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A setting supplement for the Amaranthine RPG

Writing: David A Hill Jr

Additional Writing: Renee Ritchie. “The Board of Trustees” in Part III.
Editing: Renee Ritchie
Layout: David A Hill Jr
Cover Art: Jenna Fowler
Interior Art: Alex McKechnie, Jenna Fowler, Juan Santapau, Kenneth Max Brooks, Laura Guzzo, Ruth
Amaranthine is a Machine Age Production

The Android robot on the cover art is a modification based on work created and shared by Google and used
according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License. You can read more about
this particular license at

This game’s text is licensed under the Creative Commons

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cense. To view a copy of this license, visit: http://creative-

What this means is: You are free to copy, share and remix
the contents of this work under the following conditions, 1) that you do so noncommercially (ie: you
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you make a derivative property, let it become part of the game community. Don’t hoard that shit. If
you’re interested in making a commercial property for sale, based on Amaranthine, we’re flattered.
Simply contact us for permission, we’ll work it out.
Immortality means an attachment to the past. It may seem odd
then that Los Angeles, a young city even by American standards,
is such a hotbed of Amaranthine activity. However, attachment
realism be damned
to the past does not inherently mean attachment to the distant Amaranthine is a game about reincarnated beings that
past. A past in Los Angeles is a past worth retelling. Los Angeles wield earth-shattering magics. Clearly, we’re not too
also serves as a sort of hub for immortals from various regions
concerned with realism here. While Los Angeles is a
and times. It’s the center of a historical network; Rings from
all over the globe and all over time have coalesced here to seek
real place in the real world, we’re focusing more on the
fortune, fame, and power. things we find dramatically valuable, and we’ve twisted
and tweaked a few things here and there to make them
Inside, you’ll find a full treatment of Los Angeles as a city. This more engaging for your game. A Los Angeles native
includes a handful of sample Rings with which your players’ will be able to point out inaccuracies in our treatment
characters can backstab, love, suffer, or otherwise interact. Each
of the city. Stick with our edits if you’d like, or go with
Ring has a flashpoint in history, where they were once promi-
nent. The players can use these flashpoints in time to help im-
your personal knowledge. None of our dramatic em-
provise Reflections and otherwise develop backgrounds with the phasis is utterly necessary to use the rest of the material.
immortals in the City of Angels. Lastly, you’ll find the frame-
work and seeds for an Epic in Los Angeles.
Story Hooks
theme: success and faiure Some sections of the text are set apart like so. These
are not presented as factual information about the
Los Angeles embodies the ‘Wild West’ mindset. It’s a hard- game setting. Instead, they’re seeds and hooks to in-
edged place where the strong succeed, and the weak fall by the spire stories. They’re usually tied to a particular element
wayside. Hierarchies are pronounced; you cannot meet someone nearby; they act as a proof of concept, offering ways you
that doesn’t fit into someone’s scheme. Success is never subtle, could use the element in practice. They don’t have game
neither is failure. Some of the world’s most powerful people live mechanics tied to them, they’re just ideas meant to help
in Los Angeles, and so do some of the world’s most destitute. you improvise and develop your Los Angeles. Use them
if you’d like.
mood: waiting for riots inspiration
It was nearly twenty years ago when the streets of Los Angeles
erupted into violence and devastation, but the spirit of distrust City of Sores draws from a number of inspirations; its stylized
and unrest still boils beneath the surface. The palm trees and film portrayal of Los Angeles is predicated on a number of media
studios don’t make up for the neglect and hatred that permeates sources. Hit them up for inspiration for symbols, places, story
city life. The Void feeds on the rampant creation and destruction ideas, and language. Fortunately, Los Angeles has a breadth of
within Los Angeles. Verges crack through reality in the places such inspirations; you should be able to find something in any
where people speed by. The Void brings chaos, and the people of genre you wish. These are just some that played into City of
Los Angeles know chaos intimately. LA wants to be relaxed. It Sores specifically.
looks relaxed. But at any time, it can explode.
Movies and TV
contents Californication (TV, 2007): Writer Hank Moody makes far
more sense as a character if you give him a Dominion score. The
The City of Angels – First, we detail some of the basics of Los
way he stumbles through life maintaining success while never
Angeles’s geography, neighborhoods, and points of interest.
making the right choice and forever remaining the eye of the
The City of Sores – Here, we offer a major ruling Court for storm is perfect allegory for immortal living. While none of our
LA, and a couple of minor Courts that vie for power over its suggestions are particularly kid-friendly, even we wouldn’t rec-
dominion. ommend watching with your children awake.

The Rings of LA – Here are a handful of Rings, each containing Jackie Brown (Film, 1997): Based on a great Elmore Leonard
a short bit on a time and place in world history where the Ring book that’s curiously not set in LA, Pam Grier’s flight attendant
was of particular import. Jackie Brown has the attitude of an Amaranthine written all over
This is Now – Lastly, we provide a skeleton for a story, where
the characters fight their way into the structure of Los Angeles’s Lords of Dogtown (Film, 2005): The Venice and Santa Monica
Courts. areas of the 1970s see great treatment in this bio-film. Lords of
Dogtown is a great story of average slackers becoming larger How Could Hell Be Any Worse (Album, 1981): Bad Religion’s
than life icons. music is full of great LA references (Los Angeles is Burning, for
instance) but their first album exemplifies the raw energy and
Mulholland Drive (Film, 2001): David Lynch takes traditional
life we’d expect from an LA immortal.
narrative, throws it against the wall, takes what isn’t broken, and
pastes it together with what is broken. It’s a story about excep- Straight Outta Compton (Album, 1988): Look past the con-
tional people, fucked-up memory, inexplicable murders, dreams, troversy. This album was a breakthrough in style and produc-
et cetera. tion, and gave powerful messages with furious and diverse talent.
Romeo + Juliet (Film, 1996): Love or leave the film itself, it’s NWA paints a picture of life in California like almost nothing
full of superb imagery. The setting is fictitious “Verona Beach” else could.
which might as well be Venice Beach. Doesn’t Shakespearean
tragedy take on a whole new light if you add reincarnation to Books
the mix?
Farewell, My Lovely (1940): Aside from his usual places within
LA, Phillip Marlowe drives through the surrounding area where
Music whole suburbs can be owned by one man with enough money,
Drinking With Jesus (Album, 2009): Venice Beach-based The like Amaranthine emperors of minor Courts. Marlowe’s adven-
Red Elvises have an entire catalogue of melting pot rockabilly tures give a great feeling of place.
surf punk lounge rock that belts and croons to the excess of Los Make Love! The Bruce Campbell Way (Book, 2005): This hu-
Angeles. Drinking With Jesus is my particular favorite. morous semi-biographical novel by Bruce Campbell gives a ton
Free (Album, 1989): Concrete Blonde saw recognition as the of insight into the gritty, silly, and otherwise unbelievable things
band played in every small-budget vampire flick in the early to that happen in Hollywood. If you want to make your Hollywood
mid nineties. Free is witty, punchy, and doesn’t hold back. God bounce with life, read this book.
is a Bullet captures the hot-blooded danger of LA life perfectly.

the city of angels

Everyone in the world knows about Los Angeles. When many ment El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles del
people think of the United States of America, they think of Los Río de Porciúncula, or The Town of Our Lady the Queen of the
Angeles. It’s the third largest economic center in the world. Los Angels of the Porciúncula River.
Angeles alone contains nearly four million people; the metropol-
itan area boasts over seventeen million, making it the thirteenth In 1821, the settlement became independent of Spanish rule.
most populated metropolitan area in the world. The city grosses It became a full part of Mexico and served as the capital of the
nearly one trillion US dollars per year. It’s one of the only cities Alta California region. From 1846-1848, the Mexican-Ameri-
in the world with a census of over one hundred immortals. What can War shook the farming town. With the Treaty of Guadalupe
we’re trying to say is, Los Angeles is important. Let’s talk a little Hidalgo in 1848, Mexico surrendered the California territory
bit about why. to the United States, thus making Los Angeles an American
We’ll keep the real-world data to a minimum, since the Inter-
net can provide you with everything you’d ever want and more Railroads made their way to Los Angeles in 1876. Oil produc-
in that regard. Here are some tidbits to whet your appetite and tion out of Los Angeles helped the city boom in wealth and
maybe inspire some stories to get you playing, and keep you away population. Both aviation and film centered in Los Angeles,
from research. which protected it from the worst of the Great Depression. The
city grew rapidly, and expanded all about the region. Now, Los
Angeles is a global hub for entertainment and commerce
historical primer
By almost any standard, Los Angeles is a young city. The Na-
tive American Tongva and Chumash tribes inhabited the land
life in los angeles
now called Los Angeles for thousands of years prior to Western In LA, you’re always within an hour of the ocean, barring traf-
settlement. To this day, Tongva burial grounds limit metropoli- fic. In LA, you’re always minutes away from an hour-long traffic
tan development in the region. In the sixteenth century, a group jam. The weather is amazing. If you live in LA and complain
of Spanish explorers claimed the region in the name of Spain, about the weather, you are officially unable to be happy. The
but didn’t settle. temperature varies no more than ten degrees Celsius (thirty de-
grees Fahrenheit) all year round. It’s never too cold, it’s never too
In 1771, Franciscans founded the Mission San Gabriel Arcan- hot. The sun is comfortable, never oppressive. Rain is occasional,
gel. It still stands in San Gabriel, a suburb northeast of LA. In light, and refreshing. Winds are cool.
1781, a small group of Spanish settlers officially founded the
town with Felipe de Neve. as governor. They named the settle- But then again, there’s all the fucking people.
While you don’t see every one of the millions of people in LA
every day, you feel their presence. Everything is congested. Ev-
What to Think
erything is crowded. If you want a bite to eat without a wait, you California’s known for its activism. Los Angeles is no differ-
have to plan ahead, go during lulls, and on weekdays. If you find ent. This is partly due to the visibility of its celebrity population.
a nice hole-in-the-wall establishment, hoard it, and be prepared There’s also a strong religious contingent with both wealth and
for when it inevitably closes or becomes popular. influence. Political and social extremes clash hard in Los Ange-
les. You might not be able to tell neighboring country clubs apart
What to Do on the surface, but dig a bit and you’ll find fierce ideological
If you cannot find something to do in LA, you should con- rivalries between the two. On the streets, everything has a mes-
sider looking. Unless your interest is “being somewhere other sage. Outside of every grocery store, you’ll find someone push-
than LA”, you can find your fix in LA. Are you interested in ing for ballot initiatives. Outside of every courthouse, you’ll find
movies? Go to a premier and see the stars. Are you a physical groups protesting that someone isn’t afforded the rights they
person? The surf ’s outstanding. Amusement parks? Done. Mu- deserve. Across the street, you’ll find another group that believes
seums? Done. Roller Derby? We’ve got it. Underground theater? that person should have fewer rights. In Los Angeles, it doesn’t
We have it handled. Magic shows? We have dozens every night. matter what you believe, but you have to believe in something.
Dinosaur bones? Our dinosaur bones are procured as locally as The Butter Battle
our produce. Celebrity cemeteries? Nothing is too tacky for Los Sasha Lansley and Monica DeVille each own a neigh-
Angeles. A tower made of seashells? We’ve got that. boring gentleman’s club. They’re lovers. They’re rivals.
The Magic Show Anything that gets between the two of them burns
The marquees announce, “Hypatia, Sorceress Extraor- brightly before utter destruction. Each intends to use
dinaire!” She’s the biggest thing amongst people in the their club as the center of a new Court. One club fan-
know. Tickets to her performances are on a waiting list cies itself a true gentleman’s club, with class, limitation,
over six months long. Reviews are scarce; her PR person and finery. The other openly engages in every possible
keeps it that way. Everybody talks about her shows, but excess. Each of the two immortals could be powerful
nobody talks about what happens at her shows. Asking allies, but allying with one means an equally powerful
a former audience member elicits chuckles, blushes, enemy. What happens when a character’s loved one
and quick subject changes. That is, except for the one falls in between the two empires and falls victim to their
person every night who disappears after the grand fi- slash-and-burn warfare?
nale. Police investigations have turned up inconclusive. Travel
Weekly shows, fifty people missing in a year, and the
As expected, LA is a city full of travel options. Between trains,
police don’t believe there’s a case?
boats, automobiles, planes, subway, and old-fashioned walk-
What to Eat ing, you can find a way to your desired destination. In most of
Food in Los Angeles is as diverse as the population. LA offers LA, walking is a viable option. Many LA residents get by only
great and terrible examples of food from all over the world. If walking and occasionally taking mass transit. Six commercial
you’re willing to pay for it, name your poison and you can find airports, including the massive LAX, comprise the Los Ange-
it. Parts of the city carry trends, from ultra-chic dieting to food les Metropolitan Area’s airline system. From Los Angeles, you
that steals days off your lifespan after each bite. Go to Oki’s Dog can fly almost anywhere in the world. Long Beach Harbor, the
in West Hollywood and you can get two hot dogs with chili fifth busiest seaport in the world, connects Los Angeles with
and pastrami wrapped in a flour tortilla for less than a combo the world for trade distribution and brings in around 37 percent
at a fast food chain. If you survive it, you will have grown as a of US imports. LA acts as a hub for a complex combination of
person. You could go downtown to Bottega Louie for gourmet highways and freeways, including the visually stunning Highway
pizza that’ll shock a New Yorker. On the far end, you could hit 1 that leads down the California coast. Road travel in the area is
up The Ivy, drop over a thousand dollars on dinner, and run into notoriously bad; don’t use the roads without plenty of lead time
Oscar recipients. and an expectation that you will not be on time. All in all, travel
in LA is available, if not always good.
We Slay Your Hunger
Jimmy’s Famous Burgers has been a boardwalk immortality
staple since your father was in diapers. His Mammoth In LA, there are a handful of large immortal cliques. And why
Burger proudly grants its buyer over two pounds of vari- not? Cliquishness defines Los Angeles in the human world; of
ous meat products at a reasonable price. Perhaps too course that’ll translate to the unending. The biggest clique (and
reasonable. All the other boardwalk vendors have raised there’s always overlap) is the regional Great Court, The Guild
their prices due to new taxes and regulations passed Unwilting. If you ask an immortal the history of Los Angeles
earlier in the year. Jimmy’s Mammoth Burger hasn’t amongst the Amaranthine, they’ll tell you the story of The Guild
seen a price change since the last three Presidents have Unwilting. But isn’t history always written by the ruling party?
been in office. It still costs less than a pound of cold The Guild maintains power over everything south of the San
cuts in your local grocery store. Everyone knows Jimmy’s Francisco Bay, well into Baja California, and east to the Nevada
Amaranthine, but what are the mysterious gurgles and border. While it isn’t the largest geographical Great Court, it’s
groans coming from the kitchen? indisputably the largest by population in the United States, and
nearly the largest in the world. While they encompass large pop- sure it’s actually hitting the table; background worldbuilding will
ulation centers such as Orange County and San Diego, these ar- go unnoticed. Show, don’t tell. Let your characters live in the set-
eas have their own lesser Courts and Los Angeles ignores them ting; don’t let them watch it from afar.
unless something goes terribly wrong.
Within the immediate auspices of The Guild are two minor
Courts. Santa Monica and Venice (together called Dogtown Los Angeles’s Chinatown underwent two major phases which
by the Amaranthine) maintain the Court of the Feast. While shifted its geographical placement. Old Chinatown is now the
it holds a strong relationship with the Guild leadership, they area of LA’s Union Station. Immigrants were displaced in order
disagree on focus. The Court of the Feast dedicates itself to to make room for its development shortly before World War
fighting back the Void, since, for some reason, the stretch of II. The site was home to a number of terrifying and controver-
beach is a hotbed for new Verges. Most of The Guild ignores the sial events, the most well-know being the Chinese Massacre of
coastal Verges, assuming the Void is a problem that’ll solve itself. 1871, where 500 white men descended upon Chinatown and
Amongst the Court of the Feast is a more fatalistic and urgent murdered between eighteen and eighty Chinese immigrants,
disposition than in the laissez-faire Guildmembers. beating and robbing countless others.

The Red-Crowned Court is a sanctioned but mostly antagonis- The new Chinatown is a few blocks northwest of Union Sta-
tic Court based out of CalTech University in Pasadena. They’ve tion. Hollywood set designers laid out the new Chinatown, to
petitioned for independence from The Guild on a number of give it a more stereotypical Asian “exotic” feel. Clearly, this de-
occasions in their sixty-year history, with not so much as an al- sign was intended to draw tourism, and it did so successfully.
lowed debate. They espouse social freedom for Amaranthine, It’s conveniently located north of downtown, within walking
and tend toward Palatine ideals. Their smug sense of superiority distance. You can find all manner of cheap home décor, herbal
often clashes with The Guild’s smug sense of superiority, and remedies, shark fins, and bootleg DVDs. Look hard enough, and
causes everything short of outright war. you can find the curio shops full of occult artifacts popularized
in the mass media. The food is diverse, from Italian to a great
Lastly, there exists a Rogue Court of which public details are Peking Duck.
few. Rumors have them worshipping the Void, preparing for all-
out insurrection, or just wanting to be left alone (the final rumor, Fifth Floor Gallery: This design-intensive gallery features lo-
of course, is met with groans and rolled eyes amongst the dra- cal artists of all persuasions. Their modern art bent feels highly
ma-hungry LA courtiers). Because of its unsanctioned nature, its out of place along the heavily Asian Chun King Court. It’s just
membership rolls are tightly sealed. Its membership likely shares one of many off-the-beaten-path galleries you would pass by if
membership in other Courts throughout the city. you didn’t know what you were looking for. Amaranthine with
fingers on the pulse of the art community eat and sleep unknown
Beneath the Court-level groups, Los Angeles boasts between hotspots like this.
twenty and forty Rings. Often, Rings are recognized before in-
dividuals. Everyone knows the popular rings; even if they don’t Empress Pavilion Restaurant: A popular dim sum spot acts as
know the names of their popular members. Even The Guild’s a meeting ground for all strata of interaction. Gangs, creatives,
leadership is recognized not as an individual, but as a Ring. and businesspeople all sit down at the Empress’s welcoming ta-
Technically, The Saint holds final executive power, but her Ring, bles. If you know what you’re looking for, you can make connec-
The Board of Trustees, receives widespread deference first and tions or find blackmail material. It’s nice enough to keep out the
foremost. worst elements, but out of the way enough to not draw attention.

