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Type a quote that shows direct characterization

here. Explain the quote. “Yet I refused. I had

wished to see the cave man” This quot proves
Odysseus’s Cokcyness and confidence

Type a quote that shows indirect characterization

here. Explain the quote
“Godsake, Captain! Why bait the beast again?”
Odysseus crew are saying Odysseus is be too
cocky and he needs to stop

Explain his main role in the story. The main role of

Odysseus is that he needs to get home to save
his wife from the suitors and he had a 10 year
journey full of conflicts.

IDENTIFY: Is this character round or

flat? Explain your reasoning.
he is Round because he is always
experiencing a conflict conflit.

IDENTIFY: Is this character static or dynamic?

Explain your reasoning. Odysseus is a
dynamic character because he undergoes any
callenge without hesitation.
Type a quote that shows direct characterization
here. Explain the quote.
While Odysseus has been gone, his son,

Type a quote that shows indirect characterization

here. Explain the quote
Telemachus travels to Pylos for word of his father

Explain his main role in the story

This is Odysseus’s son.

IDENTIFY: Is this character round or flat?

Explain your reasoning. Flat, because all
Telemachus does is wait and eventually look
for Odysseus

IDENTIFY: Is this character static or dynamic?

Explain your reasoning. He is static, because
the does nothing but wait for his father to
Type a quote that shows direct characterization
here. Explain the quote.
“His wife, Peneolpe”
This explains who she is

Type a quote that shows indirect characterization

here. Explain the quote
But penelope them to let Odysseus try

Explain her main role in the story.

Odysseus Wife

IDENTIFY: Is this character round or flat?

Explain your reasoning.
Penelope is round because she started out just
waiting for Odysseus to come home, but then
she dressed as an old man to warn Odysseus
about the suitors

IDENTIFY: Is this character static or dynamic?

Explain your reasoning. Penelope is static
because she goes through a 10 year time
spand of suitors trying to get her while she
waited for Odysseus
Type a quote that shows direct Type a quote that shows indirect
characterization here. Explain the quote. characterization here. Explain the quote

Zeus will avenge Then Zeus thundered

the unoffending guest. overhead, one loud crack for a sign.

Explain his main role in the story. Zeus is IDENTIFY: Is this character round or
the main god of the story that Odysseus flat? Explain your reasoning.
looks up to and worships. Zeus is a flat character because he does
not really changing

IDENTIFY: Is this character static or

dynamic? Explain your reasoning.
Zeus is a static character because he
does no go through anything troubling
Type a quote that shows direct Type a quote that shows indirect
characterization here. Explain the quote. characterization here. Explain the quote
In these words he prayed, and the god
heard him The king refuses to help them again,
believing now
Its official posseidon will curse that their voyage has been cursed by the
Odysseus gods

Explain his main role in the story. IDENTIFY: Is this character round or
flat? Explain your reasoning.
Cyclops dad who had revenge against
Odysseus He is flat because he his predictable
expeccisally becuase he is static

IDENTIFY: Is this character static or

dynamic? Explain your reasoning
Poseidon is static because his feelings
never change about Odysseus
Type a quote that shows direct characterization
here. Explain the quote.\
The story of Odysseus begins with the goddess
Athena's appealing to
Zeus to help Odysseus

Type a quote that shows indirect characterization

here. Explain the quote
Taking Athena's
advice, Telemachus travels to Pylos for word of
his father

Explain her main role in the story.

Athena helps out Odysseus and she is
also Zeus’s daughter and an old freind
of Odysseus’s

IDENTIFY: Is this character round or

flat? Explain your reasoning.
Athena is a round character because
she is smart and never predictable

IDENTIFY: Is this character static or

dynamic? Explain your reasoning.
Athena is a static character because
she does not undergo important
Type a quote that shows direct characterization
here. Explain the quote.
On the way, he meets
the god Hermes

Type a quote that shows indirect characterization

here. Explain the quote
Hermes warns Odysseus that he must make the
godess swear she will play no witches trick

Explain his main role in the story. Hermes had

saved odysseus twice as a messenger

IDENTIFY: Is this character round or flat?

