Multiple Aspects of The United States Rubric

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Multiple Aspects of the United States

Name: ___________________________

4. 3. Proficient 2. Apprentice 1. Novice

Design- Design was Design was Made a few Used only
Creativity and unique and original. Used changes to design
Originality: interesting. three to five background or templates.
Creative Used more original media layout. Used Media and
design and than five items. one or two ideas were not
original artwork original media original media original.
items. items.

Maps and Excellent Key features One or two Key features

Models- quality. Key were present key features were missing
Overview: features were and labeled were missing. or mislabeled.
Neat, creative, present and correctly. Some labeling Did not relate
and has all labeled Related to the was not to topic.
required correctly. topic. correct.
elements Design helps
Content- All information Used many Had Did not have
Quality of was clear and facts and information facts or details
Information: came from details to about the about the
Information is trusted explain the topic. Project topic.
accurate and sources. Used topic. needed more Information
about the many facts, Information facts and was false or
topic details, and came from details. only opinion.
examples to trusted sources.
explain the

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