Lucky Jade Market

neighborhoods The Lucky Jade Market’s entrance is in an alley, and
Los Angeles’s metropolitan area consists of hundreds of neigh- down enough stairs to deter all but the most aware
borhoods and pocket communities. Instead of trying for thor- shopper, or a one-off wanderer lost amidst the street
oughness, we’ll give you a feel for a few areas ripe for storytelling. bustle. Even when you enter, it looks closed. The door
For each, we’ll provide a brief description and a couple of points chimes, but the dusty old shop has barely a light. You
of interest where you can ground events. Then, we’ll close out see porcelain cats waving, and tiny jade dragons. You
with story hooks set in the location. The locations may or may smell oolong tea and old cardboard. You expect to see
not exist in the real world. If not, they’re provided as a filtered an old man behind the counter, but you’re surprised to
and focused example of the locale. see a young woman. She smiles sweetly, and you feel
a hint of sympathy. Between her lips, you see fangs.
We recommend you feel out your neighborhoods before play. The shop contains many wondrous things, things you’d
It’s not utterly necessary, but it’ll help. Fire up Google Street never believe, and all she wants in exchange is a brief
View. Take a virtual walk. Find some places that sound or look access to a warm vein.
interesting. Use a couple of screenshots to give your players ex-
amples. If something looks great, jot down a description. Stylize Dogtown
it. Romanticize it. If it’s sexy, make it sexier; if it’s dirty, make it Dogtown is a traditional nickname for Santa Monica. It’s
dirtier. Look up local news reports, add an Amaranthine twist. sometimes falsely attributed to Venice. For the sake of the Ama-
Anything you can bring to the table to make your setting breathe ranthine of Los Angeles, Dogtown means the stretch of both
is something your players will notice and appreciate. Just make Venice and Santa Monica; about two miles of shoreline, board-
walk, tourism, and residential space. On the south end, you’ll
find Muscle Beach and some of the best burgers LA has to of-
fer. Head north through the tourist traps, and you’ll pass the
world-famous Santa Monica Pier amusement park, then you’ll
find trendy cafes and bars.
Hawkers of all varieties accost you as you make your way
down the boardwalk. At the southernmost end, you’ll be solic-
ited for bootlegged everything, “medical” marijuana, and cheap
jewelry. As you move on, the offerings evolve into sex services
and driftwood art. After you pass the parks into Santa Monica,
the offerings are almost exclusively knockoff designer clothing.
Somehow, this is considered classier. As the offerings become
less shady, the chance of pickpocketing increases. Venice is less a
tourist trap than Santa Monica, and a little lower-brow.
The Court of the Feast bases itself out of this area. Their meet-
ings are held monthly at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium.
Their stated mission is to hold off the terrible things that come
from the Void just off the coastline. You can find more of them
in the following section. Most of the short fiction pieces in Am-
aranthine take place in the Dogtown region.
The Pacific Coast Verge: Everyone knows of the Pacific Coast
Verge. Nobody knows exactly where it is. Amaranthine that have
explored the waters a half mile out tend to disappear or return
with no answers. The thing they don’t know, however, is that
there’s no single Verge. Under the sea, many great Verges cluster
in the deep. Because of this massive cluster, new, tiny Verges ap-
pear in the region with great frequency. Dogtown is closest to
the Verge, so it sees the most new portals. Some of the creatures
a battery of tests run east of LA by a group of biologists
and Void-Touched in the area have been heard using the words
trying to harness genetic mutations for power and profit.
“utpahli utpahli”. They have yet to be translated. While it’s a ta-
The failed experiments are released wholesale to the
boo point, Eclipse Walkers study the area intently.
The Santa Monica Civic Auditorium: This building houses
concerts, business meetings, trade conferences, and all other Financial District
manner of subculture. It’s also the primary meeting place for The Financial District stands out from a distance; it’s plastered
the Court of the Feast. Monthly, they have their board meetings with skyscrapers and concert halls covering Bunker Hill and a
here, billed as a “neighborhood watch” group. That’s not an inac- few blocks south of it. Billions of dollars pass through this dis-
curate description. Regardless, the meeting place is well-known, trict daily. All the shops are overpriced, but you can get amaz-
and thus a perfect target for enemies. The powerful Amaranthine ingly affordable and tasty food from street carts. Try the tamales,
of Dogtown have secured the place heavily; it may very well be they’re superb. But don’t go to Javier’s. Javier’s are just freeze-
the safest place in Los Angeles. dried and deep-fried. Try Elias’s cart.
The innermost buildings are massive office complexes, subcon-
The Santa Monica Pier: The Pier is an iconic image, seen in tracting to any number of businesses. As you move out from
numerous films and television shows. It contains restaurants, the hub, older office buildings have been modified and adapted
shops, and the massive Pacific Park amusement park, giving its to residential buildings. These range in quality and prices; the
Ferris Wheel and roller coaster. The pier is always populated, city of Los Angeles’s policies have forced in low income hous-
and in the summer, it’s packed shoulder to shoulder. This makes ing amidst the Financial District buildings. The bottom floors
it a great place for clandestine meetings. Anonymity works best are more visually-palatable shop fronts, the same chain boutique
amidst a crowd of loud, excited people. shop fronts you’ll see in any major city.
The Freak Show Los Angeles Music Center: The Los Angeles Music Center
is a break from the monotony of skyscraper after skyscraper in
Venice’s freak show is a long-standing staple of the
the Financial District area. It’s enormous, consisting of four
boardwalk. For a few dollars, you get to see mutated an-
major buildings that serve to bring music to the people of LA.
imals, people with deformities, sword swallowers, and
From opera, to theater, to symphonic performances, the center
things in jars that you don’t even want to identify. As
is always active. Aside from the larger-scale performances in the
you pass by, a carnival barker tempts you with strange
main four wings, you can visit the Roy and Edna Disney CalArts
stories and a two-headed turtle. One might assume all
Theater for offbeat, experimental material and a good drink. Ev-
these deformed animals resulted from the nearby Verg-
eryone who is anyone will find something of interest at the LA
es. The truth is stranger. The animals are surplus from
Music Center.
Bunker Hill Towers: Many of the towers in the Bunker Hill The Bottom: The Bottom is an underground comedy club, spe-
area include high-end residential living. If your character has a cializing in subversive, eccentric improvisational sketches. Every
few million to burn, these condos offer the kind of view that year, a few new members join the club’s ranks and receive men-
makes for the perfect third act of an action/drama feature. Be- torship from the current members. Its founders are mostly now
sides, most Sorceries depend on range of perception. Who would B-list celebrities that have pull on the blogosphere, but a few
consider attacking the sorcerer that can see most of Los Angeles breakout successes have come from the crew. For the past forty
from their bedroom? years, The Bottom has been the premier hangout for Los Ange-
les Muses, who find the dirty sparks of these gritty comics to be
The McHale Suicides the height of innovation.
Once per day, every day, somebody sees a suicide
from one of the prominent towers of the Financial Dis-
trict. She leaps from a high window and crashes to the
The Neverending Story
ground before the witness. It’s always the same suicide. Hollywood is a city of stories. Every person growing
Nobody else sees it. There’s never any evidence it hap- up in America, and most kids the world over, know sto-
pened. Inevitably, this has drawn the attention of the ries that come from Hollywoodland. Fairies are the stuff
particularly curious. Ghost hunters spend hours on the of stories, and thus thrive in Hollywood. Two particular
fated block, cameras ready. Nobody looking for her has sprites take the form of talent scouts that force would-
ever seen her. It’s caused more than a few fender bend- be actors and actresses into “method acting” auditions
ers as drivers witnessed the death. Who is she? What’s where they act out the great tragedies of Hollywood
causing her to repeat her death? past. When you see two lovers, crying, crooning in flap-
per-era dress on the corner of Hollywood and Vine, you
Hollywood have a Reflection. You remember these two. Are they
The Entertainment Capital of the World isn’t even a city; it’s emulating the past talent? Or have they become those
a northwest district of Los Angeles. The people of Hollywood dead actors?
have attempted secession from Los Angeles a number of times.
Each time their requests were voted down, likely for economic
reasons. The district grew out of a plot of ranch land that was The Platinum Triangle
eventually overtaken by movie studios in the early part of the
twentieth century. The Platinum Triangle is a conglomerate of three neighbor-
hoods: Bel Air, Holmby Hills, and Beverly Hills. Holmby Hills
By 1920, Hollywood became the cultural image we’re all fa- has the highest mean income in the United States, and all three
miliar with. Bright red streetcars took most everyone in and corners are immensely affluent. Popularized in television and
out of the district. Vast expanses of land were decorated as film film, these neighborhoods are locked down like a prison, seques-
backlots. Originally, this was where the celebrities lived. As Hol- tered from the rest of the less-wealthy world. Trying to make
lywood became less and less glamorous, the talent moved out of a list of influential people living in this area would take more
the district and into the nearby, more affluent and secluded areas. space than the rest of this chapter. Beverly Hills is the only fully
Now, most of the backlots and sets have been torn down to recognized city of the three.
make way for housing and shopping. Movie editing and pro-
If you drive through too slowly in a car that costs less than the
duction still occurs within Hollywood, but principal filming is
American median income, police and private security will follow
relegated elsewhere, often to the suburbs or even other states.
you and look for any minor infractions. If you’re wanted in the
An Amaranthine that lived in classical Hollywood wouldn’t rec-
Platinum Triangle neighborhoods, you know you’re wanted. If
ognize the modern incarnation. Some landmarks, such as Grau-
you’re not wanted, you know it. Films such as Get Shorty and
man’s Chinese Theater, still stand in some capacity. Even the his-
Beverly Hills Cop, and television shows such as Beverly Hills
toric Hollywood Hotel has been destroyed to make way for the
90210 and Entourage give accurate if often caricatured portray-
new Kodak Theater.
als of this area. Episodes of MTV Cribs often show area homes.
In the past couple of decades, gentrification efforts worked to But keep in mind, these shows typically show the homes and
bring trendy bars and clubs to Hollywood Boulevard. Prior, it hangouts of entertainers. These are not the wealthiest or most
was considered one of the seedier areas in Los Angeles, full of extravagant area residents. Their homes are just the tip of the
drug pushers and prostitution. Today, it’s reclaiming some of its iceberg.
legacy for lavish nightlife.
Rodeo Drive: Rodeo Drive is the common name for a small
Rancho del Oro: The Golden Ranch was once a backlot used
strip of fashion boutiques. While most are along a few blocks of
to film Westerns and period pieces. Once abandoned, the city
Rodeo Drive, the shopping district also stretches a block or two
closed it off. Since, Amaranthine of The Guild Unwilting have
either way across. Many famous fashion designers base their dis-
renovated some of the sets and added meeting places and sleep-
tribution on the sales of Rodeo anchor boutiques. The window
ing arrangements to hold parties. Many of the city’s immor-
fare of Rodeo Drive quickly becomes fashion standard world-
tals pride themselves in their “homes away from home” where
wide within weeks. Immortals of class and culture soak up the
they’ve emulated their favorite past lives in the decoration of
ambience; Palatine in particular find Rodeo a terse reminder of
these set pieces.
the quality of humankind over which they rule.
UCLA Hannah Carter Japanese Garden: This authentic Japa- Upstairs Room Records: Upstairs Room Records is an under-
nese garden celebrates Asian culture in the United States. The ground hip-hop and gospel record label. They’ve been making
garden was crafted in Kyoto then disassembled and reassembled waves with the parties they host. The parties involve free food,
on-location. Similar gardens in Japan were closed to the public free booze, but tolerate exactly zero disrespect. Everyone is an
until recently. Every inch of the design was meticulously consid- equal within the doors of the Upstairs Room, they say. They don’t
ered for geomantic and symbolic purposes. Many Amaranthine hesitate to remove offenders. As they’ve hosted more parties,
have led lives in Japan and thus maintain a strong sympathy for they get more and more attendants. Soon, they’re going to have
what it represents, and many simply appreciate its serene beauty. to get a bigger location.
Needful Things The South Central Verge
The shops of Beverly Hills represent everything poorer Truth told, a massive Verge does exist in Compton. What
cultures envy or hate about the Americas. This particu- influence it has had on the people is impossible to discern.
lar shop, The Bridges, takes that extreme to a whole new The Verge is fourth or fifth rank, growing gradually to po-
level. It has all the same junk, clothing, décor, and other tentially cataclysmic proportions. Few know where the
overpriced decadence of the rest of the area. However, Verge rests; it’s rumored that one Void-Touched Amaran-
its products are a true addiction. Some of its patrons thine defends the Verge because of its peculiar property.
spend themselves into poverty; some go a step further This Verge allows direct access to the Void, and upon reach-
and find more money at any expense. Sometimes, a ing through and touching the Void, one is changed forever.
family in Beverly Hills dies. The police look for a motive, It will make you a new person entirely.
but cannot find one. It’s simple: Someone needed some-
thing. Something costs money. The family had money. Westwood (UCLA)
What causes this rare affliction? Is it commercialism? Is Westwood is a west side neighborhood between downtown
it the Void? Is it a djinn? You could find out. But you can’t and Santa Monica, namely the site of University of California,
just hang around the store. If you want to chat, that’s Los Angeles. It’s also the site of numerous movie premiers. Just
fine, but you have to buy something. This isn’t a charity. south of Bel Air, Westwood is often seen as one of the safest
neighborhoods in the greater Los Angeles area. The neighbor-
South Central hood is generally affluent, with a high Asian population. It
South Central is a broad area of Los Angeles, encompassing also contains the second largest temple of the Church of Jesus
numerous smaller neighborhoods including Crenshaw, Hyde Christ of Latter Day Saints in the world.
Park, and Watts. It’s cut down the center by the Harbor Freeway. UCLA: University of California, Los Angeles is generally
Compton is possibly the most well-known city in the South regarded as one of the strongest academic universities in the
Central Los Angeles area. It’s been brought into the public eye world, with immensely selective admissions requirements. With
through hip-hop and its involvement in the LA Riots. While a student body of nearly forty thousand enrollees, it contributes
crime rates have declined significantly in the past years, the a significant and important population to the Westwood area.
statistics are still much worse than most of America. The city’s Most of Westwood exists to cater to student life in one way or
median income has always been low, and plummeted during re- another. It’s unparalleled in its fundraising power, and keeps
cessions. It’s often overlooked for urban renewal projects; Los roll of numerous wealthy donors, both independent and alumni.
Angeles is notorious for passing it over for improvements. This Their school of medicine is renowned worldwide, drawing
leaves much of the city desolate and dangerous. wealthy people from all over the globe for treatment. Recently,
Compton’s a wellspring of talent. Actors, musicians, and ath- UCLA drew much attention because of a liver transplant they
letes come from the city in great numbers considering the size of performed on a high-ranking member of the Japanese Yakuza.
the population. Why is this? Some have attributed the destruc-
UCLA also boasts prominent sports teams. The school has
tion and talent to a vast Verge somewhere in the city. Most take
provided many athletes to the Olympics and they’ve won a
a more practical stance. From the slums of Compton, it’s easy
great number of championships. UCLA athletic scholarships
to see the glitter of Hollywood. Pain motivates. Pain teaches.
are greatly prized amongst working-class children of southern
And the pain in Compton is great. Hard lessons teach valuable
skills. Those with the will to rise above come up with outstand-
ing ability. The nineties saw a revolution in Compton, a whole UCLA Library: While UCLA provides many resources and
movement motivated by the squalid environs, racial tensions, activities to its students on a greater scale than their library, the
and inequity. library is one of the largest collegiate libraries in the country.
The library is a full network of dozens of access points, in-
South Los Angeles Food Pantry: As recession continues with
cluding research libraries, reading rooms, archives, and public
no end in sight, the South Los Angeles Food Pantry’s resourc-
libraries. Patrons may access government publications and
es are stretched thin. It’s a prime location to see the absolute
shift materials between locations. Because of the complex-
best and worst in people. Most importantly, the people around
ity of the system, it serves as an excellent place to archive and
this pantry are clever. Everybody knows something important,
hide various occult texts. A knowledgeable researcher can find
whether or not they understand how important it is. The home-
just enough to get themselves in trouble at the UCLA library
less are all but invisible; they’re witness to some of the most fas-
system, and a number of such researchers have done just that.
cinating and terrifying things humanity has to offer. It’s become
Local Raconteurs toil through the library system, digitally ar-
a point of reference for local Intemerate, since the homeless no-
chiving its most esoteric works in order to study Amaranthine
tice more weird things than anyone.
history and the nature of the Void.
Let There Be Light Other Neighborhoods
One book finds itself back in the archives time after
Here are a few other locations you might consider looking
time. It doesn’t have a catalogue card. You can’t find it
into for your games: Echo Park, Griffith Park, Hollywood Hills,
through traditional searches. It doesn’t have a title on
Lincoln Heights, Melrose Hill, The Miracle Mile, North Hol-
the spine or cover. It’s just a book; a novel about the se-
lywood, San Pedro, Santa Monica Mountains, Skid Row, Toy
duction of a young woman. However, whoever finds and
District, Van Nuys, and Ventura Business District. Full cities
reads the novel cannot put it down until they reach the
in the area include Burbank, Glendale, Long Beach, Lynwood,
last chapter. At which time they do, pure sunlight bursts
Pasadena, Pomona, and Santa Clarita.
forth from their every orifice. Blinded and dehydrated,
they die quickly. Coroners say the victims are simply ca- Los Angeles is packed full of great locations, no matter what
sualties of the California sun. Real scrutiny sees right kinds of stories you wish to tell. There’s a wealth of information
through those assessments. on the city, so dive in and your patience will be rewarded.

the city of sores

The story of the Amaranthine in Los Angeles is truly the story She did usher in a new culture for the forever dying. The im-
of The Guild Unwilting, and its leader, The Saint. While im- mortals under her reign soaked up the glamour and power of
mortals existed within the city prior to The Guild, The Guild Hollywood as it grew in prominence. She and her associates es-
changed everything on a fundamental level. Before The Guild, it tablished a stranglehold on the aviation industry, and put their
was everyone for themselves. Immortality was stuck in the Wild hands into manufacturing and farming interests.
West mindset long after the mortal populace had developed past
it. Duels to the death were not only common; in fact, they were 1935: The Guild
expected. Bridges were burnt as a popular first resort. Salting the After nearly a decade of strict rule, The Saint formed a formal
Earth was a basic expectation. If you couldn’t settle your differ- set of rules at the request of some of her more influential al-
ences peacefully, the city watched as you settled them violently. lies. They told her that the less desirable of the city’s immortals
For a time, many of the newly awakened Amaranthine came might rise up without determined guidelines. Being the benevo-
from Native American stock (likely due to the massive deaths lent soul she was, she codified The Guild Unwilting, primarily
brought in the nineteenth century). Considering the lawless na- to codify and validate her own power. Her public reason was
ture of the local immortal culture, many First Reflections in- simple: Only with rules can a people have culture.
volved violent deaths, and thus brought further deaths. Nihilistic Thanks to a connection in the recently reinvented Grandest
temperaments were all but fashionable. In one popular case, a Court, she was able to pass a Charter without revisions and with
shootout on a busy street made news not as a murder scene, but very little wait. By the end of the year, The Guild went live. As
a brilliantly staged movie shoot. Despite four deaths (three un- predicted, the Charter saw fanatical support through the re-
related to the shooter and intended victim), the truth never saw mainder of The Saint’s lifetime.
public release.
The Saint formed “committees” of her most fervent support-
The Saint Cometh ers, each committee managing one particular field of influence.
The joke goes, “We call her The Saint, because she doesn’t like The Civility Committee dispatched threats to The Guild’s au-
it when we call her The Murderess, The Conquistador, or The thority. The Public Relations Committee policed Guild meeting
Heinous Bitch.” On September 1, 1927, a stranger in flapper fashion and decorum. Her Modesty Committee managed the
dress marched into a Burbank speakeasy called the Mayflower. society’s external affairs, guaranteeing that mortal political inter-
She Reflected with none of the numerous Amaranthine present. ests would not hinder immortal behavior. The Committees were
The place was already on the verge of a bar fight; her entrance initially met with a quiet dissent, but as The Saint added more
did not help the tenor. The bartender, an Intemerate, demanded and more of the population to these offices, the dissent quieted
she leave. The woman pulled a six-shooter and executed the man to near silence. She held a philosophy that if everyone had a job,
before his guests, then put another bullet in the head for poster- nobody would have the time to complain.
ity. A brutal gunfight, seven mortal lives, and four Amaranthine She took the role of President, both as a parallel to the United
lives later, she declared primacy over the city of Los Angeles. States government and as a play on the Screen Actors Guild
Over the years, she’d make many such declarations. Each time, structure. Some call her Guildmistress. She approves of either
the declaration would be made over the body of a detractor. title.

