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/rɪˈflek.tɪv/ /ˈtiː.


By : Romdhani Faten
Nabeul Crefoc: 21/02/2018
/taɪm/ /fɔːr/ /ə/ /ˈstɔː.ri/
/wɒt/ /də/ /juː/ /θɪŋk/ /ðə/
/end/ /əv/ /ðə/ /ˈstɔː.ri/ /ɪz/ ?
/wɒt/ /ɪz/ /rɪˈflek.tɪv/
/wɒt/ /də/ /juː/

❏ /ɒn/ ?
/ˈles.ən/ /plæn/
❏ /əbˈdʒek.tɪv/
❏ /prəˈsiː.dʒər/
❏ /ækˈtɪv.ə.tiz/
❏ /əˈses.mənt/
❏ /prəˈfeʃ.ən.əl/ /dɪˈvel.əp.mənt/
Definition ( Dictionary of Applied Linguistics)
“An approach to teaching and to teacher education
which is based on the assumption that teachers can
improve their understanding of teaching and the
quality of their own teaching by reflecting critically
on their teaching experiences.”
“ We do not learn from experience… We
learn from reflecting on experience.”
John Dewey
Characteristics of Reflective Teachers (McKay, 2007)
Attempt to solve classroom

Are aware of the beliefs and

Reflective values they bring to teaching
Take responsibility for their own
professional development

Are involved in school change

/wɒt/ /ɑːr/ /ðə/ /ˈben.ɪ.fɪts/
/rɪˈflek.tɪv/ /ˈpræk.tɪs/ ?
❏ To be more creative and motivated
❏ To have an effective teaching
❏ The pupils of reflective teachers are always eager to know and practise english in
and outside the classroom
❏ To reach my objectives
❏ Acquisition of new knowledge and skills
❏ Promotion of deep learning

These suggestions are given by my fellow teachers during

the training session! This was left blank on purpose! Many
thanks to all the teachers who volunteered to jot down their
ideas !
❏ Improve teaching practices
❏ Develop an awareness of professional strong / weak points
❏ Be creative and find solutions to haunting questions
❏ Cooperate with peers and work together to achieve success (
joined-up thinking)
❏ Strengthen one’s introspection skills
❏ Feel stronger ties with learners/ colleagues
/taɪpəs/ /əv/ /rɪˈflek.ʃən/
❏ Reflection-in-action: Reflecting on what is
happening at the time of the event
❏ Reflection-on-action: Reflecting on a previous
event to take into account new information or
theoretical perspectives

Action Plan Feelings

Conclusion Cycle Evaluation

/let/ /ʌs/ /rɪˈflekt/ /təˈɡeð.ər/

❏ Think of a difficulty you are facing in your

❏ Think of possible solutions to this problem
❏ Pair up and share ideas
❏ Ask for help from a trusted peer (move
❏ Write down the suggestions of your peers
❏ Collect as many solutions as possible
❏ Decide which ones you would apply
❏ Share your thoughts with the whole group
Taxonomy of Reflection
How to develop a reflective practice
❏ Keep a class journal to describe a lesson experience and use
these descriptions as a basis for reflection
❏ Audio/ Video taping of a lesson, for later review and reflection
❏ Group discussions with peers
❏ Join Online Communities of Practice, Moocs
❏ Blogging
❏ Reading/ Attending conferences/ Seminars ( webinars)
/klɑːs/ /ækˈtɪv.ə.tiz/
❏ Think of classroom activities that:
❏ Boost critical thinking
❏ Improve the learners’ reflective practice
❏ Make learners think creatively
Thank You

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