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Classroom Management Plan

Middle School Math

Cynthia Gubler
EDU 220
Rules: The 5 Be’s
•Be punctual
•Be prepared
•Be responsible
•Be appropriate
•Be respectful
• Preferred Activity Time (Individual)
• Each student must earn 10 stars on their individual behavior chart to earn a
• Rewards include choice of either 5 extra credit points on next test, a pass to
skip a homework assignment, or work on an assignment with a partner
• Preferred Activity Time (Group)
• The class must earn 20 stars on the classroom behavior chart to earn a reward
• Rewards include choice of classroom game (Jeopardy, "Heads Up, Seven Up,
etc.), Class kickball game, or movie day. Students will vote for which activity.
• Individual:
• 1st check mark: Warning
• 2nd check mark: Lunch detention and lose a star on the Student's Behavior
• 3rd check mark: Phone call to parents or guardian
• 4th check mark: Loss of next Group Preferred Activity Time and complete
Behavior Reflection Form instead
• 5th check mark: Conference with parents or guardians and the teacher
• Group:
• Warning
• Lose a star from the Classroom Behavior Chart
Behavior Reflection Form

Answer the following questions using complete sentences:

1. What happened?

2. Which classroom rule did this break?

3. Why is this behavior unacceptable?

4. What should I have done instead?

5. What should I do next time if I am in a similar situation?

Student Name Warning Lunch Detention/ Phone Call Home Loss of Group PAT/ Parent-Teacher
Lose a Star Behavior Reflection Conference







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