She swore she’d bring a more civilized time to Los Angeles. On 1953: Death of a Saint
the lips of locals, she’d shifted the description of her massacre Nobody knows how The Saint died the first time. Her body
to “The Great Duel of 1927.” It was no duel. However, anyone turned up, ripped asunder and barely recognizable. If it was by an
familiar with the story and her stance toward dissenters should Amaranthine, it was particularly brutal. She looked as if she’d fell
be afraid to argue the semantics.
victim to a pack of wolves. For almost a decade after her death,
the city went on with its business, the Committees continued
to flourish and maintain the peace. Then, there was The Breach.
In the late sixties, a Ring of potent sorcerers collectively tore
a number of holes through the Eclipse, most of which near the
coast. Since they were on the periphery of The Guild, they went
unnoticed until the problem had escalated to a threatening level.
Verges combined with one another, forming a network of tears
so complex that it could not be shut down permanently. The tears
grew and multiplied, and the fabric of reality was forever altered.
The Guild came together to hunt down and eradicate the sor-
cerers. However, the damage was done. Venice Beach and Santa
Monica were changed thoroughly, and they would continue to
generate new Verges for the foreseeable future. This was particu-
larly problematic because of their heavy tourism. All manner of
monsters came in, as if the beach were a magnet for strange-
ness. Every single mortal in the area risked death or infestation
from the Void. No matter how many times the Amaranthine
attempted to close the beaches, the local and state governments
fought back and won. Dogtown became an eternal battleground.
In The Saint’s absence, the Committees formed the de facto
government in order to maintain order and prevent further ca-
tastrophe. For a few years, they ruled uncontested. During this
time, Rings consolidated out of the former Committees. The
Defense Committee, a group dedicated to otherworldly threats,
rebranded themselves as the Dogtown Crew. They worked to se-
cure the Dogtown Verges. While they were not flawless in their
efforts, they’ve saved many lives over the years. Arguably, they’ve
saved the world.
This drew The Saint’s ire. Hearing voices against her sovereign-
1972: The Coup ty was unacceptable. She hunted down the Ring and slaughtered
Death could not keep The Saint away from Los Angeles. Her three of their four members, leaving only one to tell the story.
new body wasn’t quite twenty years old when she stormed back “You wish to tell my story to the public,” she told the blood-
into The Guild as if she’d never left. However, the Committees stained survivor, “Go. Tell my story.” The survivor told the story,
were unwilling to relinquish control so easily. They stood their but not during that lifetime. She called down a miracle, and un-
ground and insisted she take a figurehead role. Her refusal came leashed an earthquake to swallow the ranch home site of the
in the form of a skull from each Committee’s leader, brought to murder. Both she and The Saint died quickly, and the city re-
the next monthly gala. She quickly assumed her previous posi- mained unaware of why.
tion. Their coup was not an effective one, but it was a firm mes- Almost immediately after her absence, the city underwent three
sage that she took to heart. major political shifts. First, the heads of the Committees formed
Her control was no less thorough, but dissent was somewhat the Board of Trustees. The Board stood as a ruling Ring in The
more common. Her Committees often relaxed in their duties, Saint’s absence. The Dogtown Crew appealed to the Board to
sweeping concerns under the proverbial rug. Her former syco- forge Dogtown as its own Court, semi-autonomous and able
phants had years to decide that they weren’t comfortable killing to best police the Verges. The Board agreed, and the Court of
their compatriots on her word. Many sentences to extended cus- the Feast came of it. Soon thereafter, a group of CalTech stu-
tody or death were commuted secretly as exiles instead. dents pulled in favors with The Board in order to attain their
own Court. The Board debated, but ruled in their favor not only
1986: The Second Death because of the favors pulled, but in order to decentralize power
The Saint returned as the mortal populace was ending the Viet- before The Saint’s inevitable return.
nam War. Trust in government was a rare commodity, and war-
like behavior was not welcomed. She didn’t have human rights 2009: The New Order
to stop her from maintaining control by any means necessary, In 2009, she returned. She was not welcomed with open arms.
though. Her reign was an unpopular one this time around, but Indeed, this time, the city of Los Angeles stood strong, and in-
one would never know from listening to public commentary. Pri- sisted she would not take charge again. They proclaimed that no
vately, independent newsletters and magazines passed through amount of murder would result in her conquest, and that any
immortal hands. The most popular of these, Sarasvati Now, be- acts of aggression would be met with her Unmaking. She po-
came a semi-public Ring tasked with bringing accountability to litely accepted the terms of their new coup, and told them gently
the Court through public opinion. At the height of their influ- that they would regret their choice. They allowed her member-
10 ence, they even ran a pirate radio station. ship into The Guild, but not in a leadership position.
That was until the Dogtown Verge evolved. Numerous smaller While not a democratic council, the Board of Trustees act
Verges combined, and the resulting portal was of sufficient size as de facto representatives for the people. They influence The
to pose an existential threat to the world at large. The Zubjar- Saint’s executive power and pass judgments of their own, gener-
Atrih was that threat. Living humans failed to see the giant ally without her intervention. Each representative has different
squid, moving inch by inch across the ocean toward the coast. processes and methodologies for their political leanings, ranging
It devoured entire ocean liners, but human media wrote it off from altruistic assistance, insular aid to friends, to selfishly cur-
as disappearance in the vein of the Bermuda Triangle. Zubjar- rying favors.
Atrih took three whole days to reach the shore. Many of the
Over the years, The Guild has become significantly less strict.
Amaranthine launched attacks and curses. Many attempted mir-
Originally, there were esoteric rules for decorum that changed
acles. Many died. Some have not since reincarnated. The Guild
from week to week. Now, anything short of direct insults to the
nearly gave up. Then, The Saint offered to intervene.
Board or the President is simply ignored. However, at official
She called an emergency meeting of the Board of Trustees. She Guild functions, members are expected to at least dress nicely,
said she had the answer, and would only stop the beast if they if not formally.
reinstated her command, but she would respect their stations as
The most controversial of The Guild’s decisions seems to be
advisors and administrators. The Board debated, but their con-
their lackluster stance on the Dogtown Verges. They rarely ad-
stituency insisted they accept. After all, if she was lying, they’d
dress the issue, instead delegating The Court of the Feast to
all be dead anyway. And if she wasn’t, they’d die without her help.
handle the problems alone. While the Court of the Feast was
Grudgingly, they agreed.
formed for just such things, sometimes their resources are not
As she’d marched on immortal opponents in the past, she met enough.
Zubjar-Atrih on the field of battle. She launched diversionary
fires and made bomb threats to close the beach. Then, she met Customs
the creature as it approached the piers. Nobody knows how the The Guild Unwilting maintains a handful of traditions and
fight went down. Those sensitive to magical energies felt the fab- customs exclusive to the Amaranthine of Los Angeles.
ric of reality bend and nearly snap. Rumors had her making a
deal with the creature, or even that the creature won and took Induction: To join The Guild, a prospective member must sub-
her form. No matter what happened, The Saint returned to her mit a request, in writing, with the express recommendation of
city, and returned a ruler once more. three members in good standing. Often, this is now a formality.
A prospect can ask three attendants at a gathering to sign for
2011: Tonight them, and there have only been a few cases where three sig-
Two years have passed since the threat of Zubjar-Atrih. The natures could not be procured. In times past, failed recruits re-
Saint has only executed one Amaranthine, and that execution flected poorly on the sources of their initial recommendations.
was only after fair trial for a clearly heinous act. Her Board’s The written request must be presented at a monthly meeting.
representatives field most concerns by the rest of the city. Most Monthly Meetings: Every month, The Guild holds a meet-
citizens have a particular representative they prefer to address. ing. The Rancho del Oro backlot is the most common location
The Saint’s role is little more than a figurehead position, a local for these meetings, but The Guild holds formal events in luxury
hero of sorts. She shows up to all the monthly parties. She men- hotels and resorts from time to time. Meetings always include
aces those walking the line. She could take more authority in all some form of entertainment provided by members or prospec-
likelihood, but she doesn’t appear to want it. She’s comfortable tive members. After initial entertainment, a designated Secretary
with a strong foundation of fear and respect. reads the minutes from the prior meeting. Then, the President
(or the Board in her absence) holds a public office hour, col-
the guild unwilting loquially called “court.” During this time, members may bring
The Guild’s genesis was in 1935 when The Saint forged its grievances to resolve or petitions for action. Prospective mem-
Charter. The Saint sought and received approval from The bers may use this time to bid for membership.
Grandest Court to forge The Guild as a Great Court. Its Charter Guild Strikes: Guild Strikes are a formal right of the member-
has evolved from its original form, adding authority to the Board ship. If they feel mistreated, they reserve the right to withhold
of Trustees where there was none before. However, aside from service to the President while negotiations occur. Calling this
those minor addenda, the Charter is similar to its initial form. a custom is a bit misleading, however, as every single strike but
Amaranthine of Los Angeles are typically called Members or the most recent has led to the President’s slaughter of members
Citizens. Citizen is not the official term, and is used informal- involved. The most recent was only effective thanks to a citywide
ly. Once, it was a punishable infraction to use any term aside organizational effort after the President’s death. One could say
from Member when at an official Guild function. Ironically, The that the President’s violent reprisals against striking members
Guild was meant as a parallel to the Screen Actors Guild, of have become something of a custom. To this day, when griev-
which The Saint was supposedly once a member. The point of ances with Court policy escalate past a certain point, The Saint
the Screen Actors Guild was to protect the rights of its perform- jokingly tells the complainant that “you could always initiate a
ers and maintain amiable working conditions. The Saint forged strike.” That failed threat alone has diffused a great number of
The Guild Unwilting in order to solidify her authority as the city disagreements.
single-handed ruler of Los Angeles’s Amaranthine.

vor amongst the Court, or do they pull favor and attempt
Organization to fill the role before their rivals might?
The formal organization of The Guilt Unwilting consists of
three levels: The President, The Board of Trustees, and then the
The Play’s the Thing
The Saint approaches one of the characters for a high-
profile task: she wishes the character to write, cast, and
The President: The Guild recognizes The President as the ut- direct a play based on her life and accomplishments.
most executive authority in all matters. However, this formality The character could benefit by kissing up to The Presi-
is rarely tested in the modern day. The Saint often takes a back- dent, or they could benefit by publicly shaming her. Ei-
ground role, allowing The Board of Trustees to handle the day- ther path brings benefits and risks. Possibly more im-
to-day affairs of the Court. She sometimes takes a peculiar inter- portant, does the character dig for private information
est in personal grievances, but is often detached and dismissive. about the enigmatic immortal that none met over a
She could veto any act of The Board, but only rarely even pays century ago?
attention anymore, let alone in a contradictory fashion. Often
her presence alone is enough to inspire compliance. She retains the court of the feast
the sole authority to Unmake Amaranthine, citizens or no.
Reality is on the brink of destruction. The Court of the Feast
The Board of Trustees: Beneath The President, The Board of serves as the world’s first line of defense against the monsters of
Trustees hold authority. When she’s unable to render decisions the Dogtown Verge. The Court was conceived only out of neces-
due to death, misplacement, business, or just absence, The Board sity, but has maintained influence and respect throughout the
retains full authority short of Unmaking. Unlike The President, Los Angeles area and beyond.
however, The Board requires a three-fifths majority to pass any
Many of the Court’s membership have attained worldwide
lasting resolutions. However, The Board often agrees internal-
recognition for their heroic efforts and sacrifices in the name
ly, if only because of a worry that disagreement will draw The
of security. Primarily, this comes from the Dogtown Crew, the
Saint’s attention, and thus risk their authority. The Board pre-
Ring at the center of the Court. The Ring’s members come from
sides generically, but members of the city often refer to “their
a group of immortals prominent during the Renaissance in Ven-
representatives.” Any Amaranthine with a recognized name has
ice, Italy.
established at least a working relationship with one or more rep-
resentatives. Internally, The Board has established spheres of in- The Dogtown Crew set up shop along the Venice and Santa
fluence, to prevent one another from stepping on proverbial toes. Monica shores in the early part of the twentieth century. They
kept a low profile and mostly stuck to themselves. They were
Committees: Most of the city’s dirty work and hard labor
never harassed by The Saint’s efforts. Outside of brief Commit-
comes from Committees. Both The President and The Board
tee appointments, the Crew remained largely apolitical. Even
are empowered to create Committees. At the time of a Com-
in those appointments, Crew members tended toward unbiased
mittee’s inception, its jurisdiction must be clearly defined, or
roles; investigating, judging, and defending the people. This has
at least that’s the way the rule is supposed to work. Often, pet
garnered the Ring a reputation for fair treatment, which extend-
Committees receive far more leeway in jurisdiction than others.
ed into the reputation of The Court once forged.
Most Committee jurisdictions are defined vaguely enough to al-
low or damn them, depending on the whims of Court authority. In 1986, almost immediately after The Saint’s second death, the
Popular Rings are often given Committee assignments as rec- Dogtown Crew petitioned the new (and technically unofficial)
ognition for services rendered. Every Committee has one point Board of Trustees for satellite Court status. The Board knew that
of contact; a leader. The leader is ultimately accountable for its eventually The Saint would return, and having a widespread au-
members’ behavior, to the point where often punishments often thority would benefit their struggle against her reclamation of
affect leaders, instead of offenders. power. The Court’s inspiration was far less personal; they simply
wanted to curb further threats from the Void.
The Charter Unwilting
Since its formation, the Court has been decidedly unified. This
With the exception of the Board of Trustees addition, The
doesn’t mean all members are compatriots or friends, but the
Charter Unwilting has remained largely unchanged from its
focused, imperative goal has kept squabbling to a minimum. It’s
original incarnation. The Charter itself has never been held as
hard to argue when you’re fighting for your collective lives.
gospel; The Saint is of a mind that the document only exists to
abate concerns. She’s partly right. She has stomped over its af- Many of the Court’s members have grown into authorities on
forded rights with some frequency, and relies more on personal Void manifestations. This drags them all over the world, and
judgment than legalese in her decision-making. sometimes this stretches the Court’s resources thin. Because of
this phenomenon, the Court has developed a number of tricks,
You can find the modern version of The Charter Unwilting on
both mundane and magical, to compensate for their situation.
the following page.
You can find many of these tricks in the rules Appendix.
A Hole in the Board
At the monthly meeting, a messenger announces that Customs
one of the Board of Trustees has been killed. The pos- The Court of the Feast only maintains a handful of traditions
sibilities and justice aside, the seat needs filling. Do the and customs. A few cynical members have stated that a Court
characters investigate the murder in order to garner fa- with such a high attrition rate should not be in the business of
On this anniversary of my arrival into Los Angeles, September the First, Nineteen
Thirty Five , I do bring into existence The Guild Unwilting. The Guild Unwilting
does establish and maintain express authority over the territories of Los Ange-
les, San Diego, Fresno, and all the California territories between and east of these
cities. The authority vested in The Guild Unwilting shall be alienable only by a
quorum of The Grandest Court.
This document hereby establishes the office of The President of the Guild Unwilt-
ing. The President shall wield superlative executive power over the purview of
her Guild . Abdication of that authority can only be undertaken by The President
of The Guild Unwilting, when in sound state of mind .
The President of The Guild Unwilting’s authority may be , at her wit, delegated
in part amongst Committees of no fewer than two of the Unwilting. Terms and
limitations of the delegation must be made at the time of assignment. While act-
ing in the capacity of office , a Committee member holds equal authority to The
President of The Guild Unwilting, but her word shall always supersede .
Unless specifically delegated , the right of Unmaking is the sole authority of The
President of The Guild Unwilting.
All members of The Guild Unwilting enjoy the right to live their existences, free
of imposed deaths. All members enjoy the right to own personal property, both
material and ephemeral . All members of The Guild Unwilting enjoy the right to
speak and disseminate information without legal prohibition . All members of
The Guild Unwilting enjoy the right to Committee membership, as assigned by
The President of The Guild Unwilting. All members of The Guild Unwilting enjoy
all rights not expressly enumerated or prohibited by this document, or by The
President of The Guild Unwilting.

The Saint
Signed ,

Addendum, December Thirteenth , Two-Thousand Nine

This addendum does establish the office of The Board of Trustees. The Board of
Trustees shall be five persons in numbers, as chosen by popular vote by all mem-
bers of The Guild Unwilting. The Board of Trustees enjoys all rights and privileges
provided to The President of The Guild Unwilting, excepting that of Unmaking,
and at the sole discretion of The President of The Guild Unwilting. The President
of The Guild Unwilting may dissolve any act taken by The Board of Trustees, at
any time , for any reason .

