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World Citi Colleges

Senior High Department

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

Partial Fulfilment for Journal #1 Lesson 2, 2nd Quarter- Doing Philosophy

Submitted by: Marielle Lagmay


12Tech-Voc E

Submitted to: Mr. Oilegor Gabatin Villarta

IPHP Teacher

Date: December 6, 2017

I learned in this lesson doing philosophy is about the question of
realitythat are existency in our life that are independent to human consciousness. It
also includes that the five senses of human see,feel,taste,hear and touch.
Philosophers believe that objective and absolute reality that means is that
everything that are existing in reality are the nature or character. The reality divide
into concrete and abstract reality. The question of reality is metaphysics, The
branch of metaphysics is ontology that is classification of the existing things in
our life. The second philosophical investigation is the question of certainty is that
is free from error or doubt. Philosophers achieve certainty in to it’s knowledge.
Philosophers believe that is impossible to be perfect about the existency and
human condition. The view of certainty is the truth and the concept of knowledge
that means is man is able to know. Rationalism is a theory that believes in
knowledge that is pure of reasoning without any experience. Empiricism is also a
another theory that believes in knowledge that gained in experience. The another
theory is the skepticism that is established of doctrines or truth and it is has a
limitation in the mind in perceiving and understanding reality. The branch of
philosophy which deals with nature and extent of knowledge is called
epistemology. Philosophers include alsa the question of casuality or the cause of
events and phenomena. Philosophers analyze in the events of cause-and-effect
relationship. In analyzing the cause of human actions and events , philosophers
determine the factors and motivation behind them. Another important in casuality
is the are the origin of things. It also the casuality is the purpose or the explanation
of the things. A thing purposes is often considered its final or ultimate cause. The
related toi casuality is agency, which is the capacity of man govern a certain
reality. The human contend to the free will that they have a freedom to choose
what they want or the decision making on every situation of their life. The concept
of choice is important in free will in any discussion. Casuality and agency is
determinism which shows that each event is determined or influenced by a specific
set of events or factors. It also related is the destiny pre determined what is in the
future or outcome of what you are doing in your present time. The study of
casuality is called etiology , while the teleology is the branch which deals with the
question of purpose. In life we think, we choose, we are the one who decide in our
life, so that if you choose the right in the future it will be good, because life is
obstacle that you need to solve it to your own like in decision making and think
what is right and choose what is right to determine your future.
World Citi Colleges

Senior High Department

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

Partial Fulfilment for Journal #2 Lesson 3, 2nd Quarter- Determining the Truth

Submitted by: Marielle Lagmay


12Tech-Voc E

Submitted to: Mr. Oilegor Gabatin Villarta

IPHP Teacher

Date: October 2, 2017

I learned in this lesson determining the truth is to prove what is the truth,
truth lies at the heart of any inquiry. Knowledge must be truthful to gain validity
and acceptance. Philosophers believe that the truth is cannot be measure. Justified ,
true belief in this words you believed and there is justification for such belief.
Believed in your belief has a reasoning why you believed in you belief to support
your belief and justified what is you belief in life. The correspondence theory
states that something true if it corresponds to reality or the actual state of affairs,
this theory believed that there is a relationship between idea and reality and taken
as a fact or validity. The coherence theory purposes to something true that has a
different perspective in every situation. In every situation there is a different
perspective where we believe in what we think that is true. Relativism is a
philosophical concept which contends that there are no absolute truth it means that
there is a truth but it is not the real true because there is so many truth in our life.
Constructivist theory holds that knowledge by social forces and influenced by
culture and history. The constructivist perspective is that knowledge is gained in
social experience and requires collaboration and interaction. It also believes that
knowledge is can be a truth to change. The concensus theory is agreement about
the truth , there is a influential group that are government or religious organization.
Pragmatic theory is holds the true that we can use in reality or in our life. We can
verified it or test to confirm what is true. In determine the truth we need to know
or validity and test if its true because nowadays even they say that is a truth even
though that is a lie. Now in our generation it’s really easy to say that it is the truth
but it was a lie. In our life it’s hard to know what is the real, what is truth and what
are we going to do to find the truth. We do the arguments sometimes to find the
truth or what is right to do. Maybe you didn’t know that you believed in the truth
but it was also a lie, many discussion if we tackle the truth because truth is broad to
discuss it because we can use in our life. There is so many to believed in truth but I
want to say that just be true to yourself don’t mind the others because you know to
yourself the truth. Sometimes I ask myself the truth can be a knowledge but if the
person tells you about their feelings there is a possible that is a lie or truth,
sometimes you need action to prove that is the truth so that the person believes in
that. Truth, truth is broad sometimes you need to learn that what are the truth to be
not to lie into yourself. Because the truth is sometimes it is a lie, so believe in
yourself and that is the truth and truth and trust yourself in every situation.
World Citi Colleges

Senior High Department

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

Partial Fulfilment for Journal #3 Lesson 4, 2nd Quarter- The Human Person

Submitted by: Marielle Lagmay


12Tech-Voc E

Submitted to: Mr. Oilegor Gabatin Villarta

IPHP Teacher

Date: December 6, 2017

I learned in this lesson the human person is that the word man is a
general term that is used to refer the human race the other related are mankind,
humanity and humankind. Homo sapiens sapiens is called a modern human beings.
The person is a much more complex term which generally refers to a human being
granted recognition of certain rights , protection and responsibilities. Biological
perspective that is a part of a natural world and a product of evolution. The homo
sapiens sapiens is one of the most successful adapted in planet. In this lesson it
said that the human are closely likely in apes it is the theory called evolution of a
human person because it has the same jaws, has a teeth and highly developed the
hands and more developed brains. These traits are contributed to the successful
development of the human species that live in the planet.

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