Does Climate or Mobility Explain The Differences in Body Proportions Between Neandertals and Their Upper Paleolithic Successors?

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Evolutionary Anthropology 14:218 –223 (2005)


Does Climate or Mobility Explain the Differences in

Body Proportions Between Neandertals and Their
Upper Paleolithic Successors?

European Neandertals and their wide bodies with short limbs, but not ancestry of Upper Paleolithic Europe-
Upper Paleolithic modern human suc- all proportions change at once. ans if differences in body proportions
cessors differ substantially in various In extant humans, as in other endo- originated in situ through selection
proportions of their bodies. As com- thermic species, contrasts in body for increased energetic efficiency dur-
pared to Neandertals, Upper Paleo- proportions similar to those between ing mobile foraging with the start of
lithic Europeans tend to have longer Neandertals and Upper Paleolithic the Upper Paleolithic. Under this sce-
limbs, both absolutely and relative to humans appear to reflect, at least in nario, Neandertal body proportions
estimated skeletal trunk height; nar- part, population-level genetic differ- could also still be adaptations to cold
rower bi-iliac breadths, both abso- ences produced over thousands of climates but, during the Upper Paleo-
lutely and relative to femur length; years by interregionally differing se- lithic, climatic selection was relaxed
and higher brachial and crural indi- lection pressures due to variation in by increased cultural buffering and
ces.1–7 Although these differences local climate.1,5,7,9 –17 For effective superceded by stronger selection for
hold generally, body proportions did thermoregulation, in warm climates it mobility. Under another variant, if
change through time during the Up- is advantageous to have a narrow Neandertals and modern humans co-
per Paleolithic and subsequent Meso- body with long limbs to dissipate heat, existed for some time in Europe, then
lithic, with more recent groups ap- and in cold climates it is better to have differences in body proportions be-
proximating Neandertals more closely. a wide body with short limbs to retain tween Neandertals and Upper Paleo-
In comparison with Early Upper Paleo- heat. Thus, the body proportions of lithic modern humans could explain
lithic humans (⬎20,000 years ago), Early Upper Paleolithic Europeans why modern humans were able to out-
those of the Late Upper Paleolithic appear to be a genetic signature of compete Neandertals as environmen-
(20,000 to 10,000 years ago) and Meso- recent warm-climate ancestry and, tal conditions changed to those that
lithic (10,000 to 5,000 years ago) conversely, lack of Neandertal ances- favored mobile foraging.19 Alterna-
have shorter limbs, both absolutely try, which is consistent with a pre- tively or additionally, Neandertal body
and relative to estimated skeletal dominantly African origin for all mod- proportions, along with other features
trunk height.5,6 However, brachial ern humans.1,5,6,18 Under the “climate of their skeletons, could have been
and crural indices, which do not al- hypothesis,” changes in body propor- shaped by selection for competence in
ways reflect overall limb length, do tions during the Upper Paleolithic and foraging activities requiring substan-
not change much through time. Early into the Mesolithic would be ex- tial mechanical power18,22 or locomo-
Upper Paleolithic, Late Upper Paleo- plained as the gradual and mosaic ad- tion over hilly terrain.20 Neandertal
lithic, and Mesolithic humans all have aptation over time to colder climates, body proportions could be the result
high brachial and crural indices; it is possibly slowed by the increased cul- of poor nutrition and health during
not until recent Europeans that lower tural buffering of selection provided the growth period,20,23 but while cer-
indices appear.5,6,8 During the Upper by Upper Paleolithic clothing and tain anthropometric dimensions are
Paleolithic and into the Mesolithic shelters.1,2,5,6,18 readily affected by changes in nutri-
there is a shift from relatively narrow However, the climate hypothesis tion and health, body proportions ap-
bodies with long limbs to relatively has been questioned.8,19,20 The pri- pear to be fairly stable (see discussion
mary alternative is that differences in and references in Ruff7).
body proportions reflect adaptation to The “mobility hypothesis” has less
Key words: Energetics, Europe, Locomotion, Pa- differences in mobility (see discus- empirical support than does the cli-
leoanthropology, Selection sions in Trinkaus,1 Finlayson,19 Wol- mate hypothesis, because no relation-
poff,20 and Holliday and Falsetti21). ship can be found between body pro-
© 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc. One variant of the “mobility hypothe- portions and various measures of
DOI 10.1002/evan.20069
Published online in Wiley InterScience sis” posits that Neandertals could mobility in extant hunter-gatherer
( have played a substantial role in the groups, even when controlling for the
ISSUES Neandertal Body Proportions, Climate, and Mobility 219

