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Cluster: Design Modelling

Planning Sheet for

Lesson Title: Blueprint floor plan Day 2 S.L.O: 11E4.D.1./ 11E3.D.2
Single Lesson
Grade: 11
Teaching – Learning Sequence Materials Required
Project booklet,
A. Management considerations As it is Friday the class will start by students being given a riddle. (max 10 min.) Rulers
Isometric dot paper
Talking/ Cell phone use Next students will be given time to complete their rough copy of their dream house.
 Students need constant As it is quite a social group, I will be constantly circulating the classroom and Safety Issues:
reminders to stay off of their reminding students to stay on task and to complete each task required during the
phones class time provided. I will also remind students that they must include windows,
 Students also need to be doors, and measurements of walls in their rough draft. These elements do not yet
reminded to stay on pace with have to be to scale. (25 min.) E. Assessment Specific to the Outcome:
the classes What will you assess? How will you assess it?
I will then take the opportunity to remind students that their good copy must be
B. Curriculum objectives (how does drawn to a proper scale, I will suggest to students a scale that they could use if they This project will act as the unit end test and will therefore
are not sure what scale they should use. Students will then transfer their assess multiple portions of the unit.
this fit into the greater ‘curriculum’)
measurements from their rough copy to their design sheet. (10 min.)
Students will be assessed on scale, orthographic views,
Model and draw 3D objects and their isometric perspective, one-point perspective, and
views. From here students will begin to work on the good copy of their floor plan. I will component and exploded views.
remind students that these must be drawn to proper scale. They will work on
Draw and describe exploded views, converting the distances on their rough copy to accurate distances on their good These items will be assessed in multiple different ways (ie.
component parts, and scale diagrams of copies. (Remainder of class) Students will have different opportunities to show their
simple 3D objects. understanding of a topic).
I will remind students that assignments are due on Monday, and that we will be
moving on to a new part of the design project on Tuesday’s class and if they feel By creating a floor plan and exterior view of their dream
house students will have to use a correct scale, they will
C. References (if appropriate) like they can not keep on pace that they will need to spend some time outside of
also need an understanding of how to obtain the different
class. views and perspectives required to make a clear blueprint of
their house.

D. Essential Knowledge Summary

In this lesson students will be taught

Students will be taking what they have

learned throughout the unit and applying
it into a project. Some of them may not
remember what they have learned
throughout the unit and so this assessment
will also act as a learning exercise in
those different topics

Colton Froese Essentials 30S December 8

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