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Peace Church Council

Joyce Hanson Peace Lutheran Church

PO Box 164
Barrett, MN 56311
Gaylene Hanson
March 2018
PO Box 198
Our thanks go out to Sami Wendt for being our only
Lois Scherer
Sunday School student who helped decorate Valentine
26873 Grand View Road #1 cookies to deliver to the Barrett Care Center and
Elbow Lake, MN 56531 Rolling Hills Residence! Many thanks to Alveda Rhude, Anya Brantley, Karen Block, Karen Ellis, Deb Erickson,
218-685-4465 and Kristy Simar for their help.

Jim Johnson This month we will be learning about “Four Friends” who helped
18643 193rd Ave a paralyzed friend get to Jesus to be healed. Our openings will
Barrett, MN 56311 consist of stories and movies about the journey to the cross and the resurrection of Jesus.
On March 25th we’ll be delivering muffins to our area’s group
Todd Schneeberger homes and all around our community. Please let us know if we
26875 Oak Point Rd can stop and visit you between 10 and 10:30 am that Sunday.
Elbow Lake, MN 56531
On Palm Sunday our kids will be handing out Palm leaves and
leading the Palm Sunday Parade. There will be NO SUNDAY
SCHOOL on Easter.
Robert Shervey
21738 180th Ave Our last rotation of the year will be “The Lost Coin and the Lost
Barrett, MN 56311 Sheep.”
On Sunday, April 29th we’ll be going on a field trip – details later!
Kim Lang
504 3rd Street
May 1st we’ll be making Mother’s Day and Father’s Day card and
Barret, MN 56311 May 13th is our last day of Sunday School.
320-528-2290 We’ve been tossing around the idea of making a change to our
Sunday School lessons. With only one or two kids attending each
Lexi Danner Sunday it’s very difficult to plan lessons for games (hard to have
PO Box 152 teams) and lots of wasted food and supplies when we plan for 10
Hoffman, MN 56339 kids and have many less than that. Please let us know if you have suggestions. We’ll keep you posted if we come up with an
320-986-2222 alternative program.

Joyce Hanson, Director

Peace Sunday School 320-424-9726
Since 2010, over $370 million has been distributed to thousands of churches, schools, and other
nonprofits just like yours through Thrivent Choice®. Through this program, eligible members can
recommend where Thrivent donates millions of charitable outreach dollars each year.

We are excited to share, based on member recommendations, Peace Lutheran Church

received $924 in charitable outreach funding in 2017. We hope this gift helped to further
support your incredible work.

All 2017 Choice Dollars® have been made available for members to direct. We encourage
supporters to direct now. Use the free promotional materials available in the Promote Thrivent
Choice section on to easily remind your supporters about Thrivent Choice and the
positive impact that can be made by directing Choice Dollars to your organization. As a reminder,
2017 Choice Dollars expire on March 31, 2018. Thank you to our members for choosing Peace
Church as your direct deposit source.

