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com – Speed Reading Korean Style

The Magic Word Table – Read Any Language
with No Vocabulary
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This word table is not like other word tables with transition lists. Go to and look for
your favorite author or artist. Find his quotes and see how he uses the words in the table. Every famous
quote in human history uses this word table.
Reading in Spanish for example….

pero / sino — but / but rather

aunque — although, even though
en cambio , por otra parte , por otro lado — on the other hand
no obstante , sin embargo, con todo — nevertheless, however
a diferencia de , en contraste con — in contrast to
a pesar de (que) — in spite of, despite
por el contrario , al contrario — on the contrary
en vez de — instead of— nevertheless, still
así como — similarly
de la misma manera — in the same way

Cause Effect:

a causa de (que), porque, por, como, ya que, puesto que, como — because of, debido
a (que) — due to, por, puesto que — because, since
en consecuencia, como resultado — as a result
por consiguiente , por lo tanto, por eso — therefore, for that reason

Relative Pronouns:

This: este, esta, , That: estos, estas, These: ese, esa, Those: esos, esas, They: ellos, He: El

Can, Could, Should, Would, May, Will : Puede, Podria, Deberia, Seria, Podria, Sera
You need to learn poder, and debir verb forms…
All, Always, Only, Every, Never: Todos, Siempre, Solo, Todo, Nunca
Will: Sera, Seran (they)

If, When: Si, Cuando
Is, Are: Es, Son
Were: Eran, Sono
Has, Have: Ha

Do, Does, Did: Hacer, hace, Hizo

To Be Continued….

Speed Reading Korean Style


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