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Technical considerations 29

Table 3.2 , Typical per-unit reactances for three-phase synchronous machines

Type of machine Xst xt X5 X2 Xo

Turbine generators 2 pole 0-09 0-15 1-2 009 0-03
4 pole 0-14 0-22 17 0-14 007

Salient pole with dampers 0-20 0-30 1-25 0-20 0-18

generators without dampers 0-28 0-30 1-2 0-35 0-12

Xst = sub-transient reactance

Xt = transient reactance
Xs = synchronous reactance
X2 = negative sequence reactance
Xo = zero-sequence reactance

Typical per-unit reactances for three-phase synchronous machines are given

in Table 3.2. The 'turbine generators' cover steam and gas-turbine-driven
generators and synchronous machines, and the values for salient-pole generators
are appropriate for hydro-power-plant generators.
For both transformers and machines, with equipment rating Sn and system
phase-phase voltage Vn, then the resistance and reactance of the equipment are
given by
R^Vr-f (3.1)

where vr and vx are the resistive and reactive components of the per-unit
impedance voltage of the equipment.

3.2.2 Transforming impedances

In distribution-system calculations very often the network to be studied involves
one transforming step plus the circuits at the two voltage levels. The values to be
used for the resistance and reactance of a transformer depend on whether the
higher- or lower-voltage side is being studied (Vn in eqns. 3.1 and 3.2). Similarly
the impedance of lines and other components, or the voltages and currents, on
the opposite side of the transformer must be converted before carrying out
circuit calculations. To study the system on side 1 of the transformer the
impedances on side 2 must be multiplied by (V\n/V2n)2. The equivalent
transforming ratio for voltages is V\n/V2n, and for currents V<injV\n. Here V\n
and V%n are the nominal voltages of the transformer.
A simple example will be used to illustrate how these transformations are
applied in distribution-system calculations. Consider the network in Figure 3.1

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