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Kapiti Mana

Branch Newsletter 2006

Grand Waimeha Planting Day

Grandparents and their grand-
children joined members of Kapiti-
Mana Forest & Bird and the
Waimeha Restoration Group at
Waimeha Lagoon, Waikanae, on 5th
September, for a Grand Planting
With a lot of help from the adults,
the industrious young enthusiasts
planted all of the 300 grasses, flaxes
and trees donated by Kapiti Forest &
When we mulched them a few days
later, several children turned up with
their grandparents to help. It was an
enjoyable, educational time for every-
Amelia Coulter proudly We are absolutely thrilled with the
plants her little tree. result. The new, wide planted area on
the west side of our lovely lagoon will
GREAT GIFT FOR KIDS help with food and nesting sites for
KCC membership makes a great increasing numbers of birds.
gift for the child in your life. A very big thank you to all who
Single subscription $12 took part and to Kapiti F&B for their
initiative. – Pam Sinclair, Co-ordinator,
Family subscription $20 Waimeha Restoration Group
DIVE! DIVE! DIVE! Chairman to stand down
Kapiti F&B members had a preview David will not accept nomina-
of Nga Manu’s new dive tank for scaup tion to be Branch chairman at the
on Thursday 19th October. 2007 Annual General Meeting.
Nga Manu Trust chairman Peter He is willing to accept nomina-
McKenzie thanked Kapiti Mana F&B tion to the committee, to edit the
for their $4000 donation. newsletter and to arrange the
The scaup were all resting on the programme, but will not take on
surface when staff member Rhys Mills any other administrative tasks.
dropped some food onto the bottom. Monthly Meetings
Branch members watched, fascinated, Attendances are up at our monthly
as the birds dived deep and sucked it up. meetings this year.
– David Gregorie We have had some outstanding
speakers so far, and more have been
arranged for the new Summer
Programme. Why not come along?

Bird Song at Nga Manu

Ralph Powlesland will give a
presentation at Nga Manu on
Friday, January 12, at 2 pm
on attracting native birds to
your garden.

Donation to Library
Chris Thomas gave an outstanding
presentation on waterfowl and wet-
lands at our July meeting.
His “New Zealand Odyssey”
DVD is user-friendly and contains
some remarkable photography of
native wetland flora and fauna.
We have donated copies to the
Waikanae and Paraparaumu libraries
and we recommend that members
take the opportunity to borrow them.
Photo: Randall Walker, Kapiti Observer. – Maurice Andrews
The Pharazyn Reserve KCC Day at Nga Manu
This new recreation reserve Around 90 KCC members visited
will replace the old sewage treatment
Nga Manu on Saturday 14 October
plant at Waikanae.
for a day of fun and activities.
Preliminary planting and devel-
opment work is being carried out by KCC members were admitted free as
KCDC and Nga Uruora volunteers. an appreciation of F&B support, but
Five Branch Committee members most families gave a donation to help
are members of a focus group to upgrade the owl’s cage.
provide input into the development. Rhys Mills spoke on the work of Nga
There will be more opportunities Manu and allowed a kiwi (stuffed) and a
for the Branch to be involved as the live tuatara to make an appearance.
project develops. – Maurice Andrews
Nga Manu guides Judy Childs and
Judy Petterson, assisted by KCC leaders
Street Stall Sales Janet Hollow and Angela Murton, ran
workshops for the children on ferns and
Our August street stall sales were other plants, birds and insects.
down on last year, but about average
for the last three years.
The stalls brought in:
Raumati $336.65
Waikanae $526.40.
The bulk of the sales were of
plants from our Branch Nursery.
Many thanks to those who pro-
vided home produce and plants.
Thanks also to Liddle Wonder,
Gus Evans and Coastal Nurseries Victoria has a conversation with Keko
for their support.
Keko the talking tui was an enormous
Calendars and Diaries attraction while the scaup sat by their
new dive tank studying the children with
Our annual sale of F&B calendars
and diaries is coming to a close and
we expect to net about $2,300, The day finished with Rhys feeding
slightly more than last year. the eels at 2 pm.
Many thanks to the volunteers who KCC girl Bonnie thanked him on be-
put in many hours going from door to half of everyone. – Sharyn Gunn
door. – Maurice Andrews
Krista and Alyssa McCullum help their Nanna Lorraine Woolton plant flax at Waimeha.

Volunteers Profits Used for

In response to our telephone survey Community Projects
we have received several offers of
Branch Nursery profits have
assistance with our various projects.
We may not have taken advantage of enabled the following grants to
your offer yet, as the projects are be made in the last few years:
seasonal, but we will be in touch.
• Pharazyn wetland (KCDC) -
We also hope that some of you will $10 000
be able to help with: • Support for F&B Field Officer -
Publicity Officer $5000
Membership Secretary • Scaup Dive tank at Nga Manu -
$4000 (See page 2)
Minute Secretary
• Portable generator for Nga
Web Site Manager Manu - $1495
For further information phone • Fluttering shearwater project
Maurice Andrews — 904 2961 (Mana Island) - $2000

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