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• For both characters, I would like for their personalities to be reflected in their costumes, as well as their
interests and possibly hobbies, as a visual way of building character.

• Cary’s character is someone who indulges in behaviour that goes against societal norms (drinking,
smoking, drug use), and so I’d have her wear dark colours to represent her bad behaviour. Also, as my
film is meant to pander to teens, and because it is an indie film, I would have her wearing styles that indie
teens wear.

• Cary also isn’t a self conscious person, and so is comfortable wearing more revealing clothes.
• Tristy’s character is similar to Cary’s in that her personality is are reflected in her costume. Tristy is a much
more closed off and shy person compared to Cary, and so she would wear less revealing clothes
compared to Cary. Not only that, Tristy wears more colours than Cary, as she doesn’t have as many
traumatising events in her life as Cary, and thus the ‘colour’ in her life hasn’t gone yet.

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