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Summative Task - Heritage Minute Outline


Students will:

● learn about the significant periods or topics during confederation, researching one event
or era in-depth and creating a videotaped “Heritage Moment” about it;
● locate information and make notes using a variety of sources about their chosen topic
and have them create a dramatic scene and narration based on their research;
● be performing their own dramatic scenes using appropriate settings, costumes, and will
combine these with recorded narration and complementary pictures that they have
● acquire a greater interest in Canadian history by actively portraying significant moments
from our past.


This project will be completed over a three week period, based on content that will be covered in
3-4, 45 minute class periods per week. Lesson length and frequency may change depending on
unforeseen events (IE. Snowday, struggling with content in both history or other subjects, PD
days, etc.)

The final product should include:
- An excellent understanding of topic in influencing Canada’s development including
historical accuracy of people/events.
- An understanding of the political, legal, social, and economic changes that occurred
within their topic.
- A short narrative that informs the audience of the historical contribution of the subject.
- A storyboard that shows your planning and reflects organization and preparation.
- A written script.
- interesting and relevant information using a variety of cited sources including secondary
and primary sources. (Students are discouraged from using Wikipedia)
- All elements of the assignment are completed with a consistent effort.
- Demonstrates excellent creativity and original ideas

Following the overview, each student selects an era of particular interest and is grouped
according to the era/topic chosen (groups of four to five).

Step #1 – Each group will be given a box of resources to help provide further background on
their chosen topic. Each group will have a designated leader to keep the resources intact and to
help each group member progress as required. Students will now research their topic.

Step #2 – After students have read background information, they generate a list of sub-topics
that interest them.

Step #3 – Students meet within their groups to compare their lists of sub-topics and each
student selects a sub-topic to research in depth and to create a scene around. Students read
about their particular sub-topic and refer group members to information found relating to their

Step #4 – Students record significant information in “jot note” form. (Students have learned this
particular skill during previous resource-based units). Students must accumulate approximately
5 items of information about their sub-topic.

Step #5 – As students near the end of their research, we teach them how to develop and write a
script for the skit. Students will watch heritage minute commercials to gain an understanding of
what is expected (

Step #6 – Students will identify a particular fact or event from their notes that will make an
interesting and dramatic scene. They discuss their choices with their group members. Each
student writes a script that includes important information such as political, legal, social or
economic changes during confederation.

Step #7 – Students write narration to introduce or conclude their scenes and gather pictures,
maps, etc. to illustrate their narrations, designating when each is to be used. Students locate
sound effects (tapes, CDs) and music to enhance their dramatic scenes and/or narrations.

Step #8 – Students memorize dialogue for each scene and rehearse with group members. With
the teacher, they gather props and costumes and locate appropriate settings for their scenes.

Step #9 – Students will present their heritage minute to the class.

Date Assigned: January 26th, 2017

Due Date: February 9th, 2017

**Please have this outline signed and returned by January 31, 2017**

Student Name: Parent/Guardian Signature:

_________________________ _________________________

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