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Rajesh Tiwary, Been there almost everywhere in India Related Questions

Updated Feb 9, 2015

My Fav List : What's the most motivating one-liner ever?

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7. एम ् एन ् सयं ूेम Question Stats

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118 Public Followers
8. अहमिःम योधः Last Asked Mar 26, 2017
I am a fighter Edits

9. एतदिप गिमंयित
This, too, will pass

10. शातं जीवनम ् , अमरं ूेम

Eternal Life, Undying Passion

11. शि.ः दुद/ये0छाश2याः आग0छित

Strength comes from an indomitable will.

12. सदै व दे ववं दशयािम

I always manifest divinity

14. ूेम शांि तः आनंद5

Love,peace and happiness

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What are some of the best written lines in Sanskrit? - Quora

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अनुगिृ हता अः/यहम ्
I am blessed

16. एकं जीवनम ्, एकः अवसरः

One life one chance

17. ःवामानं जानीिह

Know thyself

18. सदै व मम ूेम

Forever my love

19. िद7यः ूकाशः

Divine light

20. हस िसिह मंदं ग0छ च

Smile, breathe and go slowly

21. याऽायां सखा जीवने क:णा

In travel, a companion, in life, compassion.

22. ूेम सयमिःत

Love is truth

23. ूितकूलतायाः शि.ः

strength through adversity

24. मा किःमंि5त ् िविसिह

Trust nobody

25. मृयुः न कदा=यःमापृथ2किरंयित

Death will never separate us

26. सः र&तु मयानुर.ां सवान ्

May he protect everyone i love

26. शि.ः कृ पायु.ं जीवनमिःत

Strength is having a graceful life

27. मम जीवनःय ूेम

Love of my live

28. यदाहं जीवािम , अहमाशंसे

while I live, I hope

29. जीसस मम शि.ः

Jesus is my power

30. ःवामानं बोध

Awaken to your true nature

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मम ष@मAिियम ्
My sixth sense

32. न कदािप ःव=नदशनािवरिमंयािम

I will never stop dreaming

33. भिवंयकालं मा कथय

Do not predict the future

34. सहै रेण ममैकामता

I am one with god

35. सवD Eानं मिय िवFते

All that I have to learn is within me

36. अहमिःम पिवऽता ईरः इ0छित

I am the purity god desires

37. ूितकारतमः मागः

The path of most resistance

38. जीव ूणँय च प5ाIापेन िवना

Live and die without regret

39. अःमासु ूयेकः तःय िनयतेः अिधपितः

Each of us is master of his destiny

40. ूेम कु: यदा श2नोिस, ः न िवःतः

Love when you can, tomorow isn’t promised.

41. ईरः मां र&ित

God protects me

42. आनंदः अिःत ःवीकृ ितः

Happiness Is Acceptance

43. सयूेम शातमिःत

Real love is forever

44. ःविपंयािम यदा िॆये

I will sleep when i die

45. सारKयं शि.ं प&ौ य0छित

Sincerity gives wings to stength

46. अंतः अिःत ूारं भः

The End is the Beginning

47. कालः सवD िवरोपयित

Time heals everything

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सदै व सMदयD पँय
Always see beauty

49. एतदिप गिमंयित

This Too Shall Pass

50. िवासः तवामिन एव

trust in only yourself

51. ःवामानं ूित सयेन वतN

I am true to myself

52. पुनजमने िॆयामहे

We die to be reborn

53. तपिरवतनं भव
Be the change

54. ःवाभािवका भव
Be yourself

55. सदै व वया सह

Always with you

56. सयानंदः अंतरतः िवFते

True happiness lies within
57. ःपशः िवरोपकः अिःत
To touch is to heal

58. पिरवतनमेव िःथरमिःत

The only constant is change

59. मम सवमिस
You Are My Everything

60. का:Oयेन सह िवरोपय

Heal with compassion

61. मुि.ः वIः आग0छित

freedom comes within yourself

62. ूेम सवान ् जयित

Love conquers all

63. मा कदािप यज

Never give up

64. यशूािQः अिःत िनयितः

Being successful is destined

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What are some of the best written lines in Sanskrit? - Quora

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ूयेकासः पािरतोिषकमिःत
each breath is a gift

