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All Staff Briefing

Ofsted Final Feedback
Friday 23rd February 2018

Saboohi Famili
CEO and Principal
Overall Effectiveness November 2016 February 2018
Overall effectiveness Inadequate Requires Improvement
Quality of TLA Inadequate Requires Improvement
PDBW Inadequate Requires Improvement
Outcome for Learners Inadequate Requires Improvement
16-19 SP Inadequate Requires Improvement
Adult Learning Programme Inadequate Requires Improvement
Provision for High Needs Inadequate Requires Improvement
Apprenticeships Inadequate Inadequate
Study Programmes...
• Well formulated feedback at Level 3 to support learners to improve -
learners aware of their progress, developing skills to expected level.
• Wider skills delivered well
• Learners develop practical skills well - their work is to the standard
expected - supporting their progression
• Good variety of teaching at Level 3 - learners making expected
• At Level 1 and Level 2 – the majority of lessons are uninspiring and fail
to engage learners
• Teachers often fail to engage all learners in checking of learning so
progress goes unchecked
• English and maths is not embedded in most classes
• In too many lessons the work is not challenging enough beyond
requirements of the course

• Skills developed from WE benefit college work and career plans

• L3 good attitudes to learning, course and progress

• Tutors promote good working relationships

• Learners able to explain importance of BV

• Punctuality poor

• Attendance is low

• Improvement of 5.6% - but still below NR

• In too many lessons - poor attitude to learning L1 and L2

• In too many classes LSA not used effectively

• Learners feel safe

• Effective planning to meet study programme requirements

• In too many classes - no high expectations

• Tracking used consistently - but too early to show impact

• Majority at L3 make expected progress


3 - RI
• Good practical skills development - enjoy working alongside industry
• College apprentices value off the job training - good skill development
• Employers value contributions of apprentices
• College failed to monitor sub-contractors adequately
• College failed to ensure the requirements of apprentices have
been met fully
• College does not monitor off the job training
• Progress of current apprentices is too slow – too many beyond end

• Reviews of progress are weak - too few have progress reviews since
June 2017

• Targets are weak

• Overall planning is weak - same length of time given regardless of

starting point - esp. sub contracted

• Not stretching the most able


• Adults are keen to learn and enjoy learning
• In the best classes - good collaboration, good development of E&M
• Teachers provide detailed feedback and track learners progress well
• New technical skills acquired which prepare them well
• Attention to H&S is good
• Learners value the resources online to study outside of class
• Too many vocational theory classes are uninspiring
• Targets not aspirational for all learners
• Learners do not benefit from the detailed info available on e-trackr

• Detailed on starting points not used routinely to stretch learners

• Learners respect and show tolerance of each other and of staff

• Attendance is too low

• Access to the Careers A&G is too limited

• Improved tracking enables managers and teachers to identify who is not on
track and provide support

• Insufficient development of courses to engage local unemployed

• Adult strategy requires greater prioritisation

• Views of adult learners not sufficiently gather and acted on

• Large majority continue further study / employment

• Decline in achievement halted but below NR

• Standard of practical work meets but does not exceed required levels

3 - RI
Elements of GOOD but need to grow provision,
improve outcomes and improve TLA
High Needs...
• TLA enables majority to make expected progress
• Targets set and reviewed well
• Targets based on EHCP
• Learners understand current progress
• Well-designed programmes, good planning
• Vast majority on track and to achieve target
• Students build on prior learning – develop new knowledge and skills
• Supportive positive culture in lesson

• Active participation on lessons

• Teachers well qualified and experienced - supported by good resources

• Behaviour managed well - good strategies

• Practical work in line with curriculum studied

• Learners develop skills within lesson as well as on trips and visits in the
• Impartial IAG
• Short work placements in the college - develop skills
• BV and prevent - delivered in induction and developed – learners feel safe
• More able & aware of prevent
• More able, not challenged well enough
• Too many poorly co-ordinated support plans - necessary adjustment not
made to TLA
• Feedback to learners too basic does not support development
• 2/3 of learners with high needs do work experience - 1/3 have not yet and
therefore do not develop employability skills.
• Enrichment limited - some for music, princess trust - not all
• Transition days prepare learners well - but limited throughout the year -
• Funding used to provide appropriate support
• 91% progress to positive destinations
• Learner in vocational areas achieve as well or better than their peers

3 - RI
Not GOOD because we need to adapt activities
to support learners, Work Experience, S&C
• Large majority enjoy and complete
• Halted decline in achievement - but still too variable
• Study programme has improved - just below NR
• 3/4 adults achieve
• Level 3 learners do not make sufficient progress - Art, 3D Design, Eng
lit and Sport do
• In year data shows 50% better than expected progress
• Too few successfully achieve their GCSE
• % of high grade GCSE English has significantly and is above the low

