Affidavit of Desistance Solo

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I, _____________, also of legal age, Filipino, and likewise a

resident of Paraiso, Milagros, Masbate, after duly sworn to in
accordance with law hereby depose and state:

That I am the complainant in the Criminal Case no.against

Anthony Salavia in the case entitled “.

1) That after my sober and soul searching assessment and

analysis of the incident, I have realized that because i was
blinded by ire and resentment and after carefully evaluating
the surrounding circumstances that led to the filing of this
case against Antonio Salavia and Abnir Salinas Jr. I firmly
believe that the same was due to misunderstanding and
misapprehension of facts;

2) That our families have already settled the existing

misunderstanding and differences and have already restored
our harmonious relationship and I am no longer interested
in the further prosecution of the said case and hereby
respectfully prays before the Honorable Provincial Prosecutor
to DISMISS the above-mentioned cases;

3) That I am withdrawing my complaint against the accused and

clear them of whatever responsibilities or liabilities .

4) That I am formally informing the Provincial Prosecutor that I

am withdrawing my complaint in the Criminal Case no. 4842
against Anthony
5) That I am voluntarily executing this affidavit without fear or
favor from the accused or any person acting in their behalf
and i fully understand the import and contents hereof.

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereby set my hands this ______ day
of______________2017 at the City of Masbate.

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this____________________

at City, Philippines.

Provincial Prosecutor

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