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Lighting Res. Technol. 2015; Vol.

47: 964–975

Lighting and recognition of emotion

conveyed by facial expressions
B Yang MSc and S Fotios PhD
School of Architecture, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK

Received 25 June 2014; Revised 25 July 2014; Accepted 28 July 2014

A recent study examined how luminance and spectral power distribution affect
recognition of facial expression, a proxy for pedestrians’ judgements concerning
the apparent intent of other people. This paper describes a repeat study which
included a greater number of test luminances, a third type of lamp, and an
additional, shorter duration of observation (500 ms). Luminance and distance had
significant effects on expression recognition; the effect of lamp was not
significant and the effect of duration was suggested to be significant only
within the escarpment region of the performance versus luminance relationship.
The results were used to estimate appropriate light levels for outdoor lighting.
A luminance of 1.0 cd/m2 permits facial expressions to be identified with a 50%
probability of correct identification at a distance of 15 m.

1. Introduction examined the methods used in these studies

and suggested that an effect of SPD on facial
A recent paper1 reported an experiment that recognition is expected when the task is diffi-
was carried out to investigate how variations cult; for example, when the duration of obser-
in luminance and spectral power distribution vation is brief and/or the target is small. While
(SPD) affect the ability to evaluate the this task difficulty proposal remains to be
emotion conveyed by facial expressions, a validated, supporting evidence is available
proxy for judgements of the intent of other from two studies. First, colour photographs
people which is considered to be a critical task have been found to provide significantly better
for pedestrians. This paper reports a second recognition of celebrities than grey scale ver-
experiment carried out with additional test sions when facial information is made less
luminances and SPDs to better characterise visible by blurring, an effect not found when
the relationship between performance and using non-blurred targets.4 Second, investiga-
lighting. tion of visual acuity at photopic levels of
Lighting in residential roads is intended to adaptation demonstrates that lamp SPD can
enhance the safety and perceived safety of affect foveal acuity when the task is small and
pedestrians, with one aim being to assist test participants are encouraged to guess the
recognition whether another person is likely smaller sizes not otherwise clearly visible to
to be friendly, indifferent or aggressive in time ensure they attempt the difficult targets.5
to make an appropriate response.2 Past studies There is evidence that facial expression and
tended to target facial recognition rather than body posture contribute to social judgements
judgements of intent. Lin and Fotios3 that are related to evaluation of threat.6–8
Willis et al.8 found that faces exhibiting
Address for correspondence: Steve Fotios, School of angry expressions were less approachable
Architecture, University of Sheffield, Arts Tower, Western
Bank, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK.
than those with happy expressions, and simi-
E-mail: larly so for emotions conveyed by body

ß The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers 2014 10.1177/1477153514547753

Lighting and recognition of emotion 965

posture. Approachability was defined as the occurs in the range 0.1–1.0 cd/m2: higher
willingness to approach a stranger in a luminances would produce negligible further
crowded street to ask for directions, which benefit but a lower luminance would lead to a
might be considered the polar opposite of a rapid decline in performance. However, with
judgement of threat intent and the resulting only three levels of luminance, this relationship
motivation to avoid. is not well defined.
Fotios et al.,1 therefore, carried out an Lamp type (SPD) did not affect recognition
experiment to investigate how lighting affects of facial expression. In trials involving recog-
a pedestrian’s perceptions of another person’s nition of body posture and gaze direction,
emotional state determined from facial however, there was a significant effect of SPD
expression, body posture, and observation of in those conditions lying in an apparent
gaze direction, extending investigation of the escarpment region, near the middle of the
relationship between lighting and interper- range of luminance and distance combinations.
sonal judgements beyond consideration of This paper reports a second experiment
facial recognition. The results (Figure 1) carried out to further investigate how lighting
suggested that task performance was affected might influence judgements of emotions con-
by luminance and interpersonal distance, with veyed by facial expressions, with the condi-
targets of higher luminance and larger visual tions used in previous work1 being extended.
size (i.e. shorter distances) tending to lead to a These changes were:
higher frequency of correct identification.  The number of test luminances was
Target size was varied to represent distances increased from three to six to better define
of 4, 10 and 15 m. For trials at 4 m, Figure 1 the relationship between luminance and
indicates a plateau–escarpment relationship performance.
between performance and luminance, with
data at the higher luminance approaching the  A third type of lamp (SPD) was included.
maximum expected performance of 81.3%.9 At
10 m and 15 m, the plateau is still approached.  An observation duration of 500 ms was
This relationship offers an approach to esti- used in addition to the 1000 ms duration of
mating appropriate light levels. For example, the previous work, this better representing
for recognition at 4 m the transition to plateau pedestrian behaviour.10 It was anticipated
that this shorter duration would make the
task more difficult and thus more likely to
reveal an effect of SPD.
Frequency of correct responses


