Kim Lighting EKG Gen. 2 Series Brochure 1983

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Subsidiary ol Kidde, lnc.
EKG Catalogs:
41 Fixtures
A2 Photometr cs
A3 Templates
Kim Products:
Street and Area Lighting
Environmental Li ghting
Landscape Llghting
Fountain Lighting
Custom Arch tectural Fountains
@) 1979 Kim Lighting,lnc.
This Verson O 1983

Ktff Fountain Components

16555 East Gale Avenue

Post Office Box 1275
lndustry, Calil. 917 49-127 5
2131968-5666 Telex 67-0491

lntroduced in 1972, the EKG complement buildings and accommodate, w th only minor
frxture has become a standard sites that must stand rigors component changes,
for longevity, performance and of time and the outdoor anticipated advances in amp
Quarity. There are lhorsands ol env,ron-rent The luminaire s and ballast techno ogy.
EKG uminaires ;nstalled all built to last, as nearly a decade The Kim EKG is an investment in
over the world, each unit a of on-the-1ob performance has energy-eff icient, troubleJree
testimony to the fact that true proven. With the outdoor lighting.
quality pays for itself
. EKG/Generation 2, high light
Architects, landscape output is maintarned as
architects, lighting designers, consistently as physical
engineers and owners have appearance. In addition, the
selected the Kim EKG to fixture rs engineered to

Performance ii:::l jaii'::i:ii.!.:::l
:i ::


and quality :: S:-: i i!-.!:


: :

that pays for

itself .

Performance Maintained light Rapid installation, Materials and
designed for output through sealed easy maintenance, construction
application efficiency. optics. and adaptability to designed for
T^e t'-e 'esr or a1) lr,minai'e s Coup ed with app icat on new technology. longevity.
how well will perform in a
rt eff ciency is the abillty to "Time is money', a trusim From raw materials, to
specif c.nsta alion. At Kirr we ma nta n ght output on the site. reproved by today's high labor construct on methods, to fina
ca' tf ,s aopr cdtion e" c ency. After all, n tia I ght output is of costs. Whether on n tia coat ngs, there are no
Poie spac ng, total watts per tt e consequence f it cannot comprom ses n the product on
lnsta ation or periodic
square foot, uniform ty of light be susta ^ed ove''-e yed's - maintenance. a fixture of an EKG t must withstand
and vis brlty are the {actors to an outdoor env ronment. des gned specifically for ease w nd, ra n, snow, ice, w de
consider n evaluating an Performance orientecl f xtures of hand ng rs a time and temperature var ation, bugs,
ortdoor luminatre. The EKG has lose effic ency and waste money-sav ng asset. The entire d rt, polluted arr, and vandalisrn
been designed to prov de true energy when opt cal chambers EKG fixture s constructed in throughout lts usefu life There
"bottom I ne" effictency As are f led w th dirt and insects. is no harsher environment than
se {-conta ned sub-assembl es
evidence, a computer analys s A comp etely sealed optlcal tbat provide for qu ck the outdoors, and only the best
can be provided by the K m chamber was a foremost installation and maintenance. materials coupled with proven
Light ng Applicat on cons deration n the conception Far-s ghted eng neering a Iows construct on methods can
Department. and design of the EKG The these sub-assemblies to eas ly stand the test of time. Krm's
results of thls effort are readily adapt to new deve opments tn 50 years of experience in the
apparent when comparing the amp and ballast techno ogy, outdoor ighting bus ness is the
K m EKG w th competit ve keep ng the EKG operat ng at bas s'or this p^ losop-y.
uminalres after several years peak effic ency. There s no
of field operation. The EKG s reason for an EKG to ever
a ways substantrally cleaner become obsolete.
than any other f xture of
comparab e age.