Explain your reasoning.
He is a round character becuase he is complex
because he seems to be the boss of everyone,
but is only just a messenger

character static or
dynamic? Explain
your reasoning.
Herems is static
because he
always just does
his job and never
Type a quote that shows direct Type a quote that shows indirect
characterization here. Explain the quote. characterization here. Explain the quote
Sirens will sing his mind away
on their sweet meadow lolling the two Sirens, noting our fast ship
off their point, made ready, and they

Explain their main role in the story. IDENTIFY: Is this character round or
The sirens role is to distract Odysseus flat? Explain your reasoning.
and put him in the wrong direction The sirens are flat becuase,
The Sirens only do one thing thats
predictable and they never change

IDENTIFY: Is this character static or

dynamic? Explain your reasoning.
The sirens are static becuase,
The Sirens only do one thing thats
predictable and they never change
Type a quote that shows direct characterization
here. Explain the quote.”How do you like the
beating that we gave you,
you damned cannibal” the cyclops is mean

Type a quote that shows indirect characterization

here. Explain the quote
Then he dismembered them and made his
gaping and crunching like a mountain lion
everything: innards, flesh, and marrow bones.
Explain his main role in the story.
Polyphemus ‘s role was to stop Odysseus or at
least tell posidon to kill all of Odysseus’s crew
and make it take him 10 year untill he gets

IDENTIFY: Is this character round or flat?

Explain your reasoning.
Polyphemus is flat because he is very predictable

IDENTIFY: Is this character static or dynamic?

Explain your reasoning.
Type a quote that shows direct characterization
here. Explain the quote.
Odysseus is still diguised as a beggar

Type a quote that shows indirect characterization

here. Explain the quote
so effortlessly
Odysseus in one motion strung the bow

Explain his main role in the story. The beggear in

the Odyssey is secretly Odysseus in disguise.

IDENTIFY: Is this character round or flat?

Explain your reasoning.
This character is round because the beggar is still
a skilled leader, but also a old and poor beggar.

IDENTIFY: Is this character static or dynamic?

Explain your reasoning. The beggar is a
dynamic character because he is actually
Odysseus who saves his wife from the suitors
after his main journey
Type a quote that shows direct Type a quote that shows indirect
characterization here. Explain the quote characterization here. Explain the quote
Circe, who is considered by many to be shut them in a pigsty
a witch bodies, voices, heads, and bristles, all
swinish now, though minds were still

Explain her main role in the story. IDENTIFY: Is this character round or
A witch that turns men into pigs flat? Explain your reasoning.
Round becuase no ones why she first
tried to keep odysseus

IDENTIFY: Is this character static or

dynamic? Explain your reasoning
Dynamic because she eventually
changes her mind and helps odysseus
later in the book
Type a quote that shows direct characterization
here. Explain the quote.
He has been held captive b the goddess Calypso
on her island

Type a quote that shows indirect characterization

here. Explain the quote
Zeus sends the god Hermes to tell Calypso to
release Odysseus

Explain her main role in the story.

Calpso is a goddess who kept Odysseus stuck at
her island

IDENTIFY: Is this character round or flat?

Explain your reasoning.
She is a round character because she is very

IDENTIFY: Is this character static or dynamic?

Explain your reasoning.
She is a dynamic character because she
completely changes her mind after hermes came
to save odysseus.
Type a quote that shows direct characterization
here. Explain the quote.
Antinous and Eurymachus, are rude and

Type a quote that shows indirect characterization

here. Explain the quote
The evil suitors plot to kill Telemachus when he

Explain his main role in the story.

Suitor of Penelope

IDENTIFY: Is this character round or flat?

Explain your reasoning.
Antinous is a flat character because he is not
complex and he just is suitor of penelope

IDENTIFY: Is this character static or dynamic?

Explain your reasoning.
He is a dynamic character because he keeps a
mindset but then it changes when he lost
penelope’s marrige
Type a quote that shows direct characterization
here. Explain the quote.
ntinous and Eurymachus, are rude and
Find a picture and paste it here. demanding.