16 HPS 4m
HPS 10m 2. Method
HPS 15m

MH 4m 2.1. Apparatus
MH 10m
The apparatus and procedure employed in
4 MH 15m
this experiment were as used in the first
0 study.1 Target images were photographs of
0.01 0.10 1.00
Luminance (cd/m2)
actors expressing a range of facial expres-
sions. These were obtained with permission
Figure 1 Results of facial expression identification from from the FACES database, a set of images of
Fotios et al.1 In these data, a frequency of 4 represents
the probability of giving the correct response by chance, naturalistic faces of younger, middle-aged and
and a frequency of 24 is the maximum score. older women and men, displaying each of six
Lighting Res. Technol. 2015; 47: 964–975
966 B Yang and S Fotios

facial expressions described as anger, disgust, luminous screens do not have an internal light
fear, happiness, neutrality and sadness.9 source and instead require ambient light for
Twenty-four images were used, these being display images to be seen. The non-self-
six expressions from each of four target luminous status was used to avoid the con-
people: a young male, a young female, an found of screen-generated light combining
old male and an old female. Figure 2 shows with the test light conditions. While the facial
the examples of these images. expression photographs provided by the
Target images were presented on a non- databases are in colour, at the low light
self-luminous screen (Pixel QiÕ PQ3Qi-01, levels of the current study, the target images
10.1-inch display) having a resolution of showed very little colour. The difference
1024  600 pixels. Self-luminous screens are between achromatic and coloured target
those that require an internal light source images is being explored in parallel work.
(back light) to present screen images, and thus The screen was located inside a test booth
emit light to their surroundings: non-self- (Figure 3) permitting changes in luminance

Figure 2 Sample of facial expressions from the FACES database.9 These are of a younger female with expressions
(from left to right) of angry, disgust, fear, happy, neutral and sadness. Website for image database: http://


Integrating box


Chin Iris
rest Screen damper
650 mm
110° Lamp

400 mm

Figure 3 Section through the apparatus used to observe target faces/bodies under different light settings.

