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COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Sahiwal

(Department of Mechanical Engineering)

Course Title: Intermediate Fluid Mechanics Course Code: MEE502 Credit Hours: 3,0
Course Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Akram Programme Name: MS Mechanical Engineering
Semester: SP-18 Batch: 2 Section: - Date:
Time Allowed: 10 mintues Maximum Marks: 10
Student’s Name: Reg. No.
Important Instructions / Guidelines:
Read the question paper carefully and answer the questions according to their statements.
Mobile phones are not allowed. Calculators must not have any data/equations etc. in their memory.

Review Lecture Sheet. No 02

Q.No.1: (a)-Chose all correct option from given choices (Note: more than one option may be
correct). (Max Marks=10)
1. Reynolds Transport Theorem deals with
(a) Integral form of equations (b) Differential form equations (c) Mixed differential and integral
forms (d) None of above
2. Which component is dominating on the control surface phenomenon?
(a) Tangential component (b) vertical component (c) Angular component (d) all components has
same effect in flow field
(3. System by definition has
(a) Fixed mass only (b) identity only (c) Fixed mass and identity (d) system has no concern
with mass and identity
4. During the steady flow for a system in the RTT which term is zero?
(a) d(M)/dt



(d) Not any term is Zero

5. Velocity in the control volume without any assumptions
(a) Absolute velocity (b) Relative velocity (c) Free stream velocity (d) Instantaneous
6. Cavitation occurs when the pressure of any fluid is
(a) >Vapour pressure (b) <vapour pressure (c) = vapour pressure (d) at any
condition of pressure

7. Area vector is always to control surface

(a) Parallel (b) perpendicular (c) outward (d) no relationship exist

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8. RTT is applicable to conservation of
(a) Mass (b) energy (c) momentum (d) not applicable to any law
9. A general property B is representing the
(a) Extensive property (b) intensive property (c) property flow in the C.V (d) property flow at
control surface
10. Control volume can
(a) Move (b) can’t move (c) move within the control surface (d) statement is wrong

The End

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