Performance n
For roadway lighting, the
1 designed for EKG has been designed to
provide near uniform coverage
application efficiency. from curb to curb. Typical
street widths range f rom 1 to 2
See catalog 42 for comp ete mounting heights, and the EKG
photometrics and quick will provide virtually the same
reference charls. light level from the near curb
d rectly across to the far curb
ln addition, houses de I ght
levels rema n strong in back
of the curb far enough to
I ght sidewalks.

I Par[rnc lot qhtinq
requiret ig-i q"a t es o'
"A" plus a strong thrust of ight
at the 45'ang es. Th s diagonal
lllumination means substantial y
greater pole spacings because
B the light level at the midpoint
betwee- any a poles re.nains
hrgh A so, the 2:1 :2 l ght rat o
as descr bed n "D" provrdes
an ldeal geometry for efficient
parking lot lighting.

v The oua iLy o'i l-'n'rat on
from t.e EKG is easily
eva uated from the iso ux line
pattern. The overall even
spaclng between I nes, with no
abrupt changes, ind cates a
tota y smooth pattern on the
ground. There are no hot spots,
spikes, or dead areas to destroy
unitorm Ly a-d pole spacing
The EKG light pattern is tota ly
smoolh and uniform rn all areas.

I Irl
u Tne 2.1 .2 I c,m raLio f rom
O'ro 45'to 00" is idea,
45 , for parking lot light ng, and s
r \.9

closely met by the EKG lrght

pattern. Th s means that the 5
2 midpoints between any 4
equally spaced poles, have
almost tlre same lrght value. The
\ .es-lt s greaLer pole spacirgs
tl\ as al owed by higher light levels
at the critica midpoints
\\ between poles See plan view
illustration of a typical parking
ot layout below.
'\ l,i
\: .1
'"illii:" \ 05


Plan View I
Typical lsol
Maintained light
output through sealed

The optical chamber is the

heart of any high performance
luminaire, lt determines the
performance initially and over
yea's of ope'ation. lf tr s
chamber gets dirty for any 7\
\ \/\
reason, performance is -----
decreased and energy wasted,
The EKG optical chamber is the \r'rl
most meticulously sea ed of any
in the industry. Seal ng f rom I
i_ _ -I
both the outside and inside
ensures maintalned
performance year after year.
,,ffi, .,.#" ffi,..
*tr#t# I ffiifi" 3S*{!:19#4:

ffil ls;lscl*ffi

Places where dirt, insects, and

polluted air try to enter the
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi optical chamber.
Critical points where the optical
chamber must be sealed.

The most common place Contaminants can also Unless the fixture, arm, and
for contaminants to enter enter the optical chamber pole, are totally sealed at
the optical chamber is at the where the glass lens is held in every joint, contaminants can
reflector flange. To prevent its f rame, To prevent this, the also enter the optical chamber
this, the EKG reflector is EKG gasket completely f rom within. A one-piece
hydroformed rn one piece with a surrounds the glass; interlocks reflector allows sealing f rom the
homogeneous flange. Against with the frame extrusion and inside because only the socket
this flange, a one-piece molded exerts constant pressure and wire penetrations need to
gasket exerts uniform pressure against the glass edge. A be gasketed. Segmented
around the peri'reter. O' floating hinge permits the optical systems cannot be
particular importance are the 4 quarter-turn fasteners to sealed from the inside.
4 corners. wtsere a o^e-piece provrde equal pressure around
gasket is the only way to insure the gasket. No hinge or latch
a lasting seal. gimmicks are used because
they are unrelrable and will
ultimately fail. The EKG latch
system is basic and reliable.

Rapid installation,
easy maintenance,
and adaptability to
new technology.

Rapid installation and

easy maintenance.
Because the EKG is totally
modular, installation and
marntenance can be performed
quickly and easily With the
door frame and ballast
assembly removed, the
housing is easily installed to the
pole and the wrre leads fed to
the pole top. The ballast
assembly is quickly mounted on
slrp hinges and connected to
the field wrres and socket leads
uslng quick-disconnect plugs.
Th s procedure is slmply
reversed for ballast
replacement allowing a
minimum of expense for a lift
truck. The lens f rame ls
snapped into the houstng and
secured by the captive
quarter-turn latches. No further
work is required on the fixture
once the pole s raised.

