Class NL Feb

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F’s 2nd Grade

February 26, 2018

Student’s Days
This Week Homework
Off: This week we are beginning
Unit 4-Week 4 “I Like Where I Am.”
March 7- Picture day is Monday, Feb. -Spelling M-Th
26th. Please send your “FANCY”
Parent Teach- child in for this day. -Read at least
er Confer- In Math, we are currently in Unit 5-
Reasoning with Measurement and Data. I have re- 20 minutes/
ences ceived feedback from parents that the Interactive Stu-
dent Addition G2 (which can be found in your Nightly
March 30- child’s “Library”) on gomath AKA ThinkCentral has -Math Packet
Teacher really helped them to assist their child with our new
math standards. Please visit this resource for Unit 5
(due at end of
Workday (Chapters 8-10 in gomath) and go through Chapters week)
8, 9 and 10 along with your child to support them in
their math growth. -Any unfinished
April 2-6-
Parent/Teacher Conferences are held on an as classwork
Spring Break needed basis. I have sent out notices (2/23/18) ac-
cordingly. Keep in mind that you are encouraged to
request a conference at ANY time of the year that
you have concerns.

Specials Schedule

Day 1 - PE
Day 2 - HN
Day 3 - ART
Day 4 - MUSIC

Daily Schedule

Mon., Tues., Wed.

& Fri.
Lunch –11:45-12:30
Specials - 1:00-1:40
FLES-Tues. & Fri.

Early Dismissal-1:30 *Spelling words for the week can be found at
*Please review the lunch menu with your child.
*SPILLPROOF water bottles!
*Snack should be sent in everyday

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