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17, Chemin de la Chavanne

CH-1196 Gland, Switzerland

C_2003 / 22.03.2003
1 - Introduction 3

Table of contents

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 7

INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION ..................................................................................................... 11

2.1 PACKAGE CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................................... 11
2.2 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................................................... 11
2.2.1 Hardware ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.2.2 Software ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.3 TECHNICAL SUPPORT ............................................................................................................................................... 12
2.4 TRAINING AND REFRESHER COURSES ....................................................................................................................... 12
2.5 UPGRADES ............................................................................................................................................................... 12
2.6 INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION ...................................................................................................................... 13
2.6.1 Configuring your system .................................................................................................................................. 13
2.6.2 Installation on hard disk .................................................................................................................................. 14
2.7 CADELEC CONFIGURATION ...................................................................................................................................... 17
2.7.1 Starting Cadelec .............................................................................................................................................. 22
2.8 AUTOCAD CONFIGURATION .................................................................................................................................... 22
2.9 TROUBLE ?............................................................................................................................................................... 23

WORKING WITH CADELEC......................................................................................................................... 25

3.1 THE USER INTERFACE............................................................................................................................................... 25
3.1.1 Cadelec and AutoCAD..................................................................................................................................... 25
3.1.2 AutoCAD - the graphical editor....................................................................................................................... 26
3.1.3 Multi-user networking...................................................................................................................................... 27
3.2 THE CADELEC COMMANDS ...................................................................................................................................... 28
3.3 DIRECTORY STRUCTURE .......................................................................................................................................... 34
3.4 DATA ENTITIES ........................................................................................................................................................ 35
3.5 DATA STATUS .......................................................................................................................................................... 35
3.6 WORKING WITH CADELEC ....................................................................................................................................... 36
3.7 OVERALL PROCEDURES............................................................................................................................................ 37

PROJECTS................................................................................................................................................... 39
4.1 CREATE A NEW PROJECT .......................................................................................................................................... 39
4.1.1 Device ID ......................................................................................................................................................... 41
4.1.2 Device-ID formulas.......................................................................................................................................... 43
4.1.3 Cross References.............................................................................................................................................. 46
4.1.4 Wire Numbering............................................................................................................................................... 46
4.2 MANAGE PROJECTS ................................................................................................................................................. 48
4.3 FILTER ON PROJECTS ................................................................................................................................................ 53
4.3.1 Creating / Editing filters on Projects ............................................................................................................... 53
4.3.2 Operations and functions for filters ................................................................................................................. 54
4.4 BATCH JOBS ON PROJECTS........................................................................................................................................ 55
4.4.1 Plot Project ...................................................................................................................................................... 58
4.5 ADD COMPONENTS .................................................................................................................................................. 62
4.6 COMPONENT DEFINITION ......................................................................................................................................... 65
4.6.1 Backup / Restore parameters ........................................................................................................................... 66
4.7 RE-INDEX PROJECT .................................................................................................................................................. 67
4.7.1 The Cadelec Layers.......................................................................................................................................... 67
4.8 PROJECT REPORTS ................................................................................................................................................... 70
4.8.1 Creating / Editing a report............................................................................................................................... 74
4.8.2 Report Headers ................................................................................................................................................ 83
4.8.3 Report Language.............................................................................................................................................. 84
4.8.4 Labels............................................................................................................................................................... 85

PROJECT PAGES........................................................................................................................................ 87

5.1 CREATING A NEW PAGE ........................................................................................................................................... 88

5.2 PAGE DATA.............................................................................................................................................................. 89
5.3 INSERT PAGE ........................................................................................................................................................... 91
5.4 OPEN PAGE.............................................................................................................................................................. 91
5.5 MANAGE PROJECT PAGES ....................................................................................................................................... 93
5.6 FILTER ON PAGES .................................................................................................................................................... 95
5.6.1 Creating / Editing filters on pages .................................................................................................................. 95
5.6.2 Operations and functions for filters................................................................................................................ 96
5.7 CHANGING BETWEEN PROJECT PAGES ..................................................................................................................... 97
5.7.1 Using the command GNEXT ........................................................................................................................... 97
5.7.2 Using the Navigator (command : GO) ............................................................................................................ 98
5.7.3 Using the command GOSNA ........................................................................................................................... 99
5.7.4 Using the command GOCNX......................................................................................................................... 100
5.8 RENAME PAGE ...................................................................................................................................................... 101
5.9 OVERALL PROCEDURES ON PAGES ......................................................................................................................... 102
5.10 CHANGING ATTRIBUTE ENTITIES ......................................................................................................................... 105
5.10.1 Operations and commands .......................................................................................................................... 105
5.10.2 Text Translation Utility ............................................................................................................................... 113
5.11 CUSTOMIZING THE TITLE BOX ............................................................................................................................ 118
5.12 CREATING A NEW US STYLE PROTOTYPE DRAWING ............................................................................................ 122

SCHEMATICS............................................................................................................................................. 123
6.1 WIRES AND CONNECTIONS .................................................................................................................................... 125
6.2 WIRE NUMBERING ................................................................................................................................................ 132
6.2.1 Potential wire numbering .............................................................................................................................. 132
6.2.2 Point To Point Wire numbering..................................................................................................................... 139
6.3 ELEMENTS ............................................................................................................................................................. 160
6.4 TERMINALS ........................................................................................................................................................... 207
6.5 PLC COMPONENTS ................................................................................................................................................ 232
6.6 USING AUTOCAD COMMANDS.............................................................................................................................. 243

CABINET LAYOUT DRAWINGS................................................................................................................. 245

7.1 CREATE A CABINET LAYOUT DRAWING ................................................................................................................ 246
7.2 COMMANDS AND FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 247
7.3 CREATING A NEW CABINET ELEMENT .................................................................................................................... 252

TERMINAL PINOUT DRAWINGS ............................................................................................................... 257

8.1 GENERATE TERMINAL PINOUT DRAWINGS............................................................................................................ 258
8.2 FUNCTIONS FOR TERMINAL PINOUTS .................................................................................................................... 260
8.3 CUSTOMIZING ....................................................................................................................................................... 264
8.3.1 Changing the Title Box.................................................................................................................................. 264
8.3.2 Customizing Terminal Pinouts ...................................................................................................................... 265
8.3.3 Terminal Pinout Attributes ............................................................................................................................ 266

LIBRARIES ................................................................................................................................................. 269

9.1 CREATE A NEW LIBRARY ....................................................................................................................................... 270
9.2 MANAGE LIBRARIES.............................................................................................................................................. 271
9.3 FILTER ON LIBRARIES ............................................................................................................................................ 276
9.3.1 Creating / Editing filters on Libraries ........................................................................................................... 277
9.3.2 Operations and functions .............................................................................................................................. 277
9.4 BATCH JOBS ON LIBRARIES .................................................................................................................................... 279
9.5 RE-INDEX LIBRARY ............................................................................................................................................... 281
9.6 UPDATE MENUS .................................................................................................................................................... 281
9.7 SLIDES ................................................................................................................................................................... 281
9.8 LIBRARY AND ELEMENTS REPORTS ........................................................................................................................ 283

LIBRARY ELEMENTS ................................................................................................................................ 285

10.1 CREATE A NEW ELEMENT .................................................................................................................................... 286
10.2 ELEMENT SELECTION .......................................................................................................................................... 288
10.3 EDIT ELEMENT .................................................................................................................................................... 289
1 - Introduction 5

10.3.1 Definitions for schematic symbols ............................................................................................................... 293

10.4 DRAWING ELEMENTS ........................................................................................................................................... 296
10.4.1 Attributes...................................................................................................................................................... 299
10.5 OPEN ELEMENT ................................................................................................................................................... 301
10.6 FILTER ON ELEMENTS .......................................................................................................................................... 301
10.6.1 Creating / Editing filters on elements .......................................................................................................... 302
10.6.2 Operations and functions for filters ............................................................................................................. 303
10.7 BACKUP ELEMENT ............................................................................................................................................... 305
10.8 DELETE ELEMENT ................................................................................................................................................ 305
10.9 INTEGRATE ELEMENT IN TABLET TEMPLATE ........................................................................................................ 306
10.10 OPERATIONS AND FUNCTIONS ............................................................................................................................ 307
10.11 USING AUTOCAD COMMANDS .......................................................................................................................... 337

CATALOGUES ........................................................................................................................................... 341

11.1 MANAGE CATALOGUES ........................................................................................................................................ 341
11.2 FILTER ON CATALOGUES ...................................................................................................................................... 344
11.2.1 Creating / Editing filter on catalogues......................................................................................................... 344
11.2.2 Operations and functions for filters ............................................................................................................. 345
11.3 RE-INDEX CATALOGUES ...................................................................................................................................... 346
11.4 CATALOGUE AND RECORDS REPORTS ................................................................................................................... 346

CATALOGUE RECORDS ........................................................................................................................... 349

12.1 MANAGE MANUFACTURER'S PARTS .................................................................................................................... 349
12.2 FILTER ON RECORDS ............................................................................................................................................ 356
12.2.1 Creating / Editing filters on records ............................................................................................................ 357
12.2.2 Operations and functions for filters ............................................................................................................. 358

APPENDIX A - DATABASE FILES AND FIELDS ....................................................................................... 359

APPENDIX B - LIBRARY SHOWCASES (EL_DIN LIBRARY) .................................................................... 377

APPENDIX C - PRE-SET REPORTS ......................................................................................................... 389

13.1 PROJECT REPORTS ............................................................................................................................................... 389
13.1.1 Project Reports (List)................................................................................................................................... 389
13.1.2 Project Pages reports .................................................................................................................................. 392
13.1.3 Cross-reference reports ............................................................................................................................... 397
13.1.4 Connection Reports...................................................................................................................................... 399
13.1.5 Terminal Reports ......................................................................................................................................... 402
13.1.6 Cabling reports ............................................................................................................................................ 404
13.1.7 Project cables reports .................................................................................................................................. 406
13.1.8 Parts Reports ............................................................................................................................................... 412
13.1.9 Bills of Materials.......................................................................................................................................... 416
13.1.10 Cabinet layout reports ............................................................................................................................... 431
13.1.11 AutoCAD Layers report ............................................................................................................................. 433
13.1.12 Project Counters report ............................................................................................................................. 434
13.2 LIBRARY REPORTS ............................................................................................................................................... 435
13.2.1 Library reports............................................................................................................................................. 435
13.2.2 Library Elements reports ............................................................................................................................. 437
13.3 CATALOGUE REPORTS .......................................................................................................................................... 445
13.3.1 Catalogue reports ........................................................................................................................................ 445
13.3.2 Catalogue Records reports .......................................................................................................................... 447
13.4 CABLE TYPES REPORT .......................................................................................................................................... 452

APPENDIX D - UPGRADING FROM CADELEC 6 ..................................................................................... 453

14.1 UPGRADE LIBRARY .............................................................................................................................................. 453
14.2 UPGRADE CATALOGUES ...................................................................................................................................... 456
14.2.1 Integrate a new catalogue into Cadelec....................................................................................................... 456
14.3 UPGRADE PROJECTS ............................................................................................................................................ 457

TECHNICAL NOTES .................................................................................................................................. 459

15.1 CADELEC CONNECTIVITY DATABASE ............................................................................................................... 459
15.2 CONNECTIVITY ANALYSER .................................................................................................................................. 467
15.3 THE PHANTOM TERMINAL.................................................................................................................................... 469

GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................................................ 473

INDEX ......................................................................................................................................................... 477

1 - Introduction 7

Cadelec is an advanced computer-aided design (CAD) system specialized in
electrical engineering applications.

Overview of the Cadelec system

It couples the power of the AutoCAD drawing package with extensive database
management capabilities (using industry-standard dBase format) for managing,
analyzing and querying the various types of data that are generated in electrical
engineering projects.
Cadelec extends AutoCAD's powerful drawing features with a comprehensive
range of specialized routines covering various aspects of electrical engineering
design work (schematics, cabinet wiring, terminal maps, etc.). It also integrates
sophisticated file-management services capable of handling the administrative
aspects of electrical engineering projects.
Cadelec automatically produces full, accurate cross-reference correlations,
regardless of the number of drawings in the project or the number of symbols to be
cross-referenced. It also manages data on connections between different wiring
zones in the physical installation, automatically generating full details on
connection cables and terminal wiring.
Cadelec even helps with cabinet layouts, by managing information on component
dimensions. Finally, the system integrates a central cables database to assist in the
design and sizing of connections throughout the project.

The system greatly reduces the time spent per drawing and cuts out the room for
error, which means increased productivity and increased reliability on a number of

The draughtsman is able to produce better drawings faster.

The risk of error is reduced.
The system automatically generates comprehensive, accurate project
information in the specified format as and when required.
Last but not least, Cadelec means greatly improved drawing quality. The
difference in quality between Cadelec-drawn and hand-drawn diagrams is
nothing less than startling.

The Modules

Cadelec is distributed in four modules, as described below:

Basic Module
The basic module is available together with any other module or with all of them..
The following functions are available.

Tracing of one and three phase wires.

Specify wire voltage rating.
Automatic computation of device ID's with user-selectable formulas.
Automatic re-annotation of technical data on components.
Automatic generation of over 60 reports just as parts list, bills of materials, etc.
Cross-reference analysis with detection of errors such as oversaturated contacts
and missing relays; generation of a cross-reference-error list.
Automatic project plotting with user specified custom printout and a pick list
for plotting selected pages of the project.
Management of colors and layers.
Automatic updating of title boxes; title boxes are fully customizable.
Links with external databases in xBase format.
Batch process on library elements.
Creation and plotting of library slides.
Printing of component labels.
Access to user-defined procedures.
Batch process on project pages.
With the powerful navigator, searching for contacts and coils belongs to
history. With on mouse click, you change between the page where the contact
is located to the page where its activating coil is. It works the other way around
as well.
Multiple user networking with various engineers working on the same project
at the same time.

Cabinet Module

Cabinet module adds additionally :

1 - Introduction 9

Project costing in advance with a pre-defined bill of material (Estimate).

Inserting components from the pre-defined bill of material.
Selecting Cabinets to hold the elements in the project from the Cabinet Library
Creating new Cabinet elements.
Semi-automatic generation of control cabinet layouts.
On-line consistency checking for components in the cabinets.
With the navigator you can change now between cabinet layout drawings and
schematics. With a mouse click on an element in the cabinet drawing, you
change in the schematic drawing where this element is located. The other way
around works as well.

Using the navigator, you can now change between terminal pinouts and the
schematics in order to find a specific terminal. Or you can go the other way around,
as well.

Terminal and Cables Module

Generation of connection reports (both internal circuit connections and links to

external units via terminals plugs or connections).
Management of terminals, cables and wiring harnesses.
Automatic wire numbering.
Automatic cable numbering.
Cable editor.
Generation of terminal pinouts drawing.
Generation of bridges.

PLC module
Selecting PLC-s from a PLC Library.
Edit PLC addresses.
Number PLC-s and related components
Export-Import PLC input/output List.
PLC related functions.

1st edition 1998

Copyright ® 1981-1998
17, Chemin de la Chavanne
CH-1196 Gland

This manual was produced using Microsoft Word

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, re-printed, copied, edited or

distributed by any means whatsoever without prior written consent from SISCAD

The SISCAD development team has taken the greatest possible care in producing
the Cadelec package. However, we can never totally exclude the possibility of
inadvertent error. For this reason, we strongly encourage user feedback on bugs,
omissions and errors. Naturally, we also welcome any suggestions you might have
for improving the product in the future.

SISCAD does not extend any explicit or implicit guarantee as to the suitability of its
products for any particular application. This product is therefore offered for sale
under strictly as-is conditions.

SISCAD accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any inadvertent or indirect

damage arising out of the use of this product. Under no circumstances shall
SISCAD's liability exceed the purchase price of the product in question.

SISCAD reserves the right to upgrade or modify its products as and when it sees fit.
The information contained in this document was valid at the time of publication but
may not be valid for future versions of the product.

AutoCAD, ARX are registered trademarks of Autodesk Inc.

Cadelec is a registered trademark of Siscad Ltd., Gland, Switzerland.

1 - Installation and Configuration 11

Installation and Configuration

1.1 Package Contents

The Cadelec software package contains the following items :
CD with installation program
hardware lock
users manual

The CD in the package will be identified by a serial number and the

product version number. You are not allowed to copy the software except
for the purposes of making a backup copy, and you are not allowed
to transfer the software for use by anybody else. The license agreement
allows you to use the software on just one computer at any given time.

1.2 System Requirements

1.2.1 Hardware
Computer Cadelec requires at least a Computer with a PENTIUM 90 MHz processor You will
also need a minimum of 24 MB RAM memory to run Cadelec but a system with at
least 32 (or 64)MB RAM is recommended There should also be 150 MB free space
on your hard disk

Screen You can use any monitor supported by AutoCAD. However, for optimum working,
you should consider a high-resolution monitor (1280x1024) and if required, an
auxiliary text monitor for dialogues.

Pointing device Cadelec 2004 uses a graphical user interface, which can be fully controlled with a
mouse. However, we recommend a graphics tablet with mouse emulation software.

Printer / Plotter With Cadelec 2004 you can use any printer and plotter supported by AutoCAD. If
you are using a laser printer only for graphical purposes (a Post Script printer, say)
or a plotter, we strongly recommend an additional text printer for reports. You can
use any Windows printer on the market.

1.2.2 Software
OS Cadelec 2004 requires Microsoft Windows 95/98 or Windows NT environment.

AutoCAD - Versions Cadelec requires AutoCAD 2004, 2002, 2000i or 2000 for Windows. Prior versions
of AutoCAD cannot be used with Cadelec 2004.

AutoCAD - Languages Cadelec works with most AutoCAD language versions and allows you to change
the AutoCAD menus between 9 languages (English, French, German, etc.).

1.3 Technical Support

When requesting technical support, you should be at your computer and be ready to
give the following information:

Serial number.
Version number.
Hardware and software setup.
The actions that cause the problem.

If you have recently installed Cadelec for the first time or have changed your
installation, you should run configcl.exe and check if the paths specified there are
the correct ones. If this still has not solved your problem, please do not hesitate to
call your dealer for technical support. Should you still have some specific questions
that are unsolved by your dealer, contact:

Chemin de la Chavanne 17
CH-1196 Gland, Switzerland
Tel: +41-22-364-5491
Fax: +41-22-364 5393

1.4 Training and refresher courses

SISCAD distributors run specialized training courses for Cadelec. Specialized
training is especially recommended for getting started. When you take a SISCAD
training course, specialized instructors put you on the right track from the start. You
reach optimum productivity in the shortest possible time. This will largely repay
your investment on the course.

1.5 Upgrades
Cadelec is continually being improved and extended. Upgrade versions are released
at regular intervals.
1 - Installation and configuration 13

1.6 Installation and configuration

1.6.1 Configuring your system

Hardware Lock Before installing Cadelec 2004 on the hard disk you should install the Cadelec
hardware lock. This should only be done while your computer is switched off. Plug
the hardware lock onto the back of the AutoCAD hardware lock, and tighten the
two fixing screws. You can then connect a printer or other device, again making
sure that both the computer and the device in question are switched off. If you try to
fit the hardware lock with either the printer or the computer powered, you may erase
the data in the hardware lock, and Cadelec will start with an error message telling
you that the hardware lock does not work properly. If this happens inadvertently,
please contact SISCAD immediately; we will inform you on how to re-program the
hardware lock and provide the codes required for doing this. After you have
installed the hardware lock, you can switch on the computer again.

Reprogramming the If by mistake the hardware lock is damaged, and the information written in it is lost,
hardware lock (dongle) please contact immediately SISCAD. The new codes will be supplied to you. When
contacting SISCAD on this matter, please run first RDON.EXE, the Cadelec dongle
reader program, which is located in the CLPW\P directory. Running the program
the window in Fig. 1 appears :

Fig. 1

Selecting Program from the Key menu, will bring up the dialogue box in Fig. 2
where you will find a Session Code, which is calculated according to your license,
and giving this code to SISCAD (while on the phone), you will be given the
program code which you should type in the Program Code field. Clicking on OK
the hardware lock will be reprogrammed.

Fig. 2

1.6.2 Installation on hard disk

Before starting the installation, make sure that there is sufficient free disk space on
the hard-disk drive where you want Cadelec to be installed. How much disk space
you will need, depends on how Cadelec will be used. Cadelec itself, needs about 90
MB free disk space, but you will need additional disk space for projects.
For an installation on a local drive for example, you will need approximately 150
Mb free space.

Cadelec installation To start the installation program of Cadelec 2004, insert the CD in the CD ROM
drive and start the setup.exe program. Setup will check first the hard drive and look
for an installed AutoCAD version (you can choose also to locate the AutoCAD
directory yourself). Then it will ask you if the found AutoCAD directory is the
correct one. If it is, you will have to specify the installation directory for Cadelec
2004 (where the Cadelec files will be copied.

Setup options You can choose between several types of installations:

Fig. 3
1 -Installation and configuration 15

Typical setup
This installation option is recommended for most users and selecting it, you are
offered the Typical installation options:

Fig. 4

Standalone Installation
Selecting this option, you have to specify the Cadelec files location on the local
drive (default C:\CLPW\) and then the files will be copied to this directory.

Master installation on the network

You can specify the locations for the Server part and Workstation part separately.
The Server part can be put on a logical network drive and the Workstation
(containing the ...\ P and .. \Acad directories) on a local drive.
Server part only
This option offers the possibility to install only the server part of Cadelec on a
logical network drive. to this server part you can add Workstation parts any time
later. The option installs all the Cadelec subdirectories, except ..\P and ..\Acad, in
the selected network path.
Workstation only
Assuming that there already exists a Server installed, you can add with this option a
new Workstation on a local drive, which will contain the ..\P and ..\Acad

Custom Master installation

This option lets you customize the different Cadelec file locations, selecting them
separately, in a dialogue box:

Fig. 5

New workstation
With this option you can install (attach) a new Workstation to an existing Server
and you can Reinstall different subdirectories, clicking the Reinstall checkboxes on
the right of the location boxes:

Fig. 6
1 - Cadelec configuration 17

The Workstation files (..\P and ..\Acad directories) will be copied to the specified
Workstation location. You also have to specify the file locations for the other
directories too, which are usually on a network drive. You can choose to reinstall
any of the subdirectories from the Server part too, checking the corresponding
Reinstall checkboxes. Selecting all the Reinstall checkboxes, you can install a new
copy of Cadelec too.
After you have selected the type of installation and specified the necessary file
locations, the installation program starts copying the files.
After the required files have been copied and installation is complete you will find
Cadelec in the Start/Programs menu with two available options: Cadelec 2004 and
Cadelec 2004 configuration. If you want to make any changes to the directories and
file locations afterwards you can run the Cadelec configuration utility and specify
different paths.

1.7 Cadelec configuration

After the installation Cadelec is already configured on your computer as to the file
locations and proper paths, you can change the Cadelec file locations any time after
installation, running the Configuration utility, either from the Start/Programs
/Cadelec 2004 menu or by starting the configuration program (CONFIGCL.EXE)
directly from the ..\P directory.
Before starting, make sure that you exactly know:

on which drive you have installed Cadelec.

on which drive you have installed AutoCAD.
what is the name of the AutoCAD directory.

Starting the Cadelec configuration utility, will bring up the Preferences dialogue

Fig. 7

The programs subdirectory cannot be modified within the configuration program.

To modify the Cadelec programs location (\CLPW\P), first you should move its
contents to an other location and run configcl.exe from the new subdirectory. The
configuration program will retain the new location as the new programs
subdirectory and store the path, letting you configure the other locations.

Clicking on the location tab, in the Configuration window, at the right of the file
location boxes, opens the file selection window, where the new location can be
selected (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8
1 - Cadelec configuration 19

The Cadelec paths are by default:

\CLPW\P - programs
\CLPW\Acad - AutoCAD support for Cadelec
\Acad - AutoCAD home directory (where acad.exe is
\CLPW\PR\ - projects directory
\CLPW\LI\ - libraries
\CLPW\CA\ - catalogues
\CLPW\M\ - templates
\CLPW\BMP\ - bitmaps
\CLPW\F\ - reports
A: - backups

Changing the location of the Projects subdirectory (\CLPW\PR), means that after
this Cadelec will store the NEW projects in the new location. The old projects will
have the same path.
To change the path of an old project, you have to edit the Project Drive and Path
in the Project data window, by editing the project.
If you have defined a project directory apart from the CLPW directory and if you
still want to use the demonstration project :
copy the CLPW\PR directory to the pr_drv:\ pr_dir where :
pr_drv - is the drive where you want your projects to be held
pr_dir - is the directory where your projects should be kept
The demonstration project HYD_PUM will still be kept in CLPW\PR directory.
New projects will be created in the drive and path entered.

Cadelec comes with two libraries. One holds the symbols which are used when
creating schematics. The other holds the cabinets. If you have specified a drive and
path apart from the Cadelec directory CLPW when running Configcl, you should
copy those libraries to the location specified:
copy the \CLPW\LI directory to li_drv:\li_dir, where :
li_drv - is the drive where you want your libraries to be held
li_dir - is the directory where your libraries should be kept

Cadelec comes with some example catalogues. You might want to install
them on the network before replacing them by manufacturers catalogues:
copy the \CLPW\CA directory to cat_drv\cat_dir, where :
cat_drv - is the drive where you want your catalogues to be held
cat_dir - is the directory where your catalogues should be kept

Please bear in mind, that cat_drv and cat_dir should be the same as the ones
specified in the configuration program.

Splitting data on local drives Even the user working on a local drive can use the free locating of data, which is
- Advantages one of the network capabilities. This gives you the advantage to use different drives
for the Cadelec program and e.g. the projects. This reduces the required disk space

on the hard disk where Cadelec was installed and lets you work on a program drive
and a data drive.

Data on network - You can locate projects, libraries and catalogues on the network ( see also Cadelec
Advantages / Drawbacks Installation).
The big advantage is, that several users can work on the same project, using the
same libraries and catalogues. This guarantees that every user works with an
identical symbols library. Locating data on network offers advantages even for
working in single-user mode. Placing the projects and libraries to network
guarantees, that the data is backed up automatically every time the network is
backed up to the streamer. The drawback of locating data on network is a decrease
of performance due to network traffic.

Clicking the Reports tab, opens the Preferences for Reports dialogue box:

Fig. 9

In this dialogue box you can select the Language for the reports and specify the
Report Headers (which will appear on every report). Selecting the Report Language
from the pop-up list, changes the report column headers of all reports to the selected
language. The fields themselves (the data) will not change their language.
1 - Cadelec configuration 21

Clicking the System tab in the Configuration window, the System Preferences
dialogue appears from where you can edit the Backup and Restore batch files as
well as the User 1 and User 2 batches (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10

User 1 and User 2 : These functions open the text editor where you can write a
DOS-batch. Cadelec allows you to use two DOS-batches (USER1.BAT and
USER2.BAT) and two Fox Pro routines (USER3.PRG and USER4.PRG) which can
be started from within Cadelec. For details on batch processes or Fox Pro routines
please refer to the manual.

Clicking the Date Format button, a dialogue box appears where you can set the
format the date is displayed in by Cadelec, as well as the separator character used.

1.7.1 Starting Cadelec

Now your installation and configuration are finished and you can start Cadelec.
You can start it from the Start / Programs / Cadelec 2004 menu or you can create a
shortcut to the CLPW\P\cadelec.exe file and an icon to start the program easier.

User Name When starting, in Windows 95/ 98, Cadelec asks for your name (Fig. 11). In
Windows NT it assumes the user name under which the user logged in. This allows
several users to use the same computer with everyone keeping its own settings (e.g.
Report Headers, Active Project, Active Library etc.). If you wish to avoid Cadelec
from prompting for the user-name, define a new system variable with the name
USERNAME and assign your user-name to it. This can be done by editing the
AUTOEXEC.BAT file (located in the root directory of the system drive) and adding
the following line to it:


After restarting, the system will not ask for a username assuming the content of the
USERNAME variable.
If necessary, you can start Cadelec in DEBUG mode. This might be needed after a
crash due to power failure etc.
In Debug mode, Cadelec will start without AutoCAD and you can use project and
page managing functions, like Re-Index, Rename etc.

To start Cadelec in debug mode you have to set the system variable CLP_DEBUG
to 'Y' (in Windows 95/98 in the autoexec.bat file and in Windows NT in the system

Fig. 11

Within Cadelec
If you have changed the paths in the configuration program in order to store data in
another location than the CLPW directory, you should first Re-index/ All. To do so,
click with the mouse cursor on the Utilities menu and select Re-index and then All.
This function controls the whole installation and adds missing databases if the
installation was not done properly.

1.8 AutoCAD configuration

After having started Cadelec for the first time, you need to configure AutoCAD.
After CADELEC loads AutoCAD :

select Profiles in the Preferences window
Select CADELEC 2000 profile
Cadelec 98 - AutoCAD configuration 23

Set Current
Select "Files / Support File Search Path"
Add the search paths for Bitmaps and Cadelec Tools for ACAD (e.g
C:\CLPW\BMP and C:\CLPW\ACAD) by clicking on Add.
Select Menu, Help ... File Names in the Files window
Select Menu File; Set the menu to the menu contained in the library you are
using (e.g. C:\CLPW\ LI\EL_DIN\ EL_DIN_1.MNU) by editing the menu file
Click on Apply
Click on OK to leave the Preferences window and return to the CADLOGO
Type _MENU
In the selection window, set the menu to the uncompiled menu contained in the
library you are using (e.g. C:\CLPW\LI \EL_DIN\ bEL_DIN_1.MNU).
AutoCAD will compile the .MNU menu and generate the .MNS, .MNC, and
.MNR compiled menus.
Save changes and quit AutoCAD
Restart Cadelec

1.9 Trouble ?
If you get the Error message:
ARXLOAD failed or Unknown command,
when starting CADELEC 2004, you should copy the file NSLMS32.DLL from the
Cadelec directory ...\CLPW\P (or where you installed the Cadelec programs) to the
directory in which the AutoCAD executable ACAD.EXE is situated, e.g.

No proper bitmaps, only Smileys in Toolbars

Reason : there is no environment setting in AutoCAD pointing to the Bitmap
directory (e.g. CLPW\BMP).
To solve the problem:

Type _PREFERENCES (or select from the Tools / Preferences menu)

Select Files / Support File Search Path
Add the search paths for Bitmaps (e.g C:\CLPW\BMP) by clicking on Add

If you try to enter a page into AutoCAD and an error occurs, Cadelec still considers
this page to be used. If you have corrected your configuration, and try to enter the
same page into AutoCAD, you will get the error message:
Page is currently being modified by another
displayed". If this happens, run Re-index Project from the Utilities menu.

FATAL ERROR! File PROJS.DBF missing. Restore Cadelec from safe backup
appears when I try to create a new project This error message appears if you have
specified a project directory different then the default and did not copy the contents
of it to the new project directory.
Cadelec 98 - Installation and Configuration
The projects database PROJS.DBF, which is always contained in the projects
directory, can therefore not be found. Run Re-index All from the Utilities menu to
solve this problem. This function will create a new projects database.
2- Working with CADELEC- The user interface 25

Working with CADELEC

2.1 The user interface
Cadelec provides the draughtsman with a range of powerful tools for producing
high-quality drawings in a minimum of time. Cadelec consists of a document
manager and uses AutoCAD as a graphic editor for project pages and library
elements. The Cadelec commands are issued from drop-down menus and options
set from easy to understand dialogue boxes. All Cadelec commands can be given in
either of the ways :
from a drop-down menu
from the toolbars
with a digitizer from a template
by typing in the command

2.1.1 Cadelec and AutoCAD

Within Cadelec you can create:

the pages of a project
catalogue records
26 Cadelec 98

The status bar, in the lower part of the screen, displays the currently selected
project, page, library, element, catalogue and record.(Fig. 12).

Fig. 12

2.1.2 AutoCAD - the graphical editor

The graphical editor is entered automatically by Cadelec whenever is necessary. For
example when creating a new project, after the project and page definition Cadelec
enters the first page of the project automatically. If the project has several pages
already, after opening it, you can use the Open Page function to open a specific
You can use every AutoCAD function also. The AutoCAD drop-down menus will
still be active, extended by the Cadelec menu. The Cadelec menu will add to the
AutoCAD drop down menus. It contains the Cadelec commands to be used within
AutoCAD. The Cadelec toolbars also will be added to the AutoCAD toolbars; they
can be disabled or shown separately from the Tools/Toolbars menu. Every Cadelec
function has a corresponding toolbox in the toolbars as an option to the menu item.
You can enter also the commands manually in the command-line (for the complete
list of commands, please see later this chapter).
2- Working with CADELEC- The user interface 27

2.1.3 Multi-user networking

Cadelec 2004 features multi-user networking capabilities. Several users can work at
the same time on the same project using the same libraries and the same catalogues.
Please note the following rules:

Projects, libraries and catalogues can only be accessed by every user if they are
located in the network and each user has access rights to them.
A project page will be locked while a user is working on it.
Batch processes on projects and libraries can only be performed with only one
active net user on a certain project or library. The project or library will be
locked while the batch job is running.
Cadelec’s repair functions Re-index can only be performed with one active net
Changes are stored in databases so that every user has the latest information
28 Cadelec 98

2.2 The Cadelec commands

Command Function from the Cadelec menu Description
CRE_PLA Project / New Page Create new page 88
INS_PLA Project / Insert Page Insert a new page 91
GNEXT Project / Open Page Change to another page 91
BUS_PLA Project / Manage Project pages Manage pages 93
GO Navigator / Go to page Activate the navigator 98
GOSNA Navigator / Find SNA Finds a device ID in schematic 99
GOCNX Navigator Find wire Finds a wire in schematic 100
CRE_PRO Project / New Project Create a new project 39
BUS_PRO Project / Manage Project Open a project 48
Wire operations
Laycab 400V;300 Connections / Voltage Rating / 400V Specify wire voltage rating 126
L1/ L1P Connections / 1-phase / power Draw 1-phase wire/ power 128
L1V Connections / V connection Draw a V connection 129
L3/L3P Connections / 3-phase / power Draw 3-phase wire 130
LN/LNP Connections / N-phase Draw N-phase wire / power 130
APO Connections / Nodes -Default Set nodes/ default 131
apo Connections / Nodes -Diameter Set nodes 131
SETEQM Connections / Set XRE Identifier Sets the XRE identifier 154
EEQM Connections / Delete XRE identifier Deletes XRE identifier 154
RCEQI Connections / X-Ref Point / Left Set XR points 153
RCEQD Connections / X-Ref Point / Right Set XR points 153
RCEQU Connections / X-Ref Point / Top Set XR points 153
RCEQL Connections / X-Ref Point / Bottom Set XR points 153
SCNXMM Connections / Set Mark / Horizontal Set wire mark-horiz 133
SCNXMV Connections / Set Mark /Vertical Set wire mark-vert 133
SCNXMA Connections / Set Mark / Angle Set wire mark-angle 133
SCMAN Connections / Set Mark / Manual Set wire mark-manual 133
NCNXM Connections / Number / All Automatic numbering of all wire marks 137
RCNXM Connections / Reset/ All Reset all variable wire marks 138
SET_WN Connections / Wire numbering / Set Set a wire number 140
wire number
SET_WNPOS Connections / Wire Numbering / Set Set position of wire number 141
SETSEP / Wire Numbering / Set Separator Set separator for wire numbers 144
SETPROP /Wire Numbering / Set Properties Sets properties of wires 145
EDVRAT Connections / Wire Numbering / Edit Edits default wire properties 146
Default Properties
DEL_WN Connections / Wire Numbering / Delete wire numbers 150
Delete wire number /Window
DEL_WNALL Connections / Wire Numbering / Delete Deletes all wire numbers 150
wire number / All
DEL_WNS Connections / Wire Numbering ,/ Delete a wire number 150
Delete wire number / Selection
DELNUMWN / Wire Numbering / Delete wire Deletes all wire numbers except the power 150
number/ Earse non-power line nbs. line nbs.
PURGE_WN Connections / Wire Numbering /Purge Purges all wire numbers from drawing 150
wire numbers
DEL_WNPOS / Wire Numbering / Delete position Reset number position to default 142
MARK_PW Wire Numbering / Mark Power wire Marks power wire 143
UNMARK_PW Connections / Wire Numbering / Unmarks power wire 143
Unmark Power wire
WNALL Connections / Wire Numbering Numbers all wires in drawing 147
/Number Wires / All
WN /Wire Nb. / Number wires / Window Numbers wires in window 147
2- Working with CADELEC- The Cadelec commands 29

WNS /Wire Numbering / Number wires / Numbers selected wires 148

WNPLC /Wire Numbering / Number wires/ Numbers wires of PLC 149
Number PLC wire
ECM Connections / Erase Mark Erase wire mark 136
EDCNT Connections / Edit Counters Edit counters 151
XRE Connections / Cross Reference Calculate equipotential cross reference 154
ASIUPCN Connections / Short Circuit Check short circuit 156
SELECT Connections / Show Show connections 157
BCNXL Connections / Cut Cut Cables 158
DF Connections / Distance Set distance between phases 159
Element Draw / Element Categories Show Element Categories toolbar 161
LISTIN Element Draw / List Insert Elements from a pre-defined BOM 162
IE Element Draw / Type Insert element by symbol code 163
EE Element Draw / Erase Erase element with automatic line mending 164
LBRK Element Draw / Break Lines Perform manual line break 165
CHB Element Draw / Swap /Direct Replace an element by another 166
CHBF Element Draw / Swap /Intelligent Replace an element by another with 167
matching properties
CHBC Element Draw / Swap /Selection Replace an element by another by selecting 168
from categories
UPB_A Element Draw / Update / All Updates all elements in the page 169
UPB_SS Element Draw / Update / Selection Update selected elements 170
UPB_SA Element Draw / Update/ All Updates all elements 173
UPB_1S Updates one element 171
UPB_SWAP Element Draw / Update/ Manual Replaces and updates an element 172
UPATTD Updates attribute def. from ELEMS database 175
UPDBF Updates ELEMS database from element 174
SXRF Element Analyse / Set Xr-function Sets Cross-reference function 176
SSLOT Element Analyse /Set PLC Slot value Sets the SLOT value for PLCs 179
CXRF Element Analyse / Replace Xr-function Replaces an XR-Function by another 183
XCHG_XS Element Analyse / SNA To Xr Function Exchange the SNA attr. with XR_Function
XCHG_SX Element Analyse / Xr Function to SNA Exchange the XR_Function attr. with SNA
XRC Element Analyse / Cross-reference Calculate Cross-references 180
SFREEZE Element Analyse / Freeze Device IDs Freezes the IDs of the selected elements 191
SUNFREEZE Element Analyse / Unfreeze Device IDs Unfreezes the IDs of the selected elements 192
SZON Element Analyse / Zone Defines the mounting zone of an element 193
SLOC Element Analyse / Installation Defines the location of an element 194
SCIR Element Analyse / Circuit Defines the location of a circuit, 194

SPREFIX Element Analyse / Prefix Drawing Prefix Device ID with page nb. 199
NCOMP Element Analyse / Number Auto/ All Numbers all elements without a device ID 185
and all unnumbered terminals
NCOMP Element Analyse / Number Auto / Numbers all elements in window 185
NCOMP Element Analyse / Number Auto / Numbers selected elements 185
PCOMP Element Analyse / Number Auto / Use Number elements with PLC formula 240
PLC Formula
MKSNDEF Element Analyse / Re-number / Resets the device ID and the terminal 187
numbers and re-numbers them
NCOMPM Element Analyse / Number Manual Allows a manual device ID definition 186
RCOMPALL Element Analyse / Reset All/ All, Resets all device IDs ( in window or 189
Window,Selection selection)
RCOMPONLY Element Analyse/Reset Elements / All, Resets only elements 188
Window, Selection
EDCNT Element Analyse / Edit Counters Edit counters for cables, terminals and 151
30 Cadelec 98

FXRCN Element Analyse / Freeze Contacts Freezes contact numbers 184

VWEB Element Analyse / Errors - Group Lists the errors of an XR-group 182
VWER Element Analyse / Errors - All List all XR errors 181
DEFCOM Element Analyse / Part Number / Assigns catalogue and record to an element 195
Assign Direct
DEFCOF Element Analyse / Part Number / Assigns catalogue and record to an element 197
Assign Filtered using a filter
RTECHD Element Analyse / Part Number / Re- Re-annotates Technical Data 198
EDI_COM Element Analyse / Part Number / Add Adds Components to the project 62
DEF_COM Element Analyse / Part Number / Defines Components in the project 202
Define Components
STAG Element Analyse / Tag Prompts for entering of the tag number 200
SUSR Element Analyse / User Prompts for entering of User definable
STIC Terminals / T.strip ID / Set Sets Terminal Strip ID 208
MVP Terminals / T.strip ID / Visible Makes attribute visible 209
IVA Terminals / T.strip ID / Invisible Makes attribute invisible 210
NCOMP Terminals / Number Auto / All Numbers all not numbered terminals and all 211
elements without a device ID
NCOMP Terminals / Number Auto / Window Numbers all not numbered terminals and all 211
elements without a device ID in specified
NCOMP Terminals / Number Auto / Selection Numbers selected, not numbered terminals 211
and elements without a device ID
NTERMM Terminals / Number Manual Allows manual numbering of terminals 212
RTERMALL Terminals / Reset All Terminals/ All, Resets all terminals 213
Window, Selection
RTERMNUM Terminals / Reset Numeric Terminals Resets numeric terminals 214
EDCNT Terminals / Edit Counters Edit counters for cables, terminals and 215
SWT Terminals / Reverse Reverses terminal direction - External 216
side up or down
SCAB Terminals / Cables / Set Defines cable 217
RTERD Terminals / Cables / Re-annotate Re-annotate terminal related. data 221
GEN_DBO Terminals / Cables / Pinouts, Generates Terminal Pinout drawing 258
Terminals / Bridges Off Hides bridges (Only on terminal pinouts)
Terminals / Bridges Auto Displays only automatically generated
bridges (Only on terminal pinouts)
Terminals / Bridges Manual Displays only manually added bridges (Only
on terminal pinouts)
NPLC PLC / Pin Numbers Numbers PLC pins automatically 233
APLC PLC / Addresses Number PLC channels automatically 234
EPLC PLC / Channels Set / Edit PLC channels descriptors 235
PLCT PLC / Export ASCII Export PLC channels data to ASCII file 237
TPLC PLC / Import ASCII Import a PLC channel descriptor file to a 239
TXTIN Cabinets / Place Components Place components,, terminals and plugs in 248
the cabinet
TSR Cabinets / terminal Block Draw a terminal strip in the cabinet 251
CCC Cabinets / Cable Routing Draw cable routing 250
MVA Attributes / Visible Makes attribute visible 106
IVA Attributes / Invisible Makes attribute invisible 210
MA Attributes / Move Moves attribute 108
RA Attributes / Rotate Rotates attribute 109
2- Working with CADELEC- The Cadelec commands 31

HA Attributes / Height Changes attribute height 110

Layers / Xr-function On Shows the XR-Function annotation
Layers / Xr-function Off Hides the XR-Function annotation
Layers / Cat / Rec On Shows the Catalogue and Record annotation
Layers / Cat / Rec Off Hides the Catalogue and Record annotation
Layers / On Shows the Technical Data
Layers / Off Hides the Technical Data
OFFLAY Layers / Off Switches a selected layer off 111
KLAY Layers / Erase Erases the contents of a selected layer 112
Language / English Changes the annotation to English
Language / French Changes the annotation to French
Language / German Changes the annotation to German
Language / Italian Changes the annotation to Italian
Language / Dutch Changes the annotation to Dutch
Language / Spanish - Spain Changes the annotation to Spanish
Language / Spanish - L. America Changes the annotation to Spanish -Latin
Language / Hungarian Changes the annotation to Hungarian
Language / Czech Changes the annotation to Czech
REO_PRO Utilities / Re-Index / Project Re-Indexes a Project 67
REO_LIB Utilities / Re-Index / Library Re-Indexes a Library 281
REO _CAT Utilities / Re-Index / Catalogue Re-Indexes Catalogues 346
REO_TOT Utilities / Re-Index / All Re-Indexes All 37
REN_PLA Utilities / Re-Name page Rename Page 101
DAT_STA Utilities / Status Displays status 35
CHMENU Utilities / Change Menu
INT_ELE Utilities / Integrate Tablet 306
LIB_SHW Utilities / Slides Generate slides 281
GS Generate a single slide for a new element 281
CCELE Utilities / Catch Element 336
CCDLG Utilities / Customize Categories 332
MAT_BAK Utilities / Purge BAKs Purges BAK files 37
CAP Utilities / Capture Captures an element 242
UTBLK Utilities / Title Box Updates Title box 103
USR_FUN1,4 Utilities / User 1,4 37
BAT_PRO Batch / Project Batch Batch on Project 55
BAT_LIB Batch / Library Batch Batch on Library 279
FIL_PRO Filters / Filter Projects Filter on Projects 53
FIL_CNX Filters / Filter Connections Filter on connections
FIL_ PLA Filters / Filter Pages Filter on pages 95
FIL_LIB Filters / Filter Libraries Filter on libraries 276
FIL_ELE Filters / Filter Elements Filter on elements 301
FIL_CAT Filters / Filter catalogues Filter on catalogues 344
FIL_REC Filters / Filter Records Filter on records 356
BASE Library / Drawing / Base Set base point for element insertion 308
DCLINE Library / Drawing / Break Lines Draw break lines 309
DEFPOL Library / Drawing / Poles Set attributes for element pole numbers 310
DEFSI Library / Drawing / Device ID (SNA) Set attributes for element numbering and 311
annotation of the Device ID
DEFFREEZE, Library / Drawing /Freeze Device IDs Inserts the SNA_FROZEN attribute 312
DEFEQI Library Drawing / EQXRMI attribute Sets the EQXRMI attribute 313
DEFFU Library / Drawing / XR-Function Sets the attributes for the XR-Function 314
32 Cadelec 98

DEFRC Library / Drawing/ XR_Position Sets attributes for annotating the cross- 316
references of elements
DEFCA Library / Drawing/ Catalogue Sets the attribute for the catalogue 317
DEFRE Library / Drawing/ Record Sets the attribute for the record assignment 318
DEFTD Library / Drawing / Set attribute for annotation of Technical 319
DEFLO Library / Drawing / Location Sets the attribute for the Location 320
DEFZO Library / Drawing / Zone Sets the attribute for wiring zone annotation 321
DEFCI Library / Drawing / Circuit Set the attribute for circuit
DEFCC Library / Drawing / Cable-cond Set the attributes for cable and conductor 322
DEFDIR Library / Drawing/ Orientation Set attributes for the direction of a terminal 323
DEFTN Library / Drawing / Tag Sets the attribute for the tag number 324
DEFUS Library / Drawing / User 1-4 Sets the attributes for user-definable 325
DEFSO Library / Drawing / Sna Only Sets the Device ID attribute without the 331
attributes for element numbering
DEFOP Library / Drawing / PLC / Address Sets PLC Address 326
DEFDES Library / Drawing / PLC / Description Sets PLC Description 328
DEFSYM Library / Drawing / PLC / Label Sets PLC Label attribute 327
DEFCMT Library / Drawing / PLC / Comment Sets PLC Comment attribute 329
CAP Library / Drawing / Capture Captures an element 242
CRE_ELE Library / Element / New Creates a new library element 286
ACC_ELE Library / Element / Open Opens a library element 301
ELE_ITF Library / Element / Selection Element Selection 288
EDI_ELE Library / Element /Edit Edits a library element 289
BAC_ELE Utilities / Element/Backup Element Backup Element 305
DEL_ELE Utilities / Element/Delete Element Delete Element 305
CRE_LIB Library / Database / New Creates a new library 270
BUS _LIB Library / Database / Manage Libraries Manages Libraries 271
EDI_REC Catalog / Manage Manufacturer Parts Manages records 355
BUS_CAT Catalog / Open Catalogue Manages Catalogs 341
CADSAVE File / Save Saves an element drawing and creates a slide 286

Note: You will find the complete list of the commands also in the Help Command
2- Working with CADELEC- Directory structure 33

2.3 Directory structure

The Cadelec directory structure is not fixed. You can locate any of the directories
except the programs directory to other drives or to a directory apart from the
Cadelec directory. If you want to do so, you have to change the paths in the Cadelec
configuration program CONFIGCL.EXE
The following diagram shows you the directory structure after installation.
Directory P This directory holds Cadelec programs, help and configuration files and certain
databases. The location of this directory can not be changed.
Directory PR After installing Cadelec, this directory holds the demonstration project HYD_PUM
and the projects database PROJS.DBF. Every project has its own sub-directory. The
projects directory and the projects can be located anywhere on a local drive or
anywhere on the network.
Directory LI This directory holds the libraries and the libraries database LIBS.DBF. Cadelec
comes with a symbol library (e.g. BS, EL_DIN etc.) and a library of cabinets
(MONTA). Library elements are held in a directory with the name of the library.
You can locate the libraries directory freely.
Directory CA This is the catalogue directory. It holds the catalogues, the record and the standard
cable table. You can locate this directory freely.
Directory ACAD This directory holds AutoCAD related files: configuration, data, ARX files.
Directory M This directory holds the database template files. These files are used when creating
databases and when repairing corrupted databases with the Re-index function.
Directory F This directory holds the report templates. The reports of different languages are
stored in different sub-directories. The pre-defined reports are available in English,
French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Spanish - Latin American, Italian, Hungarian and
34 Cadelec 98

2.4 Data entities

Cadelec handles data in six distinct categories: Projects, Pages, Libraries, Elements,
Catalogues and Records.
These six data types, or entities, can be considered as forming three groups:
PROJECTS are made up of PAGES

This means that if you want to work on a particular page, you must first access the
project that contains the page. If the project was previously accessed or opened, it
will be assigned as the active project. All page operations will access the pages of
the active project. The same applies to libraries and library elements and to
catalogues and catalogue records.

2.5 Data status

Projects, libraries and catalogues can be either in ACTIVE or in BACKUP status.
The status is displayed in the selection box for every project, library and catalogue
ACTIVE on Disk means that the project (library or catalogue) and its pages (elements or records) are
available for immediate use.
BACKUP assigns, that the project (library or catalogue) was backed up and deleted from hard-
disk. It can be accessed after restoring.

Running Status (command: DAT_STA) from the Utilities menu (Fig. 13) opens a
dialogue box displaying the currently selected data entities, their status and the
current filter setting (Fig. 14).

Fig. 13

Fig. 14
2- Working with CADELEC 35

2.6 Working with Cadelec

The flow chart below shows you the overall procedure that you should follow for
working with Cadelec.

Working with Cadelec - flow chart

Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project36

2.7 Overall procedures

User 1-4
From the Utilities menu you can run user definable batches (User 1 and User 2) and
Foxpro routines (User 3 and User 4).
You can edit the DOS batches User1.bat and User2.bat running User1 or User2
from the File / Preferences menu. For details on batch files and the required DOS
commands, please refer to your DOS manual.
User 3 and User 4 trigger custom Foxpro database management routines.
Experienced Foxpro programmers can write their own routines in Foxpro language.
Fig. 15 You will find the pre-defined files User3.fxp and User4.fxp in the Cadelec programs
directory /CLPW/P.
Re-index All
Re-index All (REO_TOT) repairs and optimizes all Cadelec's databases for best
performance. This will be done on all databases of the available projects, libraries
and catalogues. Select it from the Tools/Utilities/Re-Index/All menu.
Cadelec will remove all temporary files such as *.BAK files and therefore free disk
We recommend that you should run the re-index all function regularly, at least once
a week.
Purge BAK's
This function (MAT_BAK), selected from the Tools/Utilities menu will remove all
*.BAK files in all Cadelec directories and free some space on hard disk.
You should perform the Purge BAK's function before performing backups
especially on large projects as the *.BAK files created by AutoCAD when saving
the page, might take a lot of disk space.
3- Projects- Create a new project 37
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project38


3.1 Create a new project

After selecting New Project (or typing CRE_PRO) from the Cadelec/Project
menu (Fig. 16), or clicking on the Project toolbox in the Cadelec toolbar (Fig.
17) and, holding down the mouse button, dragging the cursor to the New
Project toolbox (Fig. 18) and releasing the button, the dialogue box shown in
Fig. 19 appears. In this dialogue box, you have to enter the Name of the Project.
There you can also define the project drive and path, if you want it to be located
apart from the project directory specified in the Cadelec configuration program
Fig. 16 (see page 17).

Fig. 17

Beside of this, the options described further allow you to copy the data sheet and the
whole project to be used as a model

Fig. 18

Fig. 19

Name of the project Enter the Name of the Project to create. There are no limitations to the project
names, except the ones given by DOS. This means, that you can enter up to 8
alphanumerical characters including the signs '$' and '_'. A directory is created for
every project. This requires that the project name has to be unique. Once the project
is created, you cannot change its name.
3- Projects- Create a new project 39

Project drive and path The Project Drive and Path field displays the default for the drive and path where
your project will be stored. The default is the directory location defined in the
Cadelec configuration program (see also page 17).
The project drive and path can be edited in order to store the project apart from the
default location. If you enter a location other than the default, Cadelec will control
it. If you have entered a non-existing directory, an error message Invalid Input will
appear. The last directory in the path annotation is the project directory. As already
mentioned Cadelec stores the project pages, databases and other project related files
in the directory with the project name.

Take data of other Selecting the Take Data of Other Project option copies the data sheet of another
project project. This can be very useful if there are already similar projects. Selecting this
option allows you to copy the project description of another project and to edit it.
After you have selected this option, a dialogue box appears where you can choose
the project whose data sheet you want to use as a model.
If there are no similar projects, you can leave the Take data of other project option
de-selected and fill out the data sheets manually.

Create empty project Leaving the option Create Empty Project selected, creates an empty project,
without any project pages contained. If the Take data of other project is selected, the
project data sheet will be copied nevertheless.

Copy same project as After Take Data of Other Project has copied the data sheet of an existing project for
data sheet your new project, Copy Same Project as Data Sheet will copy the pages from it,
too. The result is a copy of an existing project with another name. This option is
only selectable if you have chosen the Take data from other project option before.

Retrieve project from With the Retrieve Project From Disk option, you can copy the files of a project
disk from the selected location. Using this function also allows you to integrate a project,
which is totally unknown for your Cadelec. This might be used to transfer a project
from a computer without network connection to another one by diskette.
If you have selected Take Data From Other Project before, the data sheet of another
project will be inserted.

For a description of the other fields please refer to Manage Projects / Edit Project,
on page 48.
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project40

3.1.1 Device ID
Clicking on the Device ID tab, a dialogue box appears (Fig. 20) where you can set
project preferences and options like Device ID Formula, PLC formula and
automatic recalculations. The screen appears when creating the new project or when
running Edit Project. Here you can switch on or off all automatic re-calculation and

Fig. 20
re-annotations that are performed when opening a page.

Formula In the Formula field you enter a formula for automatic element numbering. A
device ID according to this formula will be given to every symbol of your project.
Cadelec comes with 12 pre-defined formulas covered by international standards like
DIN, but users can define their own numbering system, too.

Pressing ENTER on the empty field displays the list of available formulas including
their description. Select by locating the cursor on the formula to use and press
ENTER (Fig. 21).

Fig. 21
3- Projects - Device ID 41

You can also edit the pre-set formulas and create new ones (see also page 43).

Always show The Always Show installation (redundant) option is only selectable if the selected
installation (redundant) Device ID formula contains the installation (variable "A"). Normally, the
installation is defined when creating the page and given as default to every element
contained on this page. This default installation is shown in the title box and
therefore not displayed in the Device ID of elements belonging to this location. The
installation annotation will usually only be displayed on elements placed in
installations outside the default one. If you want to have the installation annotated
on every element, even if they are placed at the default location, activate the Always
Show Installation (redundant) option. This could be useful on schematics with
various locations and zones. The annotation will help avoid misunderstandings.

Always show Zone This option is only selectable if the Device ID formula contains the zone (variable
(redundant) "O"). Selecting this option annotates the zone in every Device ID, even if contained
in the default zone as specified for the page.

Automatic Cross- With the Automatic Cross-reference Re-calculation option you can switch ON or
Reference re-calculation OFF the automatic cross-reference re-calculation which is performed when opening
a page. Usually it should be selected to keep the cross-references updated. In some
cases it might be useful to de-select it. E.g. if you have started creating a large
project and there are still several components missing. Automatic cross-referencing
would display you errors on missing coils etc. which have yet not been inserted into
the project. Another possible case is, that you just want to have a look on a old
project and want to keep it unchanged.

Automatic Equipotential Selecting this option re-calculates the equipotential Cross-references every time you
Cross-References open a page. (For more details on equipotential calculation please refer to page

Automatic Re-Calc of Selecting Automatic Re-calc of Device-ID, re-calculates the Device ID's every time
Device-ID you open the page. This should usually be selected to keep the Device ID's updated.
You should de-select this option if you want to avoid the updating of the Device ID
annotations. This might be the case, if you are making changes on a project, which
is partly mounted. It is clear that it would cause confusion, if the Device ID's of the
already installed components are updated.

Re-annotate Technical With the Re-annotate Technical Data option you choose, whether you want Cadelec
Data to re-annotate the technical data from the catalogue records every time you open a
page or not. Another effect of this decision is, that you choose whether you want to
annotate the data manually from now on or if you want Cadelec to annotate it from
the catalogue record. Already annotated technical data will not be removed after
you have de-selected the option. Technical data can only be annotated if you have
previously defined the components with a catalogue and a record. (For defining
components please refer page 65).

Re-annotate Cables Leaving this option selected re-annotates terminal related data every time you open
a page. This will typically be used to get changes done within the Terminal Editor
displayed (see also page 222). With this option selected, Cadelec will re-annotate
cables, wires, terminal strip and terminal specifications.

All re-calculations and annotations can also be performed if the specific option is
de-selected. In this case you will run the commands listed below:

To ... enter the command ... see also page

re-calculate cross-references XRC 180
re-calculate equipotential cross-references XRE 154
re-calculate Device-ID's MKSNDEF(and enter _ALL) 187
re-annotate Technical Data RTECHD 198
re-annotate Cables RTERD 221
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project42

3.1.2 Device-ID formulas

Cadelec comes with several Device-ID formulas according to international
standards. Further formulas according to your company standards can be added
To select a formula, press ENTER on the empty Formula field.
The dialogue box shown in Fig. 21 appears, listing the available Device-ID
formulas. Here you can select, edit, erase or insert a new formula.