Adaptability to new
With energy a grow ng nat onal
concern, there rs no doubt that
-ajor advances I a-p.
ballast, and reflector
technology will take place
within the next decade. The
EKG is des gned to be
upgraded to these new
advances through simple
replacement of modular
components. There is no
reason for an EKG to ever
become obsolete or inefficrent.
It is truly a lifetlme investment.

Photo at right shows

basic modules of the EKG.

Materials and
designed for

The EKG housing is fabricated The EKG housing is comprised Every Kim fixture is hand All fasteners, hinges, latches,
using a one-piece side wall of fully mitered heavy wa detai ed to ensure proper f it and clips are made of the best
extrusion for superior strength sections tfrat are internally and aesthetlc qua ity, and a I materia s and are plated, when
and a clean crisp appearance. welded using high speed housings are satin polished as a necessary, to protect agarnst
The extrusion contour includes metallic inert gas welders. base for either painted or rust. Each component is
integral ribs to interlock with the Excellent weld penetration is anodrzed finishes. assembled by personnel
housing top and also assure a ach eved creating a super trained not only in assembly
proper seal with the lens frame. strong housing, impervious to procedures, but quality control
Extrusions will not "oilcan" like heavy wind loads. as well. Before packaging,
sheet metal housings and are every piece of hardware on the
ideal for accepting optional EKG ls tested for proper
anodrzed finishes. alignment and function.

The EKG housing is sealed on K m pioneered the All electric components used in The overall modular
the outsrde and rnside with the one-piece hydroformed Kim EKG fixtures are UL listed. construction of the EKG is an
finest s licone sealants reflectors for cut-off lighting in They are mounted, pre-wired to example of industrial design at
available. The sealants are 1972. Afler years of field quick-disconnect plugs, and its finest. lt seems so simple
virtually unaffected by weather operation, these reflectors have tested at the Kim factory. These and right as to be effortless.
inc uding rarn, sleet, snow, remarned virtually unchanged electrical su b-assemblies But behlnd its design lies a
UV, ozone, and extreme by heat, UV, or periodic provide for rapid installation wealth of design and
temperatures Aging tests ln cleaning. Hydroforming and maintenance, and will engineering sophistication
Florida have shown almost no provides superior stren gth, ulti'nately permit the luminaire found in no other fixture. lt is
change in physical properties dimensional stability, and to be easily upgraded for new truly the finest high
after 15 years exposure. creates a one-piece optical lamp technology. perfor-rance c."rt-oif l;'ninaire
Weatherometer acceleration chamber capable of being obtainable.
tests indicate a possible 150 tightly sealed. All EKG
year ife. reflectors are Alzak@ plated for
long term protection of the
mrrror finish.

The Final Test

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Ask for a Sample! examination, we suggest the 6. ls the lens gasket 10. Are the components
Kim has been .nanufacturing following check list against one-piece? capable of being retrofitted
and shipping the EKG since competitive units: 7. Does the lens frame apply for new technology without
1972. Since that time, there have 1. ls the housing made of a uniform gasket pressure excessive labor?
been many manufacturers who one-piece extrusion? around the reflector lip? 1 1 . Are the fixture and mounting

have entered into making 2. ls the housing rigidly electrical

B. Are the details clean?
versions of the Kim unit in welded and sealed with a components mounted and 12. Are the photometrlcs
various forms and materials. proven sealant? pre-wired as a provable from independent
The only way to determine 3. ls all the hardware piated to sub-assembly? testing laboratory reports?
whether you are specifying or prevent rust? 9. ls the door frame and 13. Does the manufacturer
purcnasing the finest luminaire 4. ls the reflector hydroformed electrical sub-assem bly have financial responsi bility
available is to make a table-top in one-piece? easily removable without the to back the product?
comparison. At Kim, we support 5. ls the entire optical use of tools, for installation 14. Do you get an overall
this procedure and are anxious chamber sealed both from and maintenance? feeling of quality?

o to furnish a sample for this

purpose. In making an
the outside as well as the

Mounting Systems


Standard fixture
arms for
mountings lA,
and 4C.
Square or round poles
aluminum or steel.