The Saint
Signed ,

becoming attached to its members. Mostly, the low number of This procedure and role is the sole internal method of punish-
social practices come down to the fact that the Court is small, ing Court members. It requires at least three members, since the
and the Court is busy. Members spend most of their free time potentially punished will generally vote in their own defense.
patrolling and otherwise fighting back The Void. In these cases, the definitions of the punishment are expected
in the proposal. Even then, such cases are rare. Anyone abusing
Induction: The Court of the Feast induction ceremony is a
that authority can find themselves back on the receiving end of
somber affair. Petitioners swear fealty to the Festive Charter be-
a punishment with a similar voting bloc.
fore a quorum of at least half the Court’s members. This oath
acknowledges a Festive Courtier’s fatalistic likelihood of death
at The Void’s jaws.
The Festive Charter
The Festive Charter’s formation was decidedly less formal than
Afterward, each present member, one by one, swears to defend most Court foundations. During a late-night diner discussion
their new fellow Courtier with their life. If any member declines with the Board of Trustees in 1986, The Dogtown Crew wrote
to swear defense, the quorum customarily asks the member’s their would-be Charter on a napkin. More specifically, Saman-
misgivings, and then gives the prospective member the chance tha Morgan wrote it amidst discussion, while the rest of the
to pose a counterpoint. If the member continues to refuse induc- Crew used their napkins to manage their donuts. While it was
tion, the prospect is turned away and must wait a minimum of not meant to be perfect, it stuck. It was never amended. The Fes-
one year before their next petition. If they allow, the induction tive Courtiers have never been much obsessed with formality, so
continues as planned. At the conclusion of the affair, the Court the document’s specifics aren’t called into question. The Court,
casts The Chain Unbroken (see the Appendix) to solidify their as any member will tell you, has more important things to do
membership. than argue political semantics. The fate of the world is on their
War Party: When the Court predicts a large-scale incursion of collective shoulders.
Void entities, or has located a particularly large entity, they or-
ganize a raid utilizing the full force of the Court’s membership.
The Festiv
These parties only occur every few years and are not taken lightly.
However, they’re a great point of pride amongst the Courtiers.
The Court o
War Parties exemplify every positive thing the Court is capable f the Feas
between V tm
enice and S anages the coast,
of. Every member plays a role, and the group works together like
a well-oiled machine.
is king of th anta Monic
e beach. Th a. The Cour
The typical party involves three phases. The first is the “pep
the Court is e stated purp t
talk,” where the Court assembles in one location to discuss plans.
t o o s e o
This takes the form of an actual party, where music and danc- Void. Membe fight back the forces f
ing get the blood flowing for the battles to come. Second, the rship is only of the
least half t with the ap
Court hits the streets, and looks for their quarry. Some members
he current proval of at
work to disguise war efforts, some work to guarantee optimal
L e adership in m e m b e rship.
(read: no) media coverage, and some manipulate the environ- the Court r
ment, both physically and magically, for maximum efficiency. agree
by two-thir equires a gr
The strike is the third and final part. All eligible units descend d s majority to oup to
against the enemy, according to the previously discussed battle leader. The a de-facto
leader is ch
plan. Every War Party has ended in one or more dead Courtiers, Af
ter the tas o s e n f
but the Court sees this as a regrettably necessary cost. A few lives k, the leade or a given task.
lost are a small price to pay to save many. Leadership r is no more
only applies .
T h e Court of th t o t h e task.
Organization e F e
Contrary to stereotypes thrown around in Los Angeles, Court its sanct
a s t a bides by all
ioning Grea laws of
members are not always the greatest fighters. The war against t Court, Th
The Void isn’t a war fought on a single front. Monsters fall to e Guild Unwiltin
traps more often than they fall to swords. A keen eye is essential, g.
no matter the role. Cleverness is also highly valued. In such a
populated area, public relations and damage control make up a
large portion of the war effort. Some Court roles break down to
the red crowned court
professional party-going. The Court of the Red-Crowned Parakeet. The Court of Court-
lessness. The Court of Fuck You. The Court of Fuck The Saint.
The Chief: There’s only one main position within The Court The Red-Crowned Court has gone by many names in its short
of the Feast, and it’s not a permanent role. At any time, a mem- lifespan. Its members eschew tradition, at least in the traditional
ber of the Court can propose a task with a clearly defined end sense. They believe only that your rights end where theirs begin,
point. All the members in the group (usually a Ring) proposed and vice versa. They firmly believe in reminding you of this fact
to hold a vote, but the member proposing does not vote. A two- at every opportunity. The Court of Caltech is loud, brash, unruly,
thirds or greater majority results in appointment of the member and everything The Saint hated about Los Angeles when she
as Chief over the task. The Chief maintains executive authority moved into town.
in all matters relating to the task at hand.
The story of the Red-Crowned Court comes in the form of a Two forms of the Red-Crowned Charter exist: the official ver-
prank. In the summer of ‘65 (the irony is not lost on the Court’s sion and the “real version”. They’re nothing alike. The official
membership), an Epicurean by the name of Rudy came to realize charter only sees occasional citation. Even then, it’s usually just
that not only did he not miss The Saint, but he’d be much hap- to placate Guild Unwilting officials. The “real version” is less a
pier if the dictator never came back. specific legal document and more a set of basic rules to live by.
It never had a formal release, but saw distribution in the form of
He and a cabal of friends uncovered an old ritual they call “The comic strips, radio broadcasts, and whatever forms of media were
Devil in the Details” (see the Appendix). After a complex battery popular at the time.
of research using university resources, private investigators, and
a healthy dose of magic, he found The Saint’s new incarnation
in Seattle. While she looked different, she had certain tells that Customs
gave her away to a highly educated researcher with an under- A bit of irony, and a bit of tradition find most of the Red-
standing of her genealogy. She always reincarnates into the same Crowned Court’s customs mimicking college practices.
bloodline, within two steps of cousins. A confused cat burglar
broke into her home and stole her hairbrush, which served as the Hazing: Court membership doesn’t come lightly. To join, one
vehicle for the enchantment. must show a dedication to the cause, and nigh-fanatical devotion
to one’s courtmates. Generally, this means putting a potential
The curse in question made The Saint believe that Rudy had recruit through grueling and excessive testing to prove those two
beaten her in past lives consistently, and that it was their des- traits. While the Court holds no formal acknowledgment that
tiny to continue that path. Rudy used that leverage and talked hazing occurs, it most certainly does. In fact, the urban legends
The Saint into leaving Los Angeles. The woman left, as her first of Red-Crowned hazing has deterred no small number or pro-
encounter was shocking and frightening for her young sensibili- spective members.
ties. However, Rudy’s plan didn’t account for The Saint’s spirit of
defiance. The Saint never compromises. Her Legacy took hold, Hazing is as arbitrary and spiteful as any other fraternity haz-
and within 24 hours, she returned and brought swift death to the ing, but taken to the next level. One famous example had a pros-
heads of her opposition, Rudy included. pect stripped naked, strapped with fake explosives, adorned with
a trenchcoat, then told to go to the nearby police precinct to have
Fortunately for the Red-Crowned Court, the truth of the ritual a discussion with the chief of police. The conversation required a
never made it to the rumor mills. Rudy caused the Saint’s ire, confession, and a successful escape. Now, that member is a rank-
and caused her to the wholesale slaughter of the city’s leader- ing member in the Fraternal Order of Beavers. This of course is
t ship. Rudy’s efforts set back progress in Los Angeles by decades. a rumor, because hazing never happens, and nobody ever speaks
CalTech’s Amaranthine, however, heralded Rudy as a hero, not about their initiation protocols. Ever.
because he was able to remove The Saint’s control of Los An-
geles, but because of the raw gall required to use such magic Rudy’s Day: The observation of Rudy’s Day happens on Sep-
and leverage such dangerous tactics against the tyrant. CalTech tember 17th, which was the evening of 1965 when Rudy made
has been long known as a school of pranks; its immortals are his metaphysical attack on The Saint. This is recognized as the
no different. They considered the Devil in the Details ritual as moment the Court’s ethos came into existence. The Court cel-
the utmost Amaranthine prank, since it could change the scope ebrates Rudy’s Day with a prank contest, judged by The Court
of an immortal’s entire incarnation. “Would Rudy do this?” be- President. Pranks occur in the week prior, judging happens dur-
came the group’s mantra. His less magical exploits even bled into ing a Court gathering and feast (which truthfully means “keg
the student base, and the mantra became a countercultural buzz party”). At the feast, members are expected to wear whatever
phrase for a number of years. It still sees occasional use in frater- silly occult paraphernalia they can. This isn’t mandatory, but it’s
nity hazing rituals. almost universally followed. Members without pyramid hats or
other absurdity are never chosen as the winners of the contest.
Rudy’s survivors forged the Red-Crowned Ring in his stead. Many times, bystanders have met their deaths as part of these vi-
They named it arbitrarily after the Red-Crowned Parakeet, cious pranks; sometimes Court members die in the contest. This
which has been forced into nativity in the Pasadena area. While is all part of the spirit. Since Rudy died, death during a Rudy’s
the name had no real meaning at the time, members have since Day prank guarantees renown in future lives.
attributed countless symbolic reasons for the name. Explaining
the name and giving it a false history has become something of Organization
a custom amongst the later Court.
The new Ring saw a potential hole in The Saint’s armor; she’d (If you could call it that)
die again. In the meantime, they’d act as upstanding citizens. The Court itself only maintains about fifteen members at a
They performed favors for everyone they could (except The Saint given time. Its membership is divided amongst the four mem-
herself, of course). Most importantly, they hobnobbed with key bers of The Fraternal Order of Beavers, and the remainder of
members of The Grandest Court. They corralled influence, and the Court. The remaining members overlap in Rings with the
they waited. When she died the second time, they moved in to rest of the city, and vary in level of involvement. At the top of
strike. In the midst of The Festive Court’s inception, they stepped the Fraternal Order stands The President, who wields supreme
in, called their favors, and forged a Court charter. Hesitantly, it executive power. There’s no other official authority, aside from a
was approved. passing deference afforded to the Fraternal Order.