Select a formula Locate the cursor on the formula to be used and press ENTER.

Edit an existing formula Locate the cursor on the formula to be edited and press F2. The Edit Device ID
formula dialogue box will open where you can edit the formula (Fig. 22):

Fig. 22

Create a new formula Pressing the INS-key will open the Edit Device ID formula dialogue box with the
Code and Formula fields empty, and you can define the new formula.

Erase an existing Locate the cursor on the formula to erase and press the DEL key. The formula will
formula be marked and deleted after leaving the dialogue box. To recall a marking for
deletion press DEL again.

Creating / Editing a Device-ID formula

The screen shown in Fig. 22 appears when editing or creating a Device-ID formula.

Code The Code for the Device ID formula can only be entered if you are creating a new
formula. Once a formula has been created, the code can not be changed any more.

Formula In the Formula field you can enter the formula by using the variables displayed in
the upper part of the dialogue box. If you want to check the result of the formula
press ENTER. The Example and the Description field will be filled out

Example This field is filled out automatically. It shows you an example for a Device ID
based on this formula.
3- Projects - Device ID 43

Description This field is filled out automatically displaying the formula in words. The variables
(not the prefixes) will be replaced by words. For example : entering the zone
variable "O" in the formula field and validating by pressing ENTER displays
"Zone" in the description field.

The variables
A Entering the variable A in the formula annotates the installation (location) in the
Device-ID. The installation will usually only be annotated on elements with a
different installation than the page default. If you want to apply the installation on
every element select the Always Show Location (redundant) option in the Project
Preferences dialogue box (Edit Project - see page 48).

O The variable O annotates the mounting zone in the Device ID. This will usually
only be done on elements with a different zone than the page default. Setting the
option Always Show Zone (redundant) displays the zone annotation on every
element, even to the one belonging to the default zone (see page 193).

N This variable displays the Mnemonic in the Device ID.

B If you want the Page Number to be annotated in the Device ID for every element,
add the variable B to the formula.

S The variable S annotates the column in which the element is located within the

$ The column index is a counter for elements with the same Mnemonic located in the
same column.

Z The variable Z annotates the row in the Device ID.

M The variable M numbers the symbols with the same Mnemonic incrementally.
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project44

3.1.3 Cross References

Clicking on the Cross References tab, the Cross references window appears (Fig.
23), where you can choose the references to be made by Page/ Row /Column (EU,
Page/Column (EU) or Page /Line (American) and select / deselect the Automatic
Cross Reference re-calculation and Automatic Equipotential Cross-References

Fig. 23

3.1.4 Wire Numbering

Clicking the Wire Numbering tab in the project window brings up the Wire
Numbering dialogue box, where you can select the wire numbering system to

Fig. 24
Potential wire numbering or Point to Point, and set its options.
3- Projects - Cross References 45

For details on wire numbering see page 132.

Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project46

3.2 Manage Projects

This function (BUS_PRO) opens the Manage project window (Fig. 27) where
you have access to the project related functions like Open project, Edit project,
Backup project, Restore project, Delete project and Free project drawing.

Open project will set the selected project as default for all project and page
operations. All page operations are therefore automatically executed on the
pages of the open project. This also means that if you want to access another
project than the current one, you have to open it and declare it as being the
Fig. 25 active one. Only projects in ACTIVE status are ready for immediate use and can
be opened. Projects in BACKUP status must be restored first.
The function can be run either from the menu Fig. 25) or from the
toolbars (Fig. 26).

Backup project will open the Backup / Restore parameters dialogue where you can
set the backup options (see page 52)

Restore project will restore a project from disk (see page 52).

Delete project will delete / purge the selected project (see page 50)

Free project drawing will unlock a project page, which remained accidentally
blocked (see page 94)
Fig. 26

Fig. 27

Edit Project
Clicking on the Edit button you can edit the project data of the selected project.
Cadelec opens the Project data sheet (Fig. 28) where you can perform the
necessary changes.
3- Projects - Manage Project 47

When creating a project, you will have to fill out the following fields:
Cadelec offers the default values for the fields.

the Library field, defining which symbols library will be used.

the Title Box field defining which title box will be used.
and the Terminal Drawing field where you can select the terminal
pinout drawing to be used.

Fig. 28

Fields which must be filled out:

Project drive and path You can change the default values if you want to locate the new project to an other
location than the default.

Library The Library field defines which symbols library will be used. As this also defines
the standard, which will be used, you can not change the library after you have
created the first page of a project. Clicking on the down arrow at the right of the box
will display the available symbol libraries. Select a library by locating the cursor
and pressing ENTER.

Title box With the Title Box field you define, which title box will be used. Clicking on the
down arrow displays you a list of available title boxes. To select, locate the cursor
on the title box to use and press ENTER. You can use the standard title box that
comes with Cadelec, modify it or create new ones. However, changes will only
appear on pages, which are created after changing the title box. Appearing the
changes to already created pages can be done manually (see also Customize Title
Box, page 118).
Terminal drawing With the Terminal Drawing field you choose the prototype drawing for the terminal
pinouts. Clicking on the down arrow displays a list of available terminal drawings.
Select by locating the cursor and pressing ENTER.

The following fields are optional:

Description Enter a short description of your project in the Description fields. Description 1 + 2
are shown in the project selection boxes and in the title boxes of the project pages.
Description 3 + 4 can be transcribed into the title boxes by customizing the title box
(see also Customize Title Box, page 118).
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project48
Project No. In this field you can enter the project number according to your particular company
convention. It is usually not contained in the title box but can be inserted by
customizing the title box.

Archive Number Here you can enter the project archive number according to your company
convention. This field is usually not displayed in the title box but can be inserted by
customizing the title box

Filing Status The Filing Status field is a user definable field. You can use it for example for
additional information about the archiving.

Standard Although the standard is already defined when selecting the symbols library, you
should enter the standard (e.g. DIN) here to display it in the title box. Remarks.
Here you can enter special remarks. This field will usually not be displayed in the
title box. If you wish to have it displayed, you will have to customize the title box
(please refer to page 118).

Delete Project
This function deletes a project from hard disk.
To run the function click on the Delete button in the Manage project dialogue (see
page 48)

The dialogue box shown in Fig. 29 appears where you have to confirm your
decision and to choose whether a backup should be made or not.

Fig. 29

Normally projects should always be backed up before deleting. Otherwise the data
will be lost. For this reason Cadelec will ask you to confirm the deletion and ask
you whether the project should be backed up before.

A deleted project will still appear on the available project list. Its status will be
BACKUP, showing you that is not ready for immediate use. Restoring will make it
available for immediate usage again. The project will be installed on the hard disk
and taken back to ACTIVE status.

If the deleted project is not needed in the future, you can remove it from the
available project list. Select the Purge option to do so.

Purge Project
Purge will remove a project from the list of available projects.

You can select the Purge option in the Delete project dialogue (Fig. 29) when
clicking on the Delete button in the Manage Project dialogue (see page 48)

To re-integrate the project from a backup, create a New Project and use the Retrieve
Project option. (See also page 39).
3- Projects- Manage Project 49

Backup Project
You should make backups of the project your are working on to avoid losing data
due to a hard disk crash. We recommend to backup a project every day, or in case
of a large project, at least once a week.

You can backup a project by clicking the Backup button in the Manage Project
dialogue (see page 48)

The project stays in ACTIVE status after backing up.

Backups can be made in several formats to a user-definable drive (and path). For a
description of the formats please refer Backup/Restore Parameters, page 66.

If your projects are located on the network, backing up of the project might not be
required, as the projects are saved to the streamer every time your network is
backed up.

Restore Project
The restore project function can be used to restore projects, which are DELETED or
revert to the last backup.

You can select the function by clicking on the Restore button in the Manage Project
dialogue (see page 48)

Restoring deleted projects

Deleted (and not purged) projects are in BACKUP status. This means that the
project is not immediately available since it is deleted.

After restoring from a backup, the project will be in ACTIVE status again and
ready for immediate use.

Revert to last backup

You can also restore a project in order to revert to the last backup. If you do so, all
changes done since the last backup, will be lost. You have to specify the source, the
path to the backup files which will be copied.

Restoring purged projects

To restore a project which is totally unknown for your Cadelec (purged or imported
from another computer e.g. via diskette), create a New Project and select the option
Retrieve From Disk. (please refer to page 39).
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project50

3.3 Filter on projects

The typical use for filters is in narrowing down the search for a particular data item.
Applying a filter on projects can be very useful e.g. if you have several projects in
BACKUP status and don't want them to be displayed or, if you are working with
Fig. 30 several other engineers on a network. In this case, there might be a lot of projects.
You can then reduce the number of projects displayed by applying a filter. The
function (FIL_PRO) can be run from the Tools/Filter/Filter Projects menu (Fig.

Cadelec comes with some pre-defined filters. You can use them, add new ones
according to your needs and edit or erase existing filters.

Select an existing filter Locate the cursor on the filter to apply and press ENTER (Fig. 31). Only the

Fig. 31
projects meeting the filter condition can be selected (opened).

De-select an applying Select the empty filter (Description: No Active Filter) which is at the top of the
filter available filter list. Locate the cursor on it and press ENTER.

Edit an existing filter Place the cursor on the filter to edit and press F2. (For defining a filter please see

Create a new filter Press the INS key. A sub-dialogue box will be opened where you can enter the filter
with the syntax described below and accessing the database fields of PROJS.DBF

Fig. 32
(listed on the next page) (Fig. 32).

Erase an existing filter Locate the cursor on the filter to erase and press DEL. The filter will be tagged and
erased after you leave the filter-dialogue box.

3.3.1 Creating / Editing filters on Projects

As the project describing data is contained in the projects-database PROJS.DBF
(alias PROJS), filters on projects have to access the required information from this
3- Projects- Filter on projects 51

The syntax for every accessing of database fields is ALIAS.FIELDNAME:


Replace <fieldname> by the name of the field you want to access and combine it
with the operations and functions described on the next page. See next page for the
list of PROJS.DBF fields. Most of the fields are containing the data entered in the
data sheet when Creating or Editing the Project. (see also page 39, 48 ).Others, for
example the Date of Creation (DATACREA) are filled out automatically.

The Projects database PROJS.DBF (alias PROJS)

The project database PROJS.DBF holds the data to the available projects. It
contains data you have entered in the project data sheet (see also page 48) and
automatically generated entries like the Date of last Modification (DATAULMOD).

The list of the field names below is not complete. It only shows the names of the
fields, which are usually used for applying filters. For the complete list of database
fields please refer to APPENDIX A.

Field Field Name Field entity and Description

Number width(C=Character; D=Date;
1 NOMPRO C8 Name of the Project
2 DESCPRO1 C25 Project description field 1
3 DESCPRO2 C25 Project description field 2
4 DESCPRO3 C34 Project description field 3
5 DESCPRO4 C34 Project description field 4
6 NORMAPRO C7 Standard as entered
7 ARCHIVENR C8 Archive number
8 DATACREA D8 Date of creation
9 DATAULMOD D8 Date of last modification
10 SITPRO C18 Project Status (ACTIVE or
11 OBSERV C60 Remarks field
12 NELS N5 Number of pages
13 LLIBRERIA C6 Name of associated symbols
14 PRO_SCH C8 Name of title box
15 PRO_TER C8 Name of prototype terminal
16 PROJNR C20 Your specific project number
31 PRO_PAT C31 Project drive and path

3.3.2 Operations and functions for filters

The filter expression can include the following operations:

and logical AND

or logical OR (inclusive)
not logical NOT
! logical NOT
< less than
> greater than
= equal
<> different from
!= different from
<= less than or equal to
>= greater than or equal to
== identical to
$ included in
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project52

Filter expressions can also use the following functions:

empty() This function checks if the field specified in the brackets is empty
Syntax : empty(Alias.Field).

left() This function selects a number of the left-most characters.

Syntax : left(Alias.Field, Number).

right() This function selects a number of the right-most characters

Syntax : right(Alias.Field, Number).

upper() This function changes all lower-case letters to upper-case

Syntax : upper(Alias.Field).

ctod() This function converts a text string into date format

Syntax : ctod(date-text).

alltrim() A character string will be returned with the leading and

trailing blanks removed.
Syntax : alltrim(expression).

3.4 Batch jobs on projects

You can use batch procedures to run pre-defined sequences of AutoCAD and
Cadelec commands on project pages (command: BAT_PRO).

Fig. 33 Selecting project pages

After selecting Project Batch from the Tools / Batch menu (Fig. 33) a dialogue box
appears with the available projects. After selecting the project to run the batch on,
Cadelec displays the available pages of the project. From the selection box shown
in Fig. 34 you can choose on which pages you want to run the batch on.

You can also apply filters on pages to run a sequential process on pages selected by
the filter criteria.

Fig. 34

Selecting a page: Double click with the mouse on the page to select in the Available column. Or,
locate the cursor on the page in the Available column. Press ENTER or click on the
">" button.
The page will be transferred from the Available to the Selected column.
3- Projects- Batch jobs on projects 53

To select all pages: Click on the ">> " button. Cadelec moves all the pages from the Available to the
Selected column.

De-select a page: Double click on page to de-select in the Selected column or locate the cursor on the
page. Press ENTER or click on "< " to de-select it.

De-select all pages: Click on the "<< " button. All pages contained in the Selected column will be
transferred to the Available column.
Click on the "OK" button to continue and set the batch options.

Set batch options

By selecting the options shown in Fig. 35 you define which operation should be
executed on the selected pages.

Fig. 35

Activate all layers This option switches on all non-frozen layers on all selected pages.

Zoom extents Select this to perform a Zoom Extents function on all selected pages. This may be
necessary to adjust the project pages to a different graphic resolution.

Reset elements This option resets Device IDs and terminal numbers on all selected pages.
and terminals

Reset cables Resets the cable marks on all selected pages to their initial values.

Number elements Select this to re-number elements and terminals on all selected pages.
and terminals

Number cables Re-number the cables on all selected pages.

Update Device ID This option is useful for carrying out global adjustments after manually re-
numbering of pages if the page number is part of the Device ID formula, or after
changing the current Device ID formula.

Update title block Updates the contents of all title boxes.

Reset counters With this option you can reset all the project's counters (elements, cables, terminals)
prior to re-numbering by the batch process.
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project54
Selecting this option opens the dialogue box shown below (Fig. 36).

Fig. 36

To reset a counter, locate the cursor on the Value field and erase the current value
using the DEL key. You can also enter initial counter values, as it may be required
if you run the batch on a part of the project.
Once you have reset or edited all counters, press CTRL-W to confirm.

Reset component Clears all Cadelec databases. This might be necessary following incidents due to
databases mishandling, power failure, etc

If you reset the Cadelec databases, you will need to re-number the project from
scratch. To do so, select Number Elements And Terminals additionally.
Under these circumstances, you will lose the cable and wire specifications.

Run an AutoCAD This option prompts you to write your own sequence of AutoCAD and Cadelec
script commands for execution in a batch process.

This script option gives you access to AutoCAD's extensive scripting capabilities,
whereby you can write custom AutoLISP functions and call them up in a batch
process to perform special operations over all selected pages or elements.

For full details on the AutoLISP programming language please refer to the
AutoLISP programmer's reference manual, which comes with AutoCAD.
3- Projects-Plot Project 55

3.4.1 Plot Project

To plot a project in Cadelec you can:

run the Cadelec automatic project plotting command PLO_PRO.

use the Batch Project command (BAT_PRO) and run the PLOT_PRO script
which comes with Cadelec (or create a new one)
use the AutoCAD Batch Plot Utility, which comes with AutoCAD (you can
find it in the AutoCAD Program Group after installation), which allows
plotting a set of selected drawings with pre-defined plot settings. Please consult
your AutoCAD documentation for details.

Automatic project plotting

You can select the command (PLO_PRO) from the
menu (Fig. 37) or the toolbars (Fig. 38).
Running the command, a page selection dialog
opens where you can choose the desired pages to
plot. Select the pages and click the arrow to move
Fig. 37
them to the Selected area on the right (Fig. 39).

Fig. 38

Fig. 39

Clicking the OK button will open a second dialog where you can select /
deselect the layers to be plotted (all layers in the project are displayed).
Select the desired layers and click the right arrow to move
them to the right window (On).

Fig. 40
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project56
Clicking the OK button will close the window and opens the Script Window where
the Plotting script appears (cadelec.scr).

Fig. 41

You can edit this script according to your system. You should edit the 3-rd line,
which contains the name of your system printer. This is the same name, which
appears in the AutoCAD Plot window under the Plot Device tab (or in the Printers
window). After closing the window, AutoCAD starts the plotting process and plots
all the selected pages in the project.
The Previous Plot description refers to an AutoCAD plot which has to be made
before on a Cadelec page (please see below the Previous Plot description).
For more information on the plotting script please refer to the next paragraph..
3- Projects-Plot Project 57

Plot Project Batch script

The PLOT_PRO batch script comes with Cadelec it can be found in the list of
available scripts when running the Batch Project command (BAT_PRO - see also
page 55).
Before using this script you should adapt it to your own environment settings.

Fig. 42

To do this run the Project Batch command, select the PLOT_PRO script and press
F2 to edit the script in the available scripts window (if the script is not available
create a new script pressing the INS key). The script has the following content:

Previous Plot
Your system Printer

Previous Plot
The batch script contains a reference to the plot settings to apply to the drawing
when plotting. This reference can be the Previous Plot. In order to obtain the
correct settings by plotting you should plot a page with the AutoCAD PLOT
command (select: File/Print/Plot from the menu) and:

In the Plot dialogue set the desired page settings: Paper size, Plot area (Limits,
Extents), Drawing orientation (Portrait, Landscape). You can check the result
using the Full Preview option. When the settings are correct Plot the drawing
to save the settings. These settings can be referred to as the Previous Plot.
Instead of using the Previous plot reference you can define for each drawing a
Page Setup Name (which should be the same for all the project pages, e.g.
Cadelec). In this case you can use this Page setup name instead of Previous
Plot in the script (e.g. Cadelec)

Your system Printer

You have to specify in the batch script the name of the system printer or AutoCAD
plotter. This name is listed in the Plot dialogue box under the Plot Device tab.
Select the appropriate printer name from the list and replace "Your system Printer"
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project58
in the script with the name of your printer from the list (this can be a local printer or
a network printer).

At the end save the batch script clicking on OK in the script editor. You can now
use the script with all your projects. Select the Batch/Project Batch option from the
Tools menu, select the project pages and then the Run Script option. Form the list
of available scripts select the PLOT_PRO script (or create a new script pressing
INS) and run the script.
3- Projects- Add Components 59

3.5 Add Components

With this function you can create a bill of material in advance and estimate the
project costing before you have started developing the project. To do so, first
create the new project defining the project data and the page data. After this you
can start defining the components to be used within the project with the Add
Components function. You can select the function from the Cadelec/Element
Fig. 43 Analyse / Part Number / Add Components menu (Fig. 43) , from the toolbars
(clicking on the Part Number toolbox in the Element Analyze toolbar and,
holding the mouse button, dragging the cursor to the Add Component toolbox -
Fig. 44) or by typing in the command EDI_COM. Running the function, the
following dialogue box appears :

Fig. 44

Fig. 45

In this dialogue box you can Add, Edit or Delete components.

Add a component Pressing the INS key will open the data entry window shown in Fig. 46. There you
can add and edit components.

Fig. 46

Edit a component Locate the cursor on the component to edit and press F2. Only components which
have not been previously been inserted in a schematic will be displayed. A data
entry window will be opened where you can edit the component.

Delete a component Place the cursor on the element you want to erase and press DEL. The component
will be marked and removed after leaving the window. Pressing the DEL key again
will recall the deletion marking.

Once you have selected the components to be used (or only the most expensive
ones, say), you can start creating the schematics. The components of the pre-
defined bill of material can be inserted into the schematic by picking from a list.
This can be done from a dialogue box opened after running List from the Cadelec /
Element Draw menu or typing the command LISTIN (see page 162).
The costing estimate can be requested after you have defined the components to be
used. To do so, run the Bill of Material report from the File / Reports / Projects
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project60

Tip: You can also use this function to add spare material to your project-costing

Adding/Editing a component

You can type ? on any field in the dialogue box shown in Fig. 46 except the Tag
Number and the Quantity field to get the available data displayed. This means, if
you enter ? in the Catalogue field and press ENTER, Cadelec opens a dialogue box
displaying the available catalogues. There you can select the catalogue to use by
locating the cursor and pressing ENTER.

The only field you have to fill out, is the Code field. With this field you define the
element to be inserted. The other fields are optional but should be filled out, if you
want to estimate the project costing in advance.

The fields

Code With the Element Code field you specify the element. You can type in the
element code e.g. MOTOR3P or alternatively enter ? and press ENTER. This
opens a selection box with the available elements. Select from this list by
locating the cursor and pressing ENTER. This field must be filled out to define
the element you want to insert in the schematic. It specifies the graphical
layout and the electrical characteristic of the component. Available are the
elements of the Library which you have defined when creating the project.

Tag Number The Tag Number field is optional and can be used freely. It can be used e.g. to
cross-reference between a schematic and a page which doesn't belong to Cadelec,
such as an item in a piping diagram.

Catalogue With the Catalogue field you specify the manufacturer. Typing ? and pressing
ENTER will display you the list of existing manufacturers catalogues. A component
inserted in the schematic from the pre-defined Bill of material will keep its
catalogue and record specification. This specification can be easily changed using
the normal catalogue and record definition commands.

Record In the Record field you define the record from the previously chosen catalogue.
Typing ? and pressing ENTER will display you the list of records contained in the
chosen catalogue. This field can only be filled out, if you have chosen a catalogue

Zone With the Zone field you specify the mounting zone. Typing ? and pressing ENTER
displays you the list of existing zones. Select by locating the cursor on the zone to
place the component in and press ENTER.

Quantity In the Quantity field you enter how many of the components defined with the fields
described below should be inserted to the pre-defined bill of materials.

Insert components from the pre-defined bill of material

To insert components from the pre-defined Bill of Material, you have to open a
page of the project or create a new one. Draw the wires and then you can insert the
components from the predefined Bill of materials. To do so, run the List function
from the Cadelec / Element Draw menu (Fig. 47), or from the toolbars by clicking
on the List toolbox in the Element Draw toolbar (Fig. 50).

To show the Element Draw toolbar, click on the Element Draw

toolbox in the Cadelec toolbar (Fig. 48).
Fig. 47 Fig. 48
3- Projects- Add Components 61

The dialogue box shown in Fig. 49 appears. Now you can pick the components by
double clicking and place them in the schematic. When you have placed the
components in the schematic, Cadelec removes the text line describing this
component, or reduces its Quantity.

For further information to inserting components from the pre-defined

Bill of material please refer to page 162.
Fig. 50

Fig. 49

3.6 Component Definition

Component definition involves correlating the symbols that appear on the
schematics with catalogue records giving detailed descriptions on the part.
This is therefore a correlation of the graphical representation of a project with
the physical parts which will be used to build the project.
This can be done in either of the ways:
with the Define Component function from the Cadelec / Element Analyse
Fig. 51 / Part Number menu (Fig. 51) or command DEF_COM (see page 202)
with the Assign option (Assign Direct or Filtered) from the Cadelec /
Element Analyse / Part Number menu (Fig. 52) -see page 197
by defining the components when creating the pre-defined bill of
materials (page 62)

Fig. 52 by setting catalogue and record defaults in the element data sheet (page


Highest Priority: Define Components and DEFCOM command.

Middle Priority: Component definition when creating the pre-defined bill of
Lowest Priority: Catalogue and record defaults in the element data sheet.

In other words: The default catalogue and record assignment entered in the element
data-sheet will only become valid if the element has not been defined.
The catalogue and record definition entered when defining the pre-defined bill of
material can be overwritten either by the Define Components command or with the
DEFCOM command.
A catalogue and record definition done with the DEFCOM command or the Define
Components function will overwrite any prior assignment.
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project62

3.6.1 Backup / Restore parameters

Please note, that you can only restore from the same format you have backed up
from. When running a Backup or Restore Project function the dialogue box shown
in Fig. 53 appears where you have to specify the backup / restore parameters.

Backup / Restore Formats

Copy This performs a file copy to the specified drive and path without compressing the
data. When performing backup as file copy to hard disk or a network drive, please
create a directory where you want your files to be stored. This can be very easily

Fig. 53

done by entering the directory to be created in the destination path.

Zip This will perform a backup/restore to/from PkZip-format. PkZip is a commonly

used data compression program. It is not part of the Cadelec software package but
can be downloaded from the most bulletin boards all over the world. It falls in the
category of shareware, which means that satisfied users are expected to pay author's
When backing up, the data will be compressed and stored to a file with the
extension *.ZIP. After compressing, the data will need about 20 % of the disk space
needed before.
This Backup can be performed to every drive and path. This means that you are free
to backup to diskette, a directory on local hard disk or network drive.

ARJ Backing up with this format will compress the data as well. It will be stored in a file
with the extension *.ARJ . The data will need about 20 % of the disk space needed
before compressing.
Drive and path can be set freely. This means that you can Backup or Restore from a
diskette, a directory on your local hard disk, a directory within your network etc.

Backup / Restore - Drive and Path

Source This field will be filled with the source drive and path. In case of a backup, it will
be filled out automatically with the project drive and path.
When restoring, the drive and path chosen from a browse will be written there.

Destination This is the destination where you want your backup to be saved or where you want
your restored project to be located.
When restoring, Cadelec fills the destination field with the path to your project
directory extended by the project name.
3- Projects- Re-index Project 63

The default destination for backups will be the backup drive and path as entered in
the configuration program (see page 17).

3.7 Re-index Project

This command re-indexes all Cadelec project databases and repairs corrupted
By doing so, you delete old records that are no longer needed and optimize the
databases for best performance. At the same time, you delete *.BAK and other
temporary files. For this reason you should Re-Index regularly and before backing
Fig. 54 up.
The command (REO_PRO) can be run from the Tools / Utilities / Re-Index /
Project menu (Fig. 54) or from the Utilities toolbar (Fig. 55).If you have left
Cadelec without properly closing all the databases, you can re-build corrupted

If you are working on network, please note, that Re-indexing of a project can only
be done, if there is no other user working on the project.

If you have left Cadelec in an irregular way (e.g. due to a power failure) ... it might
occur, that the databases have not been closed properly. In this case the page you
have tried to enter will still be marked as "in use". For this reason you will get the
Fig. 55 error message: "This Page Is currently Being Modified By Another User". To solve
the problem and get the page accessible again Re-Index the project.

3.7.1 The Cadelec Layers

The list below shows the layers used by Cadelec 2004. Project from previous
versions might use other layers, which are also supported. Please refer the manual
of your previous release for these layers.

Layer Function
0 This layer is for the electrical symbols
BRI_CON_* CADELEC places nodes assigning the connection with the bridge on this layer
BRIDGE_* This is the layer on which the bridges are
drawn in the terminal pinout drawing
CABCON On this layer CADELEC places the Cables
and Wire annotation
CATALOGUE This is the layer for the catalogue annotation
COUNTER This is the layer for the internal element counter. It is
usually frozen thus its value is displayed within the Device ID annotation
ENG Switching on this layer displays the English documentation text
within the terminal pinout drawings and title boxes. You can also
select from within AutoCAD LANGUAGE - ENGLISH from the CADELEC
FRA This layer holds the French documentation text
GER This layer is for the German documentation text. You can select
it either in this way or by selecting GERMAN from the CADELEC / LANGUAGE
GRIDCABLE Switching off this layer hides the grid in the cable part of the terminal pinout
GTPSYMBOL This layer is for the text inside the graphical symbols
e.g. 'M' on motors
INDEXCOL The attribute INDEXCOL is placed on this attribute. This
attribute is an internal counter,, for elements with the same mnemonic,,
located in the same column. This layer is usually frozen,, as its
contents is displayed in the Device ID (SNA Layer).
ITA This layer holds the Italian documentation
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project64

LBRK This is the layer for Line BReaKing. It cuts the lines when
you insert an element. It always has to be FROZEN,, otherwise the
lines will not be broken when inserting a element
LOCATION This is the layer for the location annotation
MCAB* This is the layer for the cable marks to a certain voltage
rating. For example,, marks on 400V cables will be placed on MCAB400V
PCAB* This the layer to cables of different voltage ratings. E.g.
the layer to the 400V cables will be PCAB400V
PREFIX This layer is used for the element mnemonic. It is usually
frozen thus its value is displayed with the Device ID. You can also
freeze the Device ID Layer (SNA) and display Prefix,, Counter and
SPOTS This is the layer for the nodes. If you want your nodes to
be displayed in a different color,, change the color of this layer
TPOL CADELEC places the Pole annotations on this layer
TECHDATA This is the layer for the Technical Data
ZONE This is the layer for the Zone annotation
XR* XR* stands for several layer which are used for the Cross-reference
UPS This is the layer for the data annotated in the title block
UPS_DRW, This is the layer for the title block itself
3- Projects- Project Reports 65

3.8 Project Reports

Cadelec comes with over 60 pre-defined reports. At time of print each report is
available in 9 languages (English, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Latin
American Spanish, Czech and Hungarian).

The reports can be selected from the File / Reports menus, grouped on Project,
Library , Catalog and Miscellaneous reports (Fig. 56).

Fig. 56

These reports (R_PRO_??) list details on the available projects.

These reports (R_PLA_??) list details of project pages of the open project.

The Cross-reference reports (R_RRC_??) list all cross-referencing groups including
their elements.

The Cross Reference Errors reports display all errors occurred during the last cross-
reference analysis. You can also display the list of cross-reference errors within
AutoCAD. Type the command VWER to get the complete list of all errors occurred
or type VWEB to get displayed the list of a cross-referencing group.

The Connection reports (R_CNX_??) generate a list on all equipotential connection
points of the project.
Each connection point is identified by a cable number followed by a list of
connected elements, with description, page/column and terminal block ID.

If a cable is not numbered (it is not compulsory to number cables), Cadelec assigns
a fictitious number for the purposes of the connection report. Fictitious numbers are
prefixed with the letter F, followed by the page number and by an incremental
counter value. Thus, cable number F15-67 is located in page 15 and is the sixty-
seventh cable number assigned.

Cadelec sorts the connection list by voltage rating. Cables drawn without voltage
rating will be assigned the letter A.

Unconnected poles which will be assigned with "???" in the Cable Type column are
located at the end of the connection report in the NOC (NOt Connected) part.
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project66
These reports generate lists giving details on the elements connected to either end
of each terminal.

This report generates a list of all cable / wire assignments throughout the project.

Using the Cables reports, you can list all cables figuring in the project which is
currently open and calculate the length of each cable. Cadelec takes the length of
the longest wire for the length of the cable.

The Parts report generates a list of the elements of the project. By setting filters,
you can produce custom parts list for specific requirements.

There are basically three types of Bill of Materials:

_CXP_ The fields of these reports (e.g. R_CXP_01) are hard- coded (programmed)
and cannot be modified by the user. Changes to the page layout are still possible.
_EXP_ These reports contain all components including the accessories defined in
the record data sheet.
_NOM_ These reports list components without accessories.

Cabinet Layout reports calculate the total surface taken up by the parts in a given
wiring zone. According to the total surface, you can select a cabinet. Please bear in
mind that only components with associated catalogue and record will be listed in
this report. As the component dimensions are defined in the record, elements
without this definition can not be listed.

With these reports you list the AutoCAD Layers which are used in the open Project

You will find the Cable Definition report in the File / Reports /Miscellaneous menu.
This report will list the available cable types (for details on cable types please refer
to page 217).

After you have selected the kind of report you want create by clicking e.g. on Bill of
Materials from the File / Reports / Project drop down menu, a dialogue box will be
opened displaying the existing reports including a short description (Fig. 57).

Fig. 57
3- Projects- Project Reports 67

Generate a report

To run a report, locate the cursor on this report and press ENTER.

The output selection dialogue box appears (Fig. 58), where you can select the
output device (screen or printer) and you can enter a filter to narrow down the
amount of data displayed. If you want to get the whole report, leave this field
unchanged or empty and press ENTER. Otherwise, enter the database field (syntax:
Alias.Fieldname) combined with the operators and functions explained on page

Fig. 58

The default option is Screen. If you want to display the report on the screen, just
validate this setting by clicking at OK.
If you want to print the report, just select Printer and then click on the OK button.
The window shown in Fig. 59 appears where you can select a printer from those
installed, set the printer options, select the print range (All or Pages ).

Fig. 59

If you want to print the report to a text file and afterwards import this file to a word
processor (e.g. Word) to modify it, proceed in the following way:

First, you have to install in your Windows NT system a Generic /Text Only printer
if it is not yet installed. To do so, select Printers from the Start / Settings menu and
install the Generic / Text Only printer by clicking on the Add Printer icon in the
Printers window (you may need your Windows NT installation CD for this); then
set this printer as default from the File menu (in the Printers window). When
generating the report, select the Printer output and in the print window validate the
Print to File option. Then you will be asked for the file name and path. The report
will be like this written to the specified file which will have a .txt extension. If the
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project68
Generic / Text Only printer has already been installed on your system, you can
select it from the Print window also, from the Printer Name list.

Edit a report

Locate the cursor, in the report dialogue box shown in Fig. 57, on the report to edit
and press F2. The Edit an existing report dialogue box appears where you can edit
the report descriptions and filter. Clicking OK, will take you to the Report Designer
(see page 75), where you can edit the report.

Fig. 60

Creating a new report

To create a new report, press the INS key in the report dialogue box. Selecting the
Take report ... as a Prototype option in the New Report dialogue box (Fig. 61), will
copy the fields of the prototype report, allowing you to modify the fields of the
report and save it under the new name. Otherwise, the new report will be empty.

Fig. 61
3- Projects- Project Reports 69

Leaving the report designer

After entering the report designer in order to edit or create a report, press Ctrl-W to
save end leave the report designer. Press ESC to leave without saving.

3.8.1 Creating / Editing a report

Creating a new report and editing an existing one have several things in common,
especially if you decide to create a new report by using an existing one as a model.

For advanced users: Advanced users can write Foxpro routines to be executed prior to report generation.
Code snippets Such routines (with *.FXP or *.PRG file extension) should be stored in the
/CLPW/F directory and bear the same name as the report. Before generating the
report R_CXP_33 for example, Cadelec checks whether there is a file named
R_CXP_33.FXP in the directory /CLPW/F. If this file was found Cadelec will start
the compiled routine R_CXP_33.FXP. After execution, Cadelec will generate the
report. Examples on code snippets are given by the Foxpro routines contained in the
/CLPW/F directory.

Creating a new report

A new report, will be created after pressing the INS key within the report selection
box. It will make life much easier for you if you used a similar report as prototype
for the new report and simply edit the existing fields. Otherwise we recommend,
that you should first get some experience on editing reports before starting to create
a report from scratch. Place the cursor on the report you want to use as model and
press the INS key. Then, select the Take Report ... as a prototype option in the New
Report dialogue box.

Creating a report from scratch

If the Take Report ... as a prototype option is deselected, Cadelec displays an empty
data entry box. Here you specify the report name , description and filter expression.

File name In the File Name field you should enter the report number after the annotated prefix.
This prefix (R_EXP_ say) is being defined by the position of your cursor when
pressing the INS key. In this case, the cursor was located at a R_EXP_ report. This
prefix defines the kind of report and cannot be changed.

Description The Description fields are displayed on the report selection box. You should follow
the structure of the other report descriptions and enter in Description 1 : a short
description of the report in Description 2 : the report fields in Description 3 : the
report format, Portrait or Landscape

Language The Language field lets you select the language in which you want to create the
report. The default is the active report language. To select a different language erase
the default and type '?'. A list of available languages will be displayed. Select from
this list by locating the cursor and pressing ENTER or by clicking with the mouse.
The report will only be available in the language you have created it.

Filter In the Filter field you can pre-set a filter for this report. This allows you to display
data selectively.

Commonly used filters:

Kinds.Sto $ '1G' This filter is used for parts lists. It will produce a report listing all
elements except contacts, cable cross-reference markers and terminal strips.

!(Kind.KCR=="PQ") This filter is used within connection reports. It lists all

connections except equipotential cross-reference markers.
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project70
Report Designer
Once you have filled in the last field of this description window, OK to enter the
report designer (Fig. 62).

Fig. 62

The report designer deals with several entities. These are:

Text The text objects usually describe the fields listed in the DETAIL part. To create a
text object use the Text Tool (Fig. 63).Click on it in the Report Controls toolbar
(Fig. 64), -activated from the View menu- and place the cursor at the location you
want the text to be, type the text and press ENTER. To change the font settings, first
select the text object by clicking on it (while in the selection mode, which is
Fig. 63
activated by clicking on the selection tool) and then selecting the Font option from
the Format pull-down menu. You can also change / set other attributes for the text
object. Double clicking on it, the dialogue box shown in Fig. 65 appears where you
can set the relative position of the object (Top/Bottom) and can add a Comment.

Fig. 64

Fig. 65
3- Projects- Project Reports 71

Clicking on the Print When button brings up the Print When dialogue box (Fig. 66)
where you can select other options like Print Repeated Values, Remove Line if
Blank etc. Clicking on the Print Only When Expression Is True button, activates the
Expression Builder where you can define a boolean expression, which is evaluated
when printing, and which if it returns a logical False then the object is not printed.

Fig. 66
Field Fields can be inserted in the report (usually in the Detail section) using the Field
Tool (Fig. 67). After clicking on the Field tool, place the cursor where you want to
create the field and click with the mouse. The Report Expression dialogue box
Fig. 67 appears (Fig. 68).

Fig. 68

The Calculations options contain mathematical operations, which are, performed on

the field, for example SUM, which adds all the records displayed in the Detail field
(if the field is a numeric type).
Clicking on the Expression button brings up the Expression Builder dialogue box
where you can edit any valid expression using variables, Fox Pro functions, and the
available database fields.
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project72
Expression Builder

The Expression Builder (Fig. 69) comes up whenever you need to define a report
field, a variable or an expression.

Fig. 69

The available database fields are displayed in the Fields box as Alias.FieldName,
making it easy to select fields from more than one database. The database fields
displayed in the Field box are from the databases set in the Data Environment for
the report. To activate the Data Environment window, select it from the View menu
or, right click in the report window and select it from the opened menu.

Note that only the tables set in the Data Environment are available in the report.

You can select the Fox Pro functions from function lists, which are available by
clicking on the String, Math, Logical, Date buttons.

Display Date and Page numbers

From the Report Expression dialogue box you can also add the Date and Page
numbers to the report.
This can be done either by typing the names of the variables in the Expression field
(the variable names are DATE() and _PAGENO )or by selecting the DATE()
function from the Date functions pop-up list and the _PAGENO variable, from the
Variables list.

Report Headers
The variable list (right side of the Expression window) also contains the variables
g_us_01_01, g_us_02_01, g_us_03_01. The contents of these variables is set with
Report Headers from within Cadelec, from the Tools / Preferences / Cadelec /
Report Headers menu. You can add them to the page header, so that they will be
displayed on every report page.
You can also add other text to the header. This will also be displayed on every page
of the report, but only on this report.

Project Name
You can also get the project name annotated in your report. To do so, select the
variable G_PRO from the variable list.
3- Projects- Project Reports 73

Once the expression defined, the Format option becomes available where the field
format can be defined in the Format dialogue box.

Fig. 70

You can choose the field type to be Character, Numeric or Date and set its editing


The Calculate Field options appear

by clicking on the Calculations
button in the Report Expression
dialogue. These contain
mathematical operations which are
performed on the field , for
example SUM will add all the
records displayed in the Detail
field (if the field is a numeric
type). The selected calculation can
be reset at the End of Report, End
of Page or when the group
expression changes.

Fig. 71

Graphics You can also use Pictures and boxes to make the report more readable using the
Line, Rectangle, Rounded rectangle and Picture tools.

Data Environment
The information on tables, their aliases which are used by a report is set within the
Data Environment window, activated from the View menu or by right clicking in
the report window and selecting Data Environment.

In the Data Environment window you can Add, Remove or Browse a table.

Add a table
Right clicking in the Data Environment window, and selecting Add from the opened
menu, the file selection window appears where you can select the desired table to
be added to the Data Environment of the report.
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project74
Remove a table
Right clicking on a table in the Data Environment window, and selecting Remove
from the opened menu, the table is removed from the Data Environment of the

Browse a table
Right clicking on a table in the Data Environment window, and selecting Browse
from the opened menu, the Browse window of the table is opened.

Specify an ALIAS for a table

To specify an Alias for a table in the Data Environment, you have to open the report
in Visual Fox Pro 5, and in the Data Environment of the report, right click on the
table and select Properties.
The Properties window is opened where you can specify the Alias for the table.

Saving the report, will save the Data Environment too, together with the Alias
(The Properties window is not available in the application).

When the report is saved (Ctrl+W), the Data Environment is saved also with it.

Note: If the Data Environment is set in Visual Fox Pro for example, or you copy a
report from an other location, it may happen that when editing the report for the
first time, the table (file) specified in the Data Environment is not found. In this
case a dialogue box appears attentioning that the specified file is not found (it is
looked for in the default directory .. /P), and you have to locate the file by clicking
on the Locate button. The path of the file you are looking for is displayed in the
status bar below. Saving the report will save the relative file path too for the Data

Leaving the report designer

After creating the report, leave the report designer by pressing CTRL-W. This will
also save the report before leaving the designer.
The other functions needed to create a report are explained in the next pages.

Editing a Report / Using a prototype report

The procedures described in this sub-chapter are the same both for creating a new
report by using an existing report as prototype and for editing a report. A Project
prototype report is shown in Fig. 72.

Fig. 72
3- Projects- Project Reports 75

Report bands Every report contains certain report bands:

Title band: This part of the report only appears once on the first page. It can be
added from the Report / Title /Summary menu and afterwards enlarged. You might
wish to use this area for information such as the following:
Company name and address
Project designer
Date of last update to project etc.

To automate modifications to the report title you can use the variables
g_us_01_01, g_us_02_01 and g_us_03_01.

The contents of these variables is set within Report Headers from the File /
Preferences menu (see page 83). If you prefer to have this information on every
report or wish to use the variables in the Page Header, you can do it as well.

Page Header: This part appears in the report header on every new page. Examples
might be:
Report name
Printout date
Number of pages
Title of columns in report etc.

Detail: This band constitutes the body of the report. Here, you specify the names of
the fields that you want listed in the report. The fields in the Detail band will
contain all the data in a database if the field contains a database field.

Page Footer: The page footer appears on the end of every page. If required,
Cadelec will annotate the page number, the printout date or other information on the
end of every page.

Summary band: Typically, you would use this area to print totals of the column in
the report, though you can specify other mathematical operations if you wish
(averages, for example). This area appears once only, at the end of the report. It can
be inserted from the Report / Title/Summary menu.

Data Grouping
In addition to performing mathematical operations over the whole report, you can
also Group data according to specific criteria and perform calculations on data
groups (average, maximum value, minimum value etc.). To do so, group the data by
using Data Grouping from the Report menu. The data grouping is done by
specifying a Group Expression which can be Added, Changed or Deleted in the
Data Grouping Dialogue box (Fig. 73).

Fig. 73
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project76

The database has to have an index on the group expression.

Every group of data, which corresponds, to the same value of the group expression
will be displayed together having its own Group Header and Group Footer section.

Variables can be defined in the Report Variables dialogue box where the defined

Fig. 74
variables are listed (Fig. 74).
You can Insert a new one or Delete the existing ones. Clicking on the Value to
Store or Initial Value box, will bring up the Expression Builder dialogue box, where
you can define the desired expression for each item. Also, you can set a Calculate
option and select when should be the variable Reset - at the End of Report, End of
Page or when the group expression changes.

Modifying report bands

Each of the different bands making up the report can be sized individually. To size
a report band (that is adding or removing band lines), click on its delimiter - the
cursor will take the shape of a double arrow, then drag the cursor down or up as
required to add / remove band lines.

Inserting Fields To insert fields, use the Field tool (Fig. 67) and create a field as described on page

Editing Fields To edit a field, double-click on it. The Expression Builder dialogue box will be
opened (Fig. 69), where you can change the field itself or edit e.g. the format, the
style etc. of the field.

Deleting Fields Select by clicking on it and press the DEL key.

and Text

Moving fields To move a single field, just drag it with the mouse to the required location. If you
place it on top of another field, the other field will be hidden. You can also move
the fields just by using the arrow keys, after the field (or any other object) is
selected. To move several fields at a time, use the mouse to delimit a selection
window covering all the fields to be moved, or select the fields holding the SHIFT
key down. To do this, locate the cursor at one corner of the required rectangle, hold
down the left-hand mouse button, than drag the rectangle to the required size. When
3- Projects- Project Reports 77

you release the mouse button, all the fields in the rectangle will have been selected.
You can then move all the selected fields together.

You can use the options in the Format menu to arrange the fields in the report
(Align, Size, Spacing etc.)

Report layout
With Cadelec, you can modify the report layout :
for a single report, when editing / creating the report.
globally, for all reports of a selected language (from the File / Cadelec /
Preferences menu).
Selecting Page setup from the File menu, brings up the Page Setup dialogue box
(Fig. 75)

Fig. 75

Here you can set the columns to more than 1 if you want to print on two or more
columns, in the Columns area as well as the Spacing and Width.
Also, a Left Margin can be set, to leave a space at the left of the page.

Clicking on the Print Setup button, brings up the Print Setup dialogue box in which
you can select a printer from the installed printers list and set its Properties, as well
as specify the Paper Size and print Orientation.

3.8.2 Report Headers

Here you can define the headers for all reports. The heading can occupy up to three
The header lines will be stored in the variables:
g_us_01_01, g_us_02_01 and g_us_03_01
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project78
The function can be selected from the File / Preferences /Cadelec / Report Headers
menu and the headers can be edited in the dialogue box that appears (Fig. 76).

Fig. 76

If you are creating a new report, you should therefore add these variables in the

3.8.3 Report Language

From the File / Preferences / Cadelec menu you can set the report language. This
will only change the description to the report columns and not the field itself. For
example, if your Cadelec is in English and you change the report language to
German, the column name Description will be changed to Benennung. The element
description itself, e.g. Fuse 3F 200A will not be changed.

As already mentioned, Cadelec stores the reports of the different languages in

different files (see also Directory Structure, page 34). A report created in e.g.
English is not available in any other language.
3- Projects- Project Reports 79

3.8.4 Labels
Selecting Labels from the File menu, the Label Designer is started. Before
accessing the label designer, Cadelec will open an output selection box from where
you can decide whether you want the label to be printed, or displayed on the screen,
and set a filter for the label.
The default filter excludes components without Device ID and terminals from
printing. If required, you can modify this filter accessing the fields of the
components database CON_PRO.DBF alias COMPS. For a list of all components
database fields please refer to APPENDIX A.

After modifying the filter and pressing ENTER to confirm the current filter, you
will access the Label designer (Fig. 77).

Fig. 77

As with the report designer you can define in the same way the items to appear in
the Label accessing the fields of the databases (mainly the components database -
alias COMPS). For example you can print labels for every components' mnemonic
in the project using the Simnum field from the COMPS database.

You can perform operations on the fields with the available functions and set other
options as within the report designer (see page 277).

Print Preview
You can at any time use the Print Preview option to see how the Label will look
after printing, and make adjustments until satisfied (right click with the mouse and
select Preview).

Run Report
To run the report, select Run Report from the Report menu, or right click on the
report form and select Print.

Quit the label generator

To save the label and quit the label generator, press CTRL-W. If you wish to quit
without saving, press ESC
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project80
4 - Project Pages 81

Project Pages
A project is made out of a number of pages (AutoCAD drawings). Before accessing
the pages you will have to open the project (Open Project function - see page 48). It
stays open unless you open another one. Operations on project pages will always
access the pages of the current project.

If you are working on a network with several other users on the same project, the
pages accessed by other users are locked.

Types of pages Basically there are three kinds of pages. You will find the function and commands
used for the different kinds of pages separated in different chapters :
Schematics (chapter 6).
Cabinet Layout Drawings (chapter 7).
Terminal Pinout Drawings (chapter 8).
Functions, which are available for all kinds of pages, are discussed in this

Cabinet Layout Drawings and Terminal Pinouts are based on the content of the
schematics. They can only be created if there is at least one schematic in the

Pages format Cadelec stores pages in the AutoCAD DWG format. This allows you to view
project pages by starting AutoCAD directly, without using Cadelec. In this case,
you should not perform any changes. Otherwise, inconsistencies between drawings
and databases might occur.
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project82

4.1 Creating a new page

To create a new page, a project must be open. You can select the New Page
command (CRE_PLA) from the Cadelec/ Project menu (Fig. 78) or from the
toolbars, clicking on the Project toolbox in the Cadelec toolbar and, holding down
Fig. 78 the button, dragging the cursor to the New Page toolbox (Fig. 79). To show the
Cadelec toolbar, select it from the Tools / Toolbars menu.

Running the function brings up the New Page dialogue box (Fig. 80).

Fig. 79

Fig. 80

In the Name of Page field you can enter a name according to your internal company
convention or simply press ENTER to use the default incremental numbering
You can define the page name with up to 8 characters using alphanumerical
characters including the signs "_" and "$" (DOS file name conventions).
This convention is necessary as Cadelec stores the page in the project directory. The
name of the drawing will be the same as the page name.
If you have created a page with the name 1 in the project DEMO_PR you will find
the page as /CLPW/PR/DEMO_PR/ 1.DWG.

Schematic Drawing/ With the options Schematic Drawing and Cabinet Layout Drawing you select the
Cabinet Layout kind of page you want to create. Terminal Pinout Drawings are created
Drawing automatically when selecting Pinouts from the Project / Terminals menu (Please
refer to page 258). Cabinet Layout Drawings can only be created if there is already
at least one schematic drawing. This option will therefore be disabled if you are
creating the first page within the project.

Take data of other Selecting Take Data of other Page allows you to copy the data sheet (the
page description) of a similar page of the same project and to use it as a model for the
new page. This can be very helpful, as the descriptions to certain pages might be
similar. Say, you are creating the second page of the power-circuit within your
project. Instead of filling out the data sheet manually, you can copy it and change
certain fields. Leaving this option de-selected lets you fill out the data sheet
The data sheet can only be copied from the same kind of page. This means, that the
data sheet for a schematic can only be copied from another schematic of the same
project. If there are no existing pages of this kind (no schematics, say), this option
will be disabled.
4- Project Pages- Page data 83

Create empty page This option should be selected if you want to create an empty page and don't want
to use another page as a model. The data sheet will be copied, nevertheless, if the
Take Data of other Page option is selected.

Copy same page If you have previously chosen a page to copy the data sheet from using the Take
as data sheet Data from other Page option, you can select this option to copy the page itself as
As Take Data of other Page can only be used to copy the data sheet of a page of the
same project, Copy same page as data sheet option is also limited to be used within
the same project.

Copy which page With this option you can copy a schematic of another project, from diskette or
another location on hard disk. This copies the page but will not copy the page data
sheet. The page data sheet has to be filled out manually or be copied from another
page with the Take Data of other Page option.
This option should be used only for schematics. Copying a cabinet from another
project would not make much sense, as every component would be flagged as
inconsistency between the schematic and the cabinet.
Selecting this option opens a dialogue box where you can choose the page you want
to be copied. Before doing so, you must change the drive (if required) and set the
If your projects are stored in a different drive, click on the DRIVE-BAR and
hold the mouse-button down. Drag the cursor to the drive where your projects
are stored and release the mouse-button.

Change the directory by clicking at [ .. ] to leave a directory and clicking at

[<dir_name >] to enter a directory. (See also Directory Structure, page 34).

4.2 Page data

Clicking on OK in the New Page dialogue box, brings up the page data sheet
dialogue box (Fig. 81) which holds descriptions and default settings for the page.
When creating a Cabinet Layout Drawing, you will have to specify the Cabinet
which will be used.

Fig. 81
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project84

Most of the fields are optional, but you should fill them out to achieve a proper
documentation. The default-fields Zone, Location and the Cabinet selection field
(when creating a Cabinet Layout Drawing) must be filled out.

Fields which must be filled out:

Location/Zone The function of the Installation and the Zone field depends on the kind of page.
On schematics, those fields define the default-mounting place for all elements
within the page. This default applies to all elements of these pages, which are not
assigned with different mounting zones.
On Cabinet Layouts by entering the Zone you define the cabinet as a specific
mounting place. Therefore, only components with matching zone specification can
be placed in this cabinet.

The default Zone and Location is annotated in the right corner of the title box.

Library The Library field must be filled out when creating a cabinet layout drawing. By
doing so, you define the cabinet library. You can use several cabinets libraries, e.g.
to have the cabinets sorted by manufacturers. This field will be filled out
automatically when creating a schematic with the symbol library defined when
creating the project (see also in Project Data Sheet, page 39).

Cabinet Within the Cabinet field you define which cabinet you want to use, and define
therefore the cabinet dimensions. Pressing ENTER displays the list of available
cabinets (of the chosen cabinet library) including their dimensions.

Tip: Pressing ENTER on the fields which must be filled out without entering any
data displays a list of available definitions for this field. For example, pressing
ENTER on the empty Zone field displays the list of available zones within this
project. Now you can select from this list by locating the cursor and pressing

The following fields are optional

Type This field is filled out automatically when creating a new page. The default will be
the kind of page or in other words Schematic, Cabinet or Terminal.
The field in the page data sheet is editable and does not influence the kind of page.
Therefore, you can use this field freely.
When editing it please bear in mind that the contents of the fields Type and
Description will be shown when changing between project pages. For this reason,
the contents of the fields should give enough information about the page and its

In charge In the In Charge field you can enter your name.

Sub-Project The Sub-Project field can be used to structure your project. You might use it to
assign pages of the power circuit with Power Circuit, define certain pages as
Control Circuit and so on. Later, you can apply a filter on this field e.g. to print only
the pages of the Power Circuit.

Description Here you enter a short description to the page. If you leave this field empty, the
contents of the fields Title Line 1 and 2 will be filled in here.

Title line The Title Line fields are meant for the title lines which will be displayed in the title
box. Title Lines 1 and 2 are displayed in the Title Box. Title Lines 3 and 4 can be
displayed by customizing the title box (see page 118).

Drawing No. In this fields you can enter the drawing numbers according to your or your
customer's internal company convention. This field is displayed in the standard title
4- Project Pages- Insert Page 85

Clicking on the Revisions tab, the Revisions dialogue appears where you can edit
the following fields:

Verified by In the Verified by field you can enter the date and the initials for identifying a verify
issue if required.

Issue Code / In the Issue Code field you will usually enter your internal code for the changes
Date / Name done to this page. Beside of this fields you can enter the date of the changes in the
Date field and the Name of the person who did these changes.

Origin In the Origin field you should enter the name (or the internal page code) of the page
which was used as a model for this page.

Replaces Here you enter the name (or the internal page code) of the page which was replaced
by this page.

Replaced by If this page was replaced by another page and therefore is no longer valid, you
should enter the name (or the internal-page code) of the page which is replacing this
page in the Replaced by field.

4.3 Insert Page

The Insert New Page function (command INS_PLA - from the Project menu or the
Project toolbars) works the same way as the New Page function (CRE_PLA) with
the following exceptions:
INS_PLA requires that the project is opened exclusively, that is, no other user
should work on the project (CRE_PLA will allow the creation of a new page
even if the project - an other page- is used by an other user)
If in the New Page dialogue box (Fig. 80) you specify an already existing page
name, Cadelec will open a dialogue box, asking you whether you want to insert
the page and renumber the other pages (Fig. 82). For example, if the project
has pages 1 to 5, inserting a page 4 will renumber the pages 4, 5 to 5, 6 and the
new page will be 4

Fig. 82
Like in CRE_PLA, the default new page number is the last page number increased
by 1.

4.4 Open Page

This function opens a page from the active project and sets it as
default for all page operations. This function will only open an already
existing page and not create a new page.
The function (GNEXT) can be selected from the Cadelec / Project /
Fig. 83 Open Page menu (Fig. 83) or from the Cadelec / Project toolbar,
Open Page toolbox (Fig. 84).
Fig. 84
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project86
After selecting the Open Page function, Cadelec displays a dialogue box where the
desired page can be selected (Fig. 85):

Fig. 85

The pages displayed in the selection box are part of the active project and
influenced by the current filter settings. If you are working in a network
environment with several user on the same project you receive the message Page Is
Currently Being Modified By An Other User if you try to access a page which is
already in use by somebody else. If this happens on a standalone system you might
have left Cadelec in an irregular way due to an invalid configuration, for example.
In this case you will have to Re-Index the project (see page 67).

Automatic re-calculations and re-annotations

After the selected page has been loaded, Cadelec will update the title-box
On schematics, Cadelec will perform the following re-calculations and re-
annotations, if the options are selected (see page 42):
Equipotential cross-references
Re-annotation of Technical Data from the catalogue records
Re-annotation of Cable and Terminal data

These re-calculations and re-annotations can be switched off / on by editing the

project (see page 48). You might wish to switch off these automatic procedures to
keep the pages unchanged if you are making revisions to an existing project. Or,
you can switch off these re-calculations to avoid Cadelec from displaying errors on
cross-references (missing coils etc.) in an early project status. You will still be able
to run these procedures manually, every time you wish to do so.

On cabinets, Cadelec will perform a consistency check comparing the components

figuring in the schematics and the cabinet. Errors will be reported and the
components flagged in red color.

The open page at the moment is displayed in the status bar.

4 - Project Pages- Manage Project Pages 87

4.5 Manage Project Pages

There are several actions, which can be performed on existing project pages:

Edit page data

Once a page created, its data can be edited with the Edit Page function. Running
the function from the menu (Fig. 86) or toolbar (Fig. 88), the Page Data Sheet
Fig. 86 dialogue box appears (Fig. 87) where you can change the previously set field data.

Fig. 88

Fig. 87
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project88
Backup Page
Running the function (from the Utilities /Backup menu) will open a file selection
box (Fig. 89) for selecting the location of the backed up page (the highlighted page
in the dialogue).

Fig. 89

Delete Page
Running the command (DEL_PLA) from the Utilities / Delete menu brings up the
dialogue in Fig. 90 and clicking on Yes the page will be deleted.

