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1. Here is an extract from an article entitled What these kids need is discipline. Read it
and, using the ideas given, write a descriptive essay on the ideal parent
Write 300 words. 50 points.

What these kids need is discipline

my children knew how to rate my
Jonathan Myerson explains why he professional life was when I was
has decided to be as strict with his nominated for an award for one of
children as his father was with him. my stories – my lucky break. Briefly,
I was elevated in their eyes. When I
I’m a very old-fashioned and strict didn’t win I felt that I had let them
parent, like my own father. He down, which is ridiculous. I had one
wanted me to become a barrister, like little cry because I felt I had failed.
him, but I used to say to him that I have inherited from my father a
he’d made me secure enough not to strong sense of the importance of
worry about having a proper job. He doing the right thing. And, like him, I
was very disappointed when I said I am strict, even though I lack the sort
was going to be a writer, but I think of authority bubble he had around
that was out of anxiety: he didn’t him. In the right context, my children
know how I would survive in the are allowed to be rude to me – they
world. might call me ‘fat face’ in a jokey
As a child I was really proud of my way, when I would never have dared.
father. I have an image of him, six But I’m also very authoritarian: I
foot five inches, broad-shouldered, believe strongly in proper bedtimes,
wearing a smart suit and tie and that chores have to be done and that
behaving maturely – an image I feel I certain times of the day - when Julie
should live up to. My father had and I have an evening drink – are
status in other people’s eyes. I worry reserved for adults, which the
that I didn’t give my children that. children are not allowed to interrupt.
They don’t see me wearing a suit and Some parents of our children’s
going out to work or having status: friends have told Julie that their
they see me slobbing around at home children are scared of me because I
in shorts and no shoes. am so strict with my own children. I
I think children want to feel proud know I have quite a demonic image
of their parents because it makes in a few families’ eyes. But I want to
them feel secure. The one time that make my children into the sort of
children I want them to be.

2. Using the given article, What these kids need is discipline, write a letter of
complaint to a social worker, informing him/her about the unpleasant experiences you have
lived so far with such an authoritarian parent.

Write between 200-220 words. 50 points.

Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.

Timp de lucru: 3 ore
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