Lighting Res. Technol. 2015; 47: 964–975

Lighting and recognition of emotion 967

(by adjustment of an iris) and SPD (by repeatability, and according to these past
changing lamp type) with negligible changes results should present a range of performance
in spatial distribution. The screen was placed from equal-to-chance level to a plateau of
on the floor of the booth and lit from maximum performance. At the 0.65 m view-
overhead: it was observed from a distance of ing distance the targets sized to present
0.65 m which was maintained using a chin rest equivalent distances of 4 m and 15 m sub-
with forehead restraint. tended visual angles of 172 min and 46 min,
2.2 Test variables While the past studies of facial recognition
Eighteen lighting conditions were used. tend to prescribe continuous fixation on the
There were three types of lamps: High-pres- target, evidence from eye tracking suggests
sure sodium (HPS: 2000K, S/P ¼ 0.57, this is unrealistic with fixations on other
Ra ¼ 25) and two types of metal halide (MH: people showing unfamiliar behaviour being
4200K, S/P ¼ 1.77, Ra ¼ 92, and CPO: 2868K, typically approximately 500 ms.10 In the cur-
S/P ¼ 1.22, Ra ¼ 70). Six light levels were rent experiment, two observation durations
used: Screen luminances of 0.01 cd/m2, were included, 500 ms and 1000 ms, the latter
0.03 cd/m2, 0.10 cd/m2, 0.33 cd/m2, 1.00 cd/ being included to enable comparison with
m2 and 3.33 cd/m2, as measured using a results from the first study.
Konica-Minolta LS100 luminance meter.
Note, however, that for the MH lamp, 2.3 Procedure
limitation of the apparatus meant that the Each test session started with 20 minutes
highest luminance used was 2.50 cd/m2 rather for adaptation to the low light level. A series
than 3.33 cd/m2. This range of luminances of practice trials were used to present and
represented illuminances of approximately 0.2 confirm understanding of the response
lux, 0.6 lux, 2.0 lux, 6.0 lux, 20 lux and 60 lux options. Initially, the available options (e.g.
at the surface of the screen, covering the range six different facial expressions) were shown
of light levels expected in residential streets in simultaneously to illustrate all possible
the UK, and with a range of greater than two options. Twenty-four example face targets
log-units giving reasonable expectation of (the six expressions for four actors not used as
detecting an effect of light level. Luminance targets in trials) were shown in random order
of the floor to the immediate side of the under office lighting conditions and without
screen was higher than that of the screen, and time limit to allow these expressions to be
luminance of the rear wall visible immediately learned.
above the screen was lower, giving luminance The responses sought were judgements of
ratios (surface/screen) of approximately 1.5 emotions conveyed through facial expression
and 0.65, respectively. (anger, disgust, fear, happiness, neutrality or
The sizes of target images were manipu- sadness). Each target was presented for one of
lated to represent two observation distances, two durations (500 ms and 1000 ms) with no
4 m and 15 m. The shorter distance was time limit for input of the subsequent
included as it is a foundation of current response. Responses were given using a
standards,11 the longer distance because this button box, with one button for each of the
is a better estimate of the distance at which six available responses.
pedestrians desire to look at other people in a Experiments using the three different lamps
natural outdoor setting.10,12 These two dis- were carried out in separate blocks, and lamp
tances were used in previous work,1 a com- order was balanced. For a given lamp, the six
parison hence enabling a measure of luminances were carried out as separate
Lighting Res. Technol. 2015; 47: 964–975
968 B Yang and S Fotios

blocks, with luminance order being balanced. 27 years. All test participants had normal or
For a given combination of lamp type and corrected-to-normal visual acuity as tested
luminance, the target images (faces of differ- using a Landolt-ring test, and all had normal
ent expression, size, and duration) were pre- colour vision according to their performance
sented in a random order. on the Ishihara test carried out under a
This was a repeated measures design and daylight-simulating source.
each participant carried out 1728 trials, this
being every combination of lamp (three),
luminance (six), duration (two) and distance 3. Results
(two) for the 24 target images. To reduce
target fatigue, the experiment also included For each trial, data were recorded as ‘1’ for
three blocks of trials with body posture correct identification or ‘0’ for incorrect
targets, one block per lamp type, but these identification. For each combination of lumi-
data were not analysed. nance and size and lamp there were 24 facial
Twenty test participants were recruited expression targets, and for each test partici-
from staff and students of the University of pant their score was the number of correct
Sheffield, and other residents of Sheffield. identifications from these 24 targets, hence
They were paid a small fee for their contri- leading to a distribution of 20 scores (across
bution. The sample included 11 males and the 20 test participants) from which statistical
nine females and their ages ranged from 18 to measures were derived. The results are shown
50 years with an approximate mean age of in Figure 4 and Table 1. These are the median

HPS 4m 1000ms
HPS 4m 500ms
HPS 15m 1000ms
HPS 15m 500ms
16 MH 4m 1000ms
MH 4m 500ms
12 MH 15m 1000ms
MH 15m 500ms
CPO 4m 1000ms
CPO 4m 500ms
CPO 15m 1000ms
4 CPO 15m 500ms

0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00
Luminance (cd/m2)
Figure 4 Median frequencies for correct identification of emotion from facial expression. The legends show lamp
type (HPS, MH or CPO lamp), simulated target distance and duration of presentation.
*For MH lamp, the highest luminance used was 2.50 cd/m2 rather than 3.33 cd/m2 due to a limitation of the apparatus.