Cluster mounting bars

for mountings 2U, 4U ,

Arm with splice

compartment for
mountings 1A and
2B only.
wood poles

@ H

Arm with splice

compartment for Wall embedmen
lWwall mount bracket for
only. concrete walls

Square or round poles

wilh 21/2" pipe size tenons
in steel only.

Mounting Arrangements
in plan view
1A 28 2L 2U 3T 3E 4C 4U 6E

H J u .L rtr
+ It ur
lll -4

Mounting Details

I- 1A
Standard mounting for aluminum
or steel poles only.
H 28

J 2L

-L ttl

I- 1A Optiona wood po e mounting.

I{ 28

1l tw

J-box rn
wall, by others

Optional cluster mounting for

steel poles wilh 21/2" pipe size tenons
ill .Field wire connections made here
Firture Details

19131 rc"

Optional Photocell Receptacle

I 10"
70 watt to 250 watt

/+ Optical lexan shreld

rn place of glass.
250 watts max.
\ ---

1 611/re"

Optional Photocell Receptacle

I 10,,

Optical lexan shield

in place of glass.
250 watts max.
150 watt to 400 watt

Optional Photocell Receptacle

T 10,, EKG60l
1000 watt

Specifications, Specifications,
Standard Fixtures and Arms. Optional Equipment.

Fixture shall be Underwriter's Laboratorles lnc , listed Houseside Shielding sha I

Housing sha be fabr cated f rom a one-p ece extruded aluminum consist of 2 shielding
side pane with mltered corneTs that are interna y we ded and components permanently
sealed for weather tightness A press-formed alum num top cover installed at the Klm f actory.
sha I nterlock with the hous ng, and have a continuous sea of One component shall reduce
s icone rubber res stant to weather ng, mo sture, UV, and ozone. light direct y f rom the lamp,
Top shall be peaked for lncreased strength and effic ent and the other component
water runoff.
sha I reduce ref ected l ght.
(For clear amps on y. See
Optical Chamber shal consist of a one piece hydroformed cata og 42 for photometrics).
Kim ref lector with a highly specular Alzak6r processed surface,
and a socket assembly. Socket shall be rnounted in a one-prece
casting whlch is fu y gasketed at the ref ector surface. Al wires
to the socket shall be gasketed at po nt of entry lnto the optical
chamber. Refiector slde walls and top sha be contoured so
that no I ght is refiected back into the lamp arc tube, for
optrmum amp lfe and performance. For EKG 401 series, Lexan'n Shield shall be
ref ector sha t hinge down for ba last access using 2 quarter- one-piece vacuum formed clear
turn atches. A MH amps, and al other amps 400-1000 watts polycarbonate to operate w th a
sha be supported at the tip by a harness. Al High Pressure maximum of 250 watts. lt shall
Sodlum fixtures sha be provided with the appropr ate 4KV or be semi pyramidal n shape for
5(V pulse'ated sockel. high therma resistance, impact
resistance, and llght
Lens Frame Assembly sha I cons st of a 3/ 16" th ck impact transm ssron. Lexan shield shal
resrstant clear tempered glass lens enclosed by a one-ptece replace standard glass lens as
moided high temperature gasket. Lens and gasket shal interlock an rntegral part of the lens frame.
in an extruded aluminum frame which shai hinge at the pole end, Caution: Use only when
and shall close and tightly sea the optica chamber by 4 gasketed vandal sm is anticipated to be
vibration-proof quarter{urn fasteners. Lens f rame shall be high Usefu Ife is limited by
removable without tools by means of quick-disconnect ng hinges. discoloration caused by UV
All Electrical Components shall be UL approved and be an f rom sunlight, mercury vapor,