effects of climate.21 This lack of a re- override selection for body propor- sources by Neandertals may mean
lationship is important, but the evi- tions that are advantageous for ther- that Neandertals were not particularly
dence would be more compelling if moregulation, but the cohort-specific mobile and inhabited territories less
better data existed on hunter-gatherer mortality and fertility differential re- than 10,000 square km in size,2 which
mobility. In particular, data for logis- lated to mobility would have to be is small for extant hunter-gatherer
tical mobility (trips by small groups much larger than the differential re- groups living in northern geographic
from a residential base), as opposed to lated to thermoregulation. regions.25 Because of their diets high
residential mobility (movement from Nevertheless, there is some archeo- in meat, extant hunter-gatherer groups
one residential base to another), is vir- logical support for differences in mo- who live in northern geographic re-
tually nonexistent.24,25 It is possible bility, either residential or logistical, gions tend to be more mobile and in-
that no relationship has been detected among Neandertals and Upper Paleo- habit larger territories than do their
between mobility and body propor- lithic humans, and possibly for equatorial counterparts, who usually
tions because of the poor quality of changes through time within the Up- consume more plants.2,25 There may
the data rather than because one does also be evidence, both archeological
per Paleolithic and into the Meso-
not exist. There are also potentially and biological, that mobility de-
lithic. Although there are some excep-
confounding factors to finding a rela- creased during the Upper Paleolithic
tions, the stone tools found in sites
tionship between climate and body and into the Mesolithic, as humans
proportions, but the relationship is became increasingly sedentary.31,32 If
still remarkably strong. This suggests these inferred changes in mobility are
that while mobility may well play an It is possible that no correct, then the changes in body pro-
as yet undetected role in shaping body relationship has been portions from Neandertals to Meso-
proportions, climate likely plays a lithic humans may be exactly what
much larger role. detected between one would predict if selection for en-
There are also theoretical reasons mobility and body ergetic efficiency in mobile foraging
why body proportions might be ex- were shaping body proportions. It
pected to reflect adaptation to climate
proportions because of should be pointed out, however, that
more strongly than to mobility levels. the poor quality of the inferring the magnitude of selection
Differences in body proportions be- data rather than from the archeological record is diffi-
tween extant human populations ap- cult. Raw material movement dis-
pear to be genetically determined, at because one does not tances may reflect trade between
least in part, and are known to be exist. There are also groups rather than the mobility of one
present from a very early age (see dis- particular group, and mobility in-
cussion and references in Holliday5 potentially confounding ferred from archeological data may
and Ruff7). Although climatic selec- factors to finding a not be tightly correlated with the daily
tion for interregional differences in movements of individuals. Like the
body proportions may act on adults, it
relationship between data on extant hunter-gatherer mobil-
also has the potential to act on in- climate and body ity discussed earlier, archeological
fants, particularly during extreme proportions, but the data on mobility could be a poor
temperature periods in cold climates proxy for the intensity of selection for
where the small body masses of in- relationship is still energetic efficiency in locomotion.
fants would already make heat reten- remarkably strong. Differences in body proportions be-
tion difficult. Thus, interregionally tween Neandertals and Upper Paleo-
differing selection for body propor- lithic humans and changes through
tions that enhance thermoregulation time during the Upper Paleolithic and
has the potential to act on all age co- into the Mesolithic likely would have
horts, starting from birth. On the known or presumed to have been pro- had energetic consequences for mo-
other hand, selection for increased en- duced by Neandertals are predomi- bile foraging. It is possible to quantify
ergetic efficiency during mobile forag- nately manufactured from local raw these energetic consequences using
ing can act only on older age cohorts, materials, coming from sources that experimental data on walking in hu-
because individuals in the youngest are usually much less than 100 km mans. If variation in lower limb
cohorts (infants) do not actively en- away. This pattern appears to be fairly length in humans has a predictable
gage in foraging activities. In general, consistent across western, central, relationship with the energetic cost of
selection pressures that act only on and eastern Europe.2,27–29 In contrast, walking, then it seems reasonable to
older age cohorts are weaker, because the sites of Early Upper Paleolithic conclude that variation in lower limb
by the time they act many individuals humans often contain stone tools length would have had a similar rela-
have already died, leaving fewer indi- manufactured from raw materials tionship in Neandertals and Upper Pa-
viduals whose mortality and fertility coming from more than 100 km away. leolithic and Mesolithic humans.
can be influenced.26 In principle, se- In some cases, marine shells from more From experiments on human sub-
lection for body proportions that en- than 500 km away are present.2,27–30 jects of varying leg length who walked
hance mobile foraging activities could The predominantly local use of re- on a treadmill at speeds near their
220 Weaver and Steudel-Numbers ISSUES

