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Number 01 – 06 refer to the following letter

Dear Readers,

We would like to start this message by thanking you for your continued support of The
Jakarta Post. Your support is something we will not forget as we celebrate our Silver Jubilee
this year. We know we would never have come this far, becoming the leading independent
English language newspaper in Indonesia, without you.
Over the past few years, we have expanded the newspaper to 24 pages everyday,
including our Sunday edition. In 2007, we launched the Weekender magazine, which is
currently a monthly, and we started the Youthspeak tabloid in October as part of our
newspaper in Education program, in which copies of The Jakarta Post and the tabloid are
distributed to school for use in English language instruction.
In recent years, however, the costs of newsprint, printing and delivery have gone up
tremendously. We have refrained from passing the cost increases on to our readers for as
long as possible. The current subscription and retail rates came into effect in October 2005.
This takes us to the sad but inevitable news that The Jakarta Post has to increase the
prices we charge for subscription and street sales.
Beginning March 1, the monthly subscription rate will increase from 90,000 to 105,000
for reader in Greater Jakarta and from 99,000 to 112,500 for readers in the rest of
Indonesia, and retail price will go up from 5,000 to 5,500 per copy.
We assure you that we will continue to improve our products and services, and we will
provide you added value for your money. We know from our long experience that we must
work hard to earn and maintain your support and loyalty. We aim to work even harder as we
celebrate our silver Jubilee with you.
--The publisher

1. What is letter about ?

A. The increase in the price of subscription.
B. The appreciation to the royal readers.
C. Introduction of the Youthspeak tabloid.
D. The promise from the publisher to improve the products and services.

2. Which is true according to the letter?

A. The Jakarta Post can be used for English language instruction.
B. The costs of newsprint, printing and delivery have decreased drastically.
C. The increase in the price of the newspaper will be postponed.
D. The publisher wants to earn as much profit as possible.

3. “This takes us to the sad but inevitable news that …..” (paragraph 4)
The underlined word means ______
A. cannot be cancelled
B. cannot be postponed
C. cannot be avoided
D. cannot be negotiated

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4. How much is the current single copy price of the newspaper?
A. Rp90,000
B. Rp105,000
C. Rp5,400
D. Rp5,600

5. What causes the price of the newspaper to go up?

A. The increasing price of raw material.
B. The increasing salary of the journalists.
C. The price of newsprint, printing and delivery goes up.
D. The employee asks for the increasing salary.

6. “We assure you that we will continue to improve our products and services, and ..”
The underlined word means …
A. believe
B. predict
C. grant
D. guarantee

No. 07 -08 refer to the following text

Restricted Area
It is unlawful to enter this area without permission of the Installation Commander.
While on this installation all personnel and property under their control are subject to search.
Use of the deadly force authorized.

7. What is the message about ?

A. An information about an area.
B. A warning about restricted area.
C. An information about commander.
D. An important area of installation.

8. To enter the area without permission of the Installation Commander is ....

A. permitted
B. allowed
C. prohibited
D. welcome

Number 09 – 10 refer to the following letter

Dear Sir,

Referring to your advertisement in the Surabaya Post dated Dec 31st, 2010, I beg to apply for
the position of secretary. I have had one year experience in the firm of Taylor but now I’m
planning to quit from the job. I am twenty four years old, was educated at North Stoke
Grammar school, my typing speed is 120 words per minute. I am looking forward to seeing
you for interview at any time you wish.

Yours faithfully,


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9. What is Diana’s purpose in writing the letter ?
A. To respond an advertisement.
B. To invite someone.
C. To expect someone to invite her for interview.
D. To apply for a job advertised in a newspaper.

10. “ ... but now I’m planning to quit from the job.”
The underlined word can be best replaced with ....
A. resign
B. expand
C. apply
D. extend

Number 11– 13 refer to the following letter


A Comedy By Jill carter

ANN KERTZ as Police Officer
LUKE DIGGS as the Doctor
Thursday, April 16, 2009, 8:00 p.m.


11. Who is the author of the play ?

A. Nancy Wicks
B. Brad Beam
C. Jill Carter
D. Ann Kertz

12. The genre of the play is ...

A. action
B. romantic
C. tragedy
D. comedy

13. Which of the following is true according to the text ?

A. The Doctor in the play is played by Nancy Wicks.
B. Walt Jones plays the role as the Police officer.
C. People can see the play without being charged for the tickets.
D. The play is performed in the morning.

