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PE General Lesson Plan Template

Name: Tiara Gonzalez Grade Level: 2nd Grade Date: 2/8/18

Lesson Goals
Central Focus of Lesson:
What is the big idea or focus question of the lesson?

To use skills of fleeing and dodging in order to avoid being tagged.

Standard(s) Addressed:
What Learning Standards (PE, ELA, ELD) will be addressed during the lesson? (provide number and text)

PE: Students demonstrate the motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical

1.1 Travel within a large group, without bumping into others or falling, while using locomotor skills.

ELA: Speaking and Listening Standards

2. Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other

a. Give and follow three- and four-step oral directions. CA

ELD: Interpretive

5. Listening actively to spoken English in a range of social and academic contexts

Learning Objectives and Language Demands

PE Content Objectives:
What will the students know and be able to do by the end of the lesson? Use observable language with
measurable verbs.
By completing the activities, the 2nd grade students will be able to demonstrate their motor skills and movement
patterns through dodging and fleeing in the activity.

Language Objectives:
ELA: After completing the lesson students will be able to recount the steps in the activity using 3 to 4 steps.

ELD: At the conclusion of this activity students will be able to demonstrate active listening to oral presentations by
asking and answering basic questions, with oral sentence frames and substantial prompting and support.

Language Demands (Use Toolkit as a guide): What language will students be expected to utilize when
demonstrating their understanding?
 Academic Vocabulary: Gallop, skip, jump, slide, hop, catch, throw, space awareness,
personal space
 Language Function: Cause and Effect
 Syntax: therefore, consequently, thus, as a result of, since, because, in order to, if...then

 Discourse: Discuss activity

Materials: Academic Language/ Misconceptions: Identify the
 4-5 (or more) floor mats academic vocabulary and any common misconceptions
 a number of pinnies regarding the concepts/skills addressed in this lesson

Lesson Plan Details: Write a detailed outline of your lesson steps including instructional strategies, learning tasks,
key questions, key transitions, student supports, assessment strategies, and conclusion. Your outline should be
detailed enough that another teacher could understand them well enough to use them. Include what you will do
as a teacher and what your students will be doing during each lesson phase. Include a few key time guidelines.

Lesson Introduction - “Before”: Setting the stage, activate and build background knowledge, introduce and

How will you warm-up/physically prepare for the lesson?

We will do a warm-up of stretches for both arms and legs. Followed by a set of jumping jacks. Then 5 laps
around the basketball court.

How will you activate and build on prior PE skills?

By having them understand the game of tag and how it is being incorporated into this new game. Also,
how doing warm-ups in your own personal space will now help them move around safely and be cautious
of one another during the activity. They should discuss and understand the ability to tag safely; ability to
move safely through general space(avoid others

How will you introduce and explain academic language needed for PE lesson so that students will
understand the how and why?
Asking for students to demonstrate what “chasing” “fleeing” and “dodging” looks like. I would let them
know that through knowing how these movements look they will understand the “why” and that the
“why” will help us complete our activity safely. Also, practice the skills involved in chasing, fleeing, and
dodging as a class.
Ability to tag safely; ability to move safely through general space (avoid others); introduction to and practice in
skills involved in chasing, fleeing, and dodging.
Learning Activities - “During”: List clear teaching steps for the PE lesson.

Step 1. Students begin standing on the ships (mats). One student, the shark, wears a pinney. At the signal from the
teacher of "sailors swim", the sailors (students) scatter (have them do locomotor movements other than running)
to a new ship (i.e. mat)
Step 2. If tagged by a shark, the sailor must put a pinney on and become a shark in order to help capture the
remaining sailors.
Etc. Begin a new game periodically, when there are a few students left. Sailors could also turn into other sea life
besides just sharks.
Closure - “After”:

Provide appropriate cool down activity: Students will walk around the basketball court one time and come
back and finish off with some breathing exercises.

Restate the language function points and clarify key concepts? To show the cause (getting tagged) due to
the effect (the way you are moving) in the game and your ability to do it in a timely manner to get from
point A to point B.

Written Exit Ticket:

 Provide a Written Exit Ticket (see sample in Toolkit for Academic Language) to engage students in
reflection on how the strategies/skills learned today can be used as readers/writers/learners?
 Put Exit Ticket sample with blanks here:
When doing the Sailors and Sharks activity I realized the cause of me ________(jumping, skipping, running)
effected if _____________. (I stayed in the game longer or shorter)

Extension: How could you extend this lesson if time permits?

What specific extension activity might the students do to continue practicing and building skill and
Depending upon the skill of the students, you can use a lesser or greater number of boats, and/or put them
closer together.

Evidence and Formative Assessment of Student Learning: How will you know whether students are making
progress toward your learning goal(s) for PE and Language Development?

Use the chart below to describe and justify your assessment plan.
Assessment Strategy #1: VAPA Objective Alignment with Objectives:
Describe how this assessment is aligned to your stated objectives.
Describe assessment strategy here. Which objective(s) is it assessing?

Structured Observations. This assessment Structured observations are aligned with the ELA objective
strategy is done by looking at the because I get to observe and see if they could recount in steps
performance and assessing that what the steps of the activity was.
performance. Evidence of Student Understanding:
Describe how this assessment strategy provides evidence of
student understanding of the concepts being taught.

The assessment strategy will provide evidence of student

understanding of the concept being taught because I will be able
to see if the performance was effected by the way they understood
the steps of the game and if they knew what they were doing.

Student Feedback:
Describe how you will provide feedback to students on this

I will provide feedback to my students on this assessment by

clearing up any confusion that may be happening. I would also see
if any of them made their own observations about the activity.

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