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Slurm - How_to_create_a_ipsec_tunnel_connection_in_Openstack - # 9

How to create a ipsec tunnel connection in Openstack

SO: CentOS7
headnode: 2 NICs


Create a vpn gateway in Openstack


One router (between public and private net)

One floating IP

Go to project -> Network -> VPN to create all resources needed.

Create IKE polices

In IKE polices, create a new IKE polices:

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Before 5.0 strongswan version, if you use NAT-Transversal and use ike version 1, add to ipsec.conf file in headnode
nat_traversal=yes. If you use IKE version 2, you can omit this field [1].

Create IPsec polices

In n IPsec polices, create a new n IPsec polices:

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Create VPN

In VPN services, add the router and define private network that will be exposed.

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Create site-to-site connection

In IPSec Site Connection, create a new site-2-site connection:

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To define a strong PSK, you can use to generate a password this command:

openssl rand -hex 10

Access vpn gateway in Openstack by headnode

To create a SA between Openstack VPN gateway and headnode (and headnode and vpn gateway), first, you need permit in both
size, UDP 500 traffic (source and destination port) and ip protocol 50 (ESP) or/and 51(AH).

iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 500 -s <SOURCE_IP> -d <DESTINATION_IP> -j ACCEPT

iptables -A INPUT -p esp -s <SOURCE_IP> -d <DESTINATION_IP> -j ACCEPT

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If you use NAT-Transversal, permit UDP 4500 (source and destination port).

iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 4500 -s <SOURCE_IP> -d <DESTINATION_IP> -j ACCEPT

Install strongswan

For install strongswan in CentOS7, first, you need EPEL repo configured. To do this, install epel-release package.

yum install -y epel-release

After that, install strongswan package

yum install -y strongswan

In Debian distribution-based, the utility used to manage ipsec options is ipsec command. In Red Hat distribution-based, the utility
used is strongswan command.

Create ipsec.conf file

Edit/Create /etc/strongswan/ipsec.conf file:

# ipsec.conf - strongSwan IPsec configuration file
# basic configuration

config setup

conn %default

conn ops


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authby = Authentication mode.
mobike = MOBIKE protocol (RFC 4555). Permit a remote access VPN user to move from one address to another without
re-establishing all SA with the VPN gateway.
conn <name> = Connection name.
left = Local IP.
leftsubnet = Subnet that will be exposed to on the other side of the connection.
leftid = Local ID (Use Local IP).
leftfirewall = add rules that allow traffic to be forwarded.
right = Remote IP.
rightsubnet = Subnet that will be exposed to on the other side of the connection.
rightid = Remote ID (use Remote IP).
ike = Cryptography algorithm.
ikelifetime = Cryptography Lifetime.
esp = Authentication algorithm.
lifetime = Authentication Lifetime.
type = Connection mode (Tunnel or Transport).
dpdaction = Dead Peer Detection Protocol action. hold installs a trap policy, which will catch matching traffic and tries to
re-negotiate the connection on demand. restart will immediately trigger an attempt to re-negotiate the connection.

This informations are necessary to negotiate Diffie-Hellman group(default, group 5), cryptography and authentication algorithms (IKE
Phase 1) and create SA (IKE Phase 2) between nodes.
A SA is a unidirectional channel. To permit both connect, is necessary create 2 SA (from/to and to/from)

Strongswan is responsable to create the SAs.

After establishing a SA, the exchange keys is automaticaly made after expiration.

Create ipsec.secrets

In openstack, the connection is only realized using psk (password key). To define what is psk used, edit

<YOUR_IP> : PSK "<PSK>" 

Connect headnode and openstack vpn gateway

In headnode:

strongswan start
strongswan up <Connection_name>

If all occours well, this is a spected message:

initiating IKE_SA ops3[1] to 150.165.85.X
generating IKE_SA_INIT request 0 [ SA KE No N(NATD_S_IP) N(NATD_D_IP) N(HASH_ALG) ]
sending packet: from 10.30.0.X[500] to 150.165.85.X[500] (596 bytes)
received packet: from 150.165.85.X[500] to 10.30.0.X[500] (392 bytes)
local host is behind NAT, sending keep alives
authentication of '10.30.0.X' (myself) with pre-shared key
establishing CHILD_SA <Connection_name>
sending packet: from 10.30.0.X[4500] to 150.165.85.X[4500] (332 bytes)
received packet: from 150.165.85.X[4500] to 10.30.0.X[4500] (220 bytes)
parsed IKE_AUTH response 1 [ IDr AUTH SA TSi TSr N(AUTH_LFT) ]
authentication of '150.165.85.X' with pre-shared key successful
IKE_SA ops3[1] established between 10.30.0.X[10.30.0.X]...150.165.85.X[150.165.85.X]
scheduling reauthentication in 359673s
maximum IKE_SA lifetime 359853s
connection '<Connection_name>' established successfully

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As of strongSwan 5.0, NAT traversal is automatic, no configuration is needed [3].


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