• Maths high grade declined slightly and is low

• Achievement L1 FS improving – but only half pass

• Adult FS low

• Most apprentices achieve at advanced level, but only half at

intermediate achieve in time

• Subcontractor high achievement rates

• Achievement gaps narrowing over time
• HNL achieve as well as peers
• Bursary / FSM / LAC do not achieve as well as their peers
• Large majority progress to positive destinations
• Majority of L1 progress to level 2
• Half of L2 progress to L3
• Majority of apprentices secure employment / promotion
• Assessment has improved - 6 weekly reviews - based on marked
work, attendance. Learners and parents receive regular feedback on
progress towards target
• Most 14-16 progress to education / apprentice
• Most learners develop wide range of practical skills - most access WE
/ Work related activity - prepare for further study

3 - RI
• Practical lessons – learners enjoy and attend equipped
• High quality facilities
• Practical skills developed to the needs of course
• Majority know target and what to do to achieve
• Tutors well qualified and experienced
• Good maths embedding in vocational lessons
• Work safely and wear PPE
• Majority use LSAs to support learner effectively
• Good range of support to improve tutors - they feel well supported

• Real life activities which link classroom to work are effective - live projects

• Parent updates sent regularly on attendance and progress

• Homework set regularly

• On line learning used effectively to support learning outside of college

• Not enough making better than expected progress - work set does not
meet needs of learners

• Too few inspiring lessons – more at Level 3

• Too many teachers set work that is not difficult enough
• Not encouraging development of independent learning skills
• Too few use info on starting point to plan to meet needs
• Checking of understanding not always effective
• Too many naturally occurring opportunities to develop English skills
• Feedback on written work does not always support learners to
improve - better in L3 study programmes - student know what they
need to do to improve

3 - RI
• Behaviour management - improved and impactful
• Poor behaviour dealt with effectively
• Respectful learners
• Apprentices enjoy their classes
• Adult learners / L3 take pride and positive attitude
• Too many L1/L2 do not demonstrate readiness to learn or contribute
to classes
• Work placement / work related activities - develops skills specific to
their courses
• Enrichment in place - good range - targeting hard to reach learners
• Theoretical and practical skills delivered to level of qualification - but
not beyond
• Adults, apprentices, minority of L1 and L2 not able to access careers
• Learners are safe - sniffer dog, risk assessments appropriate
• Learners feel safe
• Attendance is too low
• Poor punctuality - inhibits ability to achieve aspirational targets /
develop employability skills
• Punctuality on adult learning is good
• In E&M - little attention paid to feedback received, learners don’t
make progress
• Too many do not follow the tutorial curriculum
• Insufficient understanding to prevent radicalisation

3 - RI
Leadership and Management
• Halted decline in achievement - more learners staying on
• Improved TLA - improved achievement
• Most weakness addressed from last inspection
• Inconstancies in TLA and achievement remain
• Positive impact of TLA improvements - but not yet fully successful
• Actions to monitor underperformance of teachers effective
• KPI's set and monitored
• Financial and attendance key area of concern
• Adult curriculum underdeveloped
• Curriculum better shaped to LEP and employer need
• Self-assessment accurate - other that apprenticeships
• Updates on QIP - insufficient focus on impact of actions
• L&M on apprentices remains weak
• Ineffective management of sub contracted provision
• Governance more effective - understand performance of College -
know strengths and weaknesses
• Safeguarding is effective - strengthened - links with LA and police
• More visible staff /more positive behaviour
• Thorough staff checks
• 14-16 safeguarded well
• Apprentices are safe

3 - RI


Awards 2018
You made us think…
Treating high needs students: Think
what they can do as opposed to
what they can't

Best tracker of inspectors…
These colleagues deserve to join met police
hunting squad. They did not let their lead
links out of their sight for the entire week.
They are expecting a restraining order
next week!

Most visible…

Open all hours LTA café and in class support

Highlighting the best…
These colleagues provided excellent examples at very short
notice throughout the inspection. They attended most meetings,
showcasing information on learner progress, tracking
and achievements.
Most speedy response…
Immediate response to requests for data


Most bruising moment…
Feedback on Wednesday night when
it was all sounding a bit dodgy!


Best supporting act…
These colleagues have been at the beck and
call of weird and wonderful requests
from CLT all week. They kept the
spirit high and the brews flowing. EPPING FOREST


We are family…
For practically staying over the weekend at the
College to ensure all is spick and span.
Funniest moment…
Student attempting to set his lanyard alight as Matt
Vaughan entered the building and Shaun's super sprint to
the street with a fire extinguisher...

Good job he had done his fire safety

test earlier in the year!

Most embarrassing moment…
Principal not being able to read the report on
leadership and management, having to ask
the lead inspector to read it aloud

Doing us proud!
Couldn't ask for a
better nominee...
Better support...
Better colleague!

Well done Phil and

thank you for all
your hard work.
Now let's carry on with the day job... By golly
we have a lot to do!

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