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Assignment-1 (SW Engg.


Names of students with register numbers, mobile numbers and email IDs
1.Bidyadhar Mohanty(16CO212)
2.Soham Raje Patil(16CO249)

Title of the problem:

All-in-one Shopping HUB

Brief narration of the problem (as viewed by us):

It’s an all in one shopping hub, where the user can get the details of the products that
he wants to buy across all the popular E-commerce sites on one button click in sorted
There user can select a category from the list of categories (Ex- Electronics,
Appliances, Men, Women etc), then the user can select the product
specifications/details as per his knowledge(Ex-If the user selects Mobiles, then he/she
can select the specifications like RAM,Internal Storage,Camera megapixels etc.), there
is also a feature to enter the price -range and sort the results according to their price. If
the user clicks “Go!” he/she can get the get the results from all popular E-Commerce
Websites on ​swipes​ sorted according to the choice(price,popularity etc).The user can
also create a wishlist if he/she wants to add some product to buy later.The user can
also access all the trending-deals(Deals of the day) across popular E-Commerce sites
on one button click!

Brief work envisaged (in the SW Engg. Lab) for the proposed problem:

Selection of appropriate process-model for the development of the software

followed by collection of requirements.Listing out the appropriate tools required
for development and using them.Planning and analysing the performance of the
software at various stages.Designing and developing the software using
selected tools and working on user feedback,hence improving the application.
PART 1- SoftwareCrisis

Case 1:

Poor Implementation of user interface:

Implementation of proper and newer and trending, material design UI with attractive
colours and giving the choice to the user to change the theme dynamically.

Unavailability of some shopping categories:

Adding all possible Shopping categories and adding more E-commerce websites and
other filters for app based on reviews and feedback.

Poor Management of SQL Database leading to app crash:

Proper Use of Primary key, using optimized database, not storing sensitive data in
database (ex. Passwords)..Database can also be optimised by using external libraries.

Use of deprecated methods in Application resulting in crash on

certain devices​:
Providing an update replacing deprecated methods with new functions and providing
alternate methods for older android versions.

Improper Results for the search performed by the user:

Proper study and implementation of URL of every website.

Not providing enough offers to users which may decline user’s

interest to use the app:
Updating Deals of the day and if possible getting the API’s from E-commerce and
making deals with them to provide users with extra discounts.
Case 2:
Reasons for untimely delivery:
A lot of time is required for getting access to API’s from the shopping
After we get the API’s a variety of discount offers and search options will be added to
the app which will surely attract a lot of users.

Optimization of database consumes a great amount of time:

A proper structured and optimized database will prevent crash of app later on and will
ensure users interest.

An interrupt in launching app because of Oreo Android which led to

addition of many new methods and helped improve app.
This ensured proper running of app on Oreo Versions also(Ex-Adding picture-in-picture
mode(Oreo only feature) ).

Collection of continuous feedbacks from users during weekly

incremental updates
Weekly updates and feedback helped us to get clear idea of the project and the bugs
that were found out during the updates(through feedback) helped to optimize and debug
the app.

Implementation of User Interactive layouts

Replacements of common ListView with RecyclerView and GridView took a lot of time,
but it resulted in a lot more user interactive and attractive application.
PART 2-Context Diagram, Data Flow Diagram and ER-Diagram

Context Diagram:
2. Correct Data Flow Diagram:
Data Flow Diagram Made by the new Employee:

Following are the errors that are made by the new employee:
Error 1:​ The employee directly added the searched items to the database, but instead a product
should be added only if the user wishes to do so.
Error 2:​The employee sorted the results of the offers ,but instead it should be fed directly to to
Error 3: ​The employee made a common request for wishlist and product-search, but instead they
should be separate.
Error 4:​The employee stored the product details in a remote database, but instead a local
database is good enough to store the data.
Error 5:​There is an unnecessary flow of data from Sort to Deals of the day which results in
wastage of time in processing the information.It should be directly fed to the user.

Current ER Diagram:
ER Diagram after modifications
Following are the changes that were made:
1. Addition of Deals of the day Entity and its attribute(Daily offer) from which the user
can check the trending deals and of offers from the E-commerce websites.
2. Addition of new categories(Attributes) ie Home/furniture and kids to the search
3. New Attributes were added to the Sort Entity ie sorting based on Popularity and

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