Recording Identifying Classifying Measuring Verifying Analyzing Interpreting Communicating Financial Information

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Definition of Accounting Nature of Accounting

A systematic process of identifying, Accounting is a Science

classifying, measuring, recording, summarizing,
verifying, analyzing, interpreting, and  A body of knowledge which has been
communicating financial information of an systematically gathered, classified, and
organization to enable users to make decisions. organized.
Accounting is an Art
Identifying  It requires knowledge, interest and
Classifying experience, techniques and proper
Business Financial
Transaction Verifying
Information application, skills and expertise to maintain
Analyzing the books of accounts in a systematic
Communicating manner.
Accounting is an Information System
Identifying  Used to identify and measure economic
activities, process the information into
• Recognition of non-recognition of business
financial reports and communicate these
activities as accountable events
reports to different users of accounting
Recording information.

• Business related transactions are recorded Accounting is a Profession

in an orderly manner (journalizing)
 Career that involves acquiring a specialized
Classifying formal education before rendering any
• Grouping together similar types of business
transactions in one place Accounting is a Language

• posted in ledgers (posting)  Referred to as the “language of business”

because it helps users understand what is
Summarizing happening inside of the business.
• Classified information is presented in a form
that is understandable and useful to users
Objectives of Accounting
• Preparation of Balance Sheet and Income
Statement 1. To maintain full and systematic records of
business transactions.
Analyzing 2. To calculate the result of operations whether the
• Establishes the relationship between the business earned a profit or incurred a loss.
items in the statement of financial position 3. To ascertain the financial position of the
and statement of comprehensive income business.
4. To facilitate rational decision making and
Interpreting communicate the financial information to users.
• Explaining the meaning and significance of
the relationship established by the analysis
Functions of Bookkeeping
1. Record Keeping
• The results obtained from the summarized,
analyzed and interpreted information are Accounting is important in the sense that it
communicated to the interested parties enables a business to maintain a complete and
orderly prepared records of business events.
2. Protecting of Properties • India - Chadragupta Minister Kautilya wrote
a book “Arthashastra” - how account records
Accounting provides the business owner a
can be maintained
record relating to what the entity owns in the form
of assets and what it owes in the form of liabilities • 1122-256 BC
3. Communication of Results • China - used sophisticated government
accounts during the Chao Dynasty
Accounting communications financial
information to relevant users like owners, • 622 AD
managers, investors, employees, government
• Arabian Peninsula - developed the Islamic
sectors, etc.
accounting system
4. Meeting Legal Requirements
• 642 AD
Accounting develops and designs a system of
• Zakat encourage accounting for the
record keeping and reporting the results.
calculation and payment
• 1494 Fra Luca Bartolomeo de Pacioli
History of Accounting
• an Italian Mathematician
• 700 years - accounting records have been found
• Father of Accounting
in Mesopotamia which shows lists of
expenditures and goods received and traded • introduced Double Entry System
• 5000 BC - Ancient Mesopotamia, Babylon, • trial balance (summa summarium) is the
Assyria and Sumeria left evidence of early end of Pacioli's accounting cycle
accounting and bookkeeping records on clay
tablets • oldest discovered record of a complete
double-entry system is Messari (Italian:
– Clay Tablets - use to record transaction Treasurer's) accounts of the Republic of
Genoa in 1801
– Cylinder Seal - administrative tools much
like signature • Industrial Revolution
• usually about 1 inch long inscribed • 18th Century
with figures and cuneiform writing
• double-entry system was used instead of
• 1000-3000 BC - used the account to record the the single entry
safekeeping of gold and the valuables in
treasures • Colonial America

eye and ear of the king - the accountant • relied on the single-entry method or narrative
accounts of transactions
• Babylonia - City of Commerce, to uncover
losses due to fraud and to uncover losses due to • Industrialized world resulted
inefficiency • Chartered accountancy was developed
• Greece - to apportion the revenue received and formed
maintaining total receipts/payments and balance • Certified Public Accountants - licensure
of government financial transaction exams are necessary
• 700BC - 400 AD • Computerized Accounting
• Romans - used memorandum or day book • began in 1955
(adversaria) to record receipts and payments
and posted to ledgers or cash books (codex
acepti et expensi) on monthly basis
• 20th Century authorization, and other controls
implemented by management
• Securities and Exchange Commission were
created in 1933 to 1934 External Auditing
• 21st Century • examination of financial statements
by an independent party with the
• sets government standards
purpose of expressing an opinion as
to the fairness of presentation and
compliance with GAAP
• Deals with taxation matters
• Deals with the basic accounting processes of
recording, classifying, and summarizing • Includes preparation and filing of various tax
transactions in the books of accounts in such returns, helps clients follow rules set by tax
a way that operating result of a particular authorities, rendering of tax advice to clients,
period and financial position on a particular such as determination and verification of tax
date can be known consequences, the effect of taxes on the
business operations, tax minimization
• Five basic financial statements - statement of through legal means and other tax related
financial position, statement of matters
comprehensive income, statement of cash
flows, statement of changes in equity, and COST ACCOUNTING
notes to financial statements
• Deals with the recording, classification,
MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING allocation and reporting of current and
prospective costs
• Relates to the use of accounting data
collected with the help of financial accounting • In manufacturing business, it is necessary to
and cost accounting for the purpose of policy keep the records of daily stocks in hand, their
formulation, planning, control and decision- issues and receipts, payment of wages,
making by the management overhead charges, fixing the sale-price of the
• Deals with the transactions of the national
government and its different agencies • Deals with teaching students to gain
knowledge and develop skills to achieve a
• Focuses on the safekeeping of public funds, recognized profession in Accounting
budget allocations and utilization
• Deals with research on the fundamentals
• Deals with the inspection and verification of issues of accounting affecting the business
the financial statements, which were and regulatory authorities
prepared in the financial accounting, for
accuracy and consistency
2 Types of Auditing
Internal Auditing
• Evaluating the adequacy of a
company's internal control structure by
testing segregation of duties, policies
and procedures, degrees of

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