66. ूेम ईरःय महIमपािरतोिषकमिःत

Love is Gods greatest gift

67. सदै व ःवामानं ूित सयेन वतःव

Be true to yourself always

68. ूेमािःत मम शि.ः

Love is my strength

69. मम िनयितं िनय0छािम

I control my destiny

70. सववःतूिन कारणोRवािन

Everything happens for a reason

71. सयानंदः अंतरतः िवFते

True happiness lies within

72. ईरः मया सहाःतु

God be with me

73. केवलमीरः मां िवEातुं श2नोित

Only god can judge me

74. ते मम %दयं य0छािम

I give you my heart

75. तव गुणामा यज

Do not leave your values

76. एतदिप पिरवितंयते

This too will change

77. सववःतूिन कारणोRवािन

everything happens for a reason

78. ईरे िवासं करोिम

in god i trust

79. पिरविततुं शि.ः

Power to change

80. मा कदािप वद िॆयःवेित

Never say die

81. आमानं जानीिह

Know yourself

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What are some of the best written lines in Sanskrit? - Quora

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जीवनं महाहमिःत
Life is precious

83. अनुभवः वाःतिवकतािःत

Perception is Reality

84. मम शि.ः वIः आग0छित

my strength comes from you

85. तव परमानंदं मृगयःव

Find your bliss

86. तव कम िनय0छ

control your karma

87. जीवनं जीिवतुं प5ाIापेन िवना

To live life without regrets

88. शांयां िवरम

Rest in peace

89. प5ाIापः न, भयं न

No regrets,no fear

90. िनरामयमनः िनरामयशरीरे

sound mind in sound body

91. सयं ूशःयतरं ौUायाः

truth over faith

92. जीवनमनुरज, Vढं जीव

love life, live hard

93. सकारणजीवनं जीव

Live a life of purpose

94. कुटु ं बं कीयाः ूाक्

Family Before Fame

95. भयमेवािःत शऽुः

Fear is the only enemy

96. याव0Yवासो0Yवासं करोिम, आशां करोिम

while i breathe, i hope

97. &मां कतुD शि.ः

Strength to forgive

98. िॆयंतां जीवतः सवN

everything that lives must die

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अपयशः नािःत िवकKपः
Failure is not an option
100. मम ् शरणम ् ग छा म *
I am going to the refuge of almighty

101. सदै व मम %दये

Forever in my heart
102. ईरः अिःत मम शि.ः
The lord is my strength.
103. शि.ः ौUायाः आग0छित
Strength comes from faith
104. सदै व शातं च
Always and forever
105. सयं िकमिःत?
What is truth?
106. यथाथपिरपूणत
 ा अपिरपूणा भवतु
true perfection has to be imperfect
107. सयं ूेम अमरम ्
The love never dies
108. न कंिचत ् शातम ्
Nothing is permanent
109. िवासघातः तवामानं रि&तुं न श2नोित
Deceit can’t save your soul
110. नायेन तूIमेनव
ै ालम ्
Nothing but the best is good enough
111. असतो मा स[मय
lead me from the unreal to the real
112. मुंच तव मनः
Free your mind
113. आमदीपः भव
Be your own light
114. श2याः धैयम
From strength comes courage
115. ःव=नां ि\ु ं धैयD करवाम
we must dare to dream

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What are some of the best written lines in Sanskrit? - Quora

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सारEः भव
Be realistic
117. अश2यःय पृ0छां कु:
Demand the Impossible
118. ःवःव=नेषु ौUां कु:
Believe in ones dreams
119. ःवामानं मुंच
Liberate yourself
120. नवारं भः अयारं भःयांतादायाित।
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.
121. ईरः मम र&णकता
God is watching my back
122. सयं दुःस^तमं दुःखम ्
Truth is the Most Exquisite Pain
123. मातृ दे वो भव
िपतृ दे वो भव
Honour thy mother as God.
Honour thy father as God.
124. बोधात ् भवित संमोह:
संम ोहात ् ःमृितिवॅम:
ःमृितॅंशात ् बुिUनाशो
बुिUनाशात ् ूणँयित
From Anger comes Delusion,
From Delusion loss of Memory,
From loss of Memory the destruction of Discrimination,
From the destruction of Discrimination, one Perishes

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1. Raghuvamsam (Mahakavi Kalidasa)

हे /नः संल आयते ^bनौ िवशुिU: ँयािमकाऽिप वा ।

Hemnah samlakshyate hyagnau vishuddhih shyaamikaapi va.

