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Nevra Q&A

(2/22/2018 6pm UTC – 7pm UTC)

I will be really happy if you can show us your real identity. I think in these days it is nice to
know what person is leading the project. I also think that identity of whole team should be
public. Or what is the reason to hide your real identity (no offense)?"

Tk808: You can view all my information (linked-in) on the Nevra site, it's a bit
hidden, but it's been up there:

Are you changing the total supply to reflect the values on the poll?

Tk808: Yeah, it's going to be changed to 125,000,000 total supply, I don't foresee us
changing it again. Each stakeholder will have the same weight (.008%) of the total
supply I believe, instead of 1k XEV's, you'll be getting 100,000 XEV's

Ok thx, what will happen if all stakes are not claimed?

Tk808: If all the stakes are not claimed (the 1,000 stakeholders), then we'll
probably enter some sort of a donation round, where the remaining stakes will be
available at a fixed rate. I don't feel like those stakes should be burned off, because
the new supply of 125million is quite reasonable for the markets.
There's about a month and 1 week left for users to actively enter Nevra's
distribution, and so far, there are about 200-250 unique users who've posted on
Nevra's ANN. I mean, it's pretty good, but there is a great stigma occurring with all
airdrops, and how the market is becoming flooded by them.

Can person get more than 1 stake?

Tk808: No, and yes at the same time. In terms of our rules, we are not allowing
anyone to claim a double stake, even if we do enter a donation round. But that being
said, there will be attempts from "puppets" to claim double stakes, and all our effort
will go into the auditing rounds/filter rounds. Our team will actively re-review each
account, then we'll open up our filtered list and stakeholder list for the community
to audit, then we'll ultimately re-review all the stakeholders. This will all occur
shortly after the stakeholder claim period ends, on March 31st, so in April this will

This will all be to filter puppets and users from claiming double stakes

Hi Tk. I've noticed seemingly knowledgeable posts from Brand New accounts on the thread.
Seems dubious that accounts are being created purely to apply for Nevra. Do you have a
policy on this?
Tk808: Yeah, I definitely do notice all this. If you notice the spreadsheet, we're kind-
of actively filtering accounts as we go along, flagging and making notes (and
highlighting them in an orange background), so that should give some indication we
are definitely aware of these accounts.
What I really can say about this, just by merely posting 1 long post on our ANN will
not guarantee you a stakeholder status, we are going to review how active accounts
are and etc. I'm going to be revealing the criteria list shortly before March 31st.
Users will have to be somewhat active on BTT, and it's a bit questioning that users
know a lot about NEM and crypto's, but yet are posting with new accounts on BTT,
the epicenter of all cryptos.

I did notice that. I'm sure this will be oversubscribed before the deadline. Will account age
in addition to participation play a part in the filtering process?

Tk808: To an extent, but obviously some of the higher ranked accounts do have
multiple accounts to. There are certain patterns to look for when a user posts to
Nevra, and how we re-review them. I really don't want to give away how we are
going to we are going to filter the higher-ranked accounts. But, for the newbies, and
people who've just registered, yeah that will play-into how we filter.
Along with merit, which is a vital importance to me, Jr, Newbies and brand-new
accounts acquiring merit.
We can just focus on those newer accounts with merit, instead of going through
every newbie account posting on our ANN that have not contributed to the
discussion really.

Is it possible for an announcement to be made here on discord when the airdrop starts?
Tk808: The airdrop has technically started, but not in the sense you're used to I
After their filtering of people to be selected as stakeholders and they did not made it
to 1000 people, will the allotted airdrop tokens will just be divided evenly or they
will make an extension of the period date until it reaches 1000 qualifiers?
Then yeah, your name should be on the spreadsheet soon, (if not already), I highly
recommend checking it out.

There is no google form, nothing that's required other than posting into the ANN “After
their filtering of people to be selected as stakeholders and they did not made it to 1000
people, will the allotted airdrop tokens will just be divided evenly or they will make an
extension of the period date until it reaches 1000 qualifiers?

