Open Letter To Hawking

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An Open Letter to Dr.

Stephen Hawking

Few Vital Points to Think

Dear Dr. Hawking
I had great respect for you. The strength of your mind that fights the adversity and
trying to advance science was great inspiration to me. As a researcher who escaped
from Plato’s chair of science, when I began to see some fundamental truths of
nature, that are over looked by scientist, first thing I did was to communicate to you.
I did not expect any reply, I hoped that a seed of thought I shared could geminate in
some temples of science and help humanity survive the disastrous end to which it is
moving. Unlike many others you were kind enough to acknowledge the receipt.

But today, as I read comments such as “Abandon Earth or Face Extinction”, “God
is not needed in Creation”, you let me down. I am now praying for you. The quest
of science was to know “Mind of God” and “Why we and the universe exist”.
Scientist broke the back bone of religions and took on it self, the responsibility of
liberating humanity and leading them in the right path Back Home. But today your
call to the world “Abandon Earth or face Extinction” and “God is Not needed in
Creation” is an act of desertion and the proof to the world the mind of humanity can
never comprehend truth. Your statement probably would go into “History of Time”
as the great moment when scientist threw up their hand. At this moment, I thought I
would write to you again.

Tell me sir, which planet or galaxy we all will go, who will take us, who will go first
and what happens when we pollute that planet or galaxy? Is it not much better to
have a retreat and have a change in thinking?

You discovered the Black Hole and said information’s gets irreversibly lost in Black
Hole. Dr Leonard Susskind proved that it is not irreversibly lost. I did not understand
one bit of mathematics involved with these arguments. But I did experience this
Black Hole, the information loss and its retrieval in my own way in my search for
Truth from a point of freedom. There was a point in my life, when my mind was
virtually burning with question of Origin, Big Bang Theory, Who I am, Why I am
here, Why we and the universe exist and so on. These questions were draining my
mind and my whole being was turbulent. But in a great moment in my life, I
surrendered my mind to Higher Mind and accepted death unconditionally. Here the
Black Hole, Loss of information and its retrieval revealed it self.

The truth is that I am not a product of my will, though it gives me a choice to future.
However, my mind is conditioned and chained? We humans play an important role in
the way the universe unfolds and enfolds. Human “self” is the “Black Hole” and as
our self increases, more and more information is lost and the Black Hole grows in
strength. But then I also realized that it is retractable if we surrender our “self” and
accept death in faith. This secret was enacted By Christ at Calvary and it is a science
that reveals it self sensibly if we visualize universe as living one. I am not sure it can
be explained by any mathematical language. The M- Theory proposed by Edward
Witten and time and singularity interpreted by Neil Turok, Paul Steinhardt and Burt
Ovurt and the complex visions of Multi Universes can be comprehended sensibly, if
we think it in terms of living universe. Then we will discover the Mind of God and
discover the lost treasures of Living Knowledge of the ancient.
I cannot express the reality life and nature I experienced and the truth revealed to
me in any mathematical knowledge. How can I explain to you my birth from
mathematical knowledge? At best I can say when “A” [My Father] joined with a “B”
[My Mother] “I” formed. The definition hold good for my parents and should be
traceable back Adam and Eve. Here it stops. The Bible tells that “Black Hole” began
with Adam and Eve, when they broke the law and sought “self” and distanced from
the Creator.

Biological science of which I was part, taught me that “I” of my parents came from
monkey. But I observed many monkeys; they seem to lack “I”, with which we
humans destroy our selves and our planet. Their “I” limits to a small fight for food
for survival. They do not destroy the time cycles and break their home. Science
extrapolates the clock further to make me believe, these monkeys came from sea ---
to some elemental soups, which when struck by lightning formed into DNA – Bla Bla
---. You theatrical physicist break the elemental matter to tells us that we are simply
energy [heat] and matter.

From here you physicists have proceeded to make complex equations to invent a
coffin called Black Hole, in which everything is lost. Your all are seeing only one side
of the coin, the side where the “number” is printed and are failing see the other side
the “head” that rules. If the “back hole” is a drill, a drill cannot work unless it
displaces something out of it. It is here that the work of Ed Witten and statements
and conclusion of Neil Turok, Paul Steinhardt and Burt Ovurt, that time existed
before singularity and that time only pierces singularity giving rise to new world gave
me an energetic feeling. At last science is moving towards knowing truth. This is the
secret of biological creation and information management. The multi universe and
complex picture that the theoretical scientist developed fade away when you look at
nature as living thing. Here are some points for you to think

1] Einstein struggled to introduce a second force called anti-gravity. He introduced it

and retracted. I am not sure why he did it. Now look out side the window, observe a
grass grow lilies flower. You will note life by instinct is anti-gravitational. The second
law of thermodynamics applied to living system and material system shows this
opposition. This means the Black Hole and Singularity Theory cannot be explained
sensibly without taking into consideration Life.

2] Logically this means, there are two types of energy and matter, [two fires] one
moving to black hole in time and the other, emerging form black hole thus resisting
the collapse. These are two membranes whose collision creates the matter.

3] If you observe earth and the energy cycle in it, we note that it works on two
forces, one that creates an upwards force – The force of sunlight that creates
disorder and makes every thing energetic. The second is the force of earth that
opposes this to bring order. This is reflected in day and night cycle, climatic cycle ---.
There is a design by which it works. Earth is designed into two parts. West and East,
when west awakens to light and goes into disorder, the east sleeps to darkness and
goes into new order. When west peak in sunlight it gives way to darkness and
simultaneously east peak in darkness and gives way to light. The system is
instantaneously communicated as well communicated in time. This design of earth
resembles the working of a double pump or heart. The time direction in this system
can be towards increasing disorder or order.
If you now imagine the above material energy cycle with, with plants and animals we
see three dimensional dynamic system that is self sustaining without any time
direction. A time direction comes into being the moment we introduce an adult
human beings. Human mind, with his “self” creates a time direction. With our
material quest, reckless release of heat into the environment and intervention into
the night cycle, we have disrupted the functioning of earth to maintain
certain energy to matter ratio. This is manifesting as increased disorder. We have
disrupted the time cycle of Nature and nature is struggling to maintain her
equilibrium and this is manifesting into drastic climatic changes. As predicted it is
worsening with every passing year. I am calling your attention to it, because it is

If your mind can comprehend this simple truth and some words of danger can flow
from you to the world, it can change the very thinking of the temples of science and
humanity as whole and help it awaken and transcend a great catastrophe to see the
Living Light - Please give it a thought.


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