Before deleting a page you can back it up, so later the page can be restored.

Fig. 90 Unlock page

If for any reason, a page is blocked in a project, you can free it running the Free
blocked page command from the Utilities menu.
4 - Project Pages- Filter on pages 89

4.6 Filter on pages

Applying filters allows to exclude certain groups of pages from processes on project
pages e.g. plotting, batch processes etc. For example, you might wish to plot only the
Terminal Pinouts of a project. Instead of selecting the pages from the picklist, you
can apply a filter in order to get only Terminal Pinout Drawings plotted. Or, you
might want to re-number the components and cables of the Power Circuit by running
Fig. 91 a batch job over them (see page 55). If you have previously specified those pages as
"Power Circuit" in the Sub-project field (page data sheet), you can apply a filter on
this field. Cadelec comes with a number of pre-defined filters on project pages.
Classical filters like Schematic Drawings Only are contained. The other filters are
meant as examples which should be edited according to your needs. You can use the
existing filters, edit them or define new ones. Existing filters can also be erased if no
longer needed. You can run the command (FIL_PLA) from the Tools / Filters / Filter
Pages menu (Fig. 91) or by clicking on the Filter Pages toolbox in the FILTERS
Fig. 92 toolbar (Fig. 92). To show the FILTERS toolbar, select it from the Tools / Toolbars

Fig. 93

Select an existing filter To select an existing filter, locate the cursor on the filter to apply and press ENTER.
After applying a filter the page will be shown in red color in the status bar at the
bottom of the screen.

De-select an applying If you want to disable the filter in order to get access to all project pages again,
filter select the empty filter (Description: No Active Filter). This empty filter
specification is always the first entry in the available filters list.

Edit an existing filter Locate the cursor on the filter to edit and press F2. (Operations and functions are
described on the next pages).

Create a new filter Press the INS key. For the list of operations and functions, see next.

Erase a filter To erase a no longer needed filter, locate the cursor on it and press the DEL key.
The filter will be marked and erased after leaving the filter selection-box.

4.6.1 Creating / Editing filters on pages

The page describing data is held in the pages-database PLANOS.DBF (alias
PLANOS). Filters on pages have to access the fields of this database, using the
following syntax :
This is the commonly used syntax for accessing databases.

For applying a filter on PLANOS.DBF, use

and replace <fieldname> by the name of the field you want to access in combination
with the operations and function explained on page 277. The fields of the pages
database are listed on the next page.
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project90
The Pages database PLANOS.DBF (alias PLANOS)

As every project has its own pages, a pages database is contained in the directory of
every project. The pages database is describing the pages of the active project.

The list of the fields below shows only the fields, which are commonly used for
applying filters. The complete list is contained in APPENDIX A (page 361).

Field Field Name Field entity and Description

Number width(C=Character; D=Date;
1 PLANO C8 Name of the Page (as entered)
2 COD_PLA C20 Page number (incremental)
3 TIPUS C10 Type of page as entered in the
page data sheet
4 DENOM C50 Page description
5 DATACREA D8 Date of creation
6 DATAULMOD D8 Date of last modification
8 USR_NAM C7 In Charge" as entered in the
page data sheet
9 VERIF C7 Verified by
19 OBS1 C20 Title line 1
20 OBS2 C20 Title line 2
21 OBS3 C34 Title line 3
22 OBS4 C34 Title line 4
25 PROJNR C20 Sub-project
26 ORIG C10 Origin
27 HECHF C10 Replaces
28 HECHD C15 Replaced by
29 DISPOS C14 Location
30 LUGAR C14 Zone
33 TYP_PLA C1 Type of page "S" = Schematic
"A" = Cabinet "K" = Terminal
34 LIB_PLA C6 Associated Library (Symbols or
Cabinet library)
35 CABINET C8 On Cabinets: The chosen
36 TSTRIP C8 On Terminal Pinouts: Terminal
Strip ID

4.6.2 Operations and functions for filters

The filter expression can include the following operations:

and logical AND

or logical OR (inclusive)
not logical NOT
! logical NOT
< less than
> greater than
= equal
<> different from
!= different from
<= less than or equal to
>= greater than or equal to
== identical to
$ included in

Filter expressions can also use following functions :

4 - Project Pages- Filter on pages 91

empty() This function checks if the field specified in the brackets is

Syntax : empty(Alias.Field).

left() This function selects a number of the left-most characters.

Syntax : left(Alias.Field, Number).

right() This function selects a number of the right-most characters.

Syntax : right(Alias.Field, Number).

upper() This function changes all lower-case letters to upper-case

Syntax : upper(Alias.Field)

ctod() This function converts a text string into date format.

Syntax : ctod(date-text).

alltrim() A character string will be returned with the leading and trailing
blanks removed.
Syntax : alltrim(expression).

On cabinets, Cadelec will perform a consistency check comparing the components

figuring in the schematics and the cabinet. Errors will be reported and the
components flagged in red color.

4.7 Changing between project pages

To change between project pages you can use the Open Page menu or the

4.7.1 Using the command GNEXT

Typing the command GNEXT or selecting Open Page from the Cadelec / Project
menu opens the page selection box (Fig. 85). There you can choose the page to
change to by clicking at the page entry.
Pages used by other net-user are marked with an X in the second column. If you are
working in a stand-alone system and a page is shown as used, you might have left
AutoCAD in an irregular way. To erase this marking, Re-Index the project (see also
page 67).
As this dialogue box is opened, the cursor is located on the page you have currently

The information displayed is the content of the data sheet fields Type and
Description. If these fields are not properly filled out you might have problems to
find the page you want to change to.
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project92

4.7.2 Using the Navigator (command : GO)

Typing the command GO or selecting Navigator from the Cadelec menu (Fig.
94) or from the Cadelec / Project toolbar (Fig. 95), allows you to change
between pages as described below:
Clicking on the cross-reference of a contact changes to the page where the
activating coil is located (or the other way around).
Fig. 94
Clicking on the equipotential markers on a wire changes to the page where
the wire continues.
Clicking at a component within a cabinet layout drawing changes to the
schematic where the component is located (or the other way around).
Clicking at a terminal within the terminal pinout drawing changes to the
page where the terminal is (the other way around works as well).

Instead of searching for the activating coil of a contact, you simply click on its
Fig. 95 cross-reference. Or, if you want to check a terminal, you simply click on the
terminal within the terminal pinout drawing. Cadelec changes to the page where
this terminal is located.


To search for
the activating coil of a contact... ...
type GO and
click at the cross reference

To search for a contact...

type GO and
click at the contact

To search for a wire with the same potential...

type GO and
click on the equipotential cross reference mark

To change to the cabinet where the components are ...

type GO and
click on the device ID or at the component outline
4- Project Pages- Using the command GOSNA 93

To change from the cabinet to the schematic where the component is ...
type GO and
click at the device ID or the component

To search for a terminal ...

type GO and
click on the terminal number

To change to thew terminal pinout drawing ...

type GO and
click on the terminal

4.7.3 Using the command GOSNA

This command will locate an element in the project by its Device ID, and
open the page the element is on, zoomed on the element you are looking for.

The command can be run from the Cadelec / Navigator menu (Fig. 96), from
the Project toolbar (Fig. 97), or by typing GOSNA at the command prompt.
You can also use the accelerator key Ctrl+H.
Fig. 96
Running the command, brings up the Find Device ID dialogue box, (Fig. 98)
where the searched item can be defined, indicating or selecting a value for the
Device ID, Tag Number, Function, Cable, Installation, Zone, Catalog, Record, User
1, User 2, User 3, User 4 attributes.

Fig. 97

Fig. 98

In the output window, in the lower part of the dialogue box are listed the elements
in the project matching the values selected in the fields in the upper part.
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project94
For example, if you select a Device ID (-D2.1) in the Device ID field (clicking on
the down arrow opens a list with the available device IDs in the project), in the
output window will be listed the selected Device ID (there are no other matches).
If you select the XR Function (Cool for example - Fig. 98), the output window will
list the elements whose XR function is Cool or contains the "Cool" string.

Selecting one of the device IDs in the output window, by double clicking on it,
Cadelec will open the page containing the element and performs a ZOOM on the
element, so you don' t have to bother to locate the element on the page.

Changing between a page and an element in the page

With the Navigator - Element function you can easily change between a library
element and the page. Running the command (GOELEM - from the Navigator
menu), by pressing Ctrl +A , Cadelec will prompt you to select an element in the
drawing. Clicking on an element in the drawing will open the library element (and
you can make changes on it). Pressing Ctrl+O in the library element drawing will
reload the previous page (and you can update the changes made in the library
element by running one of the update functions (UPB_A or UPB_SS - see page 169)

4.7.4 Using the command GOCNX

This command, very much like the GOSNA command, helps to find a certain
wire in the project, connected to a Device ID, and element code. You can
select the wire by several criteria, and then Cadelec opens the corresponding
page, zoomed on the searched item.

The command can be run by selecting it from the menu (Fig. 99), or the
Fig. 99 Project toolbar (Fig. 100), or by typing GOCNX at the prompt.

Running the command, the Find Wire selection dialogue box appears (Fig. 101):

Fig. 100

Fig. 101

In the dialogue box you can specify the wire selection by several criteria:
Voltage rating
Element Code
Device ID
Tag Number
4- Project Pages- Using the command GOCNX 95


According to the values specified in the filter fields (upper part of window), the
lower window lists the corresponding items by Page, Element Code and Device ID.
Selecting an item in the lower selection window and clicking Open, Cadelec opens
the corresponding page, zoomed on the selected item.

For example (in project HYD_PUM), selecting the Voltage rating PE and Element
Code KLEMMO1, the output window will list the PE wires connected to element
KLEMMO1 with their Device ID (Fig. 101).

4.8 Rename Page

Select the function (REN_PLA) from the Tools / Utilities / Re-Name Page
menu (Fig. 102) or from the UTILITIES toolbar (Fig. 104).

In the page selection box which appears (Fig. 103), locate the cursor on the
page to rename and press ENTER.

Fig. 102

Fig. 103

Cadelec will prompt you for the new page name (Fig. 105). You can define the new
page name using up to 8 alphanumerical signs including "$" and "_" (DOS file name
Fig. 104 convention).

Fig. 105

After you have entered the new name, Cadelec will re-sort the page according to
their ASCII codes. This means that page names with the sign "$" as the first
character will be at the top of the list followed by pages with numbers (e.g. 1, 2
etc.) as the first sign. Pages with a leading character ("A","X" etc.) will be listed
after the numbers. At the bottom of the list you will find the pages starting with the
"_" sign.

After re-naming a page, you should perform a few steps to get the change apply to
the databases and all annotations on project components:
Switch all automatic re-calculation and re-annotations in the Project
Preferences dialogue box (Edit Project) on (see page 48).
Run a batch on the schematics of the project. Select the schematics from the
pick-list and activate the Zoom Extents option. Start the batch by clicking at
After the batch process is completed, all changes are transferred to the project
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project96
If you have terminal pinout drawings in your projects, generate new ones. Enter
the Edit Cables function from the Project / Terminals menu to create a new
terminal database. When leaving the terminal editor, select the Generate
terminal Pinout Drawings option.
If you are working with cabinet layouts, enter the cabinet layout drawings.
Erase the graphical representation of the components of the old page which are
flagged with red color using the _ERASE command. Insert the components of
the page with the new name in the same place.

4.9 Overall procedures on pages

The functions described on the next pages are functions, which can be performed on
all kinds of pages.
4 - Project Pages- Overall procedures on pages 97

Description: Update Title Box

Command: UTBLK

This command updates the title box and can be selected from the Tools /
Utilities menu (Fig. 106) or from the UTILITIES toolbar (Fig. 107).
Usually, Cadelec does this automatically every time you enter a page to
AutoCAD, but certain circumstances e.g. the capturing of a page or the
changing of the title box requires a manual updating of the title box.
Fig. 106

Fig. 107
Cadelec 98
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Create a new project98

Description: Select language for all field descriptions

From the Cadelec / Language menu (Fig. 108) or the Cadelec toolbar (Fig.
110) you can select the language for the description to the fields of the title
box and the terminal pinouts. If you have set attributes e.g. USER_1 on the
ENG layer for English, USER_2 on the GER layer for German etc. this
language selection will also display the attributes in the selected language.

In Fig. 109 and Fig. 111 you see a part of the title box and the terminal
pinout drawing after selecting German.

Fig. 108

Fig. 109

Fig. 110

Fig. 111

The following languages can be selected:

Language Layer for this language

English ENG
French FRA
German GER
Italian ITA
Dutch NL
Spain - Spain SPA
Spanish - L.America MEX
Hungarian HUN
Czech CZ
Polish PL
4- Project Pages- Changing attribute entities 99

4.10 Changing attribute entities

The operations and functions described on the next pages can be performed on all

You might for example use the IVA command to turn a single attribute invisible, the
HA command to move an attribute, etc.

If you want attributes to be invisible, rotated or to have a different height every time
you insert an element, you should edit the attribute entities on the elements. For a
detailed description of editing elements and changing attribute entities please refer
to page 289.

4.10.1 Operations and commands

The following commands refer to the actions you can perform on the attributes in a
schematic page. For inserting attributes at element creation please see page 299.
Cadelec 98
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Create a new project100

Description: Make attribute visible

Command: MVA (Make Visible Attribute)

You can turn the attributes to the elements visible and invisible. This allows you to
decide which information you want to be displayed on every element. Select the
functions from the menu (Fig. 112) or the toolbars (Fig. 113).

Below you see another typical use of this feature.

Fig. 112

SNA : invisible

PREFIX : visible - on the first terminal

invisible - on the second and the third
Fig. 113
Fig. 114
COUNTER : visible

SNA : visible

PREFIX : invisible

COUNTER : visible

Fig. 115

Attribute values:

PREFIX holds the element mnemonic. This is in this case -X1.

COUNTER holds the element counter. In this case, these are the numbers 1 to 3.
SNA holds the device-ID, which in this case is the mnemonic and the counter value.

After running this command, Cadelec will prompt you to select the element. Once
you have done so, type in the name of the attribute you wish to make visible. For
the complete list of attributes please refer to page 299.

Tip: For a complete list of the attributes defined for a certain element, run the
AutoCAD _DDATTE command and select this element.
4- Project Pages- Changing attribute entities 101

Description: Make attribute invisible

Command: IVA (InVisible Attribute)

This function allows you to make an attribute invisible. A typical use of this command is
shown on the previous page.

After running this command, Cadelec will prompt to select the attribute (click on the
attribute). Once this is done, Cadelec will prompt with the default name of the attribute to be
turned invisible. Press ENTER to validate, enter the name of an other attribute to make
invisible or press CTRL-C to select again.
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project102

Description: Move attribute

Command: MA (Move Attribute)

With this command you can move an attribute.

The command can be run from the Cadelec / Attributes / Move menu (Fig. 116) or
from the Cadelec toolbar, clicking on the Attributes toolbox and dragging down
the cursor to the Move toolbox, releasing the button (Fig. 117).

When you run this command, Cadelec first asks you to select the attribute to be
moved. After selecting this attribute, Cadelec will ask you to point to the new
position. This can be done either by entering the co-ordinates or by clicking at the
Fig. 116 new position.

Fig. 117
4- Project Pages- Changing attribute entities 103

Description: Rotate Attribute

Command: RA (Rotate Attribute)

This command lets you rotate an attribute within a project page.

After running this function, from the menu (Fig. 118) or from the toolbars (Fig.
119), Cadelec will ask you to point at the attribute to be rotated. Once you have
selected this attribute by clicking with the mouse, Cadelec will prompt you to enter
the rotation angle. You can do this either by entering the angle manually (e.g. 45)
or by clicking with the mouse at the new angular position relative to the initial one.

The rotation angle is always expressed with respect to the X-axis and not to the
current orientation. For example, if an attribute is already at the 45° from the X-
Fig. 118 axis and you specify an angle of rotation of 45°, the attribute will stay where it is.

Fig. 119
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project104

Description: Set Attribute Height

Command: HA (Height Attribute)

With this command you can change the height of an attribute.

After running this command, from the menu (Fig. 120) or from the toolbars (Fig.
121), Cadelec will ask you to select the attribute and to enter the attribute height.
The default attribute height is defined in the library data-sheet.

Fig. 120

Fig. 121
4- Project Pages- Changing attribute entities 105

Description: Switch layer off

Command: OFFLAY
Run the command from the Cadelec / Layers menu (Fig. 122) or from the
CADELEC / Layers toolbar (Fig. 123).

This function switches a layer, which was selected, by a mouse click off.
After having selected the layer, Cadelec prompts with a short information
telling you the name of the layer, which was turned off.

To make this layer visible again, type the AutoCAD command

_DDLMODES or select Layer from the Format menu. AutoCAD opens a
list with all layers. Scroll through this list until you have found the layer to
be made visible again and select it with the mouse. Clicking on the ON
button will switch the layer on again. For more details on making layers
Fig. 122 visible / invisible please refer to your AutoCAD manual.

Fig. 123
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project106

Description: Erase layer contents

Command: KLAY (Kill LAYer)

Run the function from the menu (Fig. 124) or from the toolbars (Fig. 125).

This function erases the contents of a layer. As this function should be used
very carefully, Cadelec will prompt you to enter the name of the layer and
will not allow a selection with the mouse.

The typical use of this command is when editing elements with a large
amount of attributes (e.g. terminal pinout drawings). In this case, you will
run this command to erase no longer needed attributes before inserting new

Fig. 124

Fig. 125
4- Project Pages- Text Translation Utility 107

4.10.2 Text Translation Utility

The Text translation utility is a new feature of Cadelec 2004, which provides the
possibility of creating, updating and using your own dictionary of terms, used in
user defined attributes, and automatically translate the attributes into one of the
supported languages. It automates the process of translation too, by creating text or
Excel files to be sent to the translator and updating the dictionary from the same
translated files (sent back by the translator).

You can automate the process of translating the attributes with user defined
attributes, having the suffix _GER for German, _UK for English, _FRA for French,
_CZ for Czech, _HUN for Hungarian, _PL for Polish, _ITA for Italian, _SPA for
Spanish and _NL for Dutch.

Cadelec uses a dictionary, Dictionary.dbf, placed in the project directory, which

keeps all the existing translations and can be updated from external files, containing
the translation in a certain language (see next pages).

For example, the EL_DIN library contains the TEXTBL text block, with the user
attributes USER1_GER - USER4_GER, USER1_UK, - USER4_UK, USER1_FRA -
USER4_FRA etc. attributes (contained in the language layers). These are recognized
by the translation utility and their contents can be added to the dictionary, can be
exported to a text or Excel file or can be imported from a text or Excel file into the
dictionary (see the corresponding commands on the next pages). You can define
your own blocks containing any language dependent attributes with the language
endings: _GER, _FRA, _HUN, etc.
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project108

Description: Export English text to dictionary

Command: ATTOUT
The ATTOUT command, selected from the Tools / Utilities / Text Translation menu
(Fig. 126), exports the content of attributes of the Cadelec language version
(English, German etc.) into a database called Dictionary.dbf located in the Project
directory (e.g. \CLPW\PR). The processed attributes are those ending with the actual
language suffix: _GER for German, _UK for English, _ITA for Italian etc. If for
example a text block contains the attributes USER1_UK, USER2_UK, …
USER4_UK, the command will write the contents of all these attributes (in a
Fig. 126 drawing) into the dictionary (language version: English).

The command is useful in batch processes

4- Project Pages- Text Translation Utility 109

Description: Export text to Excel file


These commands (Tools/Utilities/Text Translation menu) will write an Excel
file containing the language dependent attributes from a text block (ending in
_GER, _UK, _FRA etc) in a page for the Cadelec language version (e.g.
English) and the destination Language (e.g. German). The file name will be
e.g. DEUTSCH.XLS and will be placed in the project directory. The updated
Excel file (with all the translations) will serve as source when updating a
dictionary from an Excel file (see next page).

Fig. 127
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project110

Description: Update dictionary from Excel file


These commands will update the dictionary from the corresponding Excel file,
created with the XLSUK, XLSGER etc. commands. The Excel file contains the
translated (updated) text.

Fig. 128
4- Project Pages- Text Translation Utility 111

Description: Translate (GER, FRA etc.)



These commands will import the translation of the user-defined text in a

drawing (e.g. the _UK attributes) to the corresponding language. The
command looks for existing pairs of attributes (e.g. _UK and _GER) in the
drawing and it will write the corresponding translations from the dictionary
into the _GER ( _FRA, _HUN etc ) attributes in the drawing.
The TRAALL command will import the text in all
Fig. 129
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project112

4.11 Customizing the Title Box

Cadelec comes with one standard title box (PRPRO -Fig. 130) which can be edited
or used as a model for new title boxes. It is contained in the symbol library (e.g.
EL_DIN for symbols in DIN standard).

Fig. 130

The fields displayed in the title box are defined with the attributes in a separate
drawing, the title block (e.g. TIT_DIN1 for the first title block in DIN standard).

Customizing of title boxes will be done in two steps. First you edit the attributes in
the title block. Once this has been done, you will replace the existing title block
within a title box by the new one. The necessary steps are described in a step by
step rundown on the next pages. The number of title boxes and title blocks is
unlimited, so that you can create a title box according to the company conventions
of every customer.

...can be seen as variables connecting databases and drawings. Data written into an
attribute within a page will be written to the database; information from the
database can be re-annotated in the page. The attributes of the title box are defined
with the AutoCAD command _ATTDEF (see also page 243) using the following
syntax :

<database alias>.<field name>

For more details on attributes refer to your AutoCAD manual.

The following attributes are in the standard title block (e.g. TIT_DIN1 for DIN
standard). They display the data entered during project and page creation. These
data are accessed from the project database PROJS.DBF (alias PROJS) and the
pages database PLANOS.DBF (alias PLANOS). For more details to the data and
the fields of the page data sheet please refer to page 93.
4 - Project Pages- Customizing the Title Box 113

Attributes in the standard title box:

Attribute Contents Data was entered in

PLANOS. OBS1 + 2 Page Title Lines 1 + 2 Page data sheet
PLANOS.DISPOS Default Location for this page Page data sheet
PLANOS.LUGAR Default Zone for this page Page data sheet
PLANOS.PROJNR Sub project Page data sheet
PLANOS.NR1 + 2 Page numbers according to your company Page data sheet
PLANOS.PLANO Page name When creating or renaming the page
PLANOS.DATACREA Date of creation Stored automatically
PLANOS.DATAULMOD Date of last modification Stored automatically
PLANOS.CANVI1 - 3 Issue code 1 to 3 Page data sheet
PLANOS.DCAN1 - 3 Issue date 1 to 3 Page data sheet
PLANOS.NCAN1 - 3 Issue name 1 - 3 Page data sheet
PLANOS.ORIG Page origin Page data sheet
PLANOS.HECHF Replaces Page data sheet
PLANOS.HECHD Replaced by Page data sheet
PLANOS.USR_NAM In charge Page data sheet
PLANOS.VERIF Verified by Page data sheet
PLANOS.NELS Number of pages in the project Computed automatically
PROJS.DESCPRO1 + 2 Project description fields 1 + 2 Project data sheet
PROJS.NORMAPRO Standard Project data sheet

Creating a new title box

To create a new title box for e.g. to the purposes of a certain customer,
you will have to create a new title block and once this is done to create
a new title box. In the steps described below we will use the existing
Title Block and Title Box as a model.

Select New from the Library/ Element menu (Fig. 131) or New
Element from the CADELEC /Library toolbar (Fig. 132).This is
necessary as Title Box and Title Block are always a part of the
symbols library.
Fig. 131

Fig. 132

Fig. 133

In the appearing dialogue box (Fig. 133), enter the Element Code prefixed with
TIT_ (e.g. TIT_DIN5). It is very important to prefix the title block with TIT_
as the automatic title box updating function will search for a block with this
prefix. It might not work if you name the title block differently.

Select the Take Data of other Element option and select an already existing title
block e.g. TIT_DIN1.
Cadelec 98
Create a new project
Create a new project114
Now select the Copy same page as data sheet option. This will copy the
selected Title Block so that you can use it as a model.
Cadelec will open the data sheet with the description of the title block. You can
edit the description if required. Please do not change the Kind of element
definition. The title block has to be defined as Auxiliary graphics element. Click
on the OK button to continue.
Cadelec copies the title block and opens the drawing.
Once you have done all changes, select Save from the menu to save.
Cadelec will ask you whether you want to integrate the element in the tablet.
Select NO.
Now you will have to create a new Title Box using the definitions made within
the new Title Block. Select New from the Cadelec / Element menu again and
enter a name for the new title box e.g. CUST_X for the customer X.
Select Take Data of other Element and select the Title Block PRPRO.
Set the Copy same page as data sheet option and click on OK to continue.
Cadelec opens the element data sheet. You can add information on the customer
if required. Do not change the Kind of Element definition within the bar on the
top of the data sheet. The Kind of Element definition for the Title Box has to be
Prototype Schematic Drawing. Continue by clicking at the OK button.
If you have previously changed the column width or the height of the rows
graphically (see Changes on Title Blocks, page 121), enter the co-ordinates of
the first column and row. Else leave the default and click the OK button.
Cadelec will copy the Title Box, which was selected to be used as a model and
will open the new title box in AutoCAD.
Once you have entered AutoCAD erase the title box with the AutoCAD
command _ERASE.
Use the DDINSERT command (or select Block from the Insert menu), and select
the file to be inserted: e.g. TIT_DIN2.DWG if you have created a title block
named TIT_DIN2. Otherwise replace TIT_DIN2 by the title block you wish to
AutoCAD will ask the following parameters :

Insertion point enter 0,0 X

scale factor <1> / Corner / XYZ : press ENTER
Y scale factor (default=X) press ENTER
Rotation angle <0> press ENTER

Enter _QSAVE to save the changes.

The new title box will appear in the list of available title boxes. If you wish to use
this title box for the new pages of an already created project enter the project data
sheet (Edit Project function - see page 48), erase the contents of the Title Box field
and press ENTER. Select the new title box from the list of existing title boxes. If
you wish to apply this new title box on already created pages please follow the
instruction given in the Change title box on existing pages part, page 121.

Editing a title box

Editing an existing title box requires the editing of title block and title box. Please
follow the instruction given below:

Select Open from the Cadelec / Library / Element menu. Cadelec opens the list
of existing library elements from where you can select the title block, which
should be changed. Title Blocks are usually prefixed with TIT_ followed by the
standard and a number e.g. TIT_DIN1 for the first Title Block in DIN standard.
Once the title block was taken to AutoCAD perform the changes on the title
block as described further (Changes on Title blocks).
After the changes have been finished type _OPEN to change to the Title Box.
From the AutoCAD file selection box select the Title Box you wish to edit.
Once the title box has been opened, erase it with the AutoCAD _ERASE
4 - Project Pages- Customizing the Title Box 115

Use the DDINSERT command (or select Block from the Insert menu), and select
the file to be inserted: e.g. TIT_DIN1.DWG, if TIT_DIN1 was the title block
you have edited. Otherwise replace TIT_DIN1 by the name of the title block
you wish to use within this title box.
Type _QSAVE to save the title box
The changes will not apply on already created pages. To replace the title box of
an existing page by a new title box please refer to Change Title Boxes on
Existing Pages below.

Changes on title blocks

Title Blocks hold the attributes and the graphical layout of the title boxes. Changing
of a title box therefore requires the changing of the title block. Below you find a
description of the commonly used operations for customizing the title box.

To change attributes:

Use the AutoCAD command _DDMODIFY to change the attribute height, its
font etc.
Erase a no longer needed attribute with the AutoCAD _ERASE command.

To create attributes:
To insert new attributes run the _DDATTDEF command. Enter the database
field you want to be displayed in the Attribute Tag and the Attribute Prompt
using the following syntax:
<database alias>.<field name>
Set the attribute mode to Preset
For a complete listing of the database fields please refer to Appendix A, page
359. Leave the Default Attribute value empty and click with the mouse cursor
on the position where you want the attribute to be located.

Changing the column width and the height of the rows:

The Cadelec standard title box in DIN standard has 8 columns and 6 rows. To
change this e.g. to 10 columns and 8 rows you will have to change the distance
between the column and row markers graphically in the title block before you
define this distance for the title box. Perform the following steps:

erase the column and row markers with the _ERASE command.
calculate the distance between the rows:
Cadelec's title box dimensions are 410 x 288 AutoCAD co-ordinates. For 10
columns you will have to draw the vertical column lines in a distance of 41. The
horizontal row lines will have the distance of 36 AutoCAD co-ordinates.
Before drawing the column and row markers, use the _LAYER command to set
the current layer to the layer for the title box. Enter 'S' for set and enter the new
current layer as UPS_DWG which is the layer for the title box.
Before starting to draw the column and row markers make sure that ORTHO
(press F8) and SNAP (press F9) are on. First draw horizontal and vertical lines.
In the standard title box, those lines have a length of 5 co-ordinates. Please bear
in mind that the top left corner of the title box is at 5, 292. The first horizontal
line for columns will therefore be at the X co-ordinate 46 when creating a title
box with 10 columns. The first vertical row line will be at the Y co-ordinate
Use the command _DDMODIFY to change the color of the lines to blue.
Copy the vertical and horizontal lines with the _COPY command to the required
116 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Change title boxes on existing pages

If you wish to make changes on the title box appearing on already existing pages or
to change the title box to another one, perform the following steps:

Open the page.

erase the existing title box with the AutoCAD _ERASE command.
Now you will have to insert the title block (named TIT_*) you want to use.
Use the DDINSERT command (or select Block from the Insert menu) to insert the
title block you wish to use.
AutoCAD will ask for the following parameters :
Insertion point enter 0,0
X scale factor <1> / Corner / XYZ : press ENTER
Y scale factor (default=X) press ENTER
Rotation angle <0> press ENTER
Enter the command UTBLK or select Title Box from the Tools / Utilities menu
to update the title box.
Save with the _QSAVE command and change to another page where the title
box should be used.

4.12 Creating a new US style prototype

The creation of a new US style prototype drawing is performed in the following

First, make sure you are within the US style library, JIC. If necessary, open the
JIC library with the BUS_LIB command or select it from the Cadelec / Library /
Database / Open menu.
Open a US style title box drawing, for ex. TIT_JIC2, using the ACC_ELE
command or from the Library / Element / Open menu.
Set SNAP to 5
Set the drawing limits to the border of the title box drawing using the AutoCAD
command LIMITS.
Define the ladders using the command DEFLR -select it from the Library
drawing toolbar or the Library Drawing menu. With this command you define
the number of columns (ladders) to be contained in the new drawing and the
numbering start. Running the command will ask to specify the active area by
first and second point; you will indicate it by clicking with the mouse at the two
points (lower left and upper right). Then you will be asked for the number of
ladders per page, you will enter the number of ladders you wish to use. After
this, you have to specify the numbering start - form 0 or 1.Then you will have to
enter the name of the new prototype drawing - for ex. PRPRO2 - for a drawing
with two ladders.
At this step we have created a new empty prototype drawing and have to insert
the title box. For this, set the SNAP to 5 and use the DDINSERT or INSERT
AutoCAD command and specify the name of the title box drawing - for ex.
TIT_JIC2.The command will ask for the insertion position- enter 0,0. Leave the
other parameters at their default.
Use the Snap Ladders command SNAPLR to align the ladders to the SNAP.
Save the changes for PRPRO2.Now you can use the new prototype drawing in
the projects.
5 - Schematics 117


In this chapter we will discuss all commands and functions needed to create

Basically, schematics are built up with:

Wires and Cables and
Electrical symbols (elements)

Wires and Cables are electrical connections with voltage rating specification. The wires and their
voltage rating will be reported if you issue the Connection report (File /
Reports / Project menu).

With the Terminal Editor (see page 222) or the SCAB command (see page 217) you
can specify the cable and the wires leading to and from terminals.

Elements are graphical representatives of electrical components. As projects can only be

created in one standard, Cadelec allows you to take elements from one symbols
library only. This library is specified in the project data sheet when creating the
project (see page 39).

The symbol itself holds no technical details. This is done by associating a

manufacturer catalogue-record using the Define Components function (see page
202) or with the command DEFCOM (see page 195).You can also set a default
catalogue-record within the element data sheet (page 289).

Terminals are a special kind of elements as they are electrically spoken, invisible. Terminals
are part of the symbols library as well, and will therefore also be inserted like any
other element. But there are still several functions that differs them from the other
elements. Cadelec will, for example create terminal pinout drawings automatically
exploiting the terminals in the schematics.

PLCs are elements with special commands and functions. Their special functions are
separated in a PLC sub-chapter (see from page 232 on). Still you will insert them
like other elements either from the slides, or with the IE command.
118 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Creating a schematic from scratch - Working Methodology

The working flow chart for creating schematics from scratch completes the Cadelec
working methodology diagram shown on page 36. Functions, which can be
performed occasionally e.g. Edit Counters are not taken in account.

For a step by step run-down using a simple demonstration project, please refer to
the Cadelec Tutorial.

Fig. 134
5- Schematics - Wires and Connections 119

5.1 Wires and Connections

Cadelec offers a high intelligence for wire and connection management. Wires and
connections are not only graphical lines between electrical symbols but intelligent
electrical connections with defined properties such as voltage rating. These
connections will be listed ordered by voltage rating when generating the
CONNECTIONS report (see page 399).

Cadelec uses different AutoCAD layers for the connections of different voltage
ratings. This allows you to get the wires of the different voltage ratings displayed in
different colors.

With Cadelec you can also specify the cables e.g. project cable C01 that is defined
as a NYY 4 x 2.5 mm2 cable. Wires can be marked color-coded (by an
alphanumerical shortcut), numbered or with a combination of both (see page 217).
120 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Set Voltage Rating

Command: LAYCAB (LAYer for CABle)

It is very important to set the voltage rating before drawing wires. This allows you
to number wires with different voltage ratings independently with the automatic
numbering system.

Selecting Voltage Rating from the Cadelec / Connections menu (Fig. 136) or from
the CONNECTIONS / Voltage rating toolbar (Fig. 135), offers you several pre-set
voltage ratings. Selecting e.g. 400V will set the voltage rating for all wires drawn
after this selection to 400 V.

Fig. 135

Fig. 136

Selecting User Defined from the VOLTAGE RATING sub-menu or typing the
LAYCAB command lets you type the voltage rating. You can also use this function
or this command to display the current voltage rating. Press CTRL-C after the
voltage rating was displayed to abort the function.

Selecting Generic from the Voltage Rating sub-menu resets the voltage rating. You
may use this, to draw wires without any voltage rating specification, e.g. for
Control Cables.

Used Layers
Cadelec uses different layers for different voltage ratings. This allows you a
customizable use of different colors for different voltage ratings. Every time you
specify a voltage rating which was previously not used, Cadelec creates a layer for
the wires prefixed with PCAB followed by the voltage rating e.g. PCAB400V. If
you mark a wire of this rating with a mark (e.g. L1), Cadelec creates a layer for the
cables prefixed with MCAB for all wire-marks to this voltage rating.
5- Schematics - Wires and Connections 121

Layers for wires and marks

The layer for 400V wires will for example be PCAB400V while the layer for the
marks is MCAB400V. (See also below).

Changing the color of wires or cable marks of a certain voltage rating can be done
by changing the color of its layer. You will do this by selecting Layers from the
Format menu. Below you see a list of the most important voltage-rating layers with
their default color.
Voltage rating Layer for wires default color Layer for marks default color
400V PCAB400V red MCAB400V white
230V PCAB230V white MCAB230V white
110V PCAB110V white MCAB110V white
N PCABN white MCABN white
GENERIC or PCAB white MCAB white
without efinition

Changing the Certain circumstances might require the changing of the voltage rating. You will do
voltage rating this in the following way :
run the AutoCAD CHANGE command (see also page 243).
select the wires to be changed. Once you have selected all wires to be changed
press the right mouse button or press ENTER to leave the selection mode.
AutoCAD will prompt you with the following options :

Properties/<Change point> enter P and press ENTER

Change what property enter LA to change the layer and press
New layer: enter the layer name e.g. PCAB400V to
change the voltage to 400V

run the CHANGE command again and select the cable markers to the wires.
Proceed in the way described above and change the layer for the markers to e.g.

Note: You can display the Voltage rating of the numbered wires (Point to Point
Wire Numbering) by clicking on the VRAT button in the status line (see page 26)
122 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Draw 1-phase wire

Command: L1, L1P

This command lets you draw a single-phase wire on the current voltage rating (set
by the LAYCAB command, as described above).

It can be run from the menu (Fig. 137) or from the toolbars (Fig. 134). When you
issue this command, Cadelec asks you to specify a start and an end point. Click
with the mouse at the required start and end position. You can use this end-point as
the starting point for another wire or abort the command by pressing the RIGHT
mouse button.

Pressing the RIGHT mouse button again will repeat the command and ask you for a
new starting point.
Fig. 137
Wire ends must be truly coincident if Cadelec is to consider them as electrically
connected. For this reason, it is preferable to leave the SNAP (key F9) and the
ORTHO (key F8) options active.

The L1P command draws a single-phase power wire, which will be marked in
yellow color. The power wire will be drawn on a new layer, for example
PCAB230V_P, for a 230 V rated wire.
Fig. 138
Note. The wires should be always drawn from LEFT to RIGHT and from TOP to
BOTTOM. Otherwise it could happen that the wires would not be correctly cut at
element insertion.
5- Schematics - Wires and Connections 123

Description: Draw V-connections

Command: L1V
With this command you can draw a V connection line, or combine it with 1-phase
lines too.
Running the command from the menu (Fig. 139) or from the toolbars (Fig. 140),
the system prompts for the first point, first V-angle, next point and next angle. The
angle, indicated by pointing with the mouse, specifies the offset side of the angle
(which is drawn at 30 degrees).
Fig. 139
If, when asking for the V angle, you click the right mouse button, the next V
connection is skipped and, you can specify the next point. The result is a line
without V connection.

The command behaves differently, depending on the starting point.

if the start point is on a line, it first asks for the first V angle
if the start point is not on a line, it asks for the first point.
Fig. 140 The V connection is recognized by the automatic wire numbering and the wires will
be numbered accordingly. The direction of the V-connection
indicates the physical wire that will be numbered.
124 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Draw 3-phase wires

Command: L3, L3P

This command lets you draw a three-phase cable on the current voltage rating.

After selecting it from the menu (Fig. 141) or the CONNECTIONS toolbar (Fig.
142), Cadelec will asks you to specify:
the starting point
the fist cutting angle
the end point
the second cutting angle
Fig. 141

Fig. 142

Fig. 143

As wire ends must be truly coincident and down-strokes must start from the
horizontal lines it is preferable to leave the SNAP (key F9) and ORTHO (key F8)
option active.

The L3P command draws a 3-phase phase power wire, which will be marked in
yellow color. The power wire will be drawn on a new layer, for example
PCAB400V_P, for a 400 V rated wire.

You can draw multiple phase wires as well with the LN / LNP commands.

Use AutoCAD's repeating command function when drawing more then one cable.
Pressing ENTER, or the right mouse button, will repeat the command, so that you
can draw 3-phase cables without entering the command every time.

Note. The wires should be always drawn from LEFT to RIGHT and from TOP to
BOTTOM. Otherwise it could happen that the wires would not be correctly cut at
element insertion.
5- Schematics - Wires and Connections 125

Description: Set Nodes

Command: APO
The command can be selected from the menu (Fig. 144) or from the
This command automatically draws node points on the wiring diagram, so that you
can check whether lines are electrically connected or not. Cadelec does this by
searching for all instances of three or more lines with coincident end points on the
same layer (prefixed with PCAB). Cadelec will only locate the nodes, if the line
ends meet exactly. For this reason, it is essential to draw cables with the SNAP
option active (press F9).

Once you have specified the node diameter by running Nodes - Diameter from the
menu or typing the command APO, the diameter will apply to the nodes of all pages
of this project.

Fig. 144 Running Nodes - Default will automatically set the nodes using the entered
diameter. Unless differently defined Cadelec will use a default diameter of 1
AutoCAD co-ordinate.

Nodes are drawn on the SPOTS layer. If you wish to change the color of the nodes,
run Layers from the Format menu and change the color of the nodes there.
126 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

5.2 Wire Numbering

The wire numbering system is selected and set at project creation and cannot be
modified afterwards if there are already pages in the project (Fig. 145).

Fig. 145

There are two wire-numbering systems available:

Point To Point

5.2.1 Potential wire numbering

The main feature of this wire numbering system is that it uses wire mark
placeholders which are set by the user in the desired places, where a wire number
should be added. These wire number place holders (00 by default), will be
numbered by the wire numbering command, depending on the counters value (for
wire numbers) and independently for each voltage rating. The wire numbers can be
reset, to their initial value (00) and, after editing the counters, renumbered.

The following commands refer to the Potential wire numbering.

5- Schematics - Wire Numbering 127

Description: Set Marks on wires

Command: SCNXMM (horizontal) SCNXMV (vertical) SCNXMA (angle) SCMAN


Selecting Horizontal, Vertical or Angle from the Connections / Set Mark menu (Fig.
146) or from the CONNECTIONS /Wire Marks flyout (Fig. 147), lets you select
cable marks from a list of already defined marks or by entering a new specification.
The mark will be annotated in the selected angle. Selecting the Manual option from
the Set Mark sub-menu lets you type in a cable mark and annotate it on a single wire
Fig. 146 with the defined angle.

Placeholder marks

Placeholder marks are initially shown as a double zero 00. These marks are
numbered automatically when running Number from the Connections menu.

Setting placeholder marks with the Horizontal, Vertical and Angle option will be
Fig. 147 done by drawing a window over the wires you want to be marked. This is very
useful when marking three phase wires. You simply select the placeholder mark
(00) from the set-mark dialogue box and lay a window over the three-phase cable.
Cadelec will place the marks on the three wires in the same vertical position. When
you want to mark a single wire with a placeholder mark, you drag the window over
the wire.

Fig. 148

The initial value for the numbering of the placeholder marks is given by the value
of the incremental counter. A counter is available for every voltage rating defined
so that you can number the wires of different voltage ratings independently. You
can set or reset the value of the counters when selecting Edit Counters from the
Connections menu (command : EDCNT).

Fixed cable marks

Fixed cable marks are e.g. L1, L2, N, PE, etc. Those marks will not be changed
when numbering automatically. Fixed cable marks can only be inserted one by one.
This means, that no window can be laid over a group of wires in order to give them
128 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

the same mark. Marking of wires with a fixed mark is done by clicking on the wire.
The mark will be placed at the position where you have clicked with the mouse.

The dialogue box shown in Fig. 149appears when you select Horizontal, Vertical or
Angle from the Connections / Set Mark menu.

Fig. 149

Here you can use one of the already defined cable marks, add new ones or edit
already defined marks instead of typing a new marker.

Set cable marks: To set a cable mark double click with the mouse on the marker you want to place or
locate the cursor on it and click on the Set button.

Add a cable mark: When you select the Add button, the Edit line at the bottom of the dialogue box will
be activated. There you can type in a new marker. After pressing ENTER to
validate the new marker, Cadelec prompts you to point to the wire where you want
the marker to be annotated. You can define marker names with up to 32 characters

Edit a cable mark: Instead of defining a new marker, you can also edit an existing marker. This can be
very useful if you are using longer cable markers. Instead of typing the complete
marker name, you locate the cursor on the mark to be used as model and click on
the Edit button. The marker will appear in the Edit line where you can modify it.
After confirming by pressing ENTER it will appear in the list of markers as a new
Please note, that this function will not change already placed cable marks. If you
wish to do so, you have to erase the mark with the Erase Mark function (see page
136) and to set a new mark.

After leaving the Wire Numbers dialogue box by clicking on the Cancel button or
pressing the ESC key, Cadelec will save all changes. This is necessary due to the
networking capabilities. Saving the project ensures that every change done on the
cable annotations is available for every network user working on the project.

Please note
An inserted cable marker cuts the wire at the insertion point. This cutting point is
very important as Cadelec will only accept a marker on a wire with this insertion
point cut. Therefore, please don't move cable markers to other wires using
AutoCADs _MOVE command. Use the AutoCAD _STRETCH command instead to
stretch the wire including the cable marker. Don't erase a cable marker with
AutoCADs _ERASE command but use the Erase Cable Mark function from the
Cadelec / Connections menu (see page 136).

The layer for the As already explained in the Voltage Rating part, a layer prefixed with MCAB will
marks be used for cable marks. For example, the marks for the 400V wires are annotated
with the layer MCAB400V. You can change the color of the cable marks easily by
using the LAYER command.
5- Schematics - Wire Numbering 129

The potential Cadelec considers wires with the same marker to have the same potential. This is
used for the equipotential cross-reference analysis, when computing bridges and for
the order within the terminal editor and the terminal pinout drawings.
130 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Erase wire mark

Command: ECM (Erase Cable Mark)

This function erases cable marks.

It can be selected from the menu (Fig. 150) or the CONNECTIONS / Wire Marks
toolbar (Fig. 151). You should only use this function to erase cable marks and not
use the AutoCAD _ERASE function. This is necessary as Cadelec cuts the wire at
the mark insertion point and only this function mends the lines.

After running this function, Cadelec will prompt you to select the mark (or marks)
you wish to erase. Dragging a window over the mark will erase the mark and
perform the line mending.

Fig. 150

Fig. 151
5- Schematics - Wire Numbering 131

Description: Number wires

Command: NCNXM
This function numbers all placeholder marks (00) incrementally. Wires with
different voltage rating are numbered independently. The initial value is the
counter value to the specific voltage rating (for details on counters please
refer to page 151).

The command can be run from the menu (Fig. 152) or the CONNECTIONS
/ Wire Marks toolbars (Fig. 153).

Already numbered wires will not be taken into account.

Selecting Number All from the menu will number all placeholder marks
within the schematic. With the Window option you can define a window and
therefore a certain area where the cables to be numbered. The Selection
option allows you to choose different cables or to define a window where
the placeholder marks should be numbered.
Fig. 152

Fig. 153
132 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Reset wires

Command: RCNXM

This command, selected from the menu (Fig. 154) or the CONNECTIONS
/Wire Marks toolbar (Fig. 155), resets all wire markers within the selected
area of the schematic. You should be very careful with this function as
Cadelec can not recognize whether a mark has fixed character or if the
number was given by the automatic cable numbering. Therefore, all selected
marks (fixed marks and already numbered placeholders) will be reset to the
placeholder mark 00.

Reset All will therefore reset the marks on all cables to the placeholder mark
00. Selecting Window from the same sub-menu allows you to specify an area
where the markers should be reset. The Selection function allows you to
either click on individual markers or draw a selection window to select
several cables at a time.

Fig. 154

Fig. 155
5- Schematics - Wire Numbering 133

5.2.2 Point To Point Wire numbering

In this system, the numbering algorithm will search for wires in a selection window,
and number the wires automatically. The format of the wire numbers will depend
on the selected wire numbering options:

Algorithm Sequential - wires are numbered sequentially from left to right or top to bottom
(Direction : Horizontal or Vertical)

Sequential prefix - wire numbers are prefixed with the wire mark of the power
wire whose circuit they belong to (for example: L1.11, L1.12).

Sequential postfix - wire numbers are postfixed with the wire mark of the power
wire whose circuit they belong to (for example: 11.L1, 12.L1).

With the Prefix and Postfix options there has to be only one Power wire and this has
to have a fixed wire number set with the SET_WN command. Otherwise the wires
are not numbered.

Circuit - wire numbers are prefixed with the circuit value

Ladder - wire numbers are prefixed with the ladder rung on which they are drawn.

Direction Horizontal (US style) - wires are numbered from left to right

Vertical (EU) - wires are numbered from top to bottom

Identical wire numbers Wires having the same potential will have the same wire number.
in equipotential groups

Each Voltage Rating Wires having different voltage ratings will be numbered independently
has own counter

Wire numbers across Two wires connected to the same terminal will have the same wire number

Related commands:

SET_WN Set wire number

DEL_WNPOS Delete wire number position
SET_WNPOS Set wire number position
MARK_PW Mark power wire
UNMARK_PW Unmark power wire
SETSEP Set separator
SETPROP Set properties for numbered wires
EDVRAT Edit default properties of wires
DEL_WN Delete wire numbers in selection window
DEL_WNS Delete selected wire number
DEL_WNALL Delete all wire numbers
WN Number wires automatically
WNS Number wires one by one
WNPLC Number wires with PLC formula

The commands of the Point to Point wire numbering are described on the next
134 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Set Wire Number

Command: SET_WN
The command, selected from the Connections / Wire Numbering menu or the
CONNECTIONS toolbar (Fig. 156) brings up the Wire Numbers dialogue box (Fig.
157), in which you can set a wire number or mark for a wire (for example L1, L2).
Selecting the wire mark from the Used values window, or typing it in the Value to
set box, and clicking the Set button, will close the window, allowing you to select
the wire. The window will come up again, to set another wire number or to close
Fig. 156 (Cancel).

Fig. 157
5- Schematics - Wire Numbering 135

Description: Set Wire Number Position

Command: SET_WNPOS
This command allows you to change the position in which the wire numbers are set.

Running the command, from the Connections / Wire Numbering menu or the
CONNECTIONS toolbar (Fig. 158), you are prompted to select the objects.

Drawing a window over the wire numbers will move the numbers to the middle of
the specified window.
Fig. 158
By default, wire numbers are set in the middle of the wires.
136 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Delete Wire Number Position

Command: DEL_WNPOS
The command restores the default position of the wire numbers relative to the wire,
that is the middle of the wire.

It is used after the wire number position on a wire has been changed with the
SET_WNPOS command.

Running the command, from the Connections / Wire Numbering menu or

CONNECTIONS toolbar (Fig. 159), it prompts to select the wires and the wire
numbers will be set to their default position.

Fig. 159
5- Schematics - Wire Numbering 137

Description: Mark / Unmark Power Wire


The MARK_PW command marks a selected wire as power wire.

The marked wire will be displayed in yellow color.

You can unmark the wire if you choose so with the UNMARK_PW command.

The commands can be selected from the Connections / Wire Numbering menu or the
CONNECTIONS / Wire Numbering flyout (Fig. 160).

Fig. 160
138 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Set Separator

Command: SETSEP
This command, selected from the Connections / Wire Numbering menu or
CONNECTIONS / Wire Numbering flyout (Fig. 161), sets the default separator used
in wire numbers.

A separator is needed when selecting the Prefix or Ladder algorithm for the Point to
Point wire numbering.

Fig. 161
5- Schematics - Wire Numbering 139

Description: Set Properties

Command: SETPROP
This command, selected from the Connections / Wire Numbering menu or
CONNECTIONS / Wire Numbering flyout, sets the length, color and gauge
properties for numbered wires.

Running the command a dialogue box appears (Fig. 162), where the length, color
and gauge values can be specified for the numbered wires. The default values for
these properties are defined in the CADELEC.INI file, and can be edited running the
EDVRAT command (see next page). The default values can be defined for every
voltage rating.

Displaying / Hiding the properties for the physical wires in the drawing can be done
by double clicking on the PROP tab on the right of the status line.

Fig. 162

Note: You can display the Voltage rating of the numbered wires (Point to Point
Wire Numberig) also by clicking on the VRAT button in the status line (see page
140 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Edit default properties

Command: EDVRAT
This command, selected from the Connections / Wire Numbering menu or
CONNECTIONS / Wire Numbering flyout, allows the user to edit the default length,
color and gauge properties for physical wires with a specific voltage rating, which
are stored in the CADELEC.INI file, located in the /CLPW/P directory.

Running the command, the Edit default values dialogue box appears, where you can
edit the defined values or enter new default values for a voltage rating.

Fig. 163
5- Schematics - Wire Numbering 141

Description: Number Wires

Command: WN, WNALL

The command, active in the Point To Point wire numbering, can be selected from
the Connections / Wire Numbering menu or the CONNECTIONS flyout toolbar (Fig.
164), or by typing it at the command prompt.

The WN command numbers the wires on a page, in a specified selection window

(you can select all the schematic too) and WNALL numbers all the wires in the

The way the wires are numbered by the WN command depends on the Wire
numbering options set for the project at project creation or by editing the project.

Clicking the Wire Numbering tab in the Edit project window, the Wire Numbering
dialogue box is opened, where you can set the wire numbering options (see page

Fig. 164
142 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Number Selected Wire

Command WNS
The WNS command numbers selected wires, allowing the one-by-one selection of
wires, if for example, the selection window, specified for the WN command, proves
to be difficult to use.

It can be selected from the Connections / Wire Numbering menu or the

CONNECTIONS / Wire Numbering flyout toolbar (Fig. 165).

This command can be useful together with the Sequential Prefix or Postfix options,
when the selection set has to contain a power wire and the corresponding wires.

Fig. 165
5- Schematics - Wire Numbering 143

Description: Number PLC Wires

Command: WNPLC
Wires connected to PLCs can be numbered with this command. Running it from the
Connections / Wire Numbering menu or the CONNECTIONS / Wire Numbering
toolbar (Fig. 166), you are prompted to select the objects. Dragging a window over
the wires to be numbered, they will receive the PLC address of the pin they are
connected to.

Fig. 166
144 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Delete Wire Numbers


These commands delete wire numbers.

They can be selected from the Connections / Wire Numbering menu or the
CONNECTIONS / Wire Numbering flyout.


This command deletes the wire numbers in a selection window.

Dragging a window over the wire numbers, they will be deleted.


Running this command will delete all wire numbers in the schematic (the open
Fig. 167 page)


This command deletes the wire number of the selected wire.

Running the command prompts to select the wire whose number should be deleted.


This command will delete all wire numbers except the power line numbers (e.g. L1,


This command will purge all wire numbers from the drawing.
5- Schematics - Wire Numbering 145

Description: Edit Counters (Cables)

Command: EDCNT (EDit CouNTers)

On this page we will mainly discuss the counters for Cables. For information on the
counters for Elements and Terminals please refer to page 190 (Elements) or page
215 (Terminals).

Select the function from the menu (Fig. 168) or from the toolbars (Fig. 169).

Cadelec features incremental counters for every component mnemonic (e.g. F for
protection devices), every terminal strip and every voltage rating applying in the

The value of the counters for components and terminals is incremented if you
number those items.

The counters for cables and wires are incremented when performing an automatic
numbering. Fixed marks (e.g. L1) will not have any influence on the wire counters.

Fig. 168

Fig. 169

Fig. 170

Setting an initial counter value

Cable counters (e.g. #Ca 400V) can not be created by the user. The counter is
created automatically when you number the wires of this voltage rating with the
automatic wire numbering function (see also page 132). However, you can edit the
existing counter by double clicking on it. Alternatively, you can locate the cursor on
it (press TAB and use the cursor keys, or click once at the counter) and click on the
Edit button.

Counters are incremented before annotating their value to the components,

terminals or wires. This means, that if you want to reset the counter value, enter the
value as 0 (zero). If you want the numbering to start with e.g. 100, set the counter to
99. The first number annotated will be 100 then. Another effect of this pre-
incremental calculation is, that the counter (if not edited) tells you the amount of
numbered items throughout the whole project.

Resetting and deleting a counter

You should reset the counter value every time you have reset the elements or
terminal numbers and wish to re-number now.

You can reset a counter in either of two ways:

You can edit the counter and enter the value as 0
146 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Or, delete the counter by placing the cursor on it and clicking on the Delete
button. Cadelec will delete the counter, but create it again when numbering. The
initial value will then be 0.

You should be very careful when resetting or changing the counter value as Cadelec
manages the counters project wide. If, for example you reset the counter value and
renumber the cables on this page, Cadelec will start with cable number 1. This
might lead to inconsistencies within your project, if there is already a cable
numbered with 1.

Please bear in mind

that Cadelec does not control whether there are already items with this specific
number. As Counters are managed project wide, you should be careful, when
resetting or editing the counter value.
5- Schematics - Wire Numbering 147

Description: Set Equipotential Markers

Command: FIE enter element names: RCEQD(right) RCEQI (left) RCEQU (upper) RCEQL

You can insert equipotential cross-reference markers in either of the ways:

from the Cadelec / Connections / X-Ref Points menu (Fig. 171).
from the CONNECTIONS toolbars (Fig. 172 and Fig. 173).
by entering the FIE command (Insert Element) and entering the element-

After you have inserted the equipotential markers at the end of the cables
with loose ends, you can perform an equipotential cross-reference calculation
throughout the project.

Fig. 171

Fig. 172 Fig. 173

148 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Equipotential Cross-Reference calculation

Command: XRE
This function cross-references cables and wires throughout the project.

The function can be run from the Connections menu (Fig. 174) or from the
toolbars (Fig. 175).
Cadelec searches for cables / wires with the same wire mark (e.g. L1, N etc.) or
wire number and the same voltage rating, throughout the project and annotates the
location of the next wire beside the Cross-Reference point (Fig. 176). Such
equipotential cross-reference calculation will only work on wires which have
equipotential markers on their ends.

If you wish an equipotential cross-reference re-calculation to be performed every

time you open a page, you should leave the Automatic Equipotential Cross-
references option within the Project Preferences dialogue box selected (see page

Fig. 174

Fig. 175

Fig. 176

The cross-reference marks (symbols) are part of the library (there are separate
symbols for EL_DIN and JIC libraries for example) like other elements.

If you want to cross-reference two specific wires in the project, you can use the
EQXRMI attribute of the XRef points.

In case it is defined, the EQXRMI attribute will override the automatic equipotential
XRE calculation. The EQXRMI attribute holds the value of the new equipotential
cross-reference identifier.

The EQXRMI value identifies a possible connection between two lines in the
schematic. The referencing between two lines, having the same equipotential
identifier, will take place only if the two wires have the same wire number or wire
mark and have the same voltage rating (are on the same layer)

The EQXRMI value can have one of three states in a project:

undefined : the value of the EQXRMI attribute has not been defined
free : only one EQXRMI value has been defined in the project (the same value)
fixed : there are only two EQXRMI attributes in the project filled out with this

EQXRMI related commands

DEFEQI - defines and sets the EQXRMI attribute for an X-ref point at element
5- Schematics - Wire Numbering 149

The command can be selected from the Library / Drawing menu or the LIBRARY
DRAWING toolbar.