The purity or otherwise of gold can be tested only when it is put through the fire.

िबया िह वःतूपिहता ूसीदित ।

Kriyaa hi vastoopahutaa praseedati.

Knowledge imparted only to a fit recipient will yield the desired result.

पदं िह सवऽ गुणैिनधीयते ।

Padam hi sarvatra gunairnidheeyat.

Good qualities put their footprints everywhere.

िभन:िचिह लोकः ।
Bhinnaruchirhi lokah.

People have varied tastes, likes and dislikes.

मरणं ूकृितः शरीिरणां िवकृ ितजdिवतमु0यते बुधैः ।

&णम=यवित@ते सन ्यिद जतुनन

 ु लाभवानसौ ॥
Maranam prakritih shareerinaam vikritirjeevitamuchyate budhaih.

Kshanamapyavatishthate shwasanyadi janturnanu laabhavaanasau..

Wise men say that death is a natural thing for the embodied soul whereas life is
accidental. Even if one is able to breathe and be alive for a second, it should be
considered as a gain.

ःवशरीरशरीिरणाविप ौुत संयोग िवपययौ यदा ।

िवरfः िकिमवानुतापयेत ् वद बा^ैिवषयैिवपि5ताम ् ॥

Swashareerashareerinaavapi shruta samyoga viparyayau yadaa.

Virahah kimivaanutaapayedvada baahyairvishayaih vipashchitaam..

When the union and separation of the body (shareera ) and the indweller of the
body (shareeree, Jiva) is common knowledge, how could the separation (viraha)
from external entities cause grief to a wise person?

2. Kumarasambhavam (Mahakavi Kalidasa)

िवकारहे तौ सित िविबयते येषां न चेतांिस त एव धीराः ।

Vikaarahetau sati vikriyante Yeshaam na chetaamsi ta eva dheeraah.

Only he can be considered a dheera ( a person of courage) whose mind is not

disturbed or overcome by emotions even in the presence of objects of

ूायेण सामgयिवधौ गुणानां

पराhमुखी िवसृजः ूवृिIः॥

Praayena saamagryavidhau gunaanaam

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In most of the cases, the Creator Brahma is reluctant to assemble all the good
qualities in one place (person). (The idea is even the best of men will have a few

क ईि=सताथिःथरिन5यं मनः

पय5 िन/नािभमुखं ूतीपयेत ्॥

Ka eepsitaartha sthiranishchayam manah

Payashcha nimnaabhimukham prateepayet

Who can reverse the course of two things, namely, the mind which is steadfastly
clinging to the desired object and water which always flows from higher level to
lower level?

शरीरमाFं खलु धमसाधनम ्

Shareeramaadyam khalu dharmasaadhanam

The human body is the first instrument for treading the path of dharma

न रiमिवंयित मृbयते िह तत ्
Na ratnamanwishyati mrigyate hi tat

A valuable diamond does not seek, it is only sought after.

अलोकसामायमिचयहे तुकं

िjषित मदा5िरतं महामनाम ्

Alokasaamaanyam achintyahetukam

Dwishanti mandaashcharitam mahaatmanaam

Fools deride the character of great souls whose conduct and behaviour are
different from those of ordinary mortals who cannot think of possible reasons
for such difference.

ूायः ूययमादIे ःवगुणेषI

ू मादरः
Praayah pratyayamaadatte swaguneshoottamaadaarh

Respect or recognition by men of noble character instills into one a belief in

one’s own good qualities.

या0ञा मोघा वरमिधगुणे नाधमे लlधकामा

Yaachjnaa moghaa varamadhigune naadhame labdhakaamaa

Begging of a noble person and not getting what one wants is much better than
begging of a mean person and getting what one wants.

िर.ः सवN भवित िह लघुः पूणत

 ा गौरवाय
Riktah sarve bhavati hi laghuh poornata gauravaaya

Empty ( of wealth, knowledge, good qualities etc) one loses dignity and respect
in society. Fullness ( of wealth, knowledge, good qualities etc.) , on the other
hand, gives one dignity and respect in society.

