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Quantitative analysis of enamel on

debonded orthodontic brackets
Nathan J. Cochrane,b,y Thomas W. G. Lo,a Geoffrey G. Adams,b and Paul M. Schneidera
Melbourne, Australia

Introduction: Iatrogenic damage to the tooth surface in the form of enamel tearouts can occur during removal of
fixed orthodontic appliances. The aim of this study was to assess debonded metal and ceramic brackets
attached with a variety of bonding materials to determine how frequently this type of damage occurs.
Methods: Eighty-one patients close to finishing fixed orthodontic treatment were recruited. They had metal
brackets bonded with composite resin and a 2-step etch-and-bond technique or ceramic brackets bonded
with composite resin and a 2-step etch-and- bond technique, and composite resin with a self-etching primer
or resin-modified glass ionomer cement. Debonded brackets were examined by backscattered scanning
electron microscopy with energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy to determine the presence and area of
enamel on the base pad. Results: Of the 486 brackets collected, 26.1% exhibited enamel on the bonding ma-
terial on the bracket base pad. The incidences of enamel tearouts for each group were metal brackets, 13.3%;
ceramic brackets, 30.2%; composite resin with self-etching primer, 38.2%; and resin-modified glass ionomer
cement, 21.2%. The percentage of the bracket base pad covered in enamel was highly variable, ranging from
0% to 46.1%. Conclusions: Enamel damage regularly occurred during the debonding process with the degree
of damage being highly variable. Damage occurred more frequently when ceramic brackets were used (31.9%)
compared with metal brackets (13.3%). Removal of ceramic brackets bonded with resin-modified glass ionomer
cement resulted in less damage compared with the resin bonding systems. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop

he aim of bracket debonding is to remove appli- have their own unique material properties that influence
ances and any bonding material from the teeth, their mode of failure during orthodontic bracket
restoring the original esthetics and contours while removal.7 It is estimated that bonded orthodontic
minimizing iatrogenic enamel loss during the proced- brackets need a bond strength of 5.9 to 7.8 MPa to be
ure.1 Appliance and bracket removal does cause some retained.8 Many bonding systems meet or exceed this
damage to the tooth surface.2 This can occur at bracket requirement.9 For example, metal brackets bonded to
removal if the enamel fails cohesively, resulting in enamel with conventional 2-step etch and bond with
cracks3 and tearouts,4,5 or it can occur during removal Transbond XT composite resin (3M Unitek, Monrovia,
of adhesive remnants.6 Calif) had a reported bond strength of 20.2 MPa,10 the
Many bonding materials and methods are available strength of self-etching primer (SEP) with Transbond
for the placement of orthodontic brackets. All of these XT was 11.1 MPa,11 and the strength of Fuji Ortho LC
resin-modified glass ionomer cement (RMGIC) (GC Cor-
Orthodontic Unit, Melbourne Dental School, University of Melbourne, Mel- poration, Tokyo, Japan) was 13.6 MPa.10 Ceramic
bourne, Australia; private practice, Melbourne, Australia.
brackets may also have high bond strengths to enamel.
Melbourne Dental School, Cooperative Research Centre for Oral Health Science,
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
Using a 2-step etch-and-bond technique, Heliosit com-
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Po- posite resin had a reported bond strength of
tential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. 24.25 MPa.12 Therefore, in some situations, the bond
Supported by a grant from the Australian Dental Research Foundation and the
Australian Society of Orthodontists, Foundation for Research and Education.
strength of the adhesive to the enamel may be higher
Deceased. than the cohesive strength within the enamel, resulting
Address correspondence to: Paul M. Schneider, Melbourne Dental School, Level in cracks or tearouts at debonding.10,12,13
5, 720 Swanston St, Carlton, VIC 3053, Australia; e-mail,
Although enamel loss as tearouts during orthodon-
Submitted, February 2014; revised and accepted, January 2017. tic bracket removal has frequently been reported
0889-5406/$36.00 in vitro, there are few clinical studies on this topic.14 Us-
Ó 2017 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved.
ing backscattered scanning electron microscopy,

