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Community Development Engagement Plan

Bellarmine Hall

Foster development from resident, to SU student, to student leader, by utilizing a residential
experience plan grounded in intentional programming, active and passive outreach, and creating
meaningful interactions.

Change Model
Motivational Interviewing
Resiliency and Grit

CDEP Learning Outcomes

• At the end of the year, 80% of residents will express connecting with their peers, housing staff,
and faculty members in creating meaningful and lasting relationships.
• At the end of the year, 80% of residents will identify with a strong sense of community through
feeling like they matter and belong in their residential communities.
• At the end of the year, 80% of residents will report that they had the opportunity to explore
their academic interests, develop life skills, and discern future career pursuits.
• At the end of the year, 80% of residents will recognize their social identities and discuss the
impact of society on those identities in the residential communities.

Historical Review
The Skyfactor data of the previous year shows that we did not meet our goal of 85% across the
board in community, connection, exploration, and inclusive excellence. However, we did notice that if
added with the neutral responses, we could easily reach this year's goal of 80%. A thought to consider
for this upcoming year is how to tip the folks who were neutral into feeling they matter and belong, and
that they've created meaningful and lasting relationships.

Bellarmine Hall is the most centralized residence hall on campus. Community spaces should
reflect that through passive programming. All bulletin boards should have a purpose, and should have a
reason why residents should pay attention to them. The Fishbowl should be reserved for television
nights that promote community building, possibly with a schedule for its use during specific hit shows
and/or sports games.

Bellarmine CDEP

Residents --> SU Students --> SU Community Leaders

What they'll bring How RAs will foster

Residents Experiences Community Building
Opinions Sociograms
Hobbies Story-telling
Identities Outreach
*Help residents get acquainted
with the SU Community
SU Students Friends Identity exploration
Classes Campus partner collaboration
Passions Community-focused/High-value
SU Community Leaders Explored Values
Critical Thinking
Open Mind

Resident Assistants
Each RA... Each Floor... Each Theme Bellarmine Total for
Community... 2017-2018
• Lead 1 active • 4 programs per • Will have 2 • 96 active
floor program a month (2 programs programs
month (or co- active, 2 related to • 96 passive
lead 2 active passive) theme per programs
programs a • New bulletin month • 8 building-wide
month) board every • Will have decor programs
• Lead 1 passive month (due on related to
program per the 5th of each theme
month month)
• Assist in
planning 1
program per

Interest Survey
An interest survey will be implemented to allow consistent assessment of the residents'
interests in programming. It will be a bi-weekly online survey. It will be first implemented in the Social
Change and Advocacy theme community to assess effectiveness before implementing throughout the

Bulletin Boards
Bulletin boards do not count as programs. They are to be completed by the 5th of every month.
Guiding questions:
• Why does your floor need this bulletin board?
• How will you measure their learning?
• What are ways to make it interactive?

Program Proposal
Program Evaluation
• ConnectSU

Staff Meeting
Wednesdays, 8:00pm – 10:00pm, Bellarmine Education Center

1. Welcome
2. Energizer/Activity/Learning
3. A/AC Updates
4. RA Updates
5. RA Interactions
6. Recognition

Front Desk
The Desk Coordinator (DC) will work in conjunction with the Desk Assistants (DAs) to create a
meaningful community devoted to service and engagement within a residential setting.

*The front desk will need to change decorations at the front desk once per month, in conjunction with
the bulletin boards that the Resident Assistants will be doing.

There will be one Staff Meeting every three weeks on dates that are determined as acceptable by all.

Programming with Front Desk Staff:

There will be regimented programming for the Bellarmine Hall desk staff and it will be broken down to
this extent:

Passive Programs: (1 per month; on a Rotating basis)

• Games at the front desk, such as those that get the entire residential community involved.
• "Get to know your Desk Staff" -- random facts about a DC/DA and the student has to guess who
and they win a prize if they get it right.
• "Guess how many skittles in the jar" and get a prize (example)
• Free candy!
• Decorating the desk!

The Front Desk is encouraged to collaborate with RAs and/or Hall Council on at least two programs per
quarter. The Assistant Area Coordinator will help facilitate these programmatic endeavors.

Desk Staff Member Programming Responsibilities

Desk Coordinator (DC) Assist in facilitation of programs when needed; Get DA volunteers for
programming; Provide support for programs. DC will be able to use admin
hours to help with specific tasks related to programming ONLY IF there are
no other pertinent tasks needed to complete for the week.
Desk Assistant (DA) Each DA will be in charge of one small, passive program per month.

Learning Outcomes for FD Programming

1. Front Desk staff will have a greater understanding of how the Bellarmine CDEP includes every
student within the residential community.
2. Front Desk staff will feel more competent and confident within their programming capabilities.
3. Front Desk staff will be able to understand and acknowledge the needs of peers within a
residential community.
4. Front Desk staff will become familiar with program development and procurement of materials
and goods.
5. Front Desk staff will be able to adapt services to student needs and wants.

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