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Notice of Violation of IEEE Publication Principles

“A 160-2550MHz CMOS active clock deskewing PLL using analog phase interpolation”
by Maxim, A.
in the Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference, 2004. Digest
of Technical Papers. ISSCC.
15-19 Feb. 2004 Vol.1, Page(s):346 - 532

After careful and considered review, it has been determined that the above paper is in violation
of IEEE's Publication Principles.

Specifically, the paper contains information that Adrian Maxim admits had been falsified. In
response to an inquiry on this misconduct, Mr. Maxim acknowledged that the following people
who have been listed as co-authors on several of his papers are fabricated names and that he is
the only author:

C. Turinici D. Smith S. Dupue

M. Gheorge R. Johns D. Antrik

Additionally, in papers by Mr. Maxim that have co-authors other than those listed above, it was
discovered in some cases that he had not consulted with them while writing the papers, and
submitted papers without their knowledge.

Although Mr. Maxim maintains that not all of the data is falsified, IEEE nevertheless cannot
assure the integrity of papers posted by him because of his repeated false statements.

Due to the nature of this violation, reasonable effort should be made to remove all past
references to the above paper, and to refrain from any future references.

19.3 A 160-2550MHz CMOS Active Clock Deskewing avoided by scaling the loop time constants inversely proportion-
PLL Using Analog Phase Interpolation al to the input divider modulus (M), while keeping a constant
damping factor and pole-zero separation (pz=fp/fz).
Adrian Maxim
Figure 19.3.3 illustrates the PLL loop filter schematic. A differ-
Maxim, Crystal Semiconductor, Austin TX ential integral path (Mi) is implemented to reduce the sensitivi-
ty to supply and substrate injected noise. A high linearity differ-
The aggressive device geometry scaling and continuous die size ential integral transconductance stage is achieved by using both
increase of today’s ASICs make the within-die process variation source degeneration (Ri) and a feed-forward correction loop real-
a significant contributor to the clock skew across the chip. ized with Mf and Mc. The two integral capacitors (Cip and Cin) are
Balanced clock trees, load matching and clock path length tun- charged/discharged in opposite directions by two integral charge-
ing have been used to minimize the static clock skew compo- pumps (CPip, CPin) operated complementary. A source switch
nents. Active deskewing [1] was recently introduced to compen- (Msw) cascoded charge-pump configuration with discharge
sate the dynamic skew. It consists of a PLL frequency synthesiz- devices (Mdcg) is used to increase the speed and minimize the
er and multiple deskewing DLLs using capacitive controlled clock feedthrough. A single-ended current-mode proportional
delay lines to generate the local clocks. This leads to a large die path is implemented with the Mp-Mm current mirror, which is
area, process variation of the phase step and significant latency prebiased by the Ipreb sources to minimize the proportional cur-
that limits the speed of the deskewing process. Phase interpola- rent switching delay. The ripple pole (fp) is set by Cp and Rp which
tion was previously used to extend DLL’s phase capture range are closely matched to Ci and Ri, leading to a process independ-
[2]. This paper presents an alternative active deskewing tech- ent pole-zero separation.
nique using analog phase interpolation to replace the area con-
suming capacitive controlled delay lines from the deskew DLLs. Figure 19.3.4 depicts the ICO differential inverter schematic. A
This technique minimizes the die area, provides a process inde- saturated PMOS load (Mp1, Mp2) was used to maximize the output
pendent phase step and assures a latency–free phase shifting voltage swing and extend the constant slew rate region around
that accelerates the clock deskewing process. the crossover point, improving the accuracy of phase interpola-
tion. A differential current-mode phase interpolator is used to
Figure 19.3.1 presents the top level diagram of the clock genera- improve the supply and substrate noise rejection. The differen-
tion and distribution. A core PLL using a four differential-invert- tial output voltages of the ring inverters (OUTp, OUTn) are con-
er ring oscillator synthesizes the system frequency. The four verted into differential currents with resistively degenerated (Rd)
phases generated by the ring inverters, together with their four V-to-I transconductance stages using zero-VT devices (Mnz).
negative counterparts constitute a 45O uniformly spaced refer- Differential switches (Mswp, Mswn) select the pair of reference
ence phase system. The key idea of interpolation based deskew- phases that are used by the φ0-φ4 interpolators. They also deter-
ing is to generate the local clocks by summing thermometer mine the polarity of the selected phases by flipping the two out-
weighted versions of the two adjacent phases from the reference put currents via a cross-coupled connection.
system that contain the required output phase. One of the inter-
polation blocks is hardwired to generate a clock in the middle of Figure 19.3.5 presents the ring oscillator and phase interpolator
the phase deskew range: this is used as reference to which all the top level. As the interpolation is done always between two adja-
other clocks are aligned. The other interpolation blocks generate cent phases, the two odd (Io1, Io2) and two even (Ie1, Ie2) output cur-
the local clocks which have a phase shift from the reference clock rents can be summed without interfering with each other. The
determined by the phase control counters and decoders. The resulting currents are sent to the interpolator cell, where they are
binary phase control word is decoded to a set of select and sign first split into a number of equal currents by the Msplit mirrors and
signals that decide the two reference phases and polarities that then pass through the differential weighting switches (Mw) that
are used in the interpolation, and a thermometer weighting code perform the complementary thermometer weighting by sending
that gives the multiplication coefficients for the two phases. The the fractional currents to the load resistors (RLp, RLn) or dumping
die is partitioned in regional clock domains that use a grid-type
them to ground. An output comparator provides the differential to
distribution. Each domain receives two clocks from the core PLL:
single-ended conversion and squares-up the waveform, assuring a
the reference and the interpolated one, both being routed via a
constant slew rate for all the interpolated phases.
balanced H-tree. A set of tri-state phase detectors compare the
phase of the feedback clocks sampled from the local grids with
Figure 19.3.6 shows the measured jitter histogram for one of the
the one of the reference clock, providing lead/lag output signals
deskewed clocks, having a 3.9ps RMS jitter at the maximum
that control the delay counters and decoders.
operating frequency of 2.55GHz. Figure 19.3.7 is a detail of the
chip micrograph showing the clock deskew PLL. The IC specifi-
Figure 19.3.2 shows the top level diagram of the core PLL con-
cations include a 160-2550MHz frequency range, a 2.8O phase
sisting of a phase and frequency detector (PFD), proportional
step, RMS jitter < 1%Tosc, and a 1.5V supply. Fabricated in a
and integral charge-pumps (CPp, CPi), a feed-forward current
0.15µm CMOS process, the PLL dissipates 60mW in an area of
mode loop filter (LF), a ring oscillator (ICO) with V-to-I convert-
ers, select and polarity switches (SPSW), a phase interpolator
(PI), and an output comparator (COMP). A bandgap referencing References:
technique [3] provides a tracking mechanism between the loop [1] S. Rusu, S. Tam, “Clock Generation and Distribution for the First IA-
natural frequency (fn) and stabilizing zero (fz), leading to a 64 Microprocessor,” ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers, pp 176-177, Feb. 2000.
process independent damping factor (ζ=fn/2fz). Feedback divider [2] S. Sidiropoulos, M. Horowitz, “A Semi-Digital Delay Locked Loop with
Unlimited Phase Shift Capability and 0.08-400MHz Operating Range,”
(N) independent loop time constants are obtained by adjusting
ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers, pp 332-333, Feb. 1997.
the charge-pump currents (Icp) and oscillator gain (Kico) such that [3] A. Maxim et al., “A Low Jitter 125-1250MHz Process Independent
the Kico•Icp/N term is kept constant for all the output frequency 0.18µm CMOS PLL Based on a Sample-Reset Loop Filter,” ISSCC Dig.
settings. Phase margin degradation due to sampling effects was Tech. Papers, pp 394-395, Feb. 2001.
ISSCC 2004 / February 18, 2004 / Salon 7 / 8:30 AM