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Number 14– 15 refer to the following letter


A fast growing foreign company is seeking for a male or female typist for its branch in Jakarta.
Applicants should fulfil the following requirements.
Good command of english.
Minimum typing speed : 45 words/minute
Education : SMA
Age : Between 20-30
Letters with complete personal data and references should be sent to no. 668429

14. “Applicants should fulfil the following .... “

The underlined word can be best replaced with ....
A. fill
B. meet
C. have
D. find

15. Which of these statements is TRUE according to the text ?

A. The vacancy is only for female applicants.
B. Only university graduate can apply for the job.
C. Eighteen-year-old SMA graduate is not eligible for the position offered.
D. Having good skill of English is not preferable.

Number 16 – 20 refer to the following letter

Smoking is harmful for four reasons. Firstly, it is very expensive habit. Frequently the price of
cigarettes rises. Secondly, it is bad for respiratory system. Smokers get cough which lasts for a
long time. As well, they get bronchitis and pneumonia more easily than non smokers. Thirdly,
everyone knows that there is a connection between lung cancer and smoking. Finally, smoking
gives you bad breath. Most non smokers hate the smell of tobacco and they do not want to sit
near someone who will puff smoke all over them. In my opinion, it is better not to start

16. What is the suitable topic of the passage ?

A. Smoking is an expensive habit.
B. Reasons why smoking is harmful.
C. Smoking is not good for respiratory system.
D. The connection between lung cancer and smoking.

17. The following are the effects of smoking, except ....

A. bronchitis
B. bad breath
C. terrible cold
D. lung cancer

18. Which of the following statements is not true according to the text ?
A. Smoking is harmless.
B. Smoking costs a lot of money.
C. Smokers often produces bad breath.
D. Lung cancer is possibly cause by smoking.

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19. Why does the writer think that smoking is a very expensive habit?
A. Because smoking is a popular habit.
B. Because the price of cigarettes rises.
C. Because the smokers doesn’t have much money.
D. Because if you are sick, you must go to the hospital.

20. “Smoking is harmful for four reasons.”

The underlined word has the same meaning as ...
A. dangerous
B. deadly
C. fatal
D. precious

Number 21 – 40 are not related to the text

21. Man : I have a problem with my computer.

I can’t turn it on.
Woman : ... .
A. How did you get your computer?
B. That’s your fault to buy the computer.
C. Would you please help me ?
D. Anything I can help you ?

22. Mitha : Aunt Ina, can I help you with the sewing?
Aunt : .... How kind of you.
A. I don’t need it
B. No problem
C. Thank you
D. No worries

23. X : We’ll have a discussion about our founding fathers. Would you like to join us?
Y : ..... They are my favorite figures.
A. I wish I could
B. That’s terrible
C. That would be great
D. That’s fantastic

24. Eddy : Dad, did you see me on Tv?

Father : Sure, I did. You look great. I am .... you, dear.
A. proud of
B. honest to
C. attracted by
D. attentive to

25. X : Have you heard that Irfan will play for timnas this season?
Y : ..... where did you know the news from?
X : From sport news this morning.
A. Oh, really ?
B. Poor he is
C. I must be upset then
D. That’s horrible

26. Dimas : Would you accompany me to the internet cafe?

Wawan : ....
Dimas : Thanks. I really appreciate it.
A. I’m disappointed
B. I’m not so sure
C. Not at all
D. Sure

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27. Arif : How was your trip to Nias?
Isma : ... with it. I want to go there again next year.
A. I’m very pleased
B. I’m really disappointed
C. I’m very displeased
D. I’m very dissatisfied

28. Tika : How was your visit to the museum?

Leny : It was closed when I got there. ... about it.
Tika : I’m sorry to hear that.
A. I’m satisfied
B. I’m really contented
C. I’m very disappointed
D. I’m delighted

29. Arum : What do you think is the effective way to reduce global warming?
Della : ... planting trees is one of the effective ways to reduce global warming.
A. I don’t know
B. How do you see
C. I’m not sure
D. In my opinion

30. Tatik : ... we help reduce global warming?

Rini : I think we can help reduce global warming through saving energy and recycling.
A. Why should
B. How can
C. When can
D. Where should