आपनाितूशमनफलाः स/पदो ^ुIमानाम ्

Aapannaartiprashamanaphalaah sampado hyuttamaanaam

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कःयायतं सुखमुपनतं दु:खमेकाततो वा

नीचैग0छयुपिर च दशा चबनेिमबमेण

Kasyaatyantam sukhamupanatam ...(more)

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Anusha Sridharan, A line or two? take three!

Answered Apr 16, 2016

I love the other answers written here and I am thankful to you for asking me to
answer this.

There is a beautiful blog and I would like to take you there, where the best of
quotes from the Sanskrit classics are compiled. Most of my favorites are
mentioned here: QUOTABLE QUOTES - Gleanings from Sanskrit Literature

Some of the beautiful shlokas with the depth of life's essence (Source:
ScoopWhoop- 25 Sanskrit Shlokas That Help Understand The Deeper Meaning
Of Life ).

All time favorites include:

1. Sarveshaam Shanti Mantra or Peace Mantra, Meaning, Audio
2. Conclusion--The Perfection of Renunciation, Text 66.

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Kalyan Rao, Vagabond Mind

Updated Oct 27, 2014

I can not think of any other quote in Sanskrit this short and yet so deeply
तत ् वम ् अिस।

And yet, I find the following verse of the Nasadiya Sukta deeply intriguing:
कॊ ।आUा वॆद क।इह ूवॊचत ् कुत ।आअजाता कुत ।इयं िवसृि \: ।
अवाbदॆ वा ।आःय िवसजनॆनाथाकॊ वॆद यत ।आबभूव ॥६॥

But, after all, who knows, and who can say

Whence it all came, and how creation happened?
the gods themselves are later than creation,
so who knows truly whence it has arisen?

इयं िवसृि\यत ।आबभूव यिद वा दधॆ यिद वा न ।

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What are some of the best written lines in Sanskrit? - Quora

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Whence all creation had its origin,

he, whether he fashioned it or whether he did not,
he, who surveys it all from highest heaven,
he knows - or maybe even he does not know.[9]

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Raam S, PG Student of Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay

Answered May 29, 2014

A person with sufficient knowledge of Sanskrit can probably come up with

innumerable lines, but I will quote what came to my mind as soon as I read the

"कवयािम वयािम यािम" (Kavayaami, Vayaami, Yaami), the last the wordsof the
following poem:

का7यं करोिम न िह चा:तरं करोिम

यiात ् करोिम यिद चा:तरं करोिम।
भूपालमौिलमिणमिणडतपादपीठ हे
भोजराज कवयािम वयािम यािम।।

(Meaning: “I compose poetry but not very well. If I make an effort I may be able
to improve. O Bhoja, whose footrest is encrusted with jewels from the crowns of
kings, I compose poetry, I weave and, with your permission, I am going)

This verse, quoted by a weaver in the kingdom of King Bhoja, is an excellent

quote, whose beauty can be appreciated even by those who cannot understand

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Sanathkumara Dharmasthala, Senior Test Engineer at Evry India PVT.Ltd

Answered Jan 13

The best for you, may not be the best for me..!! Also best written lines is same as
best spoken sentences in Samskrutha.

Follow FaceBook page Samskrutha for more useful quotes.

I would like to say some best lines according to me:

परोपकाराथD इदं शरीरं - This life is to help others

यत ् भावो - तत ् भवित - You become what you believe

ॄs सयं - जगिमtया - Brahman is the only truth. The world is unreal

यथो हःतः तथो िि\ः - यथो िि@ः तथो मनः।-। यथो मनः तथो भावा - यथो भावा तथो

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Where your mind goes, the expressions must follow, and where the
expressions go, the emotions will follow.”

कुलःयाथN यजेदेकं मामःयाथN कुलं यजेत ् | - | मामं जनपदःयाथN आमाथN पृिथवीं यजेत ्
|| “One should sacrifice one's self-interest for the sake of one's family,
sacrifice one's family for the sake of one's town and town members,
sacrifice one's town and town members for the sake of one's nation, and
sacrifice the whole earth for the sake of one's soul enlightenment.”

