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Goal or Purpose of the activity (Concept, skill, and/or value):

Numbers/dots in hearts and have them try to match it with a number down below. (Math
with a clip)

Objectives and Standards

SWBAT: match the number or dots to the correct number below the heart
SWBAT: pinch the clothespin on the number
SWBAT: count the dots in the hearts

(5. Early Learning Expectation: Reasoning-Problem Solving-Re ection. Children

demonstrate a growing capacity to make meaning, using one’s habits of mind to find a
solution or figure something out.)

3. Early Learning Expectation: Spoken Language: Expressive. Children develop abilities

to express themselves clearly and communicate ideas to others.

Materials Needed:

Typed up paper that has numbered and dotted hearts with three categories below (see
attached sheet)

1. Prepare the environment

● Set up the papers and clothes pins

2. Engage the children/students (connect it to the children’s interests and developmental level(s).)
● The students are practicing their fine motor abilities.

3. Expand and use the concept, skill, or value identified in the goal statements.
● I could make it be a memory game where they have to find the numbered heart and the
numbered dotted heart.
4. Bring the activity to a conclusion.
(What did we learn and do?) Use questions to assist the children in review.
● What numbers did we find today?
● What dots did we count?

5. Reflection after the Activity is complete.

● I was unable to teach this lesson.

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