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I agree that it is important that punishment is issued with the primary aim of reducing

recidivism. In fact, recidivism forms a proper basis for comparing alternative consequences and
imprisonment. There is need to establish which of the two options present the society with the
best chance of achieving reduced crime rates. This is especially considering that prison Commented [G1]: Inserted: of
populations are increasing both locally and internationally and stakeholders are considering the
Commented [G2]: Deleted:at
viability of alternatives to imprisonment or community corrections in today’s criminal justice
system. Evidence from numerous studies has pointed to the fact that recidivism is reduced with
the adoption of alternative forms of punishment compared to incarceration. For instance, in a
study conducted by Wermink, Blokland, Nieuwbeerta, Nagin, & Tollenaar, (2010), the results
showed that offenders typically recidivate much less after community service compared to
imprisonment. Wermink et al. (2010) suggested that community service appeared to be a better Commented [G3]: Deleted:n
alternative for punishment compared to imprisonment. However, Jones (2014) argues that
alternative to imprisonment are not appropriate in every case because they are chiefly designed
to be used on offenders who do not endanger the safety of the public and do not pose a serious
threat to the society.
Correctional institutions should not be done away with, rather used alongside other
alternatives as measures effected to achieve deterrence or a last resort remedy for perceivably Commented [G4]: Inserted: s
hardened criminals who are a threat to the society (Wright, 2010). The impact of imprisonment as
a tool of treatment and rehabilitation should be challenged. Unlike the other alternatives,
incarceration is associated with psychological, physical, and dehumanizing impacts on inmates
and as a result, have been identified as one of the major causes of recidivism (Albrecht, 1987).
Lastly, alternatives to imprisonment play a significant role in saving correctional costs for
governments. According to Jones (2014), in 2000, states spent an average of a billion dollars
maintaining correctional facilities. Considering that the populations in prison are on the rise, this
spending figure could be higher today and may be reduced if alternative consequences are
pursued more actively.

Jones, C. (2014). Does Alternative Sentencing Reduce Recidivism? A Preliminary Analysis.

Xavier Journal of Politics, 5, 18-31.

Wermink, H., Blokland, A., Nieuwbeerta, P., Nagin, D., & Tollenaar, N. (2010). Comparing the
effects of community service and short-term imprisonment on recidivism: a matched samples
approach. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 6(3), 325-349.

Albrecht, H. J. (1987). Sanction policies and alternative measures to incarceration: European

experiences with intermediate and alternative criminal penalties. Criminal Justice Policy
Review, 2, 21-52.
Wright, V. (2010). Deterrence in criminal justice: Evaluating certainty vs. severity of punishment.
Sentencing Project.

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