integra part of the fixture. Ba lasts and related components shall and metaliic halide amps
be integrated onto a single mount ng plate as a self-conta ned
subassembly On EKG 401 fixture, ballast assembly sha I attach to Photocell Receptacle sha I be integrally mounted to accept NEIVA
the fixture using qu ck-disconnecting key slots. On EKG 501 and base photocells (by others) When 2,3, or 4 fixtures are mounted
EKG 601 , bal ast assembly shall attach to f xture with per po e, one fixture shall be furnished with an instailed receptac e
quick-disconnect no-too hinges and latches Fast f ield wiring shall (p1us a relay when required)to operate the others. Photocells shall
be provided for by prewiring a1l electrical components with be furnished by others.
quick-disconnect p ugs. All ballasts sha I be the component type Wood Pole Mounting sha be by a modified arm containing an
capab e of providing lamp starting down to -20F, with power access hole to a low field spl ces within the arm. A bearing p ate
factor of 90% or better (High Power Factor). sha I be furnished between arm and wood po1e. and a1
Fixture Arm shail be a one-piece rectangu ar alum num extrusion components shall be f nished to match the f ixture. Available f or 1A
with internal center ng guides. Luminaire-to-po e assembly shall be or 28 mount ngs only.
made through a mechanica draw bolt attachment inside the arm, Wall Mounting shall be by a modified arm conta n ng an access
eliminating a I exposed fasteners and welds. Arm assembly sha I hole to al ow f ield splices within the arm. A wall embedment bracket
include a pole reinforcing plate which wlll mount inside the pole for sha lbe provided to acceptfixture mounting rods, and atr m plate
added strength at the arm joint. sha I be provided to cover the wall embedded junction box. (J-box
Standard Finish on fixture and arm shall be semr-gloss b ack, by others) A I exposed parts shall be finished to match the trxtur
dark bronze, or natural aluminum baked enamel applied over a For concrete mountrng only.
satin polish. Cluster Mounting types 2U, 4U, 3E and 6E, shall utilize a
square mounting bar with interna draw bolts to mount the
fixtures. Mounting bar shal attach to po e using a tenor with set
screws and one throughbo t (Pole must have a21/z" ptpe srze
tenon in stee on y).
Anodized Finishes shail be Duranodic@ black or dark bronze
applied over a satin polish according to Architectural C ass 1
WARNING: This f xture must be grounded n accordance w th :,:::iH?:il:rk of Genera E ectr c
ocal codes, or the National E ectric code. Fa lure to do so may D l".od 5atooe d^otAr od
result in serious personal injury. Azak isatrademarkolA coa


1 Mornting 2 r,*rur.' 4 ,,n,"n"" 6 ror""side Shietd

Plan View Cat. No Standard baked enamel For highly reduced light on
f houseside. Extra cost. See
l- 1A Cat. No. photometrics in catalog A2
BL-E Black baked enamel For clear lamps on1y.

H over satrn polish.

DB-E Dark Bronze baked
Cat. No HS

J Standard
Cat No EKG401
for 70W. to 250W. lamps
Includes complete flxiure with
enamel over satin polish
Resembles Duranodic@
313 in color.
NA-E Natural Aluminum baked

.L mountings standard mounting arm, and

baked enamei finish Less
ballast and lamp.
enamel over satin polish.

Optional Architectural Class I

anodized finishes at extra cost.

