.,

“Difference between Static and Kinetic Friction.” PEDIAA, Pediaa.Com, 31 Aug. 2015,

eSchooltoday. “All about Forces .” EShcoolToday , EShcooltoday , 2010,

“Friction: Factors Affecting Friction.” Infoplease, Sandbox Networks, Inc., 2000,


“KS3 Bitesize Science - Forces : Revision.” BBC, BBC, 2014,​.

Morgan, Ben, and Lizzie Davey , editors. “The Planets The Diffusive Guide to Our Solar System

.” The Planets The Diffusive Guide to Our Solar System , 1st ed., Dorling Kindersley

Limited , 2014, pp. 245–245.

“NASA Space Place Explore Earth and Space.” NASA Science , NASA Official, 12 Oct. 2017,
Zhao5, Anton Skorucak. “Since 1995 PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY

ONLINE.” Question Why Doesn't Friction Depend on Surface Area?, Copyright

'1995-'2017, ​​.

“Pressure Measurement.” Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 10 Oct.


“What Are the Factors That Affect Friction and How Can We Predict Them?” Enotes,, 2017,​.

“What Is Pressure?” KhanAcademy, Khan Academy, 2017,

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