The President: The President’s role is a vague one. The only mundane humans are always put beneath Amaranthine, even
acknowledged truth is, in the thick of things, the President is when the Amaranthine are otherwise “guilty”. Red-Crowned
always right. Court members wax philosophical about the value doctrine affords Amaranthine the utmost rights over humanity.
of such authority. However, it has yet to become a problem, and Rule Number Three: The Fraternal Order of Beavers knows
the Court at large has never openly disagreed with a Presi- best. The Court respects their wisdom.
dential decision. Some members argue the wisdom in absolute
power, using the Court’s historical precedent to back it up. This rule is a blanket acknowledgment of the Order’s sover-
Detractors argue that The Saint shares similar authority. Either eignty. It doesn’t afford specific authority, but it recognizes that
way, the arguments never progress outside of the debate. The Order members stand above the rest of the Court. The Order was
Court’s internal affairs have remained tight since its inception. established as a theoretically inclusive group; any Court member
The Fraternal Order of Beavers: The Order has no official with enough merit can petition to join the group. Deference and
role in the Court, but they are recognized as “knowing best” preferential treatment always go to Order members above mun-
and the Real Charter says “The Court respects their wisdom”. dane Court members. Disrespecting a Beaver is tantamount to
What does that mean? If you ask fifteen members of the Court, insulting the Court at large.
you’ll get thirty answers. Some think it’s simply favoritism Rule Number Four: The Court loves ordered lists.
toward the ‘cool kids’. Some recognize the efforts the Order If there’s a throwaway part of the Charter, this is it. However,
went to in order to establish and maintain the Court, and thus the wisdom of the rule is that all Court decisions and legislation
see it as a sort of elite guard. No matter what a member thinks should be clear, concise, and stated openly. In contrast to their
the passage means, they recognize the Order as influential. No enormous “official Charter”, Court rulings rarely exceed two or
official Order policy change sees light of day without Order three sentences. The Court rules by spirit of law, not by word.
Rule Number Five: If a Court member asks for a lesson,
The Official Charter teach them.
As mentioned, the Court laws officially on the book are not Most Court members would agree that this tenet best embod-
regularly cited. Nobody knows the document well, and very few ies the spirit of brotherhood (or sisterhood) amongst the mem-
members even understand the basic tenets. It was written as a bership. However, the rule is twofold. On one hand, the rule
joke; it’s a legal document with over five hundred pages of nu- requires members to take a stance of mutual education whenever
ance and loopholes so complex that, if invoked, could be used to possible. If you have a trade or piece of information, you should
argue any case as criminal. share with your mates. Sharing information with outsiders is of-
ten seen as an offense, but sharing inside is obligatory.
The Real charter On the other hand, mistakes should be pointed out and an-
The “Real Charter” is something of a living document, a piece swered, often with harsh reprisal. Pranks are the common re-
of folk law. It came into existence as word of mouth, and pro- sponse for most mistakes. Members are expected to police one
gressed into other formats as it evolved. It’s always consisted of another. The philosophy is that if the problem is big enough to
nine rules, which change from time to time. While many of the go to the Presidency, then the problem is one too great for for-
rules seem arbitrary, the Court holds each to a value far beyond giveness (since the President’s most common response is expul-
surface interpretations. Now, the rules see distribution in the sion). Spectacular ‘lessons’ are a prime method of gaining favor,
form of a pamphlet comic strip (see the opposing page). The or even showing worthiness for membership in the Fraternal
current incarnation is almost a decade old, and likely to see revi- Order of Beavers.
sion soon. Below are the common interpretations of the Charter.
Rule Number Six: Always protect a Court member in need,
Here’s the real charter. Learn it. Love it. Or GTFO. unless it would threaten the Court.
This is very simple: Members must abide by the simple laws of This is self-explanatory, but essential to the Red-Crowned life-
this Charter. Adherence is mandatory, failure to adhere results in style. At any moment, an outside (or even inside) force might
removal from the Court. threaten Court stability. Most members await the day when The
Rule Number One: If something’s worth punishment, it’s Saint takes a swipe at their power base. The side name for this
worth kicking your ass out. rule is “CalTech Uber Alles”. That name fell out of style right
around the time Jerry Brown was re-elected as California state
While sometimes, members will be executed in the moment
governor. Either way, the sentiment is the same: Court stability
for egregious violations of Court security, there are no formal
comes first, then its members. Members must protect members
punishments in the proper sense. If something escalates to pun-
at all cost.
ishment, the member loses membership and loses all right to the
CalTech region. Rule Number Seven: You have a right to life, to property,
and to rulership.
Rule Number Two: We > Cat Pictures on the Internet > Oth-
er Immortals > Mortals The Red-Crowned ideal isn’t far from the Palatine ideal. They
believe in Amaranthine supremacy. Your rights end only when
This rule is read as “We are greater than cat pictures on the in-
another Amaranthine’s end. Killing, stealing, hurting retainers,
ternet, which are greater than other immortals, which are greater
all these things are abhorrent to Court members. But of course,
than mortals”. Essentially, it’s a mandate of priority in all things
this comes at a caveat of Rule Number Two. Court members
law. The Court must defend itself above all else, and maintain a
always come first.
detached disdain for the outside world. If the situation requires,
Rule Number Eight: So do your Courtmates. der to keep tabs on the efforts of the college, and to
The purpose of this rule is to remind members that, while curb its more egregious offenses. Characters wandering
Court loyalty is important, the self does come first. Ideally, mem- into the café overhear a discussion, and experience a
bers rule themselves through enlightened self-interest. The rule heartwarming Reflection with a group of these Libera-
stands as a humble reminder that the Court remains important. tors. They need help in stopping this slavery.
The Pretender Immortals: A group of mortal wizards have
Rule Number Nine: So does the President. Only more. stumbled upon a ritual that creates false Reflections between
The final rule establishes the priority and superiority of the Amaranthine and the casters. This allows them to pass off as
President. Although through vague terms, the default assump- Amaranthine amongst the right circles. Unfortunately for them,
tion is that in any question, the President’s word, rights, and au- they don’t know much about immortal society, and in fact only
thority stand above all else in the Court. There exists no formal know enough to get themselves in trouble. They want to know
method for Presidential selection, generally there’s a vote of the more, and they’re willing to take drastic measures to get the in-
general membership, with little debate. Candidates do not ‘cam- formation they desire. They’re looking for just the right immor-
paign’, they simply stand forward and ask for votes. Even when tal to corner and abduct, to use as a living library.
Presidents have been voted out, they step down with dignity.
Presidential elections occur about every four years. This only outside courts
coincidentally aligns with United States Presidential terms; it The Guild Unwilting is a regional Court, but to Los Angelinos,
actually relates to the cycle of freshman to senior undergradu- it’s considered a wholly contained local Court. However, The
ate studies. Every President in Court history has been elected Saint has approved a handful of other local Courts in various
from the student body, and they tend to step down soon after parts of California, and just across the boundaries of Nevada and
graduation. Arizona. Here are a few, in short form. Each contains an excerpt
from their Charters as a jumping-off point for story creation.
the other court The Bakersfield Municipal Court: Bakersfield is seen by Los
Los Angeles knows little of the “Other Court” other than that
Angeles as a rural Court, and that’s not very far from the truth.
it isn’t sanctioned, and that its membership overlaps with the
It’s very small, consisting of only two prominent Rings. One
remainder of The Guild Unwilting. Instead of presenting a full
deals primarily with farming and manufacturing interests, one
treatment of who and what they are, here are a few seed ideas to
with oil production. While the population is mostly working
better flesh out your game.
class, the Amaranthine are all disproportionately wealthy and
The Void-Sworn: The Court consists of members that have
influential. This is sufficiently so that newly awakened Amaran-
sworn allegiance to the Void, and work to further its causes. In
thine often leave for Los Angeles proper, since the powerful sta-
the end, their goal is to tear open the Dogtown Verge; effectively
tus quo comes off as daunting and unshakable. To those in the
ending the world as we know it. In the mean time, they work to
know, Bakersfield is more an affluent, conservative suburb for
undermine the Amaranthine of Los Angeles and demolish their
Los Angeles’s unwilting. It even requires regular ‘membership
influences for the final scenario.
dues’ which go to the city’s Duke.
The Non-Union: The Other Court is truly just a group of Am-
aranthine not willing to subscribe to The Saint’s terror tactics. Charter Sample: 3:1:15 - Citizenship in the Bakersfield Mu-
They exist on the fringe, with clandestine meetings and their nicipal Court requires a quarterly tax of ten percent of all
own, private agendas. They serve an independent Charter they’re earnings. Payment must be made in full within thirty days of
perfecting with time, for the inevitable moment of weakness in the quarter end. If payment cannot be made, arrangements
the Guild, so they can strike out and petition for official sta- must be made with the Secretary to the Duke.
tus with the Grandest Court. They’re rebels, philosophers, and
The Mojave Court: The Mojave Court is the far eastern border
would-be revolutionaries.
of the Guild Unwilting’s influence. It comprises a number of
The Liberation Front: A powerful Muse brought an agenda
small cities around the California/Arizona/Nevada border, in-
of human liberation to sympathetic hearts and minds, now this
cluding Bullhead City, Laughlin, and Havasu City. Laughlin is
pseudo Court works to undo the damage done by decadent and
the seat of the Court, and its membership fancies itself a very
destructive immortals. They believe that no mortal life should
firm, Wild Western philosophical bunch. Personal freedoms are
be imposed upon by the immortals, and that any obstruction to
of the utmost, and many members use their freedoms to explore
human life is a tragedy. In extreme cases, members of the Libera-
history, spirituality, or even casino commerce, since the area has
tion Front will ambush and destroy immortals that participate in
one of the biggest gambling tourist traps in the United States.
terrible behaviors like human trafficking.
The leadership consists of the current incarnation of Native
The Brass Monkey Americans; they act as a sort of hereditary council. Although
Near Koreatown is a large building with a café as its
most have since taken other identities, members find themselves
front, and numerous businesses above it. The café, the
returning to the Mojave. The membership is not centrally-lo-
Brass Monkey, is a hip little place with a strong reputa-
cated, since the Court covers a wide expanse of land. In fact,
tion for good food and entertainment. However, above
members are more spread than almost any Amaranthine in the
the café, a false college acts as a front for illegal immi-
world. Most only see other immortals every few months during
gration and human trafficking. The café acts as a recruit-
Court meetings. It’s a great place to go if one wishes to avoid the
ing ground for potential ‘talent’. The college is owned
drama inherent in Amaranthine life.
by a powerful magnate in the Guild Unwilting. The café
sees regular patronage from the Liberation Front in or- Charter Sample: All costs incurred to the Court’s territory,
whether monetary, spiritual, physical, or otherwise must be slowly. Her methods are very ‘fire and brimstone’, usually in-
recouped. This rule extends firmly to outsiders; any violating volving penance up to and including what the Geneva Conven-
the Court’s territory is unwelcomed upon it. tions would label as torture. However, pious members willing
to confess and commit to token penance rarely see significant
Colorado Belle punishments. There’s no coincidence that ‘pious’ generally means
One particular riverboat casino along the Colorado ‘in political support of the church’.
River serves as a self-contained city for the immortals. Across the border into Mexico, a loose and unsanctioned Court
Five live and work on the grounds full-time, and both exists in Tijuana. The members are currently debating joining
visitors and newly awakened immortals receive com- up with the Mission Basilica, but its more rebellious members
plimentary room and board from the Ring. Since the disagree with the hardline stance of the Mission’s laws. Their
casino contains grocers and a full shopping mall, the debate could shift California politics heavily, as joining would
Ring never needs to leave the grounds. Thanks to the make San Diego significantly more powerful. Alternately, the
advent of the internet, they maintain lucrative outside possibility exists that the two Courts might go to war with one
connections without stepping foot outside the building. another. If so, Los Angeles immortals would be conscripted to
Cynics (or those perceptive enough to read between the fight the Tijuana forces.
lines) believe a powerful ward has kept the Ring unable
to leave the building. The powerful ward will keep them The Mission Court is the second largest in the Guild, and that’s
on the grounds, as long as the casino remains standing. if you discount the Guild’s Los Angeles members as their own
Two of the four Ring members wish to destroy the ca- contingent. San Diego boasts over seventy Amaranthine on its
sino. The other two wish to use it to amass fortunes and rolls. At least thirty others reside in Tijuana. Combined, the two
power. At this juncture, they’re in need of a mediator to would rival the size of the Guild Unwilting’s core membership.
resolve their differences over this ward. Currently, Orange County has sent diplomats to Tijuana in or-
The Court of Orange County: Orange County is a center of der to encourage banding together, in order to forge a new Re-
technology, travel, tourism, and many other aspects of the Cali- gional Court of southern California. Efforts are moving slowly,
fornia lifestyle. Its Amaranthine maintain very close likenesses but progress is occurring.
to their mortal counterparts. In fact, most Orange County im- Charter Sample: Any and all sins against the Mission Ba-
mortals experienced their First Reflections in the area, and sim- silica San Diego, and against the Lord Amighty must be
ply stayed to take advantage of the OC’s opportunities. While confessed. Confession occurs only in the presence of an ap-
the seat of the mortal county is in Santa Ana, Anaheim stands proved confessor; this meaning a Bishop or Cardinal of the
as the power base of the Court. Its resort hotels around the ani- Mission. All confessions must occur within the same lunar
mation-themed tourist trap serve as meeting places and symbols month as the sin. All those seeking confession do so under
of Court success, as hotel founders were Amaranthine investors the shield of anonymity; their crimes are between them-
in the resort district. selves and God. Proscribed penance must be carried out in
A group of Orange County Amaranthine are mounting a case full. Refusal to commit penance results in the revocation of
to secede from The Guild Unwilting. Their argument is that Los membership in the Church.
Angeles doesn’t represent their needs. Whether they’re right is in
contention. Many wonder why The Saint is so concerned about oddities
keeping the southern Courts under her purview, but the com- Los Angeles has it all. Mummies, creatures of the black lagoon,
mon belief is that she believes releasing sovereignty over those vampires, everything you could imagine. If it exists, it exists in
Courts will present a threat to her rule. If so, she’s probably right. Los Angeles. Fortunately for the weary inhabitant, this satura-
Orange County is a quiet power, but not one to be trifled with. tion breeds chaos and confusion, and none of these creatures
Its leadership is firm, authoritarian, and far stronger than given maintain any large-scale, formal organizations. The werewolves
credit for by dismissive Los Angelinos. of Los Angeles form street gangs, and the vampires maintain
social clubs, but most of the supernatural denizens of the City of
Charter Sample: The Court attests that all human laws are Angels keep to themselves. This doesn’t mean they’re not some-
in full effect while on resort property. Undue attention can- times intercepted at the worst times; but they’re just as likely
not threaten the Court’s holdings. To this end, Amaranthine to flee as engage. Los Angeles is an Amaranthine city, first and
found in contempt of mortal law will receive maximum pun- foremost.
ishment as dictated by the state of California, but sentenced The Sanguine Speakeasy: Los Angeles has a police force leg-
through the immortal Courts. Additionally, any sentence of endary for its brutality. Vampires don’t take kindly to brutality.
life imprisonment may result in Unmaking, at the judgment So the vampires of Los Angeles try to keep their blood drinking
of the Court. under wraps as well as they can. While they don’t have a formal
and all-encompassing structure, they do have cliques that aid
The Mission Basilica San Diego: The Mission is one of the
one another in discreet feeding. One such clique is the Sanguine
only religious Charters in the New World. It maintains a variant
Speakeasy. They root in Burbank, in a trendy nightclub that ca-
Catholic stance, and its leadership consists of a Cardinal, with a
ters to fetishists and eccentric performance art. Vampires can
Ring of Bishops beneath her. The Cardinal in question has ruled
come into the club, pay a healthy cash fee, and ‘rent’ a bite to
the city for a great many years, more than most humans live. The
eat. Speakeasy organizers maintain herds of willing humans that
rumor is that she’s found a trick to cheat even temporary death.
enjoy the act of being bitten, and keep them hired
Against that point, she has clearly and irrefutably aged, just very
Screen Actors’ Guild. If there’s a place one might be subject to
The Glamour another’s shattered dreams, there’s like a fairy nearby.
Social Maneuver The Great Dragons: Los Angeles is home to three ancient
“Veronica! Where are you going?” Chase followed dragons. Each holds immense power, and each has been in the
Veronica down the street. She wasn’t ignoring him, but city for at least a century. They wage a subtle but tireless war
she continued along her way with a whimsical smile on amongst one another, moving pawns and taking actions against
her face. “Veronica. What’s wrong?” He pleaded, put- each others’ influences and power bases. Fortunately, they have
ting a hand on the small of her back as they walked. little interest in the goings-on of the Amaranthine thanks to
She looked to him with a raised eyebrow. “Nothing’s their unending feud. Currently, there’s been a great amount of
wrong, Chase. Nothing at all. For once in my life, noth- headway in the shadow war, as one particular dragon focused
ing’s wrong. You should probably get your hand off me, heavily on real estate acquisitions during the recent economic
it’s almost nightfall, and she doesn’t like when others downturn. This afforded him numerous and significant assets.
touch me.” She shrugged off his advances and kept on The three are always on the lookout for valuable talent. Any
her way. given Amaranthine could draw their attention with efficient and
“Who? Janine? Is it Janine?” He snapped, scamper- dramatic works. Clearly, most Amaranthine fit into that descrip-
ing alongside her. Veronica smiled wider and sighed as tion at some point or another, so being at the right place at the
she heard the name. right time could also help. Depending on the dragon in question,
“Of course it’s Janine. It’s so hard not to love her.” She it might mean the wrong place at the wrong time. Refusing an
stopped and turned to Chase. She looked him over, offer from a dragon can mean an eternal enemy, no matter how
sighed, then got into a classic Lincoln as it pulled up senseless the offer.
alongside them. She shrugged, and never saw Chase Conscripted
again. Two dragons simultaneously conscript two members
Requirement: Vampire of the Ring into their petty wargames. Unfortunately,
Effects: Los Angeles vampires sparkle*. They haven’t neither was alerted to the other’s offer, and neither can
always sparkled; this is purely an advent of the past afford to refuse. At first, the demands are reasonable.
decade. But it works effectively. To activate this power But what does the Ring do when two members are pit-
for a scene, spend one Sanguine Humor. When you ted against one another, by creatures of great power?
interact with a character socially, spend a Phlegmatic
Humor to entrance them. The target is considered three
Shifts closer to you, to a maximum of +6. If they wish
to cause you harm or socially denigrate you, they must
first spend a point of Phlegmatic Humor for each such
action. This effect ends if you put the target in danger,
or attack them directly, or at the end of the scene. At
the end of the scene, you may spend any number of
Phlegmatic Humor. Each spent point Steps the target
one die closer to you. *Metaphorically
on as house dancers. The dancers receive regular physicals and
disease testing for the health of the vampires.
More than a few celebrities come in for “guest appearances”
and hire themselves out as big-ticket snacks. The celebrities take
a significant cut of the proceeds, and they help to keep the place
chic and in-demand with their presences.
The Gangs of Los Angeles: Los Angelino werewolves form
tight-knit packs, and compete for ground as street gangs. Often,
this puts them at odds with mortal gangs, but some of the packs
have entrenched themselves within the auspices of larger organi-
zations. The werewolves aren’t nearly as subtle about their affairs
as the vampires happen to be. Many times, they’ll go into violent
fits, and tear apart cadres of humans. Most of the Los Angeles
gangs know better than to take out hits on the full moon.
Hooray For Hollywoodland: Los Angeles is both a city of
dreams that come true, and dreams that fall apart. The fairfolk
of Hollywoodland exemplify both extremes. They feed from the
passion and the devastation in human dreams, and thus foster
the depths of emotion that see such saturation in showbusiness.
The Burbank and Hollywood areas have more fairies than ev-
erywhere else in the metropolitan area, combined. Most own or
frequent popular hangouts. Many act as contractors within the
rings of los angeles
While Los Angeles boasts somewhere between twenty and Kwang’s Secret: Hot for Teacher
thirty Rings at a given time, here are a number of the prominent
Rings in the city. Included is a brief description of the Ring and In one of his past lives, Kwang Ho was a low-budget
its stated purpose. As well, we’ve featured some of their mem- leading man in the forties. That’s when he first met
bers, each with a secret that you could use to drop them into The Saint, at a Screen Actors Guild meeting. He was
your stories. These secrets are pivotal to the characters, and could enamored with her; who wouldn’t be? He sought her
be used as leverage against them, or as valuable character back- attentions then, but was always cast aside. When The
ground for past associations. Saint returned in 2009, Kwang Ho made damn sure he
was the first in line to see her. The Reflection told The

The Board of Trustees Saint everything she needed to know, and sure enough,
Kwang Ho was in her bed and has been ever since. The
Saint took great lengths to conceal her role in his ap-
The Board of Trustees has been the force of government in Los
pointment to the Board, and both of them keep their re-
Angeles since the second death of The Saint. These men have
lationship secret, for obvious reasons. The real question
worked hard to decentralize the power of the Guild Unwilt-
is who’s playing who?
ing so that, upon the Saint’s return, her reach would be severely
limited. In this life, all of the Board members are men; previ-
ous experience has shown that any female members would be
eliminated out of hand. None of them have known each other
Victor Campbell
Legacy: Victor will never make the same mistake twice.
for more than two lifetimes, and they have an uneasy working
relationship at the best of times. However, they force themselves Officer Victor Campbell is one of LA’s finest, and he wears his
to work together, if only to keep The Saint complacent. uniform with pride. Every detail is spotless when he goes on
duty, and he would have it no other way. He walks the beat in
Kim Kwang Ho Compton with no fear, not because he’s the most bad-ass mofo
on the block, but because he has seen much worse. In fact, he’s
Legacy: Kwang Ho shines brightest in others’ spotlight. polite to those he encounters, and takes the time to reach out
to the troubled youth in the area. He grew up in Compton. His
Kim Kwang Ho is a slight, unimposing young man with a wide compatriots in blue shake their head in disbelief in how easy he
smile and neat fingernails polished like glass. When he walks makes it look, but Victor just smiles and tells them to come out
into a room, the air becomes redolent of sex. In this life, he grew to the pitch sometime to watch them play cricket.
up in the San Fernando Valley to immigrant parents, both pio-
neers in the burgeoning field of computer programming. Kwang Victor has been playing in the Compton Cricket Club since
Ho’s parents had high expectations of him, but he brought home its inception. When he started, he was on the verge of dropping
straight Bs on his report cards and instead of playing Beethoven out of high school, selling drugs, drinking heavily, and doing
on the piano at age six, he barely manages to get “Chopsticks” nearly everything else he could have to become just another
right even today. He was too busy watching movies to care about statistic. Learning the gentlemanly game gave him focus, and
any of that. with a little help, he was about to rid himself of those negative
influences and even go for the police academy. That is, until the
When Kwang Ho’s stint in film school at UCLA went bust, Void began to whisper into his ear anew. He has been success-
he knew exactly where he could use what little he did learn. Af- ful in shutting it out so far. His willingness to keep such a close
ter all, the San Fernando Valley produces the vast majority of eye on Compton made him an easy choice to the Board.
American legal porn films, and with that formal education, he
was more knowledgeable than many of the other porn directors
out there. K.H. Kim has yet to receive any awards for his work,
Victor’s Secret: Victor helped create the Pacific Verge.
however. To keep that life separate from what he considers his Victor’s First Reflection was a shock not only to him,
real life, he introduces himself in the traditional manner, with his but to the other immortal he met. Victor saw himself
family name first. standing on Venice Beach with long dreadlocks, chant-
ing in a language he didn’t know alongside five other
He had his First Reflection on set when he met a “first-timer,”
people. The skies opened up with storms and slick, alien
a woman who had killed him lifetime after lifetime. He made
creatures slithered about his feet. His heart sank into
sure her work never saw the light of day, much to her outrage.
his chest with the realization that he had brought about
Good thing, too; she was a state senator’s daughter. He still has
something that, even when he didn’t fully comprehend
the tape, and can use it for leverage whenever political interests
it now, he knew was earth-shatteringly wrong. When he
get out of hand. She still wants him dead, of course.
recovered, the other immortal was sprawled at his feet,
her neck snapped. He quietly disposed of the body and
made his way to cricket practice.
Redgrave when they want to look not just sharp, but the best-
Alejandro Guerrero looking bastard in the damn room. Jimmy Lee certainly obliges
in many ways, and in ten years, his little black book has surpassed
Legacy: Alejandro carries the fire of God in his heart.
his client book by several volumes. The only thing Jimmy loves
Alejandro Guerrero has been on the Board of Trustees since he
more than sex and the power his position on the Board gives him
was fourteen years old. The Court of the Feast had just formed,
is his little dog Umi. Umi has a skin condition, and so Jimmy
leaving the Guild Unwilting without their own Defense Com-
Lee carries him everywhere in a Louis Vuitton bag. “Nothing
mittee. His entrance into the Guild Unwilting was just as sudden
but the best for my baby,” Jimmy explains.
and dramatic as that of The Saint; he walked onto the Rancho
del Oro backlots like he owned the place, his baseball bat coated Jimmy’s Secret: Jimmy Lee’s pet is of the Void
with the gore of the guards that had been in place. No one had The bundle of sheets was not the only thing Jimmy
any Reflections when meeting the boy, either. When asked why Lee received from his one-night-stand after getting out
he had come, he shrugged and answered in Spanish, but they still of prison. In the bundle was a little hairless creature no
understood. “God told me you needed me.” No one knew where bigger than a chihuahua. It looked only vaguely canine,
he came from or where his parents were, and the one person who or even from this world, but it looked up at Jimmy pite-
asked got a feral-sounding snarl and a broken jaw for his trouble. ously with all three of its big, shiny eyes, and he simply
His martial prowess and displays of unswerving loyalty stilled could not bear to part with it. Jimmy named it Umi on
any wagging tongues for good. request from the creature itself, and when Jimmy takes
Alejandro is the least public of the Board of Trustees, as his post it anywhere, his creativity multiplies a hundredfold. All
has him on self-imposed constant patrols. Whenever he needs Umi asks for in return is love, and to hump the occa-
to be found, he just turns up at La Iglesia de Nuestra Señora sional Pomeranian.
Reina de los Angeles, his rosary in hand. There is always blood
under his fingernails, which are usually short and split from days
of rough labor. It is said he spends days among the immigrant
dogtown crew
The Dogtown Crew is the core of the Court of the Feast. Its
day laborers that are found in the parking lot of every home
improvement store in the city. They do seem to be a bit more stated mission is identical to the Court; it seeks to hold back the
organized recently as well, and more aware of their rights. Of flood of the Void from the Pacific Coast Verge. Its membership
course, that might not be Alejandro’s doing, but the gossips and is varied in skills, as the effort is far more than a direct war. They
conspiracy theorists in the Guild think it is. have to handle media and public relations, along with investi-
gation, fighting, and magical concerns. They assign leaders to
The truth is far more sinister. handle the problems at hand, and each specialist takes the reins
Alejandro’s Secret: Spy for San Diego when their purview becomes an issue.
Alejandro’s loyalties have recently changed. His devo- If the Crew had to choose a leader, it’d be Sahar. Sahar con-
tion to God and his disgust at the excesses in Los An- sistently recovers many of the oldest memories known to Ama-
geles has led him to look south to the Mission Basilica ranthine. Rumor puts her as a reincarnation of the first or sec-
San Diego. He has already met with the Cardinal, who ond Amaranthine, ever. Her destiny is to never forget the most
wishes him to stay where he is, for the time being. All he important stories of the Unwilting. Often, the membership ar-
has to do is collect information, so that when the inevi- gues that she should be removed from active duty, because of
table war between the Guild and the Mission does break the importance of her destiny and the risks associated. However,
out, she will have the upper hand. She seems to have a anyone that’s seen her in action knows that the Crew needs her
particular distaste for The Saint. service as much as any member, if not more.
The members listed all play parts in the Amaranthine core rule-
Jimmy Lee Redgrave book’s chapter introductory fiction pieces. You can learn more
about them there.
Legacy: Jimmy Lee ages like fine wine.
Jimmy Lee Redgrave is a late bloomer amongst the Undying;
he didn’t have his First Reflection until 2000, when he was forty
years old. He had just been released from prison after serving Legacy: Sahar will forever carry the story of The First City.
twenty years for the heated murder of an unfaithful lover. When Sahar has fought the same battles for millennia. She’s told the
he met a handsome young man at the bar closest to the pris- same stories for millennia. She carries a heavy burden. She’s
on, he saw them both as women tumbling in ecstasy in a New known worldwide for her burden. Her knowledge of The First
York townhouse around the turn of the century. When they had City is unparalleled, and she’s rumored to have Reflected with
breakfast the next morning, the young man gave him the sheets, every single immortal she’s met. Many Amaranthine travel the
telling him “Change your shirt; you look hideous.” world to visit her, if only for the chance to learn their places in
Jimmy Lee latched onto the first sewing machine he could The First City.
find, whipping out a decent-quality dress shirt from the passion- In the Crew, she serves as moral support and a font of informa-
soaked cloth. He had never sewn a stitch before in his life. With tion. She looks back to the successes and failures of the past, in
a little luck and a lot of other people’s money, the Redgrave line order to inform the group how to best succeed in the present.
of menswear was born. Some of the hottest celebrities turn to Her contributions have been integral to the amazing level of
success the Crew has seen, given the circumstances.
ing the greater good. This of course makes him unpopular with
many of his Courtmates, who feel he takes unnecessary risks.
They don’t complain about his successes, however.
Mark is a very serious, very matter-of-fact individual. Being
that he walks the line between death and corruption daily, he
doesn’t have much time for idle chit-chat. His heart is pure gold,
though. He admires those willing to put others before them-
Mark’s Secret: Bride of the Re-Animator
Mark’s darkest secret is a terrifying one, indeed. His
wife died of cancer last year. He couldn’t stand to live
without the only person that always stood by his side, so
he made a pact with The Void and brought her back. This
has cursed her with a deep attachment to the Eclipse.
Every day, bad things happen to the people around her
(but not Mark, curiously). She’ll inevitably be reborn with
the same malady, forever harming those she loves and
innocents everywhere. Mark regrets his decision, but
In the “real world,” she’s a social worker for Los Angeles’s way- has no reasonable solution for it. If he breaks the pact
ward children. It’s no coincidence that her job connects her with with The Void, he’ll lose access to the dark energies he
some of The Void’s most frightening leaks. uses to protect the masses and fight the greater forces
Sahar’s Secret: She’s Tired of the Pacific Coast Verge. Worse still, it’s the only time
If anyone can say, “I’ve been doing this for too damned he acknowledges he’s done something for himself. This
long,” it’s Sahar. Have you ever had to deal with the per- reinforces his fatalistic approach to his own safety.
son that insists on relaying their college glory stories to
you over and over? Imagine having to relay those stories
for five thousand years. It wouldn’t be impossible to con-
Rory Cooke
vince her to give up her destiny after this lifetime, and Legacy: Rory Cooke cannot be consumed by darkness.
end the cycle of reincarnation. After all, isn’t it about Rory is the mayor of Venice. That’s not technically true. He’s
time she thought of herself for once? “city councilman,” but most of the city recognizes him and re-
fers to him as “Mayor Cooke.” He’s wildly popular, and popu-
Mark Washington list. He’s known for aiding in immediate relief efforts. He barely
sleeps, and uses social media to organize, motivate, and clean his
Legacy: Mark Washington never leaves behind a victim city. Is a city trash truck blocking your car? Send an email, and
Mark needs to be the hero. Sometimes, this gets him in trou- he’ll have it gone in ten minutes. He loves his city, and his city
ble. He serves as a firefighter for the Los Angeles County Fire loves him. Part of this comes from the fact that he was elected on
Department, and has an unprecedented record for rescues. He’s the tail of a no-good, corrupt bureaucrat that ended up in prison
made it onto television for his work more times than he’d like to thanks to an embezzlement scandal. But Rory genuinely cares
admit. On the other hand, he’s often a risk-taker. As an Eclipse about the people of Venice. He feels that his position affords
Walker, he knows The Void intimately, and frequently barters him the best opportunity to fight back the Pacific Coast Verge.
his and others’ lives in order to maximize his success in defend-

