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While we can’t really predict what the future holds, we can look at how far we’ve
come with technology in merely the last decade and realize the present we know now
will, very soon. Through the years, technology had been important in people’s lives and
dependence on it has grown more and more in the last decade. However, many of
technologies really are important in our lives and more are necessary to help people. In
my opinion, there will be three types of technologies that will change people’s lives in the
good way in the next decade. In the area of hydrocarbons, learning and medicine.
The first reason is that around the world energy from hydrocarbons is scarce and
it is necessary a technology to permit better recovery process. In the present, the
recovered hydrocarbon is only the 20% of the total. To illustrate, the fields in Bolivia have
an average of 19% recovered. Then, the world is growing and the necessity of energy,
too. For example, in the last 30 years the consumption of energy from hydrocarbons has
grown in 70%. Last, new holes are discovered around the world and it is necessary the
use of new technology that permits recover more in the first extraction. To illustrate, a
hole has 20% of recovery requires three extractions and spend a lot of money during only
one. The necessity to create new technology for hydrocarbons’ extraction is a priority that
in the next decade should be solved.
The second reason is that there is a growing necessity in learning methods that
people have around the world. In first place, many people want to study but many times,
they don’t have enough time to do it. For example in the present, there are virtual classes
and you don’t need to go to University. In the second place, it is necessary create
something to increase capacity of learning principally when one is too tired. To illustrate,
when I study and I’m too tired I can’t concentrate in nothing and more if I have nights
studying. In the third place, it is necessary exploit the capacity of people to learn more.
For example, my little brother goes a school to children where there are mny new
technology to study such as advance computers and other machines. More schools
should have this method. More people are interested in learn more and technology has
to follow that growing.
And the most important is in the area of medicine, where the people need more
advances in technologies. In first, sickness are increasing and every year appears more
and more, for that it is necessary to create something to prevent sickness. To illustrate,
in this year appeared two different sickness such as Ebola and it is necessary prevent
this kind of sickness. Second, it is necessary to improve the area of surgery so treat it is
safer and easier for doctors to operate where they couldn’t before. For example, now
there is a surgery called laparoscopic, this kind of surgeries are necessary. Finally, in the
area of pregnancy to help babies during pregnancy. To illustrate, many children during
pregnancy have problems and need surgeries without damage it is the case of my cousin,
but the surgery couldn’t de made and now he has serious problems. Definitely, the area
where technology is more necessary is in the medicine, principally to change the life to
people who really need that.
Technology is necessary in our lives principally to improve areas where new
creations are necessary to help people’s lives. Medicine, learning and in the form to
maintain our world growing the energy are de principal areas to improve with new
technology. In the next decade, technology is going to help more people to live better and
more years.

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