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Module 6, Activity 2

Amy Shipley

Title of the unit/module:

Captive Care for Ducklings Online Course: Recognizing Ailments

Brief description of target audience:

Current male and female volunteers between the ages of 15 and 80 who have
worked a weekly four-hour shift in the bird-room and/or clinic for one season or
more (8 months – 30 years).

List Terminal Objective Here:

Volunteers are able to differentiate common duckling ailments. (cognitive,

List Pre-Instructional Strategy:

Behavioral Objectives

Enabling Objective Level on Learner Activity Delivery Method

Bloom’s (What would learners do to (Group presentation/lecture,
Taxonomy master this objective?) self-paced, or small group)

Given written cognitive, e-learning presentation

descriptions, analysis  Correctly match the (self-paced)
images, and video symptoms of the
clips, volunteers will
ailment to the name of
be able to
differentiate the ailment on an end-
between common of-module multiple-
duckling ailments choice test.
and circle the
correct response  Correctly match the
from a list of
ailment to its cause on
ailments on a
multiple-choice end- an end-of-module
of-module test. multiple-choice test.

Enabling Objective Level on Learner Activity Delivery Method
Bloom’s (What would learners do to (Group presentation/lecture,
Taxonomy master this objective?) self-paced, or small group)

Given images or cognitive, e-learning presentation

video clips of ill and knowledge  Correctly identify the (self-paced)
healthy ducklings, sick or injured
volunteers identify
duckling in a herd and
the ailment from a
list of common circle the suspected
ailments. ailment from a list of
common ailments on
an end-of-module
multiple-choice test.

Given a written cognitive, e-learning presentation

description or an comprehension  Write a short answer (self-paced)
image of a common response that
ailment (bumblefoot,
correctly addresses
isolated, fratricide),
explain the the given situation on
enclosure an end-of-module
adjustments that test.
would need to occur
and be maintained
(more daisy
doormat, incubator
with feather duster,
move into another
group of outcasts).

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