Type a quote that shows indirect characterization

here. Explain the quote
The evil suitors plot to kill Telemachus when he

Explain his main role in the story. Eurymachus is a

suitor of Penelope (Odysseus’s wife)

IDENTIFY: Is this character round or flat?

Explain your reasoning.
flat character because he is not complex and he
just is suitor of penelop

IDENTIFY: Is this character static or dynamic?

Explain your reasoning.
He is a dynamic character because he keeps a
mindset but then it changes when he lost
penelope’s marrige
Type a quote that shows direct characterization
here. Explain the quote.
Odysseus- still disguised as an old begger -
Find a picture and paste it here. goesto enlist the aid of two of his trusted
servents, Eumaeus, the wineherd, and philoetius,
the cowherd

Type a quote that shows indirect characterization

here. Explain the quote
And the man looked away,
wiping a salt tear from his cheek

Explain his main role in the story. Odysseus’s loyal


IDENTIFY: Is this character round or flat?

Explain your reasoning.
He is a flat character because he is not complex

IDENTIFY: Is this character static or dynamic?

Explain your reasoning.
He is a static character because he neer
changes because he is always loyal
With this she tried him to the breaking point,
and he turned on her in a flash raging:
Find a picture and paste it here.

Type a quote that shows indirect characterization

here. Explain the quote
make up his bed for him, Eurycleia

Explain her main role in the story.

She is an old loyal female servent

IDENTIFY: Is this character round or flat?

Explain your reasoning.
Eurycleia is a flat character because she is simple
and loyal

IDENTIFY: Is this character static or dynamic?

Explain your reasoning.
Eurycleia is a static character because she is loyal
and never changes
Type a quote that shows direct characterization
here. Explain the quote.
am Laertes son, Odysseus.
Find a picture and paste it here.

Type a quote that shows indirect characterization

here. Explain the quote
I am Laertes son, Odysseus

Explain his main role in the story.

Laertes is Odysseus dad

IDENTIFY: Is this character round or flat?

Explain your reasoning.
He is flat because he does not do anything in
this book

IDENTIFY: Is this character static or dynamic?

Explain your reasoning.
He is static because he does nothing in this
Type a quote that shows direct characterization
here. Explain the quote.
I should know the presence of Tiresias.
Find a picture and paste it here.

Type a quote that shows indirect characterization

here. Explain the quote
Soon from the dark that prince of Thebes came
bearing a golden staff; and he addressed me

Explain his main role in the story.

A blind prophet whose spirit Odysseus visits in
the underworld

IDENTIFY: Is this character round or flat?

Explain your reasoning.
Round, not much is known about tiresias, he is
mysteries and complex

IDENTIFY: Is this character static or dynamic?

Explain your reasoning.
He is static because he never changes his
Odysseus is an brave and Here is Odysseus’s Son who is a
cocky hero who is alwasy flat and static character.
there for his team. He is a Telemachus does not do much
round dynamic character other then wait for odysseus and
and he never gives up. celebrate when odysseus gets

The two may be related, but different Odysseus would always be working on something and
odysseus goes through the hardest times, but telmachus does not really do anything but
wait for his father to come home
Zeus is the god of al gods and goddesses Poseidon is a round and static character.
who is a flat and static character in the Poseidon is the god of the sea, earthquakes,
Odyssey. Zeus never changes his mind and horses

Zeus saves Odysseus and likes Odysseus most of the time, but Poseidon really despises
Odysseus throughout the books of “The Odyssey”
A witch that turns Odysseus crew into pigs A goddess that kept odyasseus stuck on her

They are alike because they try to keep odysseus/ odysseus crew.
Polyphemus is a cyclops who is static and The sirens try to distracted odysseus and lure
flat. He is a very simple, but strong him towards them, they are a simple and
predictable and the always do the same thing.
They are flat and static charaters

Polyphemus and the sirens are similar because they both try to set Odysseus back in his
journey, but the 2 are different because the cyclops tries to kill Odysseus and the sirens try
to attract Odysseus and they also try to distract Odysseus.

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