Running the command, will ask for the EQXRMI attribute position, and will set the

EEQM - erases the value of an EQXRMI attribute in the project

The command can be selected from the Connections menu or CONNECTIONS


Running the command asks to select the object - Xref point- and erases a previously
set value of the EQXRMI attribute.

SETEQM - sets the value of an EQXRMI attribute in a project

Can be selected from the Connections menu or CONNECTIONS toolbar.

Running the command, will ask to select the object - Xref point- and opens a
dialogue box where you can enter the value of the Equipotential cross-reference

The fixed and free EQXRMI values are displayed separately.

150 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Short circuit detection

Command: ASIUPCN
This command, selected from the menu (Fig. 177) or toolbars (Fig. 178) analyses
all connections to identify possible short-circuits. As Cadelec considers cables
marked with different markers to have a different potential, it will detect that there
is a short circuit condition wherever differently numbered cables are connected
together without an intervening element.

Of course, this will only work if cables are defined and numbered accordingly.

If short-circuits are detected, a message reporting the cables numbers and types
appears on the AutoCAD command line (flip screens with F2 if needed).

Fig. 178

Fig. 177
5- Schematics - Wire Numbering 151

Description: Show cable

Command: SELECT

This command is mainly used within Cadelec to check whether cables are
connected or not.

Run the command from the menu (Fig. 179) or from the toolbars (Fig. 180).

This can be made visible by running this command and clicking at the cable. Then
you will see, whether the cable is cut at the point where the wire ends of a cable
meet the wire of the other cable.

Fig. 180

Fig. 179
152 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Cut cables

Command: BCNXL
This command cuts a cable in two parts, creating a connection point at the cut point.
It can be run from the menu (Fig. 181) or from the toolbars (Fig. 182). Typically,
you will wish to use this command for drawing electrically correct T-junctions
when copying pre-drawn assemblies from one part of the schematic to another.

For example, imagine a horizontal three-phase line, from which you want to drop a
three-phase vertical down-stroke to connect a motor symbol. Provided you draw the
vertical down-stroke using the Cadelec 3-Phase command (L3), Cadelec will cut the
horizontal lines automatically to electrically connect them to the down stroke.

But now let's suppose that you want to copy the motor plus its down-stroke to
another location on the schematic. You can do this using the usual AutoCAD
commands, but Cadelec will not have any way of knowing that the new down stroke
is electrically connected to the horizontal feed line. For this reason, you will have to
cut the horizontal lines to form electrically-connectable junction points (that you
can visualize by applying Nodes with the APO command).

Fig. 181
Fig. 182
5- Schematics - Wire Numbering 153

Description: Set Phase Distance

Command: DF

Cadelec’s default wire distance is 5 AutoCAD co-ordinates. With this command

you can set the inter-phase distance on a three-phase line to change this for a certain
type of drawing or to meet a certain type of standard.

The change will only affect the distance between the wires of 3-Phase cables drawn
after the distance has been changed.

The command can be selected from the Connections menu (Fig. 183) or from the
toolbars (Fig. 184).

If you change the phase distance you should bear in mind that, the phase distance of
the library elements is still 5 and should be changed accordingly. You can change
this by scaling the library elements.

Before doing so, you should create a new library for the elements with the changed
phase distance, so that you can have both, the elements with the default and the new
phase-distance. To do so:
Create a new library (select New from the Library / Database menu). Enter the
library name and press ENTER to validate.
Set the Take Data Of Other Library option and select the library whose
Fig. 183 elements you want to be copied.
Activate the Copy Files option, so that all elements will be copied. Validate by
clicking on OK and edit the library data sheet.
After Cadelec has copied all elements, select Library Batch from the Tools /
Batch menu.

Fig. 184 Write an AutoLISP script to scale the element so that the elements and their phase
distance will be scaled. For details to AutoLISP and scaling please refer to your
AutoCAD manual.
154 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

5.3 Elements
In this part we shall discuss operations and functions for the graphical
representation of electrical components.

Those representations are part of the symbols library which was specified to be
used within this project (see also page 39). They are only electrical symbols and
hold no technical details.

Technical data and details on the physical part will be given to the electrical symbol
by associating it with a manufacturer catalogue record. You will do this with the
Define Components function (see page 202) or the DEFCOM command (see page
195). You can also specify a default catalogue record within the element data sheet,
which will apply as default.

Cadelec comes with one symbol library (e.g. EL_DIN) with over 300 electrical
symbols. Further elements and new symbol libraries can be created easily.

The electrical properties of an element are defined by setting the Kind of Element
description and the attributes.
5 - Schematics-Elements 155

Description: Insert element from Slides

Selecting Element Categories from the Cadelec / Element Draw menu, (Fig. 185)
or from the Cadelec toolbar (Fig. 186) activates (shows) the CATEGORIES toolbar
(Fig. 187). This toolbar contains the element categories and clicking on one opens
the library showcase from where you can select an element to insert into the
schematic (Fig. 188).

After selecting by double clicking a category, Cadelec displays the element. You
can now insert it to the schematic by clicking at the required location within the
Schematic. Cadelec will automatically cut the lines underneath the inserted
Fig. 185

Scrolling through the slides can be done using the UP / DOWN, PAGE UP / PAGE
DOWN keys or by dragging the scroll-bar beside of the element names.

Fig. 186 If you know that the element name starts e.g. with M (Motors etc.), you can also
press M. Cadelec will than jump to the first element starting with the character M.

If you have created your own elements and want them to appear in the slides you
should build new library showcases with the Slides function from the Utilities
menu (for all elements) or using the command GS (for one element).

When inserting the element into the schematic, always leave sufficient space
between two elements (two connection points). The minimum distance required
is 5 AutoCAD units. This is necessary because of the way Cadelec looks for a
connection: the connectivity connection square is 4.5 x 4.5 AutoCAD units, that is,
a connection is recognized within a 4.5 x 4.5 square around the element pole (see
Fig. 187 also page 310).

Fig. 188
156 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Insert element from List

Command: LISTIN
Running this command opens the pre-defined Bill of Material which was defined
with the Add Components function (see page 62). The pre-defined components can
be inserted in the schematic by double clicking at the text line within the pre-
defined BOM (Fig. 191) and clicking on the required location within the
schematic after running the List command from the Element Draw menu (Fig.
189) or the toolbars (Fig. 190).

The inserted component will keep its definition like Catalogue, Record, Tag, Zone
etc. If the Zone was not specified within the pre-defined Bill of Material, the
default page zone will be given to the element.

Fig. 189 After insertion the component will be removed from the pre-defined Bill of
Material or the Quantity will be reduced.

Fig. 190

Fig. 191
More details on the elements can be requested by clicking on the element and then
on the More Info button. Cadelec opens a sub-dialogue box giving information on
the element catalogue and record definition:

Fig. 192
5 - Schematics-Elements 157

Description: Type element name

Command: IE (Insert Element)

Elements can also be inserted to the schematic by entering their element name. This
can be done by entering the IE command, pressing ENTER and typing the element
name. You can also issue this command by selecting Type from the Cadelec /
Element Draw menu (Fig. 193) or from the toolbars (Fig. 194).

When using this command, you should bear in mind that macros (groups of
elements) need to be exploded when inserted by typing. Such symbols groups are
for example the assemblies (BGH*) and double and triple terminals.

To get such symbols groups exploded, prefix the element name with an asterisk
(*).e.g. IE *KLEMMO3
Fig. 193
If you insert those elements from the Slides they will be exploded automatically.


Cadelec automatically cuts the wires underneath the inserted element. If the lines
Fig. 194 are not cut automatically check the following things:
Check, whether the layer for line breaking
LBRK is frozen.
Did you use SNAP when drawing the wires and when inserting the element? If
not, it might be very difficult for you to place the element exactly on the wires.
Erase the wires or the element and draw or insert again with SNAP active (F9
Did you copy the element from another position within the schematic? In this
case, perform the LBRK (Line Break from the Cadelec/ Element Draw menu)
on this element.
Did you insert a terminal with more than one plug or a group of elements
(BGH*) with the IE command? Explode the element with the AutoCAD
_EXPLODE command as explained on page 243.
158 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Erase Element

Command: EE (Erase Element)

This command erases an element and mends the lines. Run this command from the
menu (Fig. 195) or from the toolbars (Fig. 196) and click on the element you want
to erase or drag a window over the elements.

Fig. 196

Fig. 195
5 - Schematics-Elements 159

Description: Break Lines

Command: LBRK (Line BReaK)

This command is used for cutting lines located underneath an element on the
schematic. Usually, Cadelec will do this automatically. However, you might
occasionally be called upon to insert a particular element manually, by direct using
the AutoCAD _COPY command. If you do this, you will have to cut the line
manually too.

Fig. 198

Fig. 197
160 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Swap Direct

Command: CHB (CHange Block)

With this function, you can replace a single element or the same element in the
whole schematic by another element.
This function will be performed in three steps:
First step: select the element you want to replace by clicking on it.
Second step: define the element you want to use instead by selecting it from the
tablet, from schematic or by pressing a key and entering the element name.
Third step: select the elements to be replaced by clicking on them or dragging a
window over the whole schematic.

For example, imagine that you are working on a project with a controlling unit
which is drawn on the same page. As your work proceeds, you discover, that you
would need the relay REL3H11 (3 main contacts, 1 make, 1 break contact) instead
of the relays REL3H01 (3 main contacts, 1 break contact). To get them replaced you
Fig. 199 should follow the steps described below:

First step:
If you run the Swap Direct function from the menu (Fig. 199) or the toolbars (Fig.
200), Cadelec will prompt you to declare which element should be replaced. You
will do this by clicking on the element. After selection, press the right mouse button
Fig. 200 or ENTER to leave the selection mode. In the example above, you would click on
one of the REL3H01 relays.

Second step:
Enter the name of the element to be used instead in the AutoCAD command line.
Alternatively you can click with the mouse on an element within the schematic
which should be used instead. In the example above, you would enter REL3H11 in
the AutoCAD command line, or click on the REL3H11 element (if it is already used
within this schematic).

Third step:
When Cadelec asks you to select the objects, drag a window over the whole
schematic or the area where this element should be replaced. Cadelec will only
replace elements with the same name as the one selected in the first step.
Component specifications (contact definitions, zone, location, catalogue, record,
device-ID) will be carried over to the new element In the example above, you
would drag a window over the whole schematic. Cadelec would replace all
REL3H01 by REL3H11 relays.

Please bear in mind

that all component-specific definitions of the replaced element will be used for the
new element as well. You should therefore check if the definitions made for the old
element are still valid. Especially the CATALOGUE RECORD should be checked
and if necessary changed.
5 - Schematics-Elements 161

Description: Swap Intelligent

Command: CHBF
Similar to the CHB function explained in the previous page this function replaces
one element by another. The selection of the element to be used instead is supported
by filters, which allow you to match the electrical properties of the old and the new

The procedure of replacing is similar to the Swap Direct function (see previous
First step: select the element you wish to replace by clicking on it.
Second step: set the filter for the element to be used instead. Once you have
done this, Cadelec will display a selection window with the matching elements.
Third step: select the area in which you want the element to be replaced. You
can e.g. drag a window over the whole schematic or click on the elements to be
replaced (see also in the example to the SWAP DIRECT function).
Fig. 201 Once you have selected the element to be replaced, Cadelec opens a dialogue box
where you can set the filters (Fig. 203).

First step: Select filters for matching

Activating the Mnemonic option will set the mnemonic of the element to be replaced
as filter criterion. Only elements with the same mnemonic will be offered to be used
instead. Additionally, you can activate the Kind Of Element option to match the kind
Fig. 202 of element definition of both, the element to be replaced and the element to be used
instead of it. The Kind of element which is defined within the Element Data Sheet
allows you a more precise definition of the element. The Contacts filter will only be
selectable if you wish to replace a contact-activating element such as a relay. In this
case, Cadelec will display you a list of relays with the equal or a higher number of

The best match between the element to be replaced and the one to be used instead
will be achieved if you use all available filters. Leaving all filters de-selected, will
display all elements.

Second step: Selecting the new element

Fig. 203 In Fig. 204 you see the selection window that appears after verifying the filter
setting by clicking on the OK button.

Cadelec displays the elements matched by the active filters.

Select the new element by double clicking on the element name or by locating the
cursor with the cursor-keys and pressing ENTER.

Third step: Selecting the elements to be replaced

Once you have selected the new element, you have to define which elements should
be replaced. You can e.g. click on the same element that you have selected in the
first step. Or, you can drag a window over the whole schematic. This will replace all
elements with the same name as the one selected in the first step on the whole
schematic. Other elements will not be replaced.

After swapping please check whether the Catalogue Record (if defined) is still valid.
Fig. 204
162 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Change block by Categories

Command: CHBC
This command replaces an element by another, selecting the element to replace
with, from the category selection window.

Running the command will ask you to Point to the block to be replaced : click with
the mouse to the element to replace, in the schematic.
Then the element selection window appears (like when inserting an element in the
schematic), from where you can easily choose the element which is to replace the
previously selected element. After this, you have to Select the objects to be
replaced: drag a window over the schematic or click to the elements to be replaced.
Cadelec will replace the element to be replaced, with element selected from the
selection window, in the selected area.
5 - Schematics-Elements 163

Description: Update All Elements

Command: UPB_A
This function updates all elements in the schematic with the elements
from the associated symbol library.

You can select the function from the menu (Fig. 205) or from the
ELEMENT DRAW toolbar (Fig. 206).

Typically, you might use this function if you have changed certain
elements and want to update them all.

The command first saves the attribute values in a temporary file and
after the element has been updated from the library, the attribute values
are copied back to the elements.

The defined attribute values like Catalogue, Record, Zone etc. will be

Fig. 205

Fig. 206
164 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Update selected elements

Command: UPB_SS
This command updates only selected elements.

You will normally use this command if you have changed an element
and want to avoid the updating of all elements. To avoid
inconsistencies due to older and newer elements, this function will
update all elements with the same name in the whole drawing. If you
want the element to be updated in the whole project you should load
every schematic to AutoCAD and perform this command. Alternatively
you can run a batch process performing the UPB_A command
(updating of all elements - see previous page) over the schematics of
this project.

For example, if you have modified the element "MOTOR3P" (3-phase

motor) you don't have to select every MOTOR3P element but only one.
This function will update them all.

Running this command from the pull-down menu (Fig. 207) or the
Fig. 207 toolbars (Fig. 208) , offers two options :

Window : This will update all elements contained inside a window. After running
this command, you drag a window over the elements you want to be updated. Once
this is done, Cadelec will stay in the selection mode allowing you to select further
elements for updating. To quit the selection mode and start the updating, press the
right mouse button or the ENTER key.

Selection : This option allows you to select the elements to be updated by clicking
with the mouse. To do so, click on the elements. After you have selected all
Fig. 208 elements you want to be updated, click on the right-mouse button or press ENTER.

Typing this command has the same functionality as the Selection option.

Like UPB_A, the command first saves the attribute values in a temporary file and
after the element has been updated from the library, the attribute values are copied
back to the elements.

The defined attribute values like Catalogue, Record, Zone etc. will be unchanged.
5 - Schematics-Elements 165

Description: Update an element

Command: UPB_1S
This command updates an element from the associated library. You have to specify
the element name by typing it at the command prompt.

This feature makes this command suitable for use in the batch processes where
specified elements have to be updated (for example in the UPTERM batch process -
which you will find among the AutoCad scripts for the project batches).
166 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Replace and update an element

Command: UPB_SWAP
This command, selected from the menu (Fig. 209) or the toolbars (Fig. 210)
replaces an element with an other element and updates the new element (if

You have to specify the elements' name : it first asks for the name of the element
to be replaced and then the name of the element to be replaced with. You can
choose to update the element or not.

This command is suitable for use in batch processes in the same way as the
UPB_1S command.
Fig. 209

Fig. 210
5 - Schematics-Elements 167

Description: Update element with attribute definitions

Command: UPB_SA
The command updates elements from the associated library together
with their attribute definitions., without preserving the attribute values
of the element.

It can be selected from the menu (Fig. 211) or the toolbars (Fig. 212).

After this you will have to renumber the elements, set the XR Function
and define the parts again (if necessary).

Fig. 211

Fig. 212
168 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Update the ELEMS.DBF database from attributes

Command: UPDBF
The default values of the attribute definitions of library elements are, usually, saved
together with the element drawing. They also appear in the ELEMS.DBF database
in the record containing the element. Should any inconsistency appear, between the
values stored in the drawing and the ELEMS database, they have to be corrected.
For this purpose, you can use the UPDBF command, to update the values in the
ELEMS database with the value stored in the element drawing (of the specified

For example, if for some reason, you changed the default value of the PREFIX
attribute in some element drawings, and want to change the SIMBOL field (which
stores the PREFFIX) accordingly, you can use the UPDBF command in a batch
process to update the SIMBOL field in the ELEMS database with the PREFIX
attribute from the elements (in the active library).

The command works on elements only (you have to open an element before
running the command).

Running the command will ask for the Name of the Attribute and then the Database
Field in ELEMS.DBF.

You will use this command usually in batches.

If any errors occurred in the execution of the command ( e.g. the attribute definition
name is invalid), they will be reported at the command prompt and the error log file
5 - Schematics-Elements 169

Description: Update attributes from the ELEMS database.

Command: UPATTD
This command works in the same way as UPDBF (see previous page), except that it
updates the default value of the attribute definition of an element with the value
stored in the corresponding field of the ELEMS database.

Running the command will ask for the Name of the Attribute and then the Database
Field in ELEMS.DBF.

Like UPDBF, the UPATTD command works on elements only.

170 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Set Cross-Reference function

Command: SXRF (Set XR-Function)

The function can be selected from the menu (Fig. 213) or the toolbars (Fig. 215).

With this function you can set cross-reference functions to link components that are
drawn as separate symbols (e.g. relay is drawn as coil and contacts).

Cadelec displays a dialogue box with the existing cross-reference functions. You
can select a cross-reference function from existing ones or, deleting the name in the
Edit Function field, type a new function name (Fig. 214).

Fig. 213

Fig. 215

Fig. 214

Create a new Cross-Reference function

To create a new cross-reference function, delete the name in the Edit Function field
and type in the name of the cross-reference function using up to 30 characters. The
new name will be inserted in the list from where it can be selected later. If you wish
to change the name of a cross-reference group, use Replace Xr-Function from the
same menu.

Set Cross-Reference function

Every time you create a new cross-reference function, or select one from the
existing list, Cadelec will prompt you to select the elements of this function. To do
so, click on those elements and press the right mouse button (or ENTER) after
finishing the selection.

The cross-reference function definition will overwrite an already existing function.

Please note
A cross-reference function must be given to elements with the following kind of
element definition:
coils or contact-activating elements
coupled elements such as switches

Otherwise, Cadelec will report this as a cross-referencing error.

5 - Schematics-Elements 171

Kinds of cross-references
Cadelec features two different kind of element cross-referencing:
Master-slave: This is the cross-referencing between the contacts and its
activating coil (Fig. 216).
Peer to peer: This is the cross-referencing between the elements, which are
related but do not belong to the same component (Fig. 217).

Master-slave cross-referencing

Coils and contacts

This kind of cross-referencing is made between an activating master element (coil
of relay, contactor etc.) and its controlled contacts. Cadelec annotates the position
Fig. 216
of the contacts in the contact map below the coil (Fig. 216). The location of the
activating master element is annotated on the contact. The Device ID of the
activating coil will be given to the contacts as well. This will be done as in reality
the coil and its contacts are only one component (a relay for example).
The XR_TYPE attribute of the elements of this type will hold a definition like:
R/95,96; the symbol R means that the type of cross referencing is Master-slave.

Master PLCs and Slave PLCs (Master Assembly and Slave Assembly)
Master PLCs can reference several slave PLCs, the maximum number of slaves
which can be referenced being defined with the master PLC (Master Assembly) at
element creation (see XR-Function attribute on page 314).

When cross-referencing, the slave PLC will inherit the Device ID of the Master and
their relative position will be annotated with the elements (they must have the same
cross-reference function).

SLOT attribute
Within a group, which has a Master PLC (or a Master Assembly) and several Slave
PLCs (Slave Assemblies), the cross referencing between the Master and the Slaves
can be extended by the SLOT attribute.
Every Slave element has a SLOT attribute defined, which is inserted automatically
by the DEFRC command (insert Cross-reference Position). On the Master
Assembly, depending on the number of Slaves, the command will insert the
SLOT\1, SLOT\2 .. attributes which will be referenced when running the XRC
command (see page 180).

For example, a master PLC with 3 possible slaves will have the cross-reference type
descriptor: P\1\2\3, and will be able to cross-reference 3 slaves with the cross-
reference type descriptors respectively: 1, 2 and 3.
If defined, the slot values of the slaves will be annotated on the master PLC, by the
cross-referencing function.
In the schematic, the value of the SLOT attribute (for the slaves) can be set with the
SSLOT command (see page 179).

Functional Assemblies and Sub-Assemblies

Functional assemblies (Master Assemblies) can have more than 3 connection poles
(coils have only two, and contacts 2 or 3). For this reason, at element creation, the
poles of the Assemblies will be grouped together in groups of 3 connection poles.
When inserting the XR Position attribute, the command (DEFRC) will create a
virtual contact list (P\.. attribute) for every group.

For example, a Functional Assembly with 5 Connection Poles:

CN1 - CN5, with the Default values:

A1 - A5,

will have two groups and the virtual connection list will be:
172 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

P\A1,A2,A3 and

P\A4,A5 (the XR_TYPE attribute will be R\A1,A2,A3\A4,A5)

A Master Assembly with 5 connection poles (two groups), will therefore be able to
reference maximum 2 sub-assemblies, having the corresponding contact definition
(value of XR_TYPE attribute: A1,A2,A3 and A4,A5).
So, if the Master Assembly has the contact map P\1,2,3 and P\4,5, (XR_TYPE :
R\1,2,3\4,5), then it can reference two sub-assemblies, one having the XR_TYPE
value 1,2,3 and the other 4,5 (supposing they have the same cross-reference

Peer to peer
This kind of cross-referencing can be done between the elements, which are
grouped to form a functional unit. For example, you might wish to mark all
switches which can turn a motor on and off as one group by giving them the same
cross-reference function. Cadelec annotates the position of the other elements of
the same group beside every element of this group (Fig. 217). The XR_TYPE
attribute for these elements hold the symbol S, which means that the type of cross
referencing of this element is Peer to peer.

The cross-referencing behavior is defined by the contents of the XR_TYPE attribute

that is set when creating the element and can be changed by editing it.

Fig. 217
5 - Schematics-Elements 173

Description: Set PLC SLOT value

Command: SSLOT
Master PLCs and Slave PLCs (also Assemblies) can be grouped, by means of a
cross-reference function, to form a Functional Group. The cross-reference
function (XRC) will recognize the Master PLC (Assembly) and Slave PLC
(Assembly), and will annotate the position (row, column) of the Master on the
Fig. 218 Slave and vice-versa.
Within such a group you can also set a SLOT value for the Slave PLCs, which,
by the cross-referencing will be annotated on the Master PLC of the same group.

Running the command, from the menu (Fig. 218) or the toolbars (Fig. 219) will
open the Set Slot value window (Fig. 220), where you can select a value or type a
new one.

Fig. 219

Fig. 220
174 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Compute cross-references

Command: XRC (XR-Calculation)

This function, selected from the menu (Fig. 221) or from the toolbars (Fig. 221),
computes the cross-references. The position of the contacts (on an activating
master element), the position of the activating master element (on contacts) or
the location of the other elements of the same group (peer to peer cross-
referencing - see page 177) will be annotated beside the element. This cross-
reference calculation is project wide and will detect cross-referencing errors in
the whole project.

The cross-reference calculation will only be performed on elements with defined

cross-reference functions. Missing cross-reference functions will be detected and
reported as errors. Errors will flag the Device ID and the cross-reference function
of the affected elements with red color.

If the Automatic Cross Reference Recalculation option is selected, Cadelec will

automatically re-calculate all cross-references every time you open a page. This
option can be (de-)selected in the Project Preferences dialogue box which is the
second screen appearing when running the Edit Project (see page 48)

For details on cross referencing between Master and Slave Assemblies (PLCs),
see Master-Slave cross-referencing on page 177.

Fig. 221
5 - Schematics-Elements 175

Description: Errors - All

Command: VWER
Performing this command, selected either from the menu (Fig. 222) or the
toolbars (Fig. 224), lists the errors detected during the last cross-reference
calculation (Fig. 223). These errors will be reported in a special flip-screen
which you will leave by pressing the ESC key. This report can also be listed
from the File / Reports / Project menu.

For more details on Cross-Reference Errors please refer to the next page.

Fig. 222 Fig. 223

Fig. 224
176 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Errors - Group

Command: VWEB
This function will list cross-referencing errors caused by a selected cross-
reference function.

After running this command, Cadelec will prompt you to select the cross-
reference group whose error you want to display. This might be very useful
during the development of a large project where a lot of such errors might
appear. In this case you can list the Cross-Reference errors caused by the
different function one by one.

The selection of the Cross-Reference group works by clicking on an element of

this group and pressing ENTER or the right mouse button.

Cross-Reference errors
During the cross-reference calculation, Cadelec checks the whole project for
cross-referencing errors. Errors such as the following will be reported and
No coil (for contacts)
Too many contacts (on a coil)
No Cross-Reference function defined

If an error was detected, Cadelec opens a text window, displaying the cross
reference errors (see previous page).

Fig. 225 The cross-reference errors can be viewed also selecting CR Errors from the File
/ Reports / Project menu. In this case Cadelec will issue a report with the
encountered errors and prompts for the output device (screen, printer or file).

Please bear in mind, that there are contacts with FLOATING CONTACT
NUMBERS (auxiliary contacts) and contacts with STATIC CONTACT NUMBERS
(main contacts).Floating numbers (after the element insertion annotated as *1,*2
Fig. 226 etc.) are changed during cross-referencing to the next free contact, e.g. to 11,12.
Fixed contact numbers (after the element insertion displayed as e.g. 1,2) will not be
changed. An error will be reported if there are two contacts with the same fixed
contact numbers. If an error has occurred and you can not find out the reason,
please check the contact description within the error report.
5 - Schematics-Elements 177

Description: Replace XR-Function

Command: CXRF (Change XR-Function)

This function is very useful, if you have copied another page, a project or a
macro (group of elements) to be used as a model. After you have done so, you
can easily replace the cross-reference function from the original schematic for
the requirements of the new schematic.

Fig. 227

Fig. 228

Select the function from the menu (Fig. 227) or from the toolbars (Fig. 229).
Fig. 229 The dialogue box displayed in Fig. 228 appears after performing this command.

In the Find field you enter the name of the Cross-Reference function you want to be
replaced. After this you enter the Cross-Reference Function to be used instead in
the Replace with field.

The Match Case option allows to specify weather the Cross reference name should
be treated case sensitive (Match Case ON ) or not (Match Case OFF).

Selecting the Match Whole Expression Only option replaces the cross-reference
function only if the whole expression matches not only the first part of it. For
example, imagine that you are working on a project with the cross-reference
functions: On / Off and On / Off Auxiliary. Now you want to change the name of the
cross-reference function On / Off to Switch.
If you leave the Match Whole Expression Only option de-selected, Cadelec will
change the name of the cross-reference function On / Off Auxiliary to Switch as
well. If you select this option, Cadelec will only change On / Off to Switch.

Select elements for replacement

Once you have validated by clicking on the OK button, Cadelec will prompt you to
select the objects. If you want Cadelec to replace the cross-reference function on the
whole schematic, drag a window over the whole page. Alternatively, you can click
on the elements one by one.
178 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Freeze Contacts

Command: FXRCN
You can use this command to avoid unwanted updates to contact numbering in
your schematics. For example, imagine you have a pair of normally-closed
contacts labeled 13 and 14, then you add a further contact on the same relay.
Now, the contacts that were previously labeled 13 and 14 will be re-labeled 43
and 44 the next time you run a cross-reference analysis. If you wish to avoid
this re-labeling, run the freeze-contact command and select the contact to
freeze. The contacts labeled 13 and 14 will keep their numbers while the new
contacts will be labeled 43 and 44.

To unfreeze frozen contacts, issue the AutoCAD _DDATTE command, select

the contacts to unfreeze, then edit the XR_TYPE attribute to return to the
variable contact format, with the contact numbers beginning with asterisks (for
example, change 13,14 to read *3,*4). Once this is done, type XRC and press
ENTER to perform the cross-reference analysis.

Fig. 231

Fig. 230
5 - Schematics-Elements 179

Description: Number Elements Automatically

Command: NCOMP (Number COMPonents)

This function numbers all components and annotates the Device-ID
according to the selected Device-ID formula (see page 43). This
function will also number previously not numbered terminals with
defined Terminal Strip ID.

Select the function from the Cadelec / Element Analyse / Number Auto
menu (Fig. 232) or from the ELEMENT ANALYSE toolbars (Fig. 233).
The function offers the following options:

All: This will number all components and terminals on whole schematic

Window: Using this option you can drag a window over the area where
you want the numbering to be performed in.

Selection : allows you to select the elements for numbering by clicking

with the mouse.

Fig. 232

Fig. 233
180 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Number Manual

Command: NCOMPM (Number COMPonent Manual)

This function which can be run from the menu (Fig. 234) or from the toolbars
(Fig. 236), allows you to set a Device-ID manually. The dialogue box in Fig.
235 appears.

The first three lines are disabled. They show the old Device ID, the element
Mnemonic and the Counter value given when numbering the components. If the
component was previously not numbered, the Counter and the Device ID field
are left empty.

Fig. 234 Fig. 235

Though it might usually not be necessary you can change the Mnemonic here. Enter
it in the New Mnemonic field. It will only apply on the selected element.

In the New Counter field you can enter the new counter value this element. After
Fig. 236 validating the entries by pressing ENTER, Cadelec will automatically fill out the
New Device ID field. You should not enter directly in this field, but fill in the New
Mnemonic and the New Device ID fields. Otherwise, Cadelec will not accept the

The automatic numbering system of Cadelec only updates elements that do not yet
have a Device ID. The Device ID given with this function will therefore not be
changed until re-setting and renumbering elements.

If you have changed the Device ID of a coil or another element of a cross-
referencing group you should re-calculate the cross-references to make the changes
apply on the other element with this cross-reference function. The Device ID of
contacts is given by its activating coil. You can therefore not change the Device ID,
but change the Device ID of the coil. After you have done this, perform a cross-
reference re-calculation to apply the changes.
5 - Schematics-Elements 181

Description: Re-number element

Command: MKSNDEF (using the DEFault Device ID Formula)

MKSNA (using a different Device-ID formula)

This function re-numbers the elements and annotates new Device

IDs if necessary.

Running the function from the menu (Fig. 237) or from the toolbars
(Fig. 238) offers three options for re-numbering:

Default All: Re-numbers the elements of the whole schematic using

the default Device-ID formula, which was selected within the
Project Preferences dialogue box (see page 48).

Default Window: This re-numbers the elements within a window

using the default Device-ID formula. After you have selected this
option, Cadelec will prompt you to drag a window over the area
where the re-numbering should be performed.

Options: This allows you to use a different Device-ID formula than

the default. Cadelec will prompt you to select the objects to re-
number. Drag a window over an area or select the element by
clicking with the mouse. After all elements are selected, click the
Fig. 237 right mouse-button or press ENTER to leave the selection mode.
Cadelec will prompt you to enter the Device-ID formula to be used.
Enter it using the variables described on page 43.

Cadelec will re-number the elements automatically every time you

open a page if the Automatic Re-calc Of Device-ID option within
the Project Preferences dialogue box (see page 48) is selected.
Fig. 238
182 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Reset Device IDs

Command: RCOMPONLY (Reset COMPonents ONLY)

The function resets Device IDs only without resetting terminal numbers, in
the selected area. You should use this prior to re-numbering and editing of the

Selecting All from the sub-menu resets the Device ID's on the whole
schematic. The Window option lets you drag a window over the area of the
schematic where you want the Device IDs to be reset.

The Selection option lets you select elements by clicking on them. After you
have chosen all elements you want to reset, click on the right mouse-button or
press ENTER.

Fig. 239

Fig. 240
5 - Schematics-Elements 183

Description: Reset Device IDs and Terminals

Command: RCOMPALL (Reset COMPonents ALL)

The function, selected from the Element Analyze / Reset All menu (Fig. 239) or the
toolbars (Fig. 240), resets Device IDs AND terminal numbers, in the selected area.
You should use this prior to re-numbering and editing of the counters.

Selecting All from the sub-menu resets the Device ID's and terminals on the whole
schematic. The Window option lets you drag a window over the area of the
schematic where you want the Device IDs and terminals to be reset.

The Selection option lets you select elements by clicking on them. After you have
chosen all elements you want to reset, click on the right mouse-button or press
184 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Edit Counters (Elements)

Command: EDCNT (EDit CouNTers)

In this part we will only discuss element-related counter functions (for basics
see page 151).

Cadelec features counters for:

Every element Mnemonic (e.g. "F" for protection devices).
Every terminal strip (see page 215).
Every cable voltage rating (see page 151).

Running the function from the menu (Fig. 241) or from the toolbars (Fig. 243)
brings up the dialogue box in Fig. 242.

Fig. 241

Fig. 242
Fig. 243

Setting an initial value

Depending whether the counter already exists or not, you will set the initial value in
either of two ways:
if components were previously not numbered the counter will not exist. To
create it click on the Add button. A data entry box will be opened where you
can enter the name of the counter (the Mnemonic) and the value.
if the counter does already exist click on the counter to be changed and click on
the Edit button. A data entry box will be opened were you can set the new
counter value.

Resetting and deleting a counter

If you have reset all Device ID and Terminal Numbers, prior re-numbering, you
should reset the counters as well. There are two ways this can be done:
double click on the counter you wish to reset and enter the new counter value as
0 (zero). This is the same function that will be performed by locating the cursor
on this counter and clicking on the Edit button.
locate the cursor on the counter you wish to reset and click on the Delete button.

If you wish to re-number the whole project, you should use the Batch job on project
pages to do so (see page 55).
5 - Schematics-Elements 185

Description: Freeze Device IDs

Command: SFREEZE
This command, selected from the Element Analyse menu (Fig. 244) or
toolbars (Fig. 245), will freeze the selected device IDs in the drawing, so that
numbering the device IDs (automatically or not) will leave these device IDs
unchanged. The command will write a star (*) into the SNA_FROZEN
attribute of the element and will warn if this attribute is missing. You can
unfreeze the frozen elements using the command SUNFREEZE.

Fig. 244

Fig. 245
186 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Unfreeze Device IDs


This command, selected from the Element Analyse menu (Fig. 246) or toolbars
(Fig. 247), will unfreeze the selected elements, that is the element numbering
commands will be able to change their device IDs. The command will remove
the star (*) from the SNA_FROZEN attribute of the elements.

Fig. 246

Fig. 247
5 - Schematics-Elements 187

Description: Set Zone

Command: SZON (Set ZONe)

With this function you can assign elements to a wiring zone. By default all
elements are given to the zone specified when defining or editing the page data
sheet (see page 93).

When running the command from the menu (Fig. 248) or the toolbars (Fig.
250), the dialogue box shown in Fig. 249 appears, listing all wiring zones of the

Fig. 248

Fig. 250

Fig. 249

To assign an element with an already existing zone, double-click on the zone entry.
Alternatively locate the cursor on the wiring zone and click on the OK button. You
can add a new wiring zone by erasing the zone name in the Edit field and typing the
new one in it. To edit an existing zone name, click on it (the name appears in the
Edit field ), and then, positioning the cursor in the Edit field, edit it.

To assign an element to a wiring zone, select the zone by clicking on it, then click
on OK (or press ENTER). Cadelec will leave the dialogue box prompting to select
the elements. Click on the elements to which the wiring Zone should be assigned to,
then click the right mouse button or press ENTER to leave the selection mode.
Alternatively you can drag a window over the elements you want to assign a wiring
zone to.
188 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Set Installation

Command: SLOC (Set LOCation)

With this function you assign elements on the schematic to a wiring
installation. By default all elements are assigned to the installation defined in
the page data sheet.

The dialogue box that appears is the same that appears when you perform the
Set Zone command (previous page) but listing the wiring locations (Fig. 252).

Fig. 251

Fig. 253
Fig. 252
5 - Schematics-Elements 189

Description: Define Components

Command: DEFCOM (DEFine COMponents)

This command allows you to associate the electrical symbols (the elements) in
the schematic with a manufacturer article. This will be done by assigning a
manufacturer catalogue and record. For basics on component definition please
refer to page 65 .
After running this command, from the Cadelec / Element Analyse / Part
Number / Assign Direct menu (Fig. 254) or the toolbars, Cadelec will prompt
Fig. 254 you to select the components to define. You can either select the elements by
clicking on them with the mouse or by dragging a window over an area. Once
you have finished the selection press the right mouse button or ENTER. The
dialogue box shown in Fig. 255 will be opened.

Fig. 255

The dialogue title bar shows the element name and its description. In the fields
below you see the Mnemonic, the Kind of Element and the Contacts (on coils and
other contact-activating elements only).

To define components, proceed as follows:

in the Catalogue field enter the catalogue name or press ENTER to select from
the list of available catalogues (Fig. 256).
in the Record field enter the catalogue record or press ENTER for the list of
available records of the previously selected catalogue (Fig. 257).

Fig. 256
190 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

The fields Code, Description, Remarks, etc. show a description of the catalogue or
record where the cursor is located.

Fig. 257

Once you have selected the record, Cadelec will return to the component definition
dialogue box.

Clicking on the OK button will quit the component definition if you have selected a
single element. If you have selected more than one, Cadelec continues the
component definition.

Clicking on the Set All button assigns all selected components with the entered
catalogue and record. This is very useful if you have selected for example a number
of fuses and want to assign them with the same catalogue record.

Clicking the Skip button skips the component assignment for this element and Skip
All skips all the remaining components.

Selecting the Cancel button quits the component definition immediately. All
previously done assignments will be lost.

You can also apply filter during component definition to match the element and the
catalogue records. To do so, run the DEFCOF command (see on the next page).
5 - Schematics-Elements 191

Description: Set Component Definition Options

Command: DEFCOF (DEFine COmponent Filtered)

This function allows you to apply filters during component definition, which
will match the electrical properties of elements and records. Beside of this you
can select whether you want to search for the record fitting best in all
catalogues or not.

The function can be selected from the menu (Fig. 258) or from the toolbars
Fig. 258 (Fig. 259).

Running this command opens the dialogue box shown in Fig. 260.

Fig. 259

Fig. 260

Setting the Allow search across Catalogues option allows you to search for the
record which is fitting best through all catalogues. If you have selected this option,
you don't need to enter the catalogue when defining components. Instead you define
the components by selecting the record by pressing ENTER on the empty record
field. The catalogue will be set automatically after selecting the record.

Selecting the Mnemonic option matches the mnemonics of the catalogue record and
the element. In this case, Cadelec compares the element mnemonic e.g. F for a
protection device with the mnemonic entered in the record data sheet.

Selecting the Kind Of Element option compares the kind of element and the kind of
record as defined in their data-sheets and lists the matching records only. This way
of matching of elements and records is more precise than the matching by their
mnemonics. Relays with and without delay are specified with the same Mnemonic
for example but are described different by their Kind of Element definition.

The Contacts option matches the contacts of the elements and the contacts entered
in the record data-sheet. This option is very helpful when assigning catalogue
records to relays.

Once you have set all options click on the OK button. Cadelec will start the
component definition function (see page 195).
192 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Re-annotate Technical Data

Command: RTECHD (Re-annotate TECHnical Data)

This command re-annotates technical data from the catalogue record aside an

Run the command from the Cadelec / Element Analyse / Part Number menu
(Fig. 261) or from the ELEMENT ANALYSE toolbar (Fig. 262).
Fig. 261
Technical Data can be defined in the record data sheet. You can define it freely
for technical data or e.g. for mounting instructions. This command automatically
annotates that information aside the element if catalogue and record were
previously specified.

If you want to keep the technical data updated, leave the Re-annotate Technical
Data option in the Project Preferences dialogue box selected (see page 48) If you
need further fields where you want to apply additional information, use the User 1
- 4 attributes to do so.

Fig. 262
5 - Schematics-Elements 193

Description: Prefix Device ID with Drawing


This function will work on elements without Device ID annotation. Running it
prior to component numbering allows you to add the page number in front of the
mnemonic in the Device ID.

After running this function, from the menu (Fig. 263) or toolbars (Fig. 264),
Cadelec prompts you to select the elements by clicking with the mouse or by
dragging a window over an area. Once you have selected the elements, click the
right mouse button or press ENTER to leave the selection mode.

After numbering the elements, the mnemonic will be prefixed with the page
number when numbering an element with the NCOMP command.

For instance, a coil on page 5 that would normally be numbered -K7 would
become -5K7.

To remove the page number again, use the _DDATTE command and delete the
page number in front of the PREFIX attribute. Then, re-number the elements.
Fig. 263

Fig. 264
194 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Set Tag Number

Command: STAG (Set TAG)

With this command you can set a tag number to one or more elements.

The Tag Number can be used freely for example to cross-reference to non-
Cadelec drawings such as piping plans.

The Tag can only be set, if the attribute TAG_NUM has been set on the element.

Fig. 266

Fig. 265
5 - Schematics-Elements 195

Description: Set User definable attributes

Command: USR (Set USeR)
With this command you can annotate additional information to elements.

After running this function, Cadelec prompts you to select the element by
clicking with the mouse. Cadelec will open a dialogue box where you can type in
up to four lines with 40 characters each.

If Cadelec displays you the message No attribute USER_1..4 to update please

add the attributes User_1 - User_4 to the element.

Fig. 268

Fig. 267
196 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Define Components

Command: DEF_COM
The Define Components function is performed on projects, allowing to
define the components project wide, without having to open each page like
with the Assign Direct and Assign Filtered functions, where a page must be
open and the function is performed on the elements of that page (see page
195 and 197).The function can be selected from the Cadelec / Element
Analyse / Part Number / Assign Database menu (Fig. 269) or the
Fig. 269 ELEMENT ANALYSE / Part Number / Assign All toolbar (Fig. 270).

Running the function, Cadelec opens the main Define Components dialogue box
(Fig. 271). Entering a non-valid character in the Catalogue field (e.g. "/", "'") opens the
Lookup dialogue box (Fig. 273), where the component can be defined (hot key F7, F8).
The available Filter options help identifying a specific component.

Fig. 270

Fig. 271

In the main Define Components dialogue you also have the following controls:

Clicking the Find button, the Find dialogue box appears, allowing identifying an
element by Page, Zone, Installation, Catalogue or Record. The Find dialogue can
also be activated with the Ctrl+F key combination, and F3 finds the next item.

The Clone option will fill out all occurrences of the current element (in the Define
Components window) with the component definition set for this element (if
defined). You will be asked whether to Overwrite the existing entries or not.
Choosing Yes (Overwrite existing entries?) will define all elements (same as
current) with the Catalogue and Record of current element, even if they have a
component definition already. With No only empty elements (catalogue and record
entries empty) will be filled out.

The Last option will retrieve the last component definition made for the current
element (if any) and assign it to the current element. You will be asked whether to
5 - Schematics-Elements 197

Overwrite existing entries or not. Choosing Yes will change the existing defined
entries, No will fill out only the empty ones.
This option will define all the same elements in project (like Clone)
The last component definition for a specific element is stored in the
..\P\UserName.ini file and it is refreshed online

Clicking the Default button, the default values (Catalogue and Record), taken from
the element will be assigned to all the same elements in the project. The default
Catalogue and Record values are stored in the ELEMS.DBF database. You will be
asked whether to Overwrite existing entries or not. Choosing Yes will change the
existing component definitions, with No only the empty ones will be defined.

The Swap Catalogue option (hot key F9) opens the Swap Catalogue dialogue box
(Fig. 272), where the new catalogue can be specified (see page 205).

Fig. 272
Swap Catalogues runs a "What if ...?" simulation, of the type : "...and what happens
if we buy our motors from X instead of Y?". All elements of your project linked to
the previous catalogue will now be linked to the new catalogue.
This requires that records describing equivalent parts must bear the same name

Clicking the Lookup button, opens the Lookup dialogue box (Fig. 273):

Fig. 273
198 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

The Lookup window displays the selected Catalogue and Record with the matching
records in the upper part of the window. In the lower part, the element and record
related data is displayed.

The options
Selecting Search across catalogues includes the records of all catalogues for
component definition. You should select this option if you want to find out which
device of the different manufacturers will fit the best in your project or simply want
to compare the different devices.

The Mnemonic option matches the element and record prefix (mnemonic). The
mnemonic of an element or record is defined when creating or editing it.
Setting the Kind of element option compares the kind of element and the kind of
record, displaying only the matching records. Every element and every record is
specified by a textual description of its electrical properties (e.g. Protection Device,
Coil or contact-activating element etc.). This is more precise than the definition
done by the prefix. For example, a relay with delay and a simple relay are specified
by the prefix in the same group. The Kinds of Elements field will show the

The Contacts option matches contacts as defined for the element and the record. It
means that only records with matching contacts (e.g. for relays) will be displayed.
As contacts are defined for both, the element and the record, this option makes life
much easier. Instead of scrolling, for example, through a list of relay-records
describing relays with different contacts, you can set this option and select between
records with matching contacts.

You can also use the Update article and Update element features here, which will
update the element from the record and vice-versa. Update element will copy the
record defaults to the element and Update article will copy the element defaults to
the record (mnemonic - Elems.Simbol, kind of element - Elems.Rec_Des and
contacts - Elems.XR_Type).

Defining the components

After selecting the desired record from the upper list (displaying the matching
records only), click on the OK button to set the component definition for the
element (which is highlighted in the Define Components window). If the AutoFill
option (in the Tools dialogue - see below) is activated, all elements of the same type
will be defined with the selected component.

End defining components

Pressing the Cancel button in the main Define Components window (Fig. 271), will
end defining the components and a dialogue box appears, asking whether to Update
accessories or not. Choosing Yes, will keep the component definition, with No the
component definition will not change.

Clicking the Tools button, the Tools dialogue appears (Fig. 274, where the
following options are available:

Filters: You can filter the elements in the project by Zone and Installation.

Show terminals: When active, shows the terminals too in the output window.

AutoFill: Multiple component definition for all elements in project, which are the
same (e.g. SICH1). This is useful when the project contains multiple elements of
the same type, when the component definition can be set in one step.

AutoUpdate element: If active, updates automatically the elements in library, with

the values set in the project.
5 - Schematics-Elements 199

Audit: Clicking on the Audit button will erase all component references in the
project, which are no longer in the Catalogue (if some records have been deleted
for example).

Reset All: Clicking the Reset All button will reset (clear) all component definitions
in the project.

Fig. 274

Clicking the Edit Element tab, the Edit element dialogue box appears, where you
can edit the selected element and update it by clicking the Update element button.
Update element will copy the element defaults from the record definition
(Mnemonic, Kind and Contacts).

Clicking the Edit Catalogue tab allows you to edit the selected catalogue.

Clicking the Edit record tab, opens the Edit record window, where you can edit the
record, and update it by clicking the Update article button. Update Record will
copy the record defaults from the element definition (Mnemonic, Kind and

To leave the Define Components dialogue box, click the Cancel button in the main
Define Components window. Before exiting you will be asked whether to Update
the Accessories or not. Choosing Yes will keep the changes made to the component
definitions, No will ignore them.
200 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

5.4 Terminals
Terminals are held in the symbols library. You can access and insert them into the
schematic like other symbols either from the slides or by typing.

Cadelec treats terminals as special case elements. While they are considered as
elements in their own right, they are electrically speaking invisible, in that the
electrical conditions are identical across both sides of a terminal.

Internal and external side

Graphically, Cadelec considers terminals to be asymmetrical elements, with an
internal and an external side. The external side of the terminal is assigned by an
asterisk (*). If it does not appear run the MVA command to make the direction
attributes DIR1 and DIR2 visible. Select the terminal and enter the attribute name
DIR1. If the asterisk still does not appear run the command again to make the DIR2
attribute visible.

To understand which is the internal and which the external side of the terminal
imagine a control circuit within a cabinet controlling a motor located apart from the
cabinet. The motor cables are connected to the control circuit through terminals
leading into the cabinet. The end of the terminal which is outside the cabinet is the
external side (Fig. 275).

Fig. 275

Each type of terminal has two possible representations in the library:

terminals with internal side on the top
terminals with internal side on the bottom

so that you can always insert terminals the right way up.

In the symbols library Terminals with external side on the top are suffixed with U
(KLEMMU1, KLEMMU2, etc.) while terminals with external side on the bottom are
suffixed with O (KLEMMO1, KLEMMO2, etc.).

Note the following rules:

If you wish to connect two terminals together in series, never connect them
together directly; they must always be separated by a length of cable.
If you insert twin or triple terminals with the IE (Insert Element) command,
please prefix the element name with an asterisk (*) to get the lines cut. (see also
page 163).
The orientation of the terminals must be correct, as Cadelec will evaluate the
schematics in order to create the terminal pinout drawings.
5 - Schematics-Terminals 201

Description: Set Terminal Strip ID

Command: STIC
With this command you assign terminals with a Terminal Strip ID (e.g.
X1). This is very important as basic terminal functions like numbering and
terminal pinout creation will only work on terminals with strip

Running this command, from the menu (Fig. 276) or the TERMINALS
toolbar (Fig. 278), opens a dialogue box, displaying the existing terminal
strips (Fig. 277).

Fig. 276

Fig. 278
Fig. 277

Add a new terminal strip

To add a new terminal strip identifier, enter its name (e.g. X2) in the Terminal
Strips field (if necessary erase the field first) and click on OK. Cadelec will then
close this dialogue box and let you assign terminals with this new strip ID (click to
the terminal). As terminal strips can be up to 20 characters long, it can be very
useful to use an existing Terminal Strip ID as a model and to edit it instead of
typing it in the Terminal Strip field.

Assign a terminal strip ID

To assign terminals to an already defined terminal strip, double-click on the
Terminal Strip ID line within the dialogue box or click on it and then select OK or
press ENTER. Cadelec will close the dialogue box allowing you to select the
terminals to be assigned by clicking with the mouse or dragging a window over
them. The assignment will overwrite a previously defined ID.

Counter Value
Cadelec features an incremental counter for every terminal strip so that the
terminals of different terminal strips can be numbered independently. If you are
assigning already numbered terminals to another terminal strip, you can select
whether you want the terminal number to be reset or to be kept. You will do this by
selecting the Zero or the Keep Value option.

The Keep Value option might be useful if you have similar circuits within your
project and have copied them instead of drawing from scratch. If you wish the
cabling to be done in same way but on another terminal strip you will select the
Keep Value option and define a new terminal strip. After dragging a window over
the copied circuit Cadelec will only change the terminal strip ID.
202 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Show Terminal Strip ID

Command: MVP
Terminal Strip IDs can be turned visible and invisible.

This can be very helpful, as you may not want to have the terminal strip
ID annotated on every terminal. For example, look at the terminals in
Fig. 281. As you see there are three terminals with only one terminal
strip ID.

Normally, this is enough as those terminals are all part of the terminal
strip -X1. Therefore, only the Terminal Strip ID on the first terminal is
made visible while the other are left invisible. If you wish to add a
terminal for the PE wire to those terminals you will usually add a
terminal with invisible strip ID. In the EL_DIN library for example, you
will find terminals with invisible (KLEMMO1, KLEMMU1, etc.) and
visible ID (KLEMMO1V, KLEMMU1V, etc.).
Fig. 279

Running this command from the menu (Fig. 279) or from the toolbars
(Fig. 280), will prompt you to select the terminals. You will do this by
clicking with the mouse. Once you have selected all terminals click with
the right mouse button or press ENTER to leave the selection mode.
After this Cadelec will display the terminal strip ID on all selected

Fig. 280

Fig. 281
5 - Schematics-Terminals 203

Description: Hide Terminal Strip ID

Command: IVA (InVisible Attribute)

With this function you can hide the Terminal Strip ID.

After running this command from the Cadelec / Terminals menu (Fig. 282), or the
toolbars (Fig. 283), Cadelec will prompt you to select the attribute you want to make
Fig. 282
Click on the Terminal Strip ID.

Cadelec will ask you to validate. Press ENTER.

Fig. 283
204 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Number Terminals Automatically

Command: NCOMP (Number COMPonents)

This function numbers all previously not numbered elements and terminals.
Terminals must have a terminal strip assignment.

The initial value for numbering is set by the counter of this terminal strip and can be
changed by editing the counters.
Fig. 284
Running the command from the Cadelec / Terminals / Number Auto sub-menu or the
TERMINALS / Number Auto toolbox (Fig. 285) , you can select the following
options :

All: with this you number all previously not numbered terminals in the schematic.
Window: if you select this option, Cadelec will prompt you to drag a window and
define an area with the terminals to be numbered.
Fig. 285 Selection: This allows you to select the terminals to be numbered by clicking with
the mouse.
5 - Schematics-Terminals 205

Description: Number Terminals Manually

Command: NTERMM (Number TERMinals Manually)

With this command you can define the Terminal Strip ID and the terminal number
for a single terminal. It can be selected from the menu (Fig. 286) or the toolbars
(Fig. 288).

Running the command, Cadelec prompts to select a Terminal and opens the
dialogue box shown in Fig. 287 where a Terminal Strip ID and a Counter number
can be specified.

Fig. 286
Fig. 287

Fig. 288
206 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Reset Terminal Numbers

Command RTERMALL (Reset TERMinals ALL)

This function resets all terminal numbers in a selected area, regardless
whether they are numeric or non-numeric types. You should use this prior
to re-numbering. Running the function from the Cadelec / Terminals menu
(Fig. 289) or the toolbars (Fig. 290), you can select the following options:

All : This resets the terminals numbers on the whole schematic.

Window : After selecting this option, Cadelec prompts you to drag a
window over the area where you want the terminal numbers and the
Fig. 289 Device IDs to be reset.
Selection : This allows you to select the terminals to be reset. By doing so,
you can select only terminals and therefore avoid that Device ID are reset.

Fig. 290
5 - Schematics-Terminals 207

Description: Reset Numeric Terminal Numbers

Command: RTERMNUM (Reset TERMinals NUMeric)

This function resets all numeric type terminal numbers in a selected area. You
should use this prior to re-numbering (see also previous page). Running the
function from the Cadelec / Terminals menu (Fig. 289) or the toolbars (Fig. 290),
you can select the following options:

All: This resets the terminal numbers on the whole schematic.

Window: After selecting this option, Cadelec prompts you to drag a window over
the area where you want the terminal numbers and the Device IDs to be reset.
Selection: This allows you to select the terminals to be reset. By doing so, you can
select only terminals and therefore avoid that Device ID are reset.
208 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Edit Counters (Terminals)

Command: EDCNT (EDit CouNTers)

In this part we will discuss the counters for terminals. For the basics on counters
please refer to page 151.

Cadelec features incremental counters for:

every terminal strip
every element mnemonic (see page 190)
every wire voltage rating (see page 151)

Running the function from the menu (Fig. 291) or the toolbars (Fig. 293) , opens
the Edit Counters dialogue box (Fig. 292).

Fig. 291

Fig. 293

Fig. 292

Setting an initial value

You can set an initial value for the terminal counters in either of two ways:
If the terminals of this terminal strip are not numbered the counter does not
exist. To define it and set an initial value run the Edit Counters function and
click on the Add button. In the dialogue box which is opened (Fig. 294) you
can enter the name of the counter (-X2, say) and enter the value.
If the counter already exists, run the Edit Counters function, place the cursor
on the counter and click on the Edit button. Than you can enter the new
counter value in the Edit dialogue box (Fig. 295).
Fig. 294
Resetting a counter
You should be very careful when resetting the counters as counters are managed

Resetting a counter can be done in two ways from the Edit Counters dialogue box:
by deleting the counter. To do so, locate the cursor on the counter to delete and
click on the Delete button.
by editing the counter and entering the value as zero. To do so, place the
cursor on the counter to edit and click on the Edit button.

Fig. 295
5 - Schematics-Terminals 209

Description: Reverse Terminals

Command: SWT (SWap Terminal)

This function reverses the orientation of a terminal. A terminal with external side on
the top for example will be replaced with this function by a terminal with external
side on the bottom. You will typically run this command if you have inserted a
terminal with the wrong orientation.

As already explained in the basics (see page 207), the Cadelec elements library
holds terminals with external side facing upwards and downwards.

It is very important to insert the terminals in the right orientation, as Cadelec will
evaluate this when creating the terminal pinout drawings. You can control this easily
as the external side is always labeled with an asterisk (*).

After running this function, from the menu (Fig. 296) or the toolbars (Fig. 297),
Cadelec will prompt you to select the terminals you wish to reverse. You can select
the terminals by clicking each one with the mouse or by dragging a window over

Fig. 296 Once you have finished the selection, press the right mouse button or press ENTER.
The dialogue box shown in Fig. 298 appears:

Fig. 297

Fig. 298

In the upper part of the dialogue box Cadelec reports the detected terminals
including their orientation. The third line reports the number of inconsistently
oriented terminals. These are terminals with wrong pole attribute definition.

In the selection area you can specify the new orientation: External side Down or
External side Up. Activating the option External Side Down will replace all
selected terminals with external side up by terminals with external side down.

Selecting the External Side Up option reverses all selected terminals with the
external side facing downward by terminals with the external side facing upwards.

Terminal orientation is defined by the contents of the pole attributes. CN1 attribute
(on top of the terminal) will have the value 1 while the CN2 attribute (on the
bottom) will have the value 2 on terminals with internal side up. The pole attributes
on terminals with internal side leading downward will have the following values:

CN1 = 2, CN2 = 1 (see also POLE attribute, page 310 ).

210 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Set Cables

Command: SCAB (Set CABles)

With this command you define the cables leading to and from a terminal. The
command can be selected from the menu (Fig. 299) or from the toolbars (Fig.
300).All operations explained in the next pages can also be performed using the
Terminal Editor (see page 222).

Before starting, some basics:

Fig. 299
Cables and cable types
Cadelec manages a Project Cable Database with all cables used in the project and a
Standard Cable Database holding the cable-types including their definitions (e.g.
wire specifications, cable descriptions like cross-sectional area etc.). The Standard
Cables Database is stored apart from the projects and can be accessed by all projects.