Tk808: If all 1000 stakes are not claimed, then the remaining will be available in a
donation round. I don't believe those tokens should be allocated to current
stakeholders that are accepted, because each stakeholder is already getting a large
sum of the supply.
It is mentioned in the ANN that all filtered possible puppet accounts will be granted some
kind of an appeal process to prove their originality, what is your plan on conducting this
authentication and what do you think the requirement will be to meet these criteria?
Tk808: That's an excellent question. We're actually going to go a bit more harshly
on these individuals, especially if they are found to be puppets by the Nevra team,
AND the community. I believe we are going to be almost asking for external
validations and basically interviewing them on a 1-to-1 basis. Again, the details for
that are not quite ready, but I’m actively working on all the details to release to the
community on how these processes will occur.
we'll never do KYC verification, but maybe have them tweet @ us with their official
social media accounts, but I really do not suspect many of the puppets to refute the
Actually, I don't think many of the filtered accounts will even be around to keep
track of our progress on Nevra.

I have a couple of suggestions on weeding out duplicates. Nothing groundbreaking and

stuff you may have already considered. Will contact you via PM on this.

Tk808: Definitely man! I’m like always up for what you guys have to hear/suggest,
like I really do take everything into consideration
The whole reason Nevra was created, was to show why these types of coins are still
in desire. Very few have attempted what we are attempting with distribution,
because it takes so much time and effort.

Will message you on Bct later.

Kindly tell us the special features XEV will have

Tk808: While all the technical details are limited ATM, and I can't give you anything
conclusive atm. But, I’m looking at increasing transaction times, the scaling of the
blockchain (scaling fees), editing Nem's multi-sig coding to make it more accessible
and easy to use. The POI staking from NEM will also be incorporated into Nevra's
framework. These are just a few things

I am a bit of a stranger when it comes to the block chain technicalities but, what do you
think your vision will be for the purpose of NEVRA? or is such a thing still premature to
(Unanswered/Missed question)
Yea, each stakeholder to have 100,000 XEV otherwise the account will not be balance
It's good to get all the coins out at once. You only have to look at the cluster that Byteball is
right now to realize how much of a negative it is when the dev is holding supply.
at 1NevStake = 100,000 XEV's, still .0008% of the supply, at 1,250,000 Supply

Tk808: Yeah, I mean Nevra's whole goal is to be transparent and trustworthy as

possible. There are drawbacks to releasing 80%-90% of the coins immediately,
because it causes a big sell-off. But in return, the process is transparent, and the
system is fair.

The dump is going to be huge, how do you plan to deal with it?

Tk808: I'm not worried about a dump of Nevra, actually I want a big dump to occur
right away, I actually encourage you to dump your coins : ).

I'm one of the newbie users that made an account just for Nevra and I think other newbies
could be in my situation. I was aware of BTT for some time and lurked there, just didn't
have a reason to make an account. 99% of airdrops that would require an account just
weren't interesting for me.

Tk808: I really recommend staying somewhat active on BTT from this point on. Not
on the Nevra thread, but in general.

This might be looked at as an oxymoron but would XEV be a private coin? and if not, are
there any plans to incorporate any privacy tech in the roadmap? I am asking because based
on my humble research it seems that private coin have big demand both in the present and
the future.

Tk808: While I do recognize the need for anonymous coins, we’ll not be looking to
add any more privacy then Nem's already incorporated into their blockchain.
Privacy is not the purpose of Nevra's Mainnet.

the second round will be filtered by the community, there will be a vote?
Tk808: Yes, there will be an involvement from the community like Nem. There will
be a thread, and open discussions here on discord. And if community members do
find puppets, they will be awarded some sort of Bug-Bounty Award.
@FET Specifically - Misc. Awards for Extraordinary Efforts 1.4%
sorry for maybe dumb question. Nevra is not POS coin?

Tk808: Nevra will be a POI coin, just like NEM.


Is the plan to close the ability to be a stakeholder on the 31st march still going to go ahead
in the unlikely event that there aren't 1000 eligible members at that time?