DUE TO DIFFERENCES IN LOWER LIMB LENGTHa body mass as Early Upper Paleolithic
Early Late Europeans,35,36 though possibly slightly
Upper Upper lighter31,37 or heavier,12 Neandertals
Paleolithic Paleolithic Mesolithic may have been about 15% heavier than
these two modern human groups,37
Neandertals ⫺78 ⫺51 ⫺28
Early Upper Paleolithic * ⫹27 ⫹50 whereas Mesolithic humans may have
Late Upper Paleolithic * * ⫹23 been about 10% lighter.31 These dif-
ferences in estimated body mass are
Estimates in kCal day⫺1; ⫺ indicates that the group at the top of the column has a
lower cost than the group at the left of the row; ⫹ indicates the opposite. consistent with what we know about
the body proportions in these groups.
While Late Upper Paleolithic humans
had shorter lower limbs than did their
energetic optimum, Steudel-Numbers mass, holding lower limb length con-
Early Upper Paleolithic predecessors,6
and Tilkens22 have estimated a multi- stant, would be about 13.7 kCal day⫺1.
ple regression equation (E ⫽ 8.301 ⫺ These values should be interpreted these shorter lower limbs were com-
0.1691 ⫹ 0.234 m) relating the total cautiously because they are rough es-
energetic cost of transport (E, mea- timates with many unquantifiable
sured as oxygen consumption in ml sources of error, but they at least give If these inferred changes
O2 m⫺1) to lower limb length (l, femur a sense of the order of magnitude of in mobility are correct,
length ⫹ tibia length in cm) and body the energetic cost of a 1-cm decrease
mass (m, kg). The total energetic cost in lower limb length. The cost is some-
then the changes in
of transport includes postural and where around 10 kCal day⫺1, rather body proportions from
body maintenance costs over the dis- than 1, 100, or 1000 kCal day⫺1.
tance traveled. The energetic cost in Based on the lower limb lengths
Neandertals to
ml O2 m⫺1 can be converted into kCal given in Holliday6 (personal commu- Mesolithic humans may
m⫺1, because consuming 1 ml of O2 nication for the numerical values used be exactly what one
corresponds to using 0.004801 kCal,33 to create his Fig. 5) and the preceding
assuming a respiratory quotient (RQ) calculations, it is possible to quantify would predict if
of 0.80.34 Combining the equation in the differences in energetic cost of selection for energetic
Steudel-Numbers and Tilkens22 with walking among Neandertals and Early
these conversion factors and holding Upper Paleolithic, Late Upper Paleo-
efficiency in mobile
body mass constant, we estimate that lithic, and Mesolithic humans. As a foraging were shaping
a 1-cm decrease in lower limb length starting point, we first assumed that
would increase the energetic cost of there were no differences in body
body proportions. It
walking by about 0.811 kCal km⫺1. mass among the groups. Just consid- should be pointed out,
These calculations can be illus- ering differences in lower limb length, however, that inferring
trated by considering two hypotheti- the shorter lower limbs of Neander-
cal individuals. Let E1 and E2 be the tals would have cost them 78 kCal the magnitude of
energetic cost of transport, l1 and l2 be day⫺1 relative to their Early Upper Pa- selection from the
the lower limb length, and m1 and m2 leolithic successors (Table 1). There
be the mass, respectively. If l2 ⫽ l1 ⫺ 1 would have been less of a difference in archeological record is
(1-cm decrease) and m2 ⫽ m1 (equal cost between Neandertals and Late difficult.
mass), then E2 ⫺ E1 is the energetic Upper Paleolithic or Mesolithic hu-
cost of transport for a 1-cm decrease mans because lower limb length is
in lower limb length, holding body shorter in these modern human
mass constant. A daily estimate can be groups (Table 1). Relative to the Early
approximated using data on average Upper Paleolithic, the shorter lower pensated for by longer trunks, as evi-
foraging distances in extant hunter- limbs of Late Upper Paleolithic and denced by their lower ratios of femur
gatherers. If we assume that an indi- Mesolithic humans would have cost length and tibia length to estimated
vidual walks about 12.2 km day⫺1 (the them, respectively, 27 kCal day⫺1 and skeletal trunk height.5 These two
average of round-trip foraging dis- 50 kCal day⫺1 (Table 1). Thus, the groups had similar body breadths.36
tances for Nunamuit, Australian, An- magnitude of the differences between The volume, and therefore mass, of
barra, and Pume women and Nu- the groups is on the order of tens of the human body can be modeled as a
namuit, !Kung, and Pume men from kCal day⫺1. cylinder7,37,38 using the equation V ⫽
Binford24), then the daily energetic So far, our calculations have ig- ␲/4 D2L, where V is volume (propor-
cost of a 1-cm decrease in lower limb nored any potential differences in tional to mass), D is bi-iliac breadth,
length would be about 9.89 kCal body mass among the groups. Al- and L is stature. Based on the cylin-
day⫺1. For comparison, the daily en- though it may be reasonable to as- drical model, Early Upper Paleolithic
ergetic cost of a 1-kg increase in body sume that Late Upper Paleolithic Eu- and Late Upper Paleolithic humans
ISSUES Neandertal Body Proportions, Climate, and Mobility 221

