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mm oRAcLs_ 448 KEY FEATURES & BENEFITS FOR BUSINESS USERS + Steamtine procurement ang cont ‘mateal and component costs, + quant supper pertarmance to oveop more pofablerelsionsips ‘Manage suplrs moe etetvey, decrease the i of materi ehorages, and ensure tmely payments tothe bes pororing supers Achieve greater vty ito wnere ang how bot rest ans insretspenang| seevrs across the oganation * Gain grater effconcies trough he aby econnually mentor ans improve precuerent an bats ranage cots FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY * Accelerate deployment of Procurement {Spend deta watenause ‘Integrate supple ana prosuct ata tom ‘ltl soucos to prove busnass Users wth compete vw of procuremert & spend business processes * Tator analytes to peste procurement and pend uncon. nting spater ‘management ara sourcing + Adapt o canging eternal and neal needs by leveraging. nt replacing {xsting investments * Provides comprotensve use senvce capa to reduce te ourden (ORACLE DATA SHEET ORACLE PROCUREMENT AND. SPEND ANALYTICS Oracle Procurement & Spend Analytics, part of the Oracle BI Applications product line, help organizations to optimize thelr supply side performance by integrating data from across the enterprise value chain, thereby enabling executives, managers, and frontline employees to make more informed and ‘actionable decisions. Organizations using Oracle Procurement & Spend Analytics benefit from increased visibility ito corporate spend as well as the complete procure-to-pay process, with comprehensive analyses of procurement performance, supplier performance, supplier payable trends and employee expenses. Through complete end-to-end insight into the spend patterns and visibility across the procurement processes, organizations can significantly reduce costs, enhance profitability, increase customer satisfaction, and gain competitive advantage. Figure {. Procurement and Spend Analvics provides visibly into We complete procureto- pay process, Faster Time-to-Value and Better Business Results “Most organizations struggle to obtain timely and relevant data from teir enterprise systems The reasons are twofold. First, theres the explosion in both the volume and the complexity of | cerprse dala, which i fen fragmented across many disparate systems and departments Second, aditional BI systems used by many orpanizations cannot provide timely, cross ‘value-chain insight nor deliver it to large numbers of front-line users, where it has the greatest impact. Tratinal systems also require considerable development effort, take to long to deploy, end involve significant cost and risk. By contrast, Oracle BI Appl powerful, prebuil solution that enable organizations to implement quickly, with less ik, and ORACLE’ (ORACLE DATA SHEET sta fraction ofthe cost required to build traditional BI solutions. They provide rapid ime to- ‘alu, beter business resuls, and higher return on investment. Better Supply Side Effectiveness (race Procurement & Spend Analytics provides comprehensive visibility into every aspet of the company's procurement, including raw materials procurement, supplier performance, a spend, Oracle Procurement & Spend Analytics are tightly integrated with the othe solutions inthe Oracle BI Applications product ine, They combine data from procurement, inventor, and flillment systems with data from across the organization, including financial systems and customer relationship management (CRM) to deliver robust information to enbance customer satisfaction, increase operational effectiveness, and improve financial performance, Oracle Procurement & Spend Analytics enables Procurement users to ean wsbility into procurement and sourcing cots to biter understand how these impact profitability and «ustomer satisfaction, Oracle Procurement & Spend Analytes provides hundreds of powerful rmeties, alerts, and rors, delivered though intelligence dashboards, or mobile devices, that provide near real-time insight ino the entire procurement operation, enabling users eros all roles to make better decisions and tke appropriate ations. Procurement professionals ean ‘monitor specifi metris and reports, enabling them to compare the performance of a particular supplier to tht of others or performance benchmarks, aggregate disparate onder to 2 few strategie supplies, and reign in rogue spending aross multiple systems. Oracle Procurement & Spend Analytics enables organizations to compare