Cat. No.
BL-A Black anodrze over
satin polish.
DB-A Dark Bronze anodize
over satin po ish
TT Cat No, EKG501
for 150W. to 400W. lamps.

ru lncludes complete fixture with

standard mounting arm, and
baked enamel finlsh. Less
ballast and lamp.
tt Optlonal
at extra cost
5 ,"r"n shietd
Optional Lexan shield furnished
in place of glass lens, at extra

Itl Cat No EKG601

cost. 250 watts max.
Cat No. LS
Caution: Use only when
for 1OOOW. lamps. vandalism is anticipated to be
lncludes complete fixture
with standard mounting arm,
high Useful life is limited by
discoloration caused by UV
and baked enamel finish. Less f rom sunlight, mercury vapor,
ballast and lamp. and metallic halide lamps.

Ba ast Oatalog Numiler and
Availabilty Per Frxture Size.
3 "",,""," NA : Not Availab e

Li ne Lr ne Operat ng Startlng
Lamp (by others) Vo ts EKG4O]IEKG5O]IEKG6O1 Watts Amps Amps
120 70HPS120 BB 084 075
/OW. -1igr P'trs\-re Soo ur 208 70HPS208 BB 048 0.45
Clear, E-231/2, 5B0O lumens 240 70HPS240 NA NA BB o.42 037
277 70HPs277 B8 437 035
480 70HPS480 BB 4.21 021
120 1 00HPS1 20 130 1 15 130
IOOW. High Pressure Sodium 208 1 00HPs208 130 067 076
Clear, E-231/2, 9500 lumens 240 1 00HPS240 NA NA 130 058 066
277 1 00HPS277 130 050 060
480 1 00HPS480 130 0.29 033
120 1 50HPSl 20 150HPS120 ]BB 1.70 2.00
150W. High Pressure Sodium 208 150HPS208 't50HPS208 1BB i.00 I 15
Clear, E-2312, 1 6,000 lumens 240 150HPS240 150HPS240 NA 188 085 100
55Vot 277 150HPS277 150HPS277 188 075 0.85
480 150HPS480 150HPS480 1BB 0.45 050
120 200HPS120 200HPS1 20 240 222 155
2OOW. Hlgh Pressure Sodium 208 200HPS208 200HPS208 240 1.28 089
Clear, E 18, 22,OOO lumens 240 200HPS240 200HPS240 NA 240 1.11 0/B
277 200HPs277 200HPs277 240 096 067
480 200HPS480 200HPS480 240 056 038
120 250HPSl20 250HPS1 20 310 080
250W. High Pressure Sodium 208 250HP5208 250HPS208 3t0 1 .55 045
Clear. E-]8. 30.000 umens 240 250HP5240 250HPS240 NA 310 r35 040
277 250HPS277 250HP5277 310 1 .16 03s
480 250HPS480 250HPS480 310 068 02a
120 400HPS120 465 430 2.82
400W. H gh Pressure Sodium 208 400HPS208 465 248 1.56
C ear, E-18 50,000 lumens 244 NA 400HPS240 NA 465 2.15 136
277 400HPs277 465 r86 118
480 400HPS480 465 107 4.75
124 1000HPSl20 I 090 10 00 8 r0
iO00W High Pressure Sodium 208 1 000H PS208 1 090 580 4.70
Clear, T-18, 140,000 umens 240 NA NA 1 000HPS240 1 090 5.00 4.10
277 1 000HPS277 1 090 430 350
480 1 000HPS480 1 090 250 200
120 175MH1 20 175MH1 20 2 0 180 0.90
175W. tvleta ic Halide, Clear zt)6 175MH208 175MH208 2 0 1 10 053
BT 28,15,000 umens Socket 244 175MH240 175MH240 NA 2 0 4.92 046
provided for curved arc amp. 277 175MH277 175MH277 2 0 080 040
480 175MH480 175MH480 2 0 447 423
120 250MH120 250MH120 294 2.60 144
250W Metal ic Ha ide, C ear 208 250MH208 250MH208 294 150 0Bl
BT28, 19,500 umens Socket 240 250MH240 2s0MH240 NA 294 1.30 0.71
prov ded for curved arc amp 277 250MH277 250MH277 294 1.12 060
480 250MH480 250MH480 294 065 0.35
120 400MH120 455 4.00 150
400W Metall c Ha de Clear 208 400MH208 455 230 087
BT-37, 40,000 lumens Socket 240 NA 400MH240 NA 455 204 0.75
provided for curved arc amp. 277 400MH277 455 175 065
480 400MH480 455 100 038
120 1000MH't 20 070 9.20 4.00
Meta lic Halide, C ear 208 1 000MH208 070 530 2.40
8T-56 107,800 lumens 240 NA NA 1000MH240 070 460 204
277 1000MH277 070 400 1.70
480 1000MH480 070 234 100
120 1 75MV1 20 205 rB0 1.70
75W Mercury Vapor, Delux
208 175MV208 205 100 098
White. E 28, Bl50 lurnens 240 175MV240 NA NA 205 090 085
277 17sMV277 205 076 0.74
480 175MV480 205 045 0.44
120 250MV120 250MV120 294 260 2.40
250W. Mercury Vapor, Delux 208 250MV208 250MV208 290 160 i40
White, E 28, I 1,500 lumens 240 250MV240 2s0MV240 NA 290 140 120
277 250MV277 250MV277 290 1 15 1 .10
480 250MV480 250MV480 ,on 070 060
124 400MV1 20 454 390 320
400W. l\,4ercury Vapor, Delux lt)6 400MV208 454 2.20 2.AA
Wh te, E 37, 21,750 Iumens 244 NA 400MV240 NA 454 I 95 170
277 400Mv277 454 1.70 150
480 400MV480 454 098 095
124 1 000MV1 20 1475 oqn 430
1OOOW. Mercury Vapor, Delux 2AB 1000MV208 1 075 550 254
White, 8T-56 60,000 umens 240 NA NA 1000MV240 1075 480 220
277 1000MV277 1075 430 190
480 1000MV480 1075 2.50 1.30

