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Name: ________________________________ Student Number: ________________

Partial 1 Writing Task

“Apegándome al Código de Ética de los Estudiantes del Tecnológico de Monterrey, me comprometo a que mi
actuación en este examen esté regida por la honestidad académica. En congruencia con el compromiso adquirido al
firmar dicho código, realizaré este examen de forma honesta y personal, para reflejar, a través de él, mi conocimiento
y aceptar, posteriormente, la evaluación obtenida.”

Firma: __________________

You are the customer service manager of an important company. You received an email from a
very important customer complaining about and order he placed 3 weeks ago. The products
haven’t been delivered yet even though your company has a one-week delivery policy.
Write an apology email (50-60 words to make it BULATS-like) to the customer:

 Explaining what caused the problem (be creative)

 Informing that the goods will be dispatched as soon as possible
 Offering something as compensation (be creative)

Please, use this sheet of paper to write notes and organize your ideas. However, the mail itself
must be uploaded to Blackboard. Remember that it is advisable to use synonyms as a way to show
your vocabulary range. You are expected to use standard phrases to accomplish communication
goals. When you are finished, hand in this sheet to your instructor.
Name: ________________________________ Student Number: ________________

Partial 1 Speaking Task

“Apegándome al Código de Ética de los Estudiantes del Tecnológico de Monterrey, me comprometo a que mi
actuación en este examen esté regida por la honestidad académica. En congruencia con el compromiso adquirido al
firmar dicho código, realizaré este examen de forma honesta y personal, para reflejar, a través de él, mi conocimiento
y aceptar, posteriormente, la evaluación obtenida.”

Firma: __________________

This activity is similar to Section 4 of the BULATS Speaking Exam

Customer Service Survey

Hotel customer service is the care provided by hotels to guests before, during, and after their stay.
Since hotels rely heavily on loyal customers and good word-of-mouth marketing, making sure
guests are happy is extremely important.

The charts below show the results of a survey through which visitors to the Royal Empire Hotel
rated the hotel’s customer service. The same instrument was used to interview 100 guests in 2005
and 2010.

Look at the information and talk for ONE minute about the changes in customers’ perception of
the service that took place between 2005 and 2010. Make a recording of your discussion and
upload it to the corresponding Blackboard space.

Make sure you use standard vocabulary and phrases to discuss this kind of charts. In
addition, provide one or two recommendations to ensure the hotel keeps meeting
customers’ expectations.

To prepare your talk you should plan what you want to say and write some notes (not a script) to
organize your speech, record your speech and make both the notes and the final version of your
speech available to your professor BEFORE THE DEADLINE. Remember: The recording should not
be longer than one minute and it is your responsibility to ensure the audio quality is adequate
before submitting the file.

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