Many new Amaranthine in the Festive Court are met first by Kitty’s Secret: Judge, Jury, and Executioner
Rory, who is often out on the streets. Since First Reflections oc- Kitty can’t maintain the punk rock lifestyle for long,
cur early in life, he cherry-picks many of these youngsters, and and she absolutely hates that fact. She has a destiny
helps them through college and into local government intern- far bigger than herself, and eventually, it’ll catch up to
ships. It’s his way of feeding the future of Venice. Any younger her. She doesn’t mind fighting Void monsters. Hell, she
Amaranthine might know him for these reasons. He makes an loves it. But eventually, she’s going to have to take up
excellent patron for any immortal that isn’t tied closely with The the mantle of one of the Dirae. She’ll have to travel and
Void, as he is a practicing Intemerate. commit to very real responsibilities. She has a plan,
Rory’s Secret: Rory Loves Sahar though. She’s trying to get a major label deal (Yes, she
Rory loves Sahar. He loathes himself for it. He’s never knows, that’ll make her a sellout. Shut the fuck up, al-
loved her before; they’ve barely even had a past togeth- ready). That way she can do her duties while on world
er. But now, he wants to be with her more than anything tours. She knows this plan is bullshit, but you can’t fault
in the world. He admires everything about her. He’s also her for trying, right?
married, and dedicated to a wife and a large family that Most importantly, Dirae get their job through a partic-
he loves very much. Even if his mortal wife could under- ularly interesting mechanism: they must have murdered
stand his affections toward Sahar -and she could never members of The Grandest Court in past lives. She mur-
hope to- his political career would fall apart in the situa- dered the King of the Grandest Court a handful of cen-
tion of a divorce or a mistress. turies ago. Fortunately for her, nobody seems to remem-
ber this fact. She’s trying to keep it that way. If anyone
remembers, she’ll acquire numerous deadly enemies.

The Fraternal Order

of Beavers

Kitty Hart The Fraternal Order is the heart of the Red-Crowned Court.
They’re the elite of the elite, they like to say. They’re The Presi-
Legacy: Kitty Hart is the hand of justice.
dent’s clique of advisors. Everything that happens within the
Kitty fucking rocks. And she’s angry that isn’t her Legacy. She Court goes through them. Since The President reserves the right
heads the popular SoCal punk band “Fucking & Punching,” to ban any member over any offense, most disputes unofficially
where she yells about politics, sex, furry animals, and whatever go through the other Fraternal Order members first.
else catches her fancy. She maintains a take-no-prisoners ap-
The Fraternal Order maintain a ‘Frat House’ on campus, which
proach to life, and enjoys every waking second. She doesn’t sleep;
is also a fully functional college fraternity consisting of numer-
she passes out.
ous mundane mortals. Every Wednesday, the immortal mem-
Kitty’s an Epicurean’s Epicurean. She might die at any sec- bers hold a congregation in the basement to discuss important
ond, but lives by luck beyond comparison. She’s been inches Court affairs. Attendance is not mandatory, but no-shows to the
away from death by drive-by shooting numerous times. She’s on weekly congregations often get overlooked for assignments and
a first-name basis with all the local hospitals. They don’t even brownie points. ‘Brownie points’ are the current and official term
ask questions anymore, as she’s programmed to say, “I fell down for acknowledgment by the Court.
some stairs.” Sometimes, she just happens to fall down stairs and The Order’s member roster is not supposed to exceed one-
land on knives. fourth the Court’s population. This encourages recruitment by
If you know Kitty, you had a damned good time, or you ended Order members and prospective Order members. However,
up with your ass kicked (or both). She’s been very similar in tem- when the Court drops in population, the Order doesn’t always
perament through each of her many lives. drop population to match. They simply don’t recruit until a
greater number of new Court members are brought in. At this
24 moment, they have six members.
Danica’s Secret: The End of Time
President Rudy Every incarnation, her name adds to 22 in a form
Legacy: Rudy knows people of numerology she’s exposed to early in life (her birth
name is Danic, but she’ll never tell anyone). She gets
President Rudy is not the Rudy of the Court’s founding. In fact, glimpses of a dark nothingness in the future, in the way
the President’s name isn’t even Rudy; it’s Clarence. He just calls that some Amaranthine Reflect on the past. She can’t
himself Rudy as an odd, part-populist, part-ironic effort. He explain why she has these visions, but she instinctively
likes to be on the edge of nerd culture’s fashions, and he knows knows that she’s looking to the end of time. Her obses-
all the nerd culture music, television, video game, and Internet sion with numbers comes from a need to understand
icons. He is the king of a very small mountain. these portents. Her instinct tells her that it’s somehow
tied to the number 22. She doesn’t know if it’s her des-
Most importantly, he’s the king of the forgotten. He knows
tiny to cause or stop the end, or if she’s just supposed
many people that go under traditional radars, but have amaz-
to know, but her obsession is unending, from lifetime to
ing access in surprising places. He’s friends with a night security
lifetime. She keeps her Legacy a secret from other Ama-
guard in a major bank, for instance. Rudy, as he’d have it, ‘ain’t
ranthine, since it clearly does not apply to traditional ex-
nothin’ ta fuck wit’.’ He likes to tell the Court that he could crash
pectations of what a Legacy is supposed to be. She feels
the stock market with a few phone calls. That’s probably not true,
that scrutiny will only serve to hurt her cause.
but he could definitely hurt a few major company stocks with a
little work. The truth doesn’t really matter in these cases, though.
He’s Rudy. Or at least, he’s taken up the mantle of Rudy. The Naresh Shankara
legends preclude him.
Legacy: Naresh will never stop creating
Rudy’s Secret: He’s a hack Naresh is amongst the brightest of the engineering students
Rudy isn’t really that cool. In fact, he has a ‘style man- at CalTech. He’s already been pulled in to teach classes and
ager’ that isn’t even Amaranthine. His young personal conduct guest lectures, despite his status as a student. Colleges
assistant makes connections for him, and dedicates a worldwide are courting his graduate studies. These colleges are
great deal of time to building and maintaining the fa- unaware that they’re competing with a secret society of immor-
cade of Rudy’s greatness. The kid has been enchanted tals for his loyalty. Naresh serves as Rudy’s chief advisor in most
to hell and back, and couldn’t disobey Rudy if he had to. things. If he were more sociable, he’d likely have made President
He was trying to get into a corporation as a ‘social me- during the last elections. Fortunately for Rudy, Naresh’s political
dia rock star’ or some other cliché position. If the Court aspirations are limited at best. He’s more concerned with success
learned that Rudy wasn’t able to build his reputation and achievement than with titles and pomp.
and standing, they’d eat him alive.
Currently, he’s raking in millions from scholarship scams. He’s
danica kiernan created a small company that advertises itself to college students
as a scholarship optimizer. They help students attain scholar-
Legacy: 22 ship money, and they take ‘a reasonable fee.’ When they have
Danica Kiernan is a mathematician. She’s currently complet- insider information on many of these scholarships, this becomes
ing her undergrad, but she’s far beyond the skill level of any of a simple matching game for them. As well, they scam percent-
her professors. She’s been obsessed with numbers since the day ages from federal financial aid grant and student loan money.
she was born (and many centuries prior, in fact). Her immense This keeps Naresh wealthy under a pseudonym. He could retire
knowledge of the sciences of reality has given her a unique place a millionaire before he’s legally able to drink.
as the strongest known sorcerer in Los Angeles.
Naresh’s Secret: Almost a Trustee
She’s often consulted for mystical advice, despite her complete Prestigious colleges aren’t the only groups courting Na-
lack of belief in ‘the supernatural.’ She believes that everything resh. He’s also in talks to join the Board of Trustees, on The
has reason and logic, and that the right application of science Saint’s personal recommendation. If he takes the bait, it’ll
will discern the truth behind anything. She’s the first mathema- pull Rudy’s strongest pillar out from under the Court, and
tician amongst the Amaranthine to develop theorems that ap- leave them vulnerable to political collapse. Naresh knows
ply specifically to the non-Euclidian logic of The Void. She’s far this, and struggles between his desire for greatness and his
from a comprehensive understanding, but she’s made a number loyalty to the Fraternity and the Court.
of amazing breakthroughs. Unfortunately, inferior minds can
barely grasp the concepts behind her work, not dissimilar from a
mundane mortal’s grasp of time and space.
A number of Court members have suggested she should take
up the Presidency. She shyly declines, stating that she doesn’t
sarasvati now !
Sarasvati Now! has a dark history in Los Angeles. In 1986, The
have the time because of her studies. The Court argues that Ru- Saint slaughtered the Ring, and they brought her down with
dy’s job takes little to no time, and that they’d prefer someone them. The confrontation ended in an earthquake that shook
with her brilliance in a position of leadership. The real reason for the region and left the world something to remember them by.
her denial is, she’s worried she might destroy the universe. Shortly thereafter, a group of new immortals took on the ban-
ner of Sarasvati. They’re a Ring of communication, built to keep
Court authorities accountable for their actions. They act as po-
litical journalists for The Guild Unwilting. They use media of
all types to spread the message. Most of their work is done on-
Alejandrina Valdez
Legacy: Alejandrina will never destroy her nemesis
line, through streaming radio broadcasts and PDF newsletters. If Rebecca is the brains of the Ring’s operation, Alejandrina
Through their communications, they make and break the status (Ali, she likes to be called) is the muscle. Metaphorically, at least.
quo. Arguably, they’re the strongest force in the Court. Ali can fully tear apart a computer and reassemble it flawlessly
Recently, young Shelley Handley has joined. Shelley was the in five minutes while drunk. She can code circles around the
miracle worker that killed The Saint during the 1986 confronta- best. She spends a great deal of time designing web interfaces
tion. So far, The Saint hasn’t made the connection, and the Ring and mock websites in order to further Ring goals. Although she
wishes to keep it that way. To keep attention low (which is dif- spent a few of her teen years in a juvenile detention center for
ficult when a Ring focuses on media attention), they’ve capped cybercrimes, the skills she learned make her invaluable to the
membership for the time being. They have only three members. Ring. If they need blueprints, she can find them. If they need
They might consider a new member if the right one came along, security details, she can find them.
but they’re not actively seeking recruits. She has worldwide connections via anonymous hacking com-
munities (she’s known as ‘dvirgindmary’ in hacker and gamer
circles). Her connections afford her information, influence, and
Rebecca McCarran
Legacy: Rebecca speaks the truth
leverage in many cases. In the real world, she runs in body modi-
fication and extreme sports circles that are far more diverse than
most expect. Between the physical and virtual approaches, Ali is
Rebecca, nicknamed “Fearless Leader” or “Mastermind,” han- the queen of access.
dles organization and public relations for Sarasvati Now!. She
Now, she’s the frontlines in the Sarasvati efforts. Her relentless
keeps the gears of news turning. She also takes up the role of
keyboarding turns Shelley and Rebecca’s work into news broad-
chief diplomat, as Alejandrina and Shelley are far less capable
casts, newsletters, tweets, and whatever else best fits the data.
of dealing with people. Rebecca is sly, collected, and able to
Fortunately for the Ring, Ali doesn’t need much sleep. When
get information out of anyone. She maintains solid friendships
Guild members breach protocol, Ali sees to it their reputations
throughout the Court, and knows members of each of the satel-
are destroyed rapidly. She keeps a comprehensive database of
lite Courts within the Guild.
all the citizenry, along with every deep, dark secret she and her
Conveniently, her work in the mortal world is that of a journal- Ringmates can unearth.
ist for the LA Times. This gives her access and authority where
many others might not, and breeds immediate credibility with
mortal skeptics. She uses her credentials to get the Ring’s other
talents into proverbial doors. She also maintains a strong reputa-
tion with the night life, including recurring positions on VIP
lists at all the trendy night clubs. On the side, she sells photos of
celebrities to trash magazines.
Rebecca has a vendetta against The Saint. Her mother was one
of the original Ring members The Saint killed during the 1986
massacre. She keeps close tabs on The Saint’s every activity. The
Ring would likely be more successful if Rebecca weren’t wasting
so many resources on stalking her prime enemy. Often, Guild
members get away with egregious crimes because Rebecca’s re-
sources are so focused.

Rebecca’s Secret: Vampire Bait

Rebecca has a thing for being bitten. In particular, she
likes being bitten by vampires. While this is mostly a
safe pursuit, the risks are numerous. She keeps a cou-
ple of vampire lovers about town that she visits when
she gets the itch. The vampires get a nice, heady meal
in exchange. Amaranthine blood does a number on the
vampiric body; they come out with power and mental
acuity they’re not used to. The arrangements work well.
However, the vampires like their secrecy, and if details
were to leak, she’d be in a mess of danger.