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Lighting and recognition of emotion 969
Table 1 Median frequency (and interquartile range: 25th to 75th percentile) of correct identification of emotion
conveyed by facial expression

Median frequency (and interquartile range) of correct identification of facial expression

Simulated Luminance HPS lamp MH lamp CPO lamp

distance (cd/m2)
to target (m) 1000 ms 500 ms 1000 ms 500 ms 1000 ms 500 ms

4 3.33* 21 21 20.5 21 21 20.5

(18.75–23) (19–22) (19–22) (18.5–22) (19–22) (18–22)
1.00 19 20.5 20 20 20 20
(17–21) (18–21.25) (18.5–21.25) (19–21.25) (19–22) (17.75–21)
0.33 20 20 20.5 19 18 19
(18–21.25) (16.75–21.25) (17.75–22) (18–20.25) (16–22) (17–22)
0.10 17 18.5 18 16 18 16.5
(15–20) (14–20) (15.75–20) (14.5–17) (15–20) (15.5–20)
0.03 11.5 10 11.5 10.5 13 11
(10–14.25) (7.75–13.25) (9–14.25) (7.75–13) (10.25–15.25) (8.75–13)
0.01 5 5 5.5 5.5 5 4
(3.75–6) (2.75–7) (4–6.5) (4–7) (4–7.25) (4–5.25)
15 3.33* 15 14 14 13 14.5 13
(12.75–17) (11.25–18) (11–15.75) (9.75–15) (12.75–17) (9–16.25)
1.00 13 10 10.5 11 11.5 10.5
(10–15) (7.75–13) (8.75–13) (7–12) (10–14.25) (9–13.25)
0.33 9.5 7.5 9 7 9 6.5
(6–11) (4–10.25) (5–10.5) (5.75–9.25) (4.75–10.25) (5–8.5)
0.10 5 5 5 4 5 5
(4.75–7) (4.75–6.25) (3.75–7) (4–5.25) (3–6) (3–6)
0.03 4 4.5 4 4 4 4
(2.75–4) (4–5) (3–4.25) (3–6) (3–5) (2.75–5)
0.01 3 4 4 4 4 4
(2–4) (3–5) (3–6) (3.75–5) (3–4.25) (3–4.25)

Note: for these data, maximum frequency is 24; chance frequency is 4.

*Note: for MH lamp, the maximum luminance used was 2.50 cd/m2 rather than 3.33 cd/m2 due to a limitation of the

frequencies and interquartile ranges for cor- conveyed by facial expression, which may be
rectly identifying emotion from facial expres- due to the larger visual size subtended. There
sion. The six facial expressions per target lead appears to be little difference in task per-
to a 1/6 probability of correctly identifying formance between the HPS, MH and CPO
the expressed emotion by chance, a frequency lamps.
of 4 in Figure 4. Figure 4 suggests a plateau–escarpment
As luminance increases, there is an appar- relationship between light level and correct
ent increase in the probability of correctly judgement such as characterises visual per-
identifying emotions conveyed by facial formance.13 At higher target luminances,
expression. Little effect of observation dur- performance reaches a plateau above which
ation can be seen when the frequencies of increasing luminance gives diminishing
correct identification were higher than 16 or returns in terms of increased probability of
lower than 8. However, in the range of 8–16, correct identification. At low target lumi-
the frequencies of correct identification with nance, performance is at chance level and
longer duration (1000 ms) were slightly higher further reductions in luminance do not reduce
than trials with the shorter duration (500 ms). performance. In the intermediate range, the
Shorter interpersonal distances increased the escarpment, a change in light level can affect
probability of correctly identifying emotions performance more appreciably.
Lighting Res. Technol. 2015; 47: 964–975
970 B Yang and S Fotios

