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Fulfilling The Promise of Anarchist Geographies

Conference Paper · April 2016


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1 author:

Simon Springer
University of Victoria


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Call  for  Papers
Association  of  American  Geographers  Conference  2016    
San  Francisco,  29  March  –  2  April  2016
Fulfilling  The  Promise  of  Anarchist  Geographies    
Ant  Ince  (Cardiff  University)    
Simon  Springer  (University  of  Victoria)    
Nathan  Clough  (University  of  Minnesota  Duluth)    
Richard  J  White  (Sheffield  Hallam  University)  
Patricia  Wood  (York  University)    
Vanessa  Sloan  Morgan  (Queen’s  University)    
Marcelo  Lopes  de  Souza  (Federal  University  of  Rio  de  Janeiro)  
The   re-­‐emergence   of   anarchist   perspectives   has   been   one   of   the   most  
significant  new  developments  in  critical  geography  over  the  last  few  years.  
Two  journal  special  issues  in  2012  (Clough  and  Blumberg  2012;  Springer  et  
al.  2012)  galvanised  a  diverse  set  of  anarchist-­‐  inspired  geographers  and  set  
the   scene   for   a   range   of   scholarship   to   emerge,   including   studies   of   non-­‐
capitalist   economies   (Ince   2015;   White   and   Williams   2012),   historical  
geographies  (Ferretti  2013,  2015;  Springer  2013),  political  praxis  (Curran  and  
Gibson   2013),   neoliberalism   (Springer   2011),   the   state   (Barrera   and   Ince  
forthcoming),   governance   (Gorostiza   et   al.   2013;   Wilkin   and   Boudeau   2015),  
postcoloniality/decoloniality   (Barker   and   Pickerill   2012),   urbanism   (Souza  
2014),   and   a   reassessment   of   our   discipline’s   radical   potential   (Springer  
2014,  2016),  among  others.  
New   ideas   and   concepts   have   emerged   through   this   renewed   interest   in  
anarchism,   which   promises   to   transform   the   intellectual   landscape   of  
geography   as   we   know   it.   This   growing   maturity   and   diversity   of   anarchist  
thought,   however,   has   been   characterized   by   a   heavy   focus   on   theory.   As  
scholars   identifying   with   anarchist   traditions,   we   feel   it   is   both   timely   and  
vitally   important   to   explore   critically   and   in   greater   depth   what   these  
theoretical   and   conceptual   innovations   mean   for   academic   praxis   –   in   the  
empirical,   as   well   as   pedagogical   and   methodological,   dimensions   of  
geographical  scholarship.  
We  therefore  invite  empirically  grounded  research  presentations  that  utilize  
anarchist   and   left-­‐libertarian   frameworks,   addressing   themes   including   but  
not  limited  to:    

• Colonialism,  postcolonialism,  and  decolonization  

• Economic  geographies  and  sharing  economies  
• Post-­‐humanist,  more-­‐than-­‐human,  and  critical  animal  geographies  
• Gender  and  feminisms  
• Queer  geographies  and  sexuality  
• Authority,  power,  and  the  state  
• Pedagogy,  learning,  and  teaching  
• Social  movements,  publics,  and  collective  agency  
• Mobilities,  migration,  and  multicultural  societies  
• Critical  geopolitics,  anti-­‐geopolitics,  and  alter-­‐geopolitics  
• The  politics  of  everyday  life  and  prefiguration  
• Cooperation  and  the  practice  of  mutual  aid  
• The  commons  and  communing  
• Intersectionality  and  identity  
We   also   welcome   presentations   in   non-­‐traditional   and   participatory  
formats.   Also,   if   you   would   like  to   participate   in   other   ways   (e.g.   discussant)  
then  please  feel  free  to  contact  us  as  well.   Please  send  abstracts  of  no  more  
than   250   words   to,,   and   by   23  October  2015.   Please   note:  Once   you   have   submitted  
an   abstract   to   us   and   it   is   accepted,   you   will   also   need   to   register   AND   submit   an  
abstract  on  the  AAG  website.    
The   AAG   abstract   deadline   is   29   October   2015:

Barker,  A.  J.,  &  Pickerill,  J.  (2012).  Radicalizing  relationships  to  and  through  
shared   geographies:   Why   anarchists   need   to   understand   indigenous  
connections  to  land  and  place.  Antipode,  44(5),  1705-­‐1725.  
Barrera,   G.   and   Ince,   A.   Forthcoming.   Post-­‐statist   epistemology   and   the  
future   of   geographical   knowledge   production.   In   Springer,   S.,   Douza,   M.   L  
de,   and   White,   R.   J.   (Eds.)   The   Radicalization   of   Pedagogy:   Anarchism,  
Geography  and  the  Spirit  of  Revolt.  Lanham:  Rowman  and  Littlefield.  
Clough,  N.,  &  Blumberg,  R.  (2012).  Toward  anarchist  and  autonomist  Marxist  
geographies.  ACME:   An   International   E-­‐Journal   for   Critical  
Geographies,  11(3),  335-­‐351.  
Curran,   G.,   &   Gibson,   M.   (2013).   WikiLeaks,   anarchism   and   technologies   of  
dissent.  Antipode,  45(2),  294-­‐314.  
Ferretti,   F.   (2013).   “They   have   the   right   to   throw   us   out”:   Élisée   Reclus'   New  
Universal  Geography.  Antipode,  45(5),  1337-­‐1355.  
Ferretti,   F.   (2015).   Anarchism,   geohistory,   and   the   Annales:   rethinking   Elisée  
Reclus’s   influence   on   Lucien   Febvre.  Environment   and   Planning   D:   Society  
and  Space,  33,  347-­‐365.  
Gorostiza,   S.,   March,   H.,   &   Sauri,   D.   (2013).   Servicing   customers   in  
revolutionary   times:   the   experience   of   the   collectivized   Barcelona   Water  
Company  during  the  Spanish  Civil  War.  Antipode,  45(4),  908-­‐925.  
Ince,  A.  (2015).  From  Middle  Ground  to  Common  Ground:  Self-­‐Management  
and   Spaces   of   Encounter   in   Organic   Farming   Networks.  Annals   of   the  
Association  of  American  Geographers,  105(4),  824-­‐840.  
Souza,   M.   L.   de   (2014).   Towards   a   libertarian   turn?   Notes   on   the   past   and  
future  of  radical  urban  research  and  praxis.  City,  18(2),  104-­‐118.  
Springer,  S.  (2011).  Public  space  as  emancipation:  meditations  on  anarchism,  
radical  democracy,  neoliberalism  and  violence.  Antipode,  43(2),  525-­‐562.  
Springer,   S.   (2013).   Anarchism   and   Geography:   a   brief   genealogy   of  
Anarchist  Geographies.  Geography  Compass,  7(1),  46-­‐60.  
Springer,  S.  (2014).  Why  a  radical  geography  must  be  anarchist.  Dialogues  in  
Human  Geography,  4(3),  249-­‐270.  
Springer,   S.,   (2016).   The   Anarchist   Roots   of   Geography:   Towards   Spatial  
Emancipation.  Minneapolis:  University  of  Minnesota  Press.  
Springer,   S.,   Ince,   A.,   Pickerill,   J.,   Brown,   G.,   &   Barker,   A.   J.   (2012).  
Reanimating  anarchist  geographies:  A  new  burst  of  colour.  Antipode,  44(5),  
White,   R.   J.,   &   Williams,   C.   C.   (2012).   The   pervasive   nature   of   heterodox  
economic   spaces   at   a   time   of   neoliberal   crisis:   Towards   a   “postneoliberal”  
anarchist  future.  Antipode,  44(5),  1625-­‐1644.  
Wilkin,  P.,  &  Boudeau,  C.  (2015).  Public  participation  and  public  services  in  
British   liberal   democracy:   Colin   Ward’s   anarchist   critique.  Environment   and  
Planning  C.  

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