Her ‘real job’ is a freelance software engineer and consultant. hyper-informed Rebecca McCarran isn’t fully aware of all The
She cleans bugs out of code, and develops mechanisms for suc- Saint’s affairs, parties, and connections.
cessful business applications. Usually, this also means placing The Saint hates women. That’s only partly telling; she hates
monitoring software into company systems. most anyone. But she tends to discriminate heavily against
Alejandrina’s Secret: Conflict of Interest women in leadership, if only because she feels her uniqueness
Ali’s Legacy is quite a limitation on her work. Her gives her an edge. This means she’s quick to scrutinize and judge
nemesis, it seems, is The Saint. In fact, each time the women rising in power too quickly. It’s no coincidence that her
two have squared off, they’ve ended up intimate. Ali strongest political detractors, the Sarasvati Now! Ring, is com-
even knows The Saint’s secret about Zubjar-Atrih. But prised solely of women.
The Saint seduced her into silence. They’re not formally Amongst the mortal world, she’s simply a socialite. She has a
involved in any way, but they’ve discussed and argued husband that’s three decades her senior, but she doesn’t see him
about possibilities. While Ali has not been around for for months at a time; it’s purely a marriage of money and con-
any of The Saint’s particularly bad moments, eventually venience, with no real strings attached. In her past lives though,
she will be, and what’s she to do when the Ring expects she’s run a wide variety of jobs. In some lives, she’s been skilled
her to destroy the one prohibited by fate? labor. In one, she’s been a research investigator. In her most fa-
mous (the one in which she took the city of Los Angeles for her
own), she was a sharpshooter for traveling stage shows. She has

Shelley Handley
Legacy: Shelley lets no crime go unpunished
a great deal of experience to draw from.
An important note: Nobody can Reflect upon The Saint before
her initial journey into Los Angeles. She doesn’t appear to have
Shelley’s the ear on the streets. She’s currently only sixteen years existed prior to that journey. She did exist, but powerful magics
old, but thanks to a troubled upbringing, she has contacts all have cut her associations. She made this choice to protect herself
over the city’s lower echelons. Since most of Los Angeles fo- when she moved to take power.
cuses on high society and the draw of celebrity, Shelley is nigh-
uncontested in her position. She’s on good terms with a number Roleplaying Suggestions: Always be plotting. Always scruti-
of the more humane neighborhood gangs, and uses their eyes as nize. Everything is a potential edge. Everything you do should
an invisible extension of her own. She has a knack for powerful have purpose. Never waste an action or gesture. Keep the players
magic, and supplements the Ring’s information-gathering tal- wondering what you’re doing or thinking. Everyone around you
ents with scrying spells. is a tool. What can you do in order to get what you want out of
those tools? Nothing is too much, so long as it doesn’t cost you
Shelley’s Secret: Shelley killed The Saint another victory elsewhere. Force loyalty. Force obeisance.
She did it. She brought forth the earthquake that de-
stroyed her home, herself, the bodies of her friends, and The Saint’s Secret: Weakness in Love
The Saint. Her identity is a closely-guarded secret within The Saint cannot destroy her nemesis. Her nemesis is
The Ring. Knowing The Saint’s temper, Shelley’s life Alejandrina Valdez. Worse for her, she’s broken one of
would be in grave danger if the word got out. This is of her cardinal rules: She’s fallen in love with Ali. She won’t
particular importance because the Ring is so very small, tell this to Ali, of course, as it’d be a sign of weakness.
and integral to keeping The Saint’s power in check. Los- But, she’s been attempting to learn more about her in
ing one third of their power would upset the city’s poli- order to best seduce her away from Sarasvati Now! and
tics greatly. into her arms. From the outside, this probably looks like
stalking. However, The Saint is very good at making
people fall for her; she’s not good at actually initiating

The Saint
honest relationships. She may conscript the characters
for advice, if they’re on good terms with her.
The Saint’s Secret: The Truth
Popular knowledge has The Saint confronting and
Legacy: The Saint will never destroy her nemesis pushing back the monster Zubjar-Atrih, off Venice
Beach. She did this for the city, in exchange for her seat
If there’s one thing to take home about The Saint, it’s that she of leadership. The truth is, the fight wasn’t much of a
does not accept failure. Neither from herself, nor from others. fight. It was theater. She summoned forth Zubjar-Atrih
Compromise is acceptable, so long as it results in her minimal and made a deal with it in order to take back her au-
victory conditions being met. In fact, success is arguably the thority. The deal weakens the Eclipse off the Pacific
only important thing in the world to her. That’s positive for her, Coast, which keeps Verges appearing in the area and
though, since she’s very good at being successful. keeps The Festive Court active. This is beyond simple
In this incarnation, she bears a striking resemblance to Rita Void Walking. This is a direct deal that puts the world
Hayworth. She blends in well with the Hollywood crowd. in danger, over the temporal rulership of one region. If
Thanks to her skill in acting and costuming, she can blend with the information got out, it’d destroy her. She’d likely be
most environments. She’s invited to every party worth visiting Unmade.
in the Los Angeles area, and many outside. She keeps a sched-
ule busy enough to rival the United States President. Even the
this is now
This is Now is a story in three acts for a Ring of Amaranthine, difficult. He’d need to be Shifted at least +3 toward the character
set in Los Angeles. It works as a standalone story, or could be the in order to even consider taking a reasonable stance (which is to
start of a longer Arc or Epic. At the end of the information are a say, there’s no sense in making rolls unless the relationship has
number of notes for extending the story, and things you should hit that point). Jerry carries an automatic rifle. If push comes to
consider when preparing the story. shove, he will use the Burst Fire Maneuver (see the Appendix).
It’s important you keep in mind that this is simply a skeleton; Police: The police are at a standstill. They don’t want to risk
a framework. Players at the table will choose to do things dif- lives, and they’re not willing to negotiate in any meaningful way
ferently. You have to be ready to improvise. For your sake, we’ve with a hostage-taker. If things don’t get better quickly, they will
included a load of story hooks throughout the rest of the book, move in. This will almost certainly cause Jerry to respond badly,
in case the players get so derailed that they go off in a completely and cause deaths. If they can get Jerry to a window, they might
unexpected direction. Amaranthine fosters creativity; planning have a sniper intervene.
only goes as far as your players allow.
Susan the Hero: During the confrontation, if Jerry has a mo-
ment of confusion, a teller named Susan will rush him and at-
Setup tempt to knock away his weapon. She will not be successful
Read the structure of the story in advance. If you intend on without split-second intervention of epic proportions (magic or
using the overhead view picture for the building in Act 1, you a Master or Epic Competency). If she’s not successful, Jerry will
should print it ahead of time. Also, print out the Motivation shoot her, thus escalating the situation greatly.
Cards at the end of the story. Hand them randomly to the play- Reflection: Use Jerry’s Reflections with the characters to build
ers. There are ten, so you’ll have some left over. Those Motivation a tense relationship from the start. While nothing stops the
Cards will help to get the characters in place for the hostage characters from being friendly with him, the Reflection should
situation in Act 1. build an antagonistic history. In the sidebar, we’ve provided a
number of suggested Facts to use during the initial Reflection.
Act I: My Fellow Prisoners These suggested Facts could also work with The Saint, since she
tends toward adversarial histories with immortals.
Act 1 is a hostage situation. An immortal named Jerry takes
his workplace hostage after his First Reflection. The reason be-
ing, his First Reflection was with The Saint, and he remembered Reflecting with Jerry
graphic scenes where he was tortured by her in a past life. With-
out context, the glaring memories caused him untold stress, and • Always betrayed you.
he snapped. • Once tricked you into trusting me.
• Sometimes destroy your family.
Depending on their Motivation Cards, characters will have
different reasons to come to help. He’s holed up in the sixth • Never saw eye-to-eye with you.
floor of an older office building, in the corporate bank offices • Always fed myself when you were hungry.
that he worked at as a paper pusher. The office has about forty- • Once backed down when you needed me.
five employees trapped inside. By the time the Ring is on scene, • Sometimes let you wake alone.
everyone else in the building has been evacuated, and a police • Never mourned your passing.
barricade waits outside and prepares for negotiations or a raid.
• Always dragged you down with me.
Security: The building’s security is light, since most of the se- • Once paid respect for your lost loves.
curity force has been escorted out by the police. Building secu- • Sometimes married you out of convenience.
rity isn’t trained to contend with hostage situations. However,
windows and doors still have active alarm systems, and there are • Never meant to kill you.
limited easy access points. The security systems aren’t top-of- • Always stood aside while you cried.
the-line though, and can be bypassed by someone skilled. • Once reminded you why you do right.
Jerry: Jerry doesn’t want to hurt anyone, but he doesn’t know • Sometimes overstayed your hospitality.
what to think. He feels as if he’s going insane. The Reflection • Never let you be happier than with me.
he shared with The Saint earlier that day was wildly traumatic. • Always push your boundaries.
She had him tied to a chair, and tortured him for hours in many • Once killed you out of curiosity.
savage ways. He could have never imagined the things she did to • Sometimes changed money in your house.
him. Needless to say, he’s shaken. Talking him down will be very
• Never gave “us” a fair chance.
Act I: The Hostage Situation

Confession: Your goal as Director is to give Jerry’s confession. Jerry’s Secret: The Gun
But most importantly, make the players feel as if they’ve earned
When Jerry came into work today, he wasn’t plan-
it. Give it as a reward for some interesting thing they’ve done.
ning on holding all his coworkers hostage. The Saint’s
Did they appeal to reason? Did they appeal to emotion? Did
entrance brought him to that decision. If he wasn’t plan-
they kick in the doors with a well-executed plan and save lives?
ning this, then where did he get an assault rifle? Jerry
Did they cry over Susan and melt his heart? His confession
has been on outs for a while with his job and family.
should immediately draw The Saint into question. While she’s
His wife left him a month ago, and took the kids and
known for killing, torture is always wrong to reasonable people.
house with her. His job performance has been poorer

Important Characters
than usual, and an employee with Jerry’s level of senior-
ity is a liability. He’s one write-up away from termination.
He brought the rifle in with a box of donuts last week,
Jerry and hid it in his cubicle. If he’s called on why he had the
gun in the office to begin with, his guilt will get the best
Jerry is desperate, worried, and confused. He wants nothing of him and he’ll drop it.
more than to live a normal life again; but that possibility has
been forever taken from him. With a bit of discussion, he could Game Statistics
be made to understand how great his new life is. On the other Character Value: 2
hand, the wrong kind of discussion could send him over the edge Approach: None yet, Legacy: Jerry never knows limits
and into a fit of violence and terror. Aggression: 4, Perseverance: 2, Creativity: 2
Description: Jerry is an average-looking, red-haired man in a Will: 2, Tenacity: 3, Intensity: 3
suit that’s seen better days. During his First Reflection, he near- Anamnesis: 6, Dominion: 1, Legacy: 0
ly tore it off in a fit. He’s ill-groomed and shaking, his tension Competencies
stretches far beyond the present day. His voice shows concern Influences: Banking 2, Exceptions: Persistent 2, Fatal-
and defeat. ist 2, Aptitudes: Accountant 1, Soldier 1
Magic: None yet
Susan the Hero and Seduction,) and potentially even magic (namely Entice-
ment, see the Appendix,) in order to get her way. Her behavior
A hero, it’s been said, is somebody that gets innocent people should always be suggesting, teasing, promising, and otherwise
killed. Susan wants to save people, but she’s no match for a wired controlling the conversation. If the character plays their cards
Amaranthine. She’s a teller for a local bank, in on business with right, they could turn the tables, and seduce their way into her
the corporate offices today. She wasn’t expecting a hostage crisis, good graces.
and she wasn’t expecting to face down the barrel of a gun. But
While the encounter occurs, encourage the other characters to
she is the only person in the room with the courage to do some-
get involved in other ways. Do they spy? Do they connect with
thing. That something just might get her killed, though.
The Board of Trustees? Give them ideas for how they can influ-
Description: Susan’s bottle-blonde, 30, and pretty in a down- ence the eventual outcome. But even if they don’t get directly in-
home sort of way. She knew she was visiting corporate today, volved, they should be able to add commentary and suggestions
so she wore the charcoal gray skirt-suit she wears to interviews, out-of-character to the ‘private scene’.
the one she bought off the clearance rack the last time her boss Social Encounter (Group): If she meets with a group, she’ll try
irritated her. She’s confident, smart, and courageous. She also to convince the group to work for her. She tells them that she
doesn’t have a whole lot to live for, so she’s willing to put herself always needs talent. She’ll appeal to their particular strengths,
before others. and promise them the world, political power, money, et cetera.
She wants them to give up on Jerry, and she’ll go to great lengths
Susan’s Secret: Terminal to see it happen. If they push the issue of the torture, she’ll joke,
Susan has cancer. It’s ovarian cancer, and it’s not ter- threaten, or whatever she thinks they need to hear. She’ll even
minal, but she thinks and acts as if it is. She needs a promise to commit penance (which is an utter lie) if she thinks
lease on life, and she doesn’t know how to find it. Day in, it’ll help.
day out, she does the same things. She’s tired of them. A Fight: If they pick a fight with her, they’re in for a rough
She’s tired of everything. She wants to make a differ- time. She’s a remarkable combatant, as history has proven. She’ll
ence. If you’re so inclined, you could awaken her as an use her personal Maneuver, Union Busting (see the Appendix),
Amaranthine during this Act as a twist. Particularly if along with a plethora of others including Burst Fire (also in the
she’s shot, thus as a way to save her. Appendix), Aim, Called Shot, Counterstrike, “Dragon Kick”,
Game Statistics Gun-Fu, Spray. She will always fight to win, in the fastest, most
brutal ways possible. Also, she has two machine pistols hidden
Character Value: 2
on her person, Enchanted with the Lethality spell. This means
Legacy: Susan is always looking for her purpose they cause three additional Humor loss with every successful at-
Aggression: 3, Perseverance: 3, Creativity: 2 tack. Her dress is Enchanted with Reinforcement, so any attacks
Will: 2, Tenacity: 3, Intensity: 2 against her cause three less Humor loss. No matter what hap-
Competencies pens, she always leaves a survivor to tell the story; her reputation
Influences: Banking 1, Exceptions: Heroic 2, Longing is everything.
2, Aptitudes: Teller 2, Accountant 2 Espionage: If the characters attempt to spy on her, or otherwise
gather information, she’s quite open to such things. While she
Act II: Hide Not Thy Wisdom doesn’t advertise her personal life, she also doesn’t hide much.
Characters might very well find out about her affair with Ale-
In Her Beauty jandrina. The Saint still tortures her captured enemies, and the
It’s assumed that, if the characters learn Jerry’s past with The habit is not infrequent for her. She regularly commits atrocities
Saint, they’ll want to do something about it. Give the players a that would have The Board turn on her in a heartbeat.
bit of Los Angeles history; let them know The Saint’s reputation The Media (Your Goal): During this Act, your goal is to some-
with dissenters. If they decide to bring justice to her directly, how leak that The Saint is afraid of Sarasvati Now! getting hold
they’re in for quite a fight. If they attempt to talk to her, she’ll at- of her atrocities. She might let that slip, or it might come up in
tempt to seduce them to her side. She’s amongst the most com- an overheard conversation. If the characters spy on her and see
petent Amaranthine in the world, and she sees each one of the her with Alejandrina, it’ll be a topic of discussion. Regardless, if
Ring as a potential tool or an enemy. the Sarasvati Ring learn her secrets, her career is as good as dead.
Setting Up a Meeting: The Saint only meets by appointment. The Saint will attempt to turn the characters against Sarasvati if
If the characters attempt meeting with her, they’ll be asked to possible.
meet at a little blues club in Burbank called The Black Swan.
She wants to meet one character alone. If they insist, she’ll meet Important Characters
the group. She impresses upon them that she prefers one-on-one
discourse. The Saint
Social Encounter (Solo): If one character meets with her, she Much about The Saint has already been said in Part 3, and ear-
will attempt to seduce them, and win them over to her cause. lier in this section. This includes integral secrets about her. In
She feels the best diplomat to the group will be a member, so if this instance, remember first and foremost that she’s a survivor.
she can make a member love her, she’s better off. She’ll lay it on She succeeds whenever possible, and always looks for opportu-
thick, using Social Maneuvers (namely Breaking Ice, Persuasion, nity. Do not use kid gloves.
Game Statistics Important Characters
Approach: Palatine, Legacy: The Saint can never de-
stroy her nemesis The entire Sarasvati Now! Ring is important to this Act. They’re
Aggression: 8, Perseverance: 7, Creativity: 6 featured in Part 3. As well, The Saint is featured in Part 3, as well
Will: 6, Tenacity: 7, Intensity: 7 as Act 2 of this story.
Anamnesis: 6, Dominion: 8, Legacy: 7
Competencies Rebecca McCarran
Influences: Political 3, Guild Unwilting Membership 4, Approach: Epicurean, Legacy: Rebecca speaks the truth
Exceptions: Uncompromising 3, Demanding 3, Apti- Aggression: 2, Perseverance: 4, Creativity: 7
tudes: Sharpshooter 3, Athlete 2, Serial Killer 2, Actress 3 Will: 5, Tenacity: 3, Intensity: 4
Magic Anamnesis: 2, Dominion: 7, Legacy: 4
Legerdemain: Light 3, Guns 3, Sorcery: Absorb Magic Competencies
3, Calling Forth the Flood 3, Healing 2, Identify 2, Paraly- Influences: Media 3, Guild Unwilting Membership 3, Excep-
sis 1, Shielding 3, Enticement 3 (See Appendix), Enchant- tions: Informative 3, Aptitudes: Spokesperson 3, Journalist 2
ment: Lethality 3, Oathcrafting 1, Reinforcement 3 Magic
Legerdemain: Trust 3, Enchantment: Oathcrafting 2, Pledge-
Act III: Strive For the Truth making 2