31. Azka : ... I would stay away from drugs.

Bany : Yes, I know. I’ll stay away from it.
A. I don’t want to say that
B. I wouldn’t say
C. If I were you
D. I don’t think

32. Man : Why should you leave me? I love you.

Woman : ... but I really have to go. I’m sorry.
A. I hate you
B. I love you too
C. I really do not want to be here
D. I’m sick of you

33. Woman : Have you heard that the government will subsidize farmers who have used
organic farming?
Man : ... because not many farmers are willing to do organic farming without some
support from the government.
A. I disagree with the idea
B. I don’t really care about it
C. I think this is not a good idea
D. I think it is a good idea

34. Man : Do you think that free education for poor people will be an effective policy?
Woman : .... because this is what they really need.
A. I think this will help them a lot
B. I don’t think that this is good
C. I think they will be spoiled
D. I don’t think that it’s necessary

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35. Man : ... I’ve booked the table but you give it to other customers.
Woman : I’m really sorry, Sir. We’re going to fix it.
A. I really don’t mind
B. This is really a nuisance.
C. This is very incredible.
D. I am really happy with that.

36. X : … get persuaded by drug peddlers.

Y: OK. Don’t worry I won’t.
A. Make sure you
B. Make sure you don’t
C. I don’t think you should
D. You’d better

37. X : Look, the library is still open.

Y : … I thought we can’t make it.
A. This is horrible
B. I’m very dissatisfied
C. Thank goodness
D. This is so disappointing

38. Iful : ….
Narman : I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hit you.
A. What a nuisance!
B. What a relief!
C. Terrific!
D. Ouch!

39. Student 1 : Yesterday I had to stand in the school corridor because I didn’t do my
homework. Many students stared at me. ….
Student 2 : You should do your homework before you get to the class.
A. I didn’t really care
B. It was so embarrassing
C. Finally I could make it
D. I was very delighted

40. X : What do you think of the book?

Y: …. I really love it.
A. It’s terrific
B. It’s disappointing
C. It’s displeasing
D. It’s horrible



41. X : Where did your brother A
his last holiday ?
As far as went camping
Y : B
I know, he C
with his friends.
X : Really ? Where did he go D
Y : Bumi Damai camping site

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Whose bag
42. Shofia : A
is that, Zin ?
Which bag
Ozin : B
you mean ?
which color
Shofia : The C
is blue?
new friends
Ozin : Oh, that is our D
, Firda

went out
43. Dicky : I saw you A
alone last night.
Where did you go ?
to buy
Jack : I went to the drug store B
a medicine.
Dicky : Who was ill?
Jack : My father.
Dicky : Sorry to hear that. How is he now?
taking the medicine bought him
Jack : Much better after C

show up
44. Rudy : Why didn’t you A
in the meeting last night?
did not
Adit : I B
invited. If I had been invited,
I would have C
, of course
have forgotten
Rudy : Really? The secretary must D
to invite you.

a coincidenc e
45. Adul : What A
to meet you here!
What are you doing here?
since last week sent by
Ruly : I have been here B
. I C
my company to attend the
business associate
gathering with my D
Adul : How long more will you be here ?
Ruly : Two days

coming to
46. Reny : Do you feel like A
my house next Saturday night?
Dony : Is there B
special occasion?
house warming
Reny : Yes, we’re having a simple C
Dony : D
, I will be very busy then.

47. X : Did you enjoy A
the football match on TV last night?
very bad could have played
Y : Not really. TIMNAS players played B
last night. They C
better actually. Do you think so?
X : Yes, you are right. I was a little bit D
last night.

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48. Travel agent : Good morning. What can I do for you, Sir?
like a book
Traveler : I’d A
a flight ticket to Aceh for next Sunday.
Travel agent : There B
two flights, at 10:30 am by Garuda and at 2:30 pm, Lion. Which
one C
you like to go with, Sir?

49. Nena : What’s your A
hobbies plays
Nadal : Well, I have several B
. One of them C
play tennis
Nena : How often do you D
Nadal : Almost every day.

lap top charger

50. Abah : May I use your A
, Fandy ?
Fandy : Go ahead. By the way, what’s wrong with B
Mine is being repaired
Abah : C
is not working. It D
in the service center now.

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