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p NAME: Brendan J


“The Odyssey”
Part One
● Book 1: A Goddess Intervenes
Lines 1-17:
Between lines 1-17 the main idea is that while Odysseus is gone the
suitors are taking advantage of his family. The suitors are eating and
using all of Odysseus family’s stuff. Telemachus (Odysseus’s son)
went to go tell him about the suitors. When Odysseus son went to
find Odysseus the suitors are planning to kill Telemachu. Odysseus is
being held captive.

● Book 9: New Coasts and Poseidon’s Son

“I Am Laertes’ Son”
Lines 1-29:

Odysseus is Laertes’ son, who is from Ithaca. He was detained by

Calypso and Circe. He misses his home and wants to return there.
“The Lotus Eaters”
Lines 30-55:
Odysseus’s crew landed on a new land. The people who live there
lived off of Lotus blossoms. Odysseus’ men ate some Lotus and did
not want to go home, so he had to drag them on the boat.
“The Cyclops”
Lines 56-67:

The cyclops were in the next land that Odysseus came to. There were lawless
and savage creatures. They did not work the land for food.
Lines 68-115:
Odysseus and his men rowed over to the cyclops island. They saw all
the sheep and goats that belonged to the cyclops. All Odysseus took
was his 12 best fighters, some food, and a goat skin of his special
Lines 116-210:
Odysseus and his men explored the Cyclops’ cave and he came back
while he was still in there. They asked him for help or gifts and the
cyclops refused. The cyclops ate 2 of Odysseus’ men, but Odysseus
could not kill him because they could not move the rock covering the

Lines 211-281:

The cyclops ate more of Odysseus’s men in the morning. When the
Cyclops left, Odysseus and his men made a huge spiked pole. When
Cyclops came back Odysseus made him drunk and told him his
name is Nohbdy.
Lines 282-346:
When the Cyclops passed out Odysseus and his men drove the spike into the
cyclops’ eye and blinded him. When other cyclopes asked who was hurting him,
he replied nobody. Odysseus helped his men hide under the rams bellies to

Lines 347- 419:

Odysseus’ men and him successfully escaped under the rams. They boarded
their ship and started rowing to sea. Odysseus started to taunt the Cyclops throw
a hill top at the ship and almost hit them.The men begged Odysseus to shut up,
but Odysseus kept taunting.
Lines 420-484:
The cyclops talks about a prophecy that said that Odysseus would blind him.
Then the Cyclops prayed to Poseidon that Odysseus would never see his home
or that it would be a long time before he sees it again. He also prayed for
Odysseus to lose all his friends, and then he threw another rock at them.

● Book 10: Circe, the Grace of the Witch

Lines 1-45:
Odysseus’ men found the hall of Circe. The men heard her sing while
weaved fabric and they decided to greet her except for one officer.
She made them a meal and turned them to pigs, The one officer went
back to the ship to tell the others.

● Book 11: The Land of the Dead

Lines 1-23:
Odysseus promises to sacrifice a cow and a black lamb. He makes
the sacrifices and is surrounded by dead people. He draws his sword
and waits for Tiresias.
Lines 24-73:
While Odysseus is waiting Elpenor came to talk to him and asked him
for a proper burial. Then Odysseus’ mother came and he was sad to
see his mother has died. Finally Tiresias showed up to talk to

Lines 74-117
Tiresias tells Odysseus not to raid the cattle on Thrinacia. He says
when Odysseus comes home he will find men trying to court his wife.
After he has taken care of those men he has to take an oar and plant
it in the turf in a spot then make a sacrifice to Poseidon.

● Book 12: The Sirens; Scylla and Charybdis

Lines 1-29:
Lady Circe tells Odysseus about the Sirens. SHe says he will have to
plug his Oarsmen ears with wax so that their singing will not make
them forget their home. She said if Odysseus wants to hear their
song that his men should have to tie him to the mask.
Lines 30-59:
Next, Circe tells him about the Scylla. She is a huge creature with 12
legs and 6 heads. No ship can pass her without death striking.
Lines 60-108:

Tiresias tells Odysseus not to fight Scylla. She said death and
destruction would happen if he tried. Then she reminds him not to
raid the cattle on Thrinacia.
Lines 109-149:
Odysseus and his men get onto the ship and gets the wax ready for
his oarsmen ears. His men tie him to him mast and they sailed past
the sirens. After that Odysseus and his men see smoke off in the
distance in the water and had to reassure his men that it will be ok.
Lines 150-205:
Odysseus gets to Scylla and gets attacked by her. The storm and the
attack was awful, Odysseus loses 6 men to it. it was the worst attack
Odysseus has ever suffered.
Part Two
● Book 17: The Beggar at the Manor
Lines 1-46: Odysseus is mocked and abused by suitors.
● Book 21: The Test of the Bow
Lines 1-40: suitors building a bow
Lines 41-93: Penelope want beggar to shoot bow
Lines 94-140:some suitors want to see Odysseus/beggar shoot a bow,

some are scared he will do the best, but then he shows the suitors

● Book 22: Death in the Great Hall

Lines 1-59: Odysseus got rid of the suitors

Notes: Odysseus went out and got lost within the islands. He got
stuck with African Natives, he got stuck with a Cyclops that led to him
getting cursed, and later he was attacked by the Scylla. This Odyssey
lasted for 10 years and got him to his land to set a journey to save his
lady. He had to dress as a beggar to not get killed by the suitors and
later on he took a bow and got rid of the suitors. After All of Odysseus
Journeys he finally got home and saved his lady.

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