Assignment 111111

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Addy Lane & Company

121 Rapture Road, Harrust, NH 03891; Phone: (657) 555-7744; Email:

October 11, 2015

Ms. Joyce Adams

Turner Industries
356 Thorn Avenue
Vigil, CT 06802

Dear Ms. Adams:

Per our phone conversation, yesterday I approved the new conditions of the business agreement with Turner
Industries. The table below outlines the revised terms. Please review this list and confirm receipt either by
return letter to me or email message at If you have any revisions to these terms,
please also include them in your reply.

Revised Business Agreement Terms

Section Title Summary of Revision

2b Materials Addy Lane & Company will split the cost with Turner
Industries for any materials used to manufacture products for
Addy Lane & Company.
11a-c Resources Resources from each company shall be shared for mutual
33a Communications Addy Lane & Company and Turner Industries shall meet
every other week for an assessment.
109b-d Profits The profits between the companies on shared merchandise
now will be split 50/50.

Please also confirm these new employee names and positions at Turner Industries:
 Doreen Liner, Administrative Assistant
 Frank Cart, Manager
 Anthony Boyd, Web Administrator

Thank you in advance for your assistance with these details. I look forward to a long-term business

Addy Lane & Company


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