At luminances in the range 0.01– significant (p50.001) with the target’s larger
0.10 cd/m2, facial expression recognition at size leading to a greater frequency of correct
15 m was no better than chance level. At 4 m, recognition. Application of the Wilcoxon test to
for luminances of 0.33 cd/m2 or above, compare results for the 4 m and 15 m distances
frequencies of correct identification of facial in each of the 36 test conditions (six luminance
expression reached a plateau of approxi- levels, three lamps, two durations) suggests that
mately 20 (83.3%), similar to that found the differences are significant (p50.001), except
when the FACES database was validated for five cases, these results being at chance level
under good lighting conditions with unlimited at the lowest light level of 0.01 cd/m2.
exposure durations (81.3%).9 The Friedman test does not suggest that
lamp type has a significant effect on categor-
ical judgement of facial expression for any
4. Analysis luminance or target size with any duration of
observation (p40.20 for all 24 combinations
Four variables are examined: Luminance,
of duration, luminance and distance).
lamp type, equivalent distance and duration
Since the effect of lamp type was not
of observation. Determination as to whether
significant, subsequent analyses were carried
these data (the frequency distributions) were
out using the mean result across lamp type for
drawn from a normally distributed popula-
each participant for each combination of
tion was carried out using a range of metrics
(including skewness, kurtosis, Kolmogorov– duration, distance and luminance.
Smirnov test and Shapiro–Wilks test). The The Wilcoxon test suggests a significant
results were not conclusive. Statistical ana- effect of duration (p50.01) in four of the 12
lyses were therefore carried out using non- conditions, these being for luminances of
parametric tests. For confirmation, these 3.33 cd/m2 and1.00 cd/m2 at 15 m, and for
analyses were subsequently repeated using luminances of 0.33 cd/m2 and 0.03 cd/m2 at
parametric tests and these led to the same 4 m, with performance at 1000 ms being higher
conclusions being drawn. than at 500 ms. Three of these cases lie in the
Analyses of these data required multiple escarpment region of the performance curve.
application of the statistical tests, and thus to The Friedman test suggests that luminance
reduce the risk of capitalising on chance (a has a significant effect on correct identifica-
type I error) the results were interpreted with tion of facial expression (p50.001) for all
reference to a threshold of p  0.01 (rather combinations of size and duration.
than the standard p  0.05) and with obser- Differences between adjacent luminance
vation of the overall pattern rather than the pairs were examined using the Wilcoxon test
result of any one single test. as shown in Table 2.
The effect of target size (simulated distance) When the five adjacent pairs of six lumi-
is suggested by the Friedman test to be nances are considered separately using the

Table 2 Results of Wilcoxon tests on the effect of luminance for adjacent pairs

Combinations of Significance of differences in expression recognition for adjacent pairs of the six luminances

conditions 0.01 vs 0.03 0.03 vs 0.10 0.10 vs 0.33 0.33 vs 1.00 1.00 vs 3.33

4 m, 1000 ms p50.001 p50.001 p50.001 p ¼ 0.276 p ¼ 0.021

4 m, 500 ms p50.001 p50.001 p50.001 p ¼ 0.021 p ¼ 0.089
15 m, 1000 ms p ¼ 0.625 p ¼ 0.001 p50.001 p50.001 p50.001
15 m, 500 ms p ¼ 0.294 p ¼ 0.011 p ¼ 0.003 p50.001 p50.001

Lighting Res. Technol. 2015; 47: 964–975

Lighting and recognition of emotion 971

Wilcoxon test, significant differences years old) in the previous work. Figure 5
(p50.01) were found for 13 cases. For seven shows these data, with correct expression
cases, the differences were not suggested to be recognition frequencies being averaged
significant (the shaded cells in Table 2). These across lamp type. For trials at 15 m, results
cases are those whose frequencies of correct of the two studies coincide: for trials at 4 m,
identification are on the plateau rather than the current experiment found slightly higher
the escarpment of the performance curve, i.e. performance than did the previous experi-
when task difficulty is either at a maximum ment. The Mann–Whitney test for independ-
and where extra luminance does not lead to ent samples was used to compare results from
better performance, or at a minimum where the two studies for each combination of
judgements are at chance level. distance, luminance and lamp type. This did
not suggest any difference between the two
studies to be significant in 10 cases (p40.12)
5. Discussion but for two cases (HPS, 0.01 cd/m2, 15 m and
MH, 0.10 cd/m2, 4 m) the difference was close
5.1. Repeated trials to significance (p ¼ 0.08 and p ¼ 0.06, respect-
One aim of this work was to validate by ively). It was therefore concluded that, for
repetition the results of a previous study.1 The similar test conditions, the original and repeat
conditions common to both experiments are a experiments led to similar results.
duration of 1000 ms, distances of 4 m and
15 m, the MH and HPS lamps, and lumi- 5.2. Optimum luminance
nances of 0.01 cd/m2, 0.10 cd/m2 and These results demonstrate that the ability
1.0 cd/m2. The samples compared are the 20 to recognise emotions conveyed by facial
participants in the current study, who were expression is affected by luminance and
aged less than 50 years, and the 15 partici- target size: Higher luminances and shorter
pants from younger group (aged less than 45 distances (i.e. subtending a larger visual size)