Cochrane et al 313

Boyde5 reported that enamel tearouts were clearly

Table I. Presence of enamel, percentage of bracket
observable on the bonding surfaces of clinically de-
base covered with enamel, BARI score, and frequency
bonded ceramic orthodontic brackets attached with
of bracket fracture for the various bracket-bonding
composite resin. However, the influence of bracket
material combinations
and adhesive type was not explored. A more recent, en-
ergy dispersive x-ray spectrometry evaluation of clini- Metal
cally debonded metal brackets attached with a 2-step Ceramic brackets* brackets*
etch-and-bond retained composite resin showed that CGICy CSEPz CEC§ MECy
as the amount of resin on the base pad increased, so (n 5 66k) (n 5 144k) (n 5 126k) (n 5 150k)
did the amount of calcium (assumed to be enamel).4 Presence of enamel
No 80.3 61.8 69.8 86.7
This study did not report the overall frequency of dam-
Yes 19.7 38.2 30.2 13.3
age or examine the extent of damage when ceramic Percentage of bracket base covered with enamel
brackets were used. Therefore, more clinical investiga- 0% 80.3 61.8 69.8 86.7
tion into the frequency and extent of this problem is .0%-\1% 15.2 16.7 12.7 8.7
warranted to ensure that bracket-adhesive combina- 1%-\5% 3.0 9.0 7.9 3.3
5%-\10% 1.5 5.6 4.0 1.0
tions are selected to minimize iatrogenic enamel loss
$10% 0.0 6.9 5.6 1.0
as tearouts during bracket removal. BARI
The aim of this clinical study was to determine the Score 0 53.0 36.8 49.2 39.3
extent and frequency of iatrogenic damage to enamel Score 1 37.9 29.9 30.2 49.3
when debonding metal and ceramic orthodontic Score 2 9.1 9.0 4.8 6.0
brackets attached by various bonding materials in vivo. Score 3 0.0 11.8 5.6 2.7
Score 4 0.0 10.4 7.9 2.7
Score 5 0.0 2.1 2.4 0.0
Bracket fracture
MATERIAL AND METHODS No 87.9 93.8 73.8 100.0
Yes 12.1 6.3 26.2 0.0
Ethics approval for the study was obtained from the
Human Research Ethics Committee (number 1136902) *Cell values are percentage of surfaces; yOrthodontist A treated 11
of the University of Melbourne in Australia. Patients patients with CGIC and 25 patients with MEC; zOrthodontists B
close to finishing fixed orthodontic treatment were re- and C treated 15 and 9 patients with CSEP, respectively;
cruited from 5 private orthodontic practices. Practices Orthodontists D and E treated 13 and 8 patients with CEC, respec-
tively; kNumber of surfaces: each patient contributed 6 surfaces.
were invited to participate if they met the
following inclusion criteria: (1) the clinicians in the prac-
tice used either metal In-Ovation R brackets (GAC Inter- Therefore, patients fell into 1 of the following 4
national, Bohemia, NY) or ceramic In-Ovation C brackets groups: MEC, metal bracket attached with Transbond
(GAC International); (2) they used 1 of the 3 following XT composite resin bonded to the tooth with a 2-step
adhesive protocols: 37% phosphoric acid etch, Orthosolo etch-and-bond technique; CEC, ceramic bracket attached
bond (Ormco, Orange, Calif), and Transbond XT com- with Transbond XT composite resin bonded to the tooth
posite resin (3M Unitek); pumice with a cup, SEP (Trans- with a 2-step etch-and-bond technique; CSEP, ceramic
bond Plus Self Etching Primer, 3M Unitek), and bracket attached with Transbond XT composite resin
Transbond XT composite resin; or pumice with a cup, bonded to the tooth with SEP; or CGIC, ceramic bracket
Fuji Ortho Conditioner (10% polyacrylic acid), and attached with RMGIC. The numbers of patients from
RMGIC (Fuji Ortho LC encapsulated; GC Corporation); each office are shown in Table I.
and (3) the clinicians needed to debond ceramic brackets In total, 81 patients were recruited into this study.
using the sharp blades of the debonding pliers at the Brackets from the maxillary right to left canine were
level of the base pad, placing a wedging force at the ad- collected and sterilized by 4.1 kGy gamma irradiation.
hesive level, and debonding metal brackets using the de- Of the 486 brackets collected, 49 fractured at removal,
bracketing instrument (444-761; 3M Unitek). This so only 437 brackets were visualized by backscattered
instrument has a wire hook that goes under a bracket scanning electron microscopy under 60 times magnifi-
wing and is stabilized against the adjacent enamel, cation (low vacuum; no coating; backscatter mode;
enabling the bracket to be pulled off the adhesive and spot size 4; 15 kV; resolution 2048 3 1768; Quanta
tooth in a safe and comfortable manner. It is a reproduc- 200F scanning electron microscope; FEI, Hillsboro,
ible and standardized technique. The instrument cannot Ore). An elemental map of calcium, phosphorus,
be used on ceramic brackets because of their brittleness. aluminum, and silicon on the bracket base was also