purchase orders to invenory eves ons near reabtime bass, Improved Business Performance (Organizations depend on timely information to optimize performance, However, most ‘oxganizations lek this kindof isight because the data they noed is housed in disparate systems, including back-office, legacy, and self service systems such as Oracle iProcurement and Arita systems. Oracle Procurement & Spend Analyte provides source-specific business adaptors that dramatically reduce the time and efor required to extract and vansform data som disparate enterprise systems, including most legacy and lending commercial systems such as Oracle and SAP. The solution enables companies to more effectively manage their, customers and improve business performance by: ‘+ Providing timely direct and indirect spending data to all departments; reducing the time spent compiling, reconciling, and consolidating data rom fragmented systems: and spending more ime analyzing, making proactive decisions, and aking aetion + Analyzing detailed, tansation-level data to understand the factors driving supple performance, procurement costs, and identifying cost savings across business units, svgraphic locations, products, and procurement organizations ‘+ Optimizing cashflow through detailed accounts payable and procurement analysis snd improving performance by identifying the wost-performing supplies in terms schedule aerence or pricing inconsistencies Next-Generation Business Inteligence Platform Oracle Procurement and Spend Analytics is built on the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Editon platform, a next-goneration analytics platform that fully leverages existing {data warehouse and busines nteligence investment, Is built using standardscbased technology enabling easy integration with existing IT environments and support all eading relational and OLAP datasources. Moreover, Oracle Procurement and Spend Analytics provides suppor for large numbers of concurrent users with native suppor for mobile end tablet devices, multerabyte data sets, and the largest enterprise implementations. ORACLE [ABOUT ORACLE BI APPLICATIONS Oracle Business Il gence ‘Apacaions pave complete reat te, and enlrpie wid insight fo users. enabingfac-taseaactons and inliget interaction, Ossgnes for 5 eploymert at alow cast of awnersn, Oracle Business Il gence ‘Apalcaton are preult stuns tht feisingcomorate datasource, and are searesl integrates wih Oracle's sffecivenessacoos he entre custome ‘Al\OracleB Aplications are powered by rach Bl Enteric Eston, hah petomance, gy scalasle ana highly Folate next generation business Intigene platorn tat canbe uses to sxtard exiting arate solutions to moet any ntarpise Bt nee. informaton about Oracle Business Insaigence Appleatons is avalabe at ‘mm rain como (ATED PRODUCTS + Oradle Finscil Artes oracle HR Anas + Oral Procurement and Spend + Oracle Supply Chain and Orr Management Anais + Oracle Project Anas + oracle Product formation Management Avalics CRM Analytics ‘ade Sales Anais oracle Maretng Anaites Orne Serves Antti + Oracle Contact Center Arayies + Oracle Pater Anais + Oracle Loyalty Aalies rade Pree Anais + oracle Custer Data Management nals tafutl util Figure 2. Oracle BIAppleators are natvelyavalanle on mooie and adlet devices Including Apple Pad shown above Proactive Intelligence Urgent business circumstances demand immediate atenion, Oracle BI Applications provide proactive, event-based, ad schedule alerts that te delivered directly to users via emi, ‘mobile phones, and other portable devices, orto their personalized dashboard. This places powerful information in the hands of those who have to make daily decision, not just atthe tend of she quarter. For example, a produetion problem at a key supplier automaticaly wi trigger an alert, notifying stakeholders ofthe event in time to procure materials from a ‘ferent supplier an si il orders on time. Tn contrast, traditions BI solutions require wsers to discover problems manually thus the problem may go undetected fo days or weeks, 00 Fate o react in Gime to make an impact Oracle Procurement & Spend Analytics Applications Oracle Procurement & Spend Analytics provides robust supply-side information, metres, and ers that iteprate withthe oter applications in Oracle BI Applictions produc ine, They ‘aver his insight across the organization to increas the company's effectiveness in ‘managing its customers, suppliers, and financial decisions. Specific products enable ‘oeganizations