िवFा िमऽं ूवासेषु भाया िमऽं गॄहेषु च | - | 7यािधतःयौषधं िमऽं धमाN िमऽं मॄतःय च ||
“Knowledge is your friend in the journey of life, wife is the friend at
home, medicine is your friend when you are sick but only Dharma
(good deeds following the righteous path) is a friend even after death”

कोिकलानम ् ःवरो wपं xीणां wपं पितोतम ् |-| िवFा wप कु:पाणां &मा wपं तपिःवनाम ् ||
“A nightingale is recognized by its sweet voice, a woman by her loyalty
towards her husband, ugly looking persons get recognition by their
knowledge, and sages by their patience and rigorous self discipline”

And the list continues. Sanskrit is a never ending language unlike any other in
the world (as per my knowledge). Let the glory of Samskrutham spread more
and more and more. Help improve the language.

Read Samskrutham

Speak Samskrutham

Write Samskrutham

Breathe Samskrutham

Grow by spreading the language Samskrutham

(Image taken from this WebSite )

!! शुभमःतु !!

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Aashish Jaisimha, A proud rational Indian

Answered Jan 7, 2017

The most powerful lines - with scientific proof -

ॐ भू : भुवः ःवः ।

तस॑िव॒तुवर े Oयं॒

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िधयो॒ यो नः॑ ूचो॒ दया॑त ्॥

Spiritual view:

Gayatri Mantra is believed as one of the most powerful and supreme mantras in
Hindu religion. According to the teachers and preachers of Krishnamacharya
lineage, Gayatri is the Mother of all the Vedas and has the power of destroying
all sins. Reciting Gayatri mantra brings the same glory and result as the
recitation of all four Vedas together brings. Every word of the Gayatri mantra are
arranged in a specific manner to create a powerful force and impact on mind,
soul and body. The significance of Gayatri Mantra is way too difficult to be
analyzed by humans in fact it’s beyond the human reach. However, the power of
Gayatri mantra can be felt by only the individual who enchants it.

Techniques of reciting Gayatri Mantra

There are certain rules and guidelines that has to be followed while enchanting
the Gayatri mantra. It is highly recommended that a person who recites Gayatri
Mantra should always close his/her eyes trying to concentrate on every single
word that are recited or pronounced. However, you can recite Gayatri Mantra in
any part of the day, but the preachers assert that it’s beneficial if you start your
day by chanting the powerful Hindu Mantra and reciting the mantra at night
will relax your body and soul to give you an undisturbed sleep rejuvenating your
body and mind.


1. Calms your unstable mind

The eloquence of Gayatri Mantra improves the cognitive and intellectual level
washing away the sins and purifying your mind, body and soul. Enchanting this
mantra makes you feel relaxed thus increasing concentration power. The first
word of the mantra starts with Om. The pronunciation of this ‘Om’ word creates
a sound sending vibration through your lips, tongue, back of your throat and
skull, which calms down your mind releasing the relax hormones to make you
feel relaxed.

2. Improves concentration and learning power

People who enchant the Gayatri mantra gain remarkable concentration and
memory power. Because chanting this mantra creates vibration first activating
your three chakras that are third eye, throat and crown chakras. These chakras
help in improving concentration linking directly to the brain, penial gland, eyes,
sinuses, lower head, the pituitary gland and thyroid gland. The vibrations of
chanting this mantra stimulated the glands improving concentrating power,
learning power and focus.

3. Improves your breathing pattern

While reciting Gayatri mantra you need to take deep controlled breaths
repeating regularly which will improve the function of lungs and therefore
improving breathing. Breathing deeply also helps to transport oxygenated
blood to the entire body.

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Enchanting this mantra remarkably relaxes a person’s breathing pattern that

helps in synchronizing and regularizing heart beats. Experts say that the
synchronized heart beating and functioning helps to keep your blood pressure
in control keeping heart diseases at bay.

Scientific view:

Dr.Howard Steingeril, an American scientist, collected #Mantras, #Hymns and

invocations from all over the world and tested their strength in his Physiology

Gayathri Mantra produced 110,000 sound waves per second.

This was the highest and was found to be the most powerful hymn in the world.
Though the combination of sound or sound waves of a particular frequency, the
Mantra is claimed capable of developing specific spiritual potentialities.

The Hamburg university initiated research into the efficacy of the Gayathri
Mantra both on the mental and physical plane of CREATION...

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Abinash Pradhan, Dreamer, Philosopher,Transpolytheistic

Answered Jun 10, 2015

There are many of them, in many scriptures, but I will quote few cool ones  :-P. 
(Few unavailable in Internet so can't quote source)

Natyantam Sarala bhavya, gatva pashya vanasthale
Schhidyante sarala statra, Kubjah tisthanti padapah.