Before you can define cables for your project you will have to select a cable type
from the Standard cable database and copy it to the project cable database. By doing
Fig. 300 so you will have to assign it with a project specific name (e.g. CAB01).

The Set Cables dialogue box

The dialogue box shown in Fig. 301 appears after running the Set Cables function
and selecting a terminal.

Fig. 301

Leaving the Cable and the Wire field empty and pressing ENTER opens the Select
Cables sub-dialogue box (Fig. 302) from where you can select the cable (or the

Both, Cable and Wire in incoming and outgoing direction will be annotated on the

In the Length field you can enter the wire length. The maximum wire length will be
reported as the cable length in the Cables-report (see page 406).

The Select Cables dialogue box

If you leave the Cables field empty and press ENTER, the Select Cable sub-
dialogue box (Fig. 302) appears. It displays the cables already defined in your
Fig. 302
5 - Schematics-Terminals 211

To select a cable double-click on the cable name within the list or locate the cursor on the cable to be
used and press ENTER.

To add a cable` click on the Add button. Cadelec opens the Standard Cables database dialogue box
to your project Where you can specify the cable and the wires (Fig. 303).

Fig. 303

To delete a cable which is no longer needed, locate the cursor at this cable and click on the Delete
button. Please note, that you can only delete cables which are not used by your

The wires pressing ENTER on the empty Wire field opens a dialogue box (Fig. 304) from
where the wire of the cable can be specified from the existing wires of the selected
cable, by selecting it and clicking OK. As it is not possible to change the definition
of project cables, this function only allows you to query the wire-definitions. This is
necessary as changes on project cables could cause errors due to inconsistencies
that may appear. If you wish to perform any changes, delete the project cable, enter
the Standard Cable database dialogue box and change the cable and wire definition
here. Once this is done, copy the cable with the changed definition to the project.

Special Remarks

You can define special remarks for the cables after clicking on the Remarks button
and entering the remark (Fig. 305). Those remarks (e.g. 16A maximum) will later
also appear in the Cables report.
Fig. 304

Fig. 305

Add cables to the The Standard Cables database holds all known cables including their wire-
project / the standard specifications As its name already says, the Standard Cable database is a
Cables database standard device and does not belong to any of the projects. Its function is to hold all
cables and to be accessed from the projects. By adding a cable to this database, you
make it accessible for all projects and not only for the actual one.

To add a cable to in the Add Cable dialogue box (Fig. 303) double click on the cable type to be
the project used within your project or locate the cursor on this cable by using the cursor keys
and press ENTER.
212 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Cadelec will prompt you to enter the name of the cable to be used within your
project (e.g. CAB01) (Fig. 306).The cable name has to be unique. Once the cable is
copied to the project, changes on this cable type in the Standard cables database will
not affect any of the project cables.

Fig. 306

To define a new click on the New button. Please refer the New / Edit Cable type part
cable type below.

To edit a cable type locate the cursor on the cable to edit and click on the Edit button. The
(and its wires) changes will only appear in cables copied to the project after editing. For a detailed
description on editing cables please refer the New / Edit Cable type part

To delete a cable type which is no longer needed locate the cursor on this cable and click on the Delete
button. This will remove the cable from the Standard Cables database but will not
erase the project cables of the same type.

To query the wires locate the cursor on the cable type and click on the Wires button. Editing the wires
can only be done when editing the cable type.

New / Edit Cable type

Changes to the cable types will not affect any of the project cables but will be
accessible from every project.

After running the New or Edit cable type function the dialogue box in Fig. 307

Fig. 307

Entering cable type Every field (Type, Description etc.) can be defined or edited by double-
specifications clicking and the field name or by locating the cursor with the cursor-keys clicking
on the Edit button. Cadelec opens a dialogue box where you can enter the
specification (Fig. 308).

Fig. 308
5 - Schematics-Terminals 213

The following fields must be filled out:

First and Last Wire or W1 - W?

The fields

Type In this field you enter the cable-type (e.g. NYY 4x2.5 mm2).

Description Here you enter the cable type description e.g. Motor Cable.

The contents of the Description field is displayed in the Add Cable to project
dialogue box to help you when selecting a cable-type. You should therefore use the
30 characters maximum for a precise description e.g. "Motor Cable - 16A
maximum" etc.

First Wire This field must be filled out, if you wish to number the wires. Usually, the first wire
number will be 1.

Last Wire Here you enter the last wire number, if you wish a numeric wire coding. Cadelec
will then create incremental wire numbers starting with the value of the First Wire
field to the value of the Last Wire field.

W1, W2 etc. These are the fields for wire color-coding. Here you can enter up to 8 characters to
denote color coding. Cadelec allows you to specify up to 50 different color-codes
(W1 to W50).

If you have specified both, First / Last Wire for the numeric coding and the W1 by
W? for color coding, you will be able to combine both, the numeric and the color-

Remarks Here you can enter special remarks to the cable. The contents of this field can be
queried during the cable selection.
214 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Re-annotate Cables

Command: RTERD (Re-annotate TERminal Data)

This function re-annotates Terminal related data (Cables, Wires, etc.). Normally,
you will only need this command to display changes done within the Terminal
Editor (see page 222). Changes to the cables done within AutoCAD are displayed

Terminal-related data will be re-annotated automatically every time you enter page
Fig. 309 if you leave the Re-annotate Cables option selected (see also page 42).

Fig. 310
5 - Schematics-Terminals 215

Description: Terminal Editor

Cadelec features a terminals database which exploits the terminal

information from the schematics. You can access this database through
the Terminal Editor, running the Edit Cables function (EDI_BOR) from
the menu (Fig. 311) or the toolbars (Fig. 312).

Here you can change or make the following definitions:

Terminal Strip ID
Terminal Number
Cable (incoming and outgoing direction)
Wire leading to /from terminal
Wire length (incoming and outgoing direction)

Fig. 311
These are basically the same definitions that can be made with the Set Cable
function (see page 217). The difference is, that you can access the terminals in all
schematics from within the Terminal Editor and not only the terminals of the page
loaded at the moment.

You can also add spare terminals from within the Terminal Editor.

Fig. 312
Please bear in mind
that changes done within the Terminal Editor will only appear on the schematics if
you open the pages affected by the changes with the option Re-annotate cables
switched on (see page 48). Alternatively, you can run the re-annotate command
RTERD (see page 221) .

Enter the Terminal Editor

Cadelec will open the Terminal editor functions window shown in Fig. 313:

Fig. 313
216 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Selecting Terminal Order and clicking OK, the Sort Terminals dialogue box
appears as shown in Fig. 314.

Fig. 314

You can select the ordering by Terminal Number, Column/Row, Internal Side
Device ID, Equipotential or keep the previous order by selecting Keep existing

Clicking on the Cable Editor button, the Terminal database of the project appears
(Fig. 315) :

Fig. 315

Changing the column width

As not all the columns of the terminal editor fit on the screen, you can alter the
column width to hide certain columns and obtain better readability. To change the
column width, just place the mouse cursor on the vertical line between two
columns, press the left-hand mouse button and drag the line to the required
location.To change the location of a field, you can click the mouse on its heading
and drag the mouse left or right to the desired location.

In the terminal database of the project, you can edit terminal data like Terminal
Strip, Number, Cable, Length and wire assignment, etc.

You can also edit the bridges which Cadelec has computed automatically, define
bridges manually and add spare terminals.

In the Terminal database you can edit the following fields:

Terminal Strip The Terminal Strip ID can be edited to make possible re-assigning of terminals to
different terminal strips in the Terminal Editor.

Terminal Shows the terminal number and can be edited to assign different terminal numbers
to terminals within the Editor.

from /to Cable Shows the cables connected on the internal side (from Cable) and external side (to
Cable) of the terminal. Typing ? in the empty from Cable field for example, brings
up a dialogue box in which the already defined cables are available, and new cables
can be added.

from / to Wire this field can be edited if the from/ to Cable field has been defined previousely.
Again, typing ? in the from / to Wire field brings up a dialogue box with the
5 - Schematics-Terminals 217

existing wires of the cable, from which you can select one and insert it in the field
(by pressing ENTER on the selected wire).

from / to Length A wire length can be specified for the wire.

Bridges Here you can define bridges manually entering the same number for the terminals
with the same potential and which have to be connected by bridges. If you have run
the Generate Bridges function prior to entering the Editor, you will find bridge
numbers computed by Cadelec in this field, but nevertheless they can be edited.
Cadelec considers all terminals within the same terminal strip as being connected, if
they are given the same bridge number, and therefore a bridge connecting those
terminals will be drawn within the terminal Pinout Drawing.

For example: All terminals (within the same terminal strip) marked with the
number 1 in the Bridges-field will be considered as connected. A bridge connecting
those terminals will also be drawn within the Terminal Pinout Drawing.

You can define up to 99 bridges for every terminal strip by entering the bridge
number in the Bridge field.

Within terminal pinout drawings a maximum of 5 parallel bridges can be drawn.

Selecting the Generate Bridges option and clicking OK will bring up a selection
dialogue box from which you can select the Terminal Strips to process (Fig. 316).

Fig. 316

Clicking the > button will move the selected terminal to the Selected Terminal
Strips window which shows the terminal strips on which the function will be

Remarks Here you can enter special remarks which will not appear in the Terminal Pinout

The other fields cannot be edited because their data could not be changed from
within the Terminal editor:

Page, Column These fields show the page and column where the terminal is located.

from / to Potential This field shows the cable mark (referred to as a potential) on the internal / external
side of the terminal. If the wires are not numbered Cadelec will show a fictitious ID,
e.g. F1-6 which means the 6-th wire on page 1.

Zone The zone assigned to the terminal.

218 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

from / to Zone Zone assignment of the elements connected with the internal / external side of

from / to Device ID Device ID of the element connected with the internal / external side of terminal.

from / to Pin Pin numbers of element connected with internal / external side of terminal.

Generate Terminal Pinout drawing

Selecting the Generate Terminal Pinout Drawing option and clicking OK, the
following dialogue box appears (Fig. 317):

Fig. 317
5 - Schematics-Terminals 219

In the Generate Terminal Pinout Drawing dialogue box you can set the order by
Number, Column/Row, Device ID, Equipotential or Keep Existing Order.

You can also set the page, which will contain the Pinout Drawing after generation
(e.g. Append after last Drawing)

Before proceeding, the terminal Strips have to be selected. Clicking on the Select
Terminal Strip button, the terminal selection window appears (Fig. 318):

Fig. 318

Here, clicking on the > button will transfer the selected terminal strip from the left
window to the right one which shows the terminal strips on which the operation will
be performed.

Clicking on OK, the first dialogue box returns and clicking on OK will start the
generation of the Terminal pinout Drawing.

View Terminal Pinout drawing

After a short time for calculation, the terminal pinout drawings will be generated.
To view it, select the last page of the project which contains the terminal pinouts.

The function keys

All functions within the Terminal Editor are controlled from the keyboard. Below
you see those keys and their functions.

F1 Help
Ctrl+N Insert one empty Terminal after the current one
F2 Insert various empty Terminals after current one
F3 Insert various empty Terminals before current one
F4 Mark/Unmark terminals
Ctrl+F4 Delete all markers
Ctrl-C Copy marked terminal into the buffer
Ctrl+X Cut marked terminal (copy into Buffer + delete)
Ctrl+V Paste (insert a Terminal from the Buffer)
F7 Define Variables for Automatic Numbering
F8 Number an empty terminal
Ctrl+F Search for a Terminal / Terminal Strip
F10 Standard Cables Database
F11 Project Cables Database
220 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

F12 Order terminals

Ctrl+Enter Activate the Cable Linker (it works on the From_Cable or
To_Cable field)

Pressing the hot key F1 displays you the function of all hot keys.

The functions:

Copying cables to the project

As we saw before, Cadelec features a database for cable type definitions (the
Standard Cable Database) and a database for the cables in the project (the Project
Cables Database). Before a cable can be set, you will have to specify its cable type
by copying the cable from the Standard Cable Database to the Project Cables.

To do so, follow the steps below (while in the Terminal Database Of Project
press F10 to enter the Standard Cables Database.
select the cable type you wish to use, locate the cursor on it and press ENTER
(if such a cable type does not exist, refer to the "Create New Cable Type" part
later in this chapter).
enter a unique Project-Cable name (e.g. CAB01).

Set Cables and wires

Once you have defined at least one project cable, you can start specifying the cables
and the wires leading to and from the terminal.

Specifying cables To do so, locate the cursor on the From Cable or the To Cable field and
in the From / To Cable enter the cable-name. If you wish to select a cable without knowing
field its exact name, you can simply enter a dot (.) or a question mark (?) and
press ENTER. Cadelec opens a dialogue box with the cables defined for this
project. There you can select a cable by locating the cursor on the cable and
pressing ENTER.

Specifying wires To specify a wire, locate the cursor on the To or From Wire field and enter
in the From / To Wire the wire-specification. You can enter the question mark field again, to get the wires
field defined for this cable displayed. Cadelec opens a dialogue box, displaying you those

Modify project cables

Modifications on project cables can be done within the Project Cable database.
After pressing F11 to enter it, you can simply locate the cursor on the cable
specification to edit and type in a new value.

Deleting a project To delete a cable, locate the cursor on it and press the DEL key. Please bear in
cable mind, that you can only delete cables which are not used in your project.
5 - Schematics-Terminals 221

Creating / Editing cable types

As cable types are held in the Standard Cable database, press F10 to enter the
Standard Cables database. The selection box shown in Fig. 319 will be opened.

Fig. 319

Edit a cable type Locate the cursor on the cable to edit and press F2. Cadelec opens a data entry box
displaying all fields and their current value. Changes will not affect any of the
cables previously copied to projects. For a description of the fields please see

Create a new cable Press the INS key to define a new cable-type. Cadelec opens an empty data entry
type box with all existing fields. There you can enter their value.

Delete a cable type To delete a cable-type which is no longer needed, locate the cursor on it and press
the DEL key. Deleting a cable-type will not affect any of the project cables from
this type.

The cable definition fields

The following fields must be filled out:

First and Last Numeric Core or W1 - W?

Type This field holds the cable-type (e.g. NYY 4x2.5 mm2).

Description Here you enter a description of the cable type with 30 characters maximum. You
should use this field to enter information like the following: Motor Cable - 16 A

First / Last Numeric This fields should be filled out if you want to number your wires or if you wish
Core to use a combination of numbering and color-coding of the wires. If this fields are
filled out, Cadelec will generate incremental numbers from the First to the Last
Numeric Core.

W1 - W? These are the fields for color-coding. You can enter an alphanumerical shortcut
222 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

with up to 8 characters. All filled out W? fields will be displayed within the wire
selection box.

Remarks Here you can enter special remarks on the cable-type.

Insert empty terminals

You can add spare terminals in either of three ways:
by inserting empty terminals in the terminal editor.
with the Add Components function.
by creating an extra page within your project holding only spare terminals.

Within the terminal editor, use the hotkeys CTRL+N (to insert one empty terminal
after the current one), F2 (to insert various empty terminals after current one) or F3
(to insert various empty terminals before current one) to do so.

Number empty terminals

You can number empty terminals like other terminals by entering the Terminal
Strip ID and the Terminal Number or by defining a variable for numbering.

Variable definition Pressing F7 opens the dialogue box shown in Fig. 320. In the Terminal Strip field
you enter the Terminal Strip ID to which the empty terminals should be
assigned. The initial value for the numbering should be entered in the Terminal

Fig. 320

Once you have entered the Terminal Strip ID and the initial Terminal Number and
validated by pessing ENTER the variable definition box will be closed. Continue by
locating the cursor on the terminals to be numbered. Pressing F8 assigns the
terminal where the cursor is located with the terminal strip ID and the terminal
number. The terminal number counter is incremented so that you can locate the
cursor on the next empty terminal and press F8 again.

Arranging Terminals manually

You might wish to change the order of certain terminals within a terminal strip for
example in order to have all grounded terminals on the end of the terminal pinout

This can be done easily by cutting and pasting. To do so locate the cursor on the
terminal and press F4 to mark it, then CTRL-X to cut it. After this locate the cursor
on the position where the terminal should be inserted and paste it by pressing

When arranging terminals, please note the following rules:

make sure that you paste a terminal which was copied into the buffer. Ohterwise
the terminal will no longer appear and you will have to create a new terminals
database to get it listed again.
5 - Schematics-Terminals 223

you can copy only one terminal into the buffer. Copying into the buffer
overwrites the previous contents of the buffer. If you did not paste a terminal
which was cut and cut another one, the first terminal will be lost.
if you wish to get the same order of the terminals displayed on the terminal
pinout drawings please make sure that you select the Keep Existing Order for
ordering within the terminal pinout drawing.

Automatic Cable Linker

The Cable Linker is a powerful utility which helps setting cables /wires between
two terminal Strip IDs, or between a terminal and an element in the project.

Defining cables within the Cable Linker

There are two distinct cases in setting cables:

To set the cable / wire between two terminal strips.
To set the cable / wire between a Device and a terminal strip.

1. Set a cable between two Terminal strips:

Every terminal has a unique CCO attribute (per terminal side), holding the Cable
and wire value. If we want to put the same cable between two terminals, we have to
specify (set) the cable for both terminals (with SCAB command), which can lead to
many errors when the project contains many cables /wires.

Using the Cable Linker makes it possible to set a cable between two terminals in
one step.

2. Set a cable between a Device ID and a terminal :

This case is similar to case 1, but only one terminal is involved. The cable can be
set either with the SCAB command, within the Terminal Editor, or the Cable Linker.

If two Terminal Strips have terminals connected to each other, pressing Ctrl+Enter
in the Terminal Editor, on a From_cable or To_Cable field of a terminal (connected
with a terminal in the other strip), the Cable Linker browse comes up (Fig. 321),
showing all connected terminals of the two terminal strips involved.

Fig. 321

Pressing Ctrl+Enter on the From_Cable / To_Cable field of an element (Device

ID) connected to a terminal, the Cable Linker will contain the line corresponding to
these two items. You can define a cable connected between the element and the

In the Cable Linker browse, the New Cable, New Wire, New Length fields are
editable by the user. Here you can enter a value for the Cable / Wire you want to set
for the terminals connected together. Pressing Ctrl+Enter, these field values are
automatically entered in the corresponding terminal lines, and the system returns to
the Terminal Editor window.
224 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Entering a non valid value in the New Cable field, for example ?, brings up the
Project cables dialogue box, from where you can select an existing project cable or
define a new one, in a similar way as this is done within the SCAB command.

Pressing the F1 key in the Cable Linker, shows the Cable Linker Help screen (Fig.
322), which specifies the key functions within the browse.

Fig. 322

If the Check for same Cables / Wires option is activated in the Terminal Editor
main window, the Cable Linker checks if the selected / entered value has been
previously used or not. If the user attempts to use an already used cable wire, an
attentioning window is displayed (Fig. 323), with two options : Keep or Delete the
new cable wire. It also checks whether the user attempts to enter an already used
cable / wire, or, if a terminal has already been assigned a cable / wire, and the user
attempts to assign an other one (a terminal has only one CCO attribute per side
which can be defined).

Fig. 323

As showed in the Cable Linker Help, the Alt+F12 key combination purges (resets)
the existing cables / wires in the From / To Cable fields in the Cable Linker browse.

Quit terminal editor

To leave the terminal editor, press the ESC button. Cadelec will close the terminal
editor and return to the Terminal Editor functions window.
5 - Schematics -PLC components 225

5.5 PLC components

PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) components are contained in the symbols

library that comes with Cadelec. You will insert them into the schematics from the
slides or with the IE command (for element insertion please refer to page 163).
226 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Number PLC Pins

Command: NPLC (Number PLC)

With this function you can number the PLC pins. Please note that the PLC pin
numbers have to be numeric.

The command can be run from the menu (Fig. 324) or the CADELEC / PLC toolbar
(Fig. 326).

After running the function Cadelec prompts to select the PLC, by clicking at it, and
the dialogue box shown in Fig. 325 appears.

Fig. 324

Fig. 325

Fig. 326

Power Pin No. In this field you will enter the Power Pin assignment (numbers)

Channel Number(s) You can number the pins of the selected PLC in either of three ways:
by entering a start number, e.g. 1. After confirming by clicking on the OK
button, Cadelec will number the pins incrementally starting with the number
entered in the Channel Number field.
by entering a range e.g. 1:8. In this case, Cadelec will number the pins
incrementally from the starting number to the end number. The amount of
numbers in this range and the amount of pins has to be equal. If you wish to
number a PLC with 8 pins you will have to enter a range with 8 numbers like
1:8; 0:7, etc.
by entering the pin number separated by commas e.g. 1,3,5,7, etc. Again, the
amount of pin numbers has to be equal as the amount of pins.
5 - Schematics -PLC components 227

Description: Set PLC addresses

Command: APLC (Address PLC)

Running this function from the menu (Fig. 327) or the PLC toolbars (Fig. 329)
assigns addresses to PLC channels.

After you have started the function, Cadelec will prompt you to select the PLC.
Once you have selected the PLC by clicking on it the dialogue box shown in Fig.
328 will be opened.

Fig. 327

Fig. 328
Fig. 329

In the Address Prefix field you enter the address prefix (e.g. I for Input).

By clicking on the down-arrow you select the Separator between address prefix and
channel number. You can use either an empty field as separator or one of the
following signs: . , ; : / / -

In the Start Number field enter the starting number (e.g. 1)

Below the start number you can select the Number System and decide whether you
want a Decimal, Octal or Hexadecimal numbering system to be used when
numbering channels.

If Hexadecimal number system was selected, you can select the Upper Case Hexa
option for hexadecimals A,B,C, etc. in upper cases. Else, Cadelec will assign
channels with lower chase characters.

If you want to assign the PLC labels with the same value as the addresses, you
should leave the Copy Address To Label option selected.

After confirming by clicking on the OK button, Cadelec will number (or renumber)
the channels and assign them their address.
228 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Set PLC channel description

Command: EPLC (Edit PLC)

This function lets you enter or edit the following information to a PLC channel:
Channel Pin Number
Channel Address
Channel Label
Comment to channel
Channel description

Select the function from the menu (Fig. 330) or the toolbars (Fig. 331).

Before you can start defining or editing this information, you will have to select the
channel by clicking on one of the attributes of the channel e.g. on the address. As it
Fig. 330 might be difficult to select one of these attributes you can zoom in and switch SNAP
(key F9) temporarily off. In the dialogue box opened you can edit the attribute
selected (Fig. 332) :

Fig. 331

Fig. 332
5 - Schematics -PLC components 229

Description: Set PLC Pin Function attributes

The PLCs have the Pin Function attributes defined for every channel (PF). These
attributes have a rather descriptive function, indicating the functionality of the pin,
e.g. +24V for the power supply pin or GND for the ground pin.

To set the PF attributes, use the AutoCAD DDATTE command and edit the PF
attributes , assigning +24V for pin 10 and GND for pin 9, for example (Fig. 333).

Fig. 333
230 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Export PLC Import-Export List

Command: PLCT (PLC to Text)

With this function you can export the PLC information to an ASCII file and use this
file to:
set the channel descriptions on other PLCs accordingly.
printout PLC channel documentation for PLC programming.

From the dialogue box shown in Fig. 336 you select the data to be exported, set the
order and the length of the fields. For standardized printouts you can alternatively load
a format file or save the PLC exporting parameters as a new format.

Fig. 334

Fig. 335 Fig. 336

Select PLC
To select the PLC whose channel data you wish to be exported click on the Select
PLCs button in the lower left part of the dialogue box. The dialogue box will be
closed and Cadelec will prompt you to select the PLC. This will be done by clicking
with the left mouse button. Once you have finished the selection press the right
mouse button or ENTER to leave the selection mode and return to the exporting
dialogue box. Beside the Select PLCs button Cadelec will annotate the number of
PLCs found.

Select data to be exported / set entities

You select the data to be exported by clicking with the mouse on e.g. Address, Pin
Number etc. Cadelec will automatically annotate the order number in the Order
field. The order number depends on the selection sequence. The first information
which was selected will be assigned with order number 1. This order number can be
edited at any time by clicking at the order field and entering a different number.
Additional information such as "Connected to:" prefixing the Device ID of the
component connected to the PLC channel can be added in the Free Texts fields.

Instead of selecting the information to be exported and setting the field entities
every time, you can load a format file (see below).

Delimiter character
With the options in this part of the dialogue box you select whether information like
address, label, etc. should be separated by comma, by spaces or by tabulators.
5 - Schematics -PLC components 231

Format file
This field must be filled out. Here you specify either the file where the formatting
(selected information, order and length, delimiter character) should be saved or the
format file created prior to this operation which should be loaded. If you enter the
name of an existing format file, Cadelec will automatically load the formatting.
Otherwise, Cadelec will store the formatting to a file with the name which was
entered in this field.

If you want to use an already existing format file, you should press ENTER on the
empty field. We recommend that you should create a format file for every used
PLC type. This should be used every time you export or import the Input-Ouput list.
After definition you should not change it any more as older Input-Output files
might not be accessible any more.

Output file
In this field you specify the name of the file where the PLC data should be stored. If
you want an already existing file to be updated but don't know its name you can
press ENTER on the empty field. A file selection box will be opened from where
you can select the file.
232 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Import PLC Import-Export List

Command: TPLC (Text to PLC)

With this function you can import previously exported channel codes and use it to set
the channels of another PLC accordingly. If required, you can modify the ASCII file
with the channel data before importing with a Text Editor (e.g. DOS Editor, Notepad,
etc.). Alternatively you will run the EPLC command to edit channel codes (see also
page 235).
Running the command from the menu (Fig. 337) or the toolbars (Fig. 339) opens a
dialogue box where you can select the channel data to be imported, the file holding
this information and its format file:

Fig. 337

Fig. 338

Select PLC
To select the PLCs to import the channel data to, click on the Select PLCs button.
Cadelec will close the dialogue box temporarily and prompt you to select the PLCs.
You will do this by clicking with the left mouse button. Once you have selected all
PLCs to import the channel data to, you will click with the right mouse button or
press ENTER to leave the selection mode and return to be import dialogue box.
Fig. 339
Select data to be imported
From the Attributes to update area of the dialogue box you will select the
information to be imported.

Format file
In this field you enter the name of the format file describing the order of the
information and their length. Pressing ENTER on the empty field will open a file
selection box from where you can select the format if you don't know its name any
more. It is very important to select the format file describing the format of the file
to be imported. Otherwise Cadelec might not be able to find channel data like
Address, Label, etc.

For this reason we recommend that you should create one format file for every used
PLC type.
5 - Schematics -PLC components 233

Description: Number components using PLC formula

Command: PCOMP
With this function you can number the elements related to a PLC with a
special PLC formula. This formula contains the PLC channel descriptor too
together with the mnemonic and number. For example a fuse inserted in a line
which is connected to a PLC , to a pin whose channel description is O/3, after
running the PCOMP function will have the ID : F-O/3.
Fig. 340
Running the function will prompt to select the objects. You have to select the
PLC and the elements, which are to be numbered according to this formula.

The command can be run from the Element Analyse menu (Fig. 340) or the
ELEMENT ANALYSE toolbar (Fig. 341).

Fig. 341
234 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Hide / display annotations

Within the Cadelec / Layers menu (Fig. 342) or toolbar (Fig. 343) you will find
certain functions for hiding certain annotations. You will use this typically to reduce
the amount of displayed data.

Selecting XR-Function Off hides all cross-reference function names. Contact maps
will stay visible. If you want to have the annotations displayed again select XR-
Function On.

Cat/ Rec Off hides the catalogue and record annotation to every component of this
page. Cat/ Rec On will make it visible again. Off hides the technical data, which is annotated alongside the elements.
These annotations can be made visible again by selecting On.

Further layers can be switched off with the OFF function from the same menu.

Fig. 342

Fig. 343
5 - Schematics 235

Description: Capture Page

Command: CAP (CAPture)

This command lets you capture an existing page (of any project) to use as the
basis for a new page.

When you call up an existing page using this command, from the Utilities menu
(Fig. 344) or the UTILITIES toolbar (Fig. 345) , it clears the current drawing
entirely. This means that if you want to base your new drawing on an existing
drawing, you must use this command right at the start.
Fig. 344 Another way of capturing a page from another project is to select the Copy
Which Page option when creating the page.

If you are basing your new schematic on an existing one, you should use the
following functions to adjust the schematic to your project:
run the Update Title-Box command (Menu : Tools/Utilities/ Title-Box).
Fig. 345
reset the device-IDs and the terminal numbers (Menu : Cadelec / Element
Analyse / Reset - see page 189).
check the terminal-strip IDs and change them if required (Menu : Cadelec /
Terminals / T.strip ID - see page 208).
compute the device IDs and the terminal numbers (Menu : Cadelec / Element
Analyse / Number Auto - see page 185).
set fixed wire numbers if required (Menu : Cadelec / Connections /Wire
Numbering - see page 140).
number the wires (Menu : Cadelec / Connections / Wire Numbering / Number
Wire - see page 147).
replace the cross-reference functions by the cross-reference functions used
within your project (Menu : Cadelec / Element Analyse / Replace Xr-Function -
see page 183).
perform a cross-reference calculation (Menu : Cadelec / Element Analyze /
Cross-Reference - see page 180).
236 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

5.6 Using AutoCAD commands

With Cadelec you can use all AutoCAD commands. Below you see a selection of
commonly used AutoCAD commands and a description of how you should use

With this command you can copy elements and pre-drawn assemblies from one part
of the schematic to another.

Element definitions like the location and zone, the catalogue and record assignment,
cross-reference and the device-ID annotation will be copied as well.

Copying elements: For Cadelec there is no way to know, that the line cutting should be performed on
the copied element. For this reason, you should perform a manual line-breaking by
entering the command LBRK (Menu : Cadelec / Element Draw / Break Lines - see
page 165).

Copying assemblies: When copying assemblies from one part of the schematic to another including the
vertical down-strokes, you should cut the wires in two parts, creating a connection
point at the cut point To do so, use the command BCNXL (Menu : Cadelec /
Connections / Cut - see page 158) and clicking on the junction points.

Another thing that has to be done is to renumber the terminals. The easiest way of
doing so is to reset the terminals. Select Reset - Window from the Cadelec /
Terminals menu and drag a window over the copied assembly. Now you can
number starting with the counter value.

The last thing to do is to change the cross-reference functions, if required. You can
do this easily with the SXRF command (Menu : Cadelec / Element Analyse / Set Xr-
function - see page 176). Once this is done, re-calculate the cross-reference
annotations with the XRC command (see page 180).

This command is usually only used for moving assemblies from one part of the
schematic to another.

If you are moving assemblies with down-strokes, you should cut the wires on the
junction points to mark the electrical connections. To do so, use the BCNXL (Menu
: Cadelec / Connections / Cut - see page 158) and click on the points where the
wires meet.

Depending on your Device ID formula for automatic component numbering it

might be necessary to re-calcualate the Device-IDs. To do so, select the command
Re-Number Auto from the Cadelec / Element Analyse menu.

This AutoCAD command should NOT be used for the following operations:
to erase elements - use the EE command instead for erasing an element with line
mending - see page 164.
to erase wire numbers - use the DEL_WN command instead - see page 150.

This command can be very useful for looking at and modifying the attributes of an
element (e.g. Zone, Location, Catalogue, Record, etc.).

You can use this command to edit the attributes of a block (element)
0 - Cabinet Layout Drawings 237

This command can be used to define an attribute for a block (element).

This AutoCAD command can be used to change the layers and therefore the voltage
rating of wires.

After running this command:

select the wires; once this is done click with the right mouse-button or press
ENTER to leave the selection mode.
enter P in the AutoCAD command area to change the Properties.
enter LA to change the Layer.
enter the name of the layer e.g. PCAB400V (please only use the PCAB* layers
for cables. Otherwise Cadelec will not consider this line to be a wire. see also
page 151).
RUN THE COMAND AGAIN AND SELECT THE fixed wire numbers (e.g.
perform the same steps as above and change this layer to the WCAB* with the
same voltage rating (e.g. WCAB400V).

Please note:
It is very important not only to change the layer of the wire but the layer of the
marks as well. The wires and the marks must always be on the layer to the same
voltage rating. E.g. if the wires are on the layer PCAB400V, the marks to this wires
must be on the layer WCAB400V.If you ignore this rule, your CONNECTION
reports and the wire numbering might not work properly.

Usually, you will only need this command if you have inserted an element which is
built up out of more than one element using the IE command (or Type from the
Cadelec / Element Draw menu). Elements built up out of several elements are for
example the twin and triple terminals KLEMMO2, KLEMMO3 etc. and the pre-
drawn assemblies BGH* (see also page 297).

How to check whether the element is exploded or not:

If such an element is being inserted with the IE command, it will not be exploded.
You can see this in the following way:
selecting one component of the assembly will select the whole inserted element.

Beside of this, you will discover that no automatic line cutting is being performed.

To explode the element, run the _EXPLODE command and

drag a window over the element you want to be exploded.
leave the selection mode pressing the right mouse button or ENTER.
if you want a line break to be performed, use the LBRK (Menu : Cadelec /
Element Draw / Break Lines - see also page 165).
238 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Cabinet Layout Drawings

In this chapter we will discuss commands and functions needed to create cabinet
layout drawings. These operations can only be performed on a page of Cabinet
Layout Drawing type (for details on page creation please refer to page 286).

Wiring zone definition Cabinets are considered to be wiring zones. Available for insertion to
for cabinets the cabinet are therefore only components with the same Zone specification as the
cabinet (see also page 193).

Graphical As electrical components of different manufacturers can take different shapes, the
representation graphical representation of the part in question is sized on the basis of the height,
width, depth and diameter specified in the catalogue record for the element in
question. It will be displayed as a scaled rectangular or circular outline. Instead of
using this simple representation, you can also create a Physical Layout Library with
detailed part drawings.

Consistency analysis Every time you open a cabinet drawing page, Cadelec performs a consistency
analysis comparing components which have been placed in the cabinet and the
schematics. If Cadelec discovers an inconsistency, it will flag the components with
red color. An inconsistency will be reported for one of the following reasons:
if the component was erased from the schematic.
if the component was redefined with a different catalogue record.
if the zone specification of cabinet and component are no longer the same.

Cadelec reports any inconsistencies that might have occurred when selecting within the Place Components pickbox (see page 248).

Erase components Use the AutoCAD _ERASE command to erase the flagged or no longer needed
component outline.
0 - Cabinet Layout Drawings - Create a Cabinet Layout Drawing 239

5.7 Create a Cabinet Layout Drawing

Since the Cabinet Layout Drawing is a new page in the

project, first you have to create a new page (New Page from
Cadelec / Project menu). In the New Page dialogue box (Fig.
346) you have to select the Cabinet Layout Drawing option.

Clicking the Cabinet tab in the page definition dialogue box,

which appears after the Create empty page option has been
selected, the Cabinet dialogue box appears (Fig. 347), where
you can select the Cabinet Library (MONTA) from the
Library pop-up list, as well as a Cabinet from the Cabinet list.
The elements (cabinets) of the MONTA library are listed by
name and dimensions (height, depth, width, area and volume
are given).

The surface needed for the components in the selected control

cabinet (Ctrl Cab 01) is also displayed in the Surface box (172

Clicking the Update button will update the accessories of the

Fig. 346 defined components, displaying the required surface.

Fig. 347

As it might be difficult to decide which cabinet size should be used, you should
issue one of the Cabinet Layout Reports (File / Reports / Projects menu - see page
431) before creating the cabinet.
240 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

This report creates a summary of the total surface area needed for each wiring zone.
In Fig. 348 you see the report r_imf_01:

Fig. 348

You should issue this report every time you create a cabinet layout drawing. You
would have to create a new cabinet layout drawing if the selected cabinet proves to
have the wrong size. after the cabinet is selected and the page definition completed,
Cadelec opens the Cabinet Layout Drawing page (Fig. 349) where the chassis and
the cabinet door are represented.

Fig. 349

Before starting...... to create the cabinet layout drawing or to generate the cabinet layout report, please
make sure that all elements are specified by a catalogue record. This is necessary as
the size of a component is defined with its catalogue record. Elements without a
catalogue record can not be inserted to the cabinet and will not be listed in the
Cabinet Layout report, as their size is not defined.

5.8 Commands and functions

The commands and functions described on the following pages are only to be used
to create cabinet layout drawings.

Functions which can be used on all kinds of pages are described in Chapter 5 -
0 - Cabinet Layout Drawings - Create a Cabinet Layout Drawing 241

Description: Place Components

Command: TXTIN
The command, run from the menu (Fig. 350) or from the CADELEC / Cabinet
toolbar (Fig. 352), opens a pickbox window containing the components of the
wiring zone designated by the cabinet (which has been defined in the page
definition dialogue box). There may be several cabinets in the project, each of
them having a corresponding cabinet layout drawing page in the project.

After running this function, Cadelec opens a dialogue box asking you whether
you want terminals, plugs and sockets to be inserted from the picklist as well
(Fig. 353).

Fig. 350

Fig. 351
Fig. 352

You should leave this options de-selected if you do not want to place the terminals,
plugs and sockets but want to draw a terminal strip instead (see page 251).

Once you have clicked at the OK button, Cadelec opens the pickbox with all
components of this wiring zone which have not been inserted yet (Fig. 353).

Fig. 353

A component which was erased from the cabinet will appear in the pickbox again.
Double clicking on the text line closes the pickbox and draws an outline of the
element which can be placed in the cabinet. The outline, which is created, is scaled
with a factor calculated with the size of the cabinet and the component.
242 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

More information on a components listed within the pickbox can be requested by

locating the cursor and clicking at the More Info button. Cadelec opens a dialogue
box with information on the element and its catalogue record (Fig. 354).

Fig. 354

Clicking at the button gives you a description of all inconsistencies that
might have occurred. You should request this information if component outlines
appear flagged with red color (Fig. 355)

Fig. 355
0 - Cabinet Layout Drawings - Create a Cabinet Layout Drawing 243

Description: Draw cable routings

Command: CCC
This function is used for drawing cable routings in the cabinet layout drawing.

The function can be selected from the menu (Fig. 356) or the toolbars (Fig. 357).

When you run this command, Cadelec first asks you to specify the start and the
end points for the routing. Do this by clicking with the cursor on the required
positions (Fig. 358). Once you have done this Cadelec asks you to enter the
width. Enter the width in millimeters, Cadelec will automatically scale it to fit the
cabinet. Finally you specify the orientation by clicking with the mouse (Fig. 358)

When drawing a horizontal routing from a vertical one, Cadelec will

automatically mend the line where the horizontal and the vertical routing meet.
When you draw such cable routings please make sure that SNAP is operative
(press F9) (Fig. 359).
Fig. 356

Fig. 357

Fig. 358 Fig. 359

244 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Draw terminal block

Command: TSR
With this function you can draw terminal blocks within the cabinet layout

Running this function, from the menu (Fig. 360) or toolbar (Fig. 361), will
prompt you to enter the Terminal Strip name (e.g. -X1), the starting point, the
number of terminals, the width and height of the terminals.

Enter the width and the height of the terminals in millimeters. Cadelec will
automatically scale the sizes.

The terminal strip will be drawn horizontally. If you want a terminal strip in
vertical position use the AutoCAD _ROTATE command.

You can still place terminals, plugs and sockets with the Place Components
function (see page 248).

Fig. 360

Fig. 361 Fig. 362

0 - Cabinet Layout Drawings - Creating a new cabinet element 245

5.9 Creating a new cabinet element

Select Library

Before creating a new cabinet you should make sure that the MONTA library or
another cabinet library is selected as the active one.

To set the MONTA library for example as the active one, run the Manage Libraries
function from the Libraries / Database menu or the Library toolbars, select the
MONTA library and press the Open button.

Create new cabinet

To create a new cabinet element proceed in the same way as when creating any
other element:

Select New from the Library / Element menu (Fig. 363) or from the toolbars (Fig.
364) and enter the cabinet name in the Element Code field (Fig. 365)

Fig. 363

Fig. 364

Fig. 365

If you wish to copy the descriptions of an other cabinet element, click the Take
Data of other Element button and select the cabinet.
246 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Enter the cabinet description if required in the element data-sheet (Fig. 366):

Fig. 366

Please make sure that the Kind of element definition (the bar above all other entries)
shows Auxiliary Graphics Element.

Cabinet dimensions
Clicking on the Cabinets tab in the cabinet data sheet window, opens the Cabinets
screen, where the cabinet dimensions have to be specified (Fig. 367).

Fig. 367
0 - Cabinet Layout Drawings - Creating a new cabinet element 247

For example:


Height: 800 mm

Width: 800 mm

Depth: 250 mm

Mounting plate:

Height: 750 mm

Width: 750 mm

Depth: 5 mm

Cabinet drawing area

Cadelec will open the cabinet drawing representing a rectangle. This represents the
maximum drawing area, which can be used to display the cabinet door and chassis
(this is the common way to represent cabinets).

This drawing area has the size of 370 AutoCAD units in horizontal direction and
230 AutoCAD units in vertical direction.

The first thing to do when drawing new cabinets is to estimate whether the cabinet
(door and chassis) will fit within this drawing area if

1 mm is equal to 1 AutoCAD co-ordinate.

If this is not the case, the cabinet drawing will have to be scaled with a scaling

Calculate scale factor

To ensure that the cabinet will fit in horizontal just as in vertical direction in the
maximum drawing area (represented by the rectangular), we shall calculate two
scale factors.

For the X-factor sum the cabinet and chassis width and consider a space between
those drawings (here 10 % - factor 1.1). This sum divided by the available space in
horizontal direction is the factor in horizontal direction.

(cabinet width + chassis width) * 1.1

horizontal drawing area

For the y-factor we will divide the cabinet height by the vertical drawing area

cabinet height
vertical drawing area

With the dimensions of cabinet (800 x 800), chassis (750 x 750) and the size of the
drawing area (370 x 230) this leads to the following factors:

SFX = 4.61 SFY = 3.48

For the next steps we will use the larger of both factors as the scaling factor SF.
248 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

SF = max(SFX, SFY)

Set scaling factor

Now we round the SF factor (the larger of the factors) and set it as the new value
for the global scale factor for linear dimensioning. This factor is the AutoCAD
DIMLFAC system variable (for more details please refer to your AutoCAD
Command reference). To do so, type


and press ENTER. Enter the new value as 5.

All linear measurements within this drawing will from now on be scaled by the
factor 5. Also the component outlines you may later insert into this cabinet will be
scaled by this factor.

Drawing the cabinet

Before drawing the cabinet, please make sure that SNAP (hot key F9) and ORTHO
(hot key F8) are operative.

Run the AutoCAD RECTANG command and specify the starting point e.g. on
AutoCAD co-ordinate 50,250 (Fig. 368).

Now you should draw the cabinet door true to scale. To calculate the line length use
the following formula:

Length (in mm
line length (in ACAD co-ord.) =
DIMLFAC factor

According to this formula the lines of the door (dimensions: 800 x 800) will all be
160 AutoCAD units long. Drag the cursor from the start point to co-ordinate

To draw the mounting plate run RECTANG again. Specify a starting point with
some distance from the cabinet door e.g. on 240,240. From this point drag the
cursor to co-ordinate 380,90 (Fig. 368).

Fig. 368
0 - Cabinet Layout Drawings - Creating a new cabinet element 249

Annotate Dimensions

To annotate dimensioning select Linear from the Dimension menu.

After selecting this function specify the lines to be measured. Once you have done
this, move the dimensioning lines to the required position and click the right mouse

You will discover that although the lines are 160 (150) AutoCAD co-ordinates
long, the length is annotated as 800 (750).

Repeat this function and proceed in the same way until you have annotated the
required dimensions. (For more details on Dimensioning and customizing
dimensions lines please refer to your AutoCAD manual).
250 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Terminal Pinout Drawings

Cadelec generates Terminal Pinout Drawings automatically using the data of the
terminal database. This means that the terminal database must already be created by
entering the terminal editor (see page 222).

Cadelec creates a terminal pinout drawing for every terminal strip and adds them at
the end of the project pages list. Existing terminal pinouts will be replaced. Cadelec
uses the Terminal Pinout Drawing defined in the Project data sheet (see page 48).

The following data is annotated in the standard terminal pinout drawings:

Terminal Strip
Terminal Number
Project cables and cable types leading to / from terminal
Wires which are connected to terminal
Device IDs of components connected to terminal
Pins of components which are connected to terminal
Bridges connecting terminals with the same potential will be drawn if the option
is selected.
6 -Terminal Pinout Drawings - Generate Terminal Pinout Drawings 251

6.1 Generate Terminal Pinout Drawings

Terminal Pinout Drawings can be created in either of two ways:
from within the Terminal Editor (see page 222).
by selecting Pinouts from the Cadelec / Terminals / Cables
menu (Fig. 369) or Terminal Pinouts from the TERMINALS /
Cables toolbar (Fig. 371).

As the options are the same we will discuss only the dialogue box
which is opened when creating a Terminal Pinout Drawing directly
by selecting the Pinouts option from the menu.

Running the function (GEN_DBO) , the Generate Terminal Pinout

Drawings window appears (Fig. 370).

Fig. 369

Fig. 371

Fig. 370

The order within the Terminal Pinouts does not affect the Terminal database. If you
wish to keep the order that has been set within the Terminal Editor you should
select the Keep existing order option.

Selecting the Number option will order the Terminals within the Terminal Pinout
Drawing by their number.

The Column / Row option orders the Terminals within the Terminal Pinout
Drawings by their position within the schematics. Highest priority has the page
number. Terminals in the same page will be ordered by column and row.

Selecting Device Id orders the Terminals by Device IDs connected to the internal
side of the terminals.

Selecting Equipotential groups terminals by the potential.

If the Draw Bridges option is selected, Cadelec draws bridges connecting terminals
with the same potential.

The Name of Page options define the method to name the page which will contain
the Terminal Pinout Drawing:
252 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Append after last Drawing will create a new page (after the last one in the project)
to hold the Terminal Pinout Drawing.

User selects first Terminal Drawing allows the user to enter the name of page in the
edit box beside.

Ask for each page number will request the page name for each page (if more than

Before starting the generation of the Terminal Pinout Drawing you have to select
the terminals to process. Clicking on the Select Terminal Strip pushbutton, brings
up the selection window shown in Fig. 372 where the existing terminals are listed
in the Available Terminal Strips window. Clicking on the > button will transfer the
highlighted terminal to the Selected Terminal Strips window.

Fig. 372

Clicking on OK in the terminal selection window will bring back the Generate
Terminal Pinout Drawing window. Clicking on OK will start the generation of the
Terminal Pinout Drawing.
6 -Terminal Pinout Drawings - Generate Terminal Pinout Drawings 253

View Terminal The generated Terminal Pinout Drawing can be viewed like any page of the project,
Pinouts opening it (Fig. 373).

Fig. 373

6.2 Functions for Terminal Pinouts

Beside of all overall functions on project pages (see page 87) there are some
specific functions which can only be performed on terminal pinouts. They are
described on the next pages.
254 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Bridges Off

This function hides all bridges by switching off all layers used for bridges.

The function can be run from the menu (Fig. 374) or the toolbars (Fig. 375).

To make the bridges visible again, run the Bridges Auto function to display the
bridges which have been calculated and which have been set in the terminal editor
(see page 222. Run the Bridges Manual function to draw links manually.

Fig. 375

Fig. 374
6 -Terminal Pinout Drawings - Generate Terminal Pinout Drawings 255

Description: Bridges Auto

This function displays all bridges which have been calculated automatically or which
have been set in the terminal editor. Running the function from the menu (Fig. 374) or
the TERMINALS toolbar (Fig. 376) will activate the layers for bridges and they will
be shown in the terminal pinout drawing (Fig. 377

The links for manual bridges will be hidden (see on the next page).

Fig. 376

Fig. 377
256 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Bridges Manual

This function displays links, which can be connected by lines to assign the
connection between terminals manually.

Now you can draw connections using the _LINE command and assign the connected
terminals either graphical (e.g. with a circle) or using a character (e.g. X or 1,2,3 etc.
for the bridge number).

Fig. 378

Fig. 379
6 - Terminal Pinout Drawings - Customizing 257

6.3 Customizing
The Terminal Pinout template (FBO_DIN1 for the EL_DIN library) consists of two
the Terminal Pinout definition block which holds all attributes used to annotated
the data from the terminal database (for the definition block according to DIN
standard: TTB_DIN1).
the title box (TIT_* e.g. TIT_DIN1) which will be used.

With Cadelec you can use an unlimited number of Terminal Pinout Templates (e.g.
with title boxes for different customers).

Cadelec allows the use of one Terminal Pinout definition block (TTB_DIN1 for
DIN standard) which can be customized.

6.3.1 Changing the Title Box

To change the title box that appears in the terminal pinout drawing perform the
following steps:
Load the terminal pinout template into AutoCAD. To do so, select Element
from the File/Open menu or use the Ctrl+E key combination. Select the
terminal pinout drawing template (FBO_* e.g. FBO_DIN1 for the first template
according to DIN standard).
Erase the title box with the AutoCAD _ERASE command. Please make sure that
you only erase the title box and not the template for the terminal pinout drawing
Once the title box is erased insert the title block (see page 121) typing for
If TIT_DIN2 (or another title block prefixed with TIT_ ) is the title block which
holds the definition to the required title box. You should always add the sign of
equality (=) after the title block name. This is necessary as this assigns a redefinition
of the title block.
AutoCAD will prompt you asking for the following parameters for insertion:

Insertion point : enter 0,0

X scale factor : press ENTER
Y scale factor : press ENTER
Rotation angle: press ENTER

Once this is done type _QSAVE to save the changes.

258 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

6.3.2 Customizing Terminal Pinouts

By customizing the terminal pinout drawings you can add/delete terminal related
attributes, change the drawing itself and the number of attributes displayed. You
can have several Terminal blocks and Terminal drawings in a library.

By editing a Terminal Pinout Drawing, you can specify the Terminal block used, by
selecting the Terminal block from a list containing the existing terminal blocks in
the library. This information is stored in the ELEMS.PROTOTIPO field. However,
Cadelec does not check if the Terminal pinout drawing really contains the correct
terminal block (specified in the Element data sheet). The correct terminal block
(TTB_DIN*) is the one inserted in the drawing as a block.

If you want to change the terminal block for a Terminal drawing, first edit the
element and specify (select) the terminal block (TTB_DIN*) and then open the
Terminal drawing (FBO_DIN*) and insert the correct block (see next steps).

To create a new terminal pinout drawing perform the following steps:

Select Element from the File / New menu to create a new Terminal Block. The
name of all terminal blocks MUST start with TTB_, so be sure to enter a
correct name for it, for example TTB_DIN5. The kind of element definition
should be Auxiliary Graphics Element.

Select the Take Data from an other Element option and then from the element
selection dialogue select an existing terminal block, for example
TTB_DIN1.DWG. Then with the Copy same page as data option you can copy
the terminal block too. In this case you do not have to start from scratch, but
modify the existing terminal block drawing.

This block has hundreds of attributes. Use the Cadelec _OFFLAY command,
and/or the AutoCAD LAYER command to switch off not needed attributes
and/or layers (see the attribute list below) in order to reduce the displayed
attributes (combined with the ZOOM command to improve readability).

Use the AutoCAD _ERASE command to erase no longer needed attributes.

Use the GARRATT command (see page 334) to insert a new array of attributes.

Once you have finished changing select Save from the File menu.

Next, select New from the Cadelec / Library / Element menu to create a new
element (terminal pinout template).

Enter the element code prefixed with FBO_ followed by the standard and a
number e.g. FBO_DIN2 for the second template according to DIN standard.

Select the Take Data of other Element and choose e.g. FBO_DIN1 to be used
as a model from the opened selection window. Once this is done set the Copy
same page as data sheet option to copy the whole terminal pinout template and
use it as a model.

If required perform changes on the Element data sheet and click on the OK button
to continue.

Type _ERASE to erase the existing terminal pinout block. Please do not erase
the title block (if not required). If the Title box should be changed, erase it and
insert the required one.

Purge the drawing of not needed blocks (PURGE command)

6 - Terminal Pinout Drawings - Customizing 259

Insert the new terminal pinout block with the DDINSERT command:
- In the Insert window select the Browse option and select the Terminal
block (e.g. TTB_DIN3) from the library containing it.
- Specify the insertion point as 0,0.

Insert the new Title box (if necessary), with the DDINSERT command
specifying the insertion point as 0,0.

Once the terminal pinout block was inserted (and Title Box) select Save from
the File menu.

You can also combine different Terminal blocks (TTB_*) with different Title
Boxes (TIT_DIN*)

To use a different Terminal Pinout Template in a project, edit the project , specify
the Terminal Pinout template (e.g. FBO_DIN5) in the Terminal Drawing field (by
selecting it from the list) and Generate the Terminal Pinout drawing (command

6.3.3 Terminal Pinout Attributes

Terminal Pinout Drawings are made using the attributes listed below. You might
wish to switch off certain layers to reduce the displayed attributes during changes
on the terminal pinout block. Once you have modified the fields you should switch
the layer on again by selecting Layers from the Format menu.

Attributes of the standard terminal pinout drawing

Description Attribute Layer within the Associated to Database:

standard term. Alias.Fieldname
pinout block
Terminal No T.TNUM [<term. counter>] REF_A COMPS.COUNTER
Project Cable No internal side CC1.CABLE[<cable REF_A COMPS.FROM_CABLE
counter>] COMPS.TO_CABLE
external side: CC2.CABLE[<cable
Cable Type internal side: CC1.DESC[<cable REF_A CAB_PRO.DESC
counter>] CAB_PRO.DESC
external side: CC2.DESC[<cable
Connected wire intern: T.FROM_COND[<wire. REF_A COMPS.FROM_COND
cn.>][<term. counter>] COMPS.TO_COND
exter: T.TO_COND[<wire.
cn>][<term. counter>]
Pin internal side: T.FROM_PIN[<term. REF_A
counter>] CNX_PRO.BORNE
external side: T.TO_PIN[<term.
Device ID (SNA) internal side: T.FROM_SNA[<term. REF_A
counter>] COMPS.SIMNUM
external side: T.TO_SNA[<term.
Potential internal side: T.POT1[<term. REF_A
counter>] CNX_PRO.VEQ
external side: T.POT2[<term.
Bridge mark T.BRI_CON[<term. BRI_CON_1 by COMPS.BRI_CON_5
counter>][<bridge no.>] BRI_CON_5
for bridge 1 by 5
260 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Bridge T.BRIDGE[<term. counter>][<bridge BRIDGE_1 by COMPS.BRI_ROW_1 -

connection no.>] BRIDGE_5 for COMPS.BRI_ROW_5
bridges 1 by 5
AutoCAD Handle T.HANDLE[<term. counter>] HANDLE_A
(used for the COMPS.HANDLE
Pinout is T.FRO_PAG REF_A
continued from
Number of total T.TOT_PAG REF_A
pages for this
terminal strip
Pinout is T.TO_PAG REF_A
continued on
Name of the page T.PLANO[<term. counter>] PLANO_A
where terminal COMPS.PLANO

Attributes which can be added by the user

The attributes listed below can be added by the user. You should use the GARRATT
command to generate such arrays of attributes (see page 334).

Description Attribute Associated to

Terminal remarks T.REM[<term. counter>] COMPS.REMARKS
Project cable remarks CC1.REM[<cable counter>] CAB_PRO.REMARKS
Project cable function CC1.FUNC[<cable counter>] CAB_PRO.FUNCION

Counters / Counter values

<term.counter> 1 - 50
<cable counter> 1 - 10
<wire counter> 1 - 50
6 - Terminal Pinout Drawings - Customizing 261
262 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

There are three different kinds of libraries used within Cadelec holding different
kinds of library elements.
Schematic symbols libraries containing the symbols for the electrical
components, which are used for creating schematics. This library holds also title
boxes, title blocks, library showcases, terminal pinout drawing templates, the
terminal pinout definition block and the prototype drawing for library elements.
Cabinets libraries containing cabinets used when creating cabinet layout
Physical libraries containing detailed part drawings which can be inserted into
cabinets instead of the simple circular or rectangular outlines. If you wish to use
such detailed part drawings you enter the name of the physical library and the
name of the detailed part drawing in the record data sheet (see page 355).
Cadelec will use this detailed part drawing every time you place a component
defined by this catalogue record in the cabinet.

Cadelec comes with a library of schematic symbols in the standard, which was
ordered, and a library of cabinets.

You can create an unlimited number of libraries but can only use one schematic
symbols library for a project (see also page 48).
7 - Libraries - Create a new library 263

7.1 Create a new library

To create a new Library select New from the Library / Database menu (Fig.
380) or New Library from the CADELEC / Library toolbar (Fig. 381) or
type CRE_LIB at the prompt. Cadelec opens a dialogue box where you have
to enter the name of the library and to define its type. You can select several
options for copying a different library, which should be used as a model.

Fig. 380 A new directory with the name of the library will be created in the Cadelec
library directory (see page 34).

The dialogue box shown in Fig. 382 appears:

Fig. 381

Fig. 382

Code ` In this field you enter the name of the library.

Schematic Symbols By selecting these options you set the kind of library. The type of the library
Cabinets can not be changed once the library was created. For a description of the kinds of
Physical libraries please refer to the previous page.

Take data of other If this option is selected, Cadelec copies the data sheet of another library, which
library can be selected from the list below the option (it can be opened by clicking on the
down-arrow at its right). You can only select libraries of the same type.

Create empty library This option creates an empty library. The only library element which will be
contained is the prototype for new elements.

Copy files Selecting this option will copy all library elements of the library, which was
selected in the Take Data of other library option.

Retrieve from Disk This option allows you to retrieve libraries from diskette, hard disk or from the
network. Using this option allows you to retrieve libraries, which are totally
unknown to Cadelec e.g. libraries from another user. Cadelec opens a dialogue box
264 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

where you can select the format for decompression if required.

Once you have set all options click on the OK button to continue and enter the
library data sheet, which can be accessed also through the Edit Library function
(see next section).

7.2 Manage Libraries

Running the function (command BUS_LIB - Fig. 383 and Fig. 384) opens
the Manage Libraries dialogue (Fig. 386) where you have access to library-
related functions like Edit, Backup, Restore, Delete. You can perform these
actions for the selected library in the list.
The listed libraries are stored in the LIBS.NOMLIB database field (see page
Fig. 383
The selected library will be set as the default (opened) by clicking on the
Open button in the dialogue. Operations on library elements will access the
elements of the default library. You can only open a library in ACTIVE status.
Libraries in BACKUP status are not available for immediate use and must be
Restored first.