DUE TO DIFFERENCES IN BODY MASSa upper end of the range estimated for
Early Late Neandertals by Steegmann, Cerny,
Upper Upper and Holliday41), then their daily ener-
getic expenditure on locomotion
Paleolithic Paleolithic Mesolithic
would be no more than 627 kCal. A
Neandertals ⫺137 ⫺137 ⫺206 similar estimate of 770 kCal is ob-
Early Upper Paleolithic * 0 ⫺69
tained using 5,500 kCal day⫺1, which
Late Upper Paleolithic * * ⫺69
is the very heavy activity level value
Estimates in kCal day⫺1; ⫺ indicates that the group at the top of the column has a estimated by Sorensen and Leonard.42
lower cost than the group at the left of the row; ⫹ indicates the opposite. Given that the energetic costs of dif-
ferences in lower limb length and
body mass would be a fraction of the
would be expected to have similar av- day⫺1 more energy in walking than total daily energetic cost of locomo-
erage body masses. Neandertals are Upper Paleolithic Europeans would tion, the estimates on the order of tens
estimated to have lower limb to trunk have, while Mesolithic Europeans to hundreds kCal day⫺1 seem reason-
proportions similar to those of Late would have used about 69 kCal day⫺1 able.
Upper Paleolithic humans, with a rel- less than did their Upper Paleolithic How do we reconcile evidence of
atively longer femur but a relatively predecessors (Table 2). If Neandertals the influence of climate on body pro-
shorter tibia (see Holliday’s Tables 6 actually had body masses closer to 90 portions on the one hand with evi-
and 7), but shorter lower limbs,6 kg, as Kappleman39 estimated from dence, on the other hand, of possible
which would appear to result in a orbital aperture area, then they would differences in mobility among Nean-
shorter stature and thus a lower body have used about 343 kCal day⫺1 more dertals and Upper Paleolithic and Me-
mass than Upper Paleolithic Europe- energy in walking than would Upper solithic humans and the energetic
ans. However, Neandertals probably Paleolithic Europeans. Based on consequences for mobility of differ-
had wider body breadths, as evi- lower limb length and body mass to- ences in body proportions? It is note-
denced by estimates of their bi-iliac gether, Neandertals would have used worthy that almost all human skele-
breadths,4,7 than did their Upper Pa- about 215 kCal day⫺1 more energy tons from the Early Upper Paleolithic
leolithic successors. According to the than would their Early Upper Paleo- are substantially younger than 30,000
cylindrical model, changes in breadth lithic successors (Table 3). Thus, the years old; most are closer to 25,000
have a greater effect on body mass differences in energetic cost between years old.43 Thus, even using the
than does stature, because breadth is Neandertals and the modern human youngest estimates for the date of ar-
squared and stature is not in the for- groups, considering both body mass rival of modern humans in Europe,
mula for the volume of a cylinder. and lower limb length, would have about 36,000 years ago,44 most Early
This theoretical argument is borne been on the order of hundreds of kCal Upper Paleolithic skeletons come
out by a much larger coefficient for day⫺1. from about 11,000 years after the ear-
bi-iliac breadth than stature in Ruff, These estimates appear to be rea- liest arrival of modern humans in Eu-
Trinkaus, and Holliday’s37 multiple sonable based on other lines of evi- rope. In addition, modern human
regression equation for predicting dence. The percentage of the total populations would likely have taken
body mass from stature and bi-iliac daily energy expenditure accounted thousands of years to make their way
breadth. Mesolithic Europeans had for by locomotion is only 8% to 14% from Africa into Europe, and body
estimated lower limb to trunk propor- even in fairly mobile terrestrial mam- proportions took thousands of years
tions similar to those of Late Upper mals such as carnivores or hamadryas to change during the Upper Paleo-
Paleolithic Europeans,5 but they had baboons (Papio hamadryas).40 Assum- lithic. So we have a situation in which
shorter lower limbs6 and narrower bi- ing that Neandertals and Upper Paleo- most human skeletons from the Early
iliac breadths,31 which would have re- lithic and Mesolithic humans expended Upper Paleolithic come from popula-
sulted in a lower body mass. no more energy on locomotion than do tions that were probably living in the
If we assume that Upper Paleolithic these fairly mobile mammals and had fairly cold climates of Oxygen Isotope
Europeans had average body masses a total daily energetic expenditure of Stage (OIS) 3 for about 10,000 to
larger body mass in Neandertals
would be about 75 kg, and a 10%
smaller body mass in Mesolithic Eu- Early Late
ropeans would be about 60 kg. These Upper Upper
values can be used, if only very Paleolithic Paleolithic Mesolithic
roughly, to estimate the daily ener- Neandertals ⫺215 ⫺188 ⫺234
getic cost for walking of differences in Early Upper Paleolithic * ⫹27 ⫺19
body mass among the groups. Based Late Upper Paleolithic * * ⫺46
on body mass alone, Neandertals a
Estimates in kCal day⫺1; ⫺ indicates that the group at the top of the column has a
would have used about 137 kCal lower cost than the group at the left of the row; ⫹ indicates the opposite.
222 Weaver and Steudel-Numbers ISSUES