Ba last Cata og number includt :s ballast,

capacitor, starter f requ red, a mounted and
See Cataloq 42 for detailed amp clal pr mountinq pl
ore-w red to the mountrng plat€

7 Pnotocetl

I Receptacles Photoce 1s by others Poles

Mountrng Wattage Cat. No Volts Re ay Al poles for EKG series fixtures
are catalogued on individual
I- 70W to 1000W
One fixture,
A-25 12O
specrf cation sheets printed
on yellow paper.
-+ pole or wall
277 SeeKm
Po e Type Spec. Sheel
).76 H Tapered Square PTSSK or

7OW to 400W A-2s 120 No
)66 Stee PGK
Two fixtures 248
Non Tapered -PSA
)33 per pole. 240
Square Aluminum
.15 480 Non Tapered PSSK or
Square Stee PFK

r.B5 Non Tapered PNTRA
70W to400W A-25 120 No
Round Aluminum
Three fixtures 208
- Tapered Round

per pole. 24A PTRS or
277 Stee PHV
67 480 Tapered Round PTRSA or

3B Alum num XTRSA
70W to 250W A-25 120 No
Four Fixlures 208 Laminated Wood PSWB and
.45 PXWB
r.40 per pole. 244
r35 277
III 480
H 000w

.36 1 A-25-1 120 Yes
tB Two fixtures A-25-2 208
per pole. A-25-3 240
rio A-25-4 277
r.1 0
A-25-5 480

r.00 000w A-25-'l 120
1 YeS
)-90 Three i xtures A-25-2 208

|.53 pei'pole. A-25-3 240
A-25-4 277 .Non tapered square alumrnum
1.23 A-25-5 480 poles are available with the

.40 40OW to 1000W exc JS:ve Kin Hrnged Base n
A-25-1 120 Yes
)81 heights up to 14 feet. U.S. Patent
Four f ixtures A-25-2 208 4,079,559
per pole. A-25-3 240
r35 A-25-4 277
rtr A-25-5 480

Ordering Guide

1 4 56 7
Not required
for 1W wall

.50 3 p

90 (t,/

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