24 Current results ( 4 m)
Frequency of correct identification

20 Fotios et al., 2013 (4 m)

Current results ( 15 m)
Fotios et al., 2013 ( 15 m)

0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Luminance (cd/m2)

Figure 5 Median frequencies of correct identification of facial expression with duration of 1000 ms from young group
plotted against luminance. These data are for observers aged 550 years with a presentation duration of 1000 ms,
averaged across lamp type, for the current study and from previous work.1 Error bars show the interquartile range.
Note that for clarity the data points for the first study have been translated slightly to luminances of 0.0105 cd/m2,
0.105 cd/m2 and 1.05 cd/m2 rather than 0.01 cd/m2, 0.10 cd/m2 and 1.0 cd/m2.

Lighting Res. Technol. 2015; 47: 964–975

972 B Yang and S Fotios

tend to increase the frequency of correct luminance would be required to confirm these
judgements. The three additional luminances estimates.
used in the current study better define the An alternative approach to identifying the
relationship between luminance and perform- optimum luminance is to set the probability
ance than did the first study.1 In particular, of correct recognition expected and interpol-
the plateau–escarpment relationship is exhib- ate the luminance required to provide this for
ited more clearly: with a diminishing increase a given task. For a 50% probability of correct
in performance after a certain high luminance identification, the current data suggest lumi-
and/or short distance is reached, and reducing nances of approximately 0.03 cd/m2 at 4 m,
to chance performance at low levels of lumi- and 1.0 cd/m2 at 15 m. Further research is
nance and/or large distances. required to establish what the correct prob-
An effect of duration was found in judge- ability of recognition should be and whether
ments of facial expression for those condi- this changes with distance.
tions lying on the apparent escarpment, but
not in the plateau regions. No effect of lamp 5.3. Individual expressions
type was found for any condition. The above analyses utilised the recognition
According to the escarpment–plateau rela- rate averaged across all six expressions. It is
tionship, the knee in the curves provides one expected that different expressions will have
estimate of an appropriate light level. Figure 4 different recognition rates. Table 3 shows the
indicates an optimum luminance of 0.33 cd/m2 results from Ebner et al.9 when validating
for recognition at 4 m. The first study suggested their FACES database under good lighting
a minimum luminance in the range 0.1–1.0 cd/ conditions with unlimited exposure durations.
m2 if facial expressions were to be identified The happy and neutral expressions were
accurately at 4 m: the conclusion interpreted correctly identified most frequently and the
from the current data is within that range. sad and disgust expressions identified least
The data for 15 m do not appear to have yet frequently. For the current data, the best
reached a plateau, with the apparent trend being conditions for expression recognition are
that luminances greater than 3.33 cd/m2 would those with the highest luminance
bring further increase in recognition ability. (3.33 cd/m2) and the largest size (4 m
However, it is not known whether the plateau of
maximum performance would be at the same
frequency of correct response as for the 4 m task Table 3 Proportion of correct identifications of unique
facial expressions as reported by Ebner et al.9 and as
since the 15 m targets subtend a smaller visual found in the current study
size than at the observer’s eye than do the 4 m
targets; this may result in a plateau of maximum Expression Proportion of correct identification
performance at a lower level of performance. Ebner Current data
Linear extrapolation was carried out for et al.9
Best conditions Worst conditions
the 15 m data by extending the trend exhibited 3.33 cd/m2; 4 m 0.01 cd/m2; 15 m
by luminances from 0.1 cd/m2 to 3.3 cd/m2
and for results averaged across lamp type and Happy 0.96 0.95 0.14
Neutral 0.87 0.93 0.32
duration. The frequency plateau for the 4 m Angry 0.81 0.80 0.11
distance (81%) is reached at a luminance of Fear 0.81 0.79 0.12
44 cd/m2, while a lower frequency of correct Sad
response (f ¼ 16: 66%) is reached at a lumi-
nance of 7.5 cd/m2. Further tests at a higher The expressions are listed in descending order as
defined by the results of Ebner et al.9