Figure 19.3.1: Clock generation and distribution. Figure 19.3.2: Deskew PLL top level diagram.

Figure 19.3.3: Current-mode loop filter. Figure 19.3.4: ICO differential inverter with V-to-I converters.

Figure 19.3.5: Ring oscillator and phase interpolator. Figure 19.3.6: Jitter histogram at 2.55GHz.
Figure 19.3.7: Chip micrograph – detail of deskew PLL.

• 2004 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference 0-7803-8267-6/04 ©2004 IEEE

Figure 19.3.1: Clock generation and distribution.

• 2004 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference 0-7803-8267-6/04 ©2004 IEEE

Figure 19.3.2: Deskew PLL top level diagram.

• 2004 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference 0-7803-8267-6/04 ©2004 IEEE

Figure 19.3.3: Current-mode loop filter.

• 2004 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference 0-7803-8267-6/04 ©2004 IEEE

Figure 19.3.4: ICO differential inverter with V-to-I converters.

• 2004 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference 0-7803-8267-6/04 ©2004 IEEE

Figure 19.3.5: Ring oscillator and phase interpolator.

• 2004 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference 0-7803-8267-6/04 ©2004 IEEE

Figure 19.3.6: Jitter histogram at 2.55GHz.

• 2004 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference 0-7803-8267-6/04 ©2004 IEEE

Figure 19.3.7: Chip micrograph – detail of deskew PLL.

• 2004 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference 0-7803-8267-6/04 ©2004 IEEE

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