Fig. 384

Fig. 385
7 - Libraries - Manage Libraries 265

Edit Library
This function (EDI_LIB) opens the library data sheet (Fig. 386) where you can
enter descriptions of the library and set several defaults for the library elements.

The Type, Status, No. of Elements, Created fields are filled out automatically and
can not be edited.

Fig. 386

Description In this field you can enter a short description of the library.

Standard Here you can enter the standard you are using (e.g. DIN, internal etc.).

Prototype In this field Cadelec automatically annotates a default name for the prototype for
the library elements. This prototype is nothing but an empty sheet with fixed size
which depends on the kind of elements that will be created. The size of the
prototype for schematic elements is for example smaller than the size of the
prototype for cabinets.

The following default names for prototypes are offered:

PRSCH for the prototype for schematic elements
PRCAB for the prototype for cabinets
PRPHY for the prototype for physical part drawings

You can change the prototype name when creating the library. This field can not be
edited once the library has been created.
266 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Remarks This is the field for special remarks. You can use it e.g. for a short description of the
library elements.

Clicking the Text button the Text settings window appears, where you can edit the
text related items (Fig. 387).

Fig. 387

Height This is the default height for the attributes that can be annotated alongside the
elements. The default text height is 2.5. Changing the contents of this field only
influences the text height of new elements. Use the AutoCAD _DDMODIFY
command to change the text height of attributes on existing elements.

Width factor Here you set the default width factor for attributes.
For compressed width: enter values < 1
For normal width: enter the value 1
For stretched width: enter values > 1
The changed width factor will only appear on attributes which are added after the

Obliquing Angle Here you set the angles of the characters. You may use this to get the attributes
annotated in italic. Alternatively you can select an italic font style (see below).

Rotation Angle This sets the rotation angle of all attributes which are set after changing this angle.

Default justification:

Left justified Here you set the default justification for the annotations. This is necessary as the
Right justified information annotated alongside the components usually has different length and
should be justified therefore. Due to different standards, annotations like Device ID,
Zone, Location etc. are placed on different sides of the components. In Germany for
example, the attributes are on the left side of the element. They will be right
justified. In most of the countries, annotations are on the right side of the element
and are left justified.
Select Right Justified if attributes are usually on the left side of elements.
Select Left Justified if attributes are usually on the right side of elements.

Style This field sets the text style for all annotations. If you wish to change it erase the
contents of this field and press ENTER. Cadelec opens a selection box with all
available font styles.
7 - Libraries - Manage Libraries 267

Backup Library
You can backup the selected library in the list by clicking the Backup button in the
Manage libraries dialogue (page 271).
You should make backups of your libraries regularly to avoid losing data due to
such causes as a hard disk crash, operator errors, etc.

We recommend that you should Backup your libraries after significant changes on
the library elements. This ensures that changes and new elements are not lost even
if a problem occurs.

The backup can be made in several formats to a user definable drive and path. For a
description of the formats please refer to Backup / Restore Parameters, page 66.

The library will stay in ACTIVE status after backing up.

If your libraries are located on the network, backing up of the libraries might not be
necessary, as the libraries are saved to the streamer every time you perform a
network backup.

Restore Library
You can restore a library from backup by clicking the Restore button in the Manage
libraries dialogue (page 271).

The restore function can be used to:

restore libraries which are DELETED and in BACKUP status now.
revert libraries to the Last Backup.

Restoring deleted libraries

Deleted libraries, which have not been purged yet are still known to Cadelec. They
are in BACKUP status, which means that they are not available for immediate use.
You must restore them from the backup to make them available for immediate use
again. The restored libraries will be taken to ACTIVE status again.

Revert to last backup

The Restore Library function can also be used to revert a library to the last backup.
You should be very careful if you are reverting to the last backup. All changes
performed since the last backup will be lost.

Restoring purged libraries

If you wish to restore a library, which was purged and is therefore totally unknown
for Cadelec, you should create a new library with the same name and select the
Retrieve from disk option. (For a detailed description to this function please refer to
page 270.

Delete Library
Clicking the Delete button in the Manage libraries dialogue will open the
Delete library dialogue (Fig. 388), which asks for the confirmation of the
action and where you can select the Delete or Purge option and also set the
Backup before deleting option.
Please bear in mind that you can only delete libraries, which are not used
within any of the available projects and not used within a catalogue record.

The deleted library will still appear in the list of available libraries but with
the BACKUP status. The status shows you that the library is known to
Fig. 388 Cadelec but cannot be accessed immediately. Before you can use it you will
have to restore it from a backup.
If the library will not be needed in the future, you can purge it to erase it from the
list of available libraries.
268 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Purge Library
Selecting the Purge option will remove the selected library from the disk.

Although a purged library can still be retrieved from an existing backup, you should
only purge libraries which will no longer be needed as you will loose all description
entered in the library data sheet.

To retrieve a library, which was purged and is totally unknown for Cadelec, create a
new library with the same name and select the Retrieve From Disk option. Cadelec
will prompt you to select the format for retrieving and to enter the drive and path of
the backup. (Please refer to page 270).
7 - Libraries - Filter on libraries 269

7.3 Filter on libraries

The function can be selected from the Tools / Filters menu (Fig. 389) or the
CADELEC / Filters toolbar (Fig. 390).

With this function you can apply filters on libraries in order to reduce the
number of libraries displayed in the selection boxes. You might for example
wish to apply a filter to get only libraries in ACTIVE status listed when
performing operations on libraries. Cadelec comes with some pre-defined
filters, which you can edit freely. You can also create new filters according to
Fig. 389 your needs. Running the function (FIL_LIB), the filter selection window
appears from where the appropriate filter can be selected (Fig. 391).

Fig. 390

Fig. 391

Select an existing filter Locate the cursor on the filter to apply and press ENTER. If the active library does
not fit the filter setting, it will not be displayed in the status bar any more. On
applying filter, libraries will be displayed in the status line in red color.

De-select an applying To de-select a filter, run the Filter Libraries function again and select the empty
filter filter (Description: No Active Filter).

Edit an existing filter Place the cursor on the filter to edit and press F2 (for filter definition please see

Create a new filter Press the INS key. A sub-dialogue box will be opened where you can enter the
You will have to use the syntax described below to access fields of the libraries
database LIBS.DBF (alias LIBS).

Erase an existing filter To erase no longer needed filter locate the cursor on this filter and press the DEL
key. The filter will be tagged and erased after you leave the filter dialogue box.
270 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

7.3.1 Creating / Editing filters on Libraries

The library relevant data are contained in the library database LIBS.DBF (alias
LIBS). The syntax for accessing database fields is ALIAS.FIELDNAME


Replace <fieldname> with the name of the field you wish to access (for a complete
list of the fieldnames see below) and link it with the operations and functions for

The libraries database LIBS.DBF (alias LIBS)

The library database LIBS.DBF holds the data of the available libraries. These are
libraries in ACTIVE and BACKUP status. The database holds data you have
entered in the library data sheet and automatically generated entries like the date of
last modification.

The below table lists the database fields, which are commonly used for applying
filters. For a complete list of database fields refer to APPENDIX A.

Field Field Name Field entity and Description

number width(C=Character; D=Date;
1 NOMLIB C6 Name of library
2 DESCLIB C30 Library description
3 PROTOTIPO C8 Prototype for the library
4 NORMALIB C12 Library standard
5 DATACREA D8 Date of creation
6 DATAULMOD D8 Date of last modification
7 SITLIB C18 Status - either ACTIVE or
8 OBSERV C60 Remarks
9 NELS N5 Number of library element
10 TYP_LIB C1 Type of library "S"=Schematic
"A"=Cabinets "B"=Physical"

7.3.2 Operations and functions

The filter expression can include the following operations:

and logical AND

or logical OR (inclusive)
not logical NOT
! logical NOT
< less than
> greater than= equal
<> different from
!= different from
<= less than or equal to
>= greater than or equal to
== identical to
$ included in
7 - Libraries - Filter on libraries 271

Filter expressions can use the following functions:

empty() This function checks if the field specified in the brackets is empty
Syntax : empty(Alias.Field).

left() This function selects a number of the left-most characters.

Syntax: left(Alias.Field, Number) where Number is the number
of the left-most characters selected.

right() This function selects a number of the right-most characters

Syntax: right(Alias.Field, Number).

upper() This function changes all lower-case letters to upper-case

Syntax: upper(Alias.Field).

ctod() This function converts a text string into date format

Syntax : ctod(date-text).

alltrim() A character string will be returned with the leading and

trailing blanks removed.
Syntax: alltrim(expression).
272 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

7.4 Batch jobs on libraries

You can use batch procedures to run pre-defined sequences of AutoCAD and
Cadelec commands on library elements. The batch is performed on all library
elements selected by the current element filter setting (see page 301).

Fig. 392 Running a batch on a library requires that you are the only active net user. As the
batch on a library can take some time you should run it overnight. Running the
function (BAT_LIB) from the Tools menu (Fig. 392) or the UTILITIES toolbar (Fig.
393), brings up the library selection window from where the library to perform the
batch on can be selected.

Then the page selection window appears where you can specify the pages
Fig. 393
(elements) to perform the batch on (Fig. 395):

Fig. 394 Fig. 395

Clicking OK after having specified the pages, the operations window appears where
the batch operation cab be selected (Fig. 394)

The following routines are available:

Activate all layers This will switch all non-frozen layers on.

Zoom extents Select this to zoom all elements selected by the current element filter setting to their

Run an AutoCAD This option opens a selection box (Fig. 396) with pre-defined AutoCAD scripts.
Script Here you can write your own sequence of AutoCAD and Cadelec commands for
execution in a batch process.

Fig. 396
7 - Libraries - Batch jobs on libraries 273

This script option gives you access to AutoCAD's extensive scripting capabilities,
whereby you can write custom AutoLISP functions and call them up in a batch
process to perform special operations over all elements of the selected library.

For full details on the AutoLISP programming language please refer to the
AutoLISP programmer's manual which comes with AutoCAD.
274 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

7.5 Re-index Library

This command (REO_LIB), from the Tools / Utilities menu (Fig. 397) re-indexes the
library database and repairs it if required. Re-indexing will also remove all *.BAK and
other temporary files. This optimizes the libraries for best performance. For this
reason you should Re-index regularly.
Fig. 397
If you are working on a network, please note that this function can only be performed
with one active net user.

7.6 Update Menus

This command updates menu files from previous Cadelec versions to Cadelec
2004. Elements placed on the AutoCAD template will still be available in
Cadelec 2004.
As menu files are contained in every library, you should perform this function
on every library.
If you have manually modified a menu e.g. to add your own functions, changes
Fig. 398 will be overwritten by the automatic update. You will have to re-enter your

7.7 Slides
This function (LIB_SHW) creates library showcases displaying all elements
contained in the selected library. It can be run from the Tools / Utilities menu
(Fig. 399) or the toolbars (Fig. 400). You should run this function if you have
copied / imported several new elements in a symbols library and want them to
appear in the Slides from where it can be inserted into the schematics (see page
Fig. 399 163). The slide will appear in the Categories, from where you can insert it in the
schematic. A slide will be also automatically created, when saving the element
with the command CADSAVE (from the File / Save menu or toolbar).

In element mode (with an open element, you can also generate a slide with the GS
(Generate Slide) command.

With the Slides function you can also print out the library showcases.
Fig. 400 As this operation will open all elements in AutoCAD it requires that you are the
only active net user.

When you issue this command, Cadelec opens the dialogue box shown in Fig. 401):

Fig. 401

The No Output option should be selected if you want the slides to be created
without printing them out.

Selecting the Printer / Plotter option creates the slides and prints them out.
7 - Libraries - Re-index Library 275

In the Number Of Returns field you can enter the number of returns needed by the
AutoCAD plot mechanism. The default is the number of returns entered in the Print

After clicking the OK button Cadelec will create the slides automatically and store
them in the library. The name of the slides are prefixed with $_ followed by the
drawing number e.g. $_ 0001 for the first drawing within this library.

Appendix B shows the slides of the symbol library, which comes with Cadelec.

When creating a new element, the slide will be generated automatically when
saving the element. The automatic slide creation works only if you use the Save
function from the menu, from the toolbar, or typing the command CADSAVE.
Typing the AutoCAD command QSAVE, will not generate the slide.
276 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

7.8 Library and elements reports

In the File / Reports / Library menu (Fig. 402) you will find reports listing data on
libraries and library elements.

Basically, there are two different kinds of reports for libraries:

Fig. 402

Selecting List from the menu opens first the library selection window where you
can select the library, then a list with reports on the existing libraries. Cadelec
comes with 4 pre-defined library reports listing information like library name, type
of library, used standard, number of elements, etc. (Fig. 403).

Fig. 403

These reports will list details on elements contained in a library.

Selecting Elements from the File / Reports / Library menu, will bring up a report
selection window with the available reports (Fig. 404).

Fig. 404

Generate a report To generate a report, locate the cursor on this report and press ENTER. The library
selection window appears and after selecting the library, a dialogue box appears
where you can enter a filter to narrow down the amount of data listed. Leaving the
filter empty will generate the whole report. If you want a filter to narrow down the
listed data you will use the syntax explained on page 54. If you are generating
reports on libraries your filter will access the library database LIBS.DBF (alias
LIBS). Reports on elements will access the elements database ELEMS.DBF (alias
7 - Libraries - Library and elements reports 277

Next, the output device selection dialogue box will be opened where you can select

Fig. 405

the output device (Fig. 405).

The default output device is Screen. This will display the report on the screen.

Selecting the Printer option will print the report.

Edit a report To edit a report, locate the cursor on the report to be edited within the selection box
and press the F2 key. For a description of the functions of the report designer
please refer to page 75. You will find the list of library (LIBS.DBF) and elements
(ELEMS.DBF) database fields in APPENDIX A (page 359). Usually you will
access these databases when editing or creating reports on libraries and elements.

Create a new report To create a new report press the INS key. Cadelec will prompt you to decide
whether you wish to use the report where the cursor is located as prototype. For a
detailed description of the report designer and the steps needed to create a report
please refer to page 75. The library and elements database fields, which are
accessed when creating or editing reports or libraries and elements are to be found
278 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Library Elements
Operations and functions on elements will always access the library, which is
currently selected. Before you can e.g. Edit a library element you will have to open
the library whose elements you wish to access (Open Library function - see page

Types of library Electrical symbols, cabinets and physical part drawings are elements which can
elements only be created in the matching type of library:
Electrical symbols are stored in Schematic symbols libraries.
Cabinets are stored in cabinet libraries.
Physical part drawings are stored in physical libraries.
8 - Library Elements - Create a new element 279

8.1 Create a new element

When you create a new element, be sure to create it in the library it is intended
for. To do so, check the library line on the top bar of the new element dialogue
box (see Fig. 408). If this line states a different library you should leave the
element creation by pressing the ESC button and open the library you wish to
create the element in (see page 271).

Electrical symbol, cabinets and physical part drawings can only be created in
the library with the fitting type.
Fig. 406
The function (CRE_ELE) can be selected from the Cadelec menu (Fig. 406) or
the CADELEC / Library toolbar (Fig. 407).

The element definition window appears (Fig. 408) where the element code and
element creation options can be set.

Fig. 407

Fig. 408

Element Code In this field you enter the name of the element. The element name can have up to 8
alphanumerical characters including the signs "$" and "_" (DOS file name
convention). Cadelec will store the element as an AutoCAD .DWG drawing within
the library directory.

Take Data of other With this option you can copy the data sheet of another element contained in the
Element same library. You can use it as a model for the new element and edit the data sheet
entries instead of entering all information. Activating this option opens a selection
box with all elements contained in the same library. From there you can select the
element you wish to copy the data sheet from (Fig. 409).

Fig. 409

If this option is selected, the Copy same page as data sheet will be enabled allowing
you to copy the element as well.
280 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Create empty Page This option should be selected if you don't want to use another element as a
model. You can select the Take data of other Element option to use the data sheet of
an other element.

Copy same page This is only selectable if an element was already selected with the Take data of
as data sheet other Element option. Selecting this option will copy the element data so that you
can use it as a model for the new element.

Copy which page This option lets you copy an element from another source than the active library.
You might use this option to copy elements from diskette or from another library.

Fig. 410

The file can be selected from the file selection window:

Unless you didn't change the library drive and path the libraries are contained in the
directory /CLPW/LI (see also page 34).

Clicking OK in the New element dialogue box, the element data sheet appears,
where you can further define the element (see page 289).

After the element is defined or copied, its drawing will be opened, and you can
draw the element and define its attributes with Cadelec's special functions for
element creation.

When saving the element with the Save function from the File menu or the toolbar
(command: CADSAVE), Cadelec will generate a slide automatically for this
element, and it will appear in the categories toolbar, from where it can be inserted
into the schematic. Saving with the QSAVE command will save the element without
generating the slide.
8 - Library Elements - Element Selection 281

8.2 Element Selection

Running this command (ELE_ITF), from the menu (Fig. 411) or the toolbars
(Fig. 412), will open an element selection window (Fig. 413), where the
elements are presented, grouped by categories, and the element slide is
displayed to make the selection easier (like when inserting an element from the
CATEGORIES toolbar).

Fig. 411
From this element selection window you can perform several functions on the
selected element:
Open an element
Edit an element
View an element
Create a new element

When viewing an element, Cadelec opens the element data sheet, but the fields
Fig. 412 cannot be modified (only viewed).

Fig. 413
282 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

8.3 Edit Element

Running this function (EDI_ELE), from the menu (Fig. 414) or the toolbars
(Fig. 415), opens the element data sheet window where you can make the
necessary modifications. You will automatically enter the data sheet during
element creation.

Clicking on the down arrow in the Element box, allows to select the element in
the open library.

Fig. 414

Fig. 415

Fig. 416

Depending on the kind of element, the other Options can be available, for entering
data specific to that kind of element. For example, if the element is a Coil or
Contact activating element, the Contacts button is active. Clicking on the Contact
button, the Contact definition dialogue box appears, where the contacts of the
element can be defined (see also page 293).

Kind of Element Here you select the kind of element (e.g. for the 3-ph motor: Final consumer
item). To change the kind of element definition, click on the bar and hold the mouse
button down. Cadelec displays all kind of element definitions. Drag the mouse
cursor to the required entry and release it. The kind of element definition list will be
opened from where you can select with the cursor and by pressing ENTER. Though
some of these element types might at first sight appear very similar Cadelec makes
a distinction for internal analysis purposes. Also the kind of element definition can
be taken in account in the component definition for matching of elements and
catalogue records. For this reason you should define the relevant element type as
accurately as possible. A description of all Kind of Element descriptions is given on
page 291.
8 - Library Elements - Edit Element 283

Menu Category Here you can specify the menu item in the Element categories in which it will
appear (e.g. for the 3-pf motor: Motor Generator).

Prototype This field shows the prototype which is used for the element. If you did not select
an element to be used as a model, this field displays the name of the empty
prototype drawing PRSCH for an electrical symbols, PRCAB for cabinets and
PRPHY for physical part drawings.

Mnemonic In this field you enter the element mnemonic, which will prefix the Device ID when
performing the automatic element numbering (see page 185).

Control You can use this field freely.

Created/Last mod. These fields will be filled out automatically with the date of creation and the date
of the last modification.

Tested In this field you can enter the date when the functionality of the element was tested.

Group Here you can enter a group definition e.g. Switch for all switches.

Use Here you might wish to give details on the element usage, if required.

Description In this field you can enter an element description e.g. three-phase squirrel-cage

Remarks Here you can enter special remarks if required.

Draughtsman 1 - 4 These fields can be used freely e.g. to describe the function of an assembled group,
enter your draughtsman ID or other data of this type.

Catalogue Here you enter a default for the catalogue. Typing ? and pressing ENTER opens a
selection window with the available catalogues. The default catalogue assignment
will only be used if the element was not defined with one of the define components
functions (see page 65).

Record Here you define the default catalogue record. Typing ? and pressing enter opens a
list of record entries of the previously selected catalogue .This default component
definition will only be used if the component was not defined using one of the
define component functions. Even if the component was not defined, the default
definition will not be considered as valid as long as you don't run the DEFINE
PARTS function (see page 195). Cadelec will display the default definition and
consider it to be valid if you leave it unchanged.

This default component assignment with the CATALOGUE and RECORD field will
be used if you usually order certain components from a certain manufacturer.
284 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Kinds of Elements
The following library elements require a fixed kind of element definition:

Title Boxes Prototype Schematic Drawing

Title Blocks Auxiliary graphic element
Terminal Pinout drawings Terminal Drawing
Terminal Pinout box Auxiliary graphic element
Prototype for electrical symbols Prototype Library Drawing
Cabinets Auxiliary graphic element
Prototype for cabinets Prototype Library Drawing
Physical part drawings Auxiliary graphic element
Prototype for physical parts Prototype Library Drawing

Below you find a brief description of the various element types:

Contact-activating Contact-activating elements are defined as those which control the opening and
element closing of contacts, such as relays and contactors. Cadelec examines this type of
element when running cross-reference analysis.

Contacts Contacts are defined as elements controlled by coils or other contact-activating

elements. Cadelec examines this type of element when running cross-reference

Coupled Elements Coupled elements can be grouped by a cross-reference function. The cross-
reference analysis will detect those elements as a functional group and annotate the
position of the other elements alongside every element (see also: Kinds of Cross-
References, page 177). Usually you will use this kind of element definition for
Switches and Pushbuttons for example to assign all components which can switch
the unit on with the ON group.

Protection device You will use this kind of element definition for Fuses and other non contact
activating protection devices.

Final consumer item Typical final consumer items are Motors, Resistors, Lamps etc.

Passive Passive elements are for example Transformers, Capacitors, Measuring

devices etc.

Cadelec treats the elements defined with Protection Device, Final Consumer Item
and Passive Element similar. The distinction is only made for a more accurate

Terminal block This should be used for a single terminal. Elements with more than one terminal
should be defined as Group Of Element.

Plug, Connector With this Kind of Element definition you should assign plugs and connectors.

Auxiliary graphics These element types are not taken into account by Cadelec analyses and do not
element appear in the Cadelec reports (e.g. Cabinets).

Group of elements This element type is used for creating assembled symbol groups for reuse in other
(Macros) projects. There are several groups of elements in the symbols library that comes
with Cadelec. For example the triple terminal block KLEMMO3 which is made up
of three terminal blocks of the type KLEMMO1.Other examples are the groups
stored as BGH* in the symbols library. These are commonly used part drawings e.g.
BGH004 which consists of three lines L1, L2, L3 with equipotential cross-reference
markers on both ends. Note that Groups of Elements should be exploded when
inserting to the schematics with the IE command. This can either be done by
prefixing the element name with an asterisk e.g. *KLEMMO3 or by performing the
AutoCAD command _EXPLODE once the element was inserted. Exploding will
separate the group (an AutoCAD block) into its component parts.

If you insert groups of elements from the SLIDES or from the template they will be
8 - Library Elements - Edit Element 285

exploded automatically.

Functional assemblies These kinds of elements usually form a group of elements in which the Functional
Functional Assembly (Master) controls the Sub-Assembly (Slave). For details on the cross-
sub-assemblies referencing capabilities of these elements see Kinds of Cross-References, page 177.

Equipotential This type of element is included for carrying over wire references from one part of
cross-reference mark the project to another. This might be on the same page or on a different one. This
element type is taken in account when running the equipotential cross-reference
analysis (see page 154).

Prototype Schematic This kind of element definition is only used to define title boxes.

Terminal drawing With this kind of element definition you define the prototype terminal drawings.

Non-graphic accessory This kind of element definition is used for special kinds of elements. Those
elements are for example screws, fuse holders and other accessories which should
not appear in the schematics but are required as accessories. You might wish to
define such non-graphic elements in order to include them as spare material to your
project costing estimate using the Add Component function as described on page 62.

Prototype library This kind of element definition is used for the prototypes for library elements.
drawing Cadelec automatically creates an empty page which is used when creating an
element from scratch.

Master PLC This kind of element definition is used for a PLC, which is defined by one element.
You will also use it for the first part of a PLC if the PLC is built with more than
one elements. In this case you will define the other PLC elements as Slave PLCs.
The cross-referencing capabilities of the Master PLCs are the same as for the
Functional Assemblies. See also Kinds of Cross-References, page 177.

Slave PLC You will use this kind of element definition if a PLC is built up by more than one
element. In this case, you will define the first part of this PLC element as Master
PLC and the others as Slave PLCs. The cross-referencing capabilities of the Slave
PLCs are the same as for the Functional Sub-Assemblies. See also Kinds of Cross-
References, page 177.
286 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

8.3.1 Definitions for schematic symbols

Some symbols require further definitions.

Coils and contact activating elements / PLC components

When you create a coil or another contact-activating element, Cadelec displays a

further screen asking you to define the types of contacts, which are controlled. The
contact definition for the relay REL3H11 (Fig. 417) is shown in Fig. 418.

Fig. 417

Fig. 418

In this dialogue box the contacts can be defined according to IEC / DIN rules,
special definition or manual definition, selecting the appropriate option. You can
also recalculate the contact numbers according to IEC / DIN rules or a special
definition, clicking on the IEC/DIN or Special button.
To define a contact, select the appropriate contact type from the list

Defining more than 16 contacts

If you are creating a contact activating element with more than 16 contacts you
should define the first 16 contacts and click on OK to validate and enter AutoCAD.
Further contacts can be defined within AutoCAD. You will do this after inserting
the XR_FUNCTION attribute. Cadelec will prompt you to validate the contact
definition made during element creation or to enter a new contact definition; press
ENTER. You will discover that Cadelec has inserted the XR_FUNCTION and the
XR_TYPE attribute. If you have already inserted other attributes the XR_TYPE
attribute might appear on top of another attribute. Run the _DDEDIT function and
select XR_TYPE. Enter further contacts in the attribute default field following the
syntax described below:
Enter the contacts separated by commas e.g. 1,2 .
Separate 3-phase main contacts with semicolons (;) e.g. 1,2;3,4;5,6.
Separate contact pairs (except the contact pairs of the 3-phase main-contacts) by
backslashes (\) e.g. 13,14\21,22.
8 - Library Elements - 287

The contact definition should at the end have the following form:

Prototype Schematic Drawings

When editing or creating a Prototype Schematic Drawing (e.g. PRPRO) during

element creation or editing, Cadelec opens the window shown in Fig. 419.(click on
the Title Box button in the Edit Element window). Here you can edit the number of
columns and rows if required. For a detailed description on customizing title boxes
please refer to page 118.

Fig. 419

Cabinet Dimensions

When you create a new cabinet element or edit one (the kind of element is
Auxiliary graphics element), the Cabinets tab is activated in the Edit Element
window (Fig. 420). Here you can define the cabinet and mounting plate

Fig. 420

Assembly Size In the fields of this area you enter the dimensions of the cabinet.

Assembly Gate Here you enter the dimensions of the mounting plate.
288 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Once you have entered the dimensions and confirmed by clicking on the OK button,
Cadelec enters AutoCAD. Cabinet and mounting plate will be created
8 - Library Elements - Drawing elements 289

8.4 Drawing elements

After defining the element, Cadelec enters AutoCAD where you can start drawing
the element.

Electrical symbols
Electrical symbols will be drawn using AutoCAD commands like _LINE,
_RECTANG, _CIRCLE and other 2D drawing commands. The AutoCAD SNAP
function should be turned on (F9 key). This will help you to draw the element poles
with the required phase distance (5 AutoCAD for DIN and BS standard; 10 for

Creating an electrical symbol

Once you have done this, you will have to draw the break lines using the Break-
Lines function from the Cadelec \ Library Drawing menu (see page 165). By doing
so you determine the section that is cut from the existing wiring to make room for
the element upon insertion.

Another very important thing to do is to set the element base point with the Base
290 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

function (page 308). By doing so, you define the base point for insertion which
should be the upper left-hand pole of the element.

Once you have finished this graphical designing you will have to set the Cadelec
attributes. The table on page 299 shows which attributes are needed for the different
kinds of elements.

Macros (groups of elements)

In Fig. 421 you see the macro BGH010 which is an element of the EL_DIN library.
Such macros can be inserted into a schematic. You might wish to create such
macros for commonly used circuits to re-use in your projects. To do so, follow the
steps described below.
Create a project page and draw the circuit you wish to re-use. You should not
number the elements and the wires. Fixed cable markers (e.g. L1, L2) can still
be inserted. If elements and components are already numbered reset them.
Create a new element and leave the Create empty Page option selected.
Fill out the data sheet with the required information. Click on the OK button to
enter AutoCAD.
Within AutoCAD perform the _INSERT command and enter the absolute path
of the project page. If you did not define a different path for your projects this
will be \CLPW\PR\<proj_name>\<page_name>. Replace <proj_name> by the
name of the project and <page_name> by the name page where the circuit you
wish to re-use is drawn.
AutoCAD will prompt you for the following insertion parameters:
Insertion point: enter 0,0
X scale factor <1> / Corner XYZ: press ENTER
Fig. 421 Y scale factor (default=X): press ENTER
Rotation angle <0>: press ENTER
Once the project page was inserted perform a ZOOM Extents. The Grid might
cover only the lower left corner. You can change this easily by specifying the
dimensions of the drawing using the AutoCAD _LIMITS command.
The page is inserted as a block and you will have to explode it with the
_EXPLODE command. To do so enter the _EXPLODE command and click on
the title box. Once the whole page was marked press ENTER.
Now you can erase the title box and further graphical entities which should not
be re-used. To do so run the AutoCAD _ERASE command and select the items
to be erased. You should also erase the vertical lines leading into the most
upper-left elements poles if this is the position where the macro should be
connected after insertion (Fig. 421).
The only thing, which is left to do, is to set the base point for insertion. Run the
BASE command and set the base point as the left pole of the element on the
upper left side (see page 308).
Save the drawing, selecting Save from the File menu.

If you wish to create a simple group of elements like the triple terminal block
KLEMMO3 which is also a group built with a KLEMMOV and two KLEMMO1
elements you should use the CAP command to do so (see page 242). Please bear in
mind that such Macros (Group of Element kind definition) should be exploded
when inserting with the IE command (see also page 163). You don't need to insert
attributes as every element of this group has its attributes.

PLC components
When creating a PLC component from scratch, you should follow the steps
described below:
check whether SNAP (hotkey F9) and ORTHO (F8) are operative
8 - Library Elements - Drawing elements 291

draw the PLC outline (normally a rectangular) using AutoCAD's 2D drawing

commands like _RECTANG.
draw the poles of the PLCs with the required distance using the _LINE
draw Cadelec's break-lines over the poles using the LBRK command (menu :
Cadelec \ Library \ Drawing \ Break-Lines ; see page 165).
define the base point for insertion as the upper left corner of the PLC.
assign every pin a pole attribute CN? using the DEFPOL command - from the
menu : Cadelec \ Library \ Drawing \ Poles (page 310). This should be done in
the following way:

Assign the channels of the PLC starting with CN1 followed by CN2, CN3,
CN4, etc. Once you have done this, add the pole attribute with the next index
number on the POWER pin. If you have for example created a PLC with 10
channels (assigned with CN1 by CN10) the power pin should be assigned with
CN11.Now add the next pole attribute to the ground pin. Following the example
above, this would be CN12.
run the DEFFU function to add the cross-reference function attribute ( in menu
Cadelec \ Library \ Drawing \ XR-Function) -Fig. 422.
In the next step you will have to annotate the PLC channel attributes
DES?, COM?, SYM? and OP? (see pages 328 - 326 ) to every channel
of the PLC using the corresponding commands (Fig. 422)..
Annotate the Device ID attribute with the Device ID (SNA) function
from the Cadelec \ Library \Drawing menu or with the DEFSI
Add the following attributes to the PLC:
Zone, Location, Catalogue, Record, Technical Data, Tag, User 1-4.
Save your work selecting Save from the File menu

Physical part drawings

Once you have entered AutoCAD use drawing commands like _LINE,
_CIRCLE etc. to create the graphical representation of the component.

After you have finished the graphical layout you should enter the SNA
attribute using the SNA only function from the Cadelec \ Library \ Drawing
Fig. 422 menu (see page 331). This attribute annotates the Device ID of the part in
question without adding the attributes needed for element numbering
purposes (see also page 354).
292 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

8.4.1 Attributes
Attributes are textual information associated with a block e.g. an element.
They are used by Cadelec to connect project pages with databases. This
connection works in both ways: From the page to the database and from the
database to the page.

Data which was entered to an attribute e.g. the zone assignment will be
written to a database from where it will be accessed for analysis purposes.
The other way around (from the database to the project page) is performed
e.g. when defining a component by a manufacturer catalogue record. In this
case Cadelec annotates the Technical Data of this catalogue record alongside
the element.

The attribute itself stays invisible when the element is inserted into a
schematic. Only the content of the attribute is visible (if not turned invisible).
The attributes can be seen when opening the element with the Cadelec \
Attributes of relay REL3H11 Library \ Element \ Open function.

Depending on the kind of element definition, the following attributes should be

inserted so that the library elements will work properly:

Attribute Aim Automatically Must be set on the following See

inserted by function kinds of elements page:
XR_FUNCTION Cross-reference XR-FUNCTION Coils and contact activating 314
function name elements
Coupled elements
PLC components
XR_TYPE Cross-reference type XR-FUNCTION Coils and contact activating 314
and contact definition elements
Coupled elements
PLC components
P\?,? Contact map (position XR-POSITION Coils and contact activating 316
of the contacts) elements
PLC components
SLOT\?? Slot value for Slave XR-POSITION Master PLCs , Master assemblies 179
PLC / Assembly
XR_MAIN Position (Page/Column XR-POSITION Contacts 316
Row) of the activating
XR_GROUP01-05 Position of the other XR-POSITION Coupled elements 316
elements of a peer to
peer cross-referencing
SNA Device ID DEVICE ID (SNA) all electrical symbols (excepted 311
PREFIX Element mnemonic e.g. DEVICE ID (SNA) all electrical symbols (excepted 311
K on relays groups)
COUNTER Element counter DEVICE ID (SNA) all electrical symbols (excepted 311
INDEXCOL Counter for elements DEVICE ID (SNA) all electrical symbols (excepted 311
with the same groups)
mnemonic located in
the same column
ZONE Zone attribute for DEVICE ID (SNA) all electrical symbols (excepted 321
device ID groups)
LOCATION Location attribute for DEVICE ID(SNA) all electrical symbols (excepted 320
8 - Library Elements - Drawing elements 293

device ID groups)
CATALOGUE Catalogue annotation CATALOGUE all electrical symbols (excepted 317
RECORD Catalogue record RECORD all electrical symbols (excepted 318
annotation groups)
TECHDATA01-05 Technical data TECH.DATA all electrical symbols with 319
annotation CATALOGUE and RECORD
CN?? Elements pole POLES all electrical symbols (excepted 310
annotation e.g. 1U1, groups)
1V1 etc
CC01 - 02 Cable and wire CABLE-COND Single terminal blocks 322
DIR1-2 Direction marker for ORIENTATION Single terminal blocks 323
terminal orientation
TAG_NUM Tag number annotation TAG all electrical symbols (excepted 324
USER_1-4 User definable USER 1-4 all electrical symbols (excepted 325
attributes groups)
DES?? Description to PLC PLC components 328
COM?? Comment to PLC PLC components 329
SYM?? PLC channel label PLC components 327
OP?? PLC channel address PLC components 326
XR_PREV Equipotential (from) equipotential markers 333
XR_NEXT Equipotential (to) - equipotential markers 333

SNA Device ID annotation SNA ONLY for physical part drawings 331
SNA_FROZEN Freeze device ID Freeze Device IDs all electrical symbols 312

Attributes on top of others

As you will see when creating or editing electrical symbols, some attributes appear
on top of others.

The reason of placing all those attributes on top of others is that those attributes are
meant to hold information that normally will be invisible, so that the fact they are
stacked on top of the others is not important at all.

Updating attributes
Some cases might require that you update certain attribute. This might be the case
e.g. when using an element as prototype to re-define the contact definition attribute
XR_TYPE and the contact map.

To do so, simply insert the required attributes again. Cadelec will replace the
already existing attributes by the new one.

Modifying attribute entities

Attribute entities like:
height and width factor
visible / invisible
attribute default

can be set with the _DDMODIFY command. For a description of how you should
use this command please refer page 243.
294 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

8.5 Open Element

Opening an element (ACC_ELE) will set this element as the default for all element
operations e.g. Edit Element etc.

You can only open an element of the library, which is active at the moment. To
access the elements of another library set the library as the active one with the Open
Library function as described on page 271.

8.6 Filter on elements

As a library usually holds a large amount of elements you can apply a filter in
order to reduce the number of elements e.g. before running a batch job on
library elements (for details on batch jobs on library elements please refer to
page 279).

The function can be selected from the Tools / Filters / Filter Elements menu
(Fig. 423)
Fig. 423
Cadelec comes with a number of pre-defined filters on elements that can be
used or modified (Fig. 424).

Fig. 424

Select an existing filter To select an existing filter locate the cursor on the filter and press ENTER.

De-select an applying If you wish to de-select an applying filter run the Filter function again and select the
filter empty filter (Description : No Active Filter).

Edit an existing filter Locate the cursor on the filter to edit and press the F2 key. Cadelec opens a
dialogue box where you can edit the filter (Fig. 425). The syntax used for filter
definition is explained below.

Fig. 425
8 - Library Elements - Filter on elements 295

Create a new filter To create a new filter press the INS key. Cadelec opens a dialogue box where you
can define the filter using the syntax described below.

Erase an existing filter To erase a no longer needed filter locate the cursor on the filter to be erased and
press the DEL key. The filter will be tagged and erased after leaving the filter
selection. To recall the deletion mark press the DEL key again.

8.6.1 Creating / Editing filters on elements

The details on library elements are stored in the ELEMS.DBF database (alias
ELEMS). You will have to access the fields of this database when creating and
editing filters.

Database fields are addressed using the following syntax:


You will therefore access the fields of the elements database with the following


<fieldname> should be replaced by the name of the field you wish to access.

The elements database ELEMS.DBF (alias ELEMS)

Below you see a list of the most commonly used ELEMS database fields. The
complete list is shown in APPENDIX A (see page 359).

Field number Field Name Field entity and Description

1 CODI C8 Name of element
2 DENOM C50 Description
12 SIMBOL C10 Element mnemonic e.g. F for protection devices
13 DATACREA D8 Date of creation
14 DATAULMOD D8 Date of last modification
15 OBSERV C40 Remarks
25 TIPUS C10 Element Group field as entered in the data sheet
35 CONTROL C10 Element Control field as entered in the data
45 US C20 Contents of Use field
77 CAT_DEF C8 Catalogue default
78 REC_DEF C20 Element record default
79 REC_DES N3 Kind of element definition
1 = Coil or contact-activating element
2 = 3-pole normally-open main contact
3 = Normally-open contact
4 = Normally-closed contact
5 = Normally-open contact, open-delayed
6 = Normally-open contact, close-delayed
7 = Normally-closed contact,open-delayed
8 = Normally-closed contact,close-delayed
9 = Changeover contact
10 = Switch or Pushbutton
11 = Protection device (e.g. fuse)
12 = Final consumer item (e.g. motor)
13 = Passive element (transformer, capacitor)
14 = Terminal block
15 = Plug, connector
296 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

16 = Auxiliary graphics element

17 = Group of elements
18 = Functional assembly
19 = Functional sub-assembly
20 = Normally-open contact, early closing
21 = Normally-closed contact, late opening
22 = 2-pole normally-open main contact
23 = 3-pole normally-closed main contact
24 = 2-pole normally-closed main contact
25 = 4-pole normally-open main contact
26 = 4-pole normally-closed main contact
27 = Single-pole normally-open main contact
28 = Single Pole NC Main Contact
29 = Equipotential cross-reference mark
30 = Prototype Schematic Drawing
31 = Terminal drawing
32 = Non-graphic accessory
33 = Prototype Library Drawing
34 = Title Box
35 = Master PLC
36 = Slave PLC

8.6.2 Operations and functions for filters

The filter expression can include the following operations :

and logical AND

or logical OR (inclusive)
not logical NOT
! logical NOT
< less than
> greater than
= equal
<> different from
!= different from
<= less than or equal to
>= greater than or equal to
== identical to
$ included in

Filter expressions can also use following functions :

empty() This function checks if the field specified in the brackets

is empty
Syntax : empty(Alias.Field).

left() This function selects a number of the left-most characters.

Syntax : left(Alias.Field, Number).

right() This function selects a number of the right-most characters

Syntax : right(Alias.Field, Number).

upper() This function changes all lower-case letters to upper-case

Syntax: upper(Alias.Field).

ctod() This function converts a text string into date format

Syntax : ctod(date-text).

alltrim() A character string will be returned with the leading and trailing
blanks removed.
Syntax : alltrim(expression).
8 - Library Elements - Backup Element/ Delete Element 297

8.7 Backup Element

With this function (BAC_ELE), run from the Library / Element menu (Fig. 426),
you can backup a single element. The element will be copied to the drive and path
set in the opened dialogue box. You may also use this function to copy elements to
diskette in order to transfer them between computers without a network connection.
To select the element to be backed up locate the cursor within the list of available
elements and press ENTER.

Fig. 426
8.8 Delete Element
To erase an element proceed in the following way:

After running the Delete Element function (DEL_ELE) from the Library / Element
menu (Fig. 426), select the library containing the element to be erased.

Cadelec opens the list of available library elements. Select the element to be erased
by locating the cursor and pressing the DEL key. The element will be tagged. Select
further elements for deletion or press the ENTER to leave the element deletion box.

Cadelec will prompt to confirm the deletion (Fig. 427).

Fig. 427

If you confirmed the deletion, Cadelec will prompt you to decide whether the
elements should be backed up before deletion. Clicking on the YES button opens a
dialogue box where you can set the backup drive and path.
298 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

8.9 Integrate element in tablet template

This function (INT_ELE) lets you incorporate elements onto the tablet library area
for quick access in the future. You can use 4 library templates for every library.
This allows you to incorporate up to 1972 elements in the library area of the
template. The number of elements is unlimited. Further elements can be inserted
into the schematics from the slides or by typing.
Fig. 428
An element can be integrated into the tablet template running the Integrate Tablet
function from the Tools / Utilities menu (Fig. 428).

Fig. 429

The following dialogue box appears:

Number of Columns This lines state the number of columns and rows in the library area of the tablet.
Number of Rows The default number of columns and rows is 17 columns and 29 rows. You can
change this number of columns and rows freely.

Overlay (1-4) Cadelec features 4 overlays for the library area of the template. In this field you
enter the overlay number where you want the element to be integrated. You can use
the AutoCAD CHMENU command to switch to another library template.

Column/Row Here you specify the column and row where you want the element to be placed
within the tablet template.

Integrate element in tablet drawing

Once you have inserted the element you should also make it appear in the tablet
drawing. To do so, select Open / AutoCAD from the File menu. Select from the file
selection window the EL_DIN14.dwg template drawing, that comes with Cadelec in
the symbols library.

Once the template was loaded you can enter a textual description with the _TEXT
command or place the symbol itself with the _INSERT command on the position
which was entered in the Integrate Tablet dialogue box (see previous page).
Depending on the element size you will insert it with scale factors between 0.3 and
0.4.After this, save the drawing.

Creating a new library template

If the element was inserted in the template area which was not used yet, you will
have to create the tablet first. As the other library areas will not change, you will
have to erase all elements of the library area. To do so switch off the GRID layer to
hide the grid in the library area. Now you can erase all symbols from the library
area. Once you have done this, switch on the GRID layer again and insert the
element or a textual description.

Now you will have to save the tablet with a different name. Run the Save as
command and enter a new name for the tablet area e.g. TAB_14_2.
8 - Library Elements - Operations and functions 299

8.10 Operations and functions

The following operations and functions can be performed on a library element and
will be needed during element creation.

You will find most of the operations and functions explained on the next pages, in
the Cadelec /Library / Drawing menu (Fig. 430).

Fig. 430
300 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Set Base point

Command: BASE

This function, run from the menu (Fig. 432) or the LIBRARY-DRAWING toolbar
(Fig. 431), sets the base point for inserting the electrical symbol into the schematic.
The base point is usually the upper left-hand pole of the element but can also be set
differently according to the requirements of the used standard.
Fig. 431

Fig. 432
8 - Library Elements - Operations and functions 301

Description: Draw Break-Lines

Command: DCLINE
With this command you draw the break lines which define the length of the cable
that is cut when you insert the element into a wiring diagram.

You do this by marking a start point and an end point. The resulting line, drawn in
Fig. 433 the LBRK layer, will determine the section that is cut from the existing wiring to
make room for the element upon insertion. When drawing the element, it is
important to make sure that the break lines aligns exactly with the poles on your
symbol; otherwise the automatic cable-cut feature will not work when you insert the
element into a drawing. To ensure that the lines are aligned correctly, make sure
that the AutoCAD SNAP function is operative (F9 key).

Fig. 434
302 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Set Pole attribute

Command: DEFPOL (DEFine POLes)

Running this command, from the menu (Fig. 435) or the LIBRARY-
DRAWING toolbar (Fig. 436), sets a very important attribute which:
annotates the element pole number (e.g. 1U1, 1V1 etc).
assigns an electrical connection.

Without this attribute Cadelec will not consider this element connected.
Fig. 435 When you insert the pole attributes you should mind the following rule:

The pole attribute insertion point must be within a distance of 2.25 AutoCAD co-
ordinates from the end of poles of your symbol. Within this Connection Square (4.5
x 4.5 AutoCAD co-ordinates) Cadelec will search for a connection (Fig. 437). If it
is not able to find it, the pole will be considered as not connected.
Fig. 436
This is necessary because of the way Cadelec looks for a connection: the default
connectivity connection square is 4.5 x 4.5 AutoCAD units, that is, when looking
for a possible connection, Cadelec looks for a connection (pole and line end) within
a square around the element pole, with the semi-side of 2.25 units by default. If a
line end is found it is considered to be connected to this pole.
This value of the connectivity square ( default semi-side = 2.25 units) can be
changed, by creating a text file (.TXT) named CNX_SET.TXT, which contains the
value of the connectivity square (semi-side of the square) in one line. The file has to
be placed in the project directory (\P\PR\<Project Name>).

Once you have selected the insertion point, Cadelec will open the Define
Connection Poles dialogue box, where you can define the Connection Point Name
(enter for example 1U1 for a pole of a three-phase motor or other pole numbers),
and the Index Number (1 for the first connection attribute CN1 for example).

Fig. 437 Fig. 438

Connection point names for terminals

It is very important to assign the poles of terminals with correct connection point
names as this defines their orientation. The connection point name for the CN1
attribute (always on top of the terminal) and the CN2 attribute (on the bottom of the
terminal) should be defined in the following way:

For internal side up: CN1=1 CN2=2

For external side up: CN1=2 CN2=1

Note: The default values of the CN? attributes for PLCs have to be numeric
(Connection Point Name), otherwise, when running the PCOMP function (page
240), an error message will be displayed.
8 - Library Elements - Operations and functions 303

Description: Set attributes for Device ID (SNA)

Command: DEFSI
Running this function inserts the attributes, which are needed for
component numbering, and the Device ID attribute. You can select it
from the menu (Fig. 439) or the LIBRARY-DRAWING toolbar (Fig.
440). These attributes are needed for all elements except macros.


attributes are stacked on each other and will stay invisible when
inserting the element into a schematic. Cadelec will access these
attributes to compute the Device ID with the Device ID formula used for
Fig. 439 the project (see page 43)

After you have selected an insertion point, Cadelec will prompt you to enter the
element mnemonic. The default is the Mnemonic entered in the element data sheet.

Fig. 440 The following attributes are inserted by this function:

SNA: annotates the Device ID.

PREFIX: holds the element mnemonic. Before this element is

inserted, Cadelec prompts you to enter the element mnemonic or
to confirm the default entered in the element data sheet.

COUNTER: counter for element with the same mnemonic.

INDEXCOL: counter for elements with the same mnemonic located in the same

LOCATION: holds the location, which is needed for component numbering


ZONE: holds the wiring zone needed for component numbering.

304 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Set attribute for freezing / unfreezing Device IDs (SNA)


This command will create and insert the SNA_FROZEN attribute for an
element, asking for its insertion point. This attribute will be inserted on
the SNA_FROZEN layer, allowing you to turn it on or off in a project
page, and will be visible.
The SFREEZE command (see page 191) will write a star (*) into the
SNA_FROZEN attribute, which will tell the element numbering
Fig. 441
commands that the ID of the element should not be changed. The
SUNFREEZE command (see page 192) will remove the star (*) from
the SNA_FROZEN attribute, allowing the element numbering commands to change
the ID of the element.

The DEFFREEZE_N command, designed mainly for batch

processes will not ask for the insertion point of the attribute and
will create it automatically in the element’s base point. The
attribute will be invisible.

Fig. 442
8 - Library Elements - Operations and functions 305

Description: Define EQXRMI attribute

Command: DEFEQI
This command defines the Equipotential Cross-Reference Identifier attribute
(EQXRMI) for the XRef point elements.

The command can be selected from the Library / Drawing menu (Fig. 443) or the
LIBRARY DRAWING toolbar (Fig. 444).

Fig. 443 Running the command will ask for the attribute position and then will set the
EQXRMI attribute.

Fig. 444
306 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Set XR- Function attribute

Command: DEFFU (DEFine FUnction)

This function inserts the XR_FUNCTION attribute, which will hold the
cross-reference function name, and the XR_TYPE attribute describing the
cross-reference behavior of the element.

The function can be selected from the menu (Fig. 445) or the LIBRARY-
DRAWING toolbar (Fig. 446). These attributes should be inserted on
elements with the following kind of element definition:
Coils And Other Contact Activating Elements,

Fig. 445 Master PLCs and Coupled Elements (see also Kinds of elements,

After selecting the position where the attributes should be inserted Cadelec will
prompt you to define the cross-reference type or to accept the default, which is set
by, the element and contact definition (see page 293). If you wish to change the
contact definition or add further contacts e.g. to define more than 16 contact you
Fig. 446 will do this here.

Rules for manual contact definition

Defining more than 16 contacts
If you are creating a contact activating element with more then 16 contacts you
should define the first 16 contacts within the contact definition dialogue box (see
page 340) and add further contacts by editing the XR_TYPE attribute after inserting
the XR_FUNCTION attribute. To do so, use the _DDEDIT command and follow
the rules described below:
Enter the contacts separated by commas e.g. 1,2.
Separate 3-phase main contacts with semicolons (;) e.g. 1,2;3,4;5,6.
Separate contact pairs (except the contact pairs of the 3-phase main-contacts) by
backslashes (/) e.g. 13,14/21,22.

The contact definition should at the end have the following form:

The attributes and their contents:

This attribute will hold the cross- reference function name.

The XR_TYPE attribute contains information to describe the behavior of the
element as far as cross-references are concerned. It tells the cross-reference which
kind of cross-referencing has to be performed and which contacts are available (on
contacts) or which contacts can be controlled (on coils and contact activating
elements). Since this is an internal control information it is not shown and thus it is
an invisible attribute.

The contents of the XR_TYPE attribute basically depends on the kind of element

XR_TYPE of coils and contact activating elements

The XR_TYPE attribute holds a contact definition like
R\1,2;3,4;5,6\13,14\21,22. This specifies the contacts that can be
8 - Library Elements - Operations and functions 307

controlled. The prefix R\ assigns the cross-reference analyzer that this is a

contact activating element.

XR_TYPE of contacts
On contacts, the XR_TYPE attribute holds the contact numbers. This can
be either static numbers like 1,2;3,4 or floating numbers like *1,*2;*3,*4.
Floating contact numbers are changed during cross-reference calculation to
the next free contacts e.g. to 11,12;13,14. Static contact numbers will not
be changed.

XR_TYPE of Master PLCs (Assemblies) and Slave PLCs (Assemblies)

The cross-reference type descriptor of a Master PLC depends on the
number of slaves controlled (which is defined at element creation). For
example, a Master PLC controlling up to 3 slaves, will have the cross-
reference type descriptor: P\1\2\3
A slave PLC will have a cross-reference type descriptor, depending on the
Master PLC, like 1 or 2. A master PLC with the cross-reference type
descriptor P\1\2\3 will be able to control up to 3 slave PLCs with the cross-
reference type descriptors, respectively: 1, 2 and 3.

When inserting the XR_FUNCTION on a Master PLC, Cadelec will ask

for the number of Slaves controlled.

XR_TYPE of Functional Assemblies and Functional Sub-Assemblies

Functional Assemblies will have the cross-reference type descriptor,
depending on the number of poles of the element, grouped by 3 poles. For
example, a Functional assembly with 8 connection poles, will have the
cross-reference type descriptor: R\1,2,3\4,5,6\7,8 and will therefore be able
to control (cross-reference) up to 3 Functional sub-assemblies with the
cross-reference type descriptors, respectively: 1,2,3 , 4,5,6 and 7,8 , that is,
2 sub-assemblies with 3 connection poles and one with 2 connection poles.

XR_TYPE of coupled elements

On elements with the kind of element definition Coupled Element, the
XR_TYPE will hold the character S. This assigns the cross-reference
analyzer that a peer to peer analysis has to be performed on the elements
with this function (see also Kinds of cross-references, page 177).
308 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Set XR-Position attribute

Command: DEFRC
Once you have inserted the XR_Function attribute on an element (only
on Coils and Contact Activating Elements, Contacts and Coupled
Elements) you can run the XR-Position function. You can do it from the
menu (Fig. 447) or the LIBRARY-DRAWING toolbars (Fig. 408) The
XR-Position function evaluates the XR_TYPE attribute which holds the
cross-reference type description (see page 293). Depending on the
contents of this attribute and the kind of element, Cadelec will annotate
one the following attributes:

On coils and contact activating elements:

Running the XR-Position function will annotate the contact map with
Fig. 447 the available contacts. When performing a cross-reference calculation,
the P/ attributes will annotate the position (Page / Column, Row) of the
contacts. In Fig. 449 you see the contact map of the relay REL3H11 with a 3 phase
contact numbered 1,2; 3,4; 5,6, one normally open contact 13,14 and one normally
closed contact numbered 21,22.

Note: The shape of the contacts in the contact map is controlled by a set of DWGs,
starting with XRC_, located in the library directory (for example XRC_NO.DWG for
the normally open contact representation). If you want to change these drawings,
you can do it in AutoCAD, and after that, to make the change appear in the element
too, open the element and perform an updating of the drawing with the UPB_A
Fig. 448
On contacts:
On contacts, Cadelec will insert the XR_MAIN attribute which annotates the
position (Page / Column, Row) of the coil.

Master and Slave Assemblies and PLCs

The cross-referencing for these elements is done within the same group defined by
the XR function, annotating the Slave on the Master and vice-versa. See also
Master-Slave Cross-referencing on page 177.

On coupled elements:
On coupled elements Cadelec inserts the attributes XR_GROUP1 to XR_GROUP5.
These attributes will annotate the position of the other components of a peer to peer
Fig. 449
cross-reference group (Kinds of Cross-References see page 177). If you need more
than 5 of these attributes you can copy them after insertion, run the _DDEDIT
command and change them into XR_GROUP6, XR_GROUP7, etc. In this way you
can annotate up to 99 of these attributes.
8 - Library Elements - Operations and functions 309

Description: Set Catalogue attribute

Command: DEFCA (DEFine CAtalogue)
Selecting this command from the menu (Fig. 451) or the toolbars (Fig. 450) inserts
the CATALOGUE attribute where Cadelec will later annotate the selected catalogue.

Fig. 450

Fig. 451
310 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Set Record attribute

Command: DEFRE (DEFine REcord)

This function (Fig. 452 or Fig. 453) inserts the RECORD attribute where Cadelec
will annotate the catalogue record once the element has been defined (for
information on Component Definition please refer to page 65).
Fig. 452

Fig. 453
8 - Library Elements - Operations and functions 311

Description: Set Technical Data attributes

Command: DEFTD (DEFine Technical Data)

This function, selected from the menu (Fig. 455) or the toolbars (Fig. 454), inserts
the TECHDATA01 by TECHDATA05 attributes which will display technical data
from the catalogue record once the component has been defined (see also
Component definition, page 65).
Fig. 454

Fig. 455
312 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Set Location attribute

Command :DEFLO (DEFine LOcation)

Running this function, from the menu (Fig. 457) or the toolbars (Fig. 456), will
insert the LOCATION attribute which annotates the wiring location of the

The location will normally only be annotated if it differs from the page default
Fig. 456 location (see page 48).

Fig. 457
8 - Library Elements - Operations and functions 313

Description: Set Zone attribute

Command: DEFZO (DEFine ZOne)

This function inserts the ZONE attribute which annotates the wiring zone of the
component. You can select it from the menu (Fig. 459) or the toolbars (Fig. 458).

The wiring zone will only be annotated if it differs from the page default zone (see
page 48).
Fig. 458

Fig. 459
314 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Set Cable and Conductor attribute

Command: DEFCC (DEFine Cable and Conductor)

This function inserts the CC01 / CC02 attributes for the cable and wire annotation
on internal and external side. Those attributes will only work on terminals.

After running this function, from the menu (Fig. 461) or the toolbars (Fig. 460),
Cadelec will prompt you to enter the index number. Enter 01 for the CC01 attribute,
Fig. 460 which should be placed on top of the terminal. CC02 should always be placed on
the bottom of the terminal (Fig. 462).

Once you have selected the position, Cadelec will place the attribute horizontally.
You can use the AutoCAD command _ROTATE to get the annotation vertically.

The cable and wire specification can be set with the SCAB command from the
Cadelec / Terminal / Cables / Set menu (see page 217) or within the Terminal
Editor (see page 222). In Fig. 463 you see the cable and wire annotations for the X1

Fig. 461 Fig. 462 Fig. 463

8 - Library Elements - Operations and functions 315

Description: Set Terminal Orientation attribute

Command: DEFDIR (DEFine DIRection)

This function sets the DIR1 and DIR2 attributes which are aimed to mark the
direction of the terminal.