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics September 2017  Vol 152  Issue 3
314 Cochrane et al

Fig 1. A, Backscattered scanning electron microscopy image of ceramic orthodontic bracket adhered
with composite resin; B, the image overlaid with elemental maps showing aluminum, silicon, calcium,
phosphorus, and iron. Elemental maps showing only C, calcium and D, phosphorus that were used to
create the image mask.

made using energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry (reso- indicated the pixels that were assumed to be enamel
lution setting, 1024; acquisition time, frame count 3; (calcium multiplied by phosphorus) on the bonding sur-
pixel dwell time, 50 mS; process time, 5; energy range face of the bracket. Ten masks and their respective back-
(KeV); auto; INCA SDD x-ray microanalysis system for scattered scanning electron microscopy images were
elemental analysis; Oxford Instruments, Abingdon, then used to determine the minimum grey value for
United Kingdom). enamel that was subsequently used for the analysis of
One investigator (T.W.G.L.) used these images to all other backscattered scanning electron microscopy
determine the absence or presence of enamel on the images. The mean and standard deviation of this
bracket base pad by assuming that a pixel that contained threshold were 114 6 30 grey values. Backscattered
both calcium and phosphorus was enamel (Fig 1). None scanning electron microscopy images of each bracket
of the bonding materials used in this study contained were viewed through Image J as 8-bit images and cali-
detectable calcium or phosphorus, and any calcium or brated using the scale bar in each image. The area of
phosphorus that was not on the bonding materials was the image where bonding material was not present
assumed to be calculus and excluded from the analysis. was set to black (grey value 5 0) using the paintbrush
Calcium and phosphorus elemental maps images were tool (this removed any areas of presumed calculus).
opened in Image J (U.S. National Institutes of Health, The histogram of the image was then acquired, and all
Bethesda, Md), multiplied together to reduce detector pixels above the minimum threshold of 114 were
noise, and converted into a binary mask. This mask counted to quantify the area of enamel in square

September 2017  Vol 152  Issue 3 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Cochrane et al 315

Fig 2. Backscattered scanning electron microscopy images with overlaid elemental maps for repre-
sentative brackets from each group showing various degrees of damage. In the overlaid images,
blue denotes iron or aluminum, purple denotes silicon, green denotes calcium, and orange denotes

millimeters. The bracket area for each tooth type was than a quarter but less than half the adhesive left covering
determined by measuring the mean area of 10 brackets the bracket base; 3, more than half but less than three
from the same tooth type in Image J after the scale quarters of the adhesive left covering the bracket base;
had been set as described earlier. The percentage area 4, more than three quarters but less than all of the adhe-
of the bracket base pad that was covered in enamel sive left covering the bracket base; and 5, the whole
was calculated to account for the variations in the bracket base is covered with adhesive. Bracket fractures
base pad area. were also coded. When they occurred, it was assumed
The amount of adhesive remnant on the bracket was that all of the adhesive remained on the tooth surface,
categorized using a modified bracket adhesive remnant and therefore these samples were given a BARI score of 0.
index (BARI): 0, no adhesive present; 1, less than a quarter To assess the reproducibility of the outcome mea-
of the adhesive left covering the bracket base; 2, more sures, the elemental map images from 18 patients were