Sunday School will be going to Barrett Care Center and Rolling Hills
Residence on March 25th and there is no Sunday School on April 1st.
Thanks. Joyce
Men’s Annual Meatball Supper is March 18th. Serving from 4-6pm.
Mark your calendars.
Luther Crest Bible Camp 2018 brochures are on the back table of the
church. Check it out if you are interested in attending. Registrations should
be in early as possible to take advantage of discounts.
Peace Church Council Meeting, January 17th, 2018
{Due to a weather postponement, Peace Council met on the third Wednesday in January}
Attending: Jim Johnson, Gaylene Hanson, Lexi Danner, Lois Scherer, Tom Gardner, Charles Johnson, Marilyn Frykman,
Pastor Evenson.
Absent: Joyce Hanson (vacation)
Visitor attending: Peace Youth Director, Heather Danner
Call to order by Chairman Tom Gardner at 6:05 p.m. with an opening prayer for guidance given by Pastor Sarah.
Administrative reports:
Pastor’s report was given by Pastor Sarah: The past month includes;
shut in visits
completion of the Christmas worship schedule
Working on the 2018 Lenten series which will include Youth Director, Heather, service time at 5:30 p.m. at Peace.
Structure of the service is still pending.
Pastor requests input re: Easter Worship
Worship service the second Tuesday each month at the Barrett Care Center
Connecting with the confirmation students
Printed secretary’s report was reviewed. No corrections or additions voiced
Printed financial reports were reviewed.
Motion to accept December’s transaction list made by Marilyn with a second by Lexi, MC
Treasurer Sandy Kashmark gave an update re: the balance sheet and the elimination of the notations of “Parking Lot
Pledges” line item. If any of the remaining pledges are remitted, those monies will be reflected in the “parking lot
fund” line item. This was a request from a Parking Lot committee member.
Motion to accept the balance of the financial data {Balance sheet, P&L Previous Year Comparison and Offering Histo-
ry} made by Marilyn with a second by Lexi, MC.
Old Business
Chairman Tom gave a report on the progress of the of the 2018 Pastoral contract with Pastor Sarah and the Moe Parish. Signed
agreement pending for six month renewal.
Annual Meeting has been scheduled and announced for January 21 st after morning worship
Council reviewed the proposed 2018 budget in detail. Completed 2018 budget draft will be submitted to congregation for
approval at the annual meeting.
2017 Financial report submitted by Treasurer for annual meeting reviewed by council and will be placed in annual meeting
Consider placing the ten year offering history in the annual reports.
Discussion by council regarding the need to set aside monies in a specific fund for the potential need for roof repair on
the remaining church building. Consensus by council to bring this to the congregation at the annual meeting and
request a motion/vote re: The need and amount of dollars that could be set aside in the event this extensive repair
will be needed in the next 5 to 8 years. Tom will place on annual meeting agenda. Leon Johnson has volunteered to
discuss this potential project and will also give an update re: parking lot maintenances and the partial roof repair com-
pleted in 2017.
Annual meeting: bring to focus the Peace Mission Statement
Sandy K will coordinate with Mike M. and John P. to audit/review 2017 financials. Tentative meeting on Friday, January
19th, 2018.
Council member replacements: Tom, Marilyn and Charles will be leaving. Ballots will be printed with the names of those
consenting to be placed on the ballot. Nominations from the floor will be requested. Council members discussed
the barriers they have encountered when seeking candidates.
Youth council representative: Lexi Danner has agreed to be on the ballot for another one year term in that capacity.
New Business
Youth Director, Heather, has requested consideration allowing the Peace Youth to provide the Lenten meals during the 2018 sea-
son. {Fund raising} Consensus from the council for Heather to coordinate with other church leadership if it proves to be a
viable option.
Congratulations to council member Lexi Danner on successfully making the Dean’s List on her first semester in post-secondary

Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

M. Frykman recording
March 2018
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3
6:30am 10am
Men’s Breakfast Faithful Folders

4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11:22am Release Time 6:30am 10am
8:30am Worship 3:30pm Confirmation Men’s Breakfast Faithful Folders
9:30am Sunday School 5:30 Lenten Worship
6pm Soup

11 12 13 14 15 16 17
8:30am Worship 11:22am Release Time 6:30am 10am
9:30am Sunday School 1pm WELCA Men’s Breakfast Faithful Folders
3:30pm Confirmation
5:30 Lenten Worship
6pm Soup
6pm Council

18 19 20 21 22 23 24
8:30am Worship 9am 9am Ever-Blessed 6:30am 10am
9:30am Sunday School Ever-Blessed Quilters Men’s Breakfast Faithful Folders
4pm Men’s Annual Quilters 11:22am Release Time
Meatball Supper 3:30pm Confirmation
5:30 Lenten Worship
6pm Soup

25 Palm Sunday 26 27 28 19 30 31
8:30am Worship 11:22am Release Time Maundy Good Friday
9:30 Altar Guild 3:30pm Confirmation Thursday 5:30pm
Brunch 5:30pm Worship
9:30am Sunday School Worship
Serving in March
March 4 Pat and Lee Ronhovde

March 11 Bea & Dayle DeFrance

Lois Scherer

March 18 Eileen & Chuck Olson

March 25 Palm Sunday Brunch after Worship--Altar Guild

Work Group # 3 Leaders Altar Guild

Lee & Pat Ronhovde Melissa Amore
Tom & Sandy Perry Chelsey Anderson
Joyce Hanson

Altar Guild will be serving brunch after our morning

worship service on Sunday, March 25th.

Please talk to Gaylene Hanson if you wish to purchase an Easter Lily

for church on Easter Sunday, April 1st.

Worship Schedule
March 25th Palm Sunday 8:30am Worship
March 29th Maundy Thursday 5:30pm Worship
March 30th Good Friday 5:30pm Worship
PO Box 206
Barrett MN 56311

0 March

Office: 320-528-2536 email:

218 Church Street PO Box 206 Barrett, MN 56311

Think Spring

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