Tr: Never be be so straight (simple) in life. Just go to the forest and see, the

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NB: "Sarala" means both straight and simple/innocent in Sanskrit.

Theme: In this world one needs to be smart and clever, to protect self from
crooked elements.

1. Ashakta Tashqarah sadhu,
2. Kurupa cha patvrata,
3. Roginah devata bhaktah,
4. Vriddha vaishya tapaswini.

1. Week crook becomes saint
2. Ugly woman is faithful too
3. Patients are devote to Gods
4. Old prostitute becomes a nun(female monk)
1. A rogue when, becomes week/powerless, claims that he became a decent man.
2. An ugly looking woman, boasts about how faithful she is to her
3. Usually "disbelievers" and those who rarely give a damn about GOD, suddenly
become devotee, religious if they suffer from any fatal disease (or any such
traumatic incident).
4. After earning a life time worth, by promiscuous acts/prostitution, the woman
when loses her youth hence "market value", usually becomes

Utsave vyasane cha eva, durbhkshe rashtra viplave,
Rajadware, smashanescha ya tisthati sa vandhava.

During celebrations and troubles,
And also during famine or civil-war,
 at the door of king or the funerals,
Who ever stays is the friend.

A best buddy will never forget to give you birthday bump or to remind your wife
that you forgot your anniversary. If you have a cash crunch you can always look
at him. You can knock at his door in the middle of the riot. He is the one who
bails you out from eve teasing and signal break cases (without letting your dad
know). you don't have to let him know there is a funeral, he will be there already.

And now the coolest one by Charvaka (Arguably worlds first liberal
democratic and atheist philosopher.There are even claims that Charvaka
was a group of sweet speaking individuals who propagated western style,
liberal, democratic, atheist values 3000 years before Christ!!!)

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runam krutya ghrutam pibeyat

bhasmi butasya dehasya punaragamanam kutaha.

Be happy as long as you are alive,
Do consume ghee even if you have to borrow.
Body once turned to ash (cremated) will never be back.

Live life King size.
Life is once and none has seen tomorrow..So why care..just chill...get the cool
bike and the latest ipad you want, "never mind the mortgage". Heaven and hell
are all lies to trick people into poverty so that rich enjoys the riches of his

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Arindam Pal, student of everyone.

Answered Oct 12, 2013

Shrinwantu vishwe amritasya putra

Arya dhamani divyani thasthu

From the Svetasvatara Upanishad.

Shrinwantu Vishwe Amritasya Putra- these verses tell us that humans are not
sinful creatures and can become immortal through their deeds, hence
amritasya putra… and to do so people have to embrace  knowledge and and
consider everything in the universe as one; the path to enlightenment and

from : Shrinwantu Vishwe Amritasya Putra

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Ila Chauhan, Rolling Stone

Updated Feb 14, 2016

I find this one quite interesting-

Yasyasti vittam sa narah kulinah

  sa panditah sa srutavan gunajnah |

sa eva vakta sa ca darsaniyah

  sarve gunah kancanamasrayanti ||

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All great qualities depend on wealth !

Another one is Ravan's Shiv tandav stotram

It's beautifully written and a treat to the ears. 

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Gayathri Ganesan, Tat Tvam Asi

Answered Apr 24, 2016

Kirtan, actually Sanskrit as a medium of expression evolved enable vedic

documentation and dissemination.. And most of that content centers around
meta-physical and philosophical faculties related to life and spirit only.

So every sentence in Sanskrit which a commoner encounters today carry some

immense depth of thought when originated so is very valuable in a way or the
other for the entire humanity...