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics September 2017  Vol 152  Issue 3
316 Cochrane et al

Fig 3. Distribution of damage for each bracket-adhesive combination. A nonlinear y-axis was chosen
to better display the frequencies of the more severely damaged samples.

rescored on a separate occasion by the same examiner RESULTS

without reference to the initial scores. The images The frequency of enamel presence on the bonding ma-
selected for the reproducibility study by our statistician terial on the bracket base pad is shown in Table I; there
(G.G.A.) covered the entire range of values of the were differences between the groups (P 5 0.001). Of the
outcome measures. 486 brackets collected, 26.1% had detectable enamel on
the base pad. The MEC group had a significantly lower
Statistical analysis incidence of tearouts compared with the CEC group
All statistical analyses were carried out using a soft- (P 5 0.015). There were significant differences in enamel
ware package (Stata version 12; StataCorp, College Sta- damage when ceramic brackets attached with different
tion, Tex). Cross-tabulations and chi-square tests were materials were compared, with the CEC and CSEP groups
used to evaluate whether there was a difference in the having similar amounts of enamel on the base pad,
presence of enamel, degree of enamel damage, and whereas the CGIC group had significantly less (P 5 0.047).
BARI when different bracket and bonding material In all bracket-adhesive combinations, enamel tea-
combinations were used. Logistic regression analysis routs were present on the adhesive on the bracket base
was used to evaluate whether different tooth types pad (Table I). Representative bracket images from each
were more susceptible to damage for the various bracket group exhibiting no, minor, and major damage are
and bonding material combinations. For this analysis, shown in Figure 2. The 2 common presentations of
enamel damage was dichotomized as damage or no enamel on the adhesive were either lines of enamel
damage. Ordered logistic regression was used to evaluate that followed the spacing of the perikymata or bulk tea-
whether there is a difference in BARI scores when various routs as shown in Figure 2. The percentage area of base
bracket and bonding material combinations are removed pad covered by enamel represents the degree of enamel
from different tooth types. For the reproducibility study, damage during bracket removal. Among the brackets ex-
the BARI scores from the 2 sets of measurements were hibiting enamel damage, the percentages of base pad
compared using the kappa statistic, and the percentage covered with enamel were broad, ranging from approx-
area of base pad covered by enamel values were imately 0% to 46.1% (Fig 3). The greatest iatrogenic
compared using a generalized linear model, and an damage was 46.1% in the CSEP group, followed by
intraclass correlation coefficient was calculated. In all 31.3% in the CEC group, 11.2% in the MEC group,
analyses, significance levels were adjusted for the and 5.4% in the CGIC group. Although damage could
clustered study design (brackets from the same patient) be severe, this was largely limited to the CEC and CSEP
using the svy option. P values less than 0.05 were groups (Fig 3), and only 4% of all brackets had more
considered statistically significant. than 10% of their area covered by enamel.

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Table II. Cross tabulation of percentages of bracket bases covered with enamel and the percentages of brackets with a
particular BARI score

Score 0 Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4 Score 5

(n 5 209y) (n 5 180y) (n 5 34y) (n 5 28y) (n 5 29y) (n 5 6y)
Percentage of bracket base covered with enamel
0% 99.5 70.6 38.2 7.1 31.0 16.7
. 0%-\1% 0.5 25.0 20.6 17.9 13.8 16.7
1%-\5% 0.0 3.3 17.7 39.3 20.7 16.7
5%-\10% 0.0 0.6 17.7 21.4 6.9 0.0
$10% 0.0 0.6 5.8 14.3 27.6 50.0

*Cell values are percentages of surfaces; yNumber of surfaces: each patient contributed 6 surfaces.