Lighting Res. Technol. 2015; 47: 964–975

Lighting and recognition of emotion 973

distance): the proportions of correct recogni- The effect of SPD and duration were inves-
tion, and the rank order of correct recogni- tigated at two such conditions: (i) the fear
tion, are in good agreement with those of expression at 1.0 cd/m2, 15 m and (ii) the
Ebner et al. The worst conditions for expres- happy expression at 0.33 cd/m2, 15 m. For
sion recognition are those with the lowest control a third case was also examined, (iii)
luminance (0.01 cd/m2) and the smallest size the happy expression at 0.33 cd/m2, 4 m, this
(15 m distance): Other than for the neutral being an apparently easy condition where an
expression, the proportions of correct recog- effect of SPD and duration would not be
nition in these conditions are around that expected.
expected by chance performance (0.17). Within each of these three cases there were
Under good visual conditions, Table 3 six conditions, these being the six combin-
suggests differences in the ability to recognise ations of the three lamp types and the two
different facial expressions. Figure 6 shows durations. The Friedman test did not suggest
the experimental results of Figure 4 broken differences between these conditions to be
down by facial expression, with these data significant for cases (ii) and (iii), but was close
being averaged across lamp type and dur- to significance for case (i) (p ¼ 0.08). The
ation. Past studies1,3 have suggested that an Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test was used to
effect of SPD is more likely to occur when the examine individual pairs within cases (i) and
task is difficult, identified here as conditions (ii): This did not suggest the effect of SPD to
falling in the escarpment region of Figure 6. be significant, but did suggest the effect of

Angry, 4m
Disgust, 4m
Frequency of correct responses

Fear, 4m
Happy, 4m
16 Neutral, 4m
Sad, 4m
12 Angry, 15m
Disgust, 15m
Fear, 15m
Happy, 15m
Neutral, 15m
4 Sad, 15m

0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00
Luminance (cd/m )
Figure 6 Median frequencies for correct identification of emotion from facial expression for the six expressions at the
two test distances (as identified in the legend). These data are averaged across presentation duration and lamp type.
*For convenience, data for the for MH lamp at 2.50 cd/m2 are merged with data for the CPO and HPS lamps at
3.33 cd/m2.

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974 B Yang and S Fotios

duration to be significant in two situations observation durations of 500 ms and 1000 ms

(fear, 1.0 cd/m2, 15 m, p50.01; happy, was significant in the middle of the range of
0.33 cd/m2, 15 m, p50.05) with a lower fre- conditions between chance level and the
quency of correct expression recognition at plateau of maximum performance; SPD did
the shorter duration (500 ms). not have a significant effect.
Optimum luminances were interpolated
5.4 Further work from these data to explore how this might
This work is reported to better understand be done pending investigation of other influ-
the relationship between lighting and expres- ences such as target colour and glare. For a
sion recognition through understanding of 50% probability of correct identification,
how performances changes with variation in the current data suggest luminances of
parameters of lighting and the task. The approximately 0.03 cd/m2 at 4 m, and 1.0 cd/
optimum luminances described should not m2 at 15 m.
be taken as recommendations. Before doing
so, better understanding is needed of further
parameters including glare, luminance uni- Acknowledgements
formity, three-dimensional targets rather than
images, and the influence of target contrast Images used in these trials were taken, with
and colour. permission, from the FACES database devel-
Six facial expressions were used in this oped by the Max Planck Institute for Human
work, of which one might be considered a Development.
positive emotion (happy), one ambivalent
(neutral) and four to be negative (angry,
disgust, fear and sad). Further experimental Funding
work might consider whether it is appropriate
to use all six expressions, or whether it might This work was carried out through funding
be interesting to pick the most salient for received from the Engineering and Physical
interpersonal evaluations (e.g. fear) or to Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) grant
balance the number of positive and negative number EP/H050817.
emotions presented during trials.

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