to analyze detailed performance areas that ff customer satisfaction, revenue, profitability, and Spend Analyzer Creates visibility to spending pattems fr both dret and indivet spend, enabling users to ‘demi an realize the savings opportunites, with he ability to do the spend analysis by ‘commodities, supplies, supplier locations, buying locations, business units, cost centers, buyers and eon st usage, Supplier Performance Analytics Enables organizations fo have complete picture of the performance of their supplies ORACLE (ORACLE DATA SHEET including complete supplier scorecards, supplier price performance, delivery performance, pret receipt quality, on-time payment ratings, payment activity and volume and payments dd / overdue analysis, Procurement Performance Analytics Provides visibility necessary to monitor and optimize Procurement effectiveness on & continval basis to identify bottlenecks and tke proactive and coretive actions to minimize Impact, Example analyses inelude tacking unprocessed and unfliled requisitions or ‘monitoring PO input ratios, Employee Expense Analytics, Delivers understanding of how the money relate to travel and expenses is being spent through ereation ofa complete picture of Employee Expenses, including approval cycle times, expenses by expense ype, and expense report stats, Oracle Business intelgence in Fusion Applications Embedded Business Intelligence With Business Intelligence in Fusion Applications, a fll range of analytes i embedded directly into key business proceses, so users ata levels of an organization have the Information they need to make beter, more informed decisions. Oracle Procurement and Spend Analytics extends Oracle Fusion Applications with deeper insight into an organization's past, present and future performance trends. It delivers complete, consistent, ‘analyte information, to support the full ge of decision making need from tactical to strategie Procurement and Spend Analytics for Fusion In addition tothe existing modules ~ Spend Analyzer, Supplier Peeformance, Procurement Performance, and Employee Expenses; Procurement und Spend Analytics fr Fusion also includes an addtional module for Sourcing which wll provide Category Managers, Buyers and Procurement Managers additonal insight and analytics within the soureing process the fectveness of negotiations and the potential savings acruing fom them. Leverage your existing Oracle investments Whether your organization plans to deploy Pasion Applications today or sometime down the road, Oracle Procurement and Spend Analytics provides 8 consistent busines intelligence foundation that will support your existing deployment, and provide seamless bridge to your sion Bl implementation i the future. An investment in Oracle Procurement and Spend ‘Analyte today improves your readiness for Fusion Applications. ‘Summary ‘Acros industries, companies are facing increased pressure to minimize costs and achieve preter efficiencies. This means ensuring that expenditures on direct and indieect materials, 3s ‘wel asthe number of vendors who provide them, are carefilly controlled. festive procurement and spend management helps ensure that revenue targets are met by properly anticipating customer demand and ensuring that there is adequate inventory to fil orders (Oracle Procurement & Spend Analytics provide the functionality, lexbility and extreme usability reqited ro meet the needs of procurement professionals throughout the organization, Oracle Procurement & Spend Analytics reate powerful synergies with ll of Oracle BL ‘Applications products by ensuring tha ich operational end management insight belps drive all sourcing intatives, customer, supplier, and financial decisions, resting i lower costs, increased revenue, and greater profitability ORACLE (ORACLE DATA SHEET Contact Us Fr more information about Oracle Procurement and Spend Analytics, vist or call+1.600.ORAGLE1 to speak to an Oracle representative, ion 201. rt nr ae. A na ‘schoo ose omen purposes onan rs al esto change wi ce, Thi dosumat el arate be oe, tanya wararaso coco, waar eres ory imple we ped wane ces acaba oa papas. espe daca ry any win epee senmert ana onal clgmone ae ome one Srecly a aro a acura, coat raped or tannin any far by my mea een mecca ry eae wee ca erwin beet, SPARC hierar, AMD, Open he AO oe AMD Oslo og we eure fete Uae at avr Mo Dvn UNS ares Hardware and Software, Engineered to Work Together ORACLE

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