After running this function, from the Cadelec / Library menu (Fig. 464) or the
toolbars (Fig. 465), Cadelec will prompt you to enter the index number. Enter 1 for
DIR1 attribute, which should be placed on top of the terminal. After running this
command again enter 2 for the DIR2 attribute on the bottom of the terminal (Fig.
467). Once the orientation attributes have been inserted, you will have to mark the
external side. To do so, run the _DDEDIT command and select the attribute (DIR1 or
DIR2) on the external side of the terminal. From the opened dialogue box enter an
asterisk (*) in the attribute default field (see page 243).

In Fig. 466 you see a circuit with terminals. The external sides are assigned with an

Fig. 464

Fig. 465

Fig. 466

Fig. 467

Internal and external are only marked but not defined by this attribute. The orientation of the
side terminals is defined by the contents of the pole attributes CN1 and CN2
(see page 310).

The DEFDIR command will place the DIR1 and DIR2 attributes on the DIR layer,
which holds only these attributes. By setting this layer ON / OFF or FREEZE /
UNFREEZE you can display or hide the terminal direction marks (*) in the
316 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Set Tag attribute

Command: DEFTN (DEFine Tag Number)
Running this function from the Cadelec / Library menu (Fig. 468) or the toolbars
(Fig. 469) sets the TAG_NUM attribute which is used to cross-refer to non-Cadelec
pages e.g. such as piping diagrams.

When working on schematics, you will use the STAG command to set the tag.

Fig. 468

Fig. 469
8 - Library Elements - Operations and functions 317

Description: Set User definable attributes

Command: DEFUS (DEFine USer attributes)

This function inserts the USER_1 to USER_4 attributes which can be used freely (see also
the SUSR command).

Fig. 471

Fig. 470
318 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Set PLC channel address attributes

Command: DEFOP
The PLC channel address attributes OP?? (e.g. OP1, OP10, etc.) can be set with the
DEFOP command. Running this command will prompt you to specify the position
(Enter Position) and then the Index Number. Entering 1 for example will annotate

Fig. 472 The command can be selected from the Library / Drawing menu (Fig. 472) or the
LIBRARY-DRAWING toolbar (Fig. 473).

The PLC channel address attributes OP?? (e.g. OP1, OP10, etc.) can be set with the
AutoCAD _ATTDEF command too:

When running this command, AutoCAD will prompt you to set the attribute modes:

Invisible : N Constant : N Verify : N Preset : N

Enter P and press ENTER to enable the presetting. The attribute modes will now
Fig. 473 show as follows:

Invisible : N Constant : N Verify : N Preset : Y

When this appears, press ENTER to continue.

Enter the name of the attribute OP followed by a number e.g. OP1 for the Tag.
Leave the Prompt and the Default empty.
8 - Library Elements - Operations and functions 319

Description: Set PLC channel label attributes

Command: DEFSYM
Running the DEFSYM command (Fig. 474 or Fig. 475), will prompt for the position
first, which you will indicate by clicking at it, and then for the Index Number (e.g.

Again, you can use the AutoCAD command _ATTDEF (see page 243). PRESET has
Fig. 474 to be checked.

Enter the attribute name SYM followed by its number e.g. SYM1 for the attribute tag.
Leave the prompt and default empty.

Fig. 475
320 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Set PLC channel description attribute

Command: DEFDES
The PLC channel description attributes DES?? (e.g. DES1, DES10, etc.) can be set
with the DEFDES command which will prompt for the position first, then the Index

The command can be selected from the Library/Drawing menu (Fig. 476) or the
Fig. 476 LIBRARY-DRAWING toolbar (Fig. 477).

It can also be done with the AutoCAD attribute definition command _ATTDEF.
AutoCAD will prompt you to control the attribute modes. Check whether PRESET is
enabled. If it is not, enter P and press ENTER. After this the attribute modes will be
shown again with Preset enabled. Press ENTER to proceed.

Enter the name of the attribute DES followed by its index number e.g. as the attribute
tag. Leave the prompt and the default empty.

Fig. 477
8 - Library Elements - Operations and functions 321

Description: Set PLC channel comment attributes

Command: DEFCMT
Running the command will prompt for the position where the attribute COM?? (e.g.
COM1, COM10, etc.) should be inserted and then the Index Number.

The command can be selected from the Library/Drawing menu (Fig. 478) or the
LIBRARY-DRAWING toolbar (Fig. 479).
Fig. 478
With the AutoCAD _ATTDEF command (see page 243), AutoCAD will prompt you
for the attributes modes. You should check and if necessary change PRESET to be

Enter the name of the attribute COM followed by its index number e.g. COM1 as the
attribute tag. Leave the prompt and default empty.

Fig. 479
322 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Set PLC Pin Function attributes

The Pin Function attribute PF?? can be defined at element creation using the
_ATTDEF AutoCAD command (see page 243).

This attribute will hold information about the functionality of the PLC pin, for
example if the pin is a power pin and it should be connected to +24 V, the pin
function attribute of that pin could be defined as +24V.

These attributes can be afterwards modified and edited as other attributes with the
_DDATTE command.
8 - Library Elements - Operations and functions 323

Description: Set SNA attribute only

Command: DEFSO (DEFine Symbol numbering attribute Only)

This function selected from the Cadelec / Library menu (Fig. 480) or the toolbars
(Fig. 481), should only be used when creating physical part drawings (for Cabinets).
It sets the SNA attribute, which will annotate the Device ID when inserting the
physical part drawing into a cabinet.

Fig. 481

Fig. 480
324 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Customize Selection Categories

Command: CCDLG
The CCDLG function allows you to make changes to the appearance of the

Running the command from the Library/Element menu (Fig. 482) or the CADELEC /
Library toolbar (Fig. 484), brings up the dialogue box shown in Fig. 483 where you
can select the Category name from a list, change it, and specify the category tool tip
as it should appear in the menu as well as the category help string. Then clicking on
Fig. 482 the Apply and Reload Menu button, the changes will be applied to the Categories

Fig. 483

Fig. 484
8 - Library Elements - Operations and functions 325

Description: Set Equipotential Marker attributes

Equipotential cross-reference analysis works by evaluating the voltage rating and

the cable marks of every wire with the equipotential cross-reference attributes
XR_PREV and XR_NEXT as well as the EQXRMI attribute (equipotential cross-
reference identifier) at the loose ends.

The EQXRMI attribute is set with the DEFEQI command (see page 313)

The equipotential marker attributes XR_PREV (from) and XR_NEXT (to) must be
set using the AutoCAD _ATTDEF function. After running this command,
AutoCAD will prompt you for the following parameters:
Attribute modes -- Invisible : N Constant : N Verify : N Preset : Y.Constant,
Verify should always be disabled and Preset always enabled. You should
therefore change Preset to be enabled by entering P and press ENTER. Now
you can change the status of the Invisible parameter if required by entering I and
pressing ENTER.Once you have done this press ENTER to proceed.
Attribute tag: here you enter XR_PREV (or XR_NEXT).
Attribute prompt: enter XR_PREV (or XR_NEXT), too.
Default attribute value: leave this field empty and press ENTER.
Click with the mouse on the required position.
Enter the attribute height or confirm the default value.
Enter the rotation angle or press ENTER to confirm the default.

Fig. 485
Fig. 486
326 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Generate array of attributes

Command: GARRATT (Generate ARRay of ATTributes)

This function, selected from the Attributes menu (Fig. 487), generates an array of
attributes (in the Terminal block drawing), such as the one you will need when
customizing terminal pinout drawings.

To generate arrays of the type T.FROM_SNA[x] and T.FROM_COND[x][y]

perform the following steps :
Define an attribute with the AutoCAD DDATTDEF command (see the list of
Fig. 487 the terminal pinout attributes on page 266, for the names of the attributes which
can be used). Enter the Attribute Tag and Prompt without the array brackets.
For example, enter T.FROM_COND.
Once you have finished defining the attribute run the GARRATT command and
select the attribute:
- Enter the number of rows, e.g. 10
- Enter the number of columns, e.g. 55. If you want a one dimensional
array to be generated like T.FROM_SNA[x] enter the number of columns
as one.
- Enter the distance between the rows. You can either enter positive or
negative values. A positive value will place the following attributes above the first
one. Negative values will insert the following attributes below the first one.
- Enter the distance between the columns. If you are creating a one
dimensional array enter zero. Again you can enter positive and negative

After running the GARRATT command, the first attribute (e.g.

T.FROM_COND[1][1]) will be on top of the original attribute T.FROM_COND,
used as a model by the GARRATT command. Use the MOVE command to move the
T.FROM_COND[1][1] attribute and then delete the T.FROM_COND attribute, then
move back the T.FROM_COND[1][1] attribute to its place.

Check if the layer of the inserted new attributes is correct (see the list of the
terminal pinout attributes). For example the T.FROM_COND[x][y] attributes
should be on the REF_A layer (which is turned OFF).

Save the drawing.

8 - Library Elements - Operations and functions 327

Description: Capture Element

Command: CAP (CAPture)

With this command you can capture library elements in order to create Macros
(Groups of Elements).

You might use the CAP command to create symbol groups like the library element
KLEMMO3 that is made up of one KLEMMO1V and two KLEMMO1 elements.

After running this command from the Library menu (Fig. 488) or the toolbars (Fig.
489), Cadelec will prompt you to enter the following parameters:

Name of the library to capture from. Press ENTER if you wish to capture an element
of the same library or enter the library name.
Name of the element to capture. Enter the name of the element name.
Then you will have to select the insertion point by clicking with the mouse on
the required position.
Cadelec will prompt you whether you want the element to be exploded or not.
Usually captured elements should not be exploded but this depends on the
element to be created (please refer to Blocks in the AutoCAD manual).

Fig. 488

Fig. 489
328 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description: Catch Element

Command: CCELE (CatCh ELEment

This command can be used to integrate library elements after creation in one of the
existing categories or in a new element category created with the Customize Categories

The command can be selected from the Library menu (Fig. 490) or the Library toolbar
(Fig. 491).
Fig. 490
Running the command brings up the dialogue box in Fig. 492 where you have to select
the element in the left section and to specify the Element Category where it will appear.

Fig. 491

Fig. 492

The elements found in the left window are those for which the specification of a
category is missing in the ELEMS.DBF database.

Please bear in mind that when using this command, a project has to be open -
otherwise an error message will be displayed.
9 - Catalogues - Manage catalogues 329

8.11 Using AutoCAD commands

During element creation you will use AutoCAD commands like _LINE, _CIRCLE
and other 2D drawing commands to create the symbols. If you are unfamiliar with
those AutoCAD commands, please refer to the AutoCAD manual.

Below you see the AutoCAD commands you will need for attribute definition and
modification. They are only explained as far Cadelec is concerned. For further
information on these commands, please refer to your AutoCAD manual.

This is the AutoCAD command for ATTribute DEFinition. You will only need it to
define some seldom used attributes e.g. for equipotential cross-reference analysis.
Most of the attributes needed for the Cadelec symbols should only be defined with
the Cadelec functions.

After running this command, AutoCAD will prompt you for the following
Attribute modes -- Invisible : N Constant : N Verify : N Preset : N.
The Constant, Verify mode should always be disabled while Preset should be
enabled. To change one of the current attribute modes enter I to change the
status of Invisible and P to change the status of the Preset. Once you have done
this press ENTER to proceed.
Attribute tag: here you enter the name of the attribute.
Attribute prompt: here you enter the prompt AutoCAD would place to enter
textual information to this attribute.
Attribute Default: This is the default textual data the attribute will have.
Once you have entered Tag, Prompt and default, AutoCAD will prompt you to
select the position where the attribute will be located. You will do this by
clicking with the mouse.
Now AutoCAD will prompt you to enter the attribute height. Enter a value or
press ENTER of confirm the default.
330 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

This is a very powerful command, which can be used to modify the entities of any

On attributes you can use this command to:

enter or edit the default
change the layer the attribute is on
change the attribute height and width factor
change the text style of an attribute
change the justification
rotate an attribute
turn the attribute invisible / visible. An invisible attribute will still appear when
you edit it within AutoCAD but will be hidden when inserted into a schematic.

After running this function, AutoCAD will prompt you to select the object. You
will do this by clicking with the mouse. The dialogue box shown in Fig. 493 will be
opened from where you can change the attribute entities.

Fig. 493

For further information please refer to your AutoCAD manual.

9 - Catalogues - Manage catalogues 331

This command allows you to edit the attributes of an entity.

Running the command will bring up the dialogue box shown in Fig. 494 where the
attributes appear with their values and they can be edited.

Fig. 494
9 - Catalogues - Manage catalogues 333

With Cadelec you can create manufacturers catalogues with records describing
details of the article. Using the Define Components function you can associate the
electrical symbol with the manufacturer's article.

9.1 Manage catalogues

The Manage catalogues dialogue gives access to all catalogue-related
functions: Create new catalogue, Edit, Backup, Restore, Delete.
Running the command (BUS_CAT) from the menu (Fig. 495) or the toolbars
Fig. 495 (Fig. 496) opens the Manage Catalogues dialogue displaying the active
catalogue data. From the catalogue list you can select the desired catalogue.

Fig. 496

Fig. 497

New Catalogue
Clicking the New button you can define a new catalogue and enter the catalogue
data. To save the changes click the Save button.
Catalogue Code Here you enter the name of the catalogue. Usually you will specify the name as a
shortcut of the manufacturer. Depending on how you wish to organize your
catalogues, you can add a shortcut for the records contained e.g. XYZ_MOT for a
catalogue of all Motors of the manufacturer XYZ. You define the catalogue name
with up to 8 alphanumerical characters.

Number of Parts This field is filled out automatically with the number of records contained in the
catalogue. When creating a new catalogue it will be logically zero.

Created/Last mod. This fields will be filled out automatically with the data of creation and last

ACTIVE on disk This shows you whether the catalogue is available for immediate access (ACTIVE
BACKUP on disk) or must be restored first (BACKUP status)
334 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Description Here you enter a brief description of the catalogue and the records contained.

Manufacturer In this field you can enter the manufacturer name.

Remarks Here you can enter special remarks on the catalogue and the records contained.

Edit catalogue
You can select a catalogue from the available catalogue list (clicking on the down
arrow of the box) and modify the catalogue descriptions.

Backup Catalogue
Clicking the Backup button lets you backup a catalogue.
The backup of the catalogue and its records is normally done in *.DBF format but
can be compressed if required. Once you have selected the catalogue to be backed
up Cadelec will open a dialogue box from where you can select the format, the
source and path for the backup (for a detailed description of the Backup Parameters
please refer to page 66).

Restore Catalogue
By clicking the Restore button you can restore a catalogue.
restore catalogues which are in BACKUP status (deleted catalogues)
integrate catalogues which are totally unknown to Cadelec (purged catalogues)

Restoring deleted catalogues:

The restore function can be used to restore catalogues which have been deleted (but
not purged) from disk and are in BACKUP status now. You can restore the
catalogue from backup and make it available for immediate use.

Integrating purged catalogues:

Catalogues, which have been purged, are totally unknown to Cadelec.
If you want to re-integrate such purged catalogues, you should create a new
catalogue with the name of the catalogue you wish to integrate and restore it from a
safe backup.
See also page 456 on how to integrate a new catalogue into Cadelec.

Delete Catalogue
You can delete a catalogue with no longer needed records for example if you have
received a new catalogue with the up-to-date price list.

Clicking the Delete button will open a dialogue box, asking whether you want the
catalogue to be backed up before deletion (Fig. 498) and you can also select the
Purge option.

Fig. 498
9 - Catalogues - Manage catalogues 335

Once the catalogue was erased, it will be taken to BACKUP status. If required, you
can now proceed and restore the catalogue with the up-to-date catalogue.

Purge Catalogue
Selecting the Purge option in the Delete catalogue dialogue (Fig. 498) will remove
the catalogue from disk.

After the catalogue was purged it is totally unknown for Cadelec. If you want to re-
integrate such purged catalogues, you should create a new catalogue with the name
of the catalogue you wish to integrate and restore it from a safe backup.
336 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

9.2 Filter on catalogues

You can apply filters to reduce the amount of catalogues displayed. Running the
Filter Catalogues function (FIL_CAT) from the Tools / Filters menu (Fig. 499)
opens a selection box with all defined filters for catalogues (Fig. 500).

You can use the pre-defined filters, modify them or create your own ones.

Fig. 499

Fig. 500

Select an existing filter To select an already existing filter locate the cursor on the required filter and press
ENTER. An appearing filter will flag the currently open catalogue with red color in
the status bar.

De-select an applying To de-select an applying filter run the Filter Catalogues function again and select
filter the filter with empty syntax field (Description: No Active Filter).

Edit an existing filter To modify an existing filter, locate the cursor on the filter to be edited and press the
F2 key. Cadelec will open a dialogue box where you can edit the filter definition.

Create a new filter To create a new filter press the INS key within the filter selection box. Cadelec
opens a data entry box where you can enter the filter using the syntax described

Erase an existing Filters which are no longer needed can be erased by locating the cursor on it and
filter pressing the DEL key. The filter will be tagged and erased after leaving the
selection box. Pressing the DEL key again will recall the deletion marking.

9.2.1 Creating / Editing filter on catalogues

Catalogue descriptions are hold in the CATS.DBF database (alias CATS). Filter on
catalogues will have to access the fields of this database.

Database fields are addressed using the following syntax: ALIAS.FIELDNAME.

You will therefore access the fields of the catalogues database with the following


<fieldname> should be replaced by the name of the field you wish to access. The
database fields and the information contained are listed below.
9 - Catalogues- Filter on catalogues 337

The catalogues database CATS.DBF (alias CATS)

The catalogue database CATS.DBF is contained in the Cadelec catalogue directory
CA. If the path was not defined different, the catalogue database is held in CLPW /

Below you see a list of the catalogues database fields.

Field number Field Name Field entity and width Description

(C=Character; D=Date; N=Numeric)
1 NOMCATS C8 Catalogue name
2 DESIGNACIO C40 Catalogue description
3 FABR C20 Manufacturer
4 DATACREA D8 Date of creation
5 DATAULMOD D8 Date of modification
6 SITCATS C18 Status (ACTIVE on Disk or
7 OBSERV C60 Remarks
8 NELS N5 Number of records

9.2.2 Operations and functions for filters

The filter expression can include the following operations:

and logical AND

or logical OR (inclusive)
not logical NOT
! logical NOT
< less than
> greater than
= equal
<> different from
!= different from
<= less than or equal to
>= greater than or equal to
== identical to
$ included in

Filter expressions can also use following functions :

empty() This function checks if the field specified in the brackets is

Syntax: empty(Alias.Field)

left() This function selects a number of the left-most characters.

Syntax: left(Alias.Field, Number)

right() This function selects a number of the right-most characters.

Syntax: right(Alias.Field, Number)

upper() This function changes all lower-case letters to upper-case.

Syntax: upper(Alias.Field)

ctod() This function converts a text string into date format.

Syntax: ctod(date-text)

alltrim() A character string will be returned with the leading and

trailing blanks removed.
Syntax : alltrim(expression)
338 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

9.3 Re-index Catalogues

This command (REO_CAT) re-indexes all the catalogues and the catalogue record
database and repairs them if they are corrupted.

It can be selected from the Utilities menu (Fig. 501) or the UTILITIES toolbar (Fig.
Fig. 501
Re-indexing also optimizes the databases for best performance.

Re-Indexing the Catalogues, can be also used to upgrade catalogues from a previous
version, or integrate a new catalogue into Cadelec. See page 456 for details.

Fig. 502

9.4 Catalogue and records reports

In the File / Reports / Catalogue menu (Fig. 503), you will find reports on
Catalogue and Catalogue Records.

You will find the reports on catalogues and records separated:

Fig. 503 List

Selecting this menu opens a selection box with reports on catalogues.

Fig. 504

These reports list details on the records contained in the catalogue that was selected
in the selection window opened when running the function.
Once you have selected the catalogue, Cadelec opens a selection box with the
available reports of this type (Fig. 505). Cadelec comes with pre-defined reports,
which can be edited if required. Beside of that you can generate new ones and erase
no longer needed reports.

Fig. 505
10 - Catalogue Records - Manage Manufacturer's Parts 339

Generating a report
To generate an existing report, locate the cursor on the report to be issued and press
the ENTER key.

The Select output device dialogue box appears, where you can select to output the
filter to the Screen or Printer and enter a filter to reduce the data, which will be,
listed (Fig. 506).

Fig. 506

The whole report will be created if you leave the filter setting unchanged and press
ENTER. The syntax used for filters is explained on page 54. You will apply the
filter on the fields of the catalogue database CATS.DBF when generating reports on
catalogues or on the records database CAT_REC.DBF for reports on catalogue
records. The database fields are listed in APPENDIX A.

Editing a report
To edit a report, locate the cursor on the report to be edited and press the F2 key.
Cadelec will take this report to the report generator where you can edit its fields and
the layout. For the fields and the data that can be listed please refer to Appendix A.
The steps required to edit a report are explained on page 73.

Creating a new report

To create a new report, locate the cursor on the report to be used as model and press
the INS key. Cadelec will ask you whether you want to use this report as a model. If
you want to create a report from scratch click No. For details on report creation
please refer to page 75.
340 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports


Catalogue Records
Catalogue records hold part specific data like the manufacturer, technical data,
price, dimensions, mounting accessories, etc.

You will need such records for Component Definition. This means, that you
associate an electrical symbol, which holds no technical data, with a specific
manufacturer article.

10.1 Manage Manufacturer's Parts

The manufacturer's parts dialogue (Fig. 509) offers access to all record-related
functions and options. Run the command (EDI_REC) from the menu (Fig. 507)
or the toolbars (Fig. 508). In this dialogue you can create new records, delete
Fig. 507 records or edit the existing ones.

Create new record

Clicking the New button in the Manufacturer's parts dialogue you can define a new
record entry in the selected catalogue.
Fig. 508

Fig. 509
10 - Catalogue Records - Manage Manufacturer's Parts 341

Create a new record from scratch

To create a new record from scratch, click the New button at the bottom of the
window. The new record will be created in the catalogue displayed in the Catalogue
window. The catalogue of the new record can be set in the Catalogue box (lower
one). Click the down arrow to open the catalogue list.

Create a new record from an existing one

If you want to create a new record, using another one as prototype, you can Copy
the record and then edit it to meet the new record definition. Select the prototype
record first from the Record list (and Catalogue if necessary), then click the Copy
button at the bottom of the window. Cadelec will copy the record definitions of the
prototype record into the new one. Specify the new record name in the Record box
(lower one) and the catalogue the new record should be created in, then

The record name should indicate the technical characteristics of the part in question
and not bear any manufacturer specific information. In the record field you should
therefore not enter the manufacturer reference. This will be entered in the Manuf.
Ref. field.

If you want to use Cadelec's catalogue swapping feature to compare alternative

supply sources (What if? simulation - please refer to page 205) the records
describing equivalent parts should bear the same name in all catalogues.

Quality Group If required, here you can enter the quality group the part is belonging to, e.g. to
make a spares list.

Group You can use this field freely to group the records. You can later use this group
definition to apply a filter.

Created This field will automatically be filled with the date of creation.

Last modif. Here Cadelec will automatically fill in the date of the last modification.

Intern. Stan. In this field you can enter the standard the part is conform to.

Manuf. Ref. Here you can enter a manufacturer reference (which is the article code).

Description In this field you can enter a brief description of the part. This description will
appear in the Bill of Material. Further descriptions on the part in question can be
entered in the Details window..

Remarks Here you can enter special remarks e.g. the minimum stock. This field will also
appear in the Bill of Materials. Further remarks can be entered in the Details
342 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Clicking the Technical Data button, another dialogue is opened, where you can
enter the technical data definitions of the record, which will appear annotated along
the defined element, in schematics (Fig. 510).

Fig. 510

Power Here you can define the power of the part. First you will have to set the
measurement unit by clicking at the bar beside. Holding the mouse button down
displays a list of measurement units e.g. MW, kW, VA , etc. Drag the mouse cursor
to the required unit and release it. Once you have defined the unit, the field aside
will be enabled where you can enter the value.

Clicking the Details button, opens the dialogue where the Description and Remarks
on the record can be detailed.

Clicking the Price button, opens a window where you can define the Price of the
part, as well as the Assembling / Wiring times and costs.
10 - Catalogue Records - Manage Manufacturer's Parts 343

Clicking the Accessories button opens the Accessories window (Fig. 511), where
you can define the accessories of the part (if any).

Fig. 511

Qty. Here you enter the quantity of the accessory defined by the Catalogue. and
Art. Code / Description field (see below). If this field is not 0, the Catalogue and
Art. Code / Description fields become active.

Catalog In this field you enter the catalogue containing the accessory.
Click the down arrow to open the list of available catalogues, and select
the catalogue of the accessory.

Art. Code\Description In this field you enter/select the name of the record defining the required accessory.
Click the down arrow and select the record from the list.

Accessories are components without any electrical influence, which are needed for
the mounting but must be ordered additionally e.g. screws, sockets, etc. They will
neither appear in the schematics nor in the cabinets but will automatically be listed
in the Bill of Material together with the part they are needed for.
344 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Clicking the Physical layout button, opens a window, where you can define the
dimensions and weight of the part, as well as specify the physical library and
drawing associated with the record

Fig. 512

Height/Width You should define the height and width if you want a rectangular outline to be
inserted into the cabinet.

Depth The depth is only an additional information that will not be used within Cadelec but
can be listed within reports.

Diameter This field must be defined if you want a circular outline to represent the component
within a cabinet.

Weight (kg) The weight is an additional information that will not be used within Cadelec but can
be listed within reports.
Library In this field you enter the name of a physical part library if you wish to insert
detailed part drawings to a cabinet instead of the simple rectangular or circular

The Library field will only be enabled if there is at least one Physical part Library.
Entering a non valid character (?) and pressing ENTER, opens a selection box with
all physical libraries. Select the library containing the physical part drawing, which
should be used instead of the simple outline.

Drawing In this field you enter the name of the physical part drawing that should be
used instead of the simple outline. This detailed part drawing will be inserted to the
cabinet every time you insert a component defined by this record. Pressing ENTER
on the empty field will open a selection box with all physical part drawings stored
in the physical library which was set in the Library field (see above).
10 - Catalogue Records - Manage Manufacturer's Parts 345

Creating physical part drawings

To create a physical parts drawing library:

1. Create a new library, making sure that the Physical option is selected in the
New Library dialogue box
2. Open the Physical library (command: BUS_LIB) and create a new element in it,
which is the drawing representing the part. You should draw the part true to
scale, with the dimensions defined in the record definition of the part. You can
have more layers in the drawing, for example one for the mounting holes of the
part, one for the outline etc. These layers can be later turned on/off in the
cabinet drawing to supply for example a drawing of the mounting holes on the
mounting plate of the cabinet.
Insert the SNA only attribute into the drawing (command: DEFSO) which will
hold the device ID of the element after insertion

3. Open the corresponding record (command: EDI_REC) and in the Physical

layout section, select the corresponding physical library and physical drawing
for the part.

Clicking the Filter button, opens the Filter dialogue box (Fig. 513), where
additional record definitions can be made, for applying filters on records (at
component definition for example).

Fig. 513

Mnemonic Here you set the Mnemonic (e.g. F for all protection devices) of the part described
by the record. The mnemonic can be used for matching of elements (the electrical
symbols) and the records (which are the description of the parts). You will
do this by selecting the Mnemonic option during component definition.

Kind of element Clicking the don arrow opens the Kind of Element list, from where you can set the
Kind of Element definition for the part.

This Kind of Element definition will be used to match the elements (the electrical
symbols) and the records (the description of the parts).
346 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Cross ref. Type In this field you enter the cross-reference type of the record (contact definition).
Filling out this field can be very helpful when searching for a record matching to a
relay during component definition.

During component definition you can select the Contact option to match the
contacts defined within the element (the electrical symbol) and the contacts defined
with the record. It might be much easier to define the contacts within the record
once, than to search for the matching relay manually.

The contact definition should be done in the following way:

Prefix the contacts definition list with R/ to assign that this is a relay or another
contact activating device
Enter the contacts of the same pair separated by a comma
Separate the contact pairs of three-phase contacts with semicolons
Separate the contact pairs with a backslash

For more details on contact definition please refer to page 293.

Delete records
Clicking the Delete button, Cadelec will delete the selected record in the Record
list, in the selected catalogue from the Catalogue list, after asking for confirmation
(Fig. 504).

Fig. 514
10 - Catalogue Records - Filter on records 347

10.2 Filter on records

You might wish to apply a filter on records to narrow down the amount of records
displayed when performing record operations like Edit Record. Filter on records
will not apply during component definition. You can issue the record filter
command (FIL_REC) from the Tools / Filters menu (Fig. 515) or the CADELEC /
Filters toolbar (Fig. 516). After running the command, the filter selection window
appears, displaying the available predefined filters (Fig. 517).

You can use the pre-defined filters, modify them or create your own ones.
Fig. 515

Fig. 517

Fig. 516

Select an existing To select an existing filter locate the cursor on the required filter and press
filter ENTER. An applying filter will flag the currently open record with red color in the
status bar.

De-select an applying To de-select an applying filter run the function again and select the filter with empty
filter syntax field (Description: No Active Filter).
348 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Edit an existing filter To modify an existing filter, locate the cursor on the filter to be edited and press the
F2 key. Cadelec opens a dialogue box where you can edit the filter definition (Fig.

Fig. 518

Create a new filter To create a new filter press the INS key within the filter selection box. Cadelec
opens a data entry box where you can enter the filter using the syntax described

Erase an existing filter A filter no longer needed can be erased by locating the cursor on it and pressing the
DEL key. The filter will be tagged and erased after leaving the selection
box. Pressing the DEL key again will recall the deletion mark.

10.2.1 Creating / Editing filters on records

Data on all catalogue records are held in the records database CAT_REC.DBF
(alias RECORDS). A filter on records will access the records database using the


<fieldname> will be replaced by the name of the field holding the information you
wish to apply the filter on. Below you see a list of the most commonly used records
database fields.

The records database CAT_REC.DBF(alias RECORDS):

The catalogue records database holds the records of all catalogues, which are in
ACTIVE on Disk status. The list of records database fields shows the fields, which
are most commonly used for applying filters. A complete list is contained in

Field Number Field Name Field entity and Description

D=Date; N=Numeric)
1 NOMCATS C8 Name of Catalogue
2 NRELEMCAT C20 Record Code
6 DENOM1 C30 Description field no. 1
7 DENOM2 C30 Description field no. 2
11 TEXTREL1 C40 Technical data 1
12 TEXTREL2 C40 Technical data 2
18 OBSERV1 C60 Remarks field no. 1
19 OBSERV2 C60 Remarks field no. 2
23 REFFABR C45 Manufacturers reference
24 NORMINTER C10 International standard
25 CONTROL C10 Quality group
10 - Catalogue Records - Filter on records 349

26 TIPUS C10 Group

53 REC_DES N3 Kind of record (for the numeric
codes please refer to page 291)
Record Mnemonic e.g. F for
protection devices

10.2.2 Operations and functions for filters

You will use the following expressions to define the filter:

and logical AND

or logical OR (inclusive)
not logical NOT

! logical NOT
< less than
> greater than

= equal
<> different from
!= different from
<= less than or equal to
>= greater than or equal to
== identical to
$ included in

Filter expressions can also use following functions:

empty() This function checks if the field specified in the brackets is

Syntax : empty(Alias.Field)

left() This function selects a number of the left-most characters.

Syntax : left(Alias.Field, Number)

right() This function selects a number of the right-most characters.

Syntax : right(Alias.Field, Number)

upper() This function changes all lower-case letters to upper-case.

Syntax : upper(Alias.Field)

ctod() This function converts a text string into date format.

Syntax : ctod(date-text)

alltrim() A character string will be returned with the leading and

trailing blanks removed.
Syntax : alltrim(expression)
350 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Appendix A - Database Files and Fields

Projects database PROJS.DBF (alias PROJS)

Contents: This database holds data to all projects known to Cadelec.

Default file location: <drv:>\CLPW\PR

Field Width Description

No. Name (C=Character;


1 NOMPRO C8 Project name

2 DESCPRO1 C25 Project Description 1

3 DESCPRO2 C25 Project Description 2

4 DESCPRO3 C34 Project Description 3

5 DESCPRO4 C34 Project Description 4

6 NORMAPRO C7 Standard

7 ARCHIVENR C8 Specific company archive number

8 PROJSTAT C15 Filing Status

9 DATACREA D8 Date of creation

10 DATAULMOD D8 Date of last modification

11 SITPRO C18 Project Status (ACTIVE or BACKUP)

12 OBSERV C60 Remarks

13 NELS N5 Number of pages

14 LLIBRERIA C6 Associated symbols library (e.g.

15 PRO_SCH C8 Used prototype schematic (e.g.
16 PRO_TER C8 Used prototype terminal drawing (e.g.
17 PROJNR C20 Specific company project number

18 BKC_PLC_PR C30 Used Device ID formula for PLCs

19 BKZ_PR C30 Used Device ID formula

20 RD_AN C1 Location redundancy (Y or N)

21 RD_OR C1 Zone redundancy (Y or N)

Appendix A - Database Files and Fields -Projects database PROJS.DBF (alias PROJS) 351

22 FLAGBOR N1 For internal use

23 FLAGZON N1 For internal use

24 EQCA N14 For internal use

25 EQCB N14 For internal use

26 EQCC N14 For internal use

27 EQCD N14 For internal use

28 XRC_AUT N1 Automatic XR Re-Calculation on/off

29 XRE_AUT N1 Automatic Equipotential XR-Calc.

30 BMK_AUT N1 Automatic Device ID Re-Calc. on/off

31 RTD_AUT N1 Re-annotate Technical Data on/off

32 RTE_AUT N1 Re-annotate Cables and Terminals

33 PRO_PAT C70 Project drive and path

34 ORD_BOR N1 Ordering option number for terminal

35 NODES N12 Nodes diameter

36 LAST_TID C20 ID of the last terminal contained in

the project
37 IN_BATCH N1 Project in use by a batch

38 LAST_FMT C8 For internal use

39 TXT_FMT Memo For internal use

40 XRC_TYP N1 For internal use

41 LADDERS N1 For internal use

42 WN_ALG N2 Wire numbering algorithm

43 WN_DIR N1 Wire numbering direction

44 WN_TRAVORD N1 For internal use

45 WN_WTHRUT N1 For internal use

46 WN_IDWNEQP N1 For internal use

47 WN_VRAT N1 For internal use

48 WN_TYP N1 Wire numbering type

352 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Pages database PLANOS.DBF (alias PLANOS)

Contents: The pages database holds data to the pages of a project. A pages database is
contained in every project directory.

Default file location: <drv:>\CLPW\PR\<project>

Field Width Description

No. Name (C=Character;


1 NOMPRO C8 Project name

2 PLANO C8 Page Name

3 COD_PLA C20 Page Number for internal indexing

4 TIPUS C10 Page Type - e.g. Power, Control etc.

5 DENOM C50 Description

6 DATACREA D8 Created

7 DATAULMOD D8 Last modified

8 USER C7 not used any more; only to

guaranty backward compatibility
9 USR_NAM C7 In charge

10 VERIF C7 Verified by

11 CANVI1 C10 Issue Code 1

12 DCAN1 D8 Issue Date 1

13 NCAN1 C7 Issue Name 1

14 CANVI2 C10 Issue Code 2

15 DCAN2 D8 Issue Date 2-

16 NCAN2 C7 Issue Name 2

17 CANVI3 C10 Issue Code 3

18 DCAN3 D8 Issue Date 3

19 NCAN3 C7 Issue Name 3

20 REVISIONS C10 Revisions

21 OBS1 C20 Title line 1

22 OBS2 C20 Title line 2

23 OBS3 C34 Title line 3

24 OBS4 C34 Title line 4

Appendix A - Database Files and Fields -Pages database PLANOS.DBF (alias PLANOS) 353

25 NR1 C20 Page number 1

26 NR2 C9 Page number 2

27 PROJNR C20 Sub-Project

28 ORIG C10 Origin

29 HECHF C10 Replaces

30 HECHD C15 Replaced by

31 DISPOS C14 Location

32 LUGAR C14 Zone

33 DATAVERIF D8 Verified

34 PROTOTIPO C8 Used Title Box

35 TYP_PLA C1 Kind of page: "S"=Schematic;

"A"=Cabinet; "K"=Terminal Pinout
36 LIB_PLA C6 On Cabinet Layout Drawings:
Cabinet Library
37 CABINET C8 On Cabinet Layout Drawings:
Chosen cabinet

38 TSTRIP C8 On Terminal Pinout Drawings:

Terminal Strip

39 R_LOCK N1 Page in use - locked

40 LADDERS N1 For internal use

41 X_PT1 N12 For internal use

42 Y_PT1 N12 For internal use

43 XPT2 N12 For internal use

44 Y_PT2 N12 For internal use

45 D_RUNG N12 For internal use

46 NR_LAD N2 For internal use

47 FR_NUM N1 For internal use

48 PREV_PAGE C8 Previous page (can be used to display

the previous page in the title box -by
customizing the title box)

49 NEXT_PAGE C8 Next Page (see Prev_Page)

354 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Libraries database LIBS.DBF (alias LIBS)

Contents: This database holds data to all libraries known to Cadelec.

Default file location: <drv:>\CLPW\LI

Field Width Description

No. Name (C=Character;


1 NOMLIB C6 Library name

2 DESCLIB C30 Description

3 PROTOTIPO C8 Prototype element

4 NORMALIB C12 Standard (e.g. DIN, JIC etc.)

5 DATACREA D8 Date of creation

6 DATAULMOD D8 Date of last modification

7 SITLIB C18 Status (Active or Backup)

8 OBSERV C60 Remarks

9 NELS N5 Number of Elements

10 TYP_LIB C1 Type of library "S"=Schematic

"A"=Cabinets "B"=Physical

11 ATT_TXH N7 Default Attribute + Text Height

12 ATT_TXW N7 Default Attribute + Text Width

13 ATT_TXI N6 Default Attribute + Text Oliquing


14 ATT_TXR N6 Default Attribute + Text Rotation


15 ATT_TXS C8 Default Attribute + Text Standard

16 ATT_TXJ C1 Default justification for attributes

0 = Left 1 = Right

17 DIS_LIN N12 For internal use

18 STANDARD N1 Standard
Appendix A - Database Files and Fields - Elements database ELEMS.DBF (alias ELEMS) 355

Elements database ELEMS.DBF (alias ELEMS)

Contents: The elements database holds data to library elements. An elements database is
contained in every library.

Default file location: <drv:>\CLPW\LI\<library>

Field Width Description

No. Name (C=Character;


1 NOMLIB C6 Library name

2 CODI C8 Element Name

3 DENOM C50 Description

4 SIMBOL C10 Mnemonic

5 DATACREA D8 Date of Creation

6 DATAULMOD D8 Date of last modification

7 OBSERV C40 Remarks

8 TIPUS C10 Group (e.g. Motor)

9 CONTROL C10 Control (e.g. 1 Phase, 3 Phases)

10 US C20 Use (e.g. Main Contact)

11 INGEN C20 Draughtsman 1

12 DISEN C20 Draughtsman 2

13 DIBUJ C20 Draughtsman 3

14 VERIF C20 Draughtsman 4

15 DATAVERIF D8 Date of verification


17 OTX N12 On cabinets - Height of cabinet

18 OTY N12 On cabinets - Width of cabinet

19 ORCX N12 On cabinets - Cabinet depth

20 ORCY N12 On cabinets - Height of mounting


21 INRC N12 For internal use

22 OSIX N12 On cabinets - Width of mounting

356 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

23 OSIY N12 For internal use

24 OORX N12 For internal use

25 OORY N12 For internal use

26 QX1 N12 For internal use

27 QX2 N12 For internal use

28 QY1 N12 For internal use

29 QY2 N12 For internal use

30 PRX N12 Base Point - X Co-ordinate

31 PRY N12 Base Point - Y Co-ordinate

32 PROTOTIPO C8 Prototype

33 CAT_DEF C8 Default catalogue

34 REC_DEF C20 Default record

35 REC_DES N3 Kind of element specification


36 to 83 For internal use

84 XR_TYPE C128 Cross-reference type including

contact definition

85 EQCA N14 For internal use

86 EQCB N14 For internal use

87 EQCC N14 For internal use

88 EQCD N14 For internal use

89 FIL L1 For internal use

90 MESSNR1 N4 For internal use

91 MESSNR3 N4 For internal use

92 MESSNR2 N4 For internal use

93 MESSNR4 N4 For internal use

94 MESSNR5 N4 For internal use

95 LADDERS N1 For internal use

96 X_PT1 N12 For internal use

97 Y_PT1 N12 For internal use

98 X_PT2 N12 For internal use

99 Y_PT2 N12 For internal use

Appendix A - Database Files and Fields - Elements database ELEMS.DBF (alias ELEMS) 357

100 D_RUNG N12 For internal use

101 NR_LAD N2 For internal use

102 FR_NUM N2 For internal use

103 R_LOCK N1 To lock the element while an user

is editing it
104 NUM_FROM N2 Number of cables in the terminal
pinout drawing - internal side
105 NUM_TO N2 Number of cables in the terminal
pinout drawing - external side
106 DIST_PH N12 For internal use

107 NUMB_PH N2 For internal use

108 DIRECTION C1 For internal use

109 CODI_ROT C8 For internal use

110 TYP_IEDLG C3 For internal use

111 NUM_SLA N2 Number of PLC

slaves (for a Master PLC)
358 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Catalogues database CATS.DBF (alias CATS)

Contents: The catalogues database holds data to the catalogues known to Cadelec.

Default file location: <drv:>\CLPW\CA

Field Width Description

No. Name (C=Character;


1 NOMCATS C8 Catalogue Name

2 DESIGNACIO C40 Description

3 FABR C20 Manufacturer

4 DATACREA D8 Date of creation

5 DATAULMOD D8 Date of last modification


7 OBSERV C60 Remarks

8 NELS N5 Number of records

Appendix A - Database Files and Fields - Components Db CON_PRO.DBF (alias COMPS) 359

Records database CAT_REC.DBF (alias RECORDS)

Contents: The records database hold data to all catalogue records.

Default file location: <drv:>\CLPW\CA

Field Width Description

No. Name (C=Character;


1 NOMCATS C8 Name of catalogue

2 NRELEMCAT C20 Name of catalogue record

3 FIS_LIB C8 Associated to library

4 FIS_DWG C8 Associated to drawing

5 DENOM1 C30 Description 1

6 DENOM2 C30 Description 2

7 DENOM3 C30 Description 3

8 DENOM4 C30 Description 4

9 DENOM5 C30 Description 5

10 TEXTREL1 C40 Technical data 1

11 TEXTREL2 C40 Technical data 2

12 TEXTREL3 C40 Technical data 3

13 TEXTREL4 C40 Technical data 4

14 TEXTREL5 C40 Technical data 5

15 DATACREA D8 Date of creation

16 DATAULMOD D8 Date of last modification

17 OBSERV1 C60 Remark 1

18 OBSERV2 C60 Remark 2

19 OBSERV3 C60 Remark 3

20 OBSERV4 C60 Remark 4

21 OBSERV5 C60 Remark 5

22 REFFABR C45 Manufacturers reference

23 NORMINTER C20 International standard

24 CONTROL C10 Quality group

25 TIPUS C10 Group

360 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

26 NCM1 N3 Quantity

27 CODIMAG1 C20 Article code

28 NCM2 N3 Accessory 1 - Quantity

29 CAT_LOG2 C8 Accessory 1 - Catalogue

30 CODIMAG2 C20 Accessory 1 - Record

31 NCM3 N3 Accessory 2 - Quantity

32 CAT_LOG3 C8 Accessory 2 - Catalogue

33 CODIMAG3 C20 Accessory 2 - Record

34 NCM4 N3 Accessory 3 - Quantity

35 CAT_LOG4 C8 Accessory 3 - Catalogue

36 CODIMAG4 C20 Accessory 3 - Record

37 NCM5 N3 Accessory 4 - Quantity

38 CAT_LOG5 C8 Accessory 4 - Catalogue

39 CODIMAG5 C20 Accessory 4 - Record

40 PREU N12 Price

41 HEIGHT N6 Height in mm

42 WIDE N6 Width in mm

43 DEEP N6 Depth in mm

44 DIAMETER N6 Diameter in mm

45 WEIGHT N7 Weight in kg

46 PWR_UNI C3 Power unit

47 POWER N13 Power

48 TIM_ASS N5 Assembly time

49 TIM_WIR N5 Wiring time

50 COST_ASS N12 Cost of assembly time

51 COST_WIR N12 Cost of wiring time

52 KEYFIELD C20 For internal use

53 QTY N10 For internal use

54 REC_DES N3 Kind of record specification number

55 XR_TYPE C128 Contact definition

56 SIMBOL C10 Mnemonic

Appendix A - Database Files and Fields - Components Db CON_PRO.DBF (alias COMPS) 361

Components Db CON_PRO.DBF (alias COMPS)

Contents: This database holds data to all components figuring in a project. A components
database is created for every project.

Default file location: <drv:>\CLPW\PR\<project>

Field Width Description

No. Name (C=Character;


1 NOMPRO C8 Project name

2 PLANO C8 Name of page where element appears

3 COD_PLA C20 Page number where element appears

4 COLUMNA N3 Column where element appears

5 CODI C8 Element name

6 SIMNUM C40 Device ID

7 PREFIX C20 Element Mnemonic

8 COUNTER C10 Element counter

9 N_OB N2 For internal use

10 N_TA N2 For internal use

11 FUNRC C30 Cross-reference function

12 NOMCAT C8 Catalogue name

13 NRELEMCAT C20 Catalogue record

14 MAIN C20 For internal use

15 ACC_NUM C1 For internal use

16 X N12 For internal use

17 Y N12 For internal use

18 STATUS N1 For internal use

19 LUGAR C14 Zone

20 INDEXCOL C2 Counter for elements with the same

prefix located in the same column
21 CONTADOR N10 For internal use

22 FILA C2 For internal use

23 DISPOS C14 Location

24 ANLAGE C14 For internal use

25 ORT C14 For internal use

362 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

26 NUM C3 For internal use

27 HANDLE C17 For internal use

28 PSE_HAN C 17 For internal use

29 XR_TYPE C254 Cross-reference type and contact

30 XR_MAIN C15 For internal use

31 CHG_TECHD N1 For internal use

32 CHG_TERMD N1 For internal use

33 CAB_PLA C8 Page number of cabinet where the

element appears
34 CAB_HAN C1 For internal use

35 CAB_CAT C8 For internal use

36 CAB_REC C20 For internal use

37 CAB_X N12 For internal use

38 CAB_Y N12 For internal use

39 CAB_Z N12 For internal use

40 TER_PLA C8 For terminals: Page number of the

specific terminal pinout drawing
41 TAG_NUM C10 Element tag number

42 USER_1 C40 User definable attribute 1

43 USER_2 C40 User definable attribute 2

44 USER_3 C40 User definable attribute 3

45 USER_4 C40 User definable attribute 4

46 FROM_CABLE C10 Connected cable - internal side

47 FROM_COND C8 Connected wire - internal side

48 FROM_LEN N7 Cable length - internal side

49 TO_CABLE C10 Connected cable - external side

50 TO_COND C8 Connected wire - external side

51 TO_LEN N7 Cable length - external side

52 REMARKS C80 Remarks to Terminal

53 CIRCUIT C20 For internal use

54 SLOT C20 Slot value

55-76 For internal use

Appendix A - Database Files and Fields - Connection Db CNX_PRO.DBF (alias CNX_PRO) 363

Connection Db CNX_PRO.DBF (alias CNX_PRO)

Contents: The connection database holds data to all connections figuring in a project. A
connection database is created for every project.

Default file location <drv:>\CLPW\PR\<project>

Field Width Description

No. Name (C=Character;


1 NOMPRO C8 Project name

2 SEGMENT C32 For internal use

3 MARCA C32 Wire Marks

4 VEQ C32 Equipotential point

5 CLASSE C4 Connection type (e.g 400V ; if not

defined: A )
6 CODI C12 Connected to Element

7 BORNE C12 Connected to pin or terminal no.

8 PLANO C8 Page name

9 COD_PLA C20 Page number

10 COLUMNA N3 Column where element appears

11 X N12 X-Coordinate of element

insertion point
12 Y N12 Y-Coordinate of element
insertion point

13 HANDLE C17 For internal use

14 TYPE N3 For internal use

15 VRATING C20 For internal use

16 IS_PRVEQ N1 For internal use

17 WIRENUM C40 Wire number

18 REC_DES N2 Element type code

19 EQXRMI C32 EQXRMI attribute value

364 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Standard Cables Db CABDEF.DBF (alias CAB_CEN)

Contents: The standard cables database holds data to all cable-types known to Cadelec.

Default file location <drv:>\CLPW\CA

Field Width Description

No. Name (C=Character;


1 NOMPRO C8 Project name

2 CABLE C10 Project cable name

3 DESC C30 Description

4 FUNCION C30 Function

5 FUNCION2 C30 Function 2

6 FRS_NUM N3 First wire number

7 LST_NUM N3 Last wire number

8 REMARKS C10 Remarks

9 to 108 C1 to C100 C8 Wire color codes

Projects Cables Db CABLES.DBF (alias CAB_PRO)

Contents: This database holds all cables figuring in a project.

Default file location <drv:>\CLPW\PR\<project>

Field Width Description

No. Name (C=Character;


1 NOMPRO C8 Project name

2 CABLE C10 Project cable name

3 DESC C30 Description

4 FUNCION C30 Function

5 FUNCION2 C30 Function 2

6 FRS_NUM N3 First wire number

Appendix B - Library Showcases (EL_DIN library) 365

7 LST_NUM N3 Last wire number

8 REMARKS C10 Remarks

9 to 108 C1 to C100 C8 Wire color codes

Appendix B - Library Showcases (EL_DIN library) 367

Appendix B - Library Showcases (EL_DIN library)

368 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports
Appendix B - Library Showcases (EL_DIN library) 369
370 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports
Appendix B - Library Showcases (EL_DIN library) 371
372 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports
Appendix B - Library Showcases (EL_DIN library) 373
374 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports
Appendix B - Library Showcases (EL_DIN library) 375
376 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports
Appendix B - Library Showcases (EL_DIN library) 377
378 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Project Reports 379


Appendix C - Pre-set Reports

11.1 Project Reports

11.1.1 Project Reports (List)

These reports list information on the projects known to Cadelec.

The command can be run from the File \ Reports menu (Fig. 519) or from the
REPORTS toolbar (Fig. 520).
Fig. 519 After running the report, the report selection window appears from where the
desired pre-set report can be selected (Fig. 521).

The below table contains the available project reports and their contents:
Fig. 520


No. of pages
Project reports
Data Status

Date of last
Proj. name


Device ID


Date of

R_PRO_01 X X X X X
R_PRO_02 X X X
R_PRO_10 X X X X X

Fig. 521
380 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports


Fig. 522


Fig. 523

Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Project Reports 381

Fig. 524
382 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

11.1.2 Project Pages reports

The Pages reports list information on the pages of the currently open project.

The command can be selected from the File \Reports menu (Fig. 525) or the
REPORTS toolbar (Fig. 520).
Fig. 525
The report selection window appears (Fig. 526)_listing the pre-set page reports.

The available project page reports are shown in the following table:
Date of creation

Drawing No. 1

Drawing No. 2
Checked Date

Kind of page
Overview -

Date of last
Page name

Location +
Project No

. Revisions

Title line 1

Title line 2


In charge



R_PLA_01 X X X X
R_PLA_02 X X X X X X X
R_PLA_03 X X X X X
R_PLA_04 X X X X X
R_PLA_05 X X X X X X
R_PLA_06 X X X
R_PLA_07 X X
R_PLA_10 X X X X X X
R_PLA_30 X X X X X

Fig. 526
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Project Reports 383


Fig. 527


Fig. 528
384 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports


Fig. 529


Fig. 530


Fig. 531
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Project Reports 385


Fig. 532


Fig. 533
386 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports


Fig. 534
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Project Reports 387

11.1.3 Cross-reference reports

The cross-reference reports list all cross-referencing groups including their


The command can be selected from the File \ Reports \ Projects menu (Fig. 535)
Fig. 535
or the REPORTS \Projects toolbar (Fig. 520)


Fig. 536
388 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports


Fig. 537
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Project Reports 389

11.1.4 Connection Reports

The connection reports list all connections figuring in the currently open project.

They can be selected from the File \ Reports \ Projects menu (Fig. 538) or the
REPORTS toolbar.

Fig. 538


Fig. 539
390 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports


Fig. 540
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Project Reports 391


Fig. 541
392 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

11.1.5 Terminal Reports

These reports list all terminals figuring in the currently open project.

They can be selected from the File \ Reports \ Project menu (Fig. 542)

or the REPORTS toolbar.

Fig. 542


Fig. 543
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Project Reports 393


Fig. 544
394 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

11.1.6 Cabling reports

These reports generate a list of all cable / wire assignment throughout the currently
active project.

The command can be run from the File \ Reports \ Projects menu (Fig. 545) or the
REPORTS toolbar.

Fig. 545


Fig. 546
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Project Reports 395


Fig. 547
396 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

11.1.7 Project cables reports

These reports generate a list of all cables used within the currently open project.

The function can be run from the File \ Reports \ Projects menu (Fig. 548) or the
REPORTS toolbar.

The available cables reports and their contents are shown in the following table and
Fig. 548 in Fig. 549

Overview -
First Wire

Last Wire






reports No
R_CAP_01 X X X X X X
R_CAP_11 X X X X
R_CAP_12 X X X X
R_CAP_13 X X X X
R_CAP_14 X X X X X
R_CAP_15 X X X X
R_CAP_17 X X X

Fig. 549
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Project Reports 397


Fig. 550


Fig. 551
398 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports


Fig. 552
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Project Reports 399


Fig. 553
400 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports


Fig. 554


Fig. 555
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Project Reports 401


Fig. 556
402 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

11.1.8 Parts Reports

The parts reports generate lists of all elements appearing in the currently project.

They can be run from the File \ Reports menu (Fig. 557) or the REPORTS toolbar
(Fig. 520), and selected from the report selection window which is opened (Fig.

Fig. 557
The available reports and their contents are listed in the following table:

catalogue +
Location +

Device ID

Overview -


Type of

Page /

Parts Reports

R_COP_01 X X X
R_COP_02 X X X X X X X
R_COP_03 X X X X X

Fig. 558
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Project Reports 403


Fig. 559
404 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports


Fig. 560
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Project Reports 405


Fig. 561
406 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

11.1.9 Bills of Materials

The Bill of Materials Reports list all components used for the project.

There are three different types of bill of materials:

_CXP_ These reports generates lists of all components including their
accessories. As these reports are hardcoded (programmed) the user cannot
modify them. Changes to the layout are still possible.
_EXP_ These reports contain all components including their accessories
_NOM_ These reports list components without their accessories
Fig. 562
These reports can be selected from the File \ Reports \ Projects \ Bill of Materials
menu (Fig. 562) or the REPORTS toolbar (Fig. 520).

The available reports and their contents are shown in the following table:

Tot. Amount

Qual. group

Manuf. Ref

Tech. Data
Overview -
Unit Price

Device ID
Comp. no



Bill of



R_CXP_01 X X X X X X X Supplier
R_CXP_02 X X X X X X X X Supplier
R_CXP_11 X X X X X X X X Zone
R_CXP_12 X X X X Zone
R_CXP_21 X X Supplier
R_EXP_01 X X X X X Supplier
R_EXP_02 X X X X X X X Supplier
R_EXP_03 X X X X X X X X Supplier
R_EXP_04 X X X X X X X X Supplier
R_NOM_01 X X X X Page
R_NOM_02 X X X X X X Page
R_NOM_03 X X X X X Page
R_NOM_04 X X X X X Page
R_NOM_05 X X X X X Page
R_NOM_06 X X X X X X Zone
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Project Reports 407


Fig. 563

Fig. 564
408 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports


Fig. 565

Fig. 566
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Project Reports 409


Fig. 567

Fig. 568
410 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports


Fig. 569
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Project Reports 411


Fig. 570
412 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports


Fig. 571


Fig. 572
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Project Reports 413


Fig. 573


Fig. 574
414 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports


Fig. 575
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Project Reports 415


Fig. 576
416 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports


Fig. 577
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Project Reports 417


Fig. 578
418 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports


Fig. 579
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Project Reports 419


Fig. 580
420 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports


Fig. 581
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Project Reports 421

11.1.10 Cabinet layout reports

Cabinet layout reports calculate the total surface taken up by the parts of a
wiring zone. As the component dimensions are defined by the associated
catalogue record, only components with catalogue and record definition will
be listed.

They can be run from the File \ Reports \ Projects menu (Fig. 582) or the
REPORTS toolbar (Fig. 520)

Fig. 582

The available reports and their contents are listed in the following table:

Device ID

Overview -



Cabinet layout





R_IMF_01 X X X X X X
R_IMF_02 X X X X X X X X
R_IMF_03 X X X X X


Fig. 583
422 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports


Fig. 584


Fig. 585
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Project Reports 423

11.1.11 AutoCAD Layers report

The AutoCAD Layers report (Reports / Project/ Miscellaneous) generates a list of

the layers which are active for plotting.


Fig. 586
424 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

11.1.12 Project Counters report

This report generates a list with the counters in the active project and its values
(Reports / Project / Miscellaneous)


Fig. 587
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Library reports 425

11.2 Library reports

11.2.1 Library reports

These reports list details on the libraries known to Cadelec.

The function can be run from the File \ Reports \ Library menu (Fig. 588) or the
REPORTS toolbar.
Fig. 588

The following table contains the available reports.


Default text
Data Status

Date of last
No. of elem
Libr. name

Overview - Standard


Date of
R_LIB_01 X X X X X X
R_LIB_02 X X X
R_LIB_03 X X X X X X
R_LIB_04 X X X


Fig. 589
426 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports


Fig. 590


Fig. 591


Fig. 592
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Library reports 427

11.2.2 Library Elements reports

The element reports list details on the elements contained in the currently open

These reports can be run from the File \ Reports \ Library menu (Fig. 588) or the
REPORTS toolbar.