Unto Death Alejandrina Valdez

Approach: Epicurean, Legacy: Shelley lets no crime go unpun-
In the final Act of this story, the characters have the choice to
deliver information to Sarasvati Now!, or to hide the informa-
Aggression: 3, Perseverance: 7, Creativity: 3
tion. If they choose to hide the information, the twist is that
Will: 5, Tenacity: 3, Intensity: 5
Sarasvati knows the Ring can confirm long-held suspicions, and
Anamnesis: 3, Dominion: 5, Legacy: 2
they attempt to get the information out of them. If they give the
information, Sarasvati will want the Ring to help take The Saint
Influences: Hacker Culture 3, Blogosphere 3, Guild Unwilting
down. This could be through The Board, through direct confron-
Membership 2, Exceptions: Creative 3, Shy 2, Aptitudes: Hack-
tation, or through a smear campaign.
er 3, Writer 2, Athlete 1
Give (The Board): The Board would love incriminating in- Magic
formation about The Saint. However, in order to use it, they’ll Legerdemain: Data 3, Enchantment: Reinforcement 2
have to put her on trial. This means testifying before her. If the
Ring testifies, they’ll earn one of the most deadly enemies in the Shelley Handley
world. If they refuse to, the Board will forever see the Ring as a Approach: Palatine, Legacy: The Saint can never destroy her
barrier to true progress in Los Angeles. nemesis
Aggression: 8, Perseverance: 3, Creativity: 3
Give (Confrontation): As mentioned in Act 2, a confrontation
Will: 3, Tenacity: 5, Intensity: 5
will generally be bad. However, with Sarasvati Now! backing
Anamnesis: 8, Dominion: 2, Legacy: 4
them, they stand better chance of success. The three women will
not fight directly, but will give support and suggestions. Alejan-
Influences: Street Gangs 3, Labor Unions 2, Exceptions: Re-
drina will abstain for suspicious reasons (she’ll say she feels sick).
sourceful 3, Evasive 3, Aptitudes: Criminal 2
However, Shelley will offer live support via earbuds, where she’ll
offer pointers based on her extensive knowledge of The Saint.
Legerdemain: Light 3, Guns 3, Sorcery: Absorb Magic 2, Call-
This will provide a full six dice of Privilege on all rolls against
ing Forth the Flood 1, Healing 2, Identify 3, Scrying 3, Entice-
The Saint.
ment 1 (See Appendix), Thaumaturgy: Earthquake
Give (Smear): A smear campaign is far more abstract, yet much
safer than the other routes. The Saint will attempt a back and Resolution
forth chess match with Influences. However, The Ring should
have more than her, so in the end, they will prevail. With her At the end of the story, the status quo should be shaken, one
reputation gone, she cannot maintain her political power. way or another. Either the characters have shaken The Saint’s
power base (and potentially ousted her from her position), or
Keep (Debate): If the characters keep the information, Saras- they’ve lessened the power of the only media outlet keeping The
vati Now! will debate, barter, and plead for it. They’ll offer great Saint accountable for her actions. This is a good place to end,
sums of money for their compliance. They’ll offer favors. They’ll or to begin something greater. No matter how the story ended,
even offer political support if the characters wish to usurp and the characters should have made both friends and enemies. At
replace The Saint. the end of the story, allow the players each five dice to Step Re-
The Affair (Your Goal): Alejandrina and The Saint are in a lationships toward them, or their own toward others, however
sordid affair. It’s your goal to see that hinted at, and possibly they’d like.
exposed. It could shake up the entire political structure of Los
Angeles if it gets out. That kind of shakeup could be a wonderful
end to your story, or beginning to your Epic.
Motivation Cards
You are asked into a meeting with The Saint, the One of your Influences gives you a call. He says
leader of Los Angeles. She tells you that a man is there’s a situation downtown you might be inter-
holding hostages in a bank building downtown. ested in knowing about. A guy with a gun is hold-
She says the man is Amaranthine, and that you ing up a major trading bank. He doesn’t know the
are assigned to fix the problem. She says she’ll be details, but he thought it was weird they were
greatly pleased if you are successful. But if you’re holding up the corporate office, and not a branch.
not... She trails off. “Just be successful,” she tells
You’re amidst a sexual encounter with a young
journalist you recently met. During your experi-
You’re watching the television. You see a hostage ence, she gets a call. You hear her say, “Uh, huh.
situation on the news. A downtown office build- What? There’s a hostage situation downtown?
ing is being held up by a man with an assault rifle. Um. Can you get someone else to cover it? I’m
You recognize the man: He’s your mortal cousin! kind of...” She sighs. “Yes, sir. I’ll be right there.”
If he’s left in this situation, he’ll likely be shot and
killed when the police lose their patience.
You’ve been flirting back and forth with a local
police officer. He seems to have a thing for you.
You’re reading the news. You flip through the In the middle of your discussion, he gets a page.
classified section, and you see an odd advertise- “Damn it.” He tells you. “There’s a huge thing go-
ment. It lists a date and a time. Today, fifteen ing on downtown. Hostage situation at a bank’s
minutes from now. It also lists an address. You corporate offices. I’ve got to go. But, can I get your
have a brief flash: You know you put this message number?”
here. Somehow.

You’re downtown. You feel someone bump into

You’re downtown, grabbing a bite to eat from one you. A pickpocket just grabbed your wallet! As
of the food trucks. In the distance, you hear loud you turn, you notice he slips into an enormous
noises. You approach out of curiosity, and you see crowd of people gathered around an office build-
a police blockade around an office building. You ing. There are police and emergency services. You
listen a bit, and you overhear that a man with an hear someone say that there are hostages inside.
assault rifle has over forty hostages inside. The pickpocket made his way through the bar-
ricade, and inside.

You get a call from a friend. She’s panicked. She

says, “I’m at work. Downtown. Some guy with You get a text. A friend of yours that works in a
a gun... He’s holding up the place. I don’t know political phone bank downtown says, “U WONT
what to do. I didn’t know who to call. The police BELIEVE THIS. ACROSS THE HALL, PSY-
are outside, but I think he’s going to shoot!” You CHO W/ GUN HOLDING 120 HOSTAG-
know where she works. It’s downtown in the fi- ES!!!” You know where the office is. Across from
nancial district. the call center is a bank’s corporate offices.

Story Notes
These are some final considerations you should take if you plan on using This is Now to start an Epic in the
Los Angeles setting.
• Characters should not have ties to The Board over 100 years old. Focus heavily on their history in the
past century. Encourage Reflections to build into the history of Los Angeles, to help flesh out the setting.
• The Saint might leave power, but she’ll never leave Los Angeles. She’s made to be a recurring rival or other
lasting part of the setting. She can be killed or chased off in-theory, but it should never be by trivial effort.
• Because of Alejandrina’s love for The Saint, even an ideal relationship with the Sarasvati Now! Ring will
always be somewhat tainted. They should never be purely friends.
• The Guild Unwilting has many rivals, internal and external. If the players’ Ring becomes prominent
within the Guild, those rivals will become their own. If they become enemies of the Guild, those rivals
might become potential allies.
• Consider using Susan’s awakening as a way to contrast all the entrenched characters in the setting. Let
them introduce the characters to the setting, and let them introduce Susan. That way the characters feel
established, and their players can feel as if they’re helping to create the setting.
• Los Angeles only receives minor details in a handful of areas. Let the players flesh this out. Let them cre-
ate new locations. If they want to do the research and bring in real-life places, allow it. Remember, with
Sanguine Humor, players can make open declarations about the setting. Encourage it. Reward it.
• Since Los Angeles is so very big, you may need to keep extensive Relationship Wheel lists. Go in with
that expectation in mind. Consider discussing how these relationships change in downtime between
games. Use those Relationship Wheels to represent the way time flows.
• Discuss major story characters with the players before games start. Allow them to cherrypick characters
that might mesh well with their own, and establish relationships in advance. As well, if they feel any roles
need filling in the city, encourage the players to help you develop supporting cast members.
• Allow players access to the trait options in the Appendix. Most are catered specifically to the setting.
Some are special tricks some characters use. If you’re interested in doing so, and your players want to, use
those characters as mentors to teach these traits. It’s an easy excuse for a fun story.
• If you intend on running an extended game, discuss the various factions with your players. Let them be
members if they’d like, and encourage them to build on the established frameworks.

Cost: Three Sanguine Humor per rank used.
Effects: This ritual must be cast upon an Amaran-
thine that has yet to undergo their First Reflection,
and requires a personal possession of the immortal-
This section details many of the tricks, techniques, and spells to-be. That makes the ritual quite tricky, requiring the
used by Amaranthine of Los Angeles. While they’re prominent caster to use mortal agents or subtle magics to procure
in LA, none of these are exclusive to the area. something from the subject, if the subject can even be
found in the first place. Describe a Reflection with one
Brothers-In-Arms sentence per rank of the Enchantment. The first time
Social Maneuver the new immortal meets another immortal, their First
The monster stood before Kevin, gun outstretched. Reflection starts with the described sentences, and
The monster was once a man, but was now barely further sentences must add to that memory.
recognizable as such. Kevin shuddered at the gaping
pustules on the former man’s face. That shudder was Burst Fire
enough time for the monster to squeeze the tendril on Violent Maneuver
the trigger. Kevin flinched and expected to die as his “You can’t hit me. You’ve seen me dodge bullets. I can
hearing went dead from the blast. When he didn’t feel move faster than you can pull that trigger, Tiger.” He
the bullet, he looked around in shock. grinned, challenging her.
Rory smashed in the monster’s head-analogue. Kevin “You’re right. But, when I saw you dodge Bert’s shot,
curled a smile. Then, he saw the wound. Rory took the it clipped your jacket. I believe I have a thirty percent
shot for Kevin. Rory smirked, shrugged, and slid to the chance of hitting you. That’s with the first shot. Each
ground as the blood loss overtook his consciousness. additional shot adds another ten percent or so, each
“If he survives this,” Kevin thought, “I’m buying his ass slightly less than the last. If I launch enough bullets,
a beer.” I’ve got statistics on my side”. She braced the rifle,
Character Requirement: None pulled the trigger, and let loose a shower of bullets.
Object Requirement: None The first and second missed. The third took Jameson’s
knee with it. He wasn’t apprehended just yet, but she
Leverage: Offer to take a number of Humor loss (Cho-
knew she could catch him if he tried to run.
leric, Phlegmatic, or Sanguine) equal to the desired
dice to Step. Your character gets in the way of blows, Item Maneuver: Yes, Unique
pushes the character out of the way, or otherwise sucks Requirements: Intermediate Competency, Character
up injury for the Maneuver’s object. Value 2
Effects: If your object accepts, the next injuries they Roll Required: Nerve + Competency vs Shield -2
suffer (up to the designated amount) go to you. Come Effects: When you fire a short burst of bullets, each is
up with a reasonable explanation as to why that hap- less likely to hit than if you’d fired one. But you’re likely
pens. At the end of the scene, the object Steps one die to hit with at least one. If successful, cause 2 Choleric
toward you for every such Humor suffered. Humor loss. Remarkable: Cause 4 Choleric Humor
loss. Until the start of your next Maneuver, your Shield
The Devil’s in the Details is considered two lower.
A Chain Unbroken
Julie buzzed the intercom. “Rudy, send in my five o’
Enchantment (Court Enchantment)
clock.” A young man stepped into the office, wearing a
suit he likely stole from his father. He wiped his brow Kitty and Kevin made way through the building quietly.
then clasped his hands behind his back upon entering. Kitty held up a gun, ready for whatever might jump out
He offered up an awkward smile. Julia caught his gaze. at them. Kevin didn’t know what was going to happen,
He froze. so he came unarmed and shaking.
“I, I,” he stuttered. “I’ve worked for you before?” Julia “What are we looking for again?” Kevin asked.
nodded. “And you always do right by me,” he said, “Shhhh! Wait!” Kitty snapped, then blinked a few
wavering between a question and a statement. Julia times. “We’ve got to get out of here.”
nodded again. The young man raised an eyebrow. Kevin narrowed his eyes. “Why? I thought this place
Not only was he unfamiliar with spontaneous past life needed torching.”
regression, but something felt wrong about his memory “It does. But Sahar’s in trouble.”
that he just couldn’t place. “Isn’t she in Denver? How do you know?”
Julia stood, approached him, and stroked his face. He “I just do, okay?” She backed out of the building and
shuddered somewhere between fear, delight, and con- ran to her car.
fusion. “You won’t disappoint me this time, will you?”
He swallowed hard, and shook his head.

Cost: At the time of casting, participants must col- Gun to a Knife Fight
lectively spend at least fifty Sanguine Humor. When Violent Maneuver - Interrupt
adding a new member, the new member must spend
five Sanguine Humor, and the Court as a whole must “Don’t step any closer unless you want a bullet in your
spend fifteen. brainpan. You’ve got a lot to live for this lifetime, and
you’re not going to catch me, so just give it up.” Soleil
Effects: Upon joining the Court, a member gains the backed toward the door carefully.
Basic rank of this Enchantment immediately. The Janine leaped forward and thrust a quick jab into
member’s level determines their degree of sympathy Soleil’s chin while the man went for his gun. He reeled
for their fellow members. The feeling is different for back and panicked, patting his chest for the holster.
each of them, but they can identify it. At Basic level, “Not this time, Soleil. This lifetime, you’re going to see
they have a feeling whenever a member of the Court justice for all the times you never did.”
within the same metropolitan area is close to death. At
Intermediate level, the sense stretches to the continent, Item Maneuver: No
and can identify any strong emotional states. At Master Requirements: Master Competency, Character Value
level, the sense stretches worldwide. Additionally, for 3, The Edge
a point of Sanguine Humor, members may telepathi- Roll Required: Sword + Competency vs Nerve
cally transmit a single sentence of information to one
If an opponent is close enough to strike with body or
another. At Epic level, telepathic communication is free,
weapon within a few steps (about twenty feet) and
clear, and fluid.
they’re attempting to pull a gun, you may use this Inter-
rupt by spending one Sanguine Humor. If successful,
Enticement you cause 1 Choleric Humor loss. In addition, your
Sorcery opponent may not use a gun during the Maneuver you
Interrupted. While they may change their Maneuver
“We’re done here. I refuse to live in a city where you’re
choice, they cannot use the gun. Remarkable: Cause 2
free to do and kill whatever you want. You’re a cancer,
Choleric Humor loss and knock the gun from their hand
Linda.” Scott threw a docket to the floor, challenging.
in a random direction. It’ll take a dedicated Maneuver to
“You’ve murdered enough of my friends. I know I can’t
find and seize it.
stop you. But I sure as hell won’t stay here and watch it
happen again.” Membership: The Guild Unwilting
The Saint met his gaze. “But you love me.” She whis-
Competency - Influence
“But I love you.” He whispered back, approached, and This Influence reflects your station within The Guild Un-
took her hands. She drew him in to kiss him. wilting. Basic Competency reflects recognized member-
ship and a given amount of respect within the Court.
Cost: One Sanguine Humor. Gain one Melancholic Hu-
Intermediate Competency reflects a proven Committee
mor for every Shift below +6 that your subject has to-
position with a solid track record. Master Competency
ward you (this means as many as twelve, in the case of
reflects the role of a proven Committee lead or a mem-
someone with -5).
ber of the Board of Trustees. Epic Competency is re-
Effects: This spell forces impassioned but temporary served for the President. While Reflections can tempo-
love from even the greatest enemy. For the remainder rarily boost Influence, it cannot boost this Influence to
of the scene, the subject’s Relationship toward you be- Epic Competency unless you’ve established that your
comes On Fire. However, it cannot be used as a nega- character was an irrefutable leader during one of The
tive (see Amaranthine pg 61 for more on On Fire status). Saint’s absences. The President maintains Epic Com-
At the end of the scene, the subject Shifts once away petency, despite the normal limitations.
from you. However, they can instead choose to Shift
Effects: For every rank in this Competency, you gain
once toward you and gain a point of Sanguine Humor.
one free point of Privilege (two dice) on any roll where
As well, any Social Maneuvers become more difficult to
your authority would apply. This does apply against re-
resist. Basic: To refuse Leverage in a Social Maneuver,
bellious and traitorous characters, so long as they’re
the subject must spend one Sanguine Humor. Interme-
aware of your authority and reputation, and you’re within
diate: As above, but two Sanguine Humor. Master: As
the scope of the Guild’s influence.
above, but three Sanguine Humor. Epic: As above, but
either all Sanguine Humor or three, whichever is greater.
Note: This spell may change the resulting Shifts as
result of Maneuvers used while the subject is Enticed.
Most sorcerers would be unwise to pass the opportunity
to ingratiate their thralls during the spell’s effects.

Pillow Talk
Social Maneuver
“It’s really not a big deal,” Martin mumbled, his cheeks
turning bright red for the first time that evening. “I’m just
an electronic hall monitor, really.”
The curvy blonde entangled in the thin, motel-quality
sheets with him pressed closer to his side. “I don’t know
about that. I mean, with that kind of access, I bet you
come across lots of interesting things.” Her lips brushed
the curve of his bare shoulder and her hand wandered
down his chest, then lower.
Martin chuckled, then sighed as he relaxed under her
caresses. “No shit. You’d think people would not use
their work email for personal stuff. This one time, we
caught one guy using his email for porn notifications.
And that’s just scraping the surface.”
“Oh wow, really?” she murmured, sounding just inter-
ested enough. Martin couldn’t see the smile spreading
on her lips as he kept talking.
Character Requirement: None
Object Requirement: +2 or higher toward you
Once More for the Road Leverage: Offer a personal secret to the object. You
Social Maneuver can give the secret away before the object accepts to
“You told me you were done with Steven.” James give them an idea of the scope of the secret you want
crossed his arms and looked away in a huff. from them, or give them the secret after the object ac-
“I am! I’m done with him. I just…” Daniel stopped, and cepts, so as not to give away more than you receive
bit his lower lip. “I didn’t know if I was going to see him in return. You can also offer to Step toward them a
again. The Saint’s on a warpath and Steven’s on her number of dice equal to their Creativity.
shit list. She called us for a meeting. I thought she was Effects: If your object accepts, you gain one important,
gonna kill him. I’m sorry. Is that what you need to hear? truthful secret related to one of their Competencies.
I’m fucking sorry!” He threw up his arms in defeat. People love to talk about what they do best, especially
“No. No, Daniel. I don’t know what I need to hear. But when intimate acts tear down any imagined social bar-
whatever it is, it’s not from you.” He slammed the door riers between them. At the end of the scene, the object
on his way out. Shifts toward you once, as they feel they can trust you.
Character Requirement: +3 toward the object If your object declines, they offer a less important tidbit,
Object Requirement: +3 toward you and they Shift once away from you as they realize
you’re pumping them for information.
Leverage: In order to use this Maneuver, you must
violate the object’s trust with another person. The most
common method is cheating in a relationship. This
could be any number of things though, including ‘going
off the wagon’. Offer to Shift twice toward the object,
and the object Shifts twice away from you. The object
gains three automatic successes that they can use in
any rolls against you, divided however they’d like, over
the course of the Arc.
Effects: If your object accepts, and you commit the act
to breach trust, you gain three automatic successes
on any rolls of your choice, divided however you’d like,
over the course of the Episode. The only stipulation is
that they cannot be used in rolls against the object.

Union Busting
Violent Maneuver
The Saint carried three weapons into the fight. First,
she carried knowledge of her opponents. As Hideo and
Clyde moved in, she prepared for the judo and barek-
nuckle boxing tactics they’d employ. She ducked out of
the way of both opening blows. Second, she carried her
reputation. Both men’s eyes went wide as she dodged
their masterful blows. She used their moment of shock
to both trip Clyde and plant an elbow into Hideo’s solar
plexus. Third, she carried a Colt 1917. With a swift shot
downward, she ended Clyde’s current existence and
made Hideo think twice about continuing his attack.
Item Maneuver: No
Requirements: The Edge, Membership: Guild Unwilt-
ing (see below)
Roll Required: Sword + Competency vs Nerve
Effects: In order to use this Maneuver, you must be
battling multiple opponents. The leader of the opposing
force must be a current or former member of The Guild.
You must have Membership: The Guild Unwilting at a
higher level than any member of the opposing force. If
successful, cause one point of Choleric, Phlegmatic,
and/or Sanguine Humor loss to your target for every
active and conscious member of the opposing force.


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