Few I could remember -

A) Guru bramha .......... [ This verse proves how a teacher has to be revered ]

B) Agyana thimirandasya ...... [ My respects to the spiritual master ]

C) Na chora haryam..... [ How knowledge/vidya becomes the more precious of

all wealths ]

D) Parithranaya Sadhunam... [ To restore rightful living,  God expresses he will

take birth and correct deviations...Bhagavad Gita ]

E) Jathasyahi Druvo Mrthyuhu... [ Death follows Birth and Birth follows Death
and a saint will never bother about this.... Bhagavad Gita ]

F) Karmane vadhikarasthe... [ Do you Karma, Don't worry about the the fruits...
Bhagavad Gita ]

G) Ayathanavan Bhavathi... [ Very intresting sloka from Adharvana Veda. part of

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H) Shivah shakthya yukto yadi bhavati shaktah prabhavitum .. [ How Great Shiva
also needs Parvathi to start the creation in this world ]

I) Maa Nishada Pratistham Tvamagamahsāsvati Samaa .. [ First sloka of

Ramayana, as a Hunter came out breaking the Ant hill and transformed into
Valmiki....expressed looking at the agony of a bird watching its lover bird die
shot by another hunter ]

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Sai Charan Dachepally, Spectator

Updated Oct 17, 2016

These are some of the best lines I found in Sanskrit which explains the
importance of women.

1. vina sthreeya jananam naasthi

vina sthreeya gamanam naasthi

vina sthreeya jeevam naasthi

vina sthreeya shrushti yeva naasthi


without women there is no birth in this world

without women there is no momentum in this world

without women there is no life in this world

without women there is no world.

2.yatra naariyasthu poojyante ramayante tatra devatha


The place where women are worshiped is the place where gods reside

I got these lines from movies.

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Nikunj Agrawal, Salutes to Indian Army

Answered Apr 24, 2016

My favorite ones are from Shri BhagwadGita:

यदा यदा ह धमय लानभवत भारत ।

अयुथानमधमय तदामानं सज
ृ ा%यहम ् ॥

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धमसंथापनाथाय स%भवा म युगे युगे ॥

The meaning of these two slokas is:

Whenever there is decay of righteousness, O Bharata,
And there is exaltation of unrighteousness, then I Myself come forth ;

For the protection of the good, for the destruction of evil-doers,

For the sake of firmly establishing righteousness, I am born from age to age.

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Harsha Bhat, BE Computer Science, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara

College of Engineering and Technology (2008)
Answered Feb 10, 2015

nAbhiSheko na samskAraH simhasya kriyate vane |  vikramArjita satwasya

swayameva mRigendratA ||

No auspicious ablutions or samskAras like coronation etc (like it is done for

kings of the human race) are done for a lion in the forest. By virtue of its valour
and other virtues earned by this, lion by itself is the king of animals

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Meenan Vishnu, Senior Manager at Applied Materials (2016-present)

Updated Jun 24, 2017

“Best written” can be interpreted in many ways. Many people seem to enjoy feel
good word play lines which when you look deeper are devoid of any
significance. One test for such lines is to write these lines in your mother tongue
and show them to others. If their reaction is “Duh!,” then you know you just have
a word play line. Late Sanskrit compositions are full of such meaningless word
play. (One example is given in the movie Anbe Sivam at time 1.57.04)

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to read the Sanskrit works of Dharmakirti, Dignaga, Vasubandhu and Asanga.

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Harish Prabhu R, Proud INDIAN | Chemist | Spiritual | Simple :)

Answered Apr 16, 2016

Here are some of the best written Sanskrit slokas which are useful and effective
if chanted on daily basis provided if you have faith.

Please go through the below link.

Shlokas |

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Yogesh Chhitre
Answered Feb 9, 2015

Asto ma sadagamay
tamaso ma jyotirgamay
mritoydma amritamgamay
Tamso ma jyotirgamay.

Meaning :

Almighty Lead us from the unreal (falsity)  to the real( truth,  wisdom, 
knowledge )  from darkness to light.
From death to immortality.

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Vraj Patel, I don't drink but I know things.

Answered Oct 27, 2016

This is said by the great Chanakya.

1. चला लआमी5लाः ूाण5ले जीिवतमिदरे।

चलाचले च संसारे धम एको िह िन5लः।।

Money, soul, life, body, all these things go with time, only Dharma remains.

2. समाने शोभते ूीित रािE सेवा च शोभते।

वािण}यं 7यवहारेषु xी िद7या शोभते गृहे।।

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lady in the house. Similarly, friendships suit the best in the same social level.

3. उपसगN यचबे च दुि भ&े ज भयावहे।

असाधुजनस/पकN पलायित स जीवित।।

The person who moves away when a fuss or fight or severe drought is about to
happen, or when the wicked / enemy is around, makes the chances of his
survival certain.

