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Teresa Gonzales

Psychology 1010

Mr. Ekker

Psychology Reflection

In all honesty, I didn’t know what to expect before taking this course. I thought it was

going to be similar to a health class where you watch lots of videos, take notes, and get lots of

busy work. I feel a bit dumb for thinking that now that I have nearly completed the course. And I

am actually happy that it wasn’t like what I thought it was going to be like, busy work is

pointless. I didn’t mind taking lots of notes even though my hand would get cramps sometimes

and I liked all the videos we watched- all of which were beneficial. I really like the last units we

learned; for example, personalities, disorders, attraction. They were the most influential for me

because it helped me understand people better. It made me understand what it means to

empathize with people. Another unit I found interesting was learning about the different stages

of sleep, like rem, and why people dream. I liked doing the dream journal- that was one of my

favorite projects to do. I think this course a bit harder than I assumed it to be, but I am happy I

took this class. It has given me a different outlook on life.

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