The available reports are listed in the following table:

Default catalogue
Draughtsman 1-4

Associated Proje
Date of creation

Date of last test

Electrical prop
Element Name

Default record
Overview -


Date of last



R_ELE_01 X X X X
R_ELE_02 X X X X X
R_ELE_03 X X X
R_ELE_04 X X X X X X
R_ELE_05 X X X X X X
R_ELE_06 X X X
R_ELE_07 X X X
428 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports


Fig. 593
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Library reports 429


Fig. 594
430 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports


Fig. 595
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Library reports 431


Fig. 596
432 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports


Fig. 597
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Library reports 433


Fig. 598
434 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports


Fig. 599
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Catalogue reports 435

11.3 Catalogue reports

11.3.1 Catalogue reports

The catalogue reports list details on the catalogues known to Cadelec.

They can be run from the File \ Reports \ Catalogue menu (Fig. 600) or the
REPORTS toolbar.
Fig. 600
The available reports and their contents is listed in the following table:


No. of records

Data Status

Date of last

Overview - Remarks

Date of
Catalogue reports

R_CAT_01 X X X X X
R_CAT_02 X X X
R_CAT_03 X X X X


Fig. 601
436 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports


Fig. 602


Fig. 603
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Catalogue reports 437

11.3.2 Catalogue Records reports

These reports list details of the records contained in the selected catalogue.

They can be run from the File \ Reports \ Catalogue menu (Fig. 600) or the
REPORTS toolbar.

The available reports and their contents are listed in the following table:

Assoc Phys. libr

Technical Data
Manufact. Ref

Quality group

Article code

Overview -

Date of last



Date of
Record reports

R_FIC_01 X X X X
R_FIC_02 X X X X
R_FIC_03 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
R_FIC_04 X X X
R_FIC_05 X X X
R_FIC_06 X X X
R_FIC_07 X X X X


Fig. 604
438 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports


Fig. 605
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Catalogue reports 439


Fig. 606
440 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports


Fig. 607


Fig. 608
Appendix C - Pre-set Reports - Catalogue reports 441


Fig. 609


Fig. 610
442 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

11.4 Cable types report

This report lists details on the cable-types known to Cadelec.

It can be run from the File \ Reports \ Miscellaneous menu (Fig. 611) or the
REPORTS toolbar.
Fig. 611


Fig. 612
Appendix D - Upgrading from CADELEC 6 - Upgrade Library 443


Appendix D - Upgrading from CADELEC 6

When upgrading from Cadelec 6 to Cadelec 2004, you have to upgrade the libraries
and catalogues you have been using and created with Cadelec 6 as well as the
projects created with Cadelec 6.

You have to perform the steps described in this Appendix for the libraries and
projects in order to upgrade to Cadelec 2004.

12.1 Upgrade Library

To upgrade a library to Cadelec 2004, perform the following steps:

Step 1: Create New Library

Create a new library, selecting New from the Cadelec / Library / Database menu. In
the New Library dialogue box specify the name of the library and select the
Retrieve from disk option. The directory selection box appears where you can select
the old library path. Cadelec starts copying the files and will generate the menu also
for the library

Step 2: Re-Index Library

From the Tools / Utilities menu select Re-Index / Library, and in the library
selection box, select the library to be upgraded.

Step 3: Check attributes

The terminals and plugs elements from the library have to be checked that they do
not have the CN1 and CN2 attributes with the CONSTANT property (only
PRESET). The elements which fall into this category have the REC_DES field in
the ELEMS.DBF database equal to 14 (terminals) or 15 (plugs). So, you can filter
them using a filter with the syntax:


To do so, select Filter Elements from the Tools / Filters menu and either choose the
predefined filter with the description Terminals, Plugs and Sockets or create a new
filter (press the INS key) and enter as the filter syntax:

elems.rec_des=14 or elems.rec_des=15

and then select it.

Now, having filtered the library elements, opening an element will access only the
elements, which are terminals or plugs.

Go through them one by one and make sure that the CN1 and CN2 attributes do not
have the CONSTANT property. For this, run the AutoCAD command DDMODIFY
and select the attribute to check (CN1 and CN2). If necessary, change the attribute
settings to only PRESET (without CONSTANT).

At the end change the filter on the elements back to No Active Filter.
444 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Step 4: Check for blocks referencing themselves

AutoCAD and Cadelec 2004, are blocked in case of .DWG files containing a block
with the same name as the drawing. For this, these self-references have to be purged
(AutoCAD PURGE command).

You can do this by running the UPL_6_9714 batch process on the library which can
be selected from the Tools / Batch / Library Batch menu. It will purge the self-
referencing elements.

This batch has to be run in three steps:

first on the elements - set filter to No Macros nor Slides
then on macros - set filter to Macros only
At the end, change the filter back to No Active Filter.

Step 5: Check that the attributes are PRESET

All elements (without filter) have to have all attributes with the PRESET property.
To check, you can run a batch process on the library - for example Zoom Extents.
The batch will stop at the elements with attributes without the PRESET property.
Run the AutoCAD DDMODIFY command on these elements and set the attributes

Step 6: Re-Index library

Re-Index the library selecting Library from the Tools / Utilities /Re-Index menu.

Step 7: Make Slides

Run the LIB_SHW command on the library to create the slides (select Slides from
the Tools /Utilities menu).

Step 8: Create a new project

You have to create a new project to be able to run the CCELE command (Catch
Elements) which requires a project context. In the project data sheet, in the Library
field, select the library, which you are upgrading.

Step 9: Catch Elements

Run the Catch Elements command (CCELE) (with the new project opened) and
associate the elements with their category. The command will display in the
dialogue box only the elements not contained in a category, which in this case will
be all elements.

To associate the elements with their corresponding categories you can either select
them one by one in the Catch Element dialogue box - in which case you will not
have any information about the elements- or you can proceed in the following way:
In the Selection category selection box of the dialogue box select the
Miscellaneous category and, clicking on the >> button associate all elements
from the left selection box to this category.
After leaving the dialogue box (Cancel), activate the CATEGORIES toolbar
(on the CADELEC toolbar click on Element Categories)
Click on the MISC toolbox to bring up the selection dialogue box for the
Miscellaneous category. This Category contains now all the caught elements.
Now you can select the elements one by one , click on the Details button (the
detailed information will help you to identify the element and decide which
category it belongs to). The category for the element can be selected from the
Appendix D - Upgrading from CADELEC 6 - Upgrade Library 445

New Selection Category pull-down list and the Back button will take you back
to the element selection window, moving the element to the new category.
Proceed in the same way with all elements in the Miscellaneous category.

Step 10: Customize Categories

While still in the new project, run the Customize Categories function from the Tools
/ Utilities menu or by typing the command CCDLG.

Step 11: Save

Run the _QSAVE command to end the process. The library should be ported to
Cadelec 2004 now.
446 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

12.2 Upgrade Catalogues

To upgrade your catalogues from release 4.*, 5 or 6 to Cadelec 2004, proceed in the
following way:

1 Copy the content of the catalogue directory of the old version (..\CLP\Ca) to
the new location of the catalogues (for example..\CLPW\CA

2 Re-Index the catalogues - command REO_CAT or select from the UTILITIES

toolbars Re-Index \ Catalogue

After this you will be able to use your catalogues, defined in a previous version.

Note that the content of the previous catalogues of Cadelec 2004 will be lost
(example catalogues).

12.2.1 Integrate a new catalogue into Cadelec

To integrate a new catalogue into Cadelec, proceed in the following way:

1. Create a table with the name of the new catalogue to be integrated, (e.g.
NEW_CAT), from the catalogue you want to integrate, by modifying its structure so
that the database structure is the same with the structure of the
..CLPW\Ca\CAT_REC.DBF. In this table the Nomcats field should have the value
of the new catalogue name (NEW_CAT), for all records (lines).

2. Create a new catalogue in Cadelec, with the CRE_CAT command, with the name
of the new catalogue which is to be integrated (NEW_CAT).

3. Copy the new database (NEW_CAT), containing the records of the new
catalogue, in the default catalogue location (e.g. CLPW\CA)

4. Re-Index the catalogues with the REO_CAT command. Cadelec will ask weather
to Update records from database ? Choose Yes to integrate the catalogue.

Appendix D - Upgrading from CADELEC 6 - Upgrade Projects 447

12.3 Upgrade Projects

During the installation process if you choose the New Workstation option you have
the possibility to indicate to Cadelec the directory in which your previous projects
(made with previous version) are located without overwriting them (only if you
force this), so that they would not be lost. In this case you will update them as they
are, they do not need to be retrieved from disk.

Or, if you put your new projects in a different directory from the old ones, then for
each project you have to create a new project with the same name as the one to be
upgraded. In the new project dialogue box choose the Retrieve from disk option.
The directory selection box appears where you can select the project to be copied
(the one which needs to be upgraded) and the old project will be copied to the
Cadelec project directory.

Step 1: Re-Index Project

In the first step re-index the project selecting Re-Index / Project from the Tools /
Utilities menu and specifying the project in the project selection dialogue box.

Step 2: Check for corrupt pages

Open the project (Project / Open Project menu or BUS_PRO command). Try
opening all the pages of the project to see whether they are corrupted or not. If a
page (drawing) is corrupted then Cadelec will not be able to open it.

Alternatively, you can create a project batch process for this purpose. To do this:
Select Project Batch from the Tools / Batch menu
In the Page Selection window select all pages by clicking on the >> button
Activate the Run an AutoCAD Script option
In the predefined batch selection window press the INS key to create a new
batch and edit it and enter for example the zoom command to be performed on
every page. Use the syntax : ZOOM _E

If there are corrupt pages then run the AutoCAD RECOVER command (File /
Drawing Utilities) and recover them.

Step 3: Update terminals

The projects containing terminals whose attributes have been manually modified to
CONSTANT loose the cables information during the conversion. To avoid this you
have to update the terminals and perform the next steps using the utility program
goodies.exe, which is located in the \CLPW\P directory.

To update the terminals you can use the UPB_1S command with which the element
to be updated can be specified.

Running the UPB_1S command will ask for the name of the element to update. Run
the command for all the terminals used in the project. To be sure that no terminal is
left out, you can make a list of the terminals in your Library. To do so perform the
following steps:
Set a filter on the Elements, which keeps only the terminal elements using the
filter syntax :
or, select from the predefined Element filters the Terminals, Plugs and Sockets
filter (Tools / Filters / Element Filter )
448 9 - Catalogues- Catalogue and records reports

Run the Files / Reports / Library / Elements function and select the Elements -
Summary report to create the list of the filtered elements (terminals).
Run the UPB_1S command for every page of the project and every element in
the list.

You can also run the UPTERM batch on the project after you edited it and checked
it contains all the terminals used.

Step 4: Update Xref points

The Xref points in the projects have to be updated because the new Xref point
elements (RCEQD, RCEQI, RCEQU, RCEQL) have a new attribute: EQXRMI.

First, you have to update the library elements: RCEQD, RCEQI, RCEQU, RCEQL.
For this open the elements (one by one) with the ACC_ELE command, and insert
the EQXRMI attribute for the open Xref point, using the DEFEQI command, then
save the element.

Then you have to update the Xref points in projects. For this, you can use the
UPB_A or UPB_SS commands and update the Xref points in the project manually.

To update only the Xref points in the project, you can run a batch on the project and
use the UPB_1S command to update the Xref points automatically.

Use the following AutoCAD script to do that:

upb_1s rceqi

upb_1s rcequ

upb_1s rceql

upb_1s rceqd


Step 5: Enter the Terminal editor

Run the command EDI_BOR or select Edit from the Cadelec / Terminals / Edit
menu, to enter the Cable editor. Sort the terminals by number for example and
activate the Cable editor window. Here you can check for the terminals and see
whether the cables are connected correctly to the terminals.

Step 6: Run the GOODIES.EXE utility

From the File Manager or the Explorer run the \CLPW\P\goodies.exe utility
program and select the Cables option (utility). You have to select first the project
from the directory selection box, and the cable related data will be transferred from
the BORNES database to the CON_PRO database.

Step 7: Check the result

Repeat Step 5 (Enter the Terminal Editor) to check the terminals and the
connections to the cables in the project.

The project should now be completely ported to Cadelec 2004.

Technical Notes - CADELEC connectivity database 449


Technical Notes
13.1 CADELEC connectivity database

The notion of connectivity

One of the most particular aspects of the electrical design is the fact that elements
are connected together from the electrical point of view. This defines a particular
relationship between them.

The connectivity notion is what implements such relationship.


To make sure everybody uses the same terms for the same things, a brief
terminology list is provided. This is very important, since most of what is needed to
understand how CADELEC connectivity works lie in the fact of understanding well
the role every item plays:

Pole: Point of the element where an electrical connection can be established. Sometimes,
particularly in the electronics field, it is also known as Pin.

In the Schematic drawings, poles appear like special places where connection lines
end. Poles are graphically implemented into CADELEC as the Insertion Point of
special attributes that define them. The attribute text is the name of the Pole.

Fig. 613

Every electrical element can have (and usually has) several Poles. We
shall distinguish between them assuming that every different pole has a
different pole name. If several poles of an element have the same name,
we shall assume that they refer to the same point from the electrical
point of view, and therefore they are the same pole from the
connectivity point of view, even if mechanically there are several of
them in the physical element.

Be careful: Some elements feature invisible poles. They do exist and

Fig. 614
are processed, but they can't be seen. For example, the poles of the
terminals: There are 2 poles, but none of them are visible (Fig. 614).

Segment: We shall call segment to the set of electrical lines that in a schematic drawing
connect different poles directly between them from the electrical point of view:

Fig. 615

Note that we refer to segment as the whole set of lines. In general, a segment
consists of one or more lines.

Lines that belong to the same segment are the lines that share common endpoints
and are located in the same connection layer. A connection layer is a layer whose
name starts with PCAB.

Segment number This is an internal information that is assigned to identify every different segment
within a drawing. Normally, CADELEC will assign to every segment an internal
segment number consisting of a code according to the following format:

F<schema name>-<segment counter>

For example, the segment numbers of the different segments in a drawing

numbered, as 4 would be:

and so on.

There is an exception to this rule: When the segment is the segment where the
equipotential number (the one set with the command SCNXM) has been placed, the
segment number is the equipotential number directly.
Technical Notes - CADELEC connectivity database 451

We shall understand it better with an example:

Fig. 616

The segment up the fuse has the equipotential number, so its segment name is
directly the equipotential number, so it would be L2. The segment below the
terminal has no equipotential number, so the 'F...' mechanism applies, and it would
be something like F2-23, for instance.

Do not rely on the fact that the numbers of the 'F...' mechanism are constant through
the life of the project and always point to the same segment. They will change as
soon as you add/remove/copy/move any element of the drawing.

Every line belonging to the same segment is internally associated to that segment

Equipotential number Number that is assigned to an electrical line in a schematic drawing with the
command SCNXM.

Equipotential set We shall call equipotential set the set of segments that are bound between them
either by:

-the fact that all of them are assigned the same equipotential number, even if they
are in different sheets:

Fig. 617

-the fact they are connected by means of a terminal:

Fig. 618

Please note that an equipotential set can be formed by several segments distributed
between several sheets of the project. It does not have to be necessarily thought that
contents concern a single drawing, as happens with the segment.

A terminal does not break an equipotential set. Elements on both sides of the
terminal are considered part of the same equipotential set automatically.

All the lines of all the segments of the equipotential set inherit the same
equipotential number. We will later see that this is directly reflected in the
connectivity database.
The equipotential number is assigned to an equipotential set by inspecting the
endpoints of all the lines that form the segments of the equipotential set within the
same drawing. That is why the SCNXM command that sets the equipotential
number breaks the line; this makes sure that the equipotential number is placed
close to a true endpoint of the line.

For the case of an equipotential set located into a different drawing, it is mandatory
to define the equipotential number into every different drawing. Otherwise,
CADELEC would not know which segment has to be related with such
equipotential number. Due to the fact that it is in a different drawing, the connection
is of course lost, hence there is the need to mark such segments again into every
different drawing, by explicitly setting and equipotential number.
Every individual line of a segment that belongs to a certain equipotential set has
internally associated the equipotential number of its equipotential set.

Fig. 619
Technical Notes - CADELEC connectivity database 453

If the connection is made between different segments within the same drawing via a
standard terminal, there is no need to set the equipotential number again. It 'goes
through' the terminal into the other segments located within the same drawing to
'glue them' as part of the same equipotential set.

Fig. 620

Please note in the above example that lines from -F7,2 to -X1,6 and from -X1,6 to
+MA2-M1,U1 belong to the same equipotential set, but to different segments.

In general, if two lines belong to the same equipotential set, but to different
segments, it is because there is a terminal connecting both sets or because the lines
are located into different drawings.

If the segment number does not correspond to a 'F...' - like numbering system, and
the segment number is the same as the equipotential number, this means that we are
looking to a segment who has the equipotential mark attached to it.

The connectivity database: CNX_PRO

All the connectivity information is kept at a project-level database called

CNX_PRO.DBF. This means that every project has one database called
CNX_PRO.DBF, located in the same directory where all the project contents
(drawings, etc.) reside.

How does CNX_PRO work ?

When CADELEC analyses the connectivity of a drawing, it fills the database

CNX_PRO in the following way:

For every block inserted in the drawing, and for every pole in each block, a record
is created into CNX_PRO. Thus, CNX_PRO is basically a database of all the poles
in the project.
A pole is considered connected to an electrical line via the connection square
mechanism, which is explained in the CADELEC Technical Note number 2. This
enables us to establish a direct relationship between a pole and the connectivity data
(segment number and equipotential number) that is associated to the line the pole is
considered connected to. The order in which the connectivity analyser gets the data
works as follows:

Pole >> Line >> Segment >> Equipotential

Once the electrical line associated with the Pole is determined, this Line will belong
to a segment, with the corresponding segment number, and the segment to an
equipotential set, with the corresponding equipotential number.

To sum up: A Pole is connected to a Line. A Line is part of a Segment. A Segment

is part of an Equipotential Set.

Each field of CNX_PRO into this record is then filled with the following

MARCA: It is the segment number of the line the pole is connected to.

VEQ: It is the equipotential number of the line the pole is connected to.

CLASSE: The line the pole is connected to can belong to a specific type of connection. The
CLASSE field contents is the type of connection of the line, that corresponds to the
characters of the layer name of the line that are found after the standard prefix
'PCAB'. If it is a default-type line, CLASSE is always filled with 'A'.

BORNE: It is the Pole name.

CODI: It is the Element (Block) name.

PLANO: It is the Schema name.

X,Y: Are the geometric co-ordinates of the insertion point of the Element (Block). Note
that such co-ordinates are not the Pole co-ordinates, but the co-ordinates of the
Element (Block) insertion point.

HANDLE: It is the AutoCAD handle of the Element (Block). It is unique for every element,
and constant through the life of the Element (Block).

COD_PLA: It is an internal field automatically generated for a proper sorting of the Schemas
when numeric and character -named schemas appear within the same project. You
can use it instead of PLANO for proper alphanumeric ordering of numeric data.

COLUMNA: It is the Column number the element is in, according to the Row-Column
specification of the Title Block.
Technical Notes - CADELEC connectivity database 455

TYPE: This is a field to distinguish the poles from elements that are equipotential cross
reference elements from all the others. If the pole comes from an element which is
an equipotential cross reference, this field has 1 in it, otherwise it is left empty for
the poles coming from standard elements.
CONDUCTOR: These are fields coming from older versions for backwards compatibility. They are
no longer used since version 4.2x and their contents are now irrelevant. They will
be dropped in future releases.

How to recognise the connection between elements

Now that we have already inspected CNX_PRO and its contents, we can address
the problem of how a connection between elements can be detected.

As we have shown, CNX_PRO is basically a table of the Poles that tell you apart
from the Pole name, who does it belongs to (CODI, HANDLE), where is the
element it belongs to (PLANO, X, Y, COLUMNA, COD_PLA), and what is its
connectivity data (MARCA, VEQ).

Please note that elements that are electrically connected must share the same
connectivity data. This indicates us what the mechanism to recognise an electrical
connection must be.

The basic mechanism is to use VEQ to recognise an electrical connection that might
involve elements into the same Equipotential Set. Since maybe this is into different
drawings at the full project level, we call this "long-term" electrical connections.
We use MARCA to detect "short-term" electrical connections; this is, only the ones
involved with elements belonging to the same segment. This sort of connections
will always be into the same drawing.

Therefore, to recognise for example, all the elements in the full project connected to
a certain pole of a certain element, we would first look for its VEQ value in its
corresponding record of CNX_PRO. Once we know its VEQ, simply by listing all
the records that have the same VEQ value we would have all the poles and the
elements the original pole is electrically connected to through all the project.

In the above example, if instead of using VEQ we would have used MARCA, we
would have obtained the elements that are directly connected to it, this is, the ones
that are connected to it via a direct line in the same drawing, this is, in the same

Using CNX_PRO is not difficult when you realise what VEQ and MARCA are, and
how it works. Then, it is mainly a matter of sorting and indexing the database on the
proper field to extract the necessary information. SQL-syntax for such queries adds
a lot of advantage for people wishing to construct complex queries. Other non
experienced SQL users can always program through any database management
language such sort of queries, or just use the query builder of the database
programming software.

What happens if an element is not connected?

It often happens that some poles are left unconnected. In the next drawing we can
see that the poles 28V and 30V of transformer -T5 are left unconnected:

Fig. 621

How is this reflected in the connectivity database?

In the case of the poles not connected, MARCA and VEQ are set to the value
'NOC', and CLASSE is set to '???'. All the rest of fields are treated as explained
before. This provides a mechanism to recognise the unconnected poles from the
others. This also means that the user should never give 'NOC' as a value for an
equipotential to not interfere with this mechanism.
Technical Notes - Connectivity analyser

13.2 Connectivity analyser

Connectivity analysis in CADELEC has been improved. Thanks to the suggestions
of several users, the following mechanism has been developed, which ensures a
safer generation of the connectivity database.

Whenever we have an attribute with the tag of the form CN<n> where <n> is a
number, e.g. 1,2,3,... in the layer TPOL, CADELEC considers its contents as the
value of an electrical connection point, or a pole.

CADELEC will look for the surrounding area of the pole to see if there is an
electrical connection line starting or finishing in the neighbourhood. An electrical
connection line is a LINE in a layer named with a name starting with PCAB.
CADELEC only takes into account the start and end points of the connection line.
The other points of the line are ignored for the connectivity.

The area where CADELEC looks for the connection line is an imaginary square
whose centre is located in the insertion point of the attribute, as it is in the
library. This means that even if the attribute has been moved with the command
MVA (Move Attribute) from its original place, CADELEC always locates the
centre of the imaginary square in the original place, this is, the one the attribute is in
the library element. This is an advantage since it allows the user to freely move the
attribute of the pole without altering the place where CADELEC will look for its

The imaginary square has a default dimension of 2.25 drawing units per semi-
length of its sides:

How to set a different size of connection square

CADELEC enables you to customise the connection square size to be considered.

You can specify a different connection square size than the one by default (2.25).
To do so, you must create an ASCII file (normal text file) with a single line
containing the semi-length of the side of the square you want. The file must be
named CNX_SET.DEF and must be located in the same directory than the
AutoCAD drawings of the project (\CLPW\PR\<project name>).

This enables you to have different connection square sizes on every project. If the
file does not exist, CADELEC takes the default value 2.25.

More than one connection line in

the connection square

CADELEC will take only the line, which is closest to the insertion point of the
Let's take the following example: a little terminal, much littler than the connection
square. We will indicate the insertion point of the poles as the little circles (Fig.
Notice that each poles' connection square also covers the other pole. There could be
a theoretical confusion, however, since CADELEC takes the closest line to the
pole, it will always take the correct one in this case. This would work as long as
Fig. 622 both poles in the terminal are connected, which is always the case.

Attribute justification

The important point is the Insertion Point of the Attribute. This can be different
depending on the text justification. This is important to remember, because
attributes apparently equal can have different Insertion points if they are justified in
a different fashion.

What happens if no connection line comes into the

connection square ?

CADELEC considers the pole to be NOt Connected. This is the special

equipotential point called NOC in the listings. This is why you can't just define a
very big connection square: although you might think this could solve all the
problems because it would always locate the line and if there are more than one
lines the closest would be taken, the problem then is that a pole not connected could
be erroneously associated to another connection line lying in its (now too big)
connection square.

So to be on the safe side, you must locate all the poles of your elements at a
distance bigger than the semi-length of the connection square side. For example, if
the connection square is 2.25, the minimum distance you should set a pole from the
others is any number bigger than 2.25, for example, 2.5. If you choose a minor
distance, everything will work fine as long as you connect all the poles that are very
close to connection lines. If you leave one unconnected, its connection square will
cover a neighbour's connection line and CADELEC will consider it connected to
that line, when it is in fact not connected.

In case of doubt

When you issue _END or _QSAVE, CADELEC will show you the message
'Connection distance set to <n>', where n is the semi-length of the connection
square. You can use this to check that your connection square has the right size.

Just draw a connection square of the size you have read. Put it on the insertion point
of the pole (AutoCAD Attribute) that is not connected, and check that the square
does not cover any undesired start or end of another connection line.

Only in the case of not connected poles you could have a problem. If you use to not
leave any pole unconnected, even with big connection squares you should not have
any problem since CADELEC will take the line closest to the pole even if there are
more than one in the connection square.

The best strategy

The best strategy is to follow this rule: Never place two poles of the same or
different elements closer to the semi-length of the connection square. This is
something you have to take into account when designing the library. If you can't,
then make sure that those poles belong to elements that are always electrically

Another thing you can do is to define the poles with the best possible text
justification. This means that, since the insertion point of the pole is affected by the
justification, you must select the text justification that will place the insertion point
closer to the end of the connection line.
Technical Notes - The phantom terminal 459

13.3 The phantom terminal

In the CADELEC terminal editor, you can insert blank, or empty, terminals. These
terminals can be renumbered within the terminal editor, which means that they can
be used to represent spare terminals in terminal strips.

However, one disadvantage of creating spare terminals within the terminal editor is
that they are lost when you re-generate the terminals database. If spare terminals are
relevant to the project, you can use another method to ensure that they will not be
lost if the terminals database is regenerated.

The solution is to use "phantom terminals", as we discuss below.

Creating a phantom terminal

A phantom terminal is a terminal whose entities are all invisible. We can create a
phantom terminal (we suggest you name them BORFAN or KLEFAN) by taking
the single one-phase terminal (for example, KLEMMO1 in library EL_DIN) as a
drawing prototype.

Bear in mind that all terminals in CADELEC must have a name that starts with
BOR or KLE. Thus, you create a new library element (BORFAN, say) based on the
prototype KLEMMO1. Once you have filled in the data sheet, as usual, CADELEC
loads the element into the drawing editor, where it appears a standard terminal.

Now, we are going to create a new layer, which we shall call INVISIBLE. The
color in this layer should be different from the color in layer 0, so that we can easily
identify which entities it contains. Let's select the color Blue, say.

The next step will be to put all the element's entities (except the poles) into the
INVISIBLE layer. We can do this using the _CHANGE command. However, it is
essential to remember that the poles must remain in their own specific layer: TPOL.
This means that you must remove the poles (CN1, CN2) from the selection set
before completing the _CHANGE command.

Even if the poles are not located in INVISIBLE layer, they will not appear in the
drawings since they are invisible attributes anyway. The poles must stay safely in
the TPOL layer, while all the other entities of the terminal are transported into the

Once you have done this, you can issue the _END command and insert the phantom
terminal wherever you like in the tablet template.

Using phantom terminals

Now that we have created our phantom terminal, let's see how we can use it in a
project drawing.

Suppose we want to insert 10 spare terminals on a motor terminal strip. Before

inserting our phantom terminal, our drawing looks like this:

Fig. 623

Now let's insert the 10 reserve terminals, just before the terminal that is currently
numbered 13.

First, we have to reset the existing terminals, since they will have to be renumbered.

Then, we take one phantom terminal (named BORFAN, say) and insert it just
before the first terminal of the motor. To assign the phantom terminal to a terminal
strip, we use the STIN command. In our case we will assign the terminal to the -X1
terminal strip.

The next step is to duplicate the phantom terminal 10 times. We do this using the
_ARRAY command, generating a rectangular array of 1 row and 10 columns. The
distance between columns must be greater than zero; we suggest a value of 0.01. It
is very important to observe this minimum spacing, since Cadelec will not accept
multiple terminals stacked at the same location.

Our drawing now looks like this:

Fig. 624
Technical Notes - The phantom terminal 461

Note that the phantom terminals will appear in blue, since they are located in the
INVISIBLE layer, which we declared as blue. It is preferable to assign a color to
the INVISIBLE layer rather that actually turning it invisible as such. This way, we
can easily see that the spare terminals are there. They remain visible, but in a
different color.

When we plot the drawing, we shall simply exclude the INVISIBLE layer from the
list of layers for automatic plotting. In other words, all the entities in this layer will
appear on the screen, neatly identified by their different color, but they will not be
appear on the hard-copy plot.

If you want to know how many terminals there are in the set of phantom terminals,
use the _LIST command and select them using a crossing or window. AutoCAD
will tell you how many entities are selected, and this gives you the number of

Once we have inserted our phantom terminals, we can renumber all the terminals in
the drawing, giving a final representation something like this:

Fig. 625

Since our phantom terminals actually exist in the drawing (and not just in the
terminal editor), we can regenerate our terminals database whenever we like,
without having to worry about losing spare terminal declarations.
Glossary 463


Accessory An accessory is a part which is necessary for the mounting or the functionality of a
component but must be ordered separately. Typical examples are fuse holders and
cooling devices. You can specify such accessories in the record data sheet to get
them listed in the bill of material automatically every time you define a component
with this record.

ACTIVE Status ACTIVE Status means, that the project, the library or the catalogue are available for
direct access. The Status changes to BACKUP if you delete the data from hard disk.
By doing so you can store it to a backup medium (diskette, streamer etc.)

Alias Every Cadelec database has an alias which you will use instead of the database file
name to access this database. You will for example use the alias RECORDS for
accessing the catalogue records database CAT_REC.DBF.

Array of attributes Arrays of attributes are mainly used within Terminal Pinout Drawings. Compared
with normal attributes e.g. ZONE which can only hold one information, arrays like
T.TNUM[<counter>] will hold any number of information. Cadelec also works
with two-dimensional arrays like T.TO_CON[<counter 1>][<counter 2>].
Depending on the counter number, the attribute will always access a different
database field.

Attributes An attribute is informational text associated with a block e.g. an element.

Information entered to an attribute will be written to the associated field of the
database (e.g. the SZON command will write to the ZONE attribute of the selected
element and from there into the databases). In the other hand, information from the
databases can be annotated in the page (e.g technical data).

The attribute itself is not visible when loading project pages to AutoCAD or
inserting elements into pages. Only the contents of the attribute are shown. The
attribute definition of elements can be seen and changed when opening the element
with the Open element function (Ctrl+E hot key).

The Kind of Element definition, the attributes and their contents define the
functionality of an element.

Available data Available project, libraries and catalogues are known to Cadelec and will appear in
the browse appearing when performing operations like for example EDIT
PROJECT. Available for immediate access are only Projects, Libraries and
Catalogues in ACTIVE Status. Others must be restored first.

Available pages and elements are contained in the project or library, which is
opened at the moment. If you wish for example to query a page of a project, which
is currently not opened, you will have to open the project before you can access its

BACKUP Status Projects, Libraries and Catalogues will change to BACKUP status after deletion.
They are not available for immediate access until restoring. Projects, Libraries and
Catalogues in BACKUP status are still known to Cadelec but assumed not be
needed in the near future. Restoring from a safe backup will change the status to
ACTIVE again and assign it to be ready for immediate use. If you wish to erase a
project, library or catalogue entry from the available list you should purge it. Once
this has been done, the purged project, library or catalogue is no longer known to

Component definition When defining components you assign a manufacturers article contained in a
catalogue record to an electrical symbols.

Consistency check Every time you enter a cabinet in AutoCAD, Cadelec will perform a consistency
check comparing the schematics and the cabinet. If one of the following cases
occurs, Cadelec will flag the part in red color:
the component was erased from the schematic
the component was re-defined by another catalogue record. As this could lead
to different dimensions, Cadelec will report this as an error.
the component was assigned a different wiring zone.

Data entities Cadelec handles data in six distinct data categories: Project, Pages, Libraries,
Elements, Catalogues and Records.

These six data types can be considered as forming three groups:

Projects are made up of Pages

Libraries are made up of Elements

Catalogues are made up of Records

DELETE Function Deleting will remove the selected data entity from hard-disk. Before this will be
done, Cadelec will prompt you whether you want the data to be backed up. A
project for example, which was deleted, will still appear in the list of available
projects but in BACKUP Status. If you want this entry to be removed you should
purge this project. Restoring will install the project on hard-disk again.

EDIT Function The edit function lets you edit the data sheet of Cadelecs data entities. This function
will not enter AutoCAD to perform graphical modifications.

Hardware Lock without a hardware lock Cadelec will work in demonstration mode with a limited
number of functions. The Hardware Lock should only be plugged on the back of the
AutoCAD hardware lock. You should only plug it on or off if both Computer and
the connected printer are switched off. Otherwise the dongle might loose its data
and Cadelec will no longer recognize it. If this happens, please call SISCAD so that
we can advice you on how to re-program it:

Siscad Ltd. / Switzerland Tel.: +41-22-364 5491

Kind of Element The Kind of Element definition and the attributes annotated alongside the element
definition define the functions that can be performed on this element. This definition has to be
done when creating an element and can be changed with the EDIT ELEMENT
function from within the Manager. Cadelec works with 36 different Kinds of

LBRK Layer This is the layer for line cutting. It will cut the lines underneath an inserted element.
For this reason you should draw break lines using the DCLINE command on every

The LBRK layer should always be frozen. If lines are not cut automatically after
element insertion please check this.

Location and Zone Projects can be subdivided into Locations and Zones. These usually correspond to
physical locations. For example, the project could consist of an entire production
facility. Each production line within the facility is designed as a Location and each
control cabinet on a line is a Zone.

On schematics, the Location and Zone defined when creating / editing the page will
Glossary 465

be given by default to all elements of this page. These page defaults are annotated
on the right bottom of the standard title box.

A cabinet is considered as being a wiring zone. Only components with the same
zone specification as the cabinet, as entered in the cabinet page data-sheet can be
placed into it.

Macros Macros (or Groups of Elements) are commonly used circuits which can be stored in
(Groups of Elements) your symbols library for re-use in your project.

Master-slave Master-slave cross-referencing is performed between different views of the same

cross-referencing part such as a coil and its contacts which are representations of a relay. The cross-
reference analyzer annotates the position of the activated contacts within the contact
map of the coil. The Device ID of the coil is given to the contacts and its position
within the drawings is annotated. Master-slave cross-referencing can only be
performed between elements defined as either Coil or contact activating element or
PLC and contacts. The XR_TYPE attribute of the activating element must contain a
definition of the contacts which can be activated prefixed with "R/".The XR_TYPE
attribute of contacts must contain its contact numbers.

Networking If the computers in your company are connected by a network with Cadelec
installed on every system, you can use Cadelecs networking capabilities. This
allows several users to work on the same project and access the same libraries and
catalogues at the same time.
This gives you the following advantages:
projects can be developed in a team. Changes done by one user are
immediately available for other users
the libraries and catalogues on the network are identical.
once the installation on network is done and was controlled, the users can erase
the libraries and catalogues from their local drive and free up disk space
projects, libraries and catalogues on network will be backed up during the
regular network backup to streamer
Networking can also lead to the following drawbacks:
decrease of performance speed due to network traffic
if one use has left AutoCAD in an irregular way (e.g. due to an invalid
configuration), the page will stay locked until all other users working on the
same project leave AutoCAD and the project was RE-INDEXed by one user.

OPEN Function By opening a Cadelec data entity (Projects, Pages, Libraries, Elements, Catalogues,
Records) you specify it as being the current one and set it as default for operations
on this data entity. Pages and elements which are available are contained in the
project or library which is currently open.

Peer to peer Peer to peer cross-referencing can be performed between related elements which are
cross-referencing not representations of a single part, such as all switches which can turn on or off a
circuit. Cadelec will annotate the position of the other elements of the same group
alongside the elements. You will assign the elements as being a part of the
functional unit by giving them the same Cross-reference function.

The peer to peer cross-reference analysis can only be performed on Coupled

Elements such as switches bearing the letter "S" in the XR_TYPE attribute.

Physical part Physical part drawings a detailed component drawings you can insert into cabinets
drawings instead of the simple rectangular or circular outlines. If you wish to use such
detailed component drawings you will have to create a Physical library which will
hold your physical part drawings. After you have created and drawn this detailed
part drawing you will have to associate it with the record describing the part. You
will do this be entering the physical part library and drawing name in the catalogue

PURGE Function Purging removes the entry of a deleted project, library or catalogue from the
available list. After purging, the Project, Library or Catalogue is no longer known to
Cadelec. You can still retrieve it from a backup by creating a new project, library or
catalogue with the same name and selecting the RETRIEVE FROM DISK option
during creation. In this case, you will loose the data-sheet and description.

RESTORE Function This function will restore a deleted project, library or catalogue and make it
available for immediate access. The data will be taken from BACKUP to ACTIVE
Status again. You can also use this function to revert to the last backup. By doing
so, you will not have to delete the project, the library or catalogue before.

RE-INDEX Function Re-indexing repairs corrupted databases and optimizes the databases for best
performance. If an errors occurs, you should perform the RE-INDEX ALL function.
By doing so, Cadelec will search for errors in all databases and repair them.

Standard cable The standard cable database holds all cable types known to Cadelec.

Symbols Library The symbols library holds

electrical symbols
slides with all elements
title boxes and title blocks
terminal pinout drawings and terminal pinout blocks

Each project is associated with one and only one electrical symbols library. This
single library rule means that the same library will apply to all the pages in a given
project, thus ensuring consistency and homogeneity.

Terminal Pinout The terminal pinout block holds the attribute definitions for the terminal pinout
Block drawings. If you want to edit the data shown in the terminal pinout drawings you
will therefore have to edit the attributes of the terminal pinout block.

Title Block The title block holds the attribute definitions for the title box. You will therefore
have to edit or add attributes within the title block if you want to edit or add
information shown in the title box.

Zone see Location and Zone


Draw..................................................................... 255
Draw Cable Routings ........................................... 250
Attributes Draw Terminal Block........................................... 251
Change Height ..................................................... 110 Drawing area........................................................ 254
Changing entities ................................................. 105 New cabinet element ............................................ 252
Define EQXRMI.................................................. 313 Place Components................................................ 248
Element Attributes ............................................... 299 Scale factor........................................................... 254
Make invisble....................................................... 107 Cables
Make visible......................................................... 106 Cable Linker......................................................... 230
Move.................................................................... 108 Cut........................................................................ 158
Rotate................................................................... 109 Define Cables....................................................... 217
Set attribute for freeze / unfreeze IDs .................. 312 Re-annotate .......................................................... 221
Set Cable /Conductor Attributes .......................... 322 Set Cables............................................................. 217
Set Catalogue attribute......................................... 317 Cadelec Commands.............................................. 25, 28
Set Device ID (SNA) ........................................... 311 Cadelec Layers........................................................... 67
Set Equipotential XR Marker Attributes.............. 333 Cadelec modules .......................................................... 8
Set Location Attribute.......................................... 320 Catalogues
Set PLC Channel Address Attributes................... 326 Backup ................................................................. 342
Set PLC Channel Comment Attributes ................ 329 Filter..................................................................... 344
Set PLC Channel description attribute................. 328 Manage................................................................. 341
Set PLC Channel Label Attributes....................... 327 Re-Index............................................................... 346
Set PLC Pin Function attributes........................... 330 Reports ................................................................. 445
Set Pole Attribute................................................. 310 Set Catalogue Attribute ........................................ 317
Set Record Attribute ............................................ 318 Upgrade................................................................ 456
Set SNA Attribute Only ....................................... 331 Commands
Set Tag Attribute.................................................. 324 ACC_ELE ............................................................ 301
Set Technical Data Attributes .............................. 319 APLC ................................................................... 234
Set Terminal orientation Attributes...................... 323 APO ..................................................................... 131
Set User Attributes............................................... 325 ASIUPCN ............................................................ 156
Set XR-Function Attribute................................... 314 AutoCAD ............................................................. 337
Set XR-Position Attribute .................................... 316 BAC_CAT ........................................................... 344
Set Zone Attribute................................................ 321 BAC_ELE ............................................................ 305
Terminal Pinout Attributes .................................. 266 BAC_PRO.............................................................. 52
Text translation utility.......................................... 113 BASE ................................................................... 308
AutoCAD commands............................................... 243 BAT_LIB ............................................................. 279
Automatic re-calculation BAT_PRO.............................................................. 55
Options................................................................... 42 BCNXL ................................................................ 158
BUS_LIB ............................................................. 271
B BUS_PRO .............................................................. 48
Backup CAP.............................................................. 242, 335
Catalogues............................................................ 342 CCC ..................................................................... 250
Element ................................................................ 305 CCDLG ................................................................ 332
Library ................................................................. 274 CCELE................................................................. 336
Project.................................................................... 52 CHB ..................................................................... 166
Backup/Restore parameters ....................................... 66 CHBF ..................................................... 30, 167, 168
Batch CRE_ELE ............................................................ 286
Batch on Library .................................................. 279 CRE_LIB ............................................................. 270
Project.................................................................... 55 CRE_PRO .............................................................. 39
Bill of Material CXRF ................................................................... 183
Insert Elements from List..................................... 162 DCLINE............................................................... 309
Pre-defined............................................................. 62 DEF_COM........................................................... 202
Reports................................................................. 416 DEFCA ................................................................ 317
Break Lines.............................................................. 165 DEFCC................................................................. 322
DEFCMT ............................................................. 329
C DEFCOF .............................................................. 197
Cabinets DEFCOM............................................................. 195
Create a new Cabinet Drawing ............................ 246 DEFDES .............................................................. 328
Dimensions .......................................................... 253 DEFDIR ............................................................... 323

DEFEQI................................................................313 LIS_COP ............................................................. 412

DEFFREEZE........................................................312 LIS_ELE.............................................................. 437
DEFFU .................................................................314 LIS_IMF.............................................................. 431
DEFLO.................................................................320 LIS_LIB............................................................... 435
DEFOP .................................................................326 LIS_NOM............................................................ 416
DEFPOL...............................................................310 LIS_PLA ............................................................. 392
DEFRC.................................................................316 LIS_PRO ............................................................. 389
DEFRE .................................................................318 LIS_REC ............................................................. 447
DEFSI...................................................................311 LIS_RRC ............................................................. 397
DEFSO .................................................................331 LISTIN ................................................................ 162
DEFSYM..............................................................327 MA....................................................................... 108
DEFTD.................................................................319 MARK_PW, UNMARK_PW.............................. 143
DEFTN.................................................................324 MKSNDEF, MKSNA.......................................... 187
DEFUS .................................................................325 MVA.................................................................... 106
DEFZO.................................................................321 MVP .................................................................... 209
DEL_ELE.............................................................305 NCNXM .............................................................. 137
DEL_WN, DEL_WNALL, DEL_WNS...............150 NCOMP....................................................... 185, 211
DEL_WNPOS ......................................................142 NCOMPM ........................................................... 186
DF.........................................................................159 NPLC................................................................... 233
ECM .....................................................................136 NTRMM .............................................................. 212
EDCNT ................................................................151 OFFLAY ............................................................. 111
EDI_BOR.............................................................222 PCOMP ............................................................... 240
EDI_COM ..............................................................62 PLCT ................................................................... 237
EDI_ELE..............................................................289 RA ....................................................................... 109
EDI_LIB...............................................................272 RCNXM .............................................................. 138
EDI_PLA................................................................93 RCOMPALL ....................................................... 189
EDVRAT..............................................................146 RCOMPONLY .................................................... 188
EE.........................................................................164 REN_PLA............................................................ 101
ELE_ITF ..............................................................288 REO_CAT ........................................................... 346
ELI_PRO................................................................50 REO_LIB............................................................. 281
EPLC ............................................................235, 328 REO_PRO ............................................................. 67
FIE........................................................................153 RES_PRO .............................................................. 52
FIL_CAT..............................................................344 RTECHD ............................................................. 198
FIL_ELE ..............................................................301 RTERD................................................................ 221
FIL_LIB ...............................................................276 RTERMALL........................................................ 213
FIL_PLA ................................................................95 RTERMNUM ...................................................... 214
FIL_PRO ................................................................53 SCAB................................................................... 217
FIL_REC ..............................................................356 SCNXMM, SCNXMV, SCNXMA, SCMAN ..... 133
FRE_PLA...............................................................94 Set PLC Pin Function attributes .......................... 330
FXRCN ................................................................184 SET_WN ............................................................. 140
GEN_DBO ...........................................................258 SET_WNPOS ...................................................... 141
GNEWD.................................................................88 SETPROP ............................................................ 145
GNEXT ............................................................91, 97 SETSEP ............................................................... 144
GO..........................................................................98 SFREEZE ............................................................ 191
GOCNX................................................................100 SLOC................................................................... 194
GOSNA ..................................................................99 SPREFIX ............................................................. 199
HA........................................................................110 SSLOT................................................................. 179
IE 163 STAG................................................................... 200
INT_ELE..............................................................306 STIC .................................................................... 208
IVA...............................................................107, 210 SUNFREEZE ...................................................... 192
KLAY...................................................................112 SWT..................................................................... 216
L1, L1P...........................................................28, 128 SXRF ................................................................... 176
L1V ......................................................................129 SZON................................................................... 193
L3, L3P.................................................................130 TPLC ................................................................... 239
LAYCAB .............................................................126 TSR...................................................................... 251
LBRK ...................................................................165 TXTIN ................................................................. 248
LIB_SHW, GS .....................................................281 UPATTD ............................................................. 175
LIS_BOR..............................................................402 UPB_1S ............................................................... 171
LIS_CAB..............................................................404 UPB_A ................................................................ 169
LIS_CAP ..............................................................406 UPB_SA .............................................................. 173
LIS_CAT..............................................................445 UPB_SS............................................................... 169
LIS_CCA..............................................................452 UPB_SWAP ........................................................ 172
LIS_CNX .............................................................399 UPDBF ................................................................ 174
USR ..................................................................... 201 Elements............................................................... 305
UTBLK ................................................................ 103 Project .................................................................... 50
VWEB ................................................................. 182 Device ID
VWER ................................................................. 181 Formula ............................................................ 41, 43
WN....................................................................... 147 Directory Structure..................................................... 34
WNPLC ............................................................... 149 Dongle........................................................................ 13
WNS .................................................................... 148 Draw
XRC ..................................................................... 180 1-phase wire ................................................... 28, 128
XRE ..................................................................... 154 3-phase wires ....................................................... 130
Components Cabinet ................................................................. 255
Add ........................................................................ 62
Component Definition ........................................... 65
Define Components ............................................. 195 Edit
Define components in project .............................. 202 Counters (Cables)................................................. 151
Define components using filters .......................... 197 Counters (elements) ............................................. 190
Place components in Cabinet ............................... 248 Counters (terminals)............................................. 215
Configuration Element ................................................................ 289
AutoCAD............................................................... 22 Library ................................................................. 272
Cadelec .................................................................. 17 Page........................................................................ 93
Connectivity analiser ............................................... 467 Elements
Connectivity database .............................................. 459 Backup element.................................................... 305
Create Capture element ................................................... 335
Cabinet Drawing.................................................. 246 Catch element....................................................... 336
New Element ....................................................... 286 Coils and contact activating elements .................. 293
New Library......................................................... 270 Create New Element ............................................ 286
New Page ............................................................... 88 Delete ................................................................... 305
New project............................................................ 39 Draw Break Lines ................................................ 309
US style prototype drawing ................................. 122 Drawing elements ................................................ 296
Cross References Edit....................................................................... 289
Define EQXRMI attribute ................................... 313 Element Attributes ............................................... 299
Kinds.................................................................... 177 Element Definition............................................... 291
Options................................................................... 46 Element Selection ................................................ 288
Replace XR-Function .......................................... 183 Filter elements...................................................... 301
Reports................................................................. 397 Integrate in Tablet ................................................ 306
Set Equipotential XR Marker Attributes.............. 333 Kinds of elements................................................. 291
Set Function ......................................................... 176 New cabinet creation............................................ 252
Set XR-Function Attribute................................... 314 Number All .......................................................... 185
Set XR-Position Attibute ..................................... 316 Number manually................................................. 186
Cross-Reference calculation Open..................................................................... 301
Elements .............................................................. 180 Re-number............................................................ 187
Equipotential........................................................ 154 Replace................................................................. 166
Custom Master installation ........................................ 16 Replace and update .............................................. 172
Customize Reports ................................................................. 437
Selection Caregories ............................................ 332 Reset elements and terminals ............................... 189
Terminal Pinouts.................................................. 264 Reset elements only ............................................. 188
Title Box .............................................................. 118 Set Base Point ...................................................... 308
Set Cable /Conductor Attributes .......................... 322
Set Equipotential XR Marker Attributes.............. 333
Data Set Equipotential XR Marker Attributes.............. 333
Data entities ................................................... 35, 474 Set Instalation....................................................... 194
Data status.............................................................. 35 Set Location Attribute.......................................... 320
Databases Set PLC Channel Address Attributes ................... 326
CABDEF alias CAB_CEN .................................. 374 Set PLC Channel Comment Attributes ................ 329
CABLES alias CAB_PRO................................... 374 Set PLC Channel description attribute ................. 328
CAT_REC alias RECORDS ................................ 368 Set PLC Channel Label Attributes ....................... 327
CATS ................................................................... 367 Set PLC Pin Function attributes........................... 330
CNX_PRO ........................................................... 373 Set Pole Attribute ................................................. 310
CON_PRO alias COMPS .................................... 370 Set Record Attribute............................................. 318
ELEMS ................................................................ 364 Set SNA Attribute Only ....................................... 331
LIBS..................................................................... 363 Set Tag Attribute.................................................. 324
PLANOS........................................................ 96, 361 Set Technical Data Attributes .............................. 319
PROJS............................................................ 54, 359 Set Terminal orientation Attributes...................... 323
Delete Set User Attributes ............................................... 325

Set Zone ...............................................................193 Library ................................................................. 271

Set Zone Attribute ................................................321 Manufacturer's parts ............................................ 349
Swap.....................................................................166 Project pages.......................................................... 93
Swap intelligent......................................30, 167, 168 Projects .................................................................. 48
Update all .............................................................169
Update one element ..............................................171
Update selected element.......................................169 Navigator
Using AutoCAD commands.................................337 Find Device ........................................................... 99
Erase Find Wire............................................................. 100
Cable Marks .........................................................136 Go .......................................................................... 98
Element ................................................................164 Go to Element...................................................... 100
Errors Network ..................................................................... 27
All.........................................................................181 Number
Group....................................................................182 All elements......................................................... 185
Elements manually .............................................. 186
Wires (Potential WN) .......................................... 137
Elements...............................................................301 Open
Filters on Pages ......................................................95 Element................................................................ 301
Filters on Projects...................................................53 Library ................................................................. 271
Library..................................................................276 Page ....................................................................... 91
Operations and functions................54, 303, 345, 358 Overall procedures: ................................................... 37
Freeze Contacts ........................................................184 P
Capture ................................................................ 242
Hardware ................................................11, 12, 13, 474 Create..................................................................... 88
Hardware Lock...................................................13, 474 Edit ........................................................................ 93
Hide / Display annotations .......................................241 Filters..................................................................... 95
Find Device ID ...................................................... 99
Find Wire............................................................. 100
Insert Free Blocked Page ................................................. 94
Components from BOM.........................................63 Manage project pages ............................................ 93
Elements by name ................................................163 Navigator ............................................................... 98
Elements from List (BOM) ..................................162 Open ...................................................................... 91
Elements from Slides ...........................................161 Rename ................................................................ 101
Equipotential Markers ..........................................153 Phanthom terminal................................................... 469
Insert components from BOM....................................63 PLC
Installation..................................................................14 Channel Description .................................... 235, 328
Custom Master .......................................................16 Export PLC Import-Export List........................... 237
Standalone ..............................................................15 Import PLC Import-Export List........................... 239
Number Elements with PLC formula .................. 240
Number Pins ........................................................ 233
Labels .........................................................................85 Set Pin Function Attribute Value................. 236, 330
Layers Set PLC Addresses .............................................. 234
Erase contents.......................................................112 Set PLC Channel Address Attributes .................. 326
Switch layer Off ...................................................111 Set PLC Channel Comment Attributes................ 329
Voltage rating.......................................................126 Set PLC channel description attribute ................. 328
Library Set PLC Channel Label Attributes ...................... 327
Batch ....................................................................279 Set PLC Pin Function attributes .......................... 330
Create new............................................................270 Set SLOT Value .................................................. 179
Edit .......................................................................272 Plot Project ................................................................ 58
Filter .....................................................................276 Point to Point WN
Generate Slides.....................................................281 Delete wire number ............................................. 142
Manage.................................................................271 Delete wire numbers............................................ 150
Re-Index...............................................................281 Edit default properties ......................................... 146
Reports .........................................................283, 435 Mark Power wire ................................................. 143
Upgrade ................................................................453 Number PLC wires .............................................. 149
Number selected wire .......................................... 148
M Number Wires ..................................................... 147
Manage Set Position.......................................................... 141
Catalogues ............................................................341 Set Properties....................................................... 145
Set separator......................................................... 144 S
Set Wire Number ................................................. 140
Select Language ....................................................... 104
Prefix drawing ......................................................... 199
Attributes for Device ID (SNA)........................... 311
Backup ................................................................... 52
Base Point ............................................................ 308
Batch...................................................................... 55
Cable /Conductor Attributes ................................ 322
Component Definition ........................................... 65
Cables................................................................... 217
Create..................................................................... 39
Catalogue Attribute .............................................. 317
Delete..................................................................... 50
Cross-reference Function ..................................... 176
Filters ..................................................................... 53
Equipotential XR Markers Attributes .................. 333
Manage .................................................................. 48
Location Attribute ................................................ 320
Plot......................................................................... 58
Marks on Wires.................................................... 133
Purge...................................................................... 50
Nodes ................................................................... 131
Re-Index ................................................................ 67
Phase distance ...................................................... 159
Restore ................................................................... 52
PLC Channel Address Attributes ......................... 326
Upgrade ............................................................... 457
PLC Channel Comment Attributes ...................... 329
PLC Channel description attribute ....................... 328
Project.................................................................... 50
PLC Channel Label Attributes ............................. 327
R PLC Pin Function attributes ................................. 330
Pole Attribute ....................................................... 310
Re-annotate Technical Data..................................... 198
Record Attribute................................................... 318
Set Installation ..................................................... 194
Filter..................................................................... 356
SLOT Value for PLC ........................................... 179
Manage ................................................................ 349
SNA Attribute Only ............................................. 331
Reports................................................................. 447
Tag Attribute........................................................ 324
Tag number .......................................................... 200
Catalogues............................................................ 346
Technical Data Attributes .................................... 319
Library ................................................................. 281
Terminal orientation Attributes............................ 323
Project.................................................................... 67
Terminals Strip ID ............................................... 208
User Attributes ..................................................... 325
XR_Function........................................................ 183
User definable attributes ...................................... 201
Voltage rating....................................................... 126
AutoCAD LAyers ................................................ 433
XR_Function Attribute ........................................ 314
Bill of Material .................................................... 416
XR-Position Attribute .......................................... 316
Cabinet Layout..................................................... 431
Zone ..................................................................... 193
Cable types........................................................... 452
Zone Attribute...................................................... 321
Cabling................................................................. 404
Short circuit detection .............................................. 156
Catalogues............................................................ 445
Slides........................................................................ 281
Catalogues and Records....................................... 346
Software ..................................................................... 11
Connections ......................................................... 399
Standalone Installation............................................... 15
Create / Edit ........................................................... 74
Starting Cadelec ......................................................... 22
Cross Reference ................................................... 397
Data Environment .................................................. 78
Direct ................................................................... 166
Elements .............................................................. 437
Intelligent ............................................................. 167
Libraries............................................................... 435
Library ................................................................. 283
Definition ............................................................. 293
Parts ..................................................................... 412
Project Cables ...................................................... 406 T
Project Counters................................................... 434
Technical Support ...................................................... 12
Project Pages........................................................ 392
Project reports........................................................ 70
Bridges Auto ........................................................ 262
Project Reports..................................................... 389
Bridges Manual .................................................... 263
Records ................................................................ 447
Bridges Off........................................................... 261
Report Designer ..................................................... 75
Cable Linker......................................................... 230
Terminals ............................................................. 402
Change Terminal Pinout Template ...................... 264
Customize Terminal Pinouts ................................ 264
All Numeric Terminals ........................................ 214
Edit Counters ....................................................... 215
All Terminals ....................................................... 213
Generate Terminal Pinout Drawing ..................... 258
Elements and terminals ........................................ 189
Hide Terminal Strip ID ........................................ 210
Elements only ...................................................... 188
Internal and external side ..................................... 207
Wires (Potential WN) .......................................... 138
Number automatically.......................................... 211
Number Manually ................................................ 212
Project.................................................................... 52

Phanthom terminal ...............................................469 Attributes from ELEMS.DBF.............................. 175

Re-annotate cables................................................221 Element with Attribute definitions ...................... 173
Reports .................................................................402 ELEMS.DBF from attributes............................... 174
Reset All...............................................................213 One Element ........................................................ 171
Reset All Numeric Terminals...............................214 Selected Elements................................................ 170
Reverse terminal...................................................216 Update Title box ...................................................... 103
Set Cables.............................................................217 Upgrade
Set Terminal Strip ID ...........................................208 Catalogues ........................................................... 456
Show Strip ID.......................................................209 Library ................................................................. 453
Terminal Editor ....................................................222 Project.................................................................. 457
Terminal Pinout Attributes...................................266 User name.................................................................. 22
Terminal Pinout Drawings ...................................257
Terminal Pinout Template....................................264
Text Translation utility.............................................113 Wire Numbering
Title Box Options ...................................................46, 139, 147
Changes ................................................................121 Point to Point ....................................................... 139
Create new............................................................119 Potential............................................................... 132
Customize.............................................................118 Wires
Draw 1-phase`wires....................................... 28, 128
Draw 3-phase wires ............................................. 130
Update Draw V-connection.............................................. 129
All Elements.........................................................169

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