4. िवFा िमऽं ूवासेषु भाया िमऽं गृहेषु च।

7यािधतँयौषधं िमऽं धम िमऽं मृतःथ च।।

While living away from home in foreign land, knowledge is the true friend. In
home, wife is the true friend. For a patient, the medicine is the true friend. And
after death, the faith (religion) is the only friend. So, all these friends should be
recognized in time and should be well taken care of.

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Gaurav Mittal, Training and Placement Cell Coordinator at National

Institute of Technology, Uttarakhand (2017-present)
Answered Apr 10, 2017

करामे वसते लिआमः करम€ये सरःवित ।

करमूले तु गोिवदः ूभाते करदशनम ् ॥

Karaagre Vasate Lakssmih Karamadhye Sarasvati |

Karamuule Tu Govindah Prabhaate Karadarshanam ||


1: At the Top of the Hand (i.e. Palm) Dwell Devi Lakshmi and at the Middle of the
Hand Dwell Devi Saraswati,
2: At the Base of the Hand Dwell Sri Govinda; Therefore one should Look at
one's Hands in the Early Morning and contemplate on Them.

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Ruchira Jain
Answered Oct 11, 2013

Sarve Bhavatu Sukhina, Sarve Santu Niramaya, Sarve Bhadrani Pashyantu

Ma Kaschit Dukhabhagbhaved....means .... let all be happy, let all be healthy, let
all be safe, let the sorrow not come in the life.....

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Rajan Singh, Learning Sanskrit

Answered Oct 11, 2013

Only One at this  point of time, I can think of वसुधैव कुटु /बकम ् Vasudhaiva
Kutumbakam . "This means whole world is one single family."

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Shambhavi Tripathi, Maktub!! It's written...

Answered Apr 15, 2014

2लैlयं मा ःम
गमः पाथा नैतव‚युपपFते
ौुिं ॑ुदयदौबKयं
यIवोिI\ परतप!!

Klaibyam maa sma gamah paartha naitat

Kshudram hridaya daurbalyam
tyaktwottishtha parantapa.

Yield not to unmanliness o son of Pritha. Ill doth it befit thee. Cast of this mean
faint heartedness and rise o scorcher of thine enemies

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Pradeep Desai
Answered Jul 3, 2016

The Mahavakyas - One from each of Veda.

1. prajñānam brahma - "Brahman is Prajña "

2. ayam ātmā brahma - "This Self (Atman) is Brahman"

3. tat tvam asi - "Thou art That"

4. aham brahmāsmi - "I am Brahman"

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Rt Mishra
Answered Aug 1, 2014

अमंऽम&रं नािःत नािःत मूलमनौषधम।्

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There is no letter which doesn't have charm (curative property).

There is no root which doesn't have medicinal property.
There is no man who is not able.
Rare is a person who knows its proper application

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Ankit Rawal, culturing through Sanskrit

Answered Dec 14, 2016

We are happy to announce the star

of a new venture initiated for promoting our ancient

languane, the Devavaani Sanskrit.

To make the language expressive in day to day life,

especially for the youngsters, we have decided to make

tshirts and other customised merchandise based on

Sanskrit shlokas. We also need supporters as well as the


Also a website is being made as which

will prove a great platform for Sanskrit's promotion.

Presently, we have launched some T-shirts and sweat-shirts

based on Sanskrit language and various moods.

T-shirts and sweat-shirts according to personal

customization would also be made, especially for schools,

colleges, offices and other groups.

Contact quickly for pre launch offers. Lets bring the glory of

Sanskriti back through Sanskrit as संःकृ ितः संःकृ तािौता।


8007881592, 9552553798


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Arosh Kumar Mishra, Btech(carpet&textile eng) from INDIAN

Answered Feb 12, 2017

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is to do your task not disturbing about your result) If you give100% to your work
then 100%comes back to you

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Mallikarjuna Ankinapalli, VLSI ASIC Engineer

Answered Jun 12, 2017

“satyam vada dharmam chara” - Four words with great inner meaning


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Rashmi Gokhale
Answered Apr 12, 2014

"Prithivyam trini ratnaani

Jalam Annam Subhashitam"

Meaning:The three most valuable things on earth are water,food and wise

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Answered Feb 11, 2014

I personally feel this is very good:

"Janani JanmaBhoomischa Swargadapi Gariyasi"

Mother and Motherland are greater than heaven.

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people - even medical professionals - are
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