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• Holden, C., Mace, R., Shennan, Evolutionary Game Theory, pp. New Haven: Yale Univer-
S., eds. (2005) The Evolution of Natural Selection, and Darwin- sity Press. ISBN 0-300-09382-9
Cultural Diversity: A Phyloge- ian Dynamics. xvii⫹382 pp. $65.00 (cloth).
netic Approach. x⫹291 pp. Lon- New York: Cambridge Univer- • Martin, J. (2005) Tepoztlan and
don: University College London sity Press. ISBN 0-521-84170-4 the Transformation of the Mex-
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$110.00 (cloth). • Cunnane, S.C. (2005) Survival of Connections. xiv⫹276 pp. Tuc-
• Dunbar, R., Barrett, L., Lycett, J. the Fattest: The Key to Human zon: University of Arizona Press.
(2005) Evolutionary Psychology: Brain Evolution. Singapore: ISBN: 0-816-52443-2 $50.00
A Beginner’s Guide. vii⫹184 pp. World Scientific Publishing (cloth).
Oxford: Oneworld Publications. Company. xvii⫹343 pp. ISBN • Fry, D.P. (2005) The Human Po-
ISBN 1-851-68356-9 $15.95 (pa- 9-812-56191-9 $38.00 (cloth). tential For Peace: An Anthropo-
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• Haccou, P., Jagers, P., Vatutin, logical Implications of Minilive- tions About War And Violence.
V.A. (2005) Branching Process- stock: Potential Of Insects, Ro- xvii⫹366 pp. Oxford: Oxford
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83220-9 $95.00 (cloth). • Vrba, E.S., Eldredge, N., eds. motherhood: The Evolutionary
• Sabelli, H. (2005) Bios: A Study (2005) Macroevolution: Diver- Significance of the Second Half
of Creation. X⫹654 pp. Hacken- sity, Disparity, Contingency: Es- of Female Life. vii⫹343 pp. New
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• Marciniak, A. (2005) Placing An- 27649-2 $25.00. (paper). • Young, M., Edis, T., eds. (2005)
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Zooarchaeology of Prehistoric W., Wang, Y., Xu, H., Yan, W., Scientific Critique of the New
Farming Communities. London: Zhang, Z., contributors. Allan, Creationism. xiii⫹ 238 pp. New
UCL Press. xvi⫹279 pp. ISBN S., ed. (2005). The Formation of Brunswick: Rutgers University
1-844-72092-6 $120.00 (cloth). Chinese Civilization: An Archae- Press. ISBN 0-813-53433-X
• Vincent, T.L., Brown, J.S. (2005) ological Perspective. xiv⫹363 (cloth).

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