Approximately half the brackets in the CGIC and difference, 0.017; standard error, 0.036; P 5 0.65),
CEC groups failed completely at the bracket- and the intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.99.
adhesive interface (BARI score, 0), whereas the other
half had mixed modes of failure (BARI scores, 1-4).
Brackets from the CSEP and MEC groups had mixed DISCUSSION
modes of failure as seen by the frequencies of BARI The force used to debond brackets can be applied
scores of 1 to 4 in Table I. This can also be seen in to the bracket or to the bonding material, with failure
Figure 2, where normally only part of the adhesive occurring at the weakest interface or within the mate-
was on the bracket, with the other adhesive presum- rial with the weakest cohesive strength. In this study,
ably remaining on the tooth. The only groups with clinicians applied a “lift-off” force to the wings of
complete enamel-adhesive interface failure (BARI the metal brackets or force to the adhesive of the
score, 5) were the CEC and CSEP groups (2.4% and ceramic brackets. None of the metal brackets collected
2.1%, respectively). When the BARI scores were cross in this study fractured when removed. The BARI scores
tabulated with the percentage of the bracket base indicated failure predominantly at the bracket-
covered with enamel, there was a significant trend adhesive interface (BARI scores, 0 or 1; 88.6%). With
for less enamel damage with low BARI scores and this technique, 13.3% of all metal brackets collected
greater enamel damage when more adhesive was pre- did contain some enamel on the bonding material,
sent (Table II; P \0.001). with mixed modes of failure demonstrating that
As can be seen in Table I, bracket fracture did not some force was transmitted to the enamel. This
occur in the metal bracket group. However, 14.6% of finding agrees with those of Boyde5 and Pont et al,4
the ceramic brackets were fractured during removal. who both showed that enamel can be present on de-
Most bracket fractures occurred in the CEC group, fol- bonded brackets. The amount of enamel on the metal
lowed by the CGIC and then the CSEP groups bracket adhesive was small, with only 2% of the
(P \0.001). brackets having more than 5% of their bracket area
Significant differences existed in the frequency of covered in enamel.
damage to the different maxillary tooth types. Irre- The literature indicates that removal of ceramic
spective of the bracket and adhesive combination, a brackets is more commonly associated with enamel frac-
higher proportion of lateral incisors (32.7%) exhibited tures, cracks, and tearouts.3,15,16 To reduce this damage,
enamel on the base of the bracket compared with the mechanically retained ceramic brackets were
central incisors (21.0%) and canines (24.1%) introduced13; their use compared with chemically re-
(P 5 0.031). This trend continued when all ceramic tained brackets with nearly half the incidence of cracks.3
brackets, irrespective of adhesive methods, were In this study, only In Ovation C brackets, which are me-
considered together (40.2%, 25.9%, and 28.6%, chanically retained, were examined. Force application to
respectively; P 5 0.046). the adhesive resulted in frequent bracket fractures for all
The BARI scores from the 2 sets of measurements ceramic bracket-adhesive combinations (CEC group,
agreed for 104 of the 108 images (96.3%), and the kappa about 1 in 4 brackets; CGIC group, about 1 in 10
statistic was 0.95. For the percentage area of base pad brackets; CSEP group, about 1 in 20 brackets) with sig-
covered by enamel measure, the difference between nificant differences between the CSEP and CEC groups
the 2 sets of measurements was insignificant (mean (P \0.001) and also between the CGIC and CEC groups

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics September 2017  Vol 152  Issue 3
318 Cochrane et al

