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Instructional Strategies Assignment

Instructional Strategies Assignment

Amy J. Jensen

Brandman University


Instructional Strategies Assignment

The three evidence based instructional strategies that are going to be discussed in this

paper are Prompting, Peer-mediated instruction and Technology-aided instruction and

intervention. Prompting (PP) is used to assist learners in using specific skills (cox, 2013). PP

has been found to be effective practices within the academic developmental domain for children

ages 0-5, 6-14 and 15-22 due to evidence-based studies (Cox, 2013). Peer-mediated instruction

and intervention (PMII) is used to to help those diagnosed with ASD to work with typically

developing peers to acquire new skills within the natural environment (Fettig, 2013). PMII has

been found to be effective within the academic developmental domain for children ages 6-14 and

15-22 due to evidence-based practices (Fettig, 2013). Technology-aided instruction and

intervention (TAII) is used to support the goal or outcome for the student using technology

(Odom, 2013). TAII has been found effective within the academic developmental domain for

children ages 0-5, 6-14 and 15-22 due to evidence-based studies (Odom, 2013).

Prompting (PP) uses gestural, verbal or physical assistance to assist the learner in

engaging or acquiring the targeted skill (Cox, 2013). PP is considered a foundational evidence

based practice due to the fact that is used in other evidence-based protocols (Cox, 2013).

Prompting was most efficient for those diagnosed with ASD in generalization and maintenance

of the acquired academic skills (Tekin-Iftar, E. &Olcay-Gul, 2016). With prompting teachers

should assess the skills of their students before starting this EBP to determine if they need more

prerequisites to gain the academic skills (Tekin-Iftar, E. &Olcay-Gul, 2016). Prompting should

include instructive feedback and observational learning in the general education setting (Tekin-

Iftar, E. &Olcay-Gul, 2016). For fidelity in this EBP teachers and staff must continually monitor

the progress and prompt when necessary to gain the desired academic skill or skills. Prompting

Instructional Strategies Assignment

can be used in the classroom without all students being aware that a child is using an EBP.

Teachers or paraprofessionals can use this EBP if trained in any necessary environment.

Peer-mediated instruction and intervention (PMII) teaches peers systematic ways to

engage learners with ASD in both learner-initiated and teacher directed activities (Fettig, 2013).

PMII can be a useful strategy to promote positive transitions across settings (Fettig, 2013 pg 70).

Recent studies of PMII in high school has shown that students that participated with peer in the

study had more improved social communication skills and engaged in conversation and with

their peers longer (Bambara et al., 2016). PMII also led to increases in conversations and follow

up questions, which are an important academic skill in the general education classroom

(Bambara et al., 2016). Peers must be trained on how to facilitate the strategies to support the

academic skills appropriately (Bambara et al., 2016). Prompting was used and taught to the

typically developing peers to facilitate further responses and to help initiate the awkward

moments with the students (Bambara et al., 2016). For this to be implemented with complete

fidelity the teacher or specialist really must observe and retrain any students that are not using

the EBP correctly. This is one of the EBP that the student can get more out of a peer mediating,

but then the adults don’t have full control of the situation. In the fieldwork i have seen this EBP

work really well as far as the students appropriately mediating the situation. There have also

been times that I have seen the students encourage inappropriate behaviors. To help with fidelity

the teacher or caregiver must pick the appropriate peer and continually monitor the progress

whether it is in person or on video to make sure the EBP is being used and implemented

correctly to further enhances the desired academic skill or skills.

Technology-aided instruction and intervention (TAII) the central feature is the use of

technology (Odom, 2013). Technology can be a broad range of devices; some examples are

Instructional Strategies Assignment

smartphones, tablets, speech-generating devices, visual networks and many others (Odom,

2013). Technology should be used as a support and in the appropriate context to support the

academic learning (Odom, 2013). Educational professionals must understand the importance

and recognize that achievement for students diagnosed with ASD is often contingent on the use

of assistive technology and allows them access to life and educational skill experiences (Parette

& Peterson-Karlan, 2007). TAII is a tool that should be used to enhance the performance of the

individual or to help functional capabilities to complete a task (Parette & Peterson-Karlan, 2007).

Educational professionals must make sure that the assistive devices allow access to education or

life skill experiences for best outcomes (Parette & Peterson-Karlan, 2007). The ultimate

effectiveness of TAII is the achievement by the students in life skills and academic curricula

using evidence by district or state wide measure of progress by student (Parette & Peterson-

Karlan, 2007). For complete fidelity teachers and parents must understand the importance of the

device and its correct usage. One of the fieldwork observations the parent was letting the student

play games on the learning program device. The child learned to go off the learning program

and into the games. This EBP can be used in the real world setting as long as the teacher or

parents have the appropriate device for optimal learning.

These academic or instructional EBP if implemented correctly can be beneficial to all

students diagnosed with ASD. Those working with the students must be trained and maintain

complete fidelity throughout the process. One must also work as a team to collaborate so that the

students needs are put first at al times.


Instructional Strategies Assignment


Bambara, L. M., Cole, C. L., Kunsch, C, Tsai, S & Ayad, E. (2016) A peer-mediated

intervention to improve the conversational skills of high school students with Autism

Spectrum Disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorder 27 29-43

Cox, A. W. (2013) Prompting (PP) fact sheet. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina,

Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, The National Professional

Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Fettig, A. (2013). Peer-mediated instruction and intervention (PMII) fact sheet. Chapel Hill: The

University of North Carolina, Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, The

National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Odom, S. L. (2013). Technology-aided instruction and intervention (TAII) fact sheet. Chapel

Hill: The University of North Carolina, Frank Porter Graham Child Development

Institute, The National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Parette, H. P. & Peterson-Karlan, G. R. (2007). Facilitating student achievement with assistive

technology. Educational and Training in Developmental Disabilities 42(4) 387-397

Tekin-Iftar, E., & Olcay-Gul, S. (2016). Increasing Instructional Efficiency When Using

Simultaneous Prompting Procedure in Teaching Academic Skills to Students with Autism

Spectrum Disorders. International Electronic Journal Of Elementary Education, 9(2),


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