Tk808: Yeah, it will be closed no matter what on March 31st, even if there is not
1000 Stakeholders. We allocated 2 months to claim NevraStake, which is not a lot of
time to spread the word, but we can't prologue Nevra's stakeholder period for a
long time. It's going to push back when we actually get to filter accounts, and etc. I
may end up taking a community vote on this. But the current plan was to enter a
donation round with all the remaining stakes, to inspire the DEV team when
creating the mainnet. There is going to be a list, a criterion that will be made public,
basically one criteria I can state here now is the activeness of the account. To go into
detail about "Active" are there more than 1 period where the account has gone
inactive, where is the user mainly posting to? Does the entire account consist of
"Joined" "Interested" and etc... stuff like this? I can go much more in-depth

Hi I'm looking for Nevra slogan for the biggest support

Tk808: Equality, Freedom, Trust - Nevra

Is that just the Bitcointalk account or will here in discord count? Thanks for answering

Tk808: Yeah, I’ll definitely take into consideration the users here on discord

Tk808: (off topic) I want to iterate again, That Nevra's Mainnet supply will be
125,000,000, and will not change again. 1 NevraStake will equal 100,000 XEV's once
the mainnet is live.
1000 stakeholders, x 100,000 XEV's = 100,000,000 XEV's There may have been
some misinformation on the stakeholder’s sheet. I'll update the ANN shortly

Just a remark: Bitcointalk username do not necessarily match Discord one

Should we include this in our profile?

Tk808: If you have a JR, Newbie or Brand-new account, or really are uncertain,
yeah, I would recommend it, would help give more legitimacy to your BTT account.
How are the recruitment plans for the project's team going? and what should one do if they
believe they have some skilled work to offer? not asking for me since unfortunately I am
technically illiterate but for the community members as a whole, thanks

Tk808: There are going alright, I’m still recruiting some Java Dev's but in currently
in talks with 2 atm. The NEM fork will not be difficult to do at all. I mean if I wanted,
NEVRA XEV could launch tomorrow. But that's not the goal

Will you be recruiting members to help with the verification of accounts? I don't have
technical skills but I can offer investigative ones.

Tk808: That's a pretty good idea, I like that to have some sort of Council before we
go to the community audit

do you have experience with other token/coin projects as dev or founder?

Tk808: Yes, I have a lot of experience. With leading projects, coins, and just being a
general investor, airdrop recipient and etc.

Here, my company is now defunct (due to the 2014-15 btc crash), but here's the
All the graphics and etc. are gone. but Coins Source, amity helped push crypto's into
a positive direction.

That's probably my most major accomplishment on an individual level in Crypto.

We launched with Source Coin, which was listed on Polo for a while and etc.
We had hundreds of articles on all the coins launching/launched at the time, we
Verified developer's identity and gave them trust ratings (unheard of at the time),
but prior no dev was releasing their identity. Shortly after, every dev was just
releasing their identities on their own. We raised around 30 BTC at the time, worth
about $25,000 and decreased dramatically (with btc crash). That was enough funds
to sustain us for about 6 months, we generated quite a bit of revenue, but the crypto
world wasn't quite ready for the idea/wasn't as big, ended up folding.(edited)
We verified around over 60+ Different coin's teams at the time: some major
verification we did were: IOCoin, Blocknet, Magi, Crypti (renamed), Syscoin,
Feathercoin... etc.(edited)

When will be the wallets ready ? or we will be using Nano wallet?

Tk808: Initially Nano wallet to hold your stakes. When Nevra's Mainnet launches,
those stakes will be used to claim XEV's on the mainnet, with a new-wallet.
Yep, I think that really concludes our Q&A
I really want to thank everyone here for being involved, I really didn't think this would go
so well haha.

I really just want Nevra's word to be spread as much as possible, and I can't do that alone.
Like you are the ones who are going to make this coin a reality, and your efforts will not go
unrealized, I promise you that

Thanks again everyone, have a wonderful day! I'll try compiling all the info here, and post it
to BTT later today or tomorrow.

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