(P 5 0.009). Bracket fracture is problematic because groups (P 5 0.047). In addition, the maximum
ceramic remnant removal may lead to inadvertent iatro- amount of enamel tearout (represented as percentage
genic enamel damage.13 of bracket base covered by enamel) was also
The amount of enamel damage when ceramic substantially lower in the CGIC group compared with
brackets were removed was also greater when compared the other ceramic groups (CGIC, 5.4%; CEC, 31.3%;
with metal brackets (CEC, 30.2% vs MEC, 13.3%; CSEP, 46.1%). Since the clinical failure rates of RMGIC
P 5 0.015). Approximately 1 in 3 ceramic brackets had compare favorably with composite resin, the reduced
enamel on the bonded surface. This is consistent with incidence of iatrogenic damage shown in this study
the rigidity of ceramic brackets that allows the transmis- would favor its use over composite resin.23 An additional
sion of force through to the bonding material and the benefit is that the remnant RMGIC has also been re-
enamel. Photoelastic stress analysis has shown that ported to be easier to remove than composite resin.24
any technique that loads the enamel-adhesive interface The range of enamel damage expressed as percentage
directly has the side effect of concentrating stress in the of the bracket covered with enamel was broad (about 0%
underlying enamel.17 Therefore, the delaminating tech- to 46.1%), but only a few patients had a high percentage
nique used in this study where sharp debonding pliers of enamel coverage. These results suggest that the resul-
were used to apply a slow squeezing force directly be- tant damage may not only be due to the bracket type,
tween the bracket and enamel to cause bond failure bonding material type, removal technique, and operator
may have concentrated higher stresses in the enamel variation, but also to the quality of the enamel surface
and resulted in higher levels of iatrogenic damage. The to which the bracket has been bonded. Defects that could
tensile strength of enamel parallel (24.7 6 9.6 to reduce the cohesive strength of enamel would include
42.2 6 12.0 MPa)18,19 or perpendicular to the prisms noncavitated carious lesions and developmental hypo-
(11.4 6 6.3 and 11.5 6 4.7 MPa)18,19 is much lower mineralized lesions.25 The finding of greater damage to
than its compressive strength (372 MPa)20; therefore lateral incisors has also been found by other authors.13
passing tensile stress onto the enamel should be avoided. It is speculated that this may be due demineralization
Failure at the enamel-adhesive14 and bracket- on these teeth since anecdotally these teeth are often dis-
adhesive interfaces21 have both been suggested to be placed palatally and may be difficult to clean. Demineral-
favorable. Given the high incidence of enamel damage ized or developmentally hypomineralized enamel may be
noted in this study, failure at the bracket-adhesive inter- more susceptible to damage at bracket removal. This may
face seems preferable to avoid passing tensile stress onto be an indication for avoiding resin tag formation and
the enamel. The disadvantage of this mode of failure is instead using RMGIC to chemically bond to the enamel
that more adhesive remains on the tooth surface. These and reduce the risk of enamel tear outs.
remnants require removal that can cause damage and This study showed that enamel damage due to the
increase the time required for cleanup. If the adhesive debonding process occurs commonly (1 in 4 brackets ex-
removal technique applies predominantly compressive hibiting enamel damage), although often only a small
forces to the enamel, then it can better withstand the amount of enamel was present. Enamel was more
trauma compared with tensile forces that can generate commonly found on ceramic brackets, presumably due
cracks and tearouts. This study confirmed that as more to their higher bond strength and increased rigidity
bonding material was found on the bracket (eg, failure and brittleness compared with metal brackets. Therefore,
at the enamel- adhesive interface), there was more to minimize iatrogenic damage at debond, our results
enamel on the bonding material (Table II). This corrob- would indicate that the clinician can choose metal
orates the findings of Pont et al,4 who only examined brackets over ceramic, use RMGIC instead of composite
metal brackets. Therefore, failure at the bracket- resin for ceramic brackets, and take extra care when de-
adhesive interface, despite taking longer to clean up, bonding lateral incisors, since these appear particularly
would seem preferable to avoiding the creation of cracks susceptible to damage. When offering the use of ceramic
and tearouts in the enamel. The long-term conse- brackets, the clinician should consider advising the pa-
quences of these cracks and tearouts have not been tient as part of the informed consent process of the
well studied. increased risk of enamel damage when debonding.
Another logical approach to reduce force transmis- There are limitations of this study. It is possible that
sion through to enamel, and thereby reduce enamel small amounts of adhesive may have fractured away
damage, is to use a bonding material that is weaker from the bracket base during the debonding process
cohesively or has reduced bond strength to enamel.13,22 and that any enamel on these fragments may not have
The ceramic brackets bonded with RMGIC did exhibit been accounted for. This was a retrospective study, but
less enamel damage than the other 2 ceramic bracket a standardized debonding technique was used in each

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American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics September 2017  Vol 152  Issue 3

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