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Professional Development & Action Plan (Artifact F)

 Obtain a position that speaks to my skills and interests in Law, Policy, and Governance and Social Justice and Inclusion (as cited in
NASPA/ACPA Competencies, Artifact E) within the field of higher education.
 Continue developing skills and knowledge in Technology and Leadership (as noted in growth between Artifact E between SDAD 5300:
Foundations of Student Affairs and SDAD 5900: Capstone Seminar) by experimenting with new electronic communication means in staff
 Begin collection/development of scholarly works to present to journal of choice for publication.

 Explore Assessment, Evaluation, and Research (Artifact E) in professional role and contribute to competency area by taking leadership in
independent projects for the division/department of the institution.
 Develop an area of expertise, such as serving on a department and/or divisional committee devoted to policy, law, ethics (as recognized by
skill competency in Law, Policy, and Governances in Artifact E).
 Prepare to present research at a national conference (ASHE, NASPA, ACPA, etc.).
 Re-evaluate 2-5 Year Plan.

 Teach a first-year seminar course or chairing a departmental committee related to interests and skills.
 Seek leadership position (e.g. assistant director, supervisor) within current institution and/or position, building upon Leadership competency
in Artifact E and continue growth in this area.

 Consider next professional position (if not admitted to doctoral program of choice).
 Develop or design student staff trainings or recruitment plans for position to gain competency growth in Student Learning and Development
(per Artifact E). Or, begin supervising full-time staff members in these staff trainings and/or recruitment plans.
 Revist 2-5 Year Plan; consider professional network available to inform professional trajectory.
 Begin application to doctoral programs (collect application materials, take GRE, reach out to references and/or other professionals).

 Obtain a position that has more responsibility and supervision capacity of professional staff in order to enhance Leadership competency
growth (per Artifact E).
 Begin doctoral program (if applicable). Prepare research to present at national conference and/or submit to research journals.
 Lead a formal assessment project for a department; and/or collect data for a campus climate survey to build on Assessment, Research, &

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