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Clannad: Forever After

I turn around to see Loci Conduer, and his posse. He had a strange growing grin on his face. Like he had
planned something that was so amusing to him. “You’re the kid who helped out that one girl, right?”
Loci says. “Ushio!” I say. As I bring my head up to look him in his eyes I say, “Her name is Ushio. Get it
right.” I stare into his eyes, like if I was trying to burn into them. I kept my face solid. “Heh…you her
boyfriend or something, kid?” he says. “No. and I’m not a kid either.” I say. “Or are you just that stupid?”
his face turned from a smile, to a menacing frown very quickly. “You’d better watch your mouth.” He
says. “Should I? Or should you watch your next actions, Loci?” I say. I remembered when Ushio told me
his name. I used it hoping to scare him. He jumped back, as I thought he would. “How do you know my
name?!” he yells. I can’t tell him because of Ushio. Then he would take his anger out on her because of
me. Because of me… “Just heard that was you name.” I reply, lying. He stares into me, like he was trying
to figure something out of me. “You think you’re really tough, huh?” Loci asks. “I don’t think that. I know
that.” I say. He started to slowly regain his smile. That smile. I’ve seen that smile before. But where? All I
can remember about it is a… I was interrupted by a swift punch to my stomach that had knocked me
down. As I tried to get up, they kept me down by kicking me back down. I was drifting off. Not towards a
black out, or death. Something else, that has been kept back for so long, is trying to come out. Kujo. I
don’t want to hold him back now. I’m stuck, and unless he comes, I’m dead. I have to let go of myself, to
let him take control. I may regret it, but I can’t let them do this. Even if I tried holding him back, he is still
coming out. “HEY! STOP THAT!” I hear Tomoya yell out. Tomoya. What’s he doing here? I can’t let him
see this. I guess…it too late.

“Let’s go!” Nagisa yells out. “Coming.” I say back. We’re going to town with Nonsway. Ushio told him to
explore the town, and she wanted to surprise him by accompanying him in the exploration of it. We
headed over to his place. This was the first time I actually saw where he lived. It wasn’t rundown, but
had that somewhat of a look to it. We went into the lobby and buzzed Nonsway’s number. No response.
“Are you sure he’s home?” I ask to Ushio. “I think.” She responds. “Oh, are you looking for Nonsway
Lotra?” I hear a voice say. I turn to see an old man. The manager of these condos. “Yes, actually. Do you
know where he’s at?” I ask. “Why yes. He went out to town.” He replies. “Do you know him?” he asks.
“Yes. I guess you could call us his second family.” Nagisa chimes in. the man looked at us with a very
confused face. “Family?” he says. I nod. “Huh. I would recall that Nonsway doesn’t have a family.” Then I
got the confused look. And so did Ushio and Nagisa. “He never moved in with anyone, and he doesn’t
talk about them much.” He says. I decided that’s all we should ask. We thanked the man, and left. I was
still puzzled on what the old man had said. No family? Was he hiding something? And if so what? Why?
Maybe I’ll ask him if we find him. We kept on walking and looking. Even though this town has grown, it’s
still a small, decent size. We had searched every part of town. Except for the bad parts. “Nagisa.” “Yes.
What is it Tomoya?” she asks. “I don’t think you, or Ushio should come with me down there.” I say. “No!
What if something happens?!” she asks frantically. “I can handle myself.” I said quickly.” “I just don’t
want any of you getting hurt. That’s all.” I say, trying to convince both of them. Nagisa is really stubborn
sometimes. Just like Ushio. So I guess you can imagine how she is about other things too. And to my
Clannad: Forever After

luck, they headed out back to the house. Thank goodness. As I walked down, I saw the horrors of these
parts of our beloved town. They were all rundown and controlled by gangs and mob bosses. I kept
walking until I heard a voice say, “You think you’re really tough, huh?” I knew that voice. Loci Conduer.
The kid who always picks on Ushio at school. I look over to see them, blocking someone’s path. I looked
harder, and saw that it was Nonsway. Loci then punched him in the stomach onto the ground. “HEY!
STOP THAT!” I yelled out. But they kept kicking. I had stopped running when Nonsway grabbed a leg that
was kicking him, twisted it, and threw himself in the air and elbow dropped onto it. I heard a loud crack
of bone, mixed with the boys scream. I could then see that the boy’s leg was flailing around as he tried
running. Nonsway then grabbed his leg again, pulled him towards him, and stomped on it. The boy
screamed for about three seconds, before passing out. He then turned to the others, and their faces had
turned to a crystal white color. Except for Loci. He still had a stupid smile on his face. “Taste this,
fucker!” Loci yells out at Nonsway. He then points at two guys, telling them to take him out. One
charged at Nonsway, but he just stood there. Right before the punch reached Nonsway, he grabbed his
wrist, twisted his arm, and broke it. The member cried out, but that showed no mercy for Nonsway. He
then walked up to him, took his head, and brought his up to his head. He then fell. Another one came
after, like a pitching machine. But this guy went for a kick instead of a punch. Nonsway grabbed his leg,
and flipped him upwards. As he fell, Nonsway turned around and brought his leg up to his chin, causing
the member to fly backwards towards the others. He fell and slid next to the last two members,
including Loci. One of the last ones brought out a knife. He then started to try to stab him. And he did.
Multiple times. The member then kicked Nonsway back, and he didn’t get back up. They both laughed
and started to walk off. This is my chance I thought. I just have to watch out for the guy with the knif…. I
stopped my thought when Nonsway had gotten up, like nothing happened. He then silently sprinted
towards the last two. He kicked Loci down, and grabbed the one with the knife. He kicked his spine, and
then grabbed his knife. I figured he would stop there, but he kept going. He then took the blade. And
stabbed the member’s thigh. He let out a cry that I couldn’t even describe. Nonsway then silenced him
with a kick to his head. Loci got up, and pulled a gun on Nonsway. “You’re…done…for.” He barely let
out. “Are you sure?” Nonsway asked him, smiling. Why would he be smiling about this? Loci also smiled,
as he pulled the trigger. When I expected a loud gunshot, there was a sound of no bullets. Loci looked at
the gun, and pulled the trigger repeatedly. But he got nothing but clicks. Nonsway then pulled out the
gun mag, threw it in the air as he punched Loci, kicked him in the stomach, and swept him onto the
ground. Nonsway then grabbed the falling mag, and beat it into his head multiple times. I lost count
after eight. Nonsway got up, covered in blood. And started to walk away. Like it never had happened.
“Nonsway!” I called out to him. But he kept walking. I started to walk to him until he stopped walking.
“Nonsway,” I started. But I never got to finish my sentence. Nonsway then fell, unconscious. As I ran to
his body, I saw how badly he was injured. He had countless knife cuts, a couple of stabs, and
many…many bruises. I reached into my pocket for my phone to dial 9-1-1, but the remembered that I
had given my phone to… “Dad!” Ushio calls out. I turn to see Nagisa and Ushio both running towards
me. Did they see what happened? Ushio hands me the phone, and I punch in 9-1-1. “Dad…” Ushio
starts. I look to her, and she’s tearing up